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Predictive motifs derived from cytosine methyltransferases.   总被引:36,自引:51,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
Thirteen bacterial DNA methyltransferases that catalyze the formation of 5-methylcytosine within specific DNA sequences possess related structures. Similar building blocks (motifs), containing invariant positions, can be found in the same order in all thirteen sequences. Five of these blocks are highly conserved while a further five contain weaker similarities. One block, which has the most invariant residues, contains the proline-cysteine dipeptide of the proposed catalytic site. A region in the second half of each sequence is unusually variable both in length and sequence composition. Those methyltransferases that exhibit significant homology in this region share common specificity in DNA recognition. The five highly conserved motifs can be used to discriminate the known 5-methylcytosine forming methyltransferases from all other methyltransferases of known sequence, and from all other identified proteins in the PIR, GenBank and EMBL databases. These five motifs occur in a mammalian methyltransferase responsible for the formation of 5-methylcytosine within CG dinucleotides. By searching the unidentified open reading frames present in the GenBank and EMBL databases, two potential 5-methylcytosine forming methyltransferases have been found.  相似文献   

The sequences coding for DNA[cytosine-N4]methyltransferases MvaI (from Micrococcus varians RFL19) and Cfr9I (from Citrobacter freundii RFL9) have been determined. The predicted methylases are proteins of 454 and 300 amino acids, respectively. Primary structure comparison of M.Cfr9I and another m4C-forming methylase, M.Pvu II, revealed extended regions of homology. The sequence comparison of the three DNA[cytosine-N4]-methylases using originally developed software revealed two conserved patterns, DPF-GSGT and TSPPY, which were found similar also to those of adenine and DNA[cytosine-C5]-methylases. These data provided a basis for global alignment and classification of DNA-methylase sequences. Structural considerations led us to suggest that the first region could be the binding site of AdoMet, while the second is thought to be directly involved in the modification of the exocyclic amino group.  相似文献   

The authors describe the discovery and characterization of several structural classes of small-molecule inhibitors of bacterial DNA adenine methyltransferases. These enzymes are essential for bacterial virulence (DNA adenine methyltransferase [DAM]) and cell viability (cell cycle-regulated methyltransferase [CcrM]). Using a novel high-throughput fluorescence-based assay and recombinant DAM and CcrM, the authors screened a diverse chemical library. They identified 5 major structural classes of inhibitors composed of more than 350 compounds: cyclopentaquinolines, phenyl vinyl furans, pyrimidine-diones, thiazolidine-4-ones, and phenyl-pyrroles. DNA binding assays were used to identify compounds that interact directly with DNA. Potent compounds selective for the bacterial target were identified, whereas other compounds showed greater selectivity for the mammalian DNA cytosine methyltransferase, Dnmt1. Enzyme inhibition analysis identified mechanistically distinct compounds that interfered with DNA or cofactor binding. Selected compounds demonstrated cell-based efficacy. These small-molecule DNA methyltransferase inhibitors provide useful reagents to probe the role of DNA methylation and may form the basis of developing novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

The availability of fast and robust algorithms for protein structure comparison provides an opportunity to produce a database of three-dimensional comparisons, called families of structurally similar proteins (FSSP). The database currently contains an extended structural family for each of 154 representative (below 30% sequence identity) protein chains. Each data set contains: the search structure; all its relatives with 70-30% sequence identity, aligned structurally; and all other proteins from the representative set that contain substructures significantly similar to the search structure. Very close relatives (above 70% sequence identity) rarely have significant structural differences and are excluded. The alignments of remote relatives are the result of pairwise all-against-all structural comparisons in the set of 154 representative protein chains. The comparisons were carried out with each of three novel automatic algorithms that cover different aspects of protein structure similarity. The user of the database has the choice between strict rigid-body comparisons and comparisons that take into account interdomain motion or geometrical distortions; and, between comparisons that require strictly sequential ordering of segments and comparisons, which allow altered topology of loop connections or chain reversals. The data sets report the structurally equivalent residues in the form of a multiple alignment and as a list of matching fragments to facilitate inspection by three-dimensional graphics. If substructures are ignored, the result is a database of structure alignments of full-length proteins, including those in the twilight zone of sequence similarity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies were elicited by the recombinant human H-ferritin overexpressed in Escherichia coli. They had a specificity analogous to that of the antibodies elicited by natural human H-chain, and all of them showed low additivity in binding the recombinant ferritin. Four antibodies of each group were challenged with four H-ferritin mutants overexpressed in E. coli, altered in different accessible areas of the molecule. They consisted of deletions of the first 13 and last 22 amino acids, a duplication of an 18 amino acid sequence in the loop region, and a substitution of a 5 amino acid stretch in the three-fold symmetry axis region. Double diffusion, immunodot analyses and inhibition plots indicated that: (1) all the mutants were recognized by at least one antibody; (2) the deletion of the N-terminus and the duplication in the loop region had the strongest effect on antibody binding; and (3) epitope boundaries of the various antibodies could not be recognized. The antibodies were tested with H-containing ferritins from rat and hen hearts, and showed low or absent reactivities despite their high structural homology with human ferritin. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of human, mouse, rat and hen H-chains, together with mutational data, suggested that; (i) ferritin epitopes are large, probably encompassing a large portion of the subunit surface and (ii) Thr-5 and Cys-90 have a role in H-ferritin immunogenicity.  相似文献   



Network motifs are small modules that show interesting functional and dynamic properties, and are believed to be the building blocks of complex cellular processes. However, the mechanistic details of such modules are often unknown: there is uncertainty about the motif architecture as well as the functional form and parameter values when converted to ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This translates into a number of candidate models being compatible with the system under study. A variety of statistical methods exist for ranking models including maximum likelihood-based and Bayesian methods. Our objective is to show how such methods can be applied in a typical systems biology setting.  相似文献   

Detection of common motifs in RNA secondary structures.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We describe a novel computerized system for comparison of RNA secondary structures and demonstrate its use for experimental studies. The system is able to screen a very large number of structures, to cluster similar structures and to detect specific structural motifs. In particular, the system is useful for detecting mutations with specific structural effects among all possible point mutations, and for predicting compensatory mutations that will restore the wild type structure. The algorithms are independent of the folding rules that are used to generate the secondary structures.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli verotoxin, also known as Shiga-like toxin, binds to eukaryotic cell membranes via the glycolipid Gb(3) receptors which present the P(k) trisaccharide Galalpha(1-4)Galbeta(1-4)Glcbeta. Crystallographic studies have identified three P(k) trisaccharide (P(k)-glycoside) binding sites per verotoxin 1B subunit (VT1B) monomer while NMR studies have identified binding of P(k)-glycoside only at site 2. To understand the basis for this difference, we studied binding of wild type VT1B and VT1B mutants, defective at one or more of the three sites, to P(k)-glycoside and pentavalent P(k) trisaccharide (pentaSTARFISH) in solution and Gb(3) presented on liposomal membranes using surface plasmon resonance. Site 2 was the key site in terms of free trisaccharide binding since mutants altered at sites 1 and 3 bound this ligand with wild type affinity. However, effective binding of the pentaSTARFISH molecule also required a functional site 3, suggesting that site 3 promotes pentavalent binding of linked trisaccharides at site 1 and site 2. Optimal binding to membrane-associated Gb(3) involved all three sites. Binding of all single site mutants to liposomal Gb(3) was weaker than wild type VT1B binding. Site 3 mutants behaved as if they had reduced ability to enter into high avidity interactions with Gb(3) in the membrane context. Double mutants at site 1/site 3 and site 2/site 3 were completely inactive in terms of binding to liposomal Gb(3,) even though the site 1/site 3 mutant bound trisaccharide with almost wild type affinity. Thus site 2 alone is not sufficient to confer high avidity binding to membrane-localized Gb(3). Cytotoxic activity paralleled membrane glycolipid binding. Our data show that the interaction of verotoxin with the Gb(3) trisaccharide is highly context dependent and that a membrane environment is required for biologically relevant studies of the interaction.  相似文献   

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) deficiency is a genetic disorder which causes 2,8-dihydroxy-adenine urolithiasis. The estimated incidence of heterozygosity in Caucasian and Japanese populations is 1%. Mutant alleles responsible for the disease have been classified as APRT*Q0 (type I) and APRT* (type II). In our previous study, we demonstrated in APRT*J a single common base change which accounts for 70% of the Japanese mutants. The present report describes the analysis of an APRT*Q0 mutation in Japanese subjects. Two nucleotide substitutions common to all seven affected alleles from four unrelated subjects (three homozygotes and a heterozygote) were identified: G----A at nucleotide position 1453 and C----T at 1456. The G----A altered the amino acid Trp98 to a stop codon. The C----T did not alter Ala99. These point mutations were demonstrated by sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified genomic DNA and cDNA. The G----A change at 1453 results in the elimination of a PflMI site in the APRT gene. PflMI digests, which were used to confirm the G----A transition, can be useful in screening for this specific mutation.  相似文献   

A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
G Berná  P Robles  J L Micol 《Genetics》1999,152(2):729-742
As a contribution to a better understanding of the developmental processes that are specific to plants, we have begun a genetic analysis of leaf ontogeny in the model system Arabidopsis thaliana by performing a large-scale screening for mutants with abnormal leaves. After screening 46,159 M2 individuals, arising from 5770 M1 parental seeds exposed to EMS, we isolated 1926 M2 putative leaf mutants, 853 of which yielded viable M3 inbred progeny. Mutant phenotypes were transmitted with complete penetrance and small variations in expressivity in 255 lines. Most of them were inherited as recessive monogenic traits, belonging to 94 complementation groups, which suggests that we did not reach saturation of the genome. We discuss the nature of the processes presumably perturbed in the phenotypic classes defined among our mutants.  相似文献   

The temporal sequence of expression of human globin genes during development suggests precise regulation of these genes. Recent studies have characterized a number of DNA sequences within or flanking the human beta-globin gene which are important in its regulation and several proteins which bind to these sequences have been identified. We have found two proteins which bind 5' to the human beta-globin gene. One of these proteins, which we designate BP1, binds to two sequences, one between -550 and -527 bp relative to the cap site, the other between -302 and -294 bp. A second protein, BP2, binds to sequences between -275 and -263 bp. The binding sites for both BP1 and BP2 are in two regions which function as silencers in a transient expression assay using the human erythroleukemia cell line K562. These results and others presented here suggest that BP1 may act as a repressor protein. Negative regulation seems to be an important component of tissue and developmental specific globin gene regulation.  相似文献   

J R Hawkins 《Hormone research》1992,38(5-6):222-225
A candidate for the male sex-determining gene has recently been isolated. This sex-determining gene (SRY) has been found to be mutated in some individuals with failed testis development, and, in mouse transgenesis, the SRY murine homologue (Sry) causes female-to-male sex reversal. The cloning of SRY should facilitate the characterisation of other genes in the testis-determining pathway and provide information on the mechanism of mammalian developmental decisions.  相似文献   

Systematic mutational analysis of the yeast beta-tubulin gene.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A systematic strategy was used to create a synoptic set of mutations that are distributed throughout the single beta-tubulin gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Clusters of charged amino acids were targeted for mutagenesis and converted to alanine to maximize alterations on the protein's surface and minimize alterations that affect protein folding. Of the 55 mutations we constructed, three confer dominant-lethality, 11 confer recessive-lethality, 10 confer cold-sensitivity, one confers heat-sensitivity, and 27 confer altered resistance to benomyl. Only 11 alleles give no discernible phenotype. In spite of the fact that beta-tubulin is a highly conserved protein, three-fourths of the mutations do not destroy the ability of the protein to support the growth of yeast at 30 degrees C. The lethal substitutions are primarily located in three regions of the protein and presumably identify domains most critical for beta-tubulin function. Interestingly, most of the conditional-lethal alleles produce specific defects in spindle assembly at their restrictive temperature; cytoplasmic microtubules are relatively unaffected. The exceptions are two mutants that contain abnormally long cytoplasmic microtubules. Mutants with specific spindle defects were not observed in our previous collection of beta-tubulin mutants and should be valuable in dissecting spindle function.  相似文献   

Human and porcine aminoacylase 1 (Acy1) contain two peculiar sequence motifs located near the interface between the two major domains of the Acy1 subunit. Each motif consists of the sequence PWW preceded by four strongly polar residues. In order to examine the significance of these sequences for Acy1 stability and/or catalysis, we used site-directed mutagenesis of human Acy1 to replace the tryptophan residues in either motif with alanines. Both mutants showed unchanged zinc binding and normal substrate affinity. Modification in PWW motif 1 (residues 192 -194) and motif 2 (residues 321 - 323) resulted in markedly reduced specific activity in the first case and diminished stability in either mutant. Fluorescence quenching measurements showed that all four tryptophans of the PWW motifs are solvent-accessible. We conclude that PWW motif 1 maintains the native conformation of the active site by creating the proper spatial relationship between dimerization domains and catalytic domains, while motif PWW2 is necessary for the stability of the catalytic domain.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial mismatch analysis is insensitive to the mutational process   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
Mismatch distributions are histograms showing the pattern of nucleotide (or restriction) site differences between pairs of individuals in a sample. They can be used to test hypotheses about the history of population size and subdivision (if selective neutrality is assumed) or about selection (if a constant population size is assumed). Previous work has assumed that mutations never strike the same site twice, an assumption that is called the model of infinite sites. Fortunately, the results are surprisingly robust even when this assumption is violated. We show here that (1) confidence regions inferred using the infinite- sites model differ little from those inferred using a model of finite sites with uniform site-specific mutation rates, and (2) even when site- specific mutation rates follow a gamma distribution, confidence regions are little changed until the gamma shape parameter falls well below its plausible range, to roughly 0.01. In addition, we evaluate and reject the proposition that mismatch waves are produced by pooling data from several subdivisions of a structured population.   相似文献   

Showing a high sequence similarity, the evolutionary closely related bacterial poly(A) polymerases (PAP) and CCA-adding enzymes catalyze quite different reactions—PAP adds poly(A) tails to RNA 3′-ends, while CCA-adding enzymes synthesize the sequence CCA at the 3′-terminus of tRNAs. Here, two highly conserved structural elements of the corresponding Escherichia coli enzymes were characterized. The first element is a set of amino acids that was identified in CCA-adding enzymes as a template region determining the enzymes' specificity for CTP and ATP. The same element is also present in PAP, where it confers ATP specificity. The second investigated region corresponds to a flexible loop in CCA-adding enzymes and is involved in the incorporation of the terminal A-residue. Although, PAP seems to carry a similar flexible region, the functional relevance of this element in PAP is not known. The presented results show that the template region has an essential function in both enzymes, while the second element is surprisingly dispensable in PAP. The data support the idea that the bacterial PAP descends from CCA-adding enzymes and still carries some of the structural elements required for CCA-addition as an evolutionary relic and is now fixed in a conformation specific for A-addition.  相似文献   

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