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Populations of the tunicate species Ciona intestinalis and Ascidiella aspersa were screened for electrophoretic polymorphism at various enzyme loci. Average heterozygosities are clearly related to population size as predicted by the neutral mutation hypothesis.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

B Chakrabarti  S Kumar  R Singh  N Dimitrova 《Gene》2012,499(2):250-255
The clinical, biochemical and genetic features of a Cypriot origin male of non-consanguineous parents due to 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 (17β-HSD-3) deficiency are presented. The patient, currently a 10 old male, was referred to our clinic because of ambiguous genitalia at birth. Gonads were palpable in the inguinal canal bilaterally and no Müllerian structures identified on pelvic ultrasound. Chromosomal analysis showed an apparently normal male 46,XY karyotype. Diagnosis of 17β-HSD-3 deficiency in the newborn was suspected based on biochemical findings, following human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) stimulation test. Sequence analysis and real time PCR along with MLPA identified the patient with a novel 11.96 kb duplication that spans exons 3-10 of the HSD17B3 gene and extends from intron 2 to intron 10 in compound heterozygosity with the known p.R80Q missense mutation leading to 17β-HSD-3. In conclusion, 17β-HSD-3 deficiency was diagnosed in this patient based on endocrinologic evaluation and confirmed with genetic analysis of the HSD17B3 gene. The novel large duplication spanning exons 3-10 of the HSD17B3 gene that we report here in compound heterozygosity with the known p.R80Q leads to 17β-HSD-3 deficiency presenting as 46,XY Disorder of Sex Development. Following diagnosis and appropriate genetic counselling, the patient was raised a boy and successfully underwent surgical correction of crytptorchidism and hypospadias.  相似文献   

India is a diverse land whose population holds the history of waves of human dispersal. Recent studies suggest two major ancestral contributions to most of the Indian sub-populations. However, present day Indians are thought to contain huge genetic diversity derived consequent to multiple cultural, linguistic and geographical variations. Genome-wide survey of individuals from current North (N-In) and South (S-In) India along with populations from HapMap Phase III and Indian sub-populations from HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium is performed. Multivariate analysis (MDS and PCA) was carried out after merging data from the current study and other consortia. Indian sub-populations clustered separately from populations of major global geographical regions in MDS and PCA in a loose agglomeration except for two Indian subpopulations clustering near far eastern populations. Fst values indicated diversity among Indian sub-populations which was substantiated by STRUCTURE analysis suggesting the possibility of additional admixture events.  相似文献   

Gene diversity in some Muslim populations of North India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
North Indian Muslim populations have historical, linguistic, and socioreligious significance to the Indian subcontinent. Although sociocultural and political dimensions of their demography are well documented, no detailed genetic structure of the populations is available. We have undertaken a survey of the gene frequencies of the ABO, Rh, PTC taste ability, sickling, and G6PD systems for different endogamous groups: Sheikh, Syed, Pathan, Ansari, Saifi, and Hindu Bania. All the groups at most loci showed statistically nonsignificant differences, except for ABO and PTC traits, for which interpopulational differences were seen. Heterozygosity ranged from 0.048 to 0.617 among the Sheikh, 0.149 to 0.599 among the Pathan, 0.105 to 0.585 among the Ansari, 0.25 to 0.869 among the Syed, 0.107 to 0.565 among the Saifi, and 0.100 to 0.492 among the Hindu Bania. The average D(ST) and G(ST) values for the five marker loci were 0.0625 +/- 0.098 and 0.1072 +/- 0.041, respectively. A dendrogram was constructed using the UPGMA clustering method. Our results revealed that the Pathan and the Sheikh form one cluster, the Syed and the Hindu Bania form another cluster, and the two clusters join together (the so-called higher caste); also, the Saifi and the Ansari form a separate cluster (lower caste). The results of the genetic distance analysis are useful for understanding the pattern of genetic relationships between different endogamous groups of Muslims.  相似文献   

The bananaquit (Coereba flaveola) has been well studied throughout the Caribbean region from a phylogenetic perspective. However, data concerning the population genetics and long-term demography of this bird species are lacking. In this study, we focused on three populations within the Lesser Antilles and one on Puerto Rico and assessed genetic and demographic processes, using five nuclear and two mitochondrial markers. We found that genetic diversity of bananaquits on Puerto Rico exceeds that on the smaller islands (Dominica, Guadeloupe and Grenada); this might reflect either successive founder events from Puerto Rico to Grenada, or more rapid drift in smaller populations subsequent to colonization. Population growth rate estimates showed no evidence of rapid expansion and migration was indicated only between populations from the closest islands of Dominica and Guadeloupe. Overall, our results suggest that a "demographic fission" model, considering only mutation and drift, but without migration, can be applied to these bananaquit populations in the West Indies.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity at the nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci, which are universally approved and widely used for forensic investigations, has been studied among nine Indian populations with diverse ethnic, linguistic, and geographic backgrounds. The nine STR loci were profiled on 902 individuals using fluorescent detection methods on an ABI377 System, with the aid of an Amp-F1 Profiler Plus Kit. The studied populations include two upper castes, Brahmin and Kayastha; a tribe, Garo, from West Bengal; a Hindu caste, Meitei, with historical links to Bengal Brahmins; a migrant group of Muslims; three tribal groups, Naga, Kuki and Hmar, from Manipur in northeast India; and a middle-ranking caste, Golla, who are seminomadic herders from Andhra Pradesh. Gene diversity analysis suggests that the average heterozygosity is uniformly high (>0.8) in the studied populations, with the coefficient of gene differentiation at 0.050 +/- 0.0054. Both neighbor-joining (NJ) and unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) trees based on DA distances bring out distinct clusters that are consistent with ethnic, linguistic, and/or geographic backgrounds of the populations. The fit of the Harpending and Ward model of regression of average heterozygosity on the gene frequency centroid is found to be good, and the observed outliers are consistent with the population structure and history of the studied populations. Our study suggests that the nine STR loci, used so far mostly for forensic investigations, can be used fruitfully for microevolutionary studies as well, and for reconstructing the phylogenetic history of human populations, at least at the local level.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks can restrict variation at functional genes, reducing the ability of populations to adapt to new and changing environments. Understanding how populations generate adaptive genetic variation following bottlenecks is therefore central to evolutionary biology. Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are ideal models for studying adaptive genetic variation due to their central role in pathogen recognition. While de novo MHC sequence variation is generated by point mutation, gene conversion can generate new haplotypes by transferring sections of DNA within and across duplicated MHC loci. However, the extent to which gene conversion generates new MHC haplotypes in wild populations is poorly understood. We developed a 454 sequencing protocol to screen MHC class I exon 3 variation across all 13 island populations of Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii). We reveal that just 11-15 MHC haplotypes were retained when the Berthelot's pipit dispersed across its island range in the North Atlantic ca. 75,000 years ago. Since then, at least 26 new haplotypes have been generated in situ across populations. We show that most of these haplotypes were generated by gene conversion across divergent lineages, and that the rate of gene conversion exceeded that of point mutation by an order of magnitude. Gene conversion resulted in significantly more changes at nucleotide sites directly involved with pathogen recognition, indicating selection for functional variants. We suggest that the creation of new variants by gene conversion is the predominant mechanism generating MHC variation in genetically depauperate populations, thus allowing them to respond to pathogenic challenges.  相似文献   

Copy number variations (CNVs) have provided a dynamic aspect to the apparently static human genome. We have analyzed CNVs larger than 100 kb in 477 healthy individuals from 26 diverse Indian populations of different linguistic, ethnic and geographic backgrounds. These CNVRs were identified using the Affymetrix 50K Xba 240 Array. We observed 1,425 and 1,337 CNVRs in the deletion and amplification sets, respectively, after pooling data from all the populations. More than 50% of the genes encompassed entirely in CNVs had both deletions and amplifications. There was wide variability across populations not only with respect to CNV extent (ranging from 0.04–1.14% of genome under deletion and 0.11–0.86% under amplification) but also in terms of functional enrichments of processes like keratinization, serine proteases and their inhibitors, cadherins, homeobox, olfactory receptors etc. These did not correlate with linguistic, ethnic, geographic backgrounds and size of populations. Certain processes were near exclusive to deletion (serine proteases, keratinization, olfactory receptors, GPCRs) or duplication (homeobox, serine protease inhibitors, embryonic limb morphogenesis) datasets. Populations having same enriched processes were observed to contain genes from different genomic loci. Comparison of polymorphic CNVRs (5% or more) with those cataloged in Database of Genomic Variants revealed that 78% (2473) of the genes in CNVRs in Indian populations are novel. Validation of CNVs using Sequenom MassARRAY revealed extensive heterogeneity in CNV boundaries. Exploration of CNV profiles in such diverse populations would provide a widely valuable resource for understanding diversity in phenotypes and disease.  相似文献   

The skin colour of six endogamous groups of north India has been studied reflectometrically. The percentage reflectance at upper arm and forchead of 650 adult males (20–25 years) is described and discussed using 601 (425 nm), 605 (545 nm) and 609 (685 nm) filters of the “EEL” spectrophotometer. The inter-group heterogeneity is revealed by variance-ratio test. The t-test has been applied to study inter-group differences in pigmentation. Some correspondence has been found in skin colour with caste hierarchy, which holds only when the populations living in the same region are compared. These differences are assigned to adaptive adjustments superimposed by caste endogamy and assortative mating for skin colour.  相似文献   

Melia dubia is one of the most important industrial tree species in the South East Asia. In last few decades, the populations of M. dubia has rapidly expanded in the Indian sub-continents, leading to an increase in the genetic diversity of species. However, very less information is available on intra-specific variation in Melia under the Indian subcontinent. Therefore, a present investigation was undertaken, to assess the level of diversity in seed and saplings of the Melia populations (ecotypes) collected from three agro-ecological regions of India. Results revealed that the seed and saplings of all the ecotypes are significantly different for all the traits, except for number of branches per plant, and the maximum variability was recorded in germination percentage, seed weight, internodal length, and sapling height of the species. The high heritability for seed weight (0.99), length (0.99), and width (0.97), and germination percentage (0.99) indicated that selection and genetic gain for these traits would be effective during the commencement of improvement program. Trait association analysis explained that higher seed weight significantly reduced sapling height, collar diameter, number of leaves per plant, internodal length, petiole length, and germination percentage (r = ?0.86; p < 0.001) that ultimately reduced the seedling vigor in Melia dubia. Interestingly, the number of branches per plant were not associated with any of the morphological traits. The first principal component explained 50.09% of the entire variation and all the traits contributed greatly to the variation for this principal component, except for number of branches, leaf width and seed length. The clustering approach assorted geographic variation of M. dubia populations into three main sub-clusters i.e. South, North, and North East populations each consisting of five, seven and one populations (including cultivar), respectively. Among different ecotypes, Bahumukhi, Varsha and US Nagar seed sources outperformed all others in seedling vigour (sapling height) and rest of the growth parameters. Overall, findings explained that considerable scope exists for the development of superior planting material of M. dubia through exploration of seeds and selection at the early seedling stage.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of a human repetitive DNA sequence (pTRF5.6) revealed considerable homology (76%) to the alphoid consensus sequence. Genomic blots of StuI-digested human DNA, hybridized to pTRF5.6, generated a ladder of bands with each band corresponding to oligodeoxyribonucleotide of an approx. 170-bp repeat, indicating a tandemly arrayed organization of this repeat element within the genome. Genomic hybridization analyses of unrelated individuals belonging to various geographical regions of India, using this alphoid satellite probe, revealed polymorphic bands ranging between 2 and 9 kb. Along with an individual-specific band pattern, several isomorphic bands below 2 kb were also evident. There was very little of genetic variability between populations, suggestive of low polymorphism at the inter-population level. Our result suggest that alphoid satellite sequence probe can be used in assessing the genetic diversity of various ethnic groups/populations belonging to different geographical regions.  相似文献   

The autosomal AmpFLSTR markers validated and widely used for forensic applications are used in this study to examine the extent of diversity and genetic relationships among nine Meghalaya populations. Altogether, 932 chromosomes from 9 populations were analyzed using 9 tetrameric AmpFLSTR loci. The included populations were all seven subtribes of the Austro-Asiatic Mon-Khmer-speaking Khasi and the neighboring Tibeto-Burman Garo. The Lyngngam, which are linguistically closer to the Khasi but are culturally intermediate between the Khasi and the Garo, are also included in the study. Although most of the microsatellite loci are highly polymorphic in each of these populations, the allele distributions are fairly uniform across the Meghalaya populations, suggesting relative homogeneity among them. Concurrent with this, the coefficient of gene differentiation (G(ST)) is observed to be low (0.026+/-0.002). This is naturally reflected in the lack of clear differentiation and clustering pattern of the Meghalaya tribes based on either geographic proximity or the historical or current affiliations of these tribes. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) suggests no significant population structure. The structure analysis further suggests that, barring War-Khasi and Pnar, no other population shows any semblance of genetic identity. Even the position of the linguistically distinct Garo is not portrayed as separate from the Khasi. However, when comparable data from other Indian, Southeast Asian, and other continental populations were analyzed, the Meghalaya populations formed a compact cluster clearly separated from other populations, suggesting genetic identity of the Meghalaya populations as a whole. These results are concurrent with the hypothesis of a common and recent origin of these Meghalaya populations, whose genetic differentiation is overwhelmed by the homogenizing effect of continuous gene flow.  相似文献   

The great ethnolinguistic diversity found today in mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) reflects multiple migration waves of people in the past. Maritime trading between MSEA and India was established at the latest 300 BCE, and the formation of early states in Southeast Asia during the first millennium CE was strongly influenced by Indian culture, a cultural influence that is still prominent today. Several ancient Indian-influenced states were located in present-day Thailand, and various populations in the country are likely to be descendants of people from those states. To systematically explore Indian genetic heritage in MSEA populations, we generated genome-wide SNP data (using the Affymetrix Human Origins array) for 119 present-day individuals belonging to 10 ethnic groups from Thailand and co-analyzed them with published data using PCA, ADMIXTURE, and methods relying on f-statistics and on autosomal haplotypes. We found low levels of South Asian admixture in various MSEA populations for whom there is evidence of historical connections with the ancient Indian-influenced states but failed to find this genetic component in present-day hunter-gatherer groups and relatively isolated groups from the highlands of Northern Thailand. The results suggest that migration of Indian populations to MSEA may have been responsible for the spread of Indian culture in the region. Our results also support close genetic affinity between Kra-Dai-speaking (also known as Tai-Kadai) and Austronesian-speaking populations, which fits a linguistic hypothesis suggesting cladality of the two language families.  相似文献   

Within-population gene diversity (HS) was estimated (using allozyme markers) for 16 populations of the perennial, outcrossing plant, Gypsophila fastigiata , on the Baltic island of Öland. The populations were characterized by data on extent, density, life-stages, and habitat diversity. Populations were classed as central or peripheral in relation to the distribution of "alvar" (habitats with shallow, calcareous soils on limestone bedrock) on southern Öland. Three minimal adequate models were used to explain HS and the proportions of juveniles and dead adults. In the first model, HS was significantly lower in peripheral populations and there were no significant additional effects of other explanatory variables. The lower diversity in peripheral populations can be explained by a combination of genetic drift (in populations that vary in size in response to habitat fragmentation) and lower levels of interpopulation gene flow than in central populations. In the two life-stage models, peripheral populations had significantly larger proportions of both juveniles and dead adults – indicating a greater demographic turnover than in the central populations. There were also significant effects of HS and species diversity on the proportion of juveniles. The central or peripheral position of populations is the strongest predictor of both within-population gene diversity and life-stage dynamics in Öland G. fastigiata .  相似文献   

The genetic variability of eight fish-farm and three natural populations of turbot was studied by electrophoretic analysis of 35 enzymatic loci. The results showed low genetic variability in natural populations of turbot ( H T = 0·029 ± 0·013) in comparison with other flatfish species. Great genetic similarity was revealed among the natural populations studied, which indicates high rates of gene flow in this species. The hatchery stocks showed less genetic variation than the wild populations analysed, which suggests genetic drift phenomena involved in the foundation and management of broodstocks. In addition, the heterozygosity differences detected among the hatchery stocks analysed are correlated with inverted levels of fluctuating asymmetry, which supports the existence of inbreeding depression phenomena in turbot culture.  相似文献   

Gene surfing in expanding populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Large scale genomic surveys are partly motivated by the idea that the neutral genetic variation of a population may be used to reconstruct its migration history. However, our ability to trace back the colonization pathways of a species from their genetic footprints is limited by our understanding of the genetic consequences of a range expansion. Here, we study, by means of simulations and analytical methods, the neutral dynamics of gene frequencies in an asexual population undergoing a continual range expansion in one dimension. During such a colonization period, lineages can fix at the wave front by means of a "surfing" mechanism [Edmonds, C.A., Lillie, A.S., Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., 2004. Mutations arising in the wave front of an expanding population. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 975-979]. We quantify this phenomenon in terms of (i) the spatial distribution of lineages that reach fixation and, closely related, (ii) the continual loss of genetic diversity (heterozygosity) at the wave front, characterizing the approach to fixation. Our stochastic simulations show that an effective population size can be assigned to the wave that controls the (observable) gradient in heterozygosity left behind the colonization process. This effective population size is markedly higher in the presence of cooperation between individuals ("pushed waves") than when individuals proliferate independently ("pulled waves"), and increases only sub-linearly with deme size. To explain these and other findings, we develop a versatile analytical approach, based on the physics of reaction-diffusion systems, that yields simple predictions for any deterministic population dynamics. Our analytical theory compares well with the simulation results for pushed waves, but is less accurate in the case of pulled waves when stochastic fluctuations in the tip of the wave are important.  相似文献   

The distribution of C'3 phenotypes was studied in one tribal and three urban populations from India. The C'3F gene was found low in frequency compared to European and West Asian populations. Quantitatively also, the concentration of the C3 component in the Indian region was found significantly low to the European and West Asian populations reported previously.  相似文献   

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