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Insulin regulates a diverse array of signaling pathways involved in the control of growth, differentiation, proliferation, and metabolism. Insulin increases in glucose uptake via a protein kinase C-dependent pathway in target tissues such as fat and muscle are well documented. Insulin-regulated events, however, occur in all cells. The utilization of glucose as a preferred energy source is a ubiquitous event in eukaryotic cells. In NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, insulin treatment increased levels of the cPKC and nPKC activator, diacylglycerol. Insulin-responsive 2-[(3)H]deoxyglucose uptake was stimulated in a dose-dependent manner. The overexpression of protein kinase C (PKC)betaI, -betaII, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta was used to investigate the specificity of PKC isozymes for insulin-sensitive glucose uptake. The stable overexpression of PKCbetaII, -delta, and -epsilon resulted in increases in insulin-stimulated 2-[(3)H]deoxyglucose uptake compared to vector control cells, while basal 2-deoxyglucose uptake levels were not elevated. Overexpression of PKCbetaI and PKCzeta isozymes had no further effect on basal or insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake. The PKC-specific inhibitor, CGP41251, blocked insulin effects on 2-deoxyglucose uptake but not its effects on tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular substrates. Insulin-stimulated 3-O-methylglucose uptake was also greater in cells overexpressing PKCbetaII, -delta, and -epsilon, compared to control cells. The increased responsiveness was not accompanied by conversion of 3T3 cells to the adipocyte phenotype or the increased expression of insulin receptors or glucose transporters (GLUT1-type). Insulin-stimulated recruitment of GLUT1 to plasma membranes of cells overexpressing PKCbetaII, -delta, and -epsilon, was greater than that in control cells. The data suggest that more than one PKC isozyme is involved in insulin signaling pathways in fibroblasts, resulting in increased GLUT1 transporter recruitment to cell membranes.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) plays an important role in gastrointestinal secretion, motility, and growth. The mechanisms regulating NT secretion are not entirely known. Our purpose was to define the role of the PKC signaling pathway in secretion of NT from BON cells, a human pancreatic carcinoid cell line that produces and secretes NT peptide. We demonstrated expression of all 11 PKC isoforms at varying levels in untreated BON cells. Expression of PKC-alpha, -beta2, -delta, and -mu isoforms was most pronounced. Immunofluorescent staining showed PKC-alpha and -mu expression throughout the cytoplasm and in the membrane. Also, significant fluorescence of PKC-delta was noted in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Treatment with PMA induced translocation of PKC-alpha, -delta, and -mu from cytosol to membrane. Activation of PKC-alpha, -delta, and -mu was further confirmed by kinase assays. Addition of PKC-alpha inhibitor G?-6976 at a nanomolar concentration, other PKC inhibitors G?-6983 and GF-109203X, or PKC-delta-specific inhibitor rottlerin significantly inhibited PMA-mediated NT release. Overexpression of either PKC-alpha or -delta increased PMA-mediated NT secretion compared with control cells. We demonstrated that PMA-mediated NT secretion in BON cells is associated with translocation and activation of PKC-alpha, -delta, and -mu. Furthermore, inhibition of PKC-alpha and -delta blocked PMA-stimulated NT secretion, suggesting a critical role for these isoforms in NT release.  相似文献   

Rat DNA polymerase beta (beta-pol) is a 39-kDa protein organized in two tightly folded domains, 8-kDa N-terminal and 31-kDa C-terminal domains, connected by a short protease-sensitive region. The 8-kDa domain contributes template binding to the intact protein, and we now report that the 31-kDa C-terminal domain contributes catalytic activity. Our results show that this domain as a purified proteolytic fragment conducts DNA synthesis under appropriate conditions but the kcat is lower and primer extension properties are different from those of the intact enzyme. A proteolytic truncation of the 31-kDa catalytic domain fragment, to remove a 60-residue segment from the NH2-terminal end, results in nearly complete loss of activity, suggesting the importance of this segment. Overall, these results indicate that the domains of beta-pol have distinct functional roles, template binding and nucleotidyltransferase, respectively; yet, the intact protein is more active for each function than the isolated individual domain fragment.  相似文献   

Strain A/J mice, which are predisposed to experimentally induced asthma and adenocarcinoma, have the lowest pulmonary protein kinase (PK) C activity and content among 22 inbred mouse strains. PKC in neonatal A/J mice is similar to that in other strains, so this difference reflects strain-dependent postnatal regulation. PKC activity is 60% higher in C57BL/6J (B6) than in A/J lungs, and the protein and mRNA concentrations of PKC-alpha, the major pulmonary PKC isozyme, are two- to threefold higher in B6 mice. These differences result from more than a single gene as assessed in F(1), F(2), and backcross progeny of B6 and A/J parents. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of 23 AxB and BxA recombinant inbred strains derived from B6 and A/J progenitors indicates a major locus regulating lung PKC-alpha content that maps near the Pkcalpha structural gene on chromosome 11 (D11MIT333; likelihood ratio statistic = 12.5) and a major locus controlling PKC activity that maps on chromosome 3 (D3MIT19; likelihood ratio statistic = 15.4). The chromosome 11 QTL responsible for low PKC-alpha content falls within QTLs for susceptibilities to lung tumorigenesis and ozone-induced toxicity.  相似文献   

Protein kinases C (PKC) are serine/threonine kinase enzymes involved in the mechanism of cell survival. Their pseudosubstrate sequences are autoinhibitory domains, which maintain the enzyme in an inactive state in the absence of allosteric activators, thus representing an attractive tool for the modulation of different PKC isoforms. Here, we report the use of palmitoylated modified PKC-alpha, -epsilon, and -zeta pseudosubstrate peptides, and determine their intracellular distribution together with their respective PKC isoenzymes. Finally, we propose that the differential distribution of the peptides is correlated with a selective induction of apoptosis and therefore argues for different involvement of PKC isoforms in the anti-apoptotic program.  相似文献   

Syndecan-4 is a transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan that acts as a coreceptor with integrins in focal adhesion formation. The central region of syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain (4V; LGKKPIYKK) binds phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, and together they regulate protein kinase C alpha (PKC alpha) activity. Syndecan 4V peptide directly potentiates PKC alpha activity, leading to "superactivation" of the enzyme, apparently through an interaction with its catalytic domain. We now have performed yeast two-hybrid and in vitro binding assays to determine the interaction sites between 4V and PKC alpha. Full-length PKC alpha weakly interacted with 4V by yeast two-hybrid assays, but PKC alpha constructs that lack the pseudosubstrate region or constructs of the whole catalytic domain interacted more strongly. A mutated 4V sequence (4V(YF): LGKKPIFKK) did not interact with PKC alpha, indicating that tyrosine 192 in the syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain might be critical for this interaction. Further assays identified a novel interaction site in the C terminus of the catalytic domain of PKC alpha (amino acid sequence 513-672). This encompasses the autophosphorylation sites, which are implicated in activation and stability. Yeast two-hybrid data were confirmed by in vitro binding and coimmunoprecipitation assays. The interaction of syndecan-4 with PKC alpha appears unique since PKC delta and epsilon did not interact with 4V in yeast two-hybrid assays or coimmunoprecipitate with syndecan-4. Finally, overexpression of syndecan-4 in rat embryo fibroblast cells, but not expression of the YF mutant, increased PKC alpha localization to focal adhesions. The data support a mechanism where syndecan-4 binds PKC alpha and localizes it to focal adhesions, whose assembly may be regulated by the kinase.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) regulate chromatin status and gene expression, and their inhibition is of significant therapeutic interest. To date, no biological substrate for class IIa HDACs has been identified, and only low activity on acetylated lysines has been demonstrated. Here, we describe inhibitor-bound and inhibitor-free structures of the histone deacetylase-4 catalytic domain (HDAC4cd) and of an HDAC4cd active site mutant with enhanced enzymatic activity toward acetylated lysines. The structures presented, coupled with activity data, provide the molecular basis for the intrinsically low enzymatic activity of class IIa HDACs toward acetylated lysines and reveal active site features that may guide the design of class-specific inhibitors. In addition, these structures reveal a conformationally flexible structural zinc-binding domain conserved in all class IIa enzymes. Importantly, either the mutation of residues coordinating the structural zinc ion or the binding of a class IIa selective inhibitor prevented the association of HDAC4 with the N-CoR.HDAC3 repressor complex. Together, these data suggest a key role of the structural zinc-binding domain in the regulation of class IIa HDAC functions.  相似文献   

Control analyses and kinetic model studies have been performed in order to obtain quantitative information on the regulatory significance of 12 experimentally well-documented inhibitory interactions of Calvin cycle intermediates with the four non-equilibrium cycle enzymes. Evidence is presented to show that none of these interactions contributes significantly to the cycle flux control over the range of external orthophosphate concentrations where the reaction cycle shows close to optimal activity. Contrary to what has been generally supposed, the examined inhibitions appear to be of little interest for our understanding of the biological regulation of the Calvin photosynthesis cycle under conditions of light and carbon dioxide saturation.  相似文献   

PKN is a serine/threonine protein kinase that has a catalytic domain homologous to protein kinase C (PKC) family members and a unique regulatory region containing antiparallel coiled-coil (ACC) domains. PKN is the first identified serine/threonine protein kinase that can bind to and be activated by a small GTPase Rho, and it can also be activated by fatty acids such as arachidonic acid in vitro. PKN is widely distributed in various organisms such as mammal, frog, fly, and starfish. There are at least three different isoforms of PKN (PKNalpha/PAK-1/PRK-1, PKNbeta, and PRK2/PAK-2/PKNgamma) in mammals, each of which shows different enzymological properties, tissue distribution, and varied functions.  相似文献   

New, previously unstudied bioregulators active at ultra low doses, 108 to 10−17 mg protein/ml, were isolated from vitreoretinal tissue. It was shown that these bioregulators contained regulatory peptides and modulators, represented by proteins with a molecular weight of 15–70 kDa, including blood serum albumin. The nanosize of the bioregulators correlated with their activity at ultra low doses.  相似文献   

VHL tumor suppressor protein contains two domains, alpha and beta. The alpha-domain is involved in the formation of a large protein complex suggested to be involved in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. However, the role of the beta-domain, which may recognize the target proteins for protein degradation, remains unknown. Here we report that the beta-domain interacts directly with atypical PKC isotypes, PKCzeta and PKClambda. Further, the regulatory domain of aPKC is sufficient for this direct protein-protein interaction. Since aPKC isotypes have been implicated in the regulation of cell growth and apoptosis, these results suggest that aPKC isotypes are potential direct target of the VHL beta-domain.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D2 (PKD2) belongs to the PKD family of serine/threonine kinases that is activated by phorbol esters and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Its C-terminal regulatory domain comprises two cysteine-rich domains (C1a/C1b) followed by a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. Here, we examined the role of the regulatory domain in PKD2 phorbol ester binding, catalytic activity, and subcellular localization: The PH domain is a negative regulator of kinase activity. C1a/C1b, in particular C1b, is required for phorbol ester binding and gastrin-stimulated PKD2 activation, but it has no inhibitory effect on the catalytic activity. Gastrin triggers nuclear accumulation of PKD2 in living AGS-B cancer cells. C1a/C1b, not the PH domain, plays a complex role in the regulation of nucleocytoplasmic shuttling: We identified a nuclear localization sequence in the linker region between C1a and C1b and a nuclear export signal in the C1a domain. In conclusion, our results define the critical components of the PKD2 regulatory domain controlling phorbol ester binding, catalytic activity, and nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and reveal marked differences to the regulatory properties of this domain in PKD1. These findings could explain functional differences between PKD isoforms and point to a functional role of PKD2 in the nucleus upon activation by GPCRs.  相似文献   

We report a nonepisodic autosomal dominant (AD) spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) not caused by a nucleotide repeat expansion that is, to our knowledge, the first such SCA. The AD SCAs currently comprise a group of > or =16 genetically distinct neurodegenerative conditions, all characterized by progressive incoordination of gait and limbs and by speech and eye-movement disturbances. Six of the nine SCAs for which the genes are known result from CAG expansions that encode polyglutamine tracts. Noncoding CAG, CTG, and ATTCT expansions are responsible for three other SCAs. Approximately 30% of families with SCA do not have linkage to the known loci. We recently mapped the locus for an AD SCA in a family (AT08) to chromosome 19q13.4-qter. A particularly compelling candidate gene, PRKCG, encodes protein kinase C gamma (PKC gamma), a member of a family of serine/threonine kinases. The entire coding region of PRKCG was sequenced in an affected member of family AT08 and in a group of 39 unrelated patients with ataxia not attributable to trinucleotide expansions. Three different nonconservative missense mutations in highly conserved residues in C1, the cysteine-rich region of the protein, were found in family AT08, another familial case, and a sporadic case. The mutations cosegregated with disease in both families. Structural modeling predicts that two of these amino acid substitutions would severely abrogate the zinc-binding or phorbol ester-binding capabilities of the protein. Immunohistochemical studies on cerebellar tissue from an affected member of family AT08 demonstrated reduced staining for both PKC gamma and ataxin 1 in Purkinje cells, whereas staining for calbindin was preserved. These results strongly support a new mechanism for neuronal cell dysfunction and death in hereditary ataxias and suggest that there may be a common pathway for PKC gamma-related and polyglutamine-related neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

We have shown that protein kinase C (PKC) epsilon, independently of its kinase activity, via its regulatory domain (RD), induces neurites in neuroblastoma cells. This study was designed to evaluate whether the same effect is obtained in nonmalignant neural cells and to dissect mechanisms mediating the effect. Overexpression of PKCepsilon resulted in neurite induction in two immortalised neural cell lines (HiB5 and RN33B). Phorbol ester potentiated neurite outgrowth from PKCepsilon-overexpressing cells and led to neurite induction in cells overexpressing PKCdelta. The effects were potentiated by blocking the PKC catalytic activity with GF109203X. Furthermore, kinase-inactive PKCdelta induced more neurites than the wild-type isoform. The isolated regulatory domains of novel PKC isoforms also induced neurites. Experiments with PKCdelta-overexpressing HiB5 cells demonstrated that phorbol ester, even in the presence of a PKC inhibitor, led to a decrease in stress fibres, indicating an inactivation of RhoA. Active RhoA blocked PKC-induced neurite outgrowth, and inhibition of the RhoA effector ROCK led to neurite outgrowth. This demonstrates that neurite induction by the regulatory domain of PKCdelta can be counteracted by PKCdelta kinase activity, that PKC-induced neurite outgrowth is accompanied by stress fibre dismantling indicating an inactivation of RhoA, and that the RhoA pathway suppresses PKC-mediated neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Infection and transformation by human T cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) up-regulates expression of several inducible genes including those coding for cytokines involved in the proliferation of normal and leukemic T cells. We demonstrate that HTLV-I can also shut off expression of the CD3-gamma, delta, epsilon, and zeta genes that code for the constant elements of the TCR for Ag. In addition, the T cell-specific CD3-epsilon enhancer was found to be inactive in a HTLV-I-infected T cell clone. This HTLV-I-infected T cell clone (827-p19-II) that could be cultured in the absence of IL-2 lacked the CD3 proteins but did express the TCR-alpha and -beta proteins intracellularly. In the absence of the CD3-gamma, delta, epsilon, and zeta polypeptide chains the disulfide bridged TCR-alpha/beta heterodimer was not formed and the Ag receptor did not appear at the cell surface. These results allowed two major conclusions: first, HTLV-I infection has an effect on the T cell specific regulatory elements that coordinately regulate CD3-gamma, delta, epsilon, and zeta expression and second, the CD3-gamma, delta, epsilon, and zeta proteins are necessary for formation and routing the variable TCR-alpha/beta (or -gamma/delta) heterodimer to the human T cell surface.  相似文献   

Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) catalyzes the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). The mammalian MAT II isozyme consists of catalytic alpha(2) and regulatory beta subunits. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction and kinetic behavior of the human MAT II subunit proteins in mammalian cells. COS-1 cells were transiently transfected with pTargeT vector harboring full-length cDNA that encodes for the MAT II alpha(2) or beta subunits. Expression of the His-tagged recombinant alpha(2) (ralpha(2)) subunit in COS-1 cells markedly increased MAT II activity and resulted in a shift in the K(m) for L-methionine (L-Met) from 15 microM (endogenous MAT II) to 75 microM (ralpha(2)), and with the apparent existence of two kinetic forms of MAT in the transfected COS-1 cell extracts. By contrast, expression of the recombinant beta (rbeta) subunit had no effect on the K(m) for L-Met of the endogenous MAT II, while it did cause an increase in both the V(max) and the specific activity of endogenous MAT. Co-expression of both ralpha(2) and rbeta subunits resulted in a significant increase of MAT specific activity with the appearance of a single kinetic form of MAT (K(m) = 20 microM). The recombinant MAT II alpha(2) and rbeta subunit associated spontaneously either in cell-free system or in COS-1 cells co-expressing both subunits. Analysis of nickel-agarose-purified His-tagged ralpha(2) subunit from COS-1 cell extracts showed that the beta subunit co-purified with the alpha(2) subunit. Furthermore, the alpha(2) and beta subunits co-migrated in native polyacrylamide gels. Together, the data provide evidence for alpha(2) and beta MAT subunit association. In addition, the beta subunit regulated MAT II activity by reducing its K(m) for L-Met and by rendering the enzyme more susceptible to feedback inhibition by AdoMet. We believe that the previously described differential expression of MAT II beta subunit may be an important mechanism by which MAT activity can be modulated to provide different levels of AdoMet that may be required at different stages of cell growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

By means of a novel cDNA-based strategy employing the maximum parsimony principle, we have previously deduced probable amino acid sequences for the catalytic domains of the early mammalian ancestors of each of the five extant vitamin K-dependent serine proteases of coagulation, and for their common ancestor from a still earlier stage of vertebrate evolution. In the present study, we employed one of these sequences to construct a molecular model of the catalytic domain of early mammalian protein C and to explore its functional architecture. Following the domain’s progression from the common ancestor of the vitamin K-dependent serine proteases toward extant human protein C, this novel application of homology modelling to a reconstructed amino acid sequence has allowed us to trace the evolution of structural features in a vital coagulation protein. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 23 July 1997  相似文献   

Asparagine synthetase catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation of L-asparagine from L-aspartate and L-glutamine, via a beta-aspartyl-AMP intermediate. Since interfering with this enzyme activity might be useful for treating leukemia and solid tumors, we have sought small-molecule inhibitors of Escherichia coli asparagine synthetase B (AS-B) as a model system for the human enzyme. Prior work showed that L-cysteine sulfinic acid competitively inhibits this enzyme by interfering with L-aspartate binding. Here, we demonstrate that cysteine sulfinic acid is also a partial substrate for E. coli asparagine synthetase, acting as a nucleophile to form the sulfur analogue of beta-aspartyl-AMP, which is subsequently hydrolyzed back to cysteine sulfinic acid and AMP in a futile cycle. While cysteine sulfinic acid did not itself constitute a clinically useful inhibitor of asparagine synthetase B, these results suggested that replacing this linkage by a more stable analogue might lead to a more potent inhibitor. A sulfoximine reported recently by Koizumi et al. as a competitive inhibitor of the ammonia-dependent E. coli asparagine synthetase A (AS-A) [Koizumi, M., Hiratake, J., Nakatsu, T., Kato, H., and Oda, J. (1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 5799-5800] can be regarded as such a species. We found that this sulfoximine also inhibited AS-B, effectively irreversibly. Unlike either the cysteine sulfinic acid interaction with AS-B or the sulfoximine interaction with AS-A, only AS-B productively engaged in asparagine synthesis could be inactivated by the sulfoximine; free enzyme was unaffected even after extended incubation with the sulfoximine. Taken together, these results support the notion that sulfur-containing analogues of aspartate can serve as platforms for developing useful inhibitors of AS-B.  相似文献   

3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) plays a key role in regulating signalling pathways by activating AGC kinases such as PKB/Akt and S6K. Here we describe the 2.0 A crystal structure of the PDK1 kinase domain in complex with ATP. The structure defines the hydrophobic pocket termed the "PIF-pocket", which plays a key role in mediating the interaction and phosphorylation of certain substrates such as S6K1. Phosphorylation of S6K1 at its C-terminal PIF-pocket-interacting motif promotes the binding of S6K1 with PDK1. In the PDK1 structure, this pocket is occupied by a crystallographic contact with another molecule of PDK1. Interestingly, close to the PIF-pocket in PDK1, there is an ordered sulfate ion, interacting tightly with four surrounding side chains. The roles of these residues were investigated through a combination of site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic studies, the results of which confirm that this region of PDK1 represents a phosphate-dependent docking site. We discuss the possibility that an analogous phosphate-binding regulatory motif may participate in the activation of other AGC kinases. Furthermore, the structure of PDK1 provides a scaffold for the design of specific PDK1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

PDE4 inhibitors have been identified as therapeutic targets for a variety of conditions, particularly inflammatory diseases. We have serendipitously identified a novel class of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor during a study to discover antagonists of the parathyroid hormone receptor. X-ray crystallographic studies of PDE4D2 complexed to four potent inhibitors reveal the atomic details of how they inhibit the enzyme and a notable contrast to another recently reported thiophene-based inhibitor.  相似文献   

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