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To investigate the mechanism of double strand DNA break formation in mammalian cells, an in vitro assay was established using closed circular DNA containing two uracils on opposite DNA strands (18 and 30 base pairs apart) and extracts prepared from human cells. In this assay, formation of double strand breaks was detected by the conversion of circular DNA to linear DNA. Approximately 4-fold more double strand DNA breaks were produced by extracts from cells deficient in DNA ligase I (46BR) relative to those produced by extracts from control cells (MRC5, derived from a clinically normal individual). In parallel with the amount of double strand DNA breaks, extracts from 46BR cells produced longer repair patches (up to 24 bases in length) than those from MRC5 cells (typically <5 bases long). When purified DNA ligase I was added to 46BR extracts to complement the DNA ligase deficiency, only a negligible difference was found between the amount of doublestrand DNA breaks or the repair patch size generated in the assay relative to MRC5 extracts. Together, our data demonstrate that double strand DNA breaks are produced through formation of DNA repair patches. We refer to this process of double strand break formation as the "DNA repair patch-mediated pathway."  相似文献   

In the current model of DNA SSBR, PARP1 is regarded as the sensor of single-strand breaks (SSBs). However, biochemical studies have implicated LIG3 as another possible SSB sensor. Using a laser micro-irradiation protocol that predominantly generates SSBs, we were able to demonstrate that PARP1 is dispensable for the accumulation of different single-strand break repair (SSBR) proteins at sites of DNA damage in live cells. Furthermore, we show in live cells for the first time that LIG3 plays a role in mediating the accumulation of the SSBR proteins XRCC1 and PNKP at sites of DNA damage. Importantly, the accumulation of LIG3 at sites of DNA damage did not require the BRCT domain-mediated interaction with XRCC1. We were able to show that the N-terminal ZnF domain of LIG3 plays a key role in the enzyme''s SSB sensing function. Finally, we provide cellular evidence that LIG3 and not PARP1 acts as the sensor for DNA damage caused by the topoisomerase I inhibitor, irinotecan. Our results support the existence of a second damage-sensing mechanism in SSBR involving the detection of nicks in the genome by LIG3.  相似文献   

Now that we have a good understanding of the DNA double strand break (DSB) repair mechanisms and DSB-induced damage signalling, attention is focusing on the changes to the chromatin environment needed for efficient DSB repair. Mutations in chromatin remodelling complexes have been identified in cancers, making it important to evaluate how they impact upon genomic stability. Our current understanding of the DSB repair pathways suggests that each one has distinct requirements for chromatin remodelling. Moreover, restricting the extent of chromatin modifications could be a significant factor regulating the decision of pathway usage. In this review, we evaluate the distinct DSB repair pathways for their potential need for chromatin remodelling and review the roles of ATP-driven chromatin remodellers in the pathways.  相似文献   

Regardless of the achievable remissions with first line hormone therapy in patients with prostate cancer (CaP), the disease escapes the hormone dependent stage to a more aggressive status where chemotherapy is the only effective treatment and no treatment is curative. This makes it very important to identify new targets that can improve the outcome of treatment. ATM and DNA-PK are the two kinases responsible for signalling and repairing double strand breaks (DSB). Thus, both kinases are pertinent targets in CaP treatment to enhance the activity of the numerous DNA DSB inducing agents used in CaP treatment such as ionizing radiation (IR). Colony formation assay was used to assess the sensitivity of hormone dependent, p53 wt (LNCaP) and hormone independent p53 mutant (PC3) CaP cell lines to the cytotoxic effect of IR and Doxorubicin in the presence or absence of Ku55933 and NU7441 which are small molecule inhibitors of ATM and DNA-PK, respectively. Flow cytometry based methods were used to assess the effect of the two inhibitors on cell cycle, apoptosis and H2AX foci formation. Neutral comet assay was used to assess the induction of DNA DSBs. Ku55933 or NU7441 alone increased the sensitivity of CaP cell lines to the DNA damaging agents, however combining both inhibitors together resulted in further enhancement of sensitivity. The cell cycle profile of both cell lines was altered with increased cell death, DNA DSBs and H2AX foci formation. This study justifies further evaluation of the ATM and DNA-PK inhibitors for clinical application in CaP patients. Additionally, the augmented effect resulting from combining both inhibitors may have a significant implication for the treatment of CaP patients who have a defect in one of the two DSB repair pathways.  相似文献   

Comment on: Pseudo-DNA damage response in senescent cells. Pospelova T, et al. Cell Cycle 2009; 8:In press.  相似文献   

Rothmund–Thomson syndrome (RTS) is an autosomal recessive hereditary disorder associated with mutation in RECQL4 gene, a member of the human RecQ helicases. The disease is characterized by genomic instability, skeletal abnormalities and predisposition to malignant tumors, especially osteosarcomas. The precise role of RECQL4 in cellular pathways is largely unknown; however, recent evidence suggests its involvement in multiple DNA metabolic pathways. This study investigates the roles of RECQL4 in DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair. The results show that RECQL4‐deficient fibroblasts are moderately sensitive to γ‐irradiation and accumulate more γH2AX and 53BP1 foci than control fibroblasts. This is suggestive of defects in efficient repair of DSB’s in the RECQL4‐deficient fibroblasts. Real time imaging of live cells using laser confocal microscopy shows that RECQL4 is recruited early to laser‐induced DSBs and remains for a shorter duration than WRN and BLM, indicating its distinct role in repair of DSBs. Endogenous RECQL4 also colocalizes with γH2AX at the site of DSBs. The RECQL4 domain responsible for its DNA damage localization has been mapped to the unique N‐terminus domain between amino acids 363–492, which shares no homology to recruitment domains of WRN and BLM to the DSBs. Further, the recruitment of RECQL4 to laser‐induced DNA damage is independent of functional WRN, BLM or ATM proteins. These results suggest distinct cellular dynamics for RECQL4 protein at the site of laser‐induced DSB and that it might play important roles in efficient repair of DSB’s.  相似文献   

Recent findings concerning the presumed existence of single-strand breaks (SSB) in quiescent human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) are discussed in relation to the role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in DNA strand break metabolism. It is argued that the activation of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (ADPRP) by a DNA-damaging agent is not indicative of an obligatory role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in DNA repair. From this it follows that SSB induced by different strand-breaking agents might be removed by either ADPRP-dependent or ADPRP-independent DNA repair pathways.  相似文献   

A widely accepted assumption in radiobiology is that ionizing radiation kills cells by inducing forms of damage in DNA structures that lead to the formation of lethal chromosome aberrations. One goal of radiation biology research is the identification of these forms of DNA damage, the characterization of the mechanisms involved in their repair and the elucidation of the processes involved in their transformation to chromosome damage. In recent years, evidence has accumulated implicating DNA double stranded breaks as lesions relevant for cell killing. Here, the available information on this topic is reviewed together with the methods most commonly used to quantitate induction and repair of this type of lesion. The presentation concludes with an outline of present research directions and future goals.  相似文献   

A single free radical-initiating event can produce a pair of base lesions in DNA oligomers exposed to ionizing radiation. Whereas double base lesions have been observed previously, the present study shows that double lesions may sometimes consist of a base lesion and an associated strand break. The mechanism for the formation of double lesions is discussed. A redox process is postulated in which guanine is the source of the electron. It is suggested that double lesions may be formed in DNA either on adjacent nucleotides or, alternatively, on nucleotides separated by one, two or possibly more intervening nucleotides. It is hypothesized that intramolecular electron transfer facilitates the formation of double lesions on nonadjacent nucleotides.  相似文献   

The effect of the structure of donor DNA molecules on the initiation of recombination for double strand break repair in human nuclear extracts, was investigated here. A unique double strand break was introduced into M13 duplex derivatives by digestion with restriction enzymes. After coincubation of the cleaved DNA in human nuclear extracts, with a plasmid containing M13 sequences spanning the break, double strand break repair was estimated by the plating efficiency in JM109 (RecA1) bacteria. We first confirm that a short heterologous insert (8bp) close to the break on the recipient cleaved M13 DNA inhibits recombination with circular as well as with linear donor molecules. The results indicate that, with these substrates, recombination is initiated at the level of the break, requires uninterrupted homology on both sides of the break, and is associated with a decreasing gradient of gene conversion. When the heterologous insertion is located on the plasmid donor DNA, similar results are obtained with a circular donor DNA. In contrast, with a linear donor molecule, bearing the insert, homology requirements, in the region of the break in M13 DNA, are abolished. This last result suggests that recombination could be initiated at the extremities of the linear donor DNA.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor gene has been shown to be involved in a variety of repair processes, and recent findings have suggested that p53 may be involved in DNA double strand break repair in irradiated cells. The role of p53 in DNA double strand break repair, however, has not been fully investigated. In this study, we have constructed a novel Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-based shuttle vector, designated as pZEBNA, to explore the influence of p53 on DNA strand break repair in human lymphoblasts, since EBV-based vectors do not inactivate the p53 pathway. We have compared plasmid survival of irradiated, restriction enzyme linearized, and calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP)-treated pZEBNA with a Simian virus 40 (SV40)-based shuttle vector, pZ189, in TK6 (wild-type p53) and WTK1 (mutant p53) lymphoblasts and determined that p53 does not modulate DNA double strand break repair in these cell lines.  相似文献   

The most frequent DNA lesions in mammalian genomes are removed by the base excision repair (BER) via multiple pathways that involve the replacement of one or more nucleotides at the lesion site. The biological consequences of a BER defect are at present largely unknown. We report here that mouse cells defective in the main BER DNA polymerase β (Pol β) display a decreased rate of DNA single-strand breaks (ssb) rejoining after methyl methanesulfonate damage when compared with wild-type cells. In contrast, Pol β seems to be dispensable for hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA ssb repair, which is equally efficient in normal and defective cells. By using an in vitro repair assay on single abasic site-containing circular duplex molecules, we show that the long-patch BER is the predominant repair route in Pol β-null cell extract. Our results strongly suggest that the Pol β-mediated single nucleotide BER is the favorite pathway for repair of N-methylpurines while oxidation-induced ssb, likely arising from oxidized abasic sites, are the substrate for long-patch BER.  相似文献   

Radiation induced damage, i.e., the induction of DNA strand breaks, was studied on the level of single, unlabeled cells. DNA strand breaks were determined by direct partial alkaline unwinding in intact cell nuclei followed by staining with acridine orange, a development of a proposal first described by B. Rydberg (Int J Radiat Biol 46:521-527, 1984). The ratio of green fluorescence (double-stranded DNA) to red fluorescence (single-stranded DNA) in single cells was taken as a measure of DNA strand breaks. CHO-K1 and M3-1 cells irradiated with X-rays show a dose dependent induction of DNA strand breaks. Incubation at 37 degrees C after irradiation leads to repair of breaks. A repair halflife of about 10-11 min can be determined. Cell cycle specific differences in the induction of DNA strand breaks or repair behavior are not detectable at the resolution achieved so far. This new method offers two major advantages: the resolution of DNA damage and repair on the level of single cells and no need for labeling, thereby allowing for DNA damage and repair to be assessed in biopsy material from tumor patients.  相似文献   

Genotoxic stress induces a checkpoint signaling cascade to generate a stress response. Saccharomyces cerevisiae shows an altered radiation response under different type of stress. Although the induction of repair has been implicated in enhanced survival after exposure to the challenging stress, the nature of the signal remains poorly understood. This study demonstrates that low doses of gamma radiation and bleomycin induce RAD52-dependent recombination repair pathway in the wild-type strain D-261. Prior exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents (gamma radiation or bleomycin) equips them better for the subsequent damage caused by challenging doses. However, exposure to UV light, which does not cause strand breaks, was ineffective. This was confirmed by PFGE studies. This indicates that the strand breaks probably serve as the signal for induction of the recombination repair pathway while pyrimidine dimers do not. The nature of the induced repair was investigated by mutation scoring in special strain D-7, which showed that the induced repair is essentially error free.  相似文献   

When ionizing radiation traverses a DNA molecule, a combination of two or more base damages, sites of base loss or single strand breaks can be produced within 1-4 nm on opposite DNA strands, forming a multiply damaged site (MDS). In this study, we reconstituted the base excision repair system to examine the processing of a simple MDS containing the base damage, 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), or an abasic (AP) site, situated in close opposition to a single strand break, and asked if a double strand break could be formed. The single strand break, a nucleotide gap containing 3' and 5' phosphate groups, was positioned one, three or six nucleotides 5' or 3' to the damage in the complementary DNA strand. Escherichia coli formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (Fpg), which recognizes both 8-oxoG and AP sites, was able to cleave the 8-oxoG or AP site-containing strand when the strand break was positioned three or six nucleotides away 5' or 3' on the opposing strand. When the strand break was positioned one nucleotide away, the target lesion was a poor substrate for Fpg. Binding studies using a reduced AP (rAP) site in the strand opposite the gap, indicated that Fpg binding was greatly inhibited when the gap was one nucleotide 5' or 3' to the rAP site.To complete the repair of the MDS containing 8-oxoG opposite a single strand break, endonuclease IV DNA polymerase I and Escherichia coli DNA ligase are required to remove 3' phosphate termini, insert the "missing" nucleotide, and ligate the nicks, respectively. In the absence of Fpg, repair of the single strand break by endonuclease IV, DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase occurred and was not greatly affected by the 8-oxoG on the opposite strand. However, the DNA strand containing the single strand break was not ligated if Fpg was present and removed the opposing 8-oxoG. Examination of the complete repair reaction products from this reaction following electrophoresis through a non-denaturing gel, indicated that a double strand break was produced. Repair of the single strand break did occur in the presence of Fpg if the gap was one nucleotide away. Hence, in the in vitro reconstituted system, repair of the MDS did not occur prior to cleavage of the 8-oxoG by Fpg if the opposing single strand break was situated three or six nucleotides away, converting these otherwise repairable lesions into a potentially lethal double strand break.  相似文献   

Comment on: Lu S, et al. Cell Cycle 2010; 9:3316-28.  相似文献   

The Y-family of DNA polymerases support of translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) associated with stalled DNA replication by DNA damage. Recently, a number of studies suggest that some specialized TLS polymerases also support other aspects of DNA metabolism beyond TLS in vivo. Here we show that mouse polymerase kappa (Polκ) could accumulate at laser-induced sites of damage in vivo resembling polymerases eta and iota. The recruitment was mediated through Polκ C-terminus which contains the PCNA-interacting peptide, ubiquitin zinc finger motif 2 and nuclear localization signal. Interestingly, this recruitment was significantly reduced in MSH2-deficient LoVo cells and Rad18-depleted cells. We further observed that Polκ-deficient mouse embryo fibroblasts were abnormally sensitive to H2O2 treatment and displayed defects in both single-strand break repair and double-strand break repair. We speculate that Polκ may have an important role in strand break repair following oxidative stress in vivo.  相似文献   

Zhang K  Taylor JS 《Biochemistry》2001,40(1):153-159
DNA strand breaks are produced by a variety of agents and processes such as ionizing radiation, xenobiotics, oxidative metabolism, and enzymatic processing of DNA base damage. One of the major types of strand breaks produced by these processes is a single nucleotide gap terminating in 5'- and 3'-phosphates. Previously, we had developed a method for sequence-specifically producing such phosphate-terminated strand breaks in an oligodeoxynucleotide by way of two photochemically activated (caged) building blocks placed in tandem. We now report the design and synthesis of a single caged building block consisting of 1,3-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,3-propanediol, for producing phosphate-terminated strand breaks, and its use producing such a break at a specific site in a double-stranded circular DNA vector. To produce the site-specific break in a duplex vector, a primer containing the caged single strand break was extended opposite the single strand form of a circular DNA vector followed by enzymatic ligation and purification. The single strand break could then be formed in quantitative yield by irradiation of the vector with 365 nm light. In contrast to a previous study, it was found that the strand break can be repaired by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I and E. coli DNA ligase alone, though less efficiently than in the presence of the 3'-phosphate processing enzyme E. coli endonuclease IV. Repair in the absence of endonuclease IV could be attributed to hydrolysis of the 3'-phosphate in the presence of dNTP and to a lesser extent to exonucleolytic removal of the 3'-phosphate-bearing terminal nucleotide by way of the 3' --> 5' exonuclease activity of polymerase I. This work demonstrates that specialized 3'-end processing enzymes such as endonuclease IV or exonuclease III are not absolutely required for repair of phosphate-terminated gaps. In addition to preparing single strand breaks, the caged building block described should also be useful for preparing double strand breaks and multiply damaged sites that might otherwise be difficult to prepare by other methods due to their lability.  相似文献   

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