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Fluorescence fluctuation imaging is a powerful means to investigate dynamics, interactions, and stoichiometry of proteins inside living cells. Pulsed interleaved excitation (PIE) is the method of nanosecond alternating excitation with time-resolved detection and allows accurate, independent, and quasi-simultaneous determination of fluorescence intensities and lifetimes of different fluorophores. In this work, we combine pulsed interleaved excitation with fluctuation imaging methods (PIE-FI) such as raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS) or number and brightness analysis (N&B). More specifically, we show that quantitative measurements of diffusion and molecular brightness of Venus fluorescent protein (FP) can be performed in solution with PIE-RICS and compare PIE-RICS with single-point PIE-FCS measurements. We discuss the advantages of cross-talk free dual-color PIE-RICS and illustrate its proficiency by quantitatively comparing two commonly used FP pairs for dual-color microscopy, eGFP/mCherry and mVenus/mCherry. For N&B analysis, we implement dead-time correction to the PIE-FI data analysis to allow accurate molecular brightness determination with PIE-NB. We then use PIE-NB to investigate the effect of eGFP tandem oligomerization on the intracellular maturation efficiency of the fluorophore. Finally, we explore the possibilities of using the available fluorescence lifetime information in PIE-FI experiments. We perform lifetime-based weighting of confocal images, allowing us to quantitatively determine molecular concentrations from 100 nM down to <30 pM with PIE-raster lifetime image correlation spectroscopy (RLICS). We use the fluorescence lifetime information to perform a robust dual-color lifetime-based FRET analysis of tandem fluorescent protein dimers. Lastly, we investigate the use of dual-color RLICS to resolve codiffusing FRET species from non-FRET species in cells. The enhanced capabilities and quantitative results provided by PIE-FI make it a powerful method that is broadly applicable to a large number of interesting biophysical studies.  相似文献   

Two-photon laser scanning microscopy (2PLSM) allows fluorescence imaging in thick biological samples where absorption and scattering typically degrade resolution and signal collection of one-photon imaging approaches. The spatial resolution of conventional 2PLSM is limited by diffraction, and the near-infrared wavelengths used for excitation in 2PLSM preclude the accurate imaging of many small subcellular compartments of neurons. Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy is a superresolution imaging modality that overcomes the resolution limit imposed by diffraction and allows fluorescence imaging of nanoscale features. Here, we describe the design and operation of a superresolution two-photon microscope using pulsed excitation and STED lasers. We examine the depth dependence of STED imaging in acute tissue slices and find enhancement of 2P resolution ranging from approximately fivefold at 20 μm to approximately twofold at 90-μm deep. The depth dependence of resolution is found to be consistent with the depth dependence of depletion efficiency, suggesting resolution is limited by STED laser propagation through turbid tissue. Finally, we achieve live imaging of dendritic spines with 60-nm resolution and demonstrate that our technique allows accurate quantification of neuronal morphology up to 30-μm deep in living brain tissue.  相似文献   

Whole-animal fluorescence imaging with recombinant or fluorescently-tagged pathogens or cells enables real-time analysis of disease progression and treatment response in live animals. Tissue absorption limits penetration of fluorescence excitation light, particularly in the visible wavelength range, resulting in reduced sensitivity to deep targets. Here, we demonstrate the use of an optical fiber bundle to deliver light into the mouse lung to excite fluorescent bacteria, circumventing tissue absorption of excitation light in whole-animal imaging. We present the use of this technology to improve detection of recombinant reporter strains of tdTomato-expressing Mycobacterium bovis BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) bacteria in the mouse lung. A microendoscope was integrated into a whole-animal fluorescence imager to enable intravital excitation in the mouse lung with whole-animal detection. Using this technique, the threshold of detection was measured as 103 colony forming units (CFU) during pulmonary infection. In comparison, the threshold of detection for whole-animal fluorescence imaging using standard epi-illumination was greater than 106 CFU.  相似文献   

微波热声成像综合了微波成像和超声成像的优点,具有很好的穿透深度及较高的图像分辨率。热声成像的激发源通常为基于脉冲调制的亚微秒级脉冲微波,激发能量密度约为几mJ/cm2,激发出的热声信号主频通常为2 MHz,成像分辨率约为500μm。随着热声成像向着临床应用方向发展,能否有效的减小辐射剂量并提高成像分辨率,是热声成像系统设计成败的一个关键因素。为了有效改善微波热声成像中热损伤及分辨率,设计开发了超短脉冲微波热声成像系统,实验结果表明该系统提高了热声转化效率约两个数量级,成像分辨率达到105μm,为热声成像的临床应用铺平了道路。  相似文献   

本文从单分子的水平上,详细分析并模拟了不同偏振光下的单个荧光分子的成像,指出荧光成像强度的差别是由分子的纵向位置及跃迁偶极矩的取向共同决定的。给出了确定荧光分子偶极矩取向的方法,并在此基础上给出了重构分子间纵向间隔的公式。  相似文献   

Single-molecule tracking (SMT) offers rich information on the dynamics of underlying biological processes, but multicolor SMT has been challenging due to spectral cross talk and a need for multiple laser excitations. Here, we describe a single-molecule spectral imaging approach for live-cell tracking of multiple fluorescent species at once using a single-laser excitation. Fluorescence signals from all the molecules in the field of view are collected using a single objective and split between positional and spectral channels. Images of the same molecule in the two channels are then combined to determine both the location and the identity of the molecule. The single-objective configuration of our approach allows for flexible sample geometry and the use of a live-cell incubation chamber required for live-cell SMT. Despite a lower photon yield, we achieve excellent spatial (20–40 nm) and spectral (10–15 nm) resolutions comparable to those obtained with dual-objective, spectrally resolved Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy. Furthermore, motions of the fluorescent molecules did not cause loss of spectral resolution owing to the dual-channel spectral calibration. We demonstrate SMT in three (and potentially more) colors using spectrally proximal fluorophores and single-laser excitation, and show that trajectories of each species can be reliably extracted with minimal cross talk.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive and powerful imaging tool for detecting brain activities. The majority of fMRI studies are performed with single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) due to its high temporal resolution. Recent studies have demonstrated that, by increasing the spatial-resolution of fMRI, previously unidentified neuronal networks can be measured. However, it is challenging to improve the spatial resolution of conventional single-shot EPI based fMRI. Although multi-shot interleaved EPI is superior to single-shot EPI in terms of the improved spatial-resolution, reduced geometric distortions, and sharper point spread function (PSF), interleaved EPI based fMRI has two main limitations: 1) the imaging throughput is lower in interleaved EPI; 2) the magnitude and phase signal variations among EPI segments (due to physiological noise, subject motion, and B0 drift) are translated to significant in-plane aliasing artifact across the field of view (FOV). Here we report a method that integrates multiple approaches to address the technical limitations of interleaved EPI-based fMRI. Firstly, the multiplexed sensitivity-encoding (MUSE) post-processing algorithm is used to suppress in-plane aliasing artifacts resulting from time-domain signal instabilities during dynamic scans. Secondly, a simultaneous multi-band interleaved EPI pulse sequence, with a controlled aliasing scheme incorporated, is implemented to increase the imaging throughput. Thirdly, the MUSE algorithm is then generalized to accommodate fMRI data obtained with our multi-band interleaved EPI pulse sequence, suppressing both in-plane and through-plane aliasing artifacts. The blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal detectability and the scan throughput can be significantly improved for interleaved EPI-based fMRI. Our human fMRI data obtained from 3 Tesla systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed methods. It is expected that future fMRI studies requiring high spatial-resolvability and fidelity will largely benefit from the reported techniques.  相似文献   

应用多光子激发激光扫描显微镜对5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)孵育的大鼠粘膜型肥大细胞进行自发荧光成像,首次观察到了活细胞内5-HT相关的可见荧光,并对其产生机理进行了初步探讨.实现了对活细胞内5-HT空间分布的高分辨成像,为研究活组织或细胞内5-HT的空间分布和含量与细胞功能状态的关系提供了新的实验方法.  相似文献   

Terahertz Pulsed Imaging of Skin Cancer in the Time and Frequency Domain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Terahertz Pulsed Imaging(TPI) is a new medical imaging modality forthe detection of epithelial cancers. Overthe last two years this technique has beenapplied to the study of in vitrobasal cell carcinoma (BCC). Usingtime-domain analysis the contrast betweendiseased and normal tissue has been shownto be statistically significant, andregions of increased terahertz (THz)absorption correlated well with thelocation of the tumour sites in histology.Understanding the source of this contrastthrough frequency-domain analysis mayfacilitate the diagnosis of skin cancer andrelated skin conditions using TPI. Wepresent the first frequency-domain analysisof basal cell carcinoma in vitro,with the raw power spectrum giving aninsight into the surface features of theskin. Further data manipulation is requiredto determine whether spectral informationcan be extrapolated at depth. These resultshighlight the complexity of working inreflection geometry.  相似文献   

吸收强度涨落调制成像(AIFM)方法是基于血红细胞和背景组织对低相干光照明的吸收差异,通过在频域分离动态的血红细胞信号和静态的背景信号,实现对近透明活体生物样本全场无标记的光学血管造影成像.但此成像方法需采集较长的原始图像序列,系统漂移或生物抖动会造成图像模糊,难以实现对某些特定区域的血管造影成像.本文提出一种结合AI...  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescent proteins is a powerful tool for visualization of signal transduction in living cells, and recently, some strategies for imaging of dual FRET pairs in a single cell have been reported. However, these necessitate alteration of excitation light between two different wavelengths to avoid the spectral overlap, resulting in sequential detection with a lag time. Thus, to follow fast signal dynamics or signal changes in highly motile cells, a single-excitation dual-FRET method should be required. Here we reported this by using four-color imaging with a single excitation light and subsequent linear unmixing to distinguish fluorescent proteins. We constructed new FRET sensors with Sapphire/RFP to combine with CFP/YFP, and accomplished simultaneous imaging of cAMP and cGMP in single cells. We confirmed that signal amplitude of our dual FRET measurement is comparable to of conventional single FRET measurement. Finally, we demonstrated to monitor both intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP in highly motile cardiac myocytes. To cancel out artifacts caused by the movement of the cell, this method expands the applicability of the combined use of dual FRET sensors for cell samples with high motility.  相似文献   

To make the gold nanorod (AuNR) a better photoluminescence (PL) probe for cell imaging under two-photon excitation (TPE), the effect of the aspect ratio of AuNRs was studied. The AuNRs with the aspect ratios of 2.7, 3.2, 4.1, and 4.5 and correlated longitudinal surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) bands of 710, 760, 820, and 870 nm were compared. The approach of two-photon excited PL was used to measure the two-photon absorption cross section (TPACS) of these AuNRs in aqueous solutions. Under TPE of an 800-nm femtosecond laser, the TPACS of AuNRs with an aspect ratio of 3.2 was found to be the highest (about 3?×?109 GM), and that of AuNRs (aspect ratio of 2.7) was only 1.5?×?109 GM. The probe function of these two AuNRs was further compared in cell imaging studies using the human liver cancer cell (QGY) as the cell model. Both TPE PL image and confocal reflectance image of AuNR-loaded cells were acquired comparatively in measurements. The brightness and contrast of confocal reflectance images for these two AuNRs in cells are similar. In contrast, the PL images of cellular AuNRs (2.7) under TPE of 800 nm are weak but that of cellular AuNRs (3.2) is much better. These results show that when the LSPR band of AuNRs is coincided with the excitation wavelength, the TPACS of these AuNRs will be enhanced ensuring a good quality of cell imaging under TPE. The LSPR band is correlated to the aspect ratio of AuNRs. Therefore, in cell imaging studies with TPE, the aspect ratio effect of AuNRs should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Analysis of accumulation of repair and checkpoint proteins at repair sites in yeast nuclei has conventionally used chemical agents, ionizing radiation or induction of endonucleases to inflict localized damage. In addition to these methods, similar studies in mammalian cells have used laser irradiation, which has the advantage that damage is inflicted at a specific nuclear region and at a precise time, and this allows accurate kinetic analysis of protein accumulation at DNA damage sites. We show here that it is feasible to use short pulses of near-infrared laser irradiation to inflict DNA damage in subnuclear regions of yeast nuclei by multiphoton absorption. In conjunction with use of fluorescently-tagged proteins, this allows quantitative analysis of protein accumulation at damage sites within seconds of damage induction. PCNA accumulated at damage sites rapidly, such that maximum accumulation was seen approximately 50 s after damage, then levels declined linearly over 200–1000 s after irradiation. RPA accumulated with slower kinetics such that hardly any accumulation was detected within 60 s of irradiation, and levels subsequently increased linearly over the next 900 s, after which levels were approximately constant (up to ca. 2700 s) at the damage site. This approach complements existing methodologies to allow analysis of key damage sensors and chromatin modification changes occurring within seconds of damage inception.  相似文献   

Zeng  Youjun  Zhou  Jie  Xiao  Xiaoping  Wang  Lei  Qu  Junle  Li  Xuejin  Gao  Bruce Zhi  Shao  Yonghong 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2019,14(6):1497-1504

A speckle-free fast angular interrogation surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) sensor based on a diode-pumped all-solid-state laser and galvanometer is reported in this work. A bidirectional scan using a galvanometer realizes the fast scanning of the incidence angle. The experimental results showed that the time needed for completing an SPR dip measurement was decreased to 0.5 s. And through cascading an immovable diffuser and two diffusers rotating in opposite directions, laser speckle was eliminated. The dynamic detection range and the sensitivity reached 4.6 × 10−2 and 1.52 × 10−6 refractive index unit (RIU), respectively, in a 2D array sensor when the angle scanning range was set as 7.5°. More importantly, the results demonstrated that the angular interrogation SPR imaging sensor scheme had the capability to perform fast and high-throughput detection of biomolecular interactions at 2D sensor arrays.




To enable high spatial and temporal breast imaging resolution via combined use of high field MRI, array coils, and forced current excitation (FCE) multi channel transmit.

Materials and Methods

A unilateral 16-channel receive array insert was designed for use in a transmit volume coil optimized for quadrature operation with dual-transmit RF shimming at 7T. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) maps, g-factor maps, and high spatial and temporal resolution in vivo images were acquired to demonstrate the utility of the coil architecture.


The dual-transmit FCE coil provided homogeneous excitation and the array provided an increase in average SNR of 3.3 times (max 10.8, min 1.5) compared to the volume coil in transmit/receive mode. High resolution accelerated in vivo breast imaging demonstrated the ability to achieve isotropic spatial resolution of 0.5 mm within clinically relevant 90 s scan times, as well as the ability to perform 1.0 mm isotropic resolution imaging, 7 s per dynamics, with the use of bidirectional SENSE acceleration of up to R = 9.


The FCE design of the transmit coil easily accommodates the addition of a sixteen channel array coil. The improved spatial and temporal resolution provided by the high-field array coil with FCE dual-channel transmit will ultimately be beneficial in lesion detection and characterization.  相似文献   

We present a novel imaging system combining total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy with measurement of steady-state acceptor fluorescence anisotropy in order to perform live cell Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) imaging at the plasma membrane. We compare directly the imaging performance of fluorescence anisotropy resolved TIRF with epifluorescence illumination. The use of high numerical aperture objective for TIRF required correction for induced depolarization factors. This arrangement enabled visualisation of conformational changes of a Raichu-Cdc42 FRET biosensor by measurement of intramolecular FRET between eGFP and mRFP1. Higher activity of the probe was found at the cell plasma membrane compared to intracellularly. Imaging fluorescence anisotropy in TIRF allowed clear differentiation of the Raichu-Cdc42 biosensor from negative control mutants. Finally, inhibition of Cdc42 was imaged dynamically in live cells, where we show temporal changes of the activity of the Raichu-Cdc42 biosensor.  相似文献   

Cerenkov luminescence imaging (CLI) has been successfully utilized in various fields of preclinical studies; however, CLI is challenging due to its weak luminescent intensity and insufficient penetration capability. Here, we report the design and synthesis of a type of rare-earth microparticles (REMPs), which can be dually excited by Cerenkov luminescence (CL) resulting from the decay of radionuclides to enhance CLI in terms of intensity and penetration. Methods: Yb3+- and Er3+- codoped hexagonal NaYF4 hollow microtubes were synthesized via a hydrothermal route. The phase, morphology, and emission spectrum were confirmed for these REMPs by power X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and spectrophotometry, respectively. A commercial CCD camera equipped with a series of optical filters was employed to quantify the intensity and spectrum of CLI from radionuclides. The enhancement of penetration was investigated by imaging studies of nylon phantoms and nude mouse pseudotumor models. Results: the REMPs could be dually excited by CL at the wavelengths of 520 and 980 nm, and the emission peaks overlaid at 660 nm. This strategy approximately doubled the overall detectable intensity of CLI and extended its maximum penetration in nylon phantoms from 5 to 15 mm. The penetration study in living animals yielded similar results. Conclusions: this study demonstrated that CL can dually excite REMPs and that the overlaid emissions in the range of 660 nm could significantly enhance the penetration and intensity of CL. The proposed enhanced CLI strategy may have promising applications in the future.  相似文献   

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