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目的应用心导管介入方法封堵冠状动脉制备兔急性心肌梗死模型。方法选择雄性新西兰兔,先行冠状动脉造影,利用导引钢丝将微导管置于左前降支远端,将高分子栓塞剂与碘油混合配制成封闭胶,经微导管注入血管,造成急性心肌梗死。术前、术中和术后l周记录心电图变化。实验终点切取心肌组织标本分别行苏木素一伊红(H.E)染色、氯化硝基四氮唑蓝(NBT)染色、免疫组化染色。结果造模动物20只,存活16只。冠脉造影显示封闭胶持续滞留于左前降支远端,提示血管完全堵塞。心电图提示存在动态变化,ST段抬高,病理性Q波逐渐形成。心脏大体观测提示左心室前侧壁呈灰白色为梗死区。E染色提示梗死区局部纤维组织增生、疤痕形成、钙盐沉积,缺血区肌束变性、炎症细胞浸润,符合典型心肌梗死的病理变化。NBT染色后测定梗死面积为28.32%±5.21%。免疫组化染色提示缺血区CD34阳性面积和血管新生密度明显高于梗死区及正常组织区(P〈0.05)。结论通过心导管介入方法制备兔急性心肌梗死模型成功,避免了开胸损伤对实验结果的影响,更符合临床急性心肌梗死的病理特点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨技术和方法的改进,提高动物颈静脉置管以及药物成瘾自身给药模型构建的成功率,为成瘾研究提供更稳定和高效的建模方法。方法:对建立自身给药模型的传统颈静脉置管术进行改良,选取成年雄性SD大鼠60只,按照随机数字表法分为传统手术组(n=30)和改良手术组(n=30),分别完成颈静脉置管术后,按照随机数字表法,再将每组分为对照训练组(n=15)和成瘾训练组(n=15),构建大鼠自身给药模型,观察两组大鼠自身给药模型成功率。结果:大鼠的颈静脉置管手术可能出现的手术并发症主要包括堵管、漏管、感染甚至死亡等,最主要的并发症是漏管,占比最大。颈静脉置管传统手术组手术成功率为43.33%±3.333,颈静脉置管改良手术组手术成功率为90.00%±3.333,显著高于颈静脉置管传统手术组(P0.05)。两组成瘾训练组有效鼻触次数均分别明显高于其对照训练组(P0.05)。结论:大鼠改良后的颈静脉置管手术效果明显优于传统手术,颈静脉置管手术成功率明显提高。  相似文献   

Zhang S  Ge J  Sun A  Xu D  Qian J  Lin J  Zhao Y  Hu H  Li Y  Wang K  Zou Y 《Journal of cellular biochemistry》2006,99(4):1132-1147
A variety of adult stem cells have been used to transplant into the infarcted (MI) heart, however, comparative studies are lacking to show more suitable source of cells for transplantation. We have identified a single non-hematopoietic mesenchymal stem cell subpopulation (snMSCs) isolated from human bone marrow and clonally purified, that over 99% of them expressed MSC marker proteins and cardiomyocyte marker proteins when induction in vitro. We also compared the effects of the snMSCs with unpurified MSC (uMSCs), mononuclear cells (BMMNCs), or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) on myocardial repair after induction of MI in rats. Ninety days later, we observed a better cardiac function assessed by ejection fraction, fraction of shortening and lung wet/dry weight ratios, less remodeling of left ventricle (LV), lower collagen density in the LV, and more vessels in the ischemic wall in the snMSCs transplantation group than in other cell-transplanted groups. Furthermore, the transplanted cells expressing cardiomyocyte specific proteins or vascular endothelial cell marker proteins were more in the snMSCs group than in other ones. We conclude that transplantation with single clonally purified MSCs seems to be more beneficial to the cardiac repair than with other stem cells after MI.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) has been well known to exert therapeutic potential for patients with myocardial infarction (MI). In addition, interleukin‐10 (IL10) could attenuate MI through suppressing inflammation. Thus, the combination of MSC implantation with IL10 delivery may extend health benefits to ameliorate cardiac injury after MI. Here we established overexpression of IL10 in bone marrow‐derived MSC through adenoviral transduction. Cell viability, apoptosis, and IL10 secretion under ischemic challenge in vitro were examined. In addition, MSC was transplanted into the injured hearts in a rat model of MI. Four weeks after the MI induction, MI, cardiac functions, apoptotic cells, and inflammation cytokines were assessed. In response to in vitro oxygen‐glucose deprivation (OGD), IL10 overexpression in MSC (Ad.IL10‐MSC) enhanced cell viability, decreased apoptosis, and increased IL10 secretion. Consistently, the implantation of Ad.IL10‐MSCs into MI animals resulted in more reductions in myocardial infarct size, cardiac impairment, and cell apoptosis, compared to the individual treatments of either MSC or IL10 administration. Moreover, the attenuation of both systemic and local inflammations was most prominent for Ad.IL10‐MSC treatment. IL10 overexpression and MSC may exert a synergistic anti‐inflammatory effect to alleviate cardiac injury after MI.  相似文献   

Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1), a member of the IL-6 family of cytokines, has been shown to be elevated in the serum of patients with ischemic heart disease and valvular heart disease, and induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in vitro. We investigated expression of CT-1 in post-MI rat heart and the effect of CT-1 on cultured primary adult rat cardiac fibroblasts. Elevated CT-1 expression was observed in the infarct zone at 24 h and continued through 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-MI, compared to sham-operated animals. CT-1 induced rapid phosphorylation of Jak1, Jak2, STAT1, STAT3, p42/44 MAPK and Akt in cultured adult cardiac fibroblasts. CT-1 induced cardiac fibroblast protein synthesis and proliferation. Protein and DNA synthesis were dependent on activation of Jak/STAT, MEK1/2, PI3K and Src pathways as evidenced by decreased 3H-leucine and 3H-thymidine incorporation after pretreatment with AG490, PD98059, LY294002 and genistein respectively. Furthermore, CT-1 treatment increased procollagen-1-carboxypropeptide (P1CP) synthesis, a marker of mature collagen synthesis. CT-1 induced cell migration of rat cardiac fibroblasts. Our results suggest that CT-1, as expressed in post-MI heart, may play an important role in infarct scar formation and ongoing remodeling of the scar. CT-1 was able to initiate each of the processes considered important in the formation of infarct scar including cardiac fibroblast migration as well as fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis. Further work is required to determine factors that induce CT-1 expression and interplay with other mediators of cardiac infarct wound healing in the setting of acute cardiac ischemia and chronic post-MI heart failure.  相似文献   

In vivo models of myocardial infarction following coronary artery ligation in the rat still suffer from high early mortality and a low rate of success of myocardial infarction. This study investigated the possibility of reducing early mortality and increasing the rate of myocardial infarction by modifications of surgical techniques. Eighteen rats were divided into two groups: normal control (3 rats) and ligation (15 rats). The major modifications of surgical techniques used in this study include: (1) no exteriorization of the heart, (2) ligation of the origins of the branches rather than the main trunk of the left coronary artery, (3) removal of air from the chest after closure, (4) supplying oxygen immediately after extubation. Following surgery, the rats recovered uneventfully and 11 rats were alive after 16 weeks. One rat, with a large myocardial infarction, died 2 h after surgery. Early mortality (during surgery and 1 week after surgery) was 6.7% with a success rate of myocardial infarction of 85%. The left ventricle in the ligation group showed significant dilation relative to normal and shamoperated control hearts (317% of control hearts, p < 0.001). However, myocardial mass did not increase. The average infarct size was 33%. These results demonstrate that a reduction in early mortality and an increased success rate of myocardial infarction can be achieved by modifications of surgical techniques.  相似文献   

Heart failure is a syndrome in which the heart fails to pump blood at a rate commensurate with cellular oxygen requirements at rest or during stress. It is characterized by fluid retention, shortness of breath, and fatigue, in particular on exertion. Heart failure is a growing public health problem, the leading cause of hospitalization, and a major cause of mortality. Ischemic heart disease is the main cause of heart failure.Ventricular remodelling refers to changes in structure, size, and shape of the left ventricle. This architectural remodelling of the left ventricle is induced by injury (e.g., myocardial infarction), by pressure overload (e.g., systemic arterial hypertension or aortic stenosis), or by volume overload. Since ventricular remodelling affects wall stress, it has a profound impact on cardiac function and on the development of heart failure. A model of permanent ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery in mice is used to investigate ventricular remodelling and cardiac function post-myocardial infarction. This model is fundamentally different in terms of objectives and pathophysiological relevance compared to the model of transient ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. In this latter model of ischemia/reperfusion injury, the initial extent of the infarct may be modulated by factors that affect myocardial salvage following reperfusion. In contrast, the infarct area at 24 hr after permanent ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery is fixed. Cardiac function in this model will be affected by 1) the process of infarct expansion, infarct healing, and scar formation; and 2) the concomitant development of left ventricular dilatation, cardiac hypertrophy, and ventricular remodelling.Besides the model of permanent ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, the technique of invasive hemodynamic measurements in mice is presented in detail.  相似文献   

A model animal showing spontaneous onset is a useful tool for investigating the mechanism of disease. Here, I would like to introduce two aging model animals expected to be useful for neuroscience research: the senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) and the klotho mouse. The SAM was developed as a mouse showing a senescence-related phenotype such as a short lifespan or rapid advancement of senescence. In particular, SAMP8 and SAMP10 show age-related impairment of learning and memory. SAMP8 has spontaneous spongy degeneration in the brain stem and spinal cord with aging, and immunohistochemical studies reveal excess protein expression of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid β in the brain, indicating that SAMP8 is a model for Alzheimer’s disease. SAMP10 also shows age-related impairment of learning and memory, but it does not seem to correspond to Alzheimer’s disease because senile plaques primarily composed of amyloid β or neurofibrillary tangles primarily composed of phosphorylated tau were not observed. However, severe atrophy in the frontal cortex, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, and nucleus accumbens can be seen in this strain in an age-dependent manner, indicating that SAMP10 is a model for normal aging. The klotho mouse shows a phenotype, regulated by only one gene named α-klotho, similar to human progeria. The α-klotho gene is mainly expressed in the kidney and brain, and oxidative stress is involved in the deterioration of cognitive function of the klotho mouse. These animal models are potentially useful for neuroscience research now and in the near future.  相似文献   

Determining which time point is optimal for bone marrow-derived cell (BMC) transplantation for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has attracted a great deal of attention. Studies have verified the interaction between cell treatment effect and transfer timing and have suggested that the optimal time frame for BMC therapy is day 4 to day 7 after AMI. However, the potential mechanism underlying the time-dependent therapeutic response remains unclear. Recently, a growing body of in vitro evidence has suggested that stem cells are able to feel and respond to the stiffness of their microenvironment to commit to a relevant lineage, indicating that soft matrices that mimic brain are neurogenic, stiffer matrices that mimic muscle are myogenic and comparatively rigid matrices that mimic collagenous bone prove osteogenic. Simultaneously, considering the fact that the myocardium post-infarction experiences a time-dependent stiffness change from flexible to rigid as a result of myocardial remodelling following tissue necrosis and massive extracellular matrix deposition, we presume that the myocardial stiffness within a certain time frame (possibly day 4–7) post-AMI might provide a more favourable physical microenvironment for the phenotypic plasticity and functional specification of engrafted BMCs committed to some cell lineages, such as endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells or cardiomyocytes. The beneficial effect facilitates angiogenesis and myocardiogenesis in the infarcted heart, and subsequently leads to more amelioration of cardiac functions. If the present hypothesis were true, it would be of great help to understand the mechanism underlying the optimal timing for BMC transplantation and to establish a direction for the time selection of cell therapy.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury is a devastating clinical condition, characterized by a complex of neurological dysfunctions. Animal models of spinal cord injury can be used both to investigate the biological responses to injury and to test potential therapies. Contusion or compression injury delivered to the surgically exposed spinal cord are the most widely used models of the pathology. In this report the experimental contusion is performed by using the Infinite Horizon (IH) Impactor device, which allows the creation of a reproducible injury animal model through definition of specific injury parameters. Stem cell transplantation is commonly considered a potentially useful strategy for curing this debilitating condition. Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of transplanting a variety of stem cells. Here we demonstrate an adapted method for spinal cord injury followed by tail vein injection of cells in CD1 mice. In short, we provide procedures for: i) cell labeling with a vital tracer, ii) pre-operative care of mice, iii) execution of a contusive spinal cord injury, and iv) intravenous administration of post mortem neural precursors. This contusion model can be utilized to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stem cell transplantation in a regenerative medicine approach.  相似文献   

Near‐infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging by using infrared fluorescent protein (iRFP) gene labelling is a novel technology with potential value for in vivo applications. In this study, we expressed iRFP in mouse cardiac progenitor cells (CPC) by lentiviral vector and demonstrated that the iRFP‐labelled CPC (CPCiRFP) can be detected by flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy. We observed a linear correlation in vitro between cell numbers and infrared signal intensity by using the multiSpectral imaging system. CPCiRFP injected into the non‐ischaemic mouse hindlimb were also readily detected by whole‐animal NIRF imaging. We then compared iRFP against green fluorescent protein (GFP) for tracking survival of engrafted CPC in mouse ischaemic heart tissue. GFP‐labelled CPC (CPCGFP) or CPC labelled with both iRFP and GFP (CPCiRFP GFP) were injected intramyocardially into mouse hearts after infarction. Three days after cell transplantation, a strong NIRF signal was detected in hearts into which CPCiRFP GFP, but not CPCGFP, were transplanted. Furthermore, iRFP fluorescence from engrafted CPCiRFP GFP was detected in tissue sections by confocal microscopy. In conclusion, the iRFP‐labelling system provides a valuable molecular imaging tool to track the fate of transplanted progenitor cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Currently, the metabolic syndrome (MS) is occurring at growing rates worldwide, raising extensive concerns on the mechanisms and therapeutic interventions for this disorder. Herein, we described a novel method of establishing MS model in rodents. Male Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice were fed with high-fat-high-fructose (HFHF) diet or normal chow (NC) respectively for 12 weeks. Metabolic phenotypes were assessed by glucose tolerance test, insulin tolerance test and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Blood pressure was measured by a tail-cuff system. At the end of the experiment, mice were sacrificed, and blood and tissues were harvested for subsequent analysis. Serum insulin levels were measured by ELISA, and lipid profiles were determined biochemically. The HFHF diet-fed ICR mice exhibited obvious characteristics of the components of MS, including obvious obesity, severe insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, dislipidemia, significant hypertension and hyperuricemia. Our data suggest that HFHF diet-fed ICR mice may be a robust and efficient animal model that could well mimic the basic pathogenesis of human MS.  相似文献   

Obesity is a growing problem in the United States of America, with more than a third of the population classified as obese. One factor contributing to this multifactorial disorder is the consumption of a high fat diet, a behavior that has been shown to increase both caloric intake and body fat content. However, the elements regulating preference for high fat food over other foods remain understudied.To overcome this deficit, a model to quickly and easily test changes in the preference for dietary fat was developed. The Fat Preference model presents rats with a series of choices between foods with differing fat content. Like humans, rats have a natural bias toward consuming high fat food, making the rat model ideal for translational studies. Changes in preference can be ascribed to the effect of either genetic differences or pharmacological interventions. This model allows for the exploration of determinates of fat preference and screening pharmacotherapeutic agents that influence acquisition of obesity.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is an essential feature of cancer growth and metastasis formation. In bone metastasis, angiogenic factors are pivotal for tumor cell proliferation in the bone marrow cavity as well as for interaction of tumor and bone cells resulting in local bone destruction. Our aim was to develop a model of experimental bone metastasis that allows in vivo assessment of angiogenesis in skeletal lesions using non-invasive imaging techniques.For this purpose, we injected 105 MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells into the superficial epigastric artery, which precludes the growth of metastases in body areas other than the respective hind leg1. Following 25-30 days after tumor cell inoculation, site-specific bone metastases develop, restricted to the distal femur, proximal tibia and proximal fibula1. Morphological and functional aspects of angiogenesis can be investigated longitudinally in bone metastases using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), volumetric computed tomography (VCT) and ultrasound (US).MRI displays morphologic information on the soft tissue part of bone metastases that is initially confined to the bone marrow cavity and subsequently exceeds cortical bone while progressing. Using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) functional data including regional blood volume, perfusion and vessel permeability can be obtained and quantified2-4. Bone destruction is captured in high resolution using morphological VCT imaging. Complementary to MRI findings, osteolytic lesions can be located adjacent to sites of intramedullary tumor growth. After contrast agent application, VCT angiography reveals the macrovessel architecture in bone metastases in high resolution, and DCE-VCT enables insight in the microcirculation of these lesions5,6. US is applicable to assess morphological and functional features from skeletal lesions due to local osteolysis of cortical bone. Using B-mode and Doppler techniques, structure and perfusion of the soft tissue metastases can be evaluated, respectively. DCE-US allows for real-time imaging of vascularization in bone metastases after injection of microbubbles7.In conclusion, in a model of site-specific breast cancer bone metastases multi-modal imaging techniques including MRI, VCT and US offer complementary information on morphology and functional parameters of angiogenesis in these skeletal lesions.  相似文献   

For time series of count data, correlated measurements, clustering as well as excessive zeros occur simultaneously in biomedical applications. Ignoring such effects might contribute to misleading treatment outcomes. A generalized mixture Poisson geometric process (GMPGP) model and a zero‐altered mixture Poisson geometric process (ZMPGP) model are developed from the geometric process model, which was originally developed for modelling positive continuous data and was extended to handle count data. These models are motivated by evaluating the trend development of new tumour counts for bladder cancer patients as well as by identifying useful covariates which affect the count level. The models are implemented using Bayesian method with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms and are assessed using deviance information criterion (DIC).  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to evaluate the correlation between the b-fibrinogen gene –148C/T and –455G/A polymorphisms and susceptibility to coronary artery disease in the Chinese population using a meta–analytic approach. Eligible studies about this correlation were identified by searching the PubMed, EMBASE, and CNKI databases. Of the 13 identified, 7 (with 1488 cases and 1234 controls) involved the –148C/T polymorphism and 9 (with 1023 cases and 1081 controls) involved the –455G/A polymorphism. No publication bias was detectable and heterogeneity testing found significant differ-ences between the ORs for both groups of studies. The combined OR for the 7 studies on susceptibility to coronary artery disease in –148T allele carriers compared to the –148C/C wild-type homozygotes was 1.31 (95%CI: 0.94-1.84, P=0.11). The combined OR for the 9 studies on susceptibility to coronary artery disease in –455A allele carriers compared to the –455G/G wild-type homozygotes was 1.75 (95%CI: 1.24-2.46, P=0.001). Our results suggest the absence of an association between the b-fibrinogen gene –148C/T polymorphism and susceptibility to coronary artery disease and the possibility that –455G/A polymorphism (in particular, allele A) increases susceptibility to this disease in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

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