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Whether male competition and female choice act in concert, independently,or in opposition is a critical issue for understanding sexualselection. In complex social systems, the outcomes of pairwiseinteractions may not be accurate indicators of how sexual selectionemerges. We investigated how female choice and male competitioninteract in the bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei, in a 3-stagedexperiment where 1) females could choose between 2 males, 2)those males could interact in the presence of that female, and3) females and males could freely interact and spawn. In thepairwise stages (1 and 2), females displayed pronounced preferencesbetween males and male competition produced a distinctly dominantindividual. None of the morphological traits, including color,measured in males were associated with either female preferenceor male dominance. When all 3 fish interacted (stage 3), maleactivity level was the sole predictor of spawning success. Maleswith elevated activity levels were more aggressive toward malesand females, exhibited intensified courtship, and obtained morespawns. Female preference did not predict the number of spawnswith a male, but it did predict her latency to spawn; femalesspawned more quickly with preferred males. Thus, male competitionand female choice interact to determine reproductive success,but there is evidence for conflict and a cost to females ofassociating with dominant males. Reproductive success in thisspecies is not easily predicted from simple measures of morphologyor female preference and is influenced by complex social interactions,both between males, and between males and females.  相似文献   

Females can choose a male independently of other females' matepreferences, or they can copy the mate choice of other females.Alternatively, mate-choice copying and independent mate choicecan interact if females assess male traits when deciding whetheror not to copy. We investigated how mate-choice copying interactswith a preference for large males in the sailfin molly (Potecilialatipinna). Sailfin molly females exhibited a preference forlarger males. They also copied the mate choice of other femaleswhen males were of similar body length. Females did not copy,however, when males differed substantially in body length. Ourresults show that conspecific mate copying occurs in the sailfinmolly but does not override a preference for larger males.  相似文献   

Male mate choice has evolved in many species in which female fecundity increases with body size. In these species, males are thought to have been selected to favour mating with large females over smaller ones, thereby potentially increasing their reproductive success. While male mate choice is known to occur, it is less well studied than female mate choice and little is known about variation in mating preference among individual males. Here, we presented individual male eastern mosquitofish ( Gambusia holbrooki ) with paired females that differed in body size, and we quantified their mate preference on two consecutive days, allowing us to assess repeatability of preferences expressed. When males were allowed to view paired stimulus females, but not to acquire chemical or tactile cues from them, they exhibited a strong preference for large females over smaller ones. However, individual males were not consistent in the strength of their preference and repeatability was not significant. When individual males were allowed to fully interact with pairs of females, the males again exhibited a preference for large females over smaller ones, as revealed by a greater number of attempted copulations with large females than with smaller ones. In the latter social context, individual male preference was significantly repeatable. These results indicate that male eastern mosquitofish from our Florida study population possess, on average, a mating preference for larger females and that this preference is repeatable when males socially interact freely with females. The significant repeatability for mating preference, based on female body size, obtained for male mosquitofish in the current study is consistent with the presence of additive genetic variation for such preferences in our study population and thus with the opportunity for the further evolution of large body size in female mosquitofish through male mate choice.  相似文献   

Male pipefish prefer dominant over attractive females   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Animals may obtain information guiding their choice betweenpotential partners from observing competitive interactionsand displays between them, or from displays directed at thechoosing individual. In the sex-role reversed pipefish Syngnathustyphle females display a temporary ornament (a color pattern)to other females as well as to males. We have previously shown that display of female ornaments per se is attractive to males.Here we show that information from competitive displays canoverride such direct attraction displays as signals in thepartner choice process. In a mate choice experiment, an enclosedmale could choose between two females. On the first experimentalday, females could interact freely, while on the second daythey were isolated from each other. When female-female competitionwas allowed, the ornament display was directed more to theother female than to the male: Time competing, rather thantime courting the male, correlated with ornament display duration.However, ornament display under competition and ornament displayin the absence of competition did not correlate significantly.In fact, females competing more intensively on day one displayedthe ornament less on day two. Furthermore, the ornament displayduring the first, but not the second, day predicted male matechoice on the second day. Thus, males remembered previous informationfrom competitive displays and used it rather than immediateinformation from displays in the absence of female-female competition.We suggest that competitive displays more reliably signal female quality as compared to noncompetitive ones, and that males benefitfrom mating with dominant females.  相似文献   

In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle sex roles are reversed, thatis, females compete more intensely than males over mates. However,competition over mates among individuals of one sex does notnecessarily prevent members of that same sex from being choosy,and choosiness in the other sex does not prevent competitionwithin it. In an experiment we allowed a female pipefish tochoose freely between two males, after which we released themales and let the three interact. Comparisons with earlier resultsshow that both sexes courted partners and competed with consexuals.However, females courted more often than did males, and courtshipwas more frequent in treatments involving large individualsthan in treatments with small individuals. Males competed amongthemselves for access to mates but for a shorter duration thanfemales in the same situation. Males displayed an ornament towardsfemales but not to males during mating competition. Females,however, used their ornament in both contexts. Females did notalways mate with the male of their previously made choice, whichwe interpret as females being constrained by male-male competition,male motivation to mate, or both. Thus, in this sex-role reversedspecies, mate choice in the more competitive sex may be circumventedand even overruled by mate competition and mating willingnessin the least competitive sex. Hence, sex roles should not beconsidered as sexes being either choosy or competitive but ratherthat males and females may exhibit different combinations ofchoice and competition.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of competition on male courtship in the Pacific blue‐eye Pseudomugil signifer , a species of fish where females have previously been shown to use courtship, but not male fighting prowess, as an important mate choice cue. Courtship bouts directed to a stimulus female were shortest when two males were allowed to freely interact (contact treatment) and longest when there was only one male (non‐interaction). Courtship length in trials where one of two males was confined to a clear cylinder (visual) was intermediate between the other two treatments. Courtship in visual and contact treatments was constantly disrupted. The percentage of interrupted courtships was higher for the contact compared to visual treatment where aggressive interactions were also longer in duration and took place more frequently. Within contact trials, dominant males courted longer than subordinates despite both males experiencing comparable rates of courtship disruption. These results suggest that male‐male competition can have important implications for adaptive female choice particularly in circumstances where the benefits being sought by females are unrelated to male fighting ability.  相似文献   

Mutual mate choice occurs when members of each sex will reject some potential mates in efforts to encounter better prospects later. The decision to reject may represent the interaction between mate preferences, mate availability, and temporal constraints. Theory predicts that mutual mate choice will favor relaxed choosiness as mate availability and time for courtship decline. We explored mutual mate choice in the soldier beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (Cantharidae), where courtship consisted of males attempting to secure evasive females. We employed field observations, laboratory experiments, and stochastic simulations to investigate the decline in choosiness over the daily courtship period, during which individuals can mate at most once. We found that reproductive success of males and females increases with mate size and mating frequency. Females biased copulations toward larger mates by attempting to evade suitors, while males biased copulations by releasing the smaller females they capture. However, late in the day males and females may increase reproductive success by accepting rather than rejecting lower quality mates to maintain high mating rates. Stochastic simulations indicated that reproductive success, the product of mating frequency and mean mate size, was maximized in males and females by incrementally reducing mate standards across daily courtship periods. In the field, large males who rejected small females early in the daily courtship period rarely did so later. Large females used less effective evasive maneuvers later in the courtship period, resulting in copulations with progressively smaller males. These results support models of mutual mate choice that predict that individuals of high quality will maximize reproductive success by relaxing choosiness as the courtship period wanes.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the Hoopoe Upupa epops have shown that the strophe length of male songs influences female mate choice, and is correlated with female reproductive rates and male production of fledglings in the male’s own brood. However, frequent interactions between breeding pairs and non‐pair males suggests that extrapair copulations could occur and could affect the real number of fledglings sired by males, and therefore the relationship between strophe length and breeding success. Here we analyse the incidence of interactions between breeding pairs and non‐pair males, and of extrapair paternity, the interrelation of these parameters, the influence of male strophe length on them, and whether extrapair fertilizations affect the correlation between strophe length and breeding success of males, in a colour‐ringed population of Hoopoes in south‐eastern Spain. Multilocus DNA‐fingerprinting revealed that 10% of the broods contained offspring sired by extrapair males, representing 7.7% of the chicks. However, the interactions between pairs and non‐pair males were more frequent, with more than 25% of broods being visited by non‐pair males, and about 10% being helped (fed or defended) by males other than the nest owner. Most of these relationships were apparently attempts by visitor males to obtain copulations with paired females, or to obtain access to such females or nests in future breeding attempts. However, there was no significant link between the detection of interactions with alien males in a nest and the occurrence of extrapair paternity in it, indeed extrapair paternity was found in only 30% of the nests with interactions, and therefore the detection of visits or helping by non‐pair males cannot be considered evidence of extrapair paternity in visited or helped broods. Males that sang with long strophes never suffered losses of paternity within their broods, while 25% of males that sang with short strophes did. However, these differences were not significant. Nevertheless, strophe length of males was significantly positively correlated with per brood and seasonal production of fledglings after accounting for losses of paternity within their own broods.  相似文献   

Male and female mating preferences are commonly inferred from association times spent with potential mates in a dichotomous‐choice test. However, this assessment method is rarely validated, particularly so for male mating preferences. Using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata), an important model species in the study of sexual selection, we tested whether a male’s mating preference for either of two stimulus females in a dichotomous‐choice test predicted his mating behaviours directed at the preferred female when he was allowed to swim freely with both females. First, we presented individual males with two females that differed in body length in a dichotomous‐choice apparatus in which the male could only use visual cues to assess the paired females. We quantified male mating preference as the duration of time a focal male spent associating with each female. Immediately following this test, the focal male was allowed to swim freely with both females, and we quantified the time he spent sexually pursuing each female and the number of courtship sigmoid displays and copulation attempts he directed at each female. On average, males did not significantly prefer either of the two stimulus females in either of the two tests; however, the magnitude of male preference for the larger female tended to increase as the size difference between the paired females increased. More importantly, there was a significant positive relationship between male association time in the dichotomous‐choice test and both the time spent sexually pursuing and the number of courtship sigmoid displays directed at the same female initially preferred in the dichotomous‐choice test. Collectively, these results confirm that association time measured in a dichotomous‐choice test is a reliable predictor of male mating preferences in the Trinidadian guppy.  相似文献   

The massive numbers of sperm males transfer during a single mating are physiologically costly and the amount of sperm that can be stored is limited. Therefore, males can perform only a finite number of successive copulations without loss of fertility, and males should allocate sperm prudently. We investigated sperm availability and depletion in male black scavenger flies, Sepsis cynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae), asking whether males adjust copula duration according to nutrition, their sperm stores, their own and their partner’s body size, as predicted by theory. We created a gradient of sperm limitation by restricting dung (their protein resource as adults) and subjecting males to a varying number of copulations. While male fertility did not depend on access to fresh dung (contrary to females), it did decline after three copulations, and more so when males were small. Larger females tended to lay more unfertilized eggs after copulating with previously mated males. However, copula duration was not influenced by a male’s number of previous copulations, and therefore apparently not by his current sperm stores. Nevertheless, copula duration varied with male size, with small males copulating longer, and with female size, as copulations lasted longer with larger females, suggesting that males are investing more sperm in larger, more fecund females. While male copula adjustments to their own nutrition and body size may be simple (proximate) physiological responses, responses to female size indicate more strategic and sophisticated sperm‐allocation strategies than previously thought.  相似文献   

We combine behavioral studies with DNA-fingerprinting of a populationof bearded tits Panurus biarmicus and test the idea that thepursuit of extra-pair copulations by females acts as selectivepressure that may contribute to the formation of colonies inthis socially monogamous species. We show that the rate of extra-pairpaternity in colonial breeding pairs is very high, whereas noextra-pair chicks were detected in solitary nests. We foundno cases of extra-pair maternity and intraspecific brood parasitismin solitary nests, whereas it did occur in dense breeding situations.We further found no difference in the quality of males betweencolonial and solitary individuals. However, colonial femaleswere of significantly higher quality in terms of body size andcondition. We propose that high-quality females settle in coloniesto increase their opportunities to adjust the choice of theirsocial partner by obtaining extra-pair copulations. We suggestthat colony formation enables high-quality females to incitemale-male competition for extra-pair copulations and consequentlysecure extra-pair fertilizations by high-quality males and thathigh-density nesting is controlled by female bearded tits  相似文献   

We examined how male size and fighting ability influence a female’s mate assessment process and her eventual mate choice in the monogamous convict cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata. Females always chose the larger of two males when they were allowed to see a larger male next to a smaller one and when a larger male defeated a smaller one in a fight. They did not differentiate between large and small males when they did not see the two males together nor did they choose a dominant over a subordinate male when both were the same size. We suggest that females select on the basis of male size because it is a better predictor of both direct and indirect benefits (i.e., future competitive interactions and foraging ability) than dominance behavior only. Despite selecting one male over the other early in the courtship period, females continued to visit both males until spawning. Our evidence suggests that this assessment behavior more closely resembles a bet-hedging tactic rather than the female’s indecision as to which male will be her mate.  相似文献   

Control over copulation duration is a potentially importantgenerator of sexual conflict that has received little empiricalattention. The copulatory behavior of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchusmaculatus may reflect a sexual conflict over copulation duration.Males have spines on their intromittent organs that puncturethe female reproductive tract, and females kick their matesduring copulation. If females are prevented from kicking, copulationslast longer and the injuries females sustain are more severe.Males supposedly use the spines as anchors to prolong copulationduration, and females kick to terminate copulations. We manipulatedcopulation duration experimentally and quantified its effectson male and female fitness components to test whether or notthere is a conflict over copulation duration in C. maculatus.Females did not suffer from long copulations but instead experiencedincreased lifetime fecundity. Ejaculate size increased withcopulation duration, and females apparently derive materialbenefits from the ejaculates. Males that mated first and hadlong copulations were relatively unsuccessful when competingwith sperm from other males. However, there was a trend forfemale remating propensity to decrease with long copulationdurations, and first males may therefore also benefit from longcopulations. The copulation duration of the second male to matedid not have a significant effect on sperm precedence. We concludethat even though it seems likely that the male spines have evolvedto act as an anchor during copulation, there seems to be littleconflict over copulation duration per se in C. maculatus.  相似文献   

Although females are the choosier sex in most species, male mate choice is expected to occur under certain conditions. Theoretically, males should prefer larger females as mates in species where female fecundity increases with body size. However, any fecundity‐related benefits accruing to a male that has mated with a large female may be offset by an associated fitness cost of shared paternity if large females are more likely to be multiply mated than smaller females in nature. We tested the above hypothesis and assumption using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) by behaviourally testing for male mate choice in the laboratory and by ascertaining (with the use of microsatellite DNA genotyping) patterns of male paternity in wild‐caught females. We observed significant positive relationships between female body length and fecundity (brood size) and between body length and level of multiple paternity in the broods of females collected in the Quaré River, Trinidad. In laboratory tests, a preference for the larger of two simultaneously‐presented virgin females was clearly expressed only when males were exposed to the full range of natural stimuli from the females, but not when they were limited to visual stimuli alone. However, as suggested by our multiple paternity data, males that choose to mate with large females may incur a larger potential cost of sperm competition and shared paternity compared with males that mate with smaller females on average. Our results thus suggest that male guppies originating from the Quaré River possess mating preferences for relatively large females, but that such preferences are expressed only when males can accurately assess the mating status of encountered females that differ in body size.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the socially monogamous barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) have shown that males that most frequently engage in extrapair copulations and whose partners are least involved in copulations with extrapair males are those with long tail ornaments. In this study, through the use of three highly polymorphic microsatellite markers, we analyze the relationships between length of tail ornaments of male barn swallows and proportion of nestlings fathered in own broods, number of offspring fathered in broods of other pairs, and total number of offspring fathered, using both a correlational and an experimental approach. Consistent with our predictions, we show that males with either naturally long or experimentally elongated tails have higher paternity (proportion of biological offspring in own broods), and they produce more biological offspring during the whole breeding season than males with naturally short or experimentally shortened tails. Males with naturally long tails also had more offspring in extrapair broods than short-tailed males, but the effect of tail manipulation on the number of offspring fathered in extrapair broods, although being in the predicted direction, was not statistically significant. Cuckolded males that did not fertilize extrapair females had smaller postmanipulation tail length than cuckolders. We conclude that there is a causal, positive relationship between male tail length and paternity. Since female barn swallows have extensive control over copulation partners and heritability of tail length is high, this study shows that female choice is a component of selection for larger male ornaments. Benefits from extrapair fertilizations to females may arise because they acquire “good” genes for sexual attractiveness or high viability for their offspring.  相似文献   

Strategic male mating effort and cryptic male choice in a scorpionfly   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
In animal species with high male mating effort, males often find themselves in a dilemma: by increasing their mating effort, the gain from each copulation increases but simultaneously reduces available resources and, thus, the opportunity for future copulations. Therefore, we expect males to spend less reproductive resources on matings that provide low reproductive potential, thereby saving resources for future copulations, possibly with high-quality females, a sort of cryptic male choice. However, the strength of the trade-off between investment in a current mating and resources available for future matings must not be the same for all males. Males with relatively high mating costs should allocate their limited resources more cautiously than males with more plentiful resources. Here, we examine this prediction in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata. Prior to copulation, males produce a large salivary mass on which females feed during copulation. We show that the production of larger salivary masses leads to longer copulations. Moreover, the size of the salivary gland and salivary mass increases with increasing male condition. However, males in poor condition make a relatively higher mating investment than males in good condition. We therefore expect male condition to influence cryptic male choice. In accordance with our hypothesis, only males in poor condition choose cryptically, producing larger salivary masses in copulations with females of high fecundity.  相似文献   

In the majority of socially monogamous bird species, femalessolicit or accept copulations from males other than their partner.Females may gain direct benefits from extrapair males, suchas greater access to resources, or indirect genetic benefitsthat will influence the future success of their offspring. However,one group of birds appears to be the exception to this generalrule; in the wildfowl (Anseriformes), all extrapair copulationsappear to be resisted by females. It has been suggested thatresistance behavior may be a strategy to allow females a greaterchoice of mates, either at the precopulatory level (to promotechoice of copulation partner) and/or the postcopulatory level(to promote multiple mating to increase their choice of sperm).This paper examines the function of female resistance behaviorin one of the dabbling ducks, the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).Observations on a marked population of wild mallard and experimentswith captive birds found that although females showed a strongpreference for particular males that are the first to molt intotheir breeding plumage, male attractiveness did not influencefemale responses to pair or extrapair copulation attempts. Femaleresistance decreased the likelihood that copulation attemptswould end in successful insemination. The findings did not supportthe hypothesis that females resist copulations to promote femalechoice and the reasons why waterfowl may benefit from avoidingall extrapair copulations are discussed.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(2):533-540
Parasitic infection may influence mating behaviour in at least two ways: (1) by creating a selection pressure for mate choice based on apparent resistance to infection and (2) by reducing the likelihood of an infected individual mating through induced changes in its physiology or behaviour. These two possibilities were tested using a nematode infection in laboratory mice. Female CFLP mice were infected with larvae of the aphasmid nematode Trichinella spiralis and allowed to interact with uninfected males which were either experienced or inexperienced in term of having previously copulated. Both the responses of males towards infected and uninfected females and the responses of females towards males were recorded. Overall, males were significantly less likely to mount, copulate and show other behaviours related to copulation with infected females. When experienced and inexperienced males were considered separately, experienced males showed significantly more investigatory activity towards infected females, but infection did not appear to affect responses by inexperienced males. Infected females were more likely to avoid or respond aggressively to attempts to mount by males and the latency to the first attempt to mount correlated positively with the frequency of avoidance/aggression towards approaching males. The results suggest that infection in females influences intersexual interactions by inducing a disinclination to accept mounts and copulate. The functional implications for parasite transmission are considered.  相似文献   

We studied female-female aggression in relation to female mate choice in black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, in central Finland, in 1994-1998. Aggression occurred on average every other minute when there was more than one female on a territory, and aggressive behaviour was most prominent when several females attended the lek. Interactions tended to be proportionally most frequent on the territories of the highest-ranking males, although not significantly so. Females that were chased by other females did not mate with lower-ranking males than their aggressors did. Furthermore, chased females were only rarely (6% of cases) forced to move off the territory by agonistic interactions and copulations were disrupted by other females even less often (3% of cases). The choice of a mating territory did not depend on the outcome of aggression even though the aggressors were more likely to mate on the territory where aggression occurred than elsewhere. There was a marginally significant tendency for aggressors to mate earlier in the season. Females placed themselves further away from other females on the territory when soliciting a copulation than just before aggression. Our results suggest that aggression between females does not effectively constrain female choice in black grouse. Its function may be to aid females to secure undisturbed mating opportunities for themselves rather than to prevent others from mating with a particular male. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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