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Xiao F  Goodwin SM  Xiao Y  Sun Z  Baker D  Tang X  Jenks MA  Zhou JM 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(14):2903-2913
Pseudomonas syringae relies on type III secretion system to deliver effector proteins into the host cell for parasitism. Type III genes are induced in planta, but host factors affecting the induction are poorly understood. Here we report on the identification of an Arabidopsis mutant, att1 (for aberrant induction of type three genes), that greatly enhances the expression of bacterial type III genes avrPto and hrpL. att1 plants display enhanced disease severity to a virulent strain of P. syringae, suggesting a role of ATT1 in disease resistance. ATT1 encodes CYP86A2, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase catalyzing fatty acid oxidation. The cutin content is reduced to 30% in att1, indicating that CYP86A2 plays a major role in the biosynthesis of extracellular lipids. att1 has a loose cuticle membrane ultrastructure and shows increased permeability to water vapor, demonstrating the importance of the cuticle membrane in controlling water loss. The enhanced avrPto-luc expression is specific to att1, but not another cuticle mutant, wax2. The results suggest that certain cutin-related fatty acids synthesized by CYP86A2 may repress bacterial type III gene expression in the intercellular spaces.  相似文献   

The floral transition is a key decision during plant development. While different species have evolved diverse pathways to respond to different environmental cues to flower in the correct season, key properties such as irreversibility and robustness to fluctuating signals appear to be conserved. We have used mathematical modeling to demonstrate how minimal regulatory networks of core components are sufficient to capture these behaviors. Simplified models inevitably miss finer details of the biological system, yet they provide a tractable route to understanding the overall system behavior. We combined models with experimental data to qualitatively reproduce characteristics of the floral transition and to quantitatively scale the network to fit with available leaf numbers. Our study highlights the value of pursuing an iterative approach combining modeling with experimental work to capture key features of complex systems.  相似文献   

Pouteau S  Albertini C 《Annals of botany》2011,107(6):1017-1027

Background and Aims

Reproductive phase change in Arabidopsis thaliana is characterized by two transitions in phytomer identity, the differentiation of the first elongate internode (bolting transition) and of the first flower (floral transition). An evaluation of the dynamics of these transitions was sought by examining the precision of the corresponding phytomer identity changes.


The length of the first elongate internode and the frequency of chimeric inflorescence structures, e.g. paraclades not subtended by a leaf (no-leaf/paraclades) and flowers subtended by a bract (bract/flowers), were measured in the Wassilewskija (Ws) accession and 47 early flowering mutants under a wide range of photoperiods. The impact of photoperiodic perturbations applied to Ws plants at different times of development was also evaluated.

Key Results

In Ws, both types of characters were remarkably constant across photoperiods in spite of a high degree of interindividual variability. Bract/flowers were not normally produced in Ws, but they were observed in conditions that suggest enhanced light signalling, e.g. in response to continuous light perturbations and in mutants with reduced hypocotyl elongation. In contrast, no-leaf/paraclades were normally present in approx. 20 % of Ws plants, and their frequency was increased in conditions that suggest reduced light signalling, e.g. in mutants with altered specification of long-day responses. The length of the first elongate internode was unrelated to the rate of stem elongation and to the regulation of reproductive phase change.


Bract/flowers and no-leaf/paraclades corresponded to opposite effects on the floral transition that reflected different dynamics of progression to flowering. In contrast, the length of the first elongate internode was only indirectly related to the regulation of reproductive phase change and was mainly dependent on global morphogenetic constraints. This paper proposes that morphogenetic variability could be used to identify critical phases of development and characterize the canalization of developmental patterns.  相似文献   

The initiation of meiotic recombination by the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) catalysed by the Spo11 protein is strongly evolutionary conserved. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Spo11 requires nine other proteins for meiotic DSB formation, but, unlike Spo11, few of these proteins seem to be conserved across kingdoms. In order to investigate this recombination step in higher eukaryotes, we have isolated a new gene, AtPRD1, whose mutation affects meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. In Atprd1 mutants, meiotic recombination rates fall dramatically, early recombination markers (e.g., DMC1 foci) are absent, but meiosis progresses until achiasmatic univalents are formed. Besides, Atprd1 mutants suppress DSB repair defects of a large range of meiotic mutants, showing that AtPRD1 is involved in meiotic recombination and is required for meiotic DSB formation. Furthermore, we showed that AtPRD1 and AtSPO11-1 interact in a yeast two-hybrid assay, suggesting that AtPRD1 could be a partner of AtSPO11-1. Moreover, our study reveals similarity between AtPRD1 and the mammalian protein Mei1, suggesting that AtPRD1 could be a Mei1 functional homologue.  相似文献   

The RAPTOR/KOG1 proteins are binding partners of the target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase that is present in all eucaryotes and plays a central role in the stimulation of cell growth and metabolism in response to nutrients. We show in this report that two genes are coding for RAPTOR/KOG1 homologs in the Arabidopsis and rice genomes. Disruption of the Arabidopsis AtRaptor1 gene leads to a very early arrest of embryo development whereas disruption of the AtRaptor2 gene, which is expressed at a lower level than AtRaptor1, has no visible effects on embryo and plant development. We also observed that mutations in the AtRaptor1 gene result in an earlier halt of embryo development than disruption of the AtTor gene.  相似文献   

Phytochrome system perceives the reduction in the ratio of red to far-red light when plants are grown under dense canopy. This signal, regarded as a warning of competition, will trigger a series of phenotypic changes to avoid shade. Progress has been made for several phytochrome signaling intermediates acting as positive regulators of accelerated elongation growth and promotion of flowering in shade-avoidance has been identified. Recently, a FPF1 homolog GhFPF1 was identified in upland cotton. Our data supported that transgenic Arabidopsis of over-expressing GhFPF1 displayed a constitutive shade-avoiding phenotype resembling phyB mutants in several respects such as accelerated elongation of hypocotyl and petioles, upward of leaf movement, and promoted flowering. In this addendum, by dissection of GhFPF1 acting as a component of shade-avoidance responses we suppose that GhFPF1 might influence the timing of the floral transition independently of shade-mediated early flowering. Furthermore, the opposite changes of IAA content in transgenic leaves and stems suggested that alteration of IAA storage and release took place during shade-avoidance responses.  相似文献   

The exocyst complex is a multi-subunits evolutionary conserved complex, which was originally shown to be primarily associated with vesicular transport to the plasma membrane. A recent report (Kulich et al., 2013 Traffic; In Press) revealed that AtEXO70B1, one of the multiple subunits of the exocyst complex of Arabidopsis thaliana plants, is co-transported with the autophagy-associated Atg8f protein to the vacuole. This pathway does not involve the Golgi apparatus. The co-localization of AtEXO70B1 and Atg8f suggests either that both of these proteins are co-transported together to the vacuole or, alternatively, that Atg8 binds to a putative Atg8 interacting motif (AIM) located within the AtEXO70B1 polypeptide, apparently forming a tethering complex for an autophagic complex that is transported to the vacuole. In the present addendum, by tooling a bioinformatics approach, we show that AtEXO70B1 as well as the additional 20 paralogs of Arabidopsis EXO70 exocyst subunits each possess one or more AIMs whose consensus sequence implies their high fidelity binding to Atg8. This indicates that the autophagy machinery is strongly involved in the assembly, transport, and apparently also the function of AtEXO70B1 as well as the exocyst sub complex.  相似文献   

Shortly after the release of singlet oxygen (1O2) in chloroplasts drastic changes in nuclear gene expression occur in the conditional flu mutant of Arabidopsis that reveal a rapid transfer of signals from the plastid to the nucleus. Factors involved in this retrograde signaling were identified by mutagenizing a transgenic flu line expressing a 1O2-responsive reporter gene. The reporter gene consisted of the luciferase open reading frame and the promoter of an AAA-ATPase gene (At3g28580) that was selectively activated by 1O2 but not by superoxide or hydrogen peroxide. A total of eight second-site mutants were identified that either constitutively activate the reporter gene and the endogenous AAA-ATPase irrespectively of whether 1O2 was generated or not (constitutive activators of AAA-ATPase, caa) or abrogated the 1O2-dependent up-regulation of these genes as seen in the transgenic parental flu line (non-activators of AAA-ATPase, naa). The characterization of the mutants strongly suggests that 1O2-signaling does not operate as an isolated linear pathway but rather forms an integral part of a signaling network that is modified by other signaling routes and impacts not only stress responses of plants but also their development. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Aiswarya Baruah and Klára Šimková contributed equally to the article.  相似文献   

Climate change has altered life history events in many plant species; however, little is known about genetic variation underlying seasonal thermal response. In this study, we simulated current and three future warming climates and measured flowering time across a globally diverse set of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. We found that increased diurnal and seasonal temperature (1°–3°) decreased flowering time in two fall cohorts. The early fall cohort was unique in that both rapid cycling and overwintering life history strategies were revealed; the proportion of rapid cycling plants increased by 3–7% for each 1° temperature increase. We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to identify the underlying genetic basis of thermal sensitivity. GWAS identified five main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling flowering time and another five QTL with thermal sensitivity. Candidate genes include known flowering loci; a cochaperone that interacts with heat-shock protein 90; and a flowering hormone, gibberellic acid, a biosynthetic enzyme. The identified genetic architecture allowed accurate prediction of flowering phenotypes (R2 > 0.95) that has application for genomic selection of adaptive genotypes for future environments. This work may serve as a reference for breeding and conservation genetic studies under changing environments.  相似文献   

In the double fertilization of angiosperms, one sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell to produce a zygote, whereas the other sperm cell fertilizes a central cell to give rise to an endosperm. There is little information on gamete membrane dynamics during double fertilization even though the cell surface structure is critical for male and female gamete interactions. In a recent study, we analyzed gamete membrane behavior during double fertilization by live-cell imaging with Arabidopsis gamete membrane marker lines. We observed that the sperm membrane signals occasionally remained at the boundary of the female gametes after gamete fusion. In addition, sperm membrane signals entering the fertilized female gametes were detected. These findings suggested that plasma membrane fusion between male and female gametes occurred with the sperm internal membrane components entering the female gametes, and this was followed by plasmogamy.  相似文献   

Trehalose 6‐phosphate (Tre6P) is a signal of sucrose availability in plants, and has been implicated in the regulation of shoot branching by the abnormal branching phenotypes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and maize (Zea mays) mutants with altered Tre6P metabolism. Decapitation of garden pea (Pisum sativum) plants has been proposed to release the dormancy of axillary buds lower down the stem due to changes in sucrose supply, and we hypothesized that this response is mediated by Tre6P. Decapitation led to a rapid and sustained rise in Tre6P levels in axillary buds, coinciding with the onset of bud outgrowth. This response was suppressed by simultaneous defoliation that restricts the supply of sucrose to axillary buds in decapitated plants. Decapitation also led to a rise in amino acid levels in buds, but a fall in phosphoenolpyruvate and 2‐oxoglutarate. Supplying sucrose to stem node explants in vitro triggered a concentration‐dependent increase in the Tre6P content of the buds that was highly correlated with their rate of outgrowth. These data show that changes in bud Tre6P levels are correlated with initiation of bud outgrowth following decapitation, suggesting that Tre6P is involved in the release of bud dormancy by sucrose. Tre6P might also be linked to a reconfiguration of carbon and nitrogen metabolism to support the subsequent growth of the bud into a new shoot.  相似文献   

The nephric duct plays a central role in orchestrating the development of the mammalian urogenital system. Lim 1 is a homeobox gene required for head and urogenital development in the mouse but most Lim 1-deficient embryos die by embryonic day 10. To determine the role of Lim 1 in the development of the nephric duct, we conditionally removed Lim 1 in the nephric epithelium just after the nephric duct begins to form using a floxed allele of Lim 1 and Pax2-cre transgenic mice. We report that Lim 1 conditional knockout mice have renal hypoplasia and hydronephrosis. Developmental studies revealed that the caudal portion of the nephric duct did not reach the urogenital sinus at embryonic day 10.5, formation of the ureteric bud was delayed, the ureteric bud was smaller and branching of the ureteric bud reduced. We also found that the nephric duct was generally not maintained and extension of the Müllerian duct inhibited. Molecular analysis indicated that Pax2 was expressed normally but the expression of Wnt9b and E-cadherin in the nephric duct was markedly altered. These results suggest that Lim 1 influences nephric duct extension and ureteric bud outgrowth by regulating and or maintaining the differentiation of the nephric epithelium.  相似文献   

Leaf senescence is the final stage of leaf life history, and it can be regulated by multiple internal and external cues. La-related proteins (LARPs), which contain a well-conserved La motif (LAM) domain and normally a canonical RNA recognition motif (RRM) or noncanonical RRM-like motif, are widely present in eukaryotes. Six LARP genes (LARP1a-1c and LARP6a-6c) are present in Arabidopsis, but their biological functions have not been studied previously. In this study, we investigated the biological roles of LARP1c from the LARP1 family. Constitutive or inducible overexpression of LARP1c caused premature leaf senescence. Expression levels of several senescence-associated genes and defense-related genes were elevated upon overexpression of LARP1c. The LARP1c null mutant 1c-1 impaired ABA-, SA-, and MeJA-induced leaf senescence in detached leaves. Gene expression profiles of LARP1c showed age-dependent expression in rosette leaves. Taken together, our results suggest LARP1c is involved in regulation of leaf senescence.  相似文献   

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