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A total of 86 adult bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) from nine different localities, covering the full length of the Fennoscandian mountain range, were screened for blood parasites of the three genera Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon using a recently developed polymerase chain reaction method. The overall occurrence of infection was 59.3%. Prevalence of Leucocytozoon spp. (47.7%), Plasmodium spp. (23.3%) and Haemoproteus spp. (1.2%) was detected. Of the infected birds, 15.1% carried mixed infections. Five different mitochondrial DNA-lineages of Leucocytozoon spp., eight lineages of Plasmodium spp. and one lineage of Haemoproteus spp. were found. Due to large sequence divergence these corresponded to at least five different species, but with the possibility of all 14 being independent evolutionary units with the potential of evolving different effects on the host. Of the lineages of Leucocytozoon spp., the most common was found throughout the range. The occurrence of the second most common lineage of Leucocytozoon spp. showed significant variation in prevalence between sites. The data also showed molecular evidence of one lineage of Leucocytozoon sp. existing in more than one species of avian host, thus challenging the use of host taxon as a taxonomic character when distinguishing between different species leucocytozoids.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a bird's clutch size is not limited by the amount of resources available at the time of laying but that differences in the availability of food for nestlings is the ultimate underlying factor determining spatio-temporal variations in clutch size. However, habitat-related variations in egg production ability has yet to be investigated explicitly. We studied the breeding of Great Tits Parus major in deciduous and coniferous forests in the same area. The sizes of both the clutches and the eggs were, on average, larger in the former habitat than in the latter. A number of females were induced to lay more eggs than usual by removing four eggs from designated experimental clutches early in the laying period. These manipulated females laid approximately one egg more than control females, with the number of additional eggs laid not differing between the habitats. However, in both study years the relative size of the extra eggs – relative to the mean size of earlier laid eggs of the same clutch – was smaller in the coniferous habitat than in the deciduous habitat, while there was no habitat-related difference in the relative size of the last-laid eggs of control clutches. This result indicates that some form of proximate limitation during egg-laying period can contribute to the relatively small clutches and eggs in the coniferous habitat. Our results emphasize the need to take egg production costs into account when attempting to account for spatial variation in the reproductive behaviour of birds.  相似文献   

We investigated chick development and feeding rate in the neotropic cormorant, Phalacrocorax brasilianus, in a colony in Central Chile. The year of our study was characterized by relatively good foraging conditions. Brood sizes varied from two to five chicks, and hatching was asynchronous, with gaps of 0 to 6 days between the youngest and the oldest chick. Egg size declined over laying order in three-egg clutches, but not in four-egg clutches. Hatch weight did not vary with hatching position, irrespective of brood size. Chicks increased mass on average by 60 g/day between 8 and 20 days of age. Growth rates and survival to fledging depended on hatching position only in broods of four, where D-chicks grew slower and showed a higher pre-fledging mortality. There was a non-significant tendency that also A-, B-, and C-chicks in broods of four grew slower than in smaller broods. Average number of fledglings was 2.76. Feeding frequency decreased with chick age between the ages of 10–40 days. Four-chick broods received more feeds per day than smaller broods, leading to a similar per-chick feeding frequency across all brood sizes. D-chicks were clearly disadvantaged in growth and survival, and facultative brood reduction occurred.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that breeding terns are sensitive to food supply and that their reproductive effort could be substantially affected by the availability and access to resources. In this study we examined reproductive parameters in the whiskered tern Chlidonias hybrida in relation to food supply during the courtship feeding period (food brought by males to females) over a 2-year period (2004–2005). We also studied whether the condition of the nestlings [body condition index (BCI)] was related to a proxy of the reproductive investment of the adults (the clutch size) during a season of food shortage. Behavioural observations showed a decrease in the intensity of male courtship feeding between years (2004 > 2005), and a strong shift in the relative abundance of the two prey groups (invertebrates/fish; invertebrate prey dropped from 88.0 to 49.3%) brought by males. This change in food delivery rates did not result in a delay in laying, but there was a significant difference in mean clutch size between years (2.71 ± 0.49 eggs in 2004 and 2.05 ± 0.78 eggs in 2005) without any within-year variation in relation to the laying dates. The egg size (volume and length) was related to the year (2004 < 2005), suggesting a trade-off in the quantity and the quality of eggs between the two seasons. We also found no evidence that the investment in a large clutch affected nestling BCI in the course of the food shortage season. Since many pairs (about 60%) interrupted breeding during the incubation stage, we assumed that parents that succeeded in rearing nestlings in these conditions were probably ‘high-quality’ individuals. Our results therefore showed that whiskered terns are sensitive to the varying food conditions they experienced throughout the courtship period. The diversity of prey types could be a key factor in the reproductive investment of this tern species.  相似文献   

Black scale Saissetia oleae (Olivier) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) is a widespread olive pest in California and Europe. Metaphycus lounsburyi (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is often one of its main parasitoids. Augmentative releases of M. lounsburyi have been proposed in those areas in which biological control is ineffective. In this paper, we study the relationship between black scale and M. lounsburyi in the field. According to our data, M. lounsburyi parasitizes mainly ovipositing females of black scale. Parasitism rates of ovipositing females reach high levels. In those scales, M. lounsburyi develops as a gregarious parasitoid, with an average of 13 and a maximum of 40 parasitoids developing per scale. The secondary sex ratio is female biased (proportion of males = 0.13) and appears to be brood size dependent. Metaphycus lounsburyi eggs are encyrtiform; however, its egg load is much higher than other Metaphycus that also parasitize black scale. The implications of these results on the behavioral ecology of M. lounsburyi and its use in biological control of black scale are discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive response involving egg number and size was studied for the egg carrying copepod Euterpina acutifrons in two estuaries with different nutritional environment (Bilbao and Mundaka). To characterise the available food for copepods, the concentration of particulate organic matter (POM), the combined concentration (PGL) and proportion of particulate protein, carbohydrate and lipids and the concentration of chlorophyll a were measured in the <20 μm seston fraction. Data on female size (prosome length) and abiotic factors, such as temperature, salinity and oxygen saturation in water, were also obtained to relate them to reproductive and nutritional variables. Correlation and stepwise regression analyses indicated that temperature via female size was the main factor controlling brood volume in a temporal context, whilst the nutritional environment had a secondary role. Nevertheless, the nutritional environment caused noticeable between-estuary differences in the reproductive response of this species. ANOVA tests showed that E. acutifrons clutch size and brood volume were significantly bigger in the estuary of Bilbao, which was richer in both total (POM) and labile (PGL) organic particulate matter than the estuary of Mundaka. In contrast, egg size, female size and phytoplanktonic food quantity did not differ significantly between estuaries. These results suggest that the organic enrichment with particles of detritical-heterotrophic origin enhanced E. acutifrons clutch size and brood volume in Bilbao. Egg size was closely related to phytoplankton in both estuaries, but a clear trade-off between egg size and number per clutch was observed only in Mundaka. Thus, we suggest that the reduction of egg number in order to increase egg size might happen only under food-limiting conditions, but not in organically rich and quite constant nutritional environments such as found those in Bilbao.  相似文献   

The mortality of Sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis chicks held in enclosures was studied in colonies on Griend, in the Dutch Wadden Sea, from 1992 to 1999, and on Hirsholm, in the Danish Kattegat, in 1997. Survival of chicks until fledging was 73% for chicks hatching from first-laid eggs or single-egg clutches and 59–64% for partially hatched two-egg clutches, whereas 6% of second hatchlings survived until fledging. Less than 2% of all two-chick broods actually fledged two chicks. Because 18% of the two-egg clutches only hatched one egg, 7% of fledglings of two-egg clutches originated from a second-laid egg. In nests where both eggs hatched, the number of chicks was usually reduced soon after hatching. Within five days of hatching more than 50% of the second hatchlings died of starvation or were preyed upon. It seems that overproduction commonly occurs in Sandwich terns and that investment in a surplus egg mainly serves as an insurance mechanism. On Griend and Hirsholm, chick productivity of two-egg clutches was somewhat higher than for one-egg clutches. Undernourishment was an important cause of death, either directly by starvation or by selective predation of chicks in poor condition. This, in combination with earlier, studies suggests that Sandwich tern parents on Griend are exposed to severe food stress.  相似文献   

Many hosts of obligate brood parasites accept parasitic eggs despite the high costs of parasitism. Acceptance is particularly perplexing in brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) (hereafter “cowbird”) hosts because the eggs of cowbirds and most hosts do not appear to match closely in visual characteristics detectable by humans. However, recent evidence suggests that parasite and host eggs may match in their ultraviolet (UV) reflectance, undetectable by humans, and that birds may use UV signals for egg discrimination. We determined whether egg colour matching in UV reflectance separates accepters and rejecters of cowbird parasitism by comparing the total UV (300–400 nm) reflectance of the eggs of 11 host species to cowbird eggs. Eggs of three of five accepter species and five of five rejecter species differed significantly from cowbird eggs in UV reflectance. We found no significant difference in the UV reflectance of the eggs of three closely related pairs of accepter and rejecter species. There also was no significant difference in the UV reflectance of cowbird eggs laid in nests of five host species, and the UV reflectance of cowbird eggs was not significantly correlated with that of host clutches. Thus, we found no support for the UV-matching hypothesis in brown-headed cowbirds and UV reflectance does not appear to separate accepters and rejecters of parasitism. Differences in UV reflectance between cowbird and host eggs, however, provide potential cues for use in egg discrimination. Experimental testing is needed to determine the relative importance of UV reflectance compared to other visual cues.  相似文献   

Populations of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides minor) are decreasing in size, necessitating management strategies. However, data on the reproductive biology of this species are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of timing of breeding and nestling diet on the reproductive success of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and thereby contribute to an understanding of the determinants influencing its reproductive success. During 6 study years between 1996–2003, we investigated various variables of reproductive success in a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker population in the Taunus low mountain range, Germany. We observed nestling feeding at breeding holes to assess the composition of nestling diet and how it changes during the season. Clutch size, number of fledglings as well as body mass of the nestlings declined with the start of egg laying. Pairs composed of individuals that had breed together in previous years started egg laying earlier than newly established pairs. Nestling diet consisted mainly of aphids, caterpillars, craneflies and wood-living larvae. The composition changed considerably within the breeding season in both early and late broods. However, early broods were provided with caterpillars more frequently, whereas late broods received wood-dwelling larvae more often. Our results suggest that Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers time their breeding so as to coincide with the early nestling stage with the highest availability of caterpillars, since this is the time of highest energy demand. Moreover, food availability declines during the breeding season, and the decline in reproductive performance seems to be an effect of this development.  相似文献   

The closely related genera Carestiella, Schizoxylon and Stictis (Stictidaceae, Ostropales, Ascomycota) are revised in northern Scandinavia, and a revised phylogenetic hypothesis, including all seven species of this group in the area, is presented. A key to the species of Stictis s. lat. (including Carestiella, Schizoxylon and Stictis) in Northern Scandinavia is presented. S. albescens and S. confusum are described as new to science, and the new name S. brunnescens is introduced for S. mollis ssp. populorum, when treated as a distinct species. C. socia and S. albescens are the only representatives of their genera in northern Scandinavia, but a total of five species of Stictis are present in the area (S. brunnescens, S. confusum, S. mollis, S. populorum and S. radiata). Substantial within-species variation in ascoma morphology and wall pigmentation is revealed and discussed, and found to correlate with fungal lifestyles; optional lichenization apparently affects several details in fungal anatomy and morphology.  相似文献   

Two fruit-feeding insects, a gall wasp, Allorhogas sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and a beetle, Apion sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea), were evaluated in their native habitat in Brazil as potential biological control agents of Miconia calvescens DC (Melastomataceae). Allorhogas sp. occurred at two out of three field sites with native populations of M. calvescens, and Apion sp. occurred at all three sites. Both species exhibited aggregated distributions among M. calvescens trees sampled at each site. Allorhogas sp. infested 9.0% and 3.8% of fruits at each of two sites. The number of larvae and pupae of Allorhogas sp. and/or an unidentified parasitoid (Hymenopetera: Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae) ranged from one to five per infested fruit. Fruits infested with Allorhogas sp. were 20% larger and had 79% fewer seeds than healthy fruits. Although adults of Apion sp. were found on leaves and inflorescences of M. calvescens at all three sites, larvae and pupae were found in fruits at only one site, where a maximum of 1.4% of fruits were infested. Fruits infested by Apion sp. contained only one larva or pupa, and were 15% smaller and had 62% fewer seeds than healthy fruits. While a variety of apionids have been used for biological control in the past, this is the first time a braconid wasp has been considered for biological control of a weed.  相似文献   

We present evidence of differential maternal allocation to eggs in response to manipulated male attractiveness in the migratory pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). We manipulated the size of a male secondary sexual trait, the white forehead patch, right after male arrival to the breeding area and before female arrival. Patch size was (1) enlarged to the maximum observed in the population, (2) reduced by 40% or (3) kept constant by painting with indelible felt markers over the natural feather patch. Male behaviour was affected by the experimental manipulation, as individuals with enlarged patches performed more approaches to the nestbox in response to song playback during the territory occupation and nest-site presentation phases. Females paired with males with reduced forehead patches laid significantly smaller eggs than those paired with males in the control and enlarged-patch treatments. Laying date and clutch size did not differ among the experimental groups. We discuss that manipulations of ornaments designed to study differential allocation at laying should reduce as well as enlarge their expression.  相似文献   

The nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos has undergone population decline and range contraction at the north-western limit of its distribution in England during the last 25 years. We examine patterns of habitat occupancy and habitat availability across sites with a range of population histories to see whether habitat loss is a plausible explanation for these declines. The number of singing males in 1999 correlated with area of primary nightingale habitat in the East Midlands (where the species has declined), but not in East Anglia (where the population has been stable). Change in population size between 1980 and 1999 and current habitat availability were weakly correlated in the East Midlands but not in East Anglia. These results are consistent with habitat loss having contributed to the decline of the nightingale in the East Midlands, but suggest that other, wider-scale, factors may be at least partially responsible for determining the abundance of the species within England as a whole.  相似文献   

Scramble competition models of begging predict that junior nestlingswill be more affected by food limitation than seniors. Thesemodels assume that food allocation is under offspring controland, hence, predict that this change in food distribution iscaused by a differential behavioral response by seniors andjuniors. By using the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica svecica)as our model species, we induced food limitation by removingthe male parent temporarily. We found that, as predicted, fooddistribution became more biased in disfavor of juniors whenfood was limited. However, there was no significant differencein the behavioral responses of seniors and juniors (i.e., positioningin the nest or begging postures) to food limitation that couldexplain the change in food distribution. Hence, there was noevidence that seniors controlled food distribution. As predictedif parents preferentially fed seniors, nestling rank affectedfood distribution when controlling for variation in nestlingbehaviors. Furthermore, as expected if the increased skew infood distribution under food limitation was caused by activefood allocation by parents, nestling rank had a greater effecton food distribution under food limitation than under normalconditions. The present study suggests that food distributionin passerine birds is determined not only by nestling behaviors(begging posture and positioning) alone but also by parentalpreferences for seniors based on nonsignaling cues, such asbody size.  相似文献   

Two chromium-resistant bacterial strains, CrT-1 and CrT-13, tolerant up to 40mg K2CrO4 ml–1 on nutrient agar, 25mgml–1 in nutrient broth, and up to 10mgml–1 in acetate-minimal media, were identified as Ochrobactrum intermedium and Brevibacterium sp., respectively, on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Uptake of chromate was greater in living cells than in heat-killed on dried cells. CrT-1 reduced 82%, 28% and 16% of Cr(VI) at 100, 500, and 1000gml–1 after 24h while CrT-13 reduced 41%, 14% and 9%. Other heavy metals at low concentrations did not affect these reductions. At 150 and 300gml–1 in an industrial effluent sample Cr(VI) was reduced by 87% and 71%, respectively, with CrT-1 and by 68% and 47% with CrT-13.Revisions requested 17 May 2004; Revisions received 2 July 2004  相似文献   

Based on automated weighing of nest-boxes, we found that female great tits (Parus major) usually maintained their body mass during the egg-laying period. A drop in temperature (3°C or more) during laying was followed by a drop in body mass, and female body mass also depended slightly but significantly on mean temperature on the other days. Day to day change in body mass depended negatively on the actual body mass. Moreover, the repeatability of the morning body mass was high (r I =0.90, n=24). Thus, female body mass seems to be regulated around a female specific, but temperature-dependent, level during laying. The lack of strong correlation between female average body mass and clutch size makes it improbable that body mass at laying plays a leading, proximate role in the control of clutch-size of great tits.  相似文献   

Summary The recombinant plasmid pIJ3070 isolated from a genomic library of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris constructed in the conjugal cosmid pLAFR3 contains protease gene(s) which can be expressed in Escherichia coli. Tn5 mutagenesis and subcloning revealed that the protease structural gene(s) is(are) located in a ca. 10 kb EcoRI fragment. Several protease-minus mutants of X. c. campestris were obtained by Tn5 mutagenesis of pIJ3070 and marker exchange techniques. Studies of pathogenicity of these Tn5 mutants showed that the protease is not critically important for the pathogenicity of X. c. campestris on turnip plants but may play a minor role in disease development.Abbreviations Gm gentamicin - Km kanamycin - Rif rifampicin - Spc spectinomycin - Sm streptomycin - Tc tetracycline  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA of seven species belonging toAnemone (sectt.Omalocarpus, Anemonidium, andAnemonanthea),Hepatica, andPulsatilla have been analyzed by restriction enzymes. According to the dendrogram constructed, the sections ofAnemone and the generaHepatica andPulsatilla seem to be evolutionary approximately equidistant to each others. This supports the concept that these groups should be treated on a similar taxonomic level, either as genera or subgenera.  相似文献   

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