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In vitro engineering of mechanically active tissues requires the presentation of physiologically relevant mechanical conditions to cultured cells. To emulate the dynamic environment of vocal folds, a novel vocal fold bioreactor capable of producing vibratory stimulations at fundamental phonation frequencies is constructed and characterized. The device is composed of a function generator, a power amplifier, a speaker selector and parallel vibration chambers. Individual vibration chambers are created by sandwiching a custom-made silicone membrane between a pair of acrylic blocks. The silicone membrane not only serves as the bottom of the chamber but also provides a mechanism for securing the cell-laden scaffold. Vibration signals, generated by a speaker mounted underneath the bottom acrylic block, are transmitted to the membrane aerodynamically by the oscillating air. Eight identical vibration modules, fixed on two stationary metal bars, are housed in an anti-humidity chamber for long-term operation in a cell culture incubator. The vibration characteristics of the vocal fold bioreactor are analyzed non-destructively using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). The utility of the dynamic culture device is demonstrated by culturing cellular constructs in the presence of 200-Hz sinusoidal vibrations with a mid-membrane displacement of 40 µm. Mesenchymal stem cells cultured in the bioreactor respond to the vibratory signals by altering the synthesis and degradation of vocal fold-relevant, extracellular matrix components. The novel bioreactor system presented herein offers an excellent in vitro platform for studying vibration-induced mechanotransduction and for the engineering of functional vocal fold tissues.  相似文献   

The shortage of donor lungs for transplantation causes a significant number of patient deaths. The availability of laboratory engineered, functional organs would be a major advance in meeting the demand for organs for transplantation. The accumulation of information on biological scaffolds and an increased understanding of stem/progenitor cell behavior has led to the idea of generating transplantable organs by decellularizing an organ and recellularizing using appropriate cells. Recellularized solid organs can perform organ-specific functions for short periods of time, which indicates the potential for the clinical use of engineered solid organs in the future. The present review provides an overview of progress and recent knowledge about decellularization and recellularization-based approaches for generating tissue engineered lungs. Methods to improve decellularization, maturation of recellularized lung, candidate species for transplantation and future prospects of lung bioengineering are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a proliferation of methods leading to successful organ decellularization. In this experiment we examine the feasibility of a decellularized liver construct to support growth of functional multilineage cells. Bio-chamber systems were used to perfuse adult rat livers with 0.1% SDS for 24 hours yielding decellularized liver scaffolds. Initially, we recellularized liver scaffolds using a human tumor cell line (HepG2, introduced via the bile duct). Subsequent studies were performed using either human tumor cells co-cultured with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs, introduced via the portal vein) or rat neonatal cell slurry (introduced via the bile duct). Bio-chambers were used to circulate oxygenated growth medium via the portal vein at 37C for 5-7 days. Human HepG2 cells grew readily on the scaffold (n = 20). HepG2 cells co-cultured with HUVECs demonstrated viable human endothelial lining with concurrent hepatocyte growth (n = 10). In the series of neonatal cell slurry infusion (n = 10), distinct foci of neonatal hepatocytes were observed to repopulate the parenchyma of the scaffold. The presence of cholangiocytes was verified by CK-7 positivity. Quantitative albumin measurement from the grafts showed increasing albumin levels after seven days of perfusion. Graft albumin production was higher than that observed in traditional cell culture. This data shows that rat liver scaffolds support human cell ingrowth. The scaffold likewise supported the engraftment and survival of neonatal rat liver cell slurry. Recellularization of liver scaffolds thus presents a promising model for functional liver engineering.  相似文献   

Recent advances in mammalian, insect, and stem cell cultivation and scale-up have created tremendous opportunities for new therapeutics and personalized medicine innovations. However, translating these advances into therapeutic applications will require in vitro systems that allow for robust, flexible, and cost effective bioreactor systems. There are several bioreactor systems currently utilized in research and commercial settings; however, many of these systems are not optimal for establishing, expanding, and monitoring the growth of different cell types. The culture parameters most challenging to control in these systems include, minimizing hydrodynamic shear, preventing nutrient gradient formation, establishing uniform culture medium aeration, preventing microbial contamination, and monitoring and adjusting culture conditions in real-time. Using a pneumatic single-use bioreactor system, we demonstrate the assembly and operation of this novel bioreactor for mammalian cells grown on micro-carriers. This bioreactor system eliminates many of the challenges associated with currently available systems by minimizing hydrodynamic shear and nutrient gradient formation, and allowing for uniform culture medium aeration. Moreover, the bioreactor’s software allows for remote real-time monitoring and adjusting of the bioreactor run parameters. This bioreactor system also has tremendous potential for scale-up of adherent and suspension mammalian cells for production of a variety therapeutic proteins, monoclonal antibodies, stem cells, biosimilars, and vaccines.  相似文献   

Successful tissue engineering involves the combination of scaffolds with appropriate cells in vitro or in vivo. Scaffolds may be synthetic, naturally-derived or derived from tissues/organs. The latter are obtained using a technique called decellularization. Decellularization may involve a combination of physical, chemical, and enzymatic methods. The goal of this technique is to remove all cellular traces whilst maintaining the macro- and micro-architecture of the original tissue.Intestinal tissue engineering has thus far used relatively simple scaffolds that do not replicate the complex architecture of the native organ. The focus of this paper is to describe an efficient decellularization technique for rat small intestine. The isolation of the small intestine so as to ensure the maintenance of a vascular connection is described. The combination of chemical and enzymatic solutions to remove the cells whilst preserving the villus-crypt axis in the luminal aspect of the scaffold is also set out. Finally, assessment of produced scaffolds for appropriate characteristics is discussed.  相似文献   

This protocol details the generation of acellular, yet biofunctional, renal extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds that are useful as small-scale model substrates for organ-scale tissue development. Sprague Dawley rat kidneys are cannulated by inserting a catheter into the renal artery and perfused with a series of low-concentration detergents (Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)) over 26 hr to derive intact, whole-kidney scaffolds with intact perfusable vasculature, glomeruli, and renal tubules. Following decellularization, the renal scaffold is placed inside a custom-designed perfusion bioreactor vessel, and the catheterized renal artery is connected to a perfusion circuit consisting of: a peristaltic pump; tubing; and optional probes for pH, dissolved oxygen, and pressure. After sterilizing the scaffold with peracetic acid and ethanol, and balancing the pH (7.4), the kidney scaffold is prepared for seeding via perfusion of culture medium within a large-capacity incubator maintained at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Forty million renal cortical tubular epithelial (RCTE) cells are injected through the renal artery, and rapidly perfused through the scaffold under high flow (25 ml/min) and pressure (~230 mmHg) for 15 min before reducing the flow to a physiological rate (4 ml/min). RCTE cells primarily populate the tubular ECM niche within the renal cortex, proliferate, and form tubular epithelial structures over seven days of perfusion culture. A 44 µM resazurin solution in culture medium is perfused through the kidney for 1 hr during medium exchanges to provide a fluorometric, redox-based metabolic assessment of cell viability and proliferation during tubulogenesis. The kidney perfusion bioreactor permits non-invasive sampling of medium for biochemical assessment, and multiple inlet ports allow alternative retrograde seeding through the renal vein or ureter. These protocols can be used to recellularize kidney scaffolds with a variety of cell types, including vascular endothelial, tubular epithelial, and stromal fibroblasts, for rapid evaluation within this system.  相似文献   

In this protocol the fabrication, experimental setup and basic operation of the recently introduced microfluidic picoliter bioreactor (PLBR) is described in detail. The PLBR can be utilized for the analysis of single bacteria and microcolonies to investigate biotechnological and microbiological related questions concerning, e.g. cell growth, morphology, stress response, and metabolite or protein production on single-cell level. The device features continuous media flow enabling constant environmental conditions for perturbation studies, but in addition allows fast medium changes as well as oscillating conditions to mimic any desired environmental situation. To fabricate the single use devices, a silicon wafer containing sub micrometer sized SU-8 structures served as the replication mold for rapid polydimethylsiloxane casting. Chips were cut, assembled, connected, and set up onto a high resolution and fully automated microscope suited for time-lapse imaging, a powerful tool for spatio-temporal cell analysis. Here, the biotechnological platform organism Corynebacterium glutamicum was seeded into the PLBR and cell growth and intracellular fluorescence were followed over several hours unraveling time dependent population heterogeneity on single-cell level, not possible with conventional analysis methods such as flow cytometry. Besides insights into device fabrication, furthermore, the preparation of the preculture, loading, trapping of bacteria, and the PLBR cultivation of single cells and colonies is demonstrated. These devices will add a new dimension in microbiological research to analyze time dependent phenomena of single bacteria under tight environmental control. Due to the simple and relatively short fabrication process the technology can be easily adapted at any microfluidics lab and simply tailored towards specific needs.  相似文献   

The effect of the number of stages and cell carrier loading on the steady-state and startup performance of a continuous pulsed plate bioreactor with glass beads as the cell carrier material for biodegradation of phenol in wastewater using immobilized Nocardia hydrocarbonoxydans has been studied. It was found that the performance of the pulsed plate bioreactor during startup and at steady state can be improved by an increase in cell carrier loading, number of stages, total plate stack height, and with a decrease in plate spacing. The startup time for the continuous bioreactor can be decreased by increasing the number of preacclimatization steps for the cells. The attainment of steady effluent phenol concentration can be considered as an indication of steady state of the continuous bioreactor, as when phenol concentration attained a steady value, biofilm thickness, and the attached biomass dry weight also attained a constant value.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are emerging as an attractive alternative source for cell replacement therapy since they can be expanded in culture indefinitely and differentiated to any cell types in the body. Various types of biomaterials have also been used in stem cell cultures to provide a microenvironment mimicking the stem cell niche1-3. The latter is important for promoting cell-to-cell interaction, cell proliferation, and differentiation into specific lineages as well as tissue organization by providing a three-dimensional (3D) environment4 such as encapsulation. The principle of cell encapsulation involves entrapment of living cells within the confines of semi-permeable membranes in 3D cultures2. These membranes allow for the exchange of nutrients, oxygen and stimuli across the membranes, whereas antibodies and immune cells from the host that are larger than the capsule pore size are excluded5. Here, we present an approach to culture and differentiate hESC DA neurons in a 3D microenvironment using alginate microcapsules. We have modified the culture conditions2 to enhance the viability of encapsulated hESC. We have previously shown that the addition of p160-Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, Y-27632 and human fetal fibroblast-conditioned serum replacement medium (hFF-CM) to the 3D platform significantly enhanced the viability of encapsulated hESC in which the cells expressed definitive endoderm marker genes1. We have now used this 3D platform for the propagation of hESC and efficient differentiation to DA neurons. Protein and gene expression analyses after the final stage of DA neuronal differentiation showed an increased expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for DA neurons, >100 folds after 2 weeks. We hypothesized that our 3D platform using alginate microcapsules may be useful to study the proliferation and directed differentiation of hESC to various lineages. This 3D system also allows the separation of feeder cells from hESC during the process of differentiation and also has potential for immune-isolation during transplantation in the future.  相似文献   

Small animal models such as mice have been extensively used to study human disease and to develop new therapeutic interventions. Despite the wealth of information gained from these studies, the unique characteristics of mouse immunity as well as the species specificity of viral diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection led to the development of humanized mouse models. The earlier models involved the use of C. B 17 scid/scid mice and the transplantation of human fetal thymus and fetal liver termed thy/liv (SCID-hu) 1, 2 or the adoptive transfer of human peripheral blood leukocytes (SCID-huPBL) 3. Both models were mainly utilized for the study of HIV infection.One of the main limitations of both of these models was the lack of stable reconstitution of human immune cells in the periphery to make them a more physiologically relevant model to study HIV disease. To this end, the BLT humanized mouse model was developed. BLT stands for bone marrow/liver/thymus. In this model, 6 to 8 week old NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) immunocompromised mice receive the thy/liv implant as in the SCID-hu mouse model only to be followed by a second human hematopoietic stem cell transplant 4. The advantage of this system is the full reconstitution of the human immune system in the periphery. This model has been used to study HIV infection and latency 5-8.We have generated a modified version of this model in which we use genetically modified human hematopoietic stem cells (hHSC) to construct the thy/liv implant followed by injection of transduced autologous hHSC 7, 9. This approach results in the generation of genetically modified lineages. More importantly, we adapted this system to examine the potential of generating functional cytotoxic T cells (CTL) expressing a melanoma specific T cell receptor. Using this model we were able to assess the functionality of our transgenic CTL utilizing live positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to determine tumor regression (9).The goal of this protocol is to describe the process of generating these transgenic mice and assessing in vivo efficacy using live PET imaging. As a note, since we use human tissues and lentiviral vectors, our facilities conform to CDC NIH guidelines for Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) with special precautions (BSL2+). In addition, the NSG mice are severely immunocompromised thus, their housing and maintenance must conform to the highest health standards (http://jaxmice.jax.org/research/immunology/005557-housing.html).  相似文献   

A computer controlled dynamic bioreactor for continuous ultra-slow uniaxial distraction of a scaffold-free three-dimensional (3D) mesenchymal stem cell pellet culture was designed to investigate the influence of stepless tensile strain on behavior of distinct primary cells like osteoblasts, chondroblasts, or stem cells without the influence of an artificial culture matrix. The main advantages of this device include the following capabilities: (1) Application of uniaxial ultra-slow stepless distraction within a range of 0.5-250 μm/h and real-time control of the distraction distance with high accuracy (mean error -3.4%); (2) tension strain can be applied on a 3D cell culture within a standard CO(2) -incubator without use of an artificial culture matrix; (3) possibility of histological investigation without loss of distraction; (4) feasibility of molecular analysis on RNA and protein level. This is the first report on a distraction device capable of applying continuous tensile strain to a scaffold-free 3D cell culture within physiological ranges of motion comparable to distraction ostegenesis in vivo. We expect the newly designed microdistraction device to increase our understanding on the regulatory mechanisms of mechanical strains on the metabolism of stem cells.  相似文献   

Developing wisdom teeth are easy-accessible source of stem cells during the adulthood which could be obtained by routine orthodontic treatments. Human pulp-derived stem cells (hDPSCs) possess high proliferation potential with multi-lineage differentiation capacity compare to the ordinary source of adult stem cells1-8; therefore, hDPSCs could be the good candidates for autologous transplantation in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Along with these benefits, possessing the mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) features, such as immunolodulatory effect, make hDPSCs more valuable, even in the case of allograft transplantation6,9,10. Therefore, the primary step for using this source of stem cells is to select the best protocol for isolating hDPSCs from pulp tissue. In order to achieve this goal, it is crucial to investigate the effect of various isolation conditions on different cellular behaviors, such as their common surface markers & also their differentiation capacity.Thus, here we separate human pulp tissue from impacted third molar teeth, and then used both existing protocols based on literature, for isolating hDPSCs,11-13i.e. enzymatic dissociation of pulp tissue (DPSC-ED) or outgrowth from tissue explants (DPSC-OG). In this regards, we tried to facilitate the isolation methods by using dental diamond disk. Then, these cells characterized in terms of stromal-associated Markers (CD73, CD90, CD105 & CD44), hematopoietic/endothelial Markers (CD34, CD45 & CD11b), perivascular marker, like CD146 and also STRO-1. Afterwards, these two protocols were compared based on the differentiation potency into odontoblasts by both quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) & Alizarin Red Staining. QPCR were used for the assessment of the expression of the mineralization-related genes (alkaline phosphatase; ALP, matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein; MEPE & dentin sialophosphoprotein; DSPP).14  相似文献   

A recent paper demonstrated that decellularized extracellular matrix (DECM) deposited by synovium-derived stem cells (SDSCs), especially from fetal donors, could rejuvenate human adult SDSCs in both proliferation and chondrogenic potential, in which expanded cells and corresponding culture substrate (such as DECM) were found to share a mutual reaction in both elasticity and protein profiles (see ref. 1 Li J, Hansen K, Zhang Y, Dong C, Dinu C, Dzieciatkowska M, Pei M. Rejuvenation of chondrogenic potential in a young stem cell microenvironment. Biomaterials 2014; 35:642-53; PMID: 24148243; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.09.099[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). It seems that young DECM may assist in the development of culture strategies that optimize proliferation and maintain “stemness” of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), helping to overcome one of the primary difficulties in MSC-based regenerative therapies. In this paper, the effects of age on the proliferative capacity and differentiation potential of MSCs are reviewed, along with the ability of DECM from young cells to rejuvenate old cells. In an effort to highlight some of the potential molecular mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon, we discuss age-related changes to extracellular matrix (ECM)'s physical properties and chemical composition.  相似文献   

Shear stress is an important biomechanical parameter in regulating human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) construct development. In this study, the biomechanical characteristics of hMSCs within highly porous 3-D poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) matrices in a perfusion bioreactor system were analyzed for two flow rates of 0.1 and 1.5 mL/min, respectively over a 20-day culture period. A 1.4 times higher proliferation rate, higher CFU-F formation, and more fibronectin and HSP-47 secretion at day 20 were observed at the flow rate of 0.1 mL/min compared to those at the flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The higher flow rate of 1.5 mL/min upregulated osteogenic differentiation potential at day 20 as measured by the expression of alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposition in the matrix after 14 days osteogenic induction, consistent with those reported in literatures. Mathematical modeling indicated that shear stress existed in the range of 1 x 10(-5) to 1 x 10(-4) Pa in the constructs up to a depth of 70 microm due to flow penetration in the porous constructs. Analysis of oxygen transport in the constructs for the two flow rates yielded oxygen levels significantly higher than those at which cell growth and metabolism are affected (Jiang et al., 1996). This indicates that differences in convective transport have no significant influence on cell growth and metabolism for the range of flow rates studied. These results demonstrate that shear stress is an important microenvironment parameter that regulates hMSC construct development at a range significantly lower than those reported previously in the perfusion system.  相似文献   

We identified cancer stem cell (CSC)-enriched populations from murine melanoma D5 syngeneic to C57BL/6 mice and the squamous cancer SCC7 syngeneic to C3H mice using ALDEFLUOR/ALDH as a marker, and tested their immunogenicity using the cell lysate as a source of antigens to pulse dendritic cells (DCs). DCs pulsed with ALDHhigh CSC lysates induced significantly higher protective antitumor immunity than DCs pulsed with the lysates of unsorted whole tumor cell lysates in both models and in a lung metastasis setting and a s.c. tumor growth setting, respectively. This phenomenon was due to CSC vaccine-induced humoral as well as cellular anti-CSC responses. In particular, splenocytes isolated from the host subjected to CSC-DC vaccine produced significantly higher amount of IFNγ and GM-CSF than splenocytes isolated from the host subjected to unsorted tumor cell lysate pulsed-DC vaccine. These results support the efforts to develop an autologous CSC-based therapeutic vaccine for clinical use in an adjuvant setting.  相似文献   

Research into biomaterials and tissue engineering often includes cell-based in vitro investigations, which require initial knowledge of the starting cell number. While researchers commonly reference their seeding density this does not necessarily indicate the actual number of cells that have adhered to the material in question. This is particularly the case for materials, or scaffolds, that do not cover the base of standard cell culture well plates. This study investigates the initial attachment of human mesenchymal stem cells seeded at a known number onto electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) yarn after 4 hr in culture. Electrospun yarns were held within several different set-ups, including bioreactor vessels rotating at 9 rpm, cell culture inserts positioned in low binding well plates and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) troughs placed within petri dishes. The latter two were subjected to either static conditions or positioned on a shaker plate (30 rpm). After 4 hr incubation at 37 oC, 5% CO2, the location of seeded cells was determined by cell DNA assay. Scaffolds were removed from their containers and placed in lysis buffer. The media fraction was similarly removed and centrifuged – the supernatant discarded and pellet broken up with lysis buffer. Lysis buffer was added to each receptacle, or well, and scraped to free any cells that may be present. The cell DNA assay determined the percentage of cells present within the scaffold, media and well fractions. Cell attachment was low for all experimental set-ups, with greatest attachment (30%) for yarns held within cell culture inserts and subjected to shaking motion. This study raises awareness to the actual number of cells attaching to scaffolds irrespective of the stated cell seeding density.  相似文献   

Poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) microcarriers (0.8 ± 0.2 μm) have been fabricated with a load of 20 μg/gPLGA by an emulsion-based-proprietary technology to sustained deliver human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (hBMP2), a growth factor largely used for osteogenic induction. hBMP2 release profile, measured in vitro, showed a moderate “burst” release of 20% of the load in first 3 days, followed by a sustained release of 3% of the load along the following 21 days. PLGA microbeads loaded with fluorescent marker (8 mg/gPLGA) and hydroxyapatite (30 mg/gPLGA) were also fabricated and successfully dispersed within three-dimensional (3D) alginate scaffold (Ca-alginate 2% wt/wt) in a range between 50 and 200 mg/cm3; the presence of microcarriers within the scaffold induced a variation of its stiffness between 0.03 and 0.06 MPa; whereas the scaffold surface area was monitored always in the range of 190–200 m2/g. Uniform microcarriers dispersion was obtained up to 200 mg/cm3; higher loading values in the 3D scaffold produced large aggregates. The release data and the surface area were, then, used to simulate by finite element modeling the hBMP2 mass transfer within the 3D hydrogel bioengineered with stem cells, in dynamic and static cultivations. The simulation was developed with COMSOL Multiphysics® giving a good representation of hBMP2 mass balances along microbeads (bulk eroded) and on cell surface (cell binding). hBMP2 degradation rate was also taken into account in the simulations. hBMP2 concentration of 20 ng/cm3 was set as a target because it has been described as the minimum effective value for stem cells stimulation versus the osteogenic phenotype. The sensitivity analysis suggested the best microbeads/cells ratio in the 3D microenvironment, along 21 days of cultivations in both static and dynamic cultivation (perfusion) conditions. The simulated formulation was so assembled experimentally using human mesenchymal stem cells and an improved scaffold stiffness up to 0.09 MPa (n = 3; p ≤ 0.01) was monitored after 21 days of cultivation; moreover a uniform extracellular matrix deposition within the 3D system was detected by Von Kossa staining, especially in dynamic conditions. The results indicated that the described tool can be useful for the design of 3D bioengineered microarchitecture by quantitative understanding.  相似文献   

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