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The aluminium species in different tea infusions were investigated, by determining their stability constants and concentration. This was done for some particular samples using a simple experimental method based on the sorption of aluminium on the strongly sorbing resin Chelex 100, by a batch procedure. From the thermodynamic information obtained it is possible to calculate the concentration of the different species, and in particular that of the free metal ion, which is very important for evaluating the adsorption of aluminium on biological membranes. It was found that aluminium in the tea infusions here considered is present at high total concentration, approximately 0.1 mM, but mainly linked to strong complexes, for instance with side reaction coefficient higher than 10(5.11) at pH 3.95 in one case (tea 1). This could be the reason for the low toxicity of aluminium in tea. These strong complexes were not dissociated even in the presence of Chelex 100. In this case only a limiting value of the reaction coefficient could be evaluated. The presence of the very strong complexes was found in all the tea sample here considered. In two of the considered samples (one black and one green tea) a part of Al(III) was linked to less strong complexes, for example with a reaction coefficient 10(4.14) (tea 2, pH 4.20). The presence in the considered tea infusions of other substances able to complex aluminium was also detected, by the well known ligand titration procedure, at concentration ranging from 0.65 to 3.37 mM in three tea infusions, and at somewhat higher concentration in the case of the ready drink, which was also considered for comparison.  相似文献   

Efforts to delineate the interactions of neurotoxic Al(III) with low molecular mass substrates relevant to neurodegenerative processes, led to the investigation of the pH-specific synthetic chemistry of the binary Al(III)-[N-(phosphonomethyl) iminodiacetic acid] (Al-NTAP), Al(III)-[nitrilo-tris(methylene-phosphonic acid)] (Al-NTA3P), and Al(III)-[1-hydroxy ethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid] (Al-HEDP) systems, in correlation with solution speciation studies. Reaction of Al(NO3)3·9H2O with NTAP at pH 7.0 and 4.0 afforded the new species (CH6N3)4[Al2(C5H6NPO7)2(OH)2]·8H2O (1) and (NH4)2[Al2(C5H6NPO7)2(H2O)2]·4H2O (2), while reaction of Al(NO3)3·9H2O with NTA3P led to K8[Al2(C3H6NP3O9)2(OH)2]·20H2O (3). Complexes 13 were characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, 13C, 31P, 1H NMR (for 12 solid state and solution NMR where feasible), and X-ray crystallography. The structures of 13 reveal the presence of uniquely defined dinuclear complexes of octahedral Al(III) bound to fully deprotonated phosphonate ligands, water and hydroxo moieties. The aqueous solution speciation studies on the aforementioned binary systems project a clear picture of the binary Al(III)–(carboxy)phosphonate interactions and species under variable pH-conditions and specific Al(III):ligand stoichiometry. The concurrent solid state and solution work (a) exemplifies essential structural and chemical attributes of soluble aqueous species, reflecting well-defined interactions of Al(III) with phosphosubstrates and (b) strengthens the potential linkage of neurotoxic Al(III) chemical reactivity toward O,N-containing (carboxy)phosphate-rich cellular targets.  相似文献   


Chromium speciation in the presence of organic chromium(III) complexes was investigated using solid-phase extraction. The adsorptions of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) on alumina and pumice powder were studied. Maximum sorption of Cr(VI) was obtained by alumina (90.22%), while Cr(III) was highly adsorbed onto pumice powder (86.65%). This result shows that pumice may be a new and promising adsorbent for Cr(III). The experimental equilibrium data for Cr(VI) adsorption onto alumina and Cr(III) sorption onto pumice were analysed using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The separation and adsorption of Cr(VI), Cr(III) and five organic chromium(III) complexes onto pumice and alumina at different pH values were evaluated. Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), oxalate, citrate, glycine, alanine and 8-hydroxyqinoline were used as ligands. Sorption of alanine and ethylenediaminetetraacetate complexes was higher onto alumina than pumice at pH>3. The enhancement of adsorption of chromium(III) complexes onto pumice was achieved by surface modification of pumice using a surfactant, namely hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromür (HDTMA). The presence of surfactant enhanced the adsorption of Cr(III) citrate, oxalate, glycine and 8-hydroxyquinoline complexes onto pumice. However, the adsorption of EDTA and alanine complexes decreased, with ratio of 13.40% and 4.00% respectively. Here we demonstrate that chromium speciation methods depending on adsorption onto various adsorbents including alumina may lead erroneous results. Analytical measurements were performed by flame AAS, data were obtained by standard addition method.  相似文献   


Chemical speciation of binary complexes of indium(III) with oxalic acid has been investigated pH metrically at 303 K and at an ionic strength of 0.2 mol dm?3. The approximate formation constants have been calculated with the computer program SCPHD utilizing the experimental data obtained by monitoring H+ ion concentration. The formation constants thus obtained are refined with the computer program, MINIQUAD75 using primary alkalimetric data. The selection of the best-fit chemical model is based on the statistical parameters and residual analysis. The major complexes formed are In(C2O4)2?, In(C2O4)33?, [In(C2O4)2OH]2? and [In(C2O4)2 (OH)2]3?. The distribution patterns of the different species with the pH values showed that In(C2O4)2? is the predominant species.  相似文献   

The speciation and distribution of Zn(II) and the effect of Gd(III) on Zn(II) speciation in human blood plasma were studied by computer simulation. The results show that, in normal blood plasma, the most predominant species of Zn(II) are [Zn(HSA)] (58.2%), [Zn(IgG)](20.1%), [Zn(Tf)] (10.4%), ternary complexes of [Zn(Cit)(Cys)] (6.6%) and of [Zn(Cys)(His)H] (1.6%), and the binary complex of [Zn(Cys)2H] (1.2%). When zinc is deficient, the distribution of Zn(II) species is similar to that in normal blood plasma. Then, the distribution changes with increasing zinc(II) total concentration. Overloading Zn(II) is initially mainly bound to human serum albumin (HSA). As the available amount of HSA is exceeded, phosphate metal and carbonate metal species are established. Gd(III) entering human blood plasma predominantly competes for phosphate and carbonate to form precipitate species. However, Zn(II) complexes with phosphate and carbonate are negligible in normal blood plasma, so Gd(III) only have a little effect on zinc(II) species in human blood plasma at a concentration above 1.0×10−4 M.  相似文献   

Carp fed pellets containing a range of zinc concentrations showed a significant increase in trypsin activity in the intestine with increasing zinc in the diet.  相似文献   

Chicken ovotransferrin, an iron binding protein, has two metal binding sites (amino (N) and carboxy (C) terminal sites). It binds Cu(II), Al(III), Co(II), and other metals, as well as Fe(III). In this study, the selectivity and cooperativity of the N and C sites on Al(III), Co(II), and Tb(III) binding were investigated. Metals were classified into two groups according to their site preference. Co(II) and Al(III) bound to the N site more preferably than to the C site, whereas Tb(III) bound to the C site more preferably. On Fe(III) binding, the binding constant of Fe(III) becomes larger when the other site is already occupied. Thus, positive cooperativity is seen. In the present study, the binding cooperativities of Co(II), Tb(III), and Al(III) as to the N and C sites were investigated. On Co(II) and Tb(III) binding, no cooperativity was observed, as in the case of Cu(II) [Yamamura, T. et al. (1985) in Proteins of Iron Storage and Transport (Spik, G., Montreuil, J., Crichton, R.R., & Mazurier, J., eds.) pp. 53-56, Elsevier Science Publ. B.V., Amsterdam]. In contrast, negative cooperativity was observed on Al(III) binding. Based on a model proposed by Yamamura et al. [Yamamura, T. et al. (1985) ibid.], the ratio of the binding constants, KC/KN, and the stacking coefficient, Kst, were estimated. KC/KN is 2.2 +/- 0.4 for the Tb(III) ion, 0.5 +/- 0.1 for the Co(II) ion, and 0.12 +/- 0.02 for the Al(III) ion. Kst (= 1 in a non-cooperative case) is 0.98 +/- 0.02 for the Tb(III) ion, 1.03 +/- 0.02 for the Co(II) ion, and 0.55 +/- 0.22 for the Al(III) ion.  相似文献   

The speciation and distribution of Gd(III) in human interstitial fluid was studied by computer simulation. The results show that at the background concentration, all the Gd(III) species are soluble and no precipitates appear. However as the total concentration of Gd(III) rises above 2.610 × 10–9 mol/l,the insoluble species become predominant. GdPO4 is formed first as a precipitate and then Gd2(CO3)3. Among soluble species, free Gd(III), [Gd(HSA)], [Gd(Ox)] and the ternary complexes of Gd(III) with citrate as the primary ligand are main species when the total concentration of Gd(III) is below 2.074 × 10–2 mol/l. With the total concentration of Gd(III) further rising, [Gd3(OH)4] begins to appear and gradually becomes a predominant species.  相似文献   

The cytostatic properties of novel rhodium(III) thiacrown ether complexes [RhCl(LL)([9]aneS3)]n+ with either aromatic κ2 N ligands (n = 2) or anionic chelate ligands (n = 1) have been investigated for the human cancer cell lines HT-29 and MCF-7 and for immortalized HEK-293 cells. Taken together with literature IC50 values for analogous complexes with polypyridyl ligands or 1,4-dithiane, the in vitro assays indicate that dicationic complexes with soft κ2 N (imino) or κ2 S (thiaether) ligands exhibit significantly higher antiproliferative effects than those with hard κ2 N (amino) ligands. Dicationic complexes are more active than monocationic complexes with similar ligands. Pronounced apoptosis-inducing properties towards Jurkat cells were established for complexes with LL = bpm, dpq, and 1,4-dithiane. The order of activity (bpm > 1,4-dithiane > dpq > bpy) contrasts to that observed for adhesive cancer cells (bpm > bpy, 1,4-dithiane > dpq). Necrosis is insignificant in all cases. The percentage of Jurkat cells exhibiting apoptosis after 24 or 48 h incubation periods is directly correlated to the percentage of cells exhibiting high levels of reactive oxygen species. As established by online monitoring with a sensor chip system, treatment of MCF-7 cells with the bpm and 1,4-dithiane complexes leads to a significant and permanent concentration-dependent decrease in oxygen consumption and cellular adhesion.  相似文献   

A multiphase model of metal ion speciation in human interstitial fluid was constructed and the effect of Pr(III) on Ca(II) speciation was studied. Results show that free Ca2+, [Ca(HCO3)], and [Ca(Lac)] are the main species of Ca(II). Because of the competition of Pr(III) for ligands with Ca(II), the percentages of free Ca2+, [Ca(Lac)], and [Ca(His)(Thr)H3] increase gradually and the percentages of CaHPO4(aq) and [Ca(Cit)(His)H2] decrease gradually with the increase in the total concentration of Pr(III). However, the percentages of [Ca(HCO3)] and CaCO3(aq) first increase and then begin to decrease when the total concentration of Pr(III) exceeds 6.070×10−4 M.  相似文献   

A mutiphase model of metal ion speciation in human interstitial fluid was constructed and the effect of Pr(III) on Ca(II) speciation was studied. Results show that Ca(II) mainly distributes in free Ca2+, [Ca(HCO3)], and [Ca(Lac)]. Because of the competition of Pr(III) for ligands with Ca(II), with the total concentration of Pr(III) rising, the percentages of free Ca2+, [Ca(Lac)] and [Ca(His)(Thr)H3], gradually increase and the percentages of CaHPO4(aq) and [Ca(Cit)(His)H2] gradually decrease. However, the percentages of [Ca(HCO3)] and CaCO3(aq) first increase, and then begin to decrease when the total concentration of Pr(III) exceeds 6.070×10−4 M.  相似文献   

The interactions of Al(III) with the dipeptide AspAsp and the tripeptide AspAspAsp in aqueous solutions were studied by pH-potentiometry and multinuclear 1H- and 13C- nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Their numerous negatively charged COO(-) functions allow these ligands to bind Al(III) even in weakly acidic solutions. Various mononuclear 1:1 complexes are formed in different protonation states. 13C-NMR spectroscopy unambiguously proved participation of the COO(-) functions in a monodentate or chelating mode in Al(III) binding, however, the terminal-NH(2) group seems to be excluded from the coordination. Depending on the metal ion to ligand ratio precipitation occurs at pH approximately 5 to 6. This indicates that the COO(-) groups at the low level of preorganization in such small peptides are not sufficient to keep the Al(III) ion in solution and to prevent the precipitation of Al(OH)(3) at physiological pH. To achieve this, a more specific arrangement of the side-chain donors seems necessary.  相似文献   

The specific esterase activity of trypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The interaction of calf-thymus DNA with trivalent Al and Ga cations, in aqueous solution at pH =6–7 with cation/DNA(P) (P=phosphate) molar ratios (r) 1/80, 1/40, 1/20, 1/10, 1/4 and 1/2 was characterized by Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy.

Spectroscopic results show the formation of several types of cation-DNA complexes. At low metal ion concentration (r=l/80, 1/40), both cations bind mainly to the backbone PO2 group and the guanine N-7 site of the G-C base pairs (chelation). Evidence for cation chelate formation comes from major shifting and intensity increase of the phosphate antisymmetric stretch at 1222 cm-1 and the mainly guanine band at 1717 cm1. The perturbations of A-T base pairs occur at high cation concentration with major helix destabilization. Evidence for cation binding to A-T bases comes from major spectral changes of the bands at 1663 and 1609 cm-1 related mainly to the thymine and adenine in-plane vibrations. A major reduction of the B-DNA structure occurs in favor of A-DNA upon trivalent cation coordination.  相似文献   

The interactions between Al(III)-tetracarboxyphthalocyanine (AlPc(COOH)4) and hemoglobin (or myoglobin) have been studied. The results showed that AlPc(COOH)4 effectively quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of Hb and Mb via static quenching. The hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions played a major role in stabilizing the AlPc(COOH)4-protein complex. The distance r between donor and acceptor was obtained to be 3.92 and 3.67 nm for AlPc(COOH)4-Hb and AlPc(COOH)4-Mb system, respectively. The effect of AlPc(COOH)4 on the conformation of Hb and Mb was analyzed using UV–vis absorption spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectra, synchronous fluorescence and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra.  相似文献   

Enterococcus hirae is able to grow under anaerobic conditions during glucose fermentation (pH 8.0) which is accompanied by acidification of the medium and drop in its oxidation-reduction potential (E(h)) from positive values to negative ones (down to ~-200 mV). In this study, iron (III) ions (Fe(3+)) have been shown to affect bacterial growth in a concentration-dependent manner (within the range of 0.05-2 mM) by decreasing lag phase duration and increasing specific growth rate. While iron(II) ions (Fe(2+)) had opposite effects which were reflected by suppressing bacterial growth. These ions also affected the changes in E(h) values during bacterial growth. It was revealed that ATPase activity with and without N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), an inhibitor of the F(0)F(1)-ATPase, increased in the presence of even low Fe(3+) concentration (0.05 mM) but decreased in the presence of Fe(2+). It was established that Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) both significantly inhibited the proton-potassium exchange of bacteria, but stronger effects were in the case of Fe(2+) with DCCD. Such results were observed with both wild-type ATCC9790 and atpD mutant (with defective F(0)F(1)) MS116 strains but they were different with Fe(3+) and Fe(2+). It is suggested that the effects of Fe(3+) might be due to interaction of these ions with F(0)F(1) or there might be a Fe(3+)-dependent ATPase different from F(0)F(1) in these bacteria that is active even in the presence of DCCD. Fe(2+) inhibits E. hirae cell growth probably by strong effect on E(h) leading to changes in F(0)F(1) and decreasing its activity.  相似文献   

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