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Aposematic (warning) coloration associated with thorns in higher plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aposematic coloration, a well-known phenomenon in animals, has been given little attention in plants. Here I discuss two types of conspicuousness of thorns which are typical of many plant species: (1) colorful thorns, and (2) white spots, or white and colorful stripes, associated with thorns in leaves and stems. Both types of aposematic coloration predominate the spine system of taxa rich with spiny species-Cacti, the genera Agave, Aloe and Euphorbia. The phenomena have been recorded here in over a thousand species originating in several continents of both the Old and New World. I propose that this is a case of vegetal aposematic coloration analogous to such coloration of poisonous animals, and which communicates between plants and herbivores.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry is the resemblance between unpalatable models and palatable mimics. The widely accepted idea is that the frequency and the unprofitability of the model are crucial for the introduction of a Batesian mimic into the prey population. However, experimental evidence is limited and furthermore, previous studies have considered mainly perfect mimicry (automimicry). We investigated imperfect Batesian mimicry by varying the frequency of an aposematic model at two levels of distastefulness. The predator encountered prey in a random order, one prey item at a time. The prey were thus presented realistically in a sequential way. Great tits (Parus major) were used as predators. This experiment, with a novel signal, supports the idea that Batesian mimics gain most when the models outnumber them. The mortalities of the mimics as well as the models were significantly dependent on the frequency of the model. Both prey types survived better the fewer mimics there were confusing the predator. There were also indications that the degree of distastefulness of the model had an effect on the survival of the Batesian mimic: the models survived significantly better the more distasteful they were. The experiment supports the most classical predictions in the theories of the origin and maintenance of Batesian mimicry.  相似文献   

Müllerian mimicry is common in aposematic animals but till recently, like other aspects of plant aposematism was almost unknown. Many thorny, spiny and prickly plants are considered aposematic because their sharp defensive structures are colorful and conspicuous. Many of these spiny plant species (e.g., cacti and Agave in North American deserts; Aloe, Euphorbia and acacias with white thorns in Africa; spiny plants in Ohio; and spiny members of the Asteraceae in the Mediterranean basin) have overlapping territories, and also similar patterns of conspicuous coloration, and suffer from the evolutionary pressure of grazing by the same large herbivores. I propose that many of these species form Müllerian mimicry rings.Key words: aposematic coloration, defense, evolution, herbivory, müllerian mimicry, spines, thornsAposematic (warning) coloration is a biological phenomenon in which poisonous, dangerous or otherwise unpalatable organisms visually advertise these qualities to other animals. The evolution of aposematic coloration is based on the ability of target enemies to associate the visual signal with the risk, damage or non-profitable handling, and later to avoid such organisms as prey. Typical colors of aposematic animals are yellow, orange, red, purple, black, white or brown and combinations of these.15 Many thorny, spiny and prickly plant species were proposed to be aposematic because their sharp defensive structures are usually colorful (yellow, orange, red, brown, black, white) and/or associated with similar conspicuous coloration.522 Animal spines also have similar conspicuous coloration and were proposed to be aposematic.1,5,17,23Several authors have proposed that mimicry of various types helps in plant defense, e.g.,9,2434 More specifically, Müllerian mimicry was already proposed to exist in several defensive plant signaling systems. The first was for several spiny species with white-variegated leaves.8,10 The second was for some tree species with red or yellow poisonous autumn leaves.35 The third cases are of a mixture of Müllerian and Batesian mimicry, of thorn auto-mimicry found in many Agave species.8Here I propose that many species of visually aposematic spiny plants of the following taxa: (1) Cactaceae, (2) the genus Agave, (3) the genus Aloe, (4) African thorny members of the genus Euphorbia, (5) African acacias with white thorns, (6) spiny vascular plants of southeastern Ohio, (7) spiny Near Eastern plants with white variegation on their leaves, (8) Near Eastern members of the Asteraceae with yellow spines, form Müllerian mimicry rings of spiny plants.To consider the existence of Müllerian mimicry rings in aposematic organisms, two factors are needed: (1) a similar signal, and (2) an overlapping distribution in respect to the territory of predators in animals, or herbivores in plants. I will show below that for the plant taxa proposed here to form Müllerian mimicry rings, both criteria operate.The accumulating data about the common association of plant defenses by spines with visual conspicuousness, along with the fact that many such species overlap in their habitat, raises the possibility of the broad phenomenon of existence of Müllerian mimicry rings in plants. Even from the limited number of publications proposing visual aposematism in spiny plants, the operation of vegetal Müllerian mimicry rings seems to be obvious. The phenomenon can now be traced to both the Old World (Asia, Africa and Europe) and the New World (North America). The best-studied cases include Cactaceae and the genera Agave, Aloe and Euphorbia,6 African acacias with white thorns,12,15 Near Eastern spiny plants with white variegation on their leaves,7,11 aposematic spiny vascular plants of southeastern Ohio,16 and many spiny Mediterranean species of the Asteraceae with yellow spines.22In the four spiny taxa (Cactaceae and the genera Agave, Aloe and Euphorbia) that were the first to be proposed as visually aposematic6 there is a very strong morphological similarity. In cacti, there are two types of conspicuousness of spines that are typical of many plant species: (1) colorful spines, and (2) white spots, or white or colorful stripes, associated with spines on the stems. These two types of aposematic coloration also dominate the spine system of Agave, Aloe and Euphorbia. The fact that many species of three of these four spiny taxa (Agave, Aloe and Euphorbia) are also poisonous3638 further indicates their potential to form Müllerian mimicry rings.I propose that each of these groups for itself and some of these groups (e.g., Cactaceae and the genus Agave in North America; Aloe, Euphorbia and acacias in east and south Africa) that have overlapping distribution and share at least some of the herbivores, form Müllerian mimicry rings.The first Müllerian mimicry ring is of cacti and Agave that have an overlapping distribution over large areas in North America.37,39 The large herbivores in North America disappeared not so long ago in evolutionary time scales and seem to have shaped the spiny defense of these plant taxa.40The second Müllerian mimicry ring is of the spiny and thorny members of the African genera Aloe, Euphorbia and certain acacias with very conspicuous white thorns, which partly overlap in distribution and share various large mammalian herbivores.12,15,36,41The third Müllerian mimicry ring is the outcome of the common presence of aposematic coloration in spiny vascular plants of southeastern Ohio,16 with color patterns in thorns and spines similar to those of Cactaceae and the genera Agave, Aloe and Euphorbia described in Lev-Yadun.6The next case of potential operation of Müllerian mimicry ring of spiny plants with overlapping territories that suffer from the same large herbivores, but on a much smaller geographical scale, has recently been proposed for several spiny species with white-variegated leaves,7 and later for more than 20 spiny species in the flora of Israel that have white markings associated with their spines.11The last case of a probable Müllerian mimicry ring was described by Ronel et al.22 who while studying the spine system of Near Eastern spiny members of the Asteraceae, found 29 spiny species with yellow spines, and additional such species are expected to occur. Since some of these species and others with yellow spines also grow in southern Europe, it is clear that the same phenomenon is also common there.I conclude that Müllerian mimicry rings seem to be very common in plants, and that it is probable that many other spiny plants that form Müllerian mimicry rings are waiting to be studied. Such defensive rings are probably also formed by poisonous plants that share similar colors or odors.  相似文献   

Predation risk is allegedly reduced in Batesian and Müllerian mimics, because their coloration resembles the conspicuous coloration of unpalatable prey. The efficacy of mimicry is thought to be affected by variation in the unpalatability of prey, the conspicuousness of the signals, and the visual system of predators that see them. Many frog species exhibit small colorful patches contrasting against an otherwise dark body. By measuring toxicity and color reflectance in a geographically variable frog species and the syntopic toxic species, we tested whether unpalatability was correlated with between‐species color resemblance and whether resemblance was highest for the most conspicuous components of coloration pattern. Heterospecific resemblance in colorful patches was highest between species at the same locality, but unrelated to concomitant variation in toxicity. Surprisingly, resemblance was lower for the conspicuous femoral patches compared to the inconspicuous dorsum. By building visual models, we further tested whether resemblance was affected by the visual system of model predators. As predicted, mimic‐model resemblance was higher under the visual system of simulated predators compared to no visual system at all. Our results indicate that femoral patches are aposematic signals and support a role of mimicry in driving phenotypic divergence or mimetic radiation between localities.  相似文献   

Both Batesian and Müllerian mimicries are considered classical evidence of natural selection where predation pressure has, at times, created a striking similarity between unrelated prey species. Batesian mimicry, in which palatable mimics resemble unpalatable aposematic species, is parasitic and only beneficial to the mimics. By contrast, in classical Müllerian mimicry the cost of predators' avoidance learning is shared between similar unpalatable co-mimics, and therefore mimicry benefits all parties. Recent studies using mathematical modeling have questioned the dynamics of Müllerian mimicry, suggesting that fitness benefits should be calculated in a way similar to Batesian mimicry; that is, according to the relative unpalatability difference between co-mimics. Batesian mimicry is very sensitive to the availability of alternative prey, but the effects of alternative prey for Müllerian dynamics are not known and experiments are rare. We designed two experiments to test the effect of alternative prey on imperfect Batesian and Müllerian mimicry complexes. When alternative prey were scarce, imperfect Batesian mimics were selected out from the population, but abundantly available alternative prey relaxed selection against imperfect mimics. Birds learned to avoid both Müllerian models and mimics irrespective of the availability of alternative prey. However, the rate of avoidance learning of models increased when alternative prey were abundant. This experiment suggests that the availability of alternative prey affects the dynamics of both Müllerian and Batesian mimicry, but in different ways.  相似文献   

Plant biological warfare: thorns inject pathogenic bacteria into herbivores   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thorns, spines and prickles are among the rich arsenal of antiherbivore defence mechanisms that plants have evolved. Many of these thorns are aposematic, that is, marked by various types of warning coloration. This coloration was recently proposed to deter large herbivores. Yet, the mechanical defence provided by thorns against large herbivores might be only the tip of the iceberg in a much more complicated story. Here we present evidence that thorns harbour an array of pathogenic bacteria that are much more dangerous to herbivores than the painful mechanical wounding by the thorns. Pathogenic bacteria like Clostridium perfringens, the causative agent of the life-threatening gas gangrene, and others, were isolated and identified from date palm (with green-yellow-black aposematic spines) and common hawthorn (with red aposematic thorns). These thorn-inhabiting bacteria have a considerable potential role in antiherbivory, and may have uniquely contributed to the common evolution of aposematism (warning coloration) in thorny plants.  相似文献   

Classical (conventional) Müllerian mimicry theory predicts that two (or more) defended prey sharing the same signal always benefit each other despite the fact that one species can be more toxic than the other. The quasi‐Batesian (unconventional) mimicry theory, instead, predicts that the less defended partner of the mimetic relationship may act as a parasite of the signal, causing a fitness loss to the model. Here we clarify the conditions for parasitic or mutualistic relationships between aposematic prey, and build a model to examine the hypothesis that the availability of alternative prey is crucial to Müllerian and quasi‐Batesian mimicry. Our model is based on optimal behaviour of the predator. We ask if and when it is in the interest of the predator to learn to avoid certain species as prey when there is alternative (cryptic) prey available. Our model clearly shows that the role of alternative prey must be taken into consideration when studying model–mimic dynamics. When food is scarce it pays for the predator to test the models and mimics, whereas if food is abundant predators should leave the mimics and models untouched even if the mimics are quite edible. Dynamics of the mimicry tend to be classically Müllerian if mimics are well defended, while quasi‐Batesian dynamics are more likely when they are relatively edible. However, there is significant overlap: in extreme cases mimics can be harmful to models (a quasi‐Batesian case) even if the species are equally toxic. A crucial parameter explaining this overlap is the search efficiency with which indiscriminating vs. discriminating predators find cryptic prey. Quasi‐Batesian mimicry becomes much more likely if discrimination increases the efficiency with which the specialized predator finds cryptic prey, while the opposite case tends to predict Müllerian mimicry. Our model shows that both mutualistic and parasitic relationship between model and mimic are possible and the availability of alternative prey can easily alter this relationship.  相似文献   

Batesian mimics can parasitize Müllerian mimicry rings mimicking the warning color signal. The evolutionary success of Batesian mimics can increase adding complexity to the signal by behavioral and locomotor mimicry. We investigated three fundamental morphological and locomotor traits in a Neotropical mimicry ring based on Ithomiini butterflies and parasitized by Polythoridae damselflies: wing color, wing shape, and flight style. The study species have wings with a subapical white patch, considered the aposematic signal, and a more apical black patch. The main predators are VS‐birds, visually more sensitive to violet than to ultraviolet wavelengths (UVS‐birds). The white patches, compared to the black patches, were closer in the bird color space, with higher overlap for VS‐birds than for UVS‐birds. Using a discriminability index for bird vision, the white patches were more similar between the mimics and the model than the black patches. The wing shape of the mimics was closer to the model in the morphospace, compared to other outgroup damselflies. The wing‐beat frequency was similar among mimics and the model, and different from another outgroup damselfly. Multitrait aposematic signals involving morphology and locomotion may favor the evolution of mimicry rings and the success of Batesian mimics by improving signal effectiveness toward predators.  相似文献   

Thorns, spines and prickles are some of the anti-herbivore defenses that plants have evolved. They were recently found to be commonly aposematic (warning coloration). However, the physical anti-herbivore defense executed by these sharp structures seems to be only the tip of the iceberg. We show that thorns of various plant species commonly harbor an array of aerobic and anaerobic pathogenic bacteria including Clostridium perfringens the causative agent of the life-threatening gas gangrene, Bacillus anthracis, and Pantoea agglomerans. Septic inflammation caused by plant thorn injury can result not only from bacteria. Medical literature indicates that thorns, spines or prickles also introduce pathogenic fungi into animals or humans. Dermatophytes that cause subcutaneous mycoses are unable to penetrate the skin and must be introduced into the subcutaneous tissue by a puncture wound. The common microorganism-thorn combinations seem to have been an important contributor to the fact that so many plant thorns are aposematically colored, as a case of convergent evolution of aposematism in these organisms.Key Words: aposematism, herbivory, pathogen, spine, thorn, bacillus anthracis, clostridium perfringens, sporotrichosis, Mycetoma, subcutaneous mycotic disease  相似文献   

Aposematism is a well known and widely used strategy for reducing predation by conspicuous signalling of unprofitability. However, the increased conspicuousness could make this strategy costly if there are no secondary defences to back the signal up. This has made the elucidation of the evolutionary mechanisms for aposematism and that of the closely‐related Batesian and Mullerian mimicry difficult. The present study aims to test whether cryptic and nondefended prey could reduce their predation risk by grouping with aposematic and defended prey. To do this, we used groups of artificial baits that were either cryptic and palatable or conspicuous and unpalatable, along with the corresponding control treatments. These were then presented in mixed and homogeneous treatment groups within a field setting and the local wild bird assemblage was allowed to select and remove baits at will. The results obtained show that undefended non‐aposematic prey can benefit by grouping with aposematic prey, with no evidence that predation rates for aposematic prey were adversely affected by this association. These results provide insights into the evolution of Batesian mimicry. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 81–89.  相似文献   

Thorns as induced defenses: experimental evidence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary We report evidence from controlled experiments that long straight thorns deter herbivory by browsers. Cut branches of three woody species that had their thorns removed suffered significantly greater herbivory by a tethered goat than did paired intact branches. Branches on living Acacia seyal plants that had their thorns removed suffered significantly greater herbivory by a wild population of free-ranging giraffes than did intact branches on the same plants. These differences in herbivory resulted in long term losses of branch length in clipped as opposed to control branches. In addition, branches within reach of giraffes produced longer thorns and a greater density of thorns than did higher branches. These results imply that increased thorn length is an induced defense.No significance should be attached to order of authorship  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry (BM), where a nontoxic species resembles a toxic species with aposematic coloring, has been recently described for a Neotropical species of the suboscine passerine (Laniocera hypopyrra). Understanding the order and series in which these characteristics evolved is unknown and requires character information from closely related taxa. Here, we trace the origin of mimetic traits and how they evolved by examining antipredator characteristics using images and other field‐collected trait data from nest and nestlings along with data available in the literature for the Laniisominae clade and closely related taxa. We found that morphological modifications of the downy feathers appeared first in the broader clade leading to the Laniisominae clade followed by further morphological and behavioral characteristics within the Laniisominae clade leading to the full BM. Images of nestlings in the Laniisominae and closely related clades demonstrated the extent of antipredator and camouflage characteristics. We found a complex set of behavioral and morphological traits in this clade for reducing predation from hiding to camouflage to mimicry. We further propose the evolution of two distinctive mimicry strategies in the Laniisominae clade: (1) Batesian Mimicry, as described above and (2) Masquerade, resemblance to inedible objects commonly found in their local environment. This complex set of antipredator traits shed light on the diversity of antipredator characteristics in avian nestlings, particularly in neotropical areas where the avian diversity is highest. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of species in the neotropics that lack basic natural history information on nesting traits, and therefore, we are likely missing critical information on the diversity of antipredator characteristics across avian nestlings.  相似文献   

Ulex europaeus is a much-branched shrub with small, narrow, spine-tipped leaves and axillary thorn shoots. The origin and development of axillary shoots was studied as a basis for understanding the changes that occur in the axillary shoot apex as it differentiates into a thorn. Axillary bud primordia are derived from detached portions of the apical meristem of the primary shoot. Bud primordia in the axils of juvenile leaves on seedlings develop as leafy shoots while those in the axils of adult leaves become thorns. A variable degree of vegetative development prior to thorn differentiation is exhibited among these secondary thorn shoots even on the same axis. Commonly the meristems of secondary axillary shoots initiate 3–9 bracteal leaves with tertiary axillary buds before differentiating as thorns. In other cases the meristems develop a greater number of leaves and tertiary buds as thorn differentiation is delayed. The initial stages in the differentiation of secondary shoot meristems as thorns are detected between plastochrons 10–20, depending on vigor of the parent shoot. A study of successive lateral buds on a shoot shows an abrupt conversion from vegetative development to thorn differentiation. The conversion involves the termination of meristematic activity of the apex and cessation of leaf initiation. Within the apex a vertical elongation of cells of the rib meristem initials and their immediate derivatives commences the attenuation of the apex which results in the pointed thorn. All cells of the apex elongate parallel to the axis and proceed to sclerify basipetally. Back of the apex some cortical cells in which cell division has persisted longer differentiate as chlorenchyma. Although no new leaves are initiated during the extension of the apex, provascular strands are present in the thorn tip. Fibrovascular bundles and bundles of cortical fibers not associated with vascular tissue differentiate in the thorn tip and are correlated in position with successive incipient leaves in the expected phyllotactic sequence, the more developed bundles being related to the first incipient leaves. Some secondary shoots displayed variable atypical patterns of meristem differentiation such as abrupt conversion of the apex resulting in sclerification with limited cell elongation and small, inhibited leaves. These observations raise questions concerning the nature of thorn induction and the commitment of meristems to thorns.  相似文献   

Color patterns commonly vary geographically within species, but it is rare that such variation corresponds with divergent antipredator strategies. The polymorphic salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii, however, may represent such a case. In this species, most subspecies are cryptically colored, whereas E. e. xanthoptica, the Yellow eyed ensatina, is hypothesized to be an aposematic mimic of highly toxic Pacific newts (genus Taricha). To test the mimicry hypothesis, we conducted feeding trials using Western Scrub-Jays, Aphelocoma californica. In every feeding trial, we found that jays, following presentation with the presumed model (T. torosa), were more hesitant to contact the presumed mimic (E. e. xanthoptica) than a control subspecies lacking the postulated aposematic colors (E. e. oregonensis). The median time to contact was 315 sec for the mimic and 52 sec for the control. These results support the mimicry hypothesis, and we suggest that E. e. xanthoptica is likely a Batesian mimic, rather a Müllerian or quasi-Batesian mimic, of Pacific newts.  相似文献   

Symmetry has been proposed to increase the efficiency of visual aposematic displays in animals, and I suggest that it may also be true for many aposematic spiny or poisonous plants. For instance, in the very spiny plant taxa cacti, Aloe sp., Agave sp. and Euphorbia sp., which have been proposed to be aposematic because of their colorful spine system, the shoots, and in cacti, the spiny fruits as well, are usually radially symmetric. Moreover, in the radial symmetric shoots of Agave and Aloe their individual spiny leaves are also bilaterally symmetric. Spiny or poisonous fruits of various other taxa, the symmetric spiny leaf rosettes and flowering spiny heads of many Near Eastern species of the Asteraceae and other taxa, and poisonous colorful flowers in taxa that were proposed to be aposematic are also symmetric. Thus, in plants, like in animals, symmetry seems to be commonly associated with visual aposematism and probably contributes to its effectiveness. Symmetry may stem from developmental constraints, or like in flowers, have other signaling functions. However, because of the better perception of symmetry by animals it may exploit inherited modes of animal sensing that probably result in paying more attention to symmetric shapes. All these possible alternatives do not negate the probable deterring role of symmetry in plant aposematism.  相似文献   

It is common for species that possess toxins or other defences to advertise these defences to potential predators using aposematic ("warning") signals. There is increasing evidence that within such species, there are individuals that have reduced or non-existent levels of defence but still signal. This phenomenon (generally called automimicry) has been a challenge to evolutionary biologists because of the need to explain why undefended automimics do not gain such as a fitness advantage by saving the physiological costs of defence that they increase in prevalence within the population, hence making the aposematic signal unreliable. The leading theory is that aposematic signals do not stop all predatory attacks but rather encourage predators to attack cautiously until they have identified the defence level of a specific individual. They can then reject defended individuals and consume the undefended. This theory has recently received strong empirical support, demonstrating that high-accuracy discrimination appears possible. However, this raises a new evolutionary problem: if predators can perfectly discriminate the defended from the undefended and preferentially consume the latter, then how can automimicry persist? Here, we present four different mechanisms that can allow non-trivial levels of automimics to be retained within a population, even in the extreme case where predators can differentiate defended from undefended individuals with 100% accuracy. These involve opportunity costs to the predator of sampling carefully, temporal fluctuation in predation pressure, predation pressure being correlated with the prevalence of automimicry, or developmental or evolutionary constraints on the availability of defence. These mechanisms generate predictions as to the conditions where we would expect aposematically signalling populations to feature automimicry and those where we would not.  相似文献   

The evolution of animal life strategies is among the main themes of current evolutionary biology. Checkered beetles, soft‐winged flower beetles and their allies (superfamily Cleroidea), exhibit well‐known aposematic colour patterns, particularly in the family Cleridae, which participate in mimicry complexes mostly with unpalatable beetles, ants and velvet ants representing a Müllerian–Batesian continuum. Many cleroids also exhibit attenuated hardening of cuticular layers resulting in a soft‐bodied appearance. Here, a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the entire Cleroidea was performed using sequences of two nuclear and two mitochondrial loci of ~4 kb total length. Inferred phylogenies were used to reconstruct ancestral colour patterns and involvement in mimicry complexes. The hypothesis of a soft‐bodied ancestor of Cleridae and allies was tested. The phylogenetic analyses corroborated the expanded Cleroidea concept including Byturidae and Biphyllidae formerly classified as Cucujoidea. Character state optimization showed cryptic coloration was the ancestral state in Cleroidea, from which aposematic coloration originated several times in distant cleroid lineages. Within Cleridae, mimicry also arose from an ancestor that was cryptic, and multiple lineages that mimicked unpalatable beetles (Chrysomelidae, Meloidae, Lycidae) and stinging Hymenoptera evolved. Aposematic coloration was acquired in all major clerid lineages including Thanerocleridae, which are either the sister group of Chaetosomatidae or Cleridae. These findings suggest that mimetic traits in the clerid clade evolved at various times, possibly soon after the origin of soft‐bodiedness. The adaptive value of aposematism in cleroids is likely to be enhanced in soft‐bodied species, as this trait provides limited means of protection against predators, and therefore may promote the acquisition of aposematic and mimetic coloration in various ecological situations.  相似文献   

Carlquist , Sherwin . (Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, Calif.) Ontogeny and comparative anatomy of thorns of Hawaiian Lobeliaceae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(4): 413–419. Illus. 1962.—Species of Rollandia and Cyanea (sections Genuinae and Palmaeformes), endemic Hawaiian genera of Lobeliaceae, are unique in the family in possessing thorns and thorn-like structures on leaves, and in some cases, on stems and flowers. These thorns always originate in conjunction with a unicellular, non-glandular trichome which terminates the thorn. Ontogenetic studies show that divisions leading to the formation of the thorn occur in the ground meristem as soon as the trichome is differentiated. Periclinal divisions predominate at first, but anticlinal and diagonal ones are also present at all stages. Thick secondary walls are formed on the trichome and other epidermal cells near the thorn tip. Periderm forms on old thorns of stems. Vascular tissue and laticifers are absent in thorns. Thorns in Cyanea and Rollandia seem best interpreted as specializations within these genera.  相似文献   

It is argued that groups of similarly coloured species of coccinellids are Müllerian mimicry rings. This is based on a synthesis of the literature about the nature of their biology and aposematic colour patterns, their highly developed chemical defence and the responses of bird predators to them. The system of multiple mimicry ‘rings’ is illustrated for the Dutch coccinellid fauna. Some polymorphic species, including Adalia, exhibit red forms and black melanic forms which are apparently components of different putative mimicry rings. A similar reasoning is put forward with regard to the orange and the black forms of the soldier beetle Cuntharis livida. Hypotheses involving spatial variation in comimics, as have been developed to account for some other cases of polymorphic Miillerian mimicry, predict that sympatric polymorphic species exhibiting similar sets of phenotypes will show parallels in their geographical variation. This is tested for A. bipunctata and A. decempunctata in The Netherlands. On this local scale there is no parallel variation; A. bipunctata exhibits marked geographical differentiation whereas A. decempunctata shows a general uniformity in morph frequency. Observations on their population biology show that only in A. bipunctata is there a major spring period of adult reproduction on shrubs exposed to direct sunshine. Previous work has demonstrated an influence of thermal melanism in this period of the life cycle. It is suggested that local responses in species such as A. bipunctata may reflect a partial ‘escape’ from stabilizing aposematic selection. The basis of a steep cline found in C. livida, which opposes one in A. bipunctata, is unknown and unlikely to be related to mimicry. There is some evidence that the polymorphism is influenced by non-random mating. When species and communities of coccinellids are considered on a wide geographical scale many observations about their colour patterns and spatial variation, especially those of Dobzhansky, support an interaction between selection favouring mimetic resemblance and forms of climatic selection, especially thermal melanism. The polymorphism in Adalia is discussed in relation to a system of multiple mimicry rings and to Thompson's recent theoretical treatment of the maintenance of some polymorphisms for warning coloration by a balance between aposematic and apostatic selection. This becomes more tenable in coccinellids because of evidence that bird predators show a variable response to them. Frequency-independent selection arising from thermal melanism can provide the basis of spatial variation in equilibrium points. An alternative to such a hypothesis is one in which differences in unpalatability between species of coccinellids are emphasized (after experiments of Pasteels and colleagues). Some less unpalatable species such as Adalia may have responded to periods of prolonged disruptive selection acting in a frequency-dependent way to promote polymorphic mimicry associated with different modal colour patterns and intermediate in nature between classical Batesian and Müllerian mimicry. The likely occurrence of a supergene controlling polymorphism in some coccinellids is consistent with such an explanation.  相似文献   

In Batesian mimicry, a harmless prey species imitates the warning coloration of an unpalatable model species. A traditional suggestion is that mimicry evolves in a two-step process, in which a large mutation first achieves approximate similarity to the model, after which smaller changes improve the likeness. However, it is not known which aspects of predator psychology cause the initial mutant to be perceived by predators as being similar to the model, leaving open the question of how the crucial first step of mimicry evolution occurs. Using theoretical evolutionary simulations and reconstruction of examples of mimicry evolution, we show that the evolution of Batesian mimicry can be initiated by a mutation that causes prey to acquire a trait that is used by predators as a feature to categorize potential prey as unsuitable. The theory that species gain entry to mimicry through feature saltation allows us to formulate scenarios of the sequence of events during mimicry evolution and to reconstruct an initial mimetic appearance for important examples of Batesian mimicry. Because feature-based categorization by predators entails a qualitative distinction between nonmimics and passable mimics, the theory can explain the occurrence of imperfect mimicry.  相似文献   

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