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Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption through the water channel aquaporin-2 (AQP2) in renal collecting ducts maintains body water homeostasis. Vasopressin activates PKA, which phosphorylates AQP2, and this phosphorylation event is required to increase the water permeability and water reabsorption of the collecting duct cells. It has been established that the phosphorylation of AQP2 induces its apical membrane insertion, rendering the cell water-permeable. However, whether this phosphorylation regulates the water permeability of this channel still remains unclear. To clarify the role of AQP2 phosphorylation in water permeability, we expressed recombinant human AQP2 in Escherichia coli, purified it, and reconstituted it into proteoliposomes. AQP2 proteins not reconstituted into liposomes were removed by fractionating on density step gradients. AQP2-reconstituted liposomes were then extruded through polycarbonate filters to obtain unilamellar vesicles. PKA phosphorylation significantly increased the osmotic water permeability of AQP2-reconstituted liposomes. We then examined the roles of AQP2 phosphorylation at Ser-256 and Ser-261 in the regulation of water permeability using phosphorylation mutants reconstituted into proteoliposomes. The water permeability of the non-phosphorylation-mimicking mutant S256A-AQP2 and non-phosphorylated WT-AQP2 was similar, and that of the phosphorylation-mimicking mutant S256D-AQP2 and phosphorylated WT-AQP2 was similar. The water permeability of S261A-AQP2 and S261D-AQP2 was similar to that of non-phosphorylated WT-AQP2. This study shows that PKA phosphorylation of AQP2 at Ser-256 enhances its water permeability.  相似文献   

Pore-forming toxins have evolved to induce membrane injury by formation of pores in the target cell that alter ion homeostasis and lead to cell death. Many pore-forming toxins use cholesterol, sphingolipids, or other raft components as receptors. However, the role of plasma membrane organization for toxin action is not well understood. In this study, we have investigated cellular dynamics during the attack of equinatoxin II, a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina, by combining time lapse three-dimensional live cell imaging, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, FRET, and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. Our results show that membrane binding by equinatoxin II is accompanied by extensive plasma membrane reorganization into microscopic domains that resemble coalesced lipid rafts. Pore formation by the toxin induces Ca(2+) entry into the cytosol, which is accompanied by hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, plasma membrane blebbing, actin cytoskeleton reorganization, and inhibition of endocytosis. We propose that plasma membrane reorganization into stabilized raft domains is part of the killing strategy of equinatoxin II.  相似文献   

To identify a stage feasible for the cryopreservation of zebrafish oocytes, we investigated the permeability to water and cryoprotectants of immature (stage III) and mature (stage V) oocytes. The permeability to water (microm/min/atm) of immature oocytes at 25 degrees C (0.37) was significantly higher than that of mature oocytes (0.10). The permeability (x10(-3)cm/min) of immature oocytes to ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and Me(2)SO (1.49-3.03) at 25 degrees C was substantially higher than that of mature oocytes approximately 0. The permeability of immature oocytes to glycerol was also high (1.75), although the permeability could not be measured in mature oocytes. Immature oocytes would be more suitable than mature oocytes for conservation of the zebrafish.  相似文献   

We have studied the pathways for Ca(2+) transport in mitochondria of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We demonstrate the presence of ruthenium red (RR)-sensitive Ca(2+) uptake, of RR-insensitive Ca(2+) release, and of Na(+)-stimulated Ca(2+) release in energized mitochondria, which match well characterized Ca(2+) transport pathways of mammalian mitochondria. Following larger matrix Ca(2+) loading Drosophila mitochondria underwent spontaneous RR-insensitive Ca(2+) release, an event that in mammals is due to opening of the permeability transition pore (PTP). Like the PTP of mammals, Drosophila Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release could be triggered by uncoupler, diamide, and N-ethylmaleimide, indicating the existence of regulatory voltage- and redox-sensitive sites and was inhibited by tetracaine. Unlike PTP-mediated Ca(2+) release in mammals, however, it was (i) insensitive to cyclosporin A, ubiquinone 0, and ADP; (ii) inhibited by P(i), as is the PTP of yeast mitochondria; and (iii) not accompanied by matrix swelling and cytochrome c release even in KCl-based medium. We conclude that Drosophila mitochondria possess a selective Ca(2+) release channel with features intermediate between the PTP of yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane assembly of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels into orthogonal arrays of particles (OAPs) involves interactions of AQP4 N-terminal domains. To study in live cells the site of OAP assembly, the size and dynamics of plasma membrane OAPs, and the heterotetrameric associations of AQP4, we constructed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled AQP4 “long” (M1) and “short” (M23) isoforms in which GFP was inserted at the cytoplasm-facing N or C terminus or between Val-141 and Val-142 in the second extracellular loop of AQP4. The C-terminal and extracellular loop GFP insertions did not interfere with the rapid unrestricted membrane diffusion of GFP-labeled M1 or the restricted diffusion and OAP assembly of GFP-labeled M23. Photobleaching of brefeldin A-treated cells showed comparable and minimally restricted diffusion of M1 and M23, indicating that OAP assembly occurs post-endoplasmic reticulum. Single-molecule step photobleaching and intensity analysis of GFP-labeled M1 in the absence versus presence of excess unlabeled M1 or M23 with an OAP-disrupting mutation indicated heterotetrameric AQP4 association. Time-lapse total internal reflection fluorescence imaging of M23 in live cells at 37 °C indicated that OAPs diffuse slowly (D ∼ 10−12 cm2/s) and rearrange over tens of minutes. Our biophysical measurements in live cells thus reveal extensive AQP4 monomer-monomer and tetramer-tetramer interactions.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels communicate the cytoplasms of two cells and are formed by head to head association of two hemichannels, one from each of the cells. Gap junction channels and hemichannels are permeable to ions and hydrophilic molecules of up to Mr 1,000, including second messengers and metabolites. Intercellular Ca2+ signaling can occur by movement of a number of second messengers, including Ca2+, through gap junction channels, or by a paracrine pathway that involves activation of purinergic receptors in neighboring cells following ATP release through hemichannels. Understanding Ca2+ permeation through Cx26 hemichannels is important to assess the role of gap junction channels and hemichannels in health and disease. In this context, it is possible that increased Ca2+ influx through hemichannels under ischemic conditions contributes to cell damage. Previous studies suggest Ca2+ permeation through hemichannels, based on indirect arguments. Here, we demonstrate for the first time hemichannel permeability to Ca2+ by measuring Ca2+ transport through purified Cx26 hemichannels reconstituted in liposomes. We trapped the low affinity Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent probe Fluo-5N into the liposomes and followed the increases in intraliposomal [Ca2+] in response to an imposed [Ca2+] gradient. We show that Ca2+ does move through Cx26 hemichannels and that the permeability of the hemichannels to Ca2+ is high, similar to that for Na+. We suggest that hemichannels can be a significant pathway for Ca2+ influx into cells under conditions such as ischemia.  相似文献   

An extensive programme of comparative nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the membrane diffusional permeability for water (Pd) and of the activation energy (Ea,d) of this process in red blood cells (RBCs) from 21 mammalian species was carried out. On the basis of Pd, these species could be divided into three groups. First, the RBC's from humans, cow, sheep and “large” kangaroos (Macropus giganteus and Macropus rufus) had Pd values 5 × 10−3 cm/s at 25°C and 7 × 10−3 cm/s at 37°C. The RBCs from other marsupial species, mouse, rat, guinea pig and rabbit, had Pd values roughly twice higher, whereas echidna RBCs were twice lower than human RBCs. The value of Ea,d was in most cases correlated with the values of Pd. A value of Ea,d -26 kJ/mol was found for the RBCs from humans and the species having similar Pd values. Low values of Ea,d (ranging from 15 to 22 kJ/mol) appeared to be associated with relatively high values of Pd. The highest value of Ea,d (33 kJ/mol) was found in echidna RBCs. This points to specialized channels for water diffusion incorporated in membrane proteins; a relatively high water permeability of the RBC membrane could be due to a greater number of channel proteins. There are, however, situations where a very high water permeability of RBCs is associated with a high value of Ea,d (above 25 kJ/mol) as in the case of RBCs from mouse, rat and tree kangaroo. Moreover, it was found that Pd in different species was positively correlated to the RBC membrane phosphatidylcholine and negatively correlated to the sphingomyelin content. This suggests that in addition to the number of channel proteins, other factors are involved in the water permeability of the RBC membrane.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that pores in the plasma membrane form under conditions of rapid water efflux, allowing extracellular ice to grow into the cytoplasm under conditions of rapid freezing. When cells with intracellular ice are thawed slowly, the transmembrane ice crystal expands through recrystallization causing the cell to lyse. One of the implications of this hypothesis is that osmotic pores will provide an alternative route for water movement under conditions of osmotically induced flow. We show that the plasma membrane water permeability of a fibroblast cell changes as a function of the osmotic pressure gradient that is used to drive water movement. It is further shown that cell volume is more important than the magnitude of water flux in causing this departure from a uniform water permeability. We suggest that these data provide evidence of a transient route for water movement across cell membranes.  相似文献   

The permeability of the plasma membrane plays a crucial role in the successful cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos. Several efforts have been made to facilitate the movement of water and cryoprotectants across the plasma membrane of fish oocytes/embryos because of their large size. Aquaporin-3 is a water/solute channel that can also transport various cryoprotectants. In this study, we tried to improve the permeability of immature medaka (Oryzias latipes) oocytes to water and cryoprotectants by artificially expressing aquaporin-3. The oocytes were injected with aquaporin-3 cRNA and cultured for 6-7 h. Then, hydraulic conductivity (L(P)) and cryoprotectant permeability (P(S)) were determined from volume changes in a hypertonic sucrose solution and various cryoprotectant solutions, respectively, at 25 degrees C. The L(P) value of the cRNA-injected oocytes was 0.22+/-0.04 microm/min/atm, nearly twice larger than that of intact or water-injected oocytes (0.14+/-0.02 and 0.14+/-0.03 microm/min/atm, respectively). P(S) values of intact oocytes for ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and DMSO were 1.36+/-0.34, 1.97+/-0.20, and 1.17+/-0.52 x 10(-3) cm/min, respectively. The permeability to glycerol could not be calculated because oocytes remained shrunken in the glycerol solution. On the other hand, cRNA-injected oocytes had significantly higher P(S) values (glycerol, 2.20+/-1.29; ethylene glycol, 2.98+/-0.36; propylene glycol, 3.93+/-1.70; DMSO, 3.11+/-0.74 x 10(-3) cm/min) than intact oocytes. When cRNA-injected oocytes were cultured for 12-14 h, 51% matured to the metaphase II stage, and 43% of the matured oocytes were fertilized and hatched following in vitro fertilization and 14 days of culture. Thus, the permeability of medaka oocytes to water and cryoprotectants was improved by the artificial expression of aquaporin-3, and the oocytes retained the ability to develop to term.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is a secreted virulence factor for this pathogenic bacterium. A novel crystal structure shows that this PI-PLC can form a dimer via helix B, a structural feature present in all secreted, bacterial PI-PLCs that is important for membrane binding. Despite the small size of this interface, it is critical for optimal enzyme activity. Kinetic evidence, increased enzyme specific activity with increasing enzyme concentration, supports a mechanism where the PI-PLC dimerization is enhanced in membranes containing phosphatidylcholine (PC). Mutagenesis of key residues confirm that the zwitterionic phospholipid acts not by specific binding to the protein, but rather by reducing anionic lipid interactions with a cationic pocket on the surface of the S. aureus enzyme that stabilizes monomeric protein. Despite its structural and sequence similarity to PI-PLCs from other Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria, S. aureus PI-PLC appears to have a unique mechanism where enzyme activity is modulated by competition between binding of soluble anions or anionic lipids to the cationic sensor and transient dimerization on the membrane.  相似文献   

Substrate-specific outer membrane channels of Gram-negative bacteria mediate uptake of many small molecules, including carbohydrates. The mechanism of sugar uptake by enterobacterial channels, such as Escherichia coli LamB (maltoporin), has been characterized in great detail. In pseudomonads and related organisms, sugar uptake is not mediated by LamB but by OprB channels. Beyond the notion that OprB channels seem to prefer monosaccharides as substrates, very little is known about OprB-mediated sugar uptake. Here I report the X-ray crystal structure of an OprB channel from Pseudomonas putida F1. The structure shows that OprB forms a monomeric, 16-stranded β-barrel with a constriction formed by extracellular loops L2 and L3. The side chains of two highly conserved arginine residues (Arg83 and Arg110) and a conserved glutamate (Glu106) line the channel constriction and interact with a bound glucose molecule. Liposome swelling uptake assays show a strong preference for monosaccharide transport over disaccharides. Moreover, substrates with a net negative charge are disfavored by the channel, probably due to the negatively charged character of the constriction. The architecture of the eyelet and the absence of a greasy slide provide an explanation for the observed specificity of OprB for monosaccharides rather than the oligosaccharides preferred by LamB and related enterobacterial channels.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in muscle fibers are densely packed in the postsynaptic region at the neuromuscular junction. Rapsyn plays a central role in directing and clustering nAChR during cellular differentiation and neuromuscular junction formation; however, it has not been demonstrated whether rapsyn is the only cause of receptor immobilization. Here, we used single-molecule tracking methods to investigate nAChR mobility in plasma membranes of myoblast cells during their differentiation to myotubes in the presence and absence of rapsyn. We found that in myoblasts the majority of nAChR were immobile and that ~20% of the receptors showed restricted diffusion in small domains of ~50 nm. In myoblasts devoid of rapsyn, the fraction of mobile nAChR was considerably increased, accompanied by a 3-fold decrease in the immobile population of nAChR with respect to rapsyn-expressing cells. Half of the mobile receptors were confined to domains of ~120 nm. Measurements performed in heterologously transfected HEK cells confirmed the direct immobilization of nAChR by rapsyn. However, irrespective of the presence of rapsyn, about one-third of nAChR were confined in 300-nm domains. Our results show (i) that rapsyn efficiently immobilizes nAChR independently of other postsynaptic scaffold components; (ii) nAChR is constrained in confined membrane domains independently of rapsyn; and (iii) in the presence of rapsyn, the size of these domains is strongly reduced.  相似文献   

Permeability coefficients (P m ) across planar egg lecithin/decane bilayers and bulk hydrocarbon/water partition coefficients (K whc) have been measured for 24 solutes with molecular volumes, V, varying by a factor of 22 and P m values varying by a factor of 107 to explore the chemical nature of the bilayer barrier and the effects of permeant size on permeability. A proper bulk solvent which correctly mimics the microenvironment of the barrier domain was sought. Changes in P m /Kwhc were then ascribed to size-dependent partitioning and/or size-dependent diffusivity. The diffusion coefficient-size dependency was described by D barrier = D 0 /V n . When n-decane was used as a reference solvent, the correlation between log P m /K whc and log V was poor (r = 0.56) with most of the lipophilic (hydrophilic) permeants lying below (above) the regression line. Correlations improved significantly (r = 0.87 and 0.90, respectively) with more polarizable solvents, 1-hexadecene and 1,9-decadiene. Values of the size selectivity parameter n were sensitive to the reference solvent (n = 0.8 ± 0.3, 1.2 ± 0.1 and 1.4 ± 0.2, respectively, for decane, hexadecene, and decadiene). Decadiene was selected as the most suitable reference solvent. The value for n in bilayer transport is higher than that for bulk diffusion in decane (n = 0.74±0.10), confirming the steep dependence of bilayer permeability on molecular size. Statistical mechanical theory recently developed by the authors suggests that a component of this steep size dependence may reside in size-dependent solute partitioning into the ordered chain region of bilayers. This theory, combined with the above diffusion model, yielded the relationship, P m /K Whc=D 0 exp(V)V n . A fit of the experimental data to this model gave the best fit (r=0.93) with = 0.0053±0.0021 and n=0.8 ± 0.3, suggesting that both diffusion and partitioning mechanisms may play a role in determining the size dependence of lipid bilayer permeabilities.This work was supported by a research grant from Glaxo, Inc. Instrumentation support was provided by a Biomedical Research Support Grant from the College of Pharmacy, University of Utah, and by a Faculty Research Grant from the University of Utah. The technical assistance of Barbara L. Hoesterey, who determined some of the partition coefficients, is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Aquaporin Tetramer Composition Modifies the Function of Tobacco Aquaporins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heterologous expression in yeast cells revealed that NtAQP1, a member of the so-called PIP1 aquaporin subfamily, did not display increased water transport activity in comparison with controls. Instead, an increased CO2-triggered intracellular acidification was observed. NtPIP2;1, which belongs to the PIP2 subfamily of plant aquaporins, behaved as a true aquaporin but lacked a CO2-related function. Results from split YFP experiments, protein chromatography, and gel electrophoresis indicated that the proteins form heterotetramers when coexpressed in yeast. Tetramer composition had effects on transport activity as demonstrated by analysis of artificial heterotetramers with a defined proportion of NtAQP1 to NtPIP2;1. A single NtPIP2;1 aquaporin in a tetramer was sufficient to significantly increase the water permeability of the respective yeast cells. With regard to CO2-triggered intracellular acidification, a cooperative effect was observed, where maximum rates were measured when the tetramer consisted of NtAQP1 aquaporins only. The results confirm the model of an aquaporin monomer as a functional unit for water transport and suggest that, for CO2-related transport processes, a structure built up by the tetramer is the basis of this function.  相似文献   

Protein misfolding and aggregation are exacerbated by aging and diseases of protein conformation including neurodegeneration, metabolic diseases, and cancer. In the cellular environment, aggregates can exist as discrete entities, or heterogeneous complexes of diverse solubility and conformational state. In this study, we have examined the in vivo dynamics of aggregation using imaging methods including fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), to monitor the diverse biophysical states of expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) proteins expressed in Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that monomers, oligomers and aggregates co-exist at different concentrations in young and aged animals expressing different polyQ-lengths. During aging, when aggregation and toxicity are exacerbated, FCS-based burst analysis and purified single molecule FCS detected a populational shift toward an increase in the frequency of brighter and larger oligomeric species. Regardless of age or polyQ-length, oligomers were maintained in a heterogeneous distribution that spans multiple orders of magnitude in brightness. We employed genetic suppressors that prevent polyQ aggregation and observed a reduction in visible immobile species with the persistence of heterogeneous oligomers, yet our analysis did not detect the appearance of any discrete oligomeric states associated with toxicity. These studies reveal that the reversible transition from monomers to immobile aggregates is not represented by discrete oligomeric states, but rather suggests that the process of aggregation involves a more complex pattern of molecular interactions of diverse intermediate species that can appear in vivo and contribute to aggregate formation and toxicity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the membrane permeability characteristics of bovine spermatozoa. These included the hydraulic conductivity (Lp), the permeability coefficients (Ps) of four common cryoprotective agents (CPAs) and the associated reflection coefficients (sigma). Stopped-flow fluorometry was applied in order to capture rapid cell volume changes under anisosmotic conditions in the absence or presence of permeant solutes (CPAs). This technique utilizes a concentration-dependent self-quenching entrapped fluorophore. The resulting cell volume changes were used in three-parameter fitting calculations to compute Lp in the absence of permeant solutes and Ps and Lp in the presence of permeating solutes (CPAs) at 22 degrees C. The hydraulic conductivity in the absence of permeating solutes was estimated to be 0.68+/-0.05 microm/min/atm (mean+/-SEM). Hydraulic conductivity (Lp) in the presence of CPAs was 0.91+/-0.27 (mean+/-SEM), 0.29+/-0.04, 0.42+/-0.05, and 0.39+/-0.03 microm/min/atm in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (Me(2)SO), glycerol, propylene glycol (PG), and ethylene glycol (EG), respectively. The values for Ps were estimated to be 1.72+/-0.36, 1.75+/-0.03, 2.47+/-0.24, and 1.49+/-0.33 x 10(-3)cm/min for Me(2)SO, glycerol, PG, and EG, respectively. The data were used to simulate volume excursions during addition and removal of CPA, to predict the different effects of the four CPAs.  相似文献   

L. Schreiber  M. Riederer 《Oecologia》1996,107(4):426-432
Water permeabilities of astomatous, isolated cuticular membranes (CM) of 24 different plants species were measured. Permeances varied from 1.7×10–11 m·s–1 (Vanilla planifolia leaf) up to 2.1×10–9 m·s–1 (Malus cf. domestica fruit) among different plant species, thus covering a range of over 2 orders of magnitude. Ranking of species according to permeances resulted in four distinct groups. The first group, of species with the lowest cuticular transpiration rates, included evergreen species growing in warm dry tropical climates (e.g. Vanilla planifolia and Monstera deliciosa leaves). The second class, with slightly higher water permeabilities, included evergreen species with typical scleromorphic leaf properties, adapted to a typical mediterranean type of climate with a dry period during the year (e.g. Citrus limon and Olea europaea leaves). The third group of species, where the highest leaf cuticular transpiration rates were observed, included deciduous species normally growing in a tempeate climate (e.g. Juglans regia and Forsythia suspensa leaves). Fruit cuticular membranes (CM) made up the fourth group (e.g. Capsicum annuum and Malus cf. domestica fruits), with even higher permeances than leaves of species from group 3. Thus, it appears that the plant species investigated show ecophysiological adaptations to the climatic demands of their natural habitats in cuticular water permeability.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) refers to a group of positional and geometrical isomers of linoleic acid in which the double bonds are conjugated. Dietary CLA has been associated with various health benefits although details of its molecular mode of action remain elusive. The effect of CLA supplemented to palm oil-based diets in Wistar rats, as a mixture of both or isolated c9,t11 and t10,c12 isomers, was examined on water and glycerol membrane permeability of kidney proximal tubule. Although water permeability was unaltered, an increase in glycerol permeability was obtained for the group supplemented with CLA mixture, even though the activation energy for glycerol permeation remained high. This effect was correlated with an increased CLA isomeric membrane incorporation for the same dietary group. These results suggest that diet supplementation with CLA mixture, in contrast to its individual isomers, may enhance membrane fluidity subsequently raising kidney glycerol reabsorption.  相似文献   

Pi uptake in the small intestine occurs predominantly through the NaPi-2b (SLC34a2) co-transporter. NaPi-2b is regulated by changes in dietary Pi but the mechanisms underlying this regulation are largely undetermined. Sequence analyses show NaPi-2b has a PDZ binding motif at its C terminus. Immunofluorescence imaging shows NaPi-2b and two PDZ domain containing proteins, NHERF1 and PDZK1, are expressed in the apical microvillar domain of rat small intestine enterocytes. Co-immunoprecipitation studies in rat enterocytes show that NHERF1 associates with NaPi-2b but not PDZK1. In HEK co-expression studies, GFP-NaPi-2b co-precipitates with FLAG-NHERF1. This interaction is markedly diminished when the C-terminal four amino acids are truncated from NaPi-2b. FLIM-FRET analyses using tagged proteins in CACO-2BBE cells show a distinct phasor shift between NaPi-2b and NHERF1 but not between NaPi-2b and the PDZK1 pair. This shift demonstrates that NaPi-2b and NHERF1 reside within 10 nm of each other. NHERF1−/− mice, but not PDZK1−/− mice, had a diminished adaptation of NaPi-2b expression in response to a low Pi diet. Together these studies demonstrate that NHERF1 associates with NaPi-2b in enterocytes and regulates NaPi-2b adaptation.  相似文献   

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