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紫色土人工林生态系统碳库与碳吸存变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用时空代换法,以福建省宁化县严重退化紫色土人工林生态系统为对象,按侵蚀强度由强到弱选取4种生态恢复措施Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ,对比研究了碳库与碳吸存能力.结果表明,随着恢复程度的提高,生态系统的碳吸存能力逐渐增加,即Ⅰ<Ⅱ<Ⅲ<Ⅳ,4种措施生态系统碳库分别为1.4、8.5、25.6和37.6t·hm^-2;CO2年同化量分别是712.87、1458.01、9718.10和11109.56k·hm^-2.可见,恢复过程中的生态系统是本地区重要的碳汇之一.水土保持工程措施与生物措施相结合应是退化生态系统生态恢复的重要手段,但是减少人为干扰才是目前较为合理的恢复策略,使森林生态系统成为大气中CO2的一个重要的碳汇.  相似文献   

Poplars are the major tree component of traditional agroforestry systems throughout the south temperate central area of China that includes all or portions of Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi provinces, an area of ~600,000 km2. The lack of experidmental data on the effect of various interplanting systems on crop production represents a serious gap in our knowledge, and consequently, a stable, optimized poplar-crop interplanting pattern is difficult to achieve. In order to develop a poplar-crop interplanting pattern that is economically viable, environmentally sound, technically workable, and socially compatible in floodplain areas, new poplar-crop interplanting patterns were designed using the principle of edge effects. Six patterns were designed and established in 1992 with different narrow – wide spacings, i.e., I: (3 × 3) × 20 m, II: (3 × 3) × 30 m, III: (3 × 3) × 40 m, IV: (4 × 4) . 20 m, V: (4 × 4) × 30 m, and VI: (4 × 4) × 40 m. A randomized block arrangement was used with two replications for each pattern. Based on 7 years of investigation, this paper examines the effects of these patterns on temporal and spatial variations in microclimate at various phenological phases of winter wheat, variations in wheat yield and quality, wood production, biomass productivity and light use efficiency, and economic assessment. The feasibility and viability of these new patterns is also discussed. These preliminary results provide some basic principles for developing optimized poplar-crop interplanting patterns in the wetland plain areas of China.  相似文献   

封丘地区小麦耗水量与水分利用率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据水量平衡方程式计算,雨养麦田5个试验麦季的耗水量分别为435.5、326.0、293.8、277.2和365.9mm,可代表该区过湿、一般和干旱年份的小麦耗水量.研究结果表明,小麦地上部分生物量与其总耗水量的相关关系不显着(r=0.67).在耗水量中,土壤储水的贡献占50%.在降雨少而土壤储水丰足的年份,其贡献高达60%,是小麦水分的重要来源.在充分施肥条件下,5个麦季的水分利用率≥11.25kg·ha-1·mm-1,表明适当增加肥料投入可提高农田水分利用率.  相似文献   

Uncertainty was quantified for an inventory estimating change in soil organic carbon (SOC) storage resulting from modifications in land use and management across US agricultural lands between 1982 and 1997. This inventory was conducted using a modified version of a carbon (C) accounting method developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Probability density functions (PDFs) were derived for each input to the IPCC model, including reference SOC stocks, land use/management activity data, and management factors. Change in C storage was estimated using a Monte‐Carlo approach with 50 000 iterations, by randomly selecting values from the PDFs after accounting for dependencies in the model inputs. Over the inventory period, mineral soils had a net gain of 10.8 Tg C yr?1, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 6.5 to 15.3 Tg C yr?1. Most of this gain was due to setting‐aside lands in the Conservation Reserve Program. In contrast, managed organic soils lost 9.4 Tg C yr?1, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 6.4 to 13.3 Tg C yr?1. Combining these gains and losses in SOC, US agricultural soils accrued 1.3 Tg C yr?1 due to land use and management change, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from a loss of 4.4 Tg C yr?1 to a gain of 6.9 Tg C yr?1. Most of the uncertainty was attributed to management factors for tillage, land use change between cultivated and uncultivated conditions, and C loss rates from managed organic soils. Based on the uncertainty, we are not able to conclude with 95% confidence that change in US agricultural land use and management between 1982 and 1997 created a net C sink for atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis to quantify the impact of changing agricultural land use and management on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage under moist and dry climatic conditions of temperate and tropical regions. We derived estimates of management impacts for a carbon accounting approach developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, addressing the impact of long-term cultivation, setting-aside land from crop production, changing tillage management, and modifying C input to the soil by varying cropping practices. We found 126 articles that met our criteria and analyzed the data in linear mixed-effect models. In general, management impacts were sensitive to climate in the following order from largest to smallest changes in SOC: tropical moist>tropical dry>temperate moist>temperate dry. For example, long-term cultivation caused the greatest loss of SOC in tropical moist climates, with cultivated soils having 0.58 ± 0.12, or 58% of the amount found under native vegetation, followed by tropical dry climates with 0.69 ± 0.13, temperate moist with 0.71 ± 0.04, and temperate dry with 0.82 ± 0.04. Similarly, converting from conventional tillage to no-till increased SOC storage over 20 years by a factor of 1.23 ± 0.05 in tropical moist climates, which is a 23% increase in SOC, while the corresponding change in tropical dry climates was 1.17 ± 0.05, temperate moist was 1.16 ± 0.02, and temperate dry was 1.10 ± 0.03. These results demonstrate that agricultural management impacts on SOC storage will vary depending on climatic conditions that influence the plant and soil processes driving soil organic matter dynamics.  相似文献   

Large‐scale terrestrial carbon (C) estimating studies using methods such as atmospheric inversion, biogeochemical modeling, and field inventories have produced different results. The goal of this study was to integrate fine‐scale processes including land use and land cover change into a large‐scale ecosystem framework. We analyzed the terrestrial C budget of the conterminous United States from 1971 to 2015 at 1‐km resolution using an enhanced dynamic global vegetation model and comprehensive land cover change data. Effects of atmospheric CO2 fertilization, nitrogen deposition, climate, wildland fire, harvest, and land use/land cover change (LUCC) were considered. We estimate annual C losses from cropland harvest, forest clearcut and thinning, fire, and LUCC were 436.8, 117.9, 10.5, and 10.4 TgC/year, respectively. C stored in ecosystems increased from 119,494 to 127,157 TgC between 1971 and 2015, indicating a mean annual net C sink of 170.3 TgC/year. Although ecosystem net primary production increased by approximately 12.3 TgC/year, most of it was offset by increased C loss from harvest and natural disturbance and increased ecosystem respiration related to forest aging. As a result, the strength of the overall ecosystem C sink did not increase over time. Our modeled results indicate the conterminous US C sink was about 30% smaller than previous modeling studies, but converged more closely with inventory data.  相似文献   

In terrestrial high‐latitude regions, observations indicate recent changes in snow cover, permafrost, and soil freeze–thaw transitions due to climate change. These modifications may result in temporal shifts in the growing season and the associated rates of terrestrial productivity. Changes in productivity will influence the ability of these ecosystems to sequester atmospheric CO2. We use the terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM), which simulates the soil thermal regime, in addition to terrestrial carbon (C), nitrogen and water dynamics, to explore these issues over the years 1960–2100 in extratropical regions (30–90°N). Our model simulations show decreases in snow cover and permafrost stability from 1960 to 2100. Decreases in snow cover agree well with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite observations collected between the years 1972 and 2000, with Pearson rank correlation coefficients between 0.58 and 0.65. Model analyses also indicate a trend towards an earlier thaw date of frozen soils and the onset of the growing season in the spring by approximately 2–4 days from 1988 to 2000. Between 1988 and 2000, satellite records yield a slightly stronger trend in thaw and the onset of the growing season, averaging between 5 and 8 days earlier. In both, the TEM simulations and satellite records, trends in day of freeze in the autumn are weaker, such that overall increases in growing season length are due primarily to earlier thaw. Although regions with the longest snow cover duration displayed the greatest increase in growing season length, these regions maintained smaller increases in productivity and heterotrophic respiration than those regions with shorter duration of snow cover and less of an increase in growing season length. Concurrent with increases in growing season length, we found a reduction in soil C and increases in vegetation C, with greatest losses of soil C occurring in those areas with more vegetation, but simulations also suggest that this trend could reverse in the future. Our results reveal noteworthy changes in snow, permafrost, growing season length, productivity, and net C uptake, indicating that prediction of terrestrial C dynamics from one decade to the next will require that large‐scale models adequately take into account the corresponding changes in soil thermal regimes.  相似文献   

Drought is frequently recorded as a result of climate warming and elevated concentration of greenhouse gases, which affect the carbon and water cycles in terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. To identify the drought in grassland ecosystems and to determine how such drought affects grassland ecosystems in terms of carbon and water cycles across the globe, this study evaluated the drought conditions of global grassland ecosystems from 2000 to 2011 on the basis of the remotely sensed Drought Severity Index (DSI) data. The temporal dynamics of grassland carbon use efficiency (CUE) and water use efficiency (WUE), as well as their correlations with DSI, were also investigated at the global scale. Results showed that 57.04% of grassland ecosystems experienced a dry trend over this period. In general, most grassland ecosystems in the northern hemisphere (N.H.) were in near normal condition, whereas those in the southern hemisphere (S.H.) experienced a clear drying and wetting trend, with the year 2005 regarded as the turning point. Grassland CUE increased continually despite the varied drought conditions over this period. By contrast, WUE increased in the closed shrublands and woody savannas but decreased in all the other grassland types. The drought conditions affected the carbon and water use mainly by influencing the primary production and evapotranspiration of grass through photosynthesis and transpiration process. The CUE and WUE of savannas was most sensitive to droughts among all the grassland types. The areas of grassland DSI that showed significant correlations with CUE and WUE were 52.92% and 22.11% of the total grassland areas, respectively. Overall, droughts sufficiently explained the dynamics of grassland CUE, especially in the S.H. In comparison with grassland CUE, the grassland WUE was less sensitive to drought conditions at the global scale.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the availabilities of water and nitrogen on water use efficiency (WUE) of plants were investigated in a sagebrush steppe. The four species studied wereArtemisia tridentata (shrub),Ceratoides lanata (suffrutescent shrub),Elymus lanceolatus (rhizomatous grass), andElymus elymoides (tussock grass). Water and nitrogen levels were manipulated in a two-by-two factorial design resulting in four treatments: control (no additions), added water, added nitrogen, and added water and nitrogen. One instantaneous and two long-term indicators of WUE were used to testa priori predictions of the ranking of WUE among treatments. The short-term indicator was the instantaneous ratio of assimilation to transpiration (A/E). The long-term measures were 1) the slope of the relationship between conductance to water vapor and maximum assimilation and 2) the carbon isotope composition (13C) of plant material. Additional water decreased WUE, whereas additional nitrogen increased WUE. For both A/E and 13C, the mean for added nitrogen alone was significantly greater than the mean for added water alone, and means for the control and added water and nitrogen fell in between. This ranking of WUE supported the hypothesis that both water and nitrogen limit plant gas exchange in this semiarid environment. The short- and long-term indicators were in agreement, providing evidence in support of theoretical models concerning the water cost of carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

选择黄土高原旱作区8个冬小麦测站2m土层深度多年土壤贮水量与产量资料,从大气降水-土壤水-作物循环系统的理论观点出发,研究了土壤贮水力和农田耗水量对冬小麦水分生产力的影响。该区域是一个贮水和保水性能良好的天然土壤水库,半干旱区、半湿润区、湿润区1m和2m土层内最大贮水力分别为270、299、331mm和561、605、676mm,随湿润度增加而增大;但实际贮水能力只有111、183、269mm和230、370、550mm,相当于半干旱区、半湿润区和湿润区最大贮水力的41%、61%和81%,可达到最适宜贮水量的51%、76%、102%。半干旱区远不能满足冬小麦生长需要,达到严重干旱程度;半湿润区只能勉强维持生存需要,达到轻度干旱,必须采取一套有效保墒耕作抗旱措施。冬小麦全生育期2m土层农田实际耗水量和蒸腾系数分别为304-343mm和330-648,随干旱程度增加而增大。冬小麦全生育期降水量只能满足耗水量的65%-95%,有5%-35%的耗水量是从播前土壤贮水量补给的。冬小麦营养生长阶段浅层耗水量大于生殖阶段,但深层耗水量正好相反。土壤贮水量是该区域冬小麦生产力最重要因素,冬小麦土壤水分籽粒生产力为0.30-1.38kg/mm,平均为0.87kg/mm,生物产量生产力为1.416kg/mm,随干旱程度增大明显递减。旱作区冬小麦水分生产力低而不稳,但潜力很大。必须在肥力、耕作、管理等措施要跟上,水分生产力水平才能提高。  相似文献   

Meat production puts larger demands on water and land and results in larger greenhouse gas emissions than alternative forms of food. This study uses footprint indicators, the water, land and carbon footprint, to assess natural resources use and greenhouse gas emissions for sheep and chicken meat produced in Tunisia in different farming systems in the period 1996–2005. Tunisia is a water-scarce country with large areas of pasture for sheep production. Poultry production is relatively large and based on imported feed. The farming systems considered are: the industrial system for chicken, and the agro-pastoral system using cereal crop-residues, the agro-pastoral system using barley and the pastoral system using barley for sheep. Chicken meat has a smaller water footprint (6030 litre/kg), land footprint (9 m2/kg) and carbon footprint (3 CO2-eq/kg) than sheep meat (with an average water footprint of 18900 litre/kg, land footprint of 57 m2/kg, and carbon footprint of 28 CO2-eq/kg). For sheep meat, the agro-pastoral system using cereal crop-residues is the production system with smallest water and land footprints, but the highest carbon footprint. The pastoral system using barley has larger water and land footprints than the agro-pastoral system using barley, but comparable carbon footprint.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems are playing important roles in global carbon cycling. However, the information is still limited with regard to the semi-arid sandland or desert area, compared with the thorough studies on forest and grassland. We here estimated the biomass carbon storage, net primary production (NPP) and rain use efficiency (RUE) of Hunshandake Sandland, a semi-arid sandy region in Inner Mongolia covered with vegetation of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila L.) sparse forest grassland. Five main habitats, i.e. fixed dunes, semi-fixed dunes, shifting dunes, lowland, and wetland, were compared to analyze the patterns of carbon storage and NPP distribution. The average biomass (9.19 Mg C ha?1) and NPP (4.79 Mg C ha?1 yr?1) of the sparse forest grassland were respectively 82% and 54% higher than the mean level of the surrounding temperate grassland. Governed by the same climate, sparse forest grassland ecosystem had RUE almost twice that of surrounding grassland. The ratio of below to aboveground biomass was 3.5: 1 in the sandland, indicating that most of the vegetational carbon was stored in belowground pool. Although trees were functionally critical in maintaining the integrity of sparse forest grassland, they accounted for only 10.6% and 1.2% of the biomass and NPP, respectively. The sparse forest grassland in Hunshandake Sandland should be recognized as a temperate savanna ecosystem which is distinctively different from typical temperate grassland in the same region as evidenced by the higher NPP and vegetation carbon storage. Well designed management and restoration efforts can potentially sustain ecosystem services in both forage production and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Li G  Jiang G M  Li Y G  Liu M Z 《农业工程》2011,31(4):217-224
Terrestrial ecosystems are playing important roles in global carbon cycling. However, the information is still limited with regard to the semi-arid sandland or desert area, compared with the thorough studies on forest and grassland. We here estimated the biomass carbon storage, net primary production (NPP) and rain use efficiency (RUE) of Hunshandake Sandland, a semi-arid sandy region in Inner Mongolia covered with vegetation of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila L.) sparse forest grassland. Five main habitats, i.e. fixed dunes, semi-fixed dunes, shifting dunes, lowland, and wetland, were compared to analyze the patterns of carbon storage and NPP distribution. The average biomass (9.19 Mg C ha?1) and NPP (4.79 Mg C ha?1 yr?1) of the sparse forest grassland were respectively 82% and 54% higher than the mean level of the surrounding temperate grassland. Governed by the same climate, sparse forest grassland ecosystem had RUE almost twice that of surrounding grassland. The ratio of below to aboveground biomass was 3.5: 1 in the sandland, indicating that most of the vegetational carbon was stored in belowground pool. Although trees were functionally critical in maintaining the integrity of sparse forest grassland, they accounted for only 10.6% and 1.2% of the biomass and NPP, respectively. The sparse forest grassland in Hunshandake Sandland should be recognized as a temperate savanna ecosystem which is distinctively different from typical temperate grassland in the same region as evidenced by the higher NPP and vegetation carbon storage. Well designed management and restoration efforts can potentially sustain ecosystem services in both forage production and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

采用LI-6200型植物光合测定系统和LI-1600型稳态气孔计,对黄土半干旱区刺槐、侧柏的净光合速率、羧化效率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率、气孔导度、气孔阻力、胞间CO2浓度和气孔限制值与土壤含水量的关系进行研究;并对林地土壤水分有效性及生产力进行分级与评价.结果表明,刺槐与侧柏林地土壤含水量分别在4.5%和4.0%以下为“无效水”;土壤含水量在4.5%~10.0%和4.0%~8.5%阈值内属于“低产低效水”;在10.0%~13.5%和85%~11.0%阈值内为“中产高效水”;在13.5%~17.0%和11.0%~16.0%阈值内属于“高产中效水”;在17.0%~19.0%和16.0%~19.0%阈值内为“中产低效水”;土壤含水量在19.0%以上也属于“低产低效水”。  相似文献   

To explore the reason causing low yield, poor quality of Inula helenium I., this paper investigated the influence of different remained stem heights on the yield, quality and water consumption of Inula helenium I. in Gannan plateau area using field single factor randomized block method. Research results showed that Inula helenium I. which was cut before blooming period in the last ten-day of July with remained stem height of 25?cm had the lowest water consumption, the best underground root traits (including main root length, root diameter, and root dry weight per plant), and the highest yield which was higher that control group by 18.73% (P?<?.01) Moreover, Inula helenium I. with remained stem height of 25?cm had the lowest ash content while the highest alantolactone content, therefore its quality was the best. The water use efficiency (WUE) of Inula helenium I. with remained stem height of 35?cm at September was the highest (1.12?kg?h?m?2?mm?1). However, in terms of biological yield WUE and economic yield WUE, Inula helenium I. with remained stem height of 15?cm was the highest. Therefore, it can be concluded that remained stem height from 15 to 25?cm is an ideal solution, which can not only save water, but also improve yield and quality of Inula helenium I.  相似文献   

Temperate wetlands in the Northern Hemisphere have high long-term carbon sequestration rates, and play critical roles in mitigating regional and global atmospheric CO2 increases at the century timescale. We measured soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) from 11 typical freshwater wetlands (Heilongjiang Province) and one saline wetland (Jilin Province) in Northeast China, and estimated carbon sequestration rates using 210Pb and 137Cs dating technology. Effects of climate, net primary productivity, and nutrient availability on carbon sequestration rates (Rcarbon) were also evaluated. Chronological results showed that surface soil within the 0–40 cm depth formed during the past 70–205 years. Soil accretion rates ranged from 2.20 to 5.83 mm yr−1, with an average of 3.84 ± 1.25 mm yr−1 (mean ± SD). Rcarbon ranged from 61.60 to 318.5 gC m−2 yr−1 and was significantly different among wetland types. Average Rcarbon was 202.7 gC m−2 yr−1 in the freshwater wetlands and 61.6 gC m−2 yr−1 in the saline marsh. About 1.04 × 108 tons of carbon was estimated to be captured by temperate wetland soils annually in Heilongjiang Province (in the scope of 45.381–51.085°N, 125.132–132.324°E). Correlation analysis showed little impact of net primary productivity (NPP) and soil nutrient contents on Rcarbon, whereas climate, specifically the combined dynamics of temperature and precipitation, was the predominant factor affecting Rcarbon. The negative relationship observed between Rcarbon and annual mean temperature (T) indicates that warming in Northeast China could reduce Rcarbon. Significant positive relationships were observed between annual precipitation (P), the hydrothermal coefficient (defined as P/AT, where AT was accumulative temperature ≥10 °C), and Rcarbon, indicating that a cold, humid climate would enhance Rcarbon. Current climate change in Northeast China, characterized by warming and drought, may form positive feedbacks with Rcarbon in temperate wetlands and accelerate carbon loss from wetland soils.  相似文献   

Precise estimations of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks are of decided importance for the detection of C sequestration or emission potential induced by land use changes. For Germany, a comprehensive, land use–specific SOC data set has not yet been compiled. We evaluated a unique data set of 1460 soil profiles in southeast Germany in order to calculate representative SOC stocks to a depth of 1 m for the main land use types. The results showed that grassland soils stored the highest amount of SOC, with a median value of 11.8 kg m?2, whereas considerably lower stocks of 9.8 and 9.0 kg m?2 were found for forest and cropland soils, respectively. However, the differences between extensively used land (grassland, forest) and cropland were much lower compared with results from other studies in central European countries. The depth distribution of SOC showed that despite low SOC concentrations in A horizons of cropland soils, their stocks were not considerably lower compared with other land uses. This was due to a deepening of the topsoil compared with grassland soils. Higher grassland SOC stocks were caused by an accumulation of SOC in the B horizon which was attributable to a high proportion of C‐rich Gleysols within grassland soils. This demonstrates the relevance of pedogenetic SOC inventories instead of solely land use–based approaches. Our study indicated that cultivation‐induced SOC depletion was probably often overestimated since most studies use fixed depth increments. Moreover, the application of modelled parameters in SOC inventories is questioned because a calculation of SOC stocks using different pedotransfer functions revealed considerably biased results. We recommend SOC stocks be determined by horizon for the entire soil profile in order to estimate the impact of land use changes precisely and to evaluate C sequestration potentials more accurately.  相似文献   

The allocation and cycling of carbon (C) within forests is an important component of the biospheric C cycle, but is particularly understudied within tropical forests. We synthesise reported and unpublished results from three lowland rainforest sites in Amazonia (in the regions of Manaus, Tapajós and Caxiuanã), all major sites of the Large‐Scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Programme (LBA). We attempt a comprehensive synthesis of the C stocks, nutrient status and, particularly, the allocation and internal C dynamics of all three sites. The calculated net primary productivities (NPP) are 10.1±1.4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Manaus), 14.4±1.3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Tapajós) and 10.0±1.2 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Caxiuanã). All errors bars report standard errors. Soil and leaf nutrient analyses indicate that Tapajós has significantly more plant‐available phosphorus and calcium. Autotrophic respiration at all three sites (14.9–21.4 Mg C ha yr−1) is more challenging to measure, with the largest component and greatest source of uncertainty being leaf dark respiration. Comparison of measured soil respiration with that predicted from C cycling measurements provides an independent constraint. It shows general good agreement at all three sites, with perhaps some evidence for measured soil respiration being less than expected. Twenty to thirty percent of fixed C is allocated belowground. Comparison of gross primary productivity (GPP), derived from ecosystem flux measurements with that derived from component studies (NPP plus autotrophic respiration) provides an additional crosscheck. The two approaches are in good agreement, giving increased confidence in both approaches to estimating GPP. The ecosystem carbon‐use efficiency (CUEs), the ratio of NPP to GPP, is similar at Manaus (0.34±0.10) and Caxiuanã (0.32±0.07), but may be higher at Tapajós (0.49±0.16), although the difference is not significant. Old growth or infertile tropical forests may have low CUE compared with recently disturbed and/or fertile forests.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统具有很强的储碳、固碳能力,在全球碳循环中占有重要地位.为了解盐沼的固碳能力,以崇明东滩南部典型盐沼潮沟体系为对象,结合实验观测与遥感影像解译,估算了盐沼湿地的净初级生产力,并探讨了环境变化下盐沼湿地固碳潜力的变化.结果 表明:盐沼植物净初级生产力表现出显著的时空差异,时间差异体现在年际和季节差异,即2013...  相似文献   

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