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Summary The influence of risk of herbivory and its variation in time on the optimal defence strategy in plants is analysed by a simple optimization model. We contrast two possible defence strategies; a constitutive defence with an invariant defence level in time and an idealized induced defence, that is, a strategy that adjusts the defence level to the prevailing risk of herbivory. We also take into account effects of the efficiency of the defence. If there is no variation in risk of herbivory over years, constitutive and induced defence should have the same expected optimal defence level and both strategies are equally fit. The optimal defence level increases as the maximum fecundity and the adult to juvenile survival ratio of the plants both increase. If the risk of herbivory varies stochastically, the expected optimal level of the constitutive defence is either increased or unaffected by the variation, whereas the induced defence strategy may result in both higher or lower expected optimal defence levels as variance increases. This outcome is dependent on the mean risk of herbivory. It also depends on the defence efficiency, i.e. the shape (convex, concave or linear) of the defence function that relates the probability of survival if encountered by a herbivore to defence level. Thus, the defence level of plants interacting with variable herbivore populations cannot be unambiguously predicted unless the defence strategy (constitutive or induced), mean risk of herbivory, the form of the defence function and plant life history are known.  相似文献   

1. Silicon (Si) has received increased attention as a nutrient capable of providing some measure of defence for plants against fungal pathogens, and insect and mammalian herbivores. 2. On the basis of a study including two generalist insect folivores and a phloem feeder, Massey, Ennos & Hartley (2006; Journal of Animal Ecology, 75, 595-603) have drawn attention to a putative distinction between the effects of plant Si in defending against folivorous and phloem-feeding insects. On the basis of their results they imply that phloem feeders are less likely to be adversely affected by increased plant Si than folivores. 3. However, in making this suggestion, Massey et al. have ignored many previous studies demonstrating a clear effect of plant Si on a range of phloem-feeding and some xylem-feeding insects, and that this effect stems not only from leaf mechanical properties based on opaline silica, but also from induced chemical defences seemingly mediated by soluble Si. 4. Furthermore, Massey et al. cannot claim that their study was the first demonstration of a direct effect of Si on insect herbivore preference and performance; there have been numerous earlier studies demonstrating this from folivores, stem borers, and phloem and xylem feeders. 5. We contend that current evidence indicates that Si is likely to be involved to a similar extent in enhancing resistance to all four insect feeding guilds and that any conclusion to the contrary is, at this stage, premature.  相似文献   

Plant defence often varies by orders of magnitude as plants develop from the seedling to juvenile to mature and senescent stages. Ontogenetic trajectories can involve switches among defence traits, leading to complex shifting phenotypes across plant lifetimes. While considerable research has characterised ontogenetic trajectories for now hundreds of plant species, we still lack a clear understanding of the molecular, ecological and evolutionary factors driving these patterns. In this study, we identify several non‐mutually exclusive factors that may have led to the evolution of ontogenetic trajectories in plant defence, including developmental constraints, resource allocation costs, multi‐functionality of defence traits, and herbivore selection pressure. Evidence from recent physiological studies is highlighted to shed light on the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation and activation of these developmental changes. Overall, our goal is to promote new research avenues that would provide evidence for the factors that have promoted the evolution of this complex lifetime phenotype. Future research focusing on the questions and approaches identified here will advance the field and shed light on why defence traits shift so dramatically across plant ontogeny, a widespread but poorly understood ecological pattern.  相似文献   

Glucosinolate content in the two major oilseed Brassica crops—rapeseed and mustard has been reduced to the globally accepted Canola quality level (<30 μmoles/g of seed dry weight, DW), making the protein-rich seed meal useful as animal feed. However, the overall lower glucosinolate content in seeds as well as in the other parts of such plants renders them vulnerable to biotic challenges. We report CRISPR/Cas9-based editing of glucosinolate transporter (GTR) family genes in mustard (Brassica juncea) to develop ideal lines with the desired low seed glucosinolate content (SGC) while maintaining high glucosinolate levels in the other plant parts for uncompromised plant defence. Use of three gRNAs provided highly efficient and precise editing of four BjuGTR1 and six BjuGTR2 homologues leading to a reduction of SGC from 146.09 μmoles/g DW to as low as 6.21 μmoles/g DW. Detailed analysis of the GTR-edited lines showed higher accumulation and distributional changes of glucosinolates in the foliar parts. However, the changes did not affect the plant defence and yield parameters. When tested against the pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and generalist pest Spodoptera litura, the GTR-edited lines displayed a defence response at par or better than that of the wild-type line. The GTR-edited lines were equivalent to the wild-type line for various seed yield and seed quality traits. Our results demonstrate that simultaneous editing of multiple GTR1 and GTR2 homologues in mustard can provide the desired low-seed, high-leaf glucosinolate lines with an uncompromised defence and yield.  相似文献   

Leaf herbivory and nutrients increase nectar alkaloids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Correlations between traits may constrain ecological and evolutionary responses to multispecies interactions. Many plants produce defensive compounds in nectar and leaves that could influence interactions with pollinators and herbivores, but the relationship between nectar and leaf defences is entirely unexplored. Correlations between leaf and nectar traits may be mediated by resources and prior damage. We determined the effect of nutrients and leaf herbivory by Manduca sexta on Nicotiana tabacum nectar and leaf alkaloids, floral traits and moth oviposition. We found a positive phenotypic correlation between nectar and leaf alkaloids. Herbivory induced alkaloids in nectar but not in leaves, while nutrients increased alkaloids in both tissues. Moths laid the most eggs on damaged, fertilized plants, suggesting a preference for high alkaloids. Induced nectar alkaloids via leaf herbivory indicate that species interactions involving leaf and floral tissues are linked and should not be treated as independent phenomena in plant ecology or evolution.  相似文献   

The context‐dependent defence (CDD) hypothesis predicts that defence levels of plant species against herbivory are not fixed but vary with environmental conditions, in a way that is specific for plant species that share evolutionary adaptations to resource conditions exemplified by similar maximum relative growth rates. More specifically, we expected plants from resource‐poor environments to display high defence levels but not when grown under resource‐rich conditions, whereas the reverse – plants from resource‐rich conditions displaying low defence levels but not when grown under resource‐poor conditions – is not necessarily the case. In this study, we used multiple‐choice bioassays in which leaf discs were fed to larvae of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) as an efficient and effective way of indicating plant defence levels. This generalist herbivore was capable of detecting both inter‐ and intraspecific differences in defence among plant species. The CDD was tested by exploring the effects of various experimental resource conditions (light, nutrients) upon the herbivore preferences and by comparing these preferences with the maximum relative growth rate of plant species. The experimental results provide general support for the CDD hypothesis with respect to nutrient‐level variation but the effects were not related to the origin of the plant species tested. Variation in light conditions did not result in consistent effects upon herbivore preferences. The CDD therefore can be formulated more precisely as: defence levels of plant species vary under different environmental conditions but in a way that is specific for plant species that share evolutionary adaptations to similar nutrient conditions. This more precise CDD hypothesis is a useful addition to existing optimal‐defence theory because of its focus on the possible plastic effects of resource conditions upon plant defence levels. This is relevant when designing experimental plant–herbivore studies.  相似文献   

Direct measurement of the carbon (C) 'cost' of mycorrhizas is problematic. Although estimates have been made for arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal symbioses, these are based on incomplete budgets or indirect measurements. Furthermore, the conventional model of unidirectional plant-to-fungus C flux is too simplistic. Net fungus-to-plant C transfer supports seedling establishment in c. 10% of plant species, including most orchids, and bidirectional C flows occur in ectomycorrhiza utilizing soil amino acids. Here, the C cost of mycorrhizas to the green orchid Goodyera repens was determined by measurement of simultaneous bidirectional fluxes of 14C labelled sources using a monoxenic system with the fungus Ceratobasidium cornigerum. Transfer of C from fungus to plant ('up-flow') occurs in the photosynthesizing orchid G. repens (max. 0.06 microg) whereas over five times more current assimilate (min. 0.355 microg) is simultaneously allocated in the reverse direction to the mycorrhizal fungus ('down-flow') after 8 d. Carbon is transferred rapidly, being detected in plant-fungal respiration within 31 h of labelling. This study provides the most complete C budget for an orchid-mycorrhizal symbiosis, and clearly shows net plant-to-fungus C flux. The rapidity of bidirectional C flux is indicative of dynamic transfer at an interfacial apoplast as opposed to reliance on digestion of fungal pelotons.  相似文献   

Genes which provide resistance to novel challenges such as pesticides, toxins or pathogens often impose fitness costs on individuals with a resistant phenotype. Studies of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis and its insecticidal Cry toxins indicate that fitness costs may be variable and cryptic. Using two field populations (Karak and Serd4) of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, we tested the hypothesis that the costs associated with resistance to the B. thuringiensis toxin Cry1Ac would be evident when insects were grown under poor environmental conditions, namely limited or poor quality resources. On a poor quality resource, a cultivar of Brassica oleracea var. capitata with varietal resistance to P. xylostella, only one resistant population, Karak, showed reduced fitness. Conversely, when we limited a high quality resource, Brassica pekinensis, by imposing larval competition, only resistant Serd4 insects had reduced survival at high larval densities. Furthermore, Cry1Ac resistance in Serd4 insects declined when reared at high larval densities while resistance at low densities fluctuated but did not decline significantly. These results confirm the hypothesis that resistance costs can appear under stressful conditions and demonstrate that the fitness cost of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis can depend on the particular interaction between genes and the environment.  相似文献   

Pia Mutikainen  Mari Walls 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):487-495
We studied the effects of environmental factors on the ability to compensate for simulated herbivory in an annual (Urtica urens) and two perennial (U. dioica subspp. dioica and sondenii) nettle species in order to test the compensatory continuum hypothesis. Further, we studied the expression of costs of structural defence in different environmental conditions. Herbivory interacted significantly with density and fertilization for height growth, branching and reproductive traits. The negative effects of simulated herbivory on relative height growth were less detrimental for plants grown in low density and high fertilization level, which supports the compensatory continuum hypothesis. However, with respect to other traits measured, our results do not support the idea of compensatory continuum. The negative effects of apical excision on inflorescence biomass were relatively more prominent in plants growing at low density and receiving more fertilization than on those growing in worse conditions. In addition, branching was reduced by apical excision regardless of resource levels. The lack of compensation for herbivory is explained by the role which the damaged or removed tissue plays in plant development and function. In the perennial U. dioica, defensive responses to herbivory, measured as changes in trichome density, were stronger than in the annual U. urens. In the southern subspecies dioica, trichome density increased in newly emerged leaves after leaf clipping. In the northern subspecies sondenii, trichome density increased after apical excision. The differences in the defensive responses between the two subspecies of U. dioica may be due to differential natural herbivory pressures on subspecies inhabiting different geographical regions. We observed negative phenotypic correlations between structural defence and other plant traits, which suggests the existence of costs of defence. In addition to differences among the species studied, the expression of costs of defence was dependent on the resource levels.  相似文献   

Plants use chemical defences to reduce damage from herbivores and the effectiveness of these defences can be altered by biotic and abiotic factors, such as herbivory and soil resource availability. Streptanthus polygaloides , a nickel (Ni) hyperaccumulator, possesses both Ni-based defences and organic defences (glucosinolates), but the extent to which these defences interact and respond to environmental conditions is unknown. S. polygaloides plants were grown on high-Ni and low-Ni soil and concentrations of Ni and glucosinolates were compared with those of the congeneric non-hyperaccumulator, S. insignus spp. insignus , grown under the same conditions. Ni contents were highest (4000 μg g−1 dry tissue) in S. polygaloides plants grown on high-Ni soil. Glucosinolate content was significantly higher in S. insignus than in S. polygaloides suggesting that plants defended by Ni produce a lower concentration of organic defences. In a separate experiment, high-Ni S. polygaloides plants were exposed to simulated herbivory or live folivores to determine the inducibility of Ni-based and organic defences. Contents of Ni were not affected by either herbivory treatment, whereas glucosinolate concentrations were >30% higher in damaged plants. We concluded that the Ni-based defence of S. polygaloides is not induced by herbivory.  相似文献   

1. Understanding the degree to which populations and communities are limited by both bottom‐up and top‐down effects is still a major challenge for ecologists, and manipulation of plant quality, for example, can alter herbivory rates in plants. In addition, biotic defence by ants can directly influence the populations of herbivores, as demonstrated by increased rates of herbivory or increased herbivore density after ant exclusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate bottom‐up and top‐down effects on herbivory rates in a mutualistic ant‐plant. 2. In this study, the role of Azteca alfari ants as biotic defence in individuals of Cecropia pachystachya was investigated experimentally with a simultaneous manipulation of both bottom‐up (fertilisation) and top‐down (ant exclusion) factors. Four treatments were used in a fully factorial design, with 15 replicates for each treatment: (i) control plants, without manipulation; (ii) fertilised plants, ants not manipulated; (iii) unfertilised plants and excluded ants and (iv) fertilised plants and ants excluded. 3. Fertilisation increased the availability of foliar nitrogen in C. pachystachya, and herbivory rates by chewing insects were significantly higher in fertilised plants with ants excluded. 4. Herbivory, however, was more influenced by bottom‐up effects – such as the quality of the host plant – than by top‐down effects caused by ants as biotic defences, reinforcing the crucial role of leaf nutritional quality for herbivory levels experienced by plants. Conditionality in ant defence under increased nutritional quality of leaves through fertilisation might explain increased levels of herbivory in plants with higher leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   

While a large number of studies have examined the effects of increased ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) on growth and physiological function of plants, UV-B effects on pollination success and fitness are poorly understood. To examine this question, we measured growth, timing of flowering, pollination success, production of pollen, ovules, flowers, fruits, and seeds, and quality of offspring produced by Brassica nigra and B. rapa in a garden experiment. A total of 313 plants of the two species were randomly divided into two treatment groups. One group received only natural ambient levels of UV-B, while the other received an artificially enhanced UV-B dose. Fitness of B. nigra declined at the higher UV-B dose while B. rapa fitness did not change. One possible cause of this result was a shift in the relative attractiveness of the two species to pollinators: visitation to B. nigra declined at the high UV-B dose while B. rapa visitation increased. Received: 25 October 1996 / Accepted: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

Florivory: the intersection of pollination and herbivory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
McCall AC  Irwin RE 《Ecology letters》2006,9(12):1351-1365
Plants interact with many visitors who consume a variety of plant tissues. While the consequences of herbivory to leaves and shoots are well known, the implications of florivory, the consumption of flowers prior to seed coat formation, have received less attention. Herbivory and florivory can yield different plant, population and community outcomes; thus, it is critical to distinguish between these two types of consumption. Here, we consider the ecological and evolutionary consequences of florivory. A growing number of studies recognize that florivory is common in natural systems and in some cases surpasses leaf herbivory in magnitude and impact. Florivores can affect male and female plant fitness via direct trophic effects and through altered pathways of species interactions. In particular, florivory can affect pollination and have consequences for plant mating and floral sexual system evolution. Plants are not defenceless against florivore damage. Concepts of resistance and tolerance can be applied to plant–florivore interactions. Moreover, extant theories of plant chemical defence, including optimal defence theory, growth rate hypothesis and growth differentiation–balance hypothesis, can be used to make testable predictions about when and how plants should defend flowers against florivores. The majority of the predictions remain untested, but they provide a theoretical foundation on which to base future experiments. The approaches to studying florivory that we outline may yield novel insights into floral and defence traits not illuminated by studies of pollination or herbivory alone.  相似文献   

Species comparisons are a cornerstone of biology and there is a long tradition of using the comparative framework to study the ecology and evolution of plant defensive traits. Early comparative studies led to the hypothesis that plant chemistry plays a central role in plant defence, and the evolution of plant secondary chemistry in response to insect herbivory remains a classic example of coevolution. However, recent comparative work has disagreed with this paradigm, reporting little connection between plant secondary chemicals and herbivory across distantly related plant taxa. One conclusion of this new work is that the importance of secondary chemistry in plant defence may have been generally overstated in earlier research. Here, we attempt to reconcile these contradicting viewpoints on the role of plant chemistry in defence by critically evaluating the use and interpretation of species correlations as a means to study defence–herbivory relationships. We conclude that the notion that plant primary metabolites (e.g. leaf nitrogen content) are the principal determinants of herbivory (or the target of natural selection by herbivores) is not likely to be correct. Despite the inference of recent community‐wide studies of herbivory, strong evidence remains for a prime role of secondary compounds in plant defence against herbivores.  相似文献   

Populations of Chlamydomonas founded by single cells were cultured in chemostats for 50 days, representing about 125 generations. The mean and variance of division rate was measured daily by withdrawing cells from the effluent and culturing them for 24 h on filtered effluent medium solidified with agar. Mean fitness did not change during the period of culture, and the behavior of neutral markers indicated that no substitutions of novel beneficial mutations occurred. However, the variance of fitness increased markedly at about the same rate in two replicate populations. The standardized rate, or mutational heritability, was Vm/VE = 4-5 x 10(-3) per generation. This is substantially greater than most other estimates for characters closely correlated with fitness. Moreover, it seems difficult to reconcile with the absence of any change in mean fitness. We investigated the possibility that frequency-dependent selection was created by spatial heterogeneity within the culture vessel by testing cell populations with different phenotypes from the top, bottom, and surface of the chemostats. However, the differentiation of these populations seemed to be attributable to phenotypic plasticity, with no evidence that their characteristics were heritable. Finally, we report an experiment in which lines were selected for about 100 generations on solid or liquid medium. These lines became specifically adapted to the medium on which they were cultured, showing that liquid and solid media, even when chemically identical, provide different conditions of growth for Chlamydomonas. The genetic variance appearing in the cultures was therefore attributed to conditionally neutral mutations that were not expressed in the chemostat. This implies that rates of accumulation of mutational variance measured in the culture environment itself (where this can be done) may greatly underestimate the variation available for a response through selection to environmental change. Moreover, it suggests that chemostat populations may be more dynamic and more diverse than is usually thought.  相似文献   

Competition and cooperation is fundamental to evolution by natural selection, both in animals and plants. Here, I investigate the consequences of such interactions for response in fitness due to natural selection. I provide quantitative genetic expressions for heritable variance and response in fitness due to natural selection when conspecifics interact. Results show that interactions among conspecifics generate extra heritable variance in fitness, and that interacting with kin is the key to evolutionary success because it translates the extra heritable variance into response in fitness. This work also unifies Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection (FTNS) and Hamilton’s inclusive fitness (IF). The FTNS implies that natural selection maximizes fitness, whereas Hamilton proposed maximization of IF. This work shows that the FTNS describes the increase in IF, rather than direct fitness, at a rate equal to the additive genetic variance in fitness. Thus, Hamilton’s IF and Fisher’s FTNS both describe the maximization of IF.  相似文献   

Understanding how interacting abiotic and biotic factors influence colonization rates into different habitat types is critical for both conserving and controlling species. For example, the rapid global spread of Asian tiger mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus, has reduced native species abundances and produced disease outbreaks. Fortunately, bacterial endospores of two Bacillus species (biospesticide) are highly lethal to Ae. albopictus larvae and have been commercially developed to reduce populations. Oviposition habitat selection is the first defense Ae. albopictus females possess against any control substance added to breeding sites, and considerable variation exists in their response to biopesticides. In a field experiment, I crossed the presence/absence of biopesticides, with two canopy (open, closed) and water (high, low) levels at 64 breeding sites, to examine if these interacted to influence oviposition site choice. Avoidance of biopesticide was most pronounced in closed canopy sites and those with low water levels, as all main effects and two‐way interactions influenced oviposition. Oviposition habitat selection represents a possible mechanism of resistance to biopesticides and other methods used to kill mosquito larvae. Future experiments examining how larval density and mortality modify these results should allow for more effective control of this highly invasive species.  相似文献   

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