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The role that balancing selection plays in the maintenance of genetic diversity remains unresolved. Here, we introduce a new test, based on the McDonald–Kreitman test, in which the number of polymorphisms that are shared between populations is contrasted to those that are private at selected and neutral sites. We show that this simple test is robust to a variety of demographic changes, and that it can also give a direct estimate of the number of shared polymorphisms that are directly maintained by balancing selection. We apply our method to population genomic data from humans and provide some evidence that hundreds of nonsynonymous polymorphisms are subject to balancing selection.

What maintains genetic variation remains an unresolved mystery. This study describes the development of a new test and its application to human population genomic data, suggesting that natural selection may have a much more important role than previously thought, with hundreds of non-synonymous polymorphisms subject to balancing selection.  相似文献   

As the number of sequenced genomes from diverse walks of life rapidly increases, phylogenetic analysis is entering a new era: reconstruction of the evolutionary history of organisms on the basis of full-scale comparison of their genomes. In addition to brute force, genome-wide analysis of alignments, rare genomic changes (RGCs) that are thought to comprise derived shared characters of individual clades are increasingly used in genome-wide phylogenetic studies. We propose a new type of RGCs designated RGC_CAMs (after Conserved Amino acids-Multiple substitutions), which are inferred using a genome-scale analysis of protein and underlying nucleotide sequence alignments. The RGC_CAM approach utilizes amino acid residues conserved in major eukaryotic lineages, with the exception of a few species comprising a putative clade, and selects for phylogenetic inference only those amino acid replacements that require 2 or 3 nucleotide substitutions, in order to reduce homoplasy. The RGC_CAM analysis was combined with a procedure for rigorous statistical testing of competing phylogenetic hypotheses. The RGC_CAM method is shown to be robust to branch length differences and taxon sampling. When applied to animal phylogeny, the RGC_CAM approach strongly supports the coelomate clade that unites chordates with arthropods as opposed to the ecdysozoan (molting animals) clade. This conclusion runs against the view of animal evolution that is currently prevailing in the evo-devo community. The final solution to the coelomate-ecdysozoa controversy will require a much larger set of complete genome sequences representing diverse animal taxa. It is expected that RGC_CAM and other RGC-based methods will be crucial for these future, definitive phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Massingham T  Goldman N 《Genetics》2005,169(3):1753-1762
An excess of nonsynonymous over synonymous substitution at individual amino acid sites is an important indicator that positive selection has affected the evolution of a protein between the extant sequences under study and their most recent common ancestor. Several methods exist to detect the presence, and sometimes location, of positively selected sites in alignments of protein-coding sequences. This article describes the "sitewise likelihood-ratio" (SLR) method for detecting nonneutral evolution, a statistical test that can identify sites that are unusually conserved as well as those that are unusually variable. We show that the SLR method can be more powerful than currently published methods for detecting the location of positive selection, especially in difficult cases where the strength of selection is low. The increase in power is achieved while relaxing assumptions about how the strength of selection varies over sites and without elevated rates of false-positive results that have been reported with some other methods. We also show that the SLR method performs well even under circumstances where the results from some previous methods can be misleading.  相似文献   

Models of amino acid substitution present challenges beyond those often faced with the analysis of DNA sequences. The alignments of amino acid sequences are often small, whereas the number of parameters to be estimated is potentially large when compared with the number of free parameters for nucleotide substitution models. Most approaches to the analysis of amino acid alignments have focused on the use of fixed amino acid models in which all of the potentially free parameters are fixed to values estimated from a large number of sequences. Often, these fixed amino acid models are specific to a gene or taxonomic group (e.g. the Mtmam model, which has parameters that are specific to mammalian mitochondrial gene sequences). Although the fixed amino acid models succeed in reducing the number of free parameters to be estimated--indeed, they reduce the number of free parameters from approximately 200 to 0--it is possible that none of the currently available fixed amino acid models is appropriate for a specific alignment. Here, we present four approaches to the analysis of amino acid sequences. First, we explore the use of a general time reversible model of amino acid substitution using a Dirichlet prior probability distribution on the 190 exchangeability parameters. Second, we then explore the behaviour of prior probability distributions that are'centred' on the rates specified by the fixed amino acid model. Third, we consider a mixture of fixed amino acid models. Finally, we consider constraints on the exchangeability parameters as partitions,similar to how nucleotide substitution models are specified, and place a Dirichlet process prior model on all the possible partitioning schemes.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number Z19 515.  相似文献   

ATP sulfurylase from Penicillium chrysogenum is an allosteric enzyme in which Cys-509 is critical for maintaining the R state. Cys-509 is located in a C-terminal domain that is 42% identical to the conserved core of adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (adenylylsulfate) (APS) kinase. This domain is believed to provide the binding site for the allosteric effector, 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS). Replacement of Cys-509 with either Tyr or Ser destabilizes the R state, resulting in an enzyme that is intrinsically cooperative at pH 8 in the absence of PAPS. The kinetics of C509Y resemble those of the wild type enzyme in which Cys-509 has been covalently modified. The kinetics of C509S resemble those of the wild type enzyme in the presence of PAPS. It is likely that the negative charge on the Cys-509 side chain helps to stabilize the R state. Treatment of the enzyme with a low level of trypsin results in cleavage at Lys-527, a residue that lies in a region analogous to a PAPS motif-containing mobile loop of true APS kinase. Both mutant enzymes were cleaved more rapidly than the wild type enzyme, suggesting that movement of the mobile loop occurs during the R to T transition.  相似文献   

Codon-based substitution models have been widely used to identify amino acid sites under positive selection in comparative analysis of protein-coding DNA sequences. The nonsynonymous-synonymous substitution rate ratio (d(N)/d(S), denoted omega) is used as a measure of selective pressure at the protein level, with omega > 1 indicating positive selection. Statistical distributions are used to model the variation in omega among sites, allowing a subset of sites to have omega > 1 while the rest of the sequence may be under purifying selection with omega < 1. An empirical Bayes (EB) approach is then used to calculate posterior probabilities that a site comes from the site class with omega > 1. Current implementations, however, use the naive EB (NEB) approach and fail to account for sampling errors in maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters, such as the proportions and omega ratios for the site classes. In small data sets lacking information, this approach may lead to unreliable posterior probability calculations. In this paper, we develop a Bayes empirical Bayes (BEB) approach to the problem, which assigns a prior to the model parameters and integrates over their uncertainties. We compare the new and old methods on real and simulated data sets. The results suggest that in small data sets the new BEB method does not generate false positives as did the old NEB approach, while in large data sets it retains the good power of the NEB approach for inferring positively selected sites.  相似文献   

A method for detecting positive selection at single amino acid sites   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A method was developed for detecting the selective force at single amino acid sites given a multiple alignment of protein-coding sequences. The phylogenetic tree was reconstructed using the number of synonymous substitutions. Then, the neutrality was tested for each codon site using the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous changes throughout the phylogenetic tree. Computer simulation showed that this method accurately estimated the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions per site, as long as the substitution number on each branch was relatively small. The false-positive rate for detecting the selective force was generally low. On the other hand, the true-positive rate for detecting the selective force depended on the parameter values. Within the range of parameter values used in the simulation, the true-positive rate increased as the strength of the selective force and the total branch length (namely the total number of synonymous substitutions per site) in the phylogenetic tree increased. In particular, with the relative rate of nonsynonymous substitutions to synonymous substitutions being 5.0, most of the positively selected codon sites were correctly detected when the total branch length in the phylogenetic tree was > or = 2.5. When this method was applied to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene, which included antigen recognition sites (ARSs), positive selection was detected mainly on ARSs. This finding confirmed the effectiveness of the present method with actual data. Moreover, two amino acid sites were newly identified as positively selected in non-ARSs. The three-dimensional structure of the HLA molecule indicated that these sites might be involved in antigen recognition. Positively selected amino acid sites were also identified in the envelope protein of human immunodeficiency virus and the influenza virus hemagglutinin protein. This method may be helpful for predicting functions of amino acid sites in proteins, especially in the present situation, in which sequence data are accumulating at an enormous speed.  相似文献   

Flowering times of plants are important life-history components and it has previously been hypothesized that flowering phenologies may be currently subject to natural selection or be selectively neutral. In this study we reviewed the evidence for phenotypic selection acting on flowering phenology using ordinary and phylogenetic meta-analysis. Phenotypic selection exists when a phenotypic trait co-varies with fitness; therefore, we looked for studies reporting an association between two components of flowering phenology (flowering time or flowering synchrony) with fitness. Data sets comprising 87 and 18 plant species were then used to assess the incidence and strength of phenotypic selection on flowering time and flowering synchrony, respectively. The influence of dependence on pollinators, the duration of the reproductive event, latitude and plant longevity as moderators of selection were also explored. Our results suggest that selection favours early flowering plants, but the strength of selection is influenced by latitude, with selection being stronger in temperate environments. However, there is no consistent pattern of selection on flowering synchrony. Our study demonstrates that phenotypic selection on flowering time is consistent and relatively strong, in contrast to previous hypotheses of selective neutrality, and has implications for the evolution of temperate floras under global climate change.  相似文献   

Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) has evolved an editing function to clear misactivated amino acids. An Escherichia coli-based assay was established to identify amino acids that compromise the fidelity of LeuRS and translation. Multiple nonstandard as well as standard amino acids were toxic to the cell when LeuRS editing was inactivated.  相似文献   

The evolution of sociality in spiders is associated with female bias, reproductive skew and an inbreeding mating system, factors that cause a reduction in effective population size and increase effects of genetic drift. These factors act to decrease the effectiveness of selection, thereby increasing the fixation probability of deleterious mutations. Comparative studies of closely related species with contrasting social traits and mating systems provide the opportunity to test consequences of low effective population size on the effectiveness of selection empirically. We used phylogenetic analyses of three inbred social spider species and seven outcrossing subsocial species of the genus Stegodyphus, and compared dN/dS ratios and codon usage bias between social Inbreeding and subsocial outcrossing mating systems to assess the effectiveness of selection. The overall results do not differ significantly between the social inbreeding and outcrossing species, but suggest a tendency for lower codon usage bias and higher dN/dS ratios in the social inbreeding species compared with their outcrossing congeners. The differences in dN/dS ratio and codon usage bias between social and subsocial species are modest but consistent with theoretical expectations of reduced effectiveness of selection in species with relatively low effective population size. The modest differences are consistent with relatively recent evolution of social mating systems. Additionally, the short terminal branches and lack of speciation of the social lineages, together with low genetic diversity lend support for the transient state of permanent sociality in spiders.  相似文献   

The determinants of site-to-site variability in the rate of amino acid replacement in alpha/beta-barrel enzyme structures are investigated. Of 125 available alpha/beta-barrel structures, only 25 meet a variety of phylogenetic and statistical criteria necessary to ensure sufficient data for reliable analysis. These 25 enzyme structures (from a wide variety of taxa with diverse lifestyles in diverse habitats) differ greatly in size, number, and topology of domains in addition to the alpha/beta-barrel, quaternary structure, metabolic role, reaction catalyzed, presence of prosthetic groups, regulatory mechanisms, use of cofactors, and catalytic mechanisms. Yet, with the exception of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, all structures have similar frequency distributions of amino acid replacement rates. Hence, site-specific variability in rates of evolution is largely independent of differences in biology, biochemistry, and molecular structure. A correlation between site-specific rate variation and (1) distance from the active site, (2) solvent accessibility, and (3) treating glycines in unusual main-chain conformations as a separate class, explains approximately half the causal variation. Secondary structure exerts little influence on the pattern and distribution of replacements. Additional domains and subunits, side-chain hydrogen bonds, unusual side-chain rotamers, nonplanar peptide bonds, strained main-chain conformations, and buried hydrophilic-charged residues contribute little to variability among sites because they are rare. Nonlinear models do not improve the fits. In several enzymes, deviations from the typical pattern of replacements suggest the possible action of natural selection. A statistical analysis shows that, in all cases, much of the remaining unexplained variation is not attributable to chance and that other, as yet unidentified, causal relations must exist.  相似文献   

R Oakey  C Tyler-Smith 《Genomics》1990,7(3):325-330
Three hypervariable Y chromosome DNA loci have been analyzed in human males. The haplotypes defined allow paternal lineages to be identified. Most of these lineages fall into two groups. This indicates that the ancestry of a large proportion of the men studied can be traced back to one of two males.  相似文献   



The evolution of bacterial organelles involved in host-pathogen interactions is subject to intense and competing selective pressures due to the need to maintain function while escaping the host immune response. To characterize the interplay of these forces in an important pathogen, we sequenced the rlrA islet, a chromosomal region encoding for a pilus-like structure involved in adherence to lung epithelial cells in vitro and in colonization in a murine model of infection, in 44 clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae.


We found that the rrgA and rrgB genes, encoding the main structural components of the pilus, are under the action of positive selection. In contrast, the rrgC gene, coding for a component present in low quantities in the assembled pilus, and the srtB, srtC and srtD genes, coding for three sortase enzymes essential for pilus assembly but probably not directly exposed to the host immune system, show no evidence of positive selection. We found several events of homologous recombination in the region containing these genes, identifying 4 major recombination hotspots. An analysis of the most recent recombination events shows a high level of mosaicism of the region coding for the rrgC, srtB, srtC and srtD genes.


In the rlrA islet, the genes coding for proteins directly exposed to the host immune response are under the action of positive selection, and exist in distinct forms in the population of circulating strains. The genes coding for proteins not directly exposed on the surface of the bacterial cell are more conserved probably due to the homogenizing effect of recombination.  相似文献   

Li QW  Lu XY  You Y  Sun H  Liu XY  Ai JZ  Tan RZ  Chen TL  Chen MZ  Wang HL  Wei YQ  Zhou Q 《Proteomics》2012,12(15-16):2556-2570
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD), characterized by ectatic collecting duct, is an infantile form of PKD occurring in 1 in 20 000 births. Despite having been studied for many years, little is known about the underlying mechanisms. In the current study, we employed, for the first time, a MS-based comparative proteomics approach to investigate the differently expressed proteins between kidney tissue samples of four ARPKD and five control individuals. Thirty two differently expressed proteins were identified and six of the identified protein encoding genes performed on an independent group (three ARPKD subjects, four control subjects) were verified by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and part of them were further validated by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. Moreover, similar alteration tendency was detected after downregulation of PKHD1 by small interfering RNA in HEK293T cell. Interestingly, most of the identified proteins are associated with mitochondria. This implies that mitochondria may be implicated in ARPKD. Furthermore, the String software was utilized to investigate the biological association network, which is based on known and predicted protein interactions. In conclusion, our findings depicted a global understanding of ARPKD progression and provided a promising resource of targeting protein, and shed some light further investigation of ARPKD.  相似文献   

Bayes prediction quantifies uncertainty by assigning posterior probabilities. It was used to identify amino acids in a protein under recurrent diversifying selection indicated by higher nonsynonymous (d(N)) than synonymous (d(S)) substitution rates or by omega = d(N)/d(S) > 1. Parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood under a codon substitution model that assumed several classes of sites with different omega ratios. The Bayes theorem was used to calculate the posterior probabilities of each site falling into these site classes. Here, we evaluate the performance of Bayes prediction of amino acids under positive selection by computer simulation. We measured the accuracy by the proportion of predicted sites that were truly under selection and the power by the proportion of true positively selected sites that were predicted by the method. The accuracy was slightly better for longer sequences, whereas the power was largely unaffected by the increase in sequence length. Both accuracy and power were higher for medium or highly diverged sequences than for similar sequences. We found that accuracy and power were unacceptably low when data contained only a few highly similar sequences. However, sampling a large number of lineages improved the performance substantially. Even for very similar sequences, accuracy and power can be high if over 100 taxa are used in the analysis. We make the following recommendations: (1) prediction of positive selection sites is not feasible for a few closely related sequences; (2) using a large number of lineages is the best way to improve the accuracy and power of the prediction; and (3) multiple models of heterogeneous selective pressures among sites should be applied in real data analysis.  相似文献   

The ratio of radical to conservative amino acid replacements is frequently used to infer positive Darwinian selection. This method is based on the assumption that radical replacements are more likely than conservative replacements to improve the function of a protein. Therefore, if positive selection plays a major role in the evolution of a protein, one would expect the radical-conservative ratio to exceed the expectation under neutrality. Here, we investigate the possibility that factors unrelated to selection, i.e., transition-transversion ratio, codon usage, genetic code, and amino acid composition, influence the radical-conservative replacement ratio. All factors that have been studied were found to affect the radical-conservative replacement ratio. In particular, amino acid composition and transition-transversion ratio are shown to have the most profound effects. Because none of the studied factors had anything to do with selection (positive or otherwise) and also because all of them (singly or in combination) affected a measure that was supposed to be indicative of positive selection, we conclude that selectional inferences based on radical-conservative replacement ratios should be treated with suspicion.  相似文献   

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