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The analysis of the literature and authors' data concerning the mechanism of antioxidant protection of the organism under conditions of "oxygen stress" is submitted. Possible mechanisms of initiation of free radical reactions with participation of oxygen and the role of hydroxyl radicals, being one of the basic factors, determining toxic action of oxygen, are considered. The methods of estimation of antiradical activity of biologically active compounds are characterized.  相似文献   

In thyroidectomized rats, a single injection of L-2,,5,2'-triiodothyronine (T3) (50mug/100 g body weight) elicited at 45% increase in (Na+ + k+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (NaK-ATPase) activity of the membrane-rich fraction of renal cortex at the optimal time of response, 48 h after injection. Three successive doses of T3 (50 mug/100 g body weight), given on alternate days, increased NaK-ATPase by 67% in the renal cortex but had no significant effect on the outer medulla or the papilla. Moreover, T3 had no effect on Mg2+-dependent adenosine trisphatase (MgATPase) in cortex, cedulla, or papilla. Three doses of T3 (50 mug/100 g body weight) given on alternate days to thyroidectomized rats elecited a 134, 79, and 46% increase in Vmax for ATP, Na4, and K+, respectively. There were no changes in the Km for ATP or the K1/2 values for Na+ and K+. Two methods were used to estimate the effect of T3 on the number of NaK-ATPase units (assumed to represent the number of Na+ pump sites); rat renal plasma membrane fractions were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP, Mg2+, and Na+; the 32P-labeled membrane protein yeild was quantitatively dependent on Na+ and was hydrolyzed on addition of K+. There was a linear correlation between the specific activity of NaK-ATPase (Vmax) and the amount of phosphorylated intermediate formed, in renal cortical membrane fractions from thyroidectomized rats given T3 or the diluent. There was also a linear correlation between the specific activity of NaK-ATPase (Vmax) and the amount of [3H]ouabain specifically bound (Na+-, Mg2+-, APT-dependent) to the NaK-ATPase preparation. Injection of T3 resulted in a 70% increase in NaK-ATPase activity, a 79% increase in formation of the phosphorylated intermediate, and a 65% increase in the [H]ouabain specifically bound to the NaK-ATPase system. The T3-dependent increases in Vmax for ATP, Na+, and K+ and the proportionate increases in the phosphorylated intermediate and in the amount of [3H]ouabain bound indicate that T3 increases the number of NaK-ATPase units and that this increase accounts for the increase in NaK-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

A formulation in terms of quasilinear parabolic equations is given for a two-component cooperative system, with components free to diffuse in one dimension and cooperative reactive sites fixed at the boundaries of the interval. Localization of enzymes introduces Dirac delta functions into the equations. A unique, space-independent steady state is found, which is unstable with respect to diffusion and inter-enzyme distance. The biological implications of the results are formulated as a mechanism for “off-on” switching, or coupling of structure and function, in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Experiments on cats exposed to chronic emotional stress induced during one week by 4-hour immobilization of the animals in conjunction with aperiodic electrocutaneous stimulation were made to study correlations of the time course of changes in the EEG of the cortical and subcortical structures and the content of thyroxin in the peripheral blood at varying time of the experiments. It was demonstrated that in the course of stress, the EEG manifests the cycles of "burst" activity of slow waves, which are first recorded in the posterior hypothalamus and then get generalized. This is accompanied by a significantly high thyroxin secretion. As the stress exposures are repeated, the EEG changes become dominant, also corresponding with high thyroxin secretion. After the experiments are over, the cycles of "burst" activity accompanied by enhanced thyroid function are still recordable over several days.  相似文献   

Chromatography of a mixture of phospholipids and Ca-dependent ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum solubilized by cholate on a column with anionite results in a formation of proteoliposomes. Using the freeze-fracture technique, it was shown that the density of intramembrane particles in fractured proteoliposomes formed is reversely proportional to the lipid--protein ratio. This is indicative of possible changes in ATPase concentration in the membrane, when the above-mentioned method was used. It was shown that dilution of ATPase with phospholipids increases its thermal stability. This is probably due to aggregation of the ATPase molecules and increase in the length of the borderline of lipids around each enzyme molecule.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the character of motivation influence on the stability of the unconscious visual set, young adult healthy subjects were promised to be rewarded for correct solution of the cognitive task. A substantial increase in set stability was observed under conditions of augmented motivation of a subject to the result of his performance. Positive and negative aspects of the impact of the increased motivation of a subject on his cognitive activity at the stages of set formation and actualization are discussed.  相似文献   

In adult rabbits stress was modelled by electrostimulation of the hypothalamus ventromedial nucleus (15-hour-long session during 30 days) and medulla's raphe big nucleus which is one of the central places of the opioid peptides synthesis was irritated. It is revealed, that under stress thyroid gland responds by serum T3 increase in comparison with control animals with statistically significant variability of the T4 profile. Chronicity of the emotional agitation involves destructive changes in the thyroid parenchyma the hurting effect of the negative emotional factor is expressed less during opioid peptides complex activation. It is suggested that there are its own stress-limiting mechanisms in thyroid gland.  相似文献   

Cyclic uniaxial stretching of adherent nonmuscle cells induces the gradual reorientation of their actin stress fibers perpendicular to the stretch direction to an extent dependent on stretch frequency. By subjecting cells to various temporal waveforms of cyclic stretch, we revealed that stress fibers are much more sensitive to strain rate than strain frequency. By applying asymmetric waveforms, stress fibers were clearly much more responsive to the rate of lengthening than the rate of shortening during the stretch cycle. These observations were interpreted using a theoretical model of networks of stress fibers with sarcomeric structure. The model predicts that stretch waveforms with fast lengthening rates generate greater average stress fiber tension than that generated by fast shortening. This integrated approach of experiment and theory provides new insight into the mechanisms by which cells respond to matrix stretching to maintain tensional homeostasis.  相似文献   

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for several neuronal and cognitive functions. Altered omega-3 fatty acid status has been implicated in reduced resistance to stress and mood disorders. We therefore evaluated the effects of repeated restraint stress (6 h/day for 21 days) on adult rats fed omega-3 deficient, control or omega-3 enriched diets from conception. We measured body weight, plasma corticosterone and hippocampus glucocorticoid receptors and correlated these data with emotional and depression-like behaviour assessed by their open-field (OF) activity, anxiety in the elevated-plus maze (EPM), the sucrose preference test and the startle response. We also determined their plasma and brain membrane lipid profiles by gas chromatography. Repeated restraint stress caused rats fed a control diet to lose weight. Their plasma corticosterone increased and they showed moderate behavioural changes, with increases only in grooming (OF test) and entries into the open arms (EPM). Rats fed the omega-3 enriched diet had a lower stress-induced weight loss and plasma corticosterone peak, and reduced grooming. Rats chronically lacking omega-3 fatty acid exhibited an increased startle response, a stress-induced decrease in locomotor activity and exaggerated grooming. The brain omega-3 fatty acids increased as the dietary omega-3 fatty acids increased; diets containing preformed long-chain omega-3 fatty acid were better than diets containing the precursor alpha-linolenic acid. However, the restraint stress reduced the amounts of omega-3 incorporated. These data showed that the response to chronic restraint stress was modulated by the omega-3 fatty acid supply, a dietary deficiency was deleterious while enrichment protecting against stress.  相似文献   

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