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Sulfate transport in human lung fibroblasts (IMR-90)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sulfate transport in a fibroblast cell line derived from human lung (IMR-90) occurred mainly via high- and low-affinity, SITS-sensitive pathways and to a lesser extent by an SITS-insensitive mechanism. In low-ionic-strength media (sucrose substituted for salts) the apparent Km of the carrier-mediated sulfate influx was 1 mM. At 0.3 mM, the sulfate concentration normally found in human serum, the contribution of the SITS-insensitive pathway was negligible. In physiological salts solution, an SITS-sensitive, high-affinity (Km 34 +/- 14 microM) sulfate influx system was observed at extracellular sulfate concentrations less than 100 microM. Between 100 and 500 microM sulfate, the range normally found in human serum, sulfate influx occurred via an SITS-sensitive, low-affinity pathway and to a small extent by an SITS-insensitive mechanism. Extracellular chloride inhibited the influx and stimulated the efflux of sulfate. Bicarbonate and thiosulfate inhibited sulfate influx but had no effect on sulfate efflux. Phosphate, arsenate, or Na+ did not affect sulfate uptake. These results indicate that in human lung fibroblast IMR-90 cells sulfate is transported mainly via an SO4(2-)/Cl- exchange system independent of the phosphate or Na+ transport. Since sulfate concentration as high as 50 mM only slightly increased sulfate efflux, SO4(2-)/SO4(2-) exchange is probably a minor component of sulfate uptake.  相似文献   

We present, here, evidence for a pretranslational role of procollagen propeptides in the regulation of collagen synthesis. Amino- and carboxyl-terminal type I procollagen propeptides were isolated and purified from chick calvaria and tendon cultures. Human lung fibroblasts (IMR-90) were incubated in medium containing varying concentrations of propeptides. Amino-propeptides at 10 nM caused an 80% decrease in collagen synthesis compared to control. Higher concentrations of amino-propeptides did not decrease collagen synthesis further and no significant effect on non-collagen synthesis was found throughout the entire concentration range. Carboxyl-propeptides also inhibited collagen synthesis. At 10 nM, collagen synthesis was decreased by 30% and a concentration of 40 nM caused an 80% reduction. However, at the latter concentration non-collagen synthesis was also affected, decreasing by 20% relative to control. To assess possible pretranslational effects of propeptides, IMR-90 fibroblasts were treated with varying concentrations of each propeptide and levels of type I procollagen mRNA was determined by dot hybridization with a 32P-alpha 2(I) cDNA probe. Both propeptides caused significant concentration-dependent decreases in procollagen type I mRNA levels. At 10 nM, the amino-propeptide resulted in a 55% decrease in collagen mRNA levels while at 40 nM these levels decreased by 72% compared to control. Carboxyl-propeptides were also inhibitory, decreasing mRNA levels by 33% at 10 nM and 73% at 40 nM. Messenger RNA levels of a representative noncollagenous protein, beta-actin, were unaffected by either propeptide throughout the concentration range.  相似文献   

NH2-terminal extension peptides of type I and type III procollagens were isolated from dermatosparactic and normal fetal calfskin, respectively. Cell culture experiments showed that the globular domains of the tested procollagen peptides were biologically active but that peptides from the helical region of collagen had no effect. The peptides were added to the incubation medium of calf fibroblasts along with radioactive precursor amino acids, and the amount of newly synthesized collagen was determined. The experiments indicated that procollagen peptides exerted a feedback-like inhibitory effect specific for the synthesis of collagen. Neither degradation of collagen, hydroxylation of collagen alpha chains, nor synthesis of noncollagenous proteins were affected. Synthesis of type II collagen by calf chondrocytes was not reduced. In addition, it was shown that procollagen peptides from calf were equally effective when added to human fibroblast cultures, an observation that could be of considerable medical interest.  相似文献   

gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase has multi-catalytic activities. It degrades glutathione and can produce ammonia from glutamine. The present study was designed to examine whether the decreased cell proliferation, cellular glutathione content and concurrent increase in ammonia production in senescent cells in culture are the result of increased gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity. We used IMR-90 fibroblast and 3T3 LI preadipocyte cultures. The cellular glutathione content depended upon cell proliferation and cell density. The glutathione content was higher in cells at logarithmic growth, and lower at stationary growth or post confluency; dead cells had no detectable glutathione by the method currently used. The glutathione content was minimal in "old" IMR-90 cells, regardless of cell density. On the other hand, an increase occurred in the unit number of molecules of bound 5-iodoacetoamidofluorescein, an active-site directed stoichiometric inhibitor of transpeptidase. That result corresponded favorably with the increased enzyme activity, suggesting that the number of enzyme molecules per cell was increased. The inhibition of ammonia production of the cultures by inhibition of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase by 5-iodoacetoamidofluorescein and reversible inhibition of ammonia production by a serine-borate mixture were consistent with our postulate. Addition of NH4Cl (0.1 mM) to IMR-90 cultures caused increased activities of transpeptidase and some of the lysosomal enzymes; concurrently, the amount of cellular glutathione and the number of cell divisions decreased. This suggests that the increased ammonia production presumably resulting from glutaminase activity of the observed increase of transpeptidase may profoundly affect certain cellular functions.  相似文献   

In cultures of dermal fibroblasts, procollagen and the intermediates pC- and pN-collagen accumulated in the culture medium with little further processing to collagen. When polyethylene glycol (PEG) or other neutral polymers were added to fibroblast culture medium, no collagen or procollagen was found in the medium, but all the collagen was associated with the cell layer. The type I procollagen was fully processed to collagen with an initial transient accumulation of pN-collagen, and the processed collagen formed covalently cross-linked dimers. The presence of pepsin-sensitive COOH-terminal telopeptides and the accumulation of pN-collagen in PEG-treated cultures of dermatosparactic fibroblasts indicated that it was likely that processing occurred via the correct in vivo propeptidase activities. At the levels used in this study, PEG did not have any toxic effect during the incubation period on the fibroblasts in culture, since the amount of total protein synthesis was not altered by addition of PEG to cultures. However, the level of collagen production was reduced to about half, indicating that there was increased degradation or that the released collagen propeptides or the accumulation of processed collagen in association with the cells exerted a feedback regulation on collagen synthesis. Addition of neutral polymers to the culture medium provided a simple means of achieving complete and accurate processing of procollagen which more closely resembled the in vivo process.  相似文献   

Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), a highly basic protein secreted from eosinophilic granulocytes, has been shown to take part in the inflammatory reaction. The involvement of ECP in fibroblast activation was therefore investigated in cell culture. Production of proteoglycans, hyaluronan and collagen in the presence of ECP was measured after incorporation of radioactive precursors and separation into different proteoglycan classes using gel and ion exchange chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Proteoglycan accumulation in the cell layer was increased two- to fivefold at an ECP-concentration of 10 micrograms/ml. No effect on collagen, other proteins or hyaluronan was noted. Furthermore, no effect was observed on cell proliferation. The increased proteoglycan accumulation could be inhibited by addition of heparin or of antibodies to ECP. The effect could not be mimicked by the two basic peptides protamine and poly-L-lysine, speaking in favor of specificity. The increase in proteoglycan material was seen exclusively in the intracellular pool. No change of proteoglycans in the medium or the cell surface-associated pool was noted. The increase in the cell layer was accounted for by a two- to fivefold increase in free chains of heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate. No change was seen in the proteoglycan pattern. No effect on proteoglycan synthesis or on endocytosis was noted. The increased accumulation of polysaccharide was caused by inhibited degradation of glycosaminoglycans. The half-lives of large and small heparan sulfate proteoglycans/glycosaminoglycans and dermatan sulfate proteoglycans/glycosaminoglycans in the cell layer are increased four- to sevenfold. We conclude that ECP inhibits proteoglycan degradation in fibroblasts, which indicates a role for the eosinophil in generation of fibrosis.  相似文献   

Maintenance of fibroblasts in 0.5% serum results in viable but non-proliferative cells that may be analogous to fibroblasts in vivo. The synthesis of proteoglycans by human embryo lung fibroblasts in Eagle's minimal essential medium with 0.5% newborn-bovine serum or with 10% serum has been compared. A similar amount of [35S]sulphate-labelled glycosaminoglycan per cell was secreted by fibroblasts in 10% or 0.5% serum. 35SO42-incorporation into sulphated glycosaminoglycans was enhanced in 0.5% serum when expressed per mg of cell protein, but [3H]glucosamine incorporation was decreased. The charge density of these glycosaminoglycans was not changed as determined by ion-exchange chromatography. It was concluded that decreased protein/ cell resulted in an apparent increase in 35S-labelled glycosaminoglycan synthesis/mg of cell protein, whereas decreased uptake of [3H]glucosamine resulted in a decrease in their glucosamine labelling. The proteoglycans secreted by fibroblasts in 0.5% serum were similar in glycosaminoglycan composition, chain length and buoyant density to the dermatan sulphate proteoglycan, which is the major secreted component of cells in 10% serum. Larger heparan sulphate and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans, which comprise about 40% of the total secreted proteoglycans of cultures in 10% serum, were greatly diminished in the medium of cultures in 0.5% serum. The proteoglycan profile of medium from density-inhibited cultures in 10% serum resembles that of proliferating cultures, indicating that lack of proliferation was not responsible for the alteration. The dermatan sulphate proteoglycan, participating in extracellular matrix structure, may be the primary tissue product of lung fibroblasts in vivo.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating collagen synthesis in microwell cultures of fibroblasts is presented, 3H-Labeled-proline-collagen was purified by successive salt precipitations at acid and neutral pH in the presence of carrier collagen. Variability between replicates was less than 10% (standard deviation) and recovery of labeled collage internal standards was greater than 90%. More than 90% of recoverable radioactivity was in collagen as demonstrated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and carboxymethyl cellulose chromatography. The culture system is highly reproducible and allows use of a large number of separate cultures with uniformity of culture conditions and economy of reagents.  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblasts (IMR-90) regulate their overall rates of proteolysis in response to the composition of the culture medium and the ambient temperature. The magnitude and, in some cases, the direction of the response depend on the half-lives of the cellular proteins that are radioactively labeled and the time chosen for measurements of protein degradation. Fetal calf serum, insulin, fibroblast growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and amino acids selectively regulate catabolism of long-lived proteins without affecting degradation of short-lived proteins. Fetal calf serum reduces degradative rates of long-lived proteins and is maximally effective at a concentration of 20%, but the effect of serum on proteolysis is evident only for the first 24 hr. Insulin inhibits degradation of long-lived proteins in the presence or absence of glucose and amino acids in the medium, but is maximally effective only at high concentrations (10(-5) M). Amino acid deprivation increases degradative rates of long-lived proteins for the first 6 hr, but then decreases their catabolism for the subsequent 20 hr. Lowered temperature is the only condition tested that significantly alters degradative rates of short-lived proteins. Although cells incubated at 27 degrees C have reduced rates of degradation for both short-lived and long-lived proteins compared to cells at 37 degrees C, lowered temperature reduces catabolism of long-lived proteins to a greater extent.  相似文献   

Covalent modifications of histones play a role in regulating telomere attrition and cellular senescence. Biotinylation of lysine (K) residues in histones, mediated by holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS), is a novel diet-dependent mechanism to regulate chromatin structure and gene expression. We have previously shown that biotinylation of K12 in histone H4 (H4K12bio) is a marker for heterochromatin and is enriched in pericentromeric alpha satellite repeats. Here, we hypothesized that H4K12bio is also enriched in telomeres. We used human IMR-90 lung fibroblasts and immortalized IMR-90 cells overexpressing human telomerase (hTERT) in order to examine histone biotinylation in young and senescent cells. Our studies suggest that one out of three histone H4 molecules in telomeres is biotinylated at K12 in hTERT cells. The abundance of H4K12bio in telomeres decreased by 42% during telomere attrition in senescent IMR-90 cells; overexpression of telomerase prevented the loss of H4K12bio. Possible confounders such as decreased expression of HCS and biotin transporters were formally excluded in this study. Collectively, these data suggest that H4K12bio is enriched in telomeric repeats and represents a novel epigenetic mark for cell senescence.  相似文献   

Stimulation of collagen synthesis in fibroblast cultures by superoxide.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Exposure of diploid fetal human fibroblasts (IMR-90) to superoxide generated by dihydroxyfumarate resulted in increased collagen synthesis. The synthesis of type III collagen was stimulated to a greater extent than the synthesis of type I collagen. The stimulation of collagen synthesis was abolished by superoxide dismutase. Our observations suggest that superoxide may play a role in the regulation of collagen synthesis and may modulate differential collagen gene expression. These observations may explain the increased synthesis of collagen in tissues following inflammation or exposure to oxidant conditions.  相似文献   

The intracellular concentration of the cosubstrate 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) may be rate-limiting for the reactions, catalysed by hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase, by which mammalian cells convert the purine bases hypoxanthine, xanthine, and guanine to their ribonucleotide derivatives. The rate of conversion of [14C]hypoxanthine to radioactive phosphorylated products by intact human diploid skin fibroblasts was measured in the presence of compounds previously reported to alter PRPP concentration in a variety of cell types Methylene blue, previously reported to increase PRPP concentration in a variety of cultured cells including skin fibroblasts, increased product formation from hypoxanthine, with maximum effect following 60 min preincubation with 0.4 mM. Incubation with adenine, orotic acid, allopurinol, or adenosine has been shown to decrease PRPP concentration. Of these compounds, only adenine and adenosine decreased the rate of ribonucleotide synthesis from hypoxanthine in cultured skin fibroblasts. This decrease probably resulted from decreased PRPP synthesis rather than increased PRPP utilization. The reaction products isolated from cells following incubation with either [14C]adenine or [14C]adenosine included adenosine monophosphate and adenosine diphosphate, both inhibitors of PRPP synthetase.  相似文献   

Cultures of normal human and mouse fibroblasts convert procollagen to tropocollagen at varying rates. The conversion rate cannot be predicted from the species of origin of the fibroblast nor from the age of the donor tissue. Procollagen is converted to tropocollagen in both the extracellular space of the cell layer and in the culture medium. The collagen fibers of the cell layer are formed mostly from tropocollagen molecules generated in situ.  相似文献   

Proteins of IMR-90 fibroblasts incorporating [35S]methionine during a 1 h labelling period in the presence of the arginine analogue canavanine were degraded twice as rapidly in the cells as were proteins similarly made in the presence of arginine. Using both isoelectric focusing and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analyses, the banding patterns of proteins labelled in the presence of canavanine and arginine were found to differ. This banding difference was detected as early as 15 min after canavanine treatment. With the exception of one minor band in isoelectric focusing gel, the relative intensity of labelled protein bands for the control samples remained unchanged during the 2 h period of protein degradation being investigated. This was also true for the proteins labelled in the presence of canavanine, despite the increase in their rate of degradation. Banding difference between canavanine and arginine treatment was also detected in an in vitro reticulocyte lysate translation system dependent on fibroblast mRNA. Proteins labelled in the presence of a different analogue, p-fluorophenylalanine instead of phenylalanine, however, had similar banding patterns as the control both in the lysate system and in intact cells.  相似文献   

When radioactive polyamines (putrescine or spermidine) were incubated with mammalian cells in tissue culture, the radioactivity was incorporated into cellular proteins via two different metabolic pathways; one is metabolic labeling of an 18,000-dalton protein via hypusine formation, and the other is general protein synthesis employing radioactive amino acids derived from biodegradation of polyamines via GABA shunt and Krebs cycle. Aminoguanidine, a potent inhibitor of diamine oxidase, blocked the metabolic conversion of polyamines to amino acids but had no effect on the metabolic labeling of the 18,000-dalton protein. We have investigated these two polyamine-associated biochemical events in IMR-90 human diploid fibroblasts as a function of their population doubling level (PDL). We found that (1) the metabolic labeling of the 18,000-dalton protein was about two-fold greater in young cells (PDL = 22) than that in old cells (PDL = 48), and (2) the metabolic labeling of other cellular proteins, employing amino acids derived from putrescine via polyamine catabolic pathway, was more than six-fold greater in the old cells (PDL = 48) than in the young cells (PDL = 22). Since the rate of protein synthesis was about 1.4-fold higher in the young cells as compared to the old cells, our data indicated that the activity of catabolic conversion of putrescine (or spermidine) to amino acids in old IMR-90 cells was about eight-fold greater than that in young cells. This remarkable increase of polyamine catabolism and the slight decrease of metabolic labeling of the 18,000-dalton protein were also observed in cell strains derived from patients with premature aging disease.  相似文献   

Bleomycin is a chemotherapeutic agent sometimes associated with pulmonary fibrosis and skin lesions in patients undergoing treatment. We examined the mechanisms of increased collagen deposition on bleomycin-induced fibrosis by incubating human lung and skin fibroblast cultures with [14C]proline; the synthesis of [14C]hydroxyproline relative to DNA or cell protein was taken as an index of procollagen formation. Procollagen synthesis by lung cells in the presence of 0.1 and 1.0 microgram/ml bleomycin was significantly increased and similar results were obtained with skin fibroblasts. The relative synthesis of genetically distinct types of collagen was measured by isolating the newly synthesized type I and type III procollagens by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The proportion of type III procollagen of total newly synthesized procollagen in control lung fibroblast cultures was 17.4 +/0 0.6% (mean +/- S.E.) while the corresponding value in cells incubated in 1 microgram/ml bleomycin was 12.5 +/- 0.6% (n = 6, P < 0.01). Similar results were obtained when the ratios of newly synthesized type I and type III collagens were estimated by interrupted polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate after a limited proteolytic digestion with pepsin. The results indicate that the increased procollagen synthesis induced by bleomycin in fibroblast cultures is predominantly directed towards the synthesis of type I procollagen.  相似文献   

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