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The site of the scaleless gene's activity in the development of abnormal feathers was determined by reciprocally recombining epidermis and dermis between normal and scaleless chick embryos and culturing the recombinants for seven days on the chorioallantoic membrane. When recombined with a common dermal source, feather development is enhanced by scaleless high line as compared to scaleless low line epidermis. Against a common responding tissue, 7-day normal back epidermis, significant differences were not found in feather inducing ability between normal, scaleless high line and scaleless low line dermis. It was concluded that, in relation to abnormal feathering, these tissue interactions reveal that the site of the scaleless gene's activity is the epidermis. A model of tissue interaction in the development of normal and abnormal feathers is presented. According to the model, the focus of the scaleless mutation and the genes accumulated by selection for high or low feather numbers is the epidermis, the effect being that the reactivity of the epidermis to dermal stimuli is altered. Subsequently, the epidermis controls the morphogenetic organization of the dermis. The scaleless dermis is presumed to contain normal positional information for the determination of feather structure and pattern.  相似文献   

Birds exhibiting a varying featherless condition resulting from the recessive sex-linked gene naked (n) were used to investigate whether the gene altered the dermis or the epidermis. By splitting 7-day normal and naked skin into its dermal and epidermal components, and heterotypically recombining and growing it in chambers on the chorio-allantoic membrane (CAM), it was found that the epidermis of the naked birds is the site of mutant gene action. A histological study of developing normal and naked skin was done and the structure of the naked feather is elucidated.  相似文献   

Unlike normal scutate scales whose outer and inner epidermal surfaces elaborate β (β-keratins) and α (α-keratins) strata, respectively, the scaleless mutant's anterior metatarsal epidermis remains flat and elaborates only an α stratum. Reciprocal epidermal-dermal recombinations of presumptive scale tissues from normal and mutant embryos have demonstrated that the scaleless defect is expressed only by the epidermis. In fact, the scaleless anterior metatarsal epidermis is unable to undergo placode formation. More recently, it has been determined that the absence of epidermal placode morphogenesis into a definitive scale ridge actually results in the establishment of a scale dermis which is incapable of inducing the outer and inner epidermal surfaces of scutate scales. Can the initial genetic defect in the scaleless anterior metatarsal epidermis be overcome by replacing the defective dermis with a normal scutate scale dermis, i.e., a dermis with scale ridges already present? Or, are the genes involved in the production of a β stratum regulated by events directly associated with morphogenesis of the epidermal placode? In the present study, we combined scaleless anterior metatarsal epidermis (stages 36 to 42) with normal scutate scale dermis (stage 40, 41, or 42) old enough to have acquired its scutate scale-inducing ability. After 7 days of growth as chorioallantoic membrane grafts, we observed grossly and histologically, typical scutate scales in these recombinant grafts. Electron microscopic and electrophoretic analyses have verified that these recombinant scales are true scutate scales. The scaleless mutation, known to be expressed initially by the anterior metatarsal epidermis, can be overcome by exposing this epidermis to appropriate inductive cues, i.e., cues that direct the differentiation of the outer and inner epidermal surfaces of the scutate scales and the production of specific structural proteins. We have determined that the time between stages 38 and 39 is the critical period during which the normal scutate scale dermis acquires these inductive abilities.  相似文献   

Multi-angle light scattering flow photometry was used to study the light scattering properties of normal cultured fibroblasts and a mutant fibroblast line containing cytoplasmic lysosomal inclusions. The effect of glutaraldehyde fixation on the light scattering properties of the cells was also examined and correlated with their ultrastructure. Normal fibroblasts showed uniform organelle distribution with few vacuoles or dense bodies in the cytoplasm while the mutant line showed abnormal cytoplasmic inclusions of varying morphology, density and lucency. As predicted by light scattering theory, the mutant cells containing the cytoplasmic inclusions scattered more light at large angles (greater than theta = 1.85 degrees) than did the normal cells. Glutaraldehyde fixation decreased light scattering at small angles (less than theta = 1.85 degrees), increased light scattering at larger angles (greater than theta = 1.85 degrees) in both normal and mutant cells and enhanced resolution of the light scattering signatures. The mutant line scattered 2-3 times more light at a wide angle (greater than theta = 12.74 degrees) than did the normal cells. These data suggest that abnormal lysosomal storage inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of the cells can be detected by differential light scattering methods.  相似文献   

G Seydoux  T Schedl  I Greenwald 《Cell》1990,61(6):939-951
In each gonadal arm of wild-type C. elegans hermaphrodites, the somatic distal tip cell (DTC) maintains distal germline nuclei in mitosis, while proximal nuclei enter meiosis. We have identified two conditions under which a proximal somatic cell, the anchor cell (AC), inappropriately maintains proximal germline nuclei in mitosis: when defined somatic gonadal cells have been ablated in wild type, and in lin-12 null mutants. Laser ablations and mosaic analysis indicate that somatic gonadal cells neighboring the AC normally require lin-12 activity to prevent the inappropriate AC-germline interaction. The AC-germline interaction, like the DTC-germline interaction, requires glp-1 activity. In one model, we propose that the AC sends an intercellular signal intended to interact with the lin-12 product in somatic gonadal cells; when lin-12 activity is absent, the signal interacts instead with the related glp-1 product in germline. Our data illustrate the importance of mechanisms that prevent inappropriate interactions during development.  相似文献   

During the last 40 years, several studies in man have been devoted to the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying spasticity. Spasticity is characterised by a velocity dependent increase in muscle tone. Many spinal pathways control stretch reflex excitability and a malfunction in any one of them could theoretically produce the exaggeration of the stretch reflex. Delwaide showed that the vibration-induced inhibition of Ia fibres is reduced in spastic patients. However, the relation between a decrease in presynaptic Ia inhibition and the pathophysiology of spasticity has been recently questioned since it was argued that homosynaptic depression (or post-activation depression) also contributes to the vibratory-induced depression of monosynaptic reflexes. This paper is thus devoted to a review of the methods recently developed to study selectively presynaptic Ia inhibition in man and to a reevaluation of the relations between modifications in presynaptic Ia inhibition and spasticity in hemiplegic and spinal spastic patients.  相似文献   

L Ossowski  D Biegel  E Reich 《Cell》1979,16(4):929-940
We have analyzed the plasminogen activator (PA) content of normal rodent mammary glands at different stages of the mammary life cycle and after exposing the animals to various hormones; we have also assessed the PA response of mammary explants to a variety of hormonal environments. Similar studies were performed on a limited number of primary mammary tumors. Plasminogen activator production was clearly correlated with mammary involution. A large but transient increase in enzyme content followed the initiation of involution in all glands, and the enzyme was produced by mammary cells, not by macrophages or granulocytes. Oxytocin, prolactin and hydrocortisone, which slowed or blocked involution, produced parallel effects on gland regression and PA synthesis. PA synthesis by explants in organ culture was induced by hormonal environments that fostered involution and repressed by those that promoted lactation. Mammary tumors produced much more PA than normal tissue both in vivo and in vitro, and distinct differences were found in the response of enzyme synthesis to hormones. The results reinforce the association of PA with tissue remodeling; show that the enzyme can be used as an indicator of cellular response to a wide range of hormones in both normal and malignant tissue; and suggest that observations of this type in organ culture may be of some value in predicting physiological responses in vivo.  相似文献   

Shock waves were measured during walking on a treadmill on the metal tube of a below-knee KBM prosthesis, provided either with a SACH foot or with a Multiflex foot. Accelerations were measured in the axial direction and the dorso-ventral direction, about 160 mm proximal to the sole of the shoe. The accelerations had comparable amplitudes to those measured on normal legs. Dorso-ventral amplitudes (order of magnitude 4 g) were generally higher than the axial amplitudes. For some patients, the SACH foot gave much higher axial accelerations than the Multiflex foot did. In the dorso-ventral direction, the SACH foot showed a moderate resonance phenomenon in the autospectral density function in the range of 40-50 Hz. The Multiflex foot showed a more variable behaviour. For both types of feet, components above 65 Hz were negligible.  相似文献   

Summary A 12-stage normal table of anther development in Oenothera, is presented. The stages are characterized by developmental steps in the reproductive cells and the tapetum, including waves of amylogenesis and lipogenesis as well as the production of the sporoderm layers. This is compared to a corresponding table for the male-sterile (mst) mutant sterilis (ster). Differences between the development of fertile and mst anthers appear after the liberation of the microspores from the tetrads. Male sterility results from a malfunction of the tapetum in the production of ektexine sporopollenin precursors, which aggregate in the tapetal cells. The consequence is the absence of ektexine from the microspores. The endexine is then dissolved, presumably by an enzyme. This process leads to naked microspores whose unprotected cytoplasms are attacked by hydrolytic enzymes present in the thecal fluid. At anthesis the anthers contain only undefined remnants of microspores and tapetum.  相似文献   

Women are up to eight times more likely than men to suffer an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, and knee valgus is perhaps the most at-risk motion. Women have been shown to have more knee valgus than men in squatting movements and while landing. The purposes were to investigate whether a relationship exists between lower-extremity frontal plane motions in squatting and landing, whether gender differences exist, and whether squat or hip abduction strength relates to knee valgus while landing. Eleven collegiate Division III soccer players and 11 recreationally trained men were tested for maximal vertical jump height and for squat and hip abduction strength. On the second day of testing, subjects performed light (50% one repetition maximum) and heavy (85%) squat protocols and three landings from their maximal vertical jump height. Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients and a 2 x 10 factorial analysis of variance with t-test post hoc comparisons (p 相似文献   

Random samples of 605 family physicians and 299 chiropractors in Washington were surveyed to determine their beliefs about back pain and how they would respond to three hypothetic patients with back pain. With 79% of the family physicians and 70% of the chiropractors responding, family physicians and chiropractors differed greatly not only in their technical approaches to back pain--such as drug therapy versus spinal manipulation--but also in their underlying beliefs and attitudes. Family physicians think that most back pain is caused by muscle strain, that lumbosacral radiographs are rarely useful, that appropriate therapy does not depend on a precise diagnosis, and that back pain will usually resolve within a few weeks without professional help. Family physicians were more likely than chiropractors to feel frustrated by patients with back pain, less likely to think they can help patients prevent future episodes of back pain, and less confident that their patients are satisfied with their care. Studies are needed to determine whether the different perspectives of family physicians and chiropractors are associated with differences in the costs and outcomes of care.  相似文献   

An important role of inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase for epithelial action during skin repair has been well established. Although a delayed healing of skin wounds has been recently described for eNOS-deficient mice, a participation of endothelial-type NO synthase (eNOS) in skin repair largely remains unclear. In this study we determined the expression pattern of eNOS during wound healing in healthy and in diabetic mice. Remarkably, normal repair in healthy animals was characterized by a moderate induction of eNOS at the mRNA and protein level, whereas diabetes-impaired healing was associated with a clearly reduced eNOS protein expression. Immunohistochemistry revealed the endothelial lining of blood vessels within the granulation tissue, and also keratinocytes of the wound margins, the developing neo-epithelium, and the hair follicles to express eNOS protein. Keratinocyte-derived expression of eNOS could be confirmed at the mRNA level in vitro for human primary keratinocytes and the keratinocyte cell line HaCaT. Furthermore, eNOS enzymatic activity most likely contributes to epithelial regeneration, as eNOS-deficient (eNOS -/-) animals exhibited reduced wound margin epithelia associated with reduced keratinocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

The first signalling genes acting in the inductive interactions in the kidney have now been identified. Differentiation of the permanent kidney or the metanephros is critically dependent on inductive signalling between the nephrogenic mesenchyme and ureteric bud epithelium. Further inductive interactions occur between developing nephrons, interstitial stroma, endothelial cells and neurones. Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor is a signal for the ureteric bud initiation and branching, and Wnt4 is an autocrine epithelializing signal at the pretubular stage of nephron formation. The signals for renal angiogenesis and innervation are less well defined, but seem to include vascular endothelial growth factor and neurotrophins, at least. The ureteric-bud-derived signal for induction of the nephrogenic mesenchyme (to bring the cells to the condensate stage) is not yet known, but fibroblast growth factor 2 is a good candidate. None of the signalling genes identified from the embryonic kidney is specific to the organ, which raises some general questions. How do the organs develop from similar rudiments to various patterns with different cell types and functions? Does the information for organ-specific differentiation pathways retain in the epithelial or mesenchymal compartment? The present, rather fragmentary molecular data would favour the view that similar molecules acting in different combinations and developmental sequences, rather than few organ-specific master genes, could be responsible for the divergence of patterning.  相似文献   

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