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High values of dominance index, low values of evenness and Shannon index are characteristic of component parasite communities of prespawning (Prosopium cylindraceum) and spawn migratory fishes (Coregonus autumnalis, Oncorhynchus nerka). Autogenic specialists are dominant in the component parasite communities of C. autumnalis. The component parasite communities of P. cylindraceum and O. nerka are dominant in a content of generalist species. The O. nerka parasite communities are communities "sentenced to death". Low values of dominance index, high values of evenness abd Shannon index are peculiar to component parasite communities of prespawning and spawning cyprinid fishes (Phoxinus phoxinus, Oreoleuciscus humilis). Autogenic specialists are dominant. Increase of dominance index and decrease of two other indexes characterize the postspawning period. The same tendency characterises infracommunities. Thus, the component parasite communities respond differently to the fish spawn of the cyprinid and coregonid/salmonid fishes. Similarity is in the dominance of autogenic specialists in one case only (C. autumnalis). These differences are defined by the mode of fish stock formation for spawn. The cyprinids congregate for spawning and move apart for foraging and vice versa is observed in the coregonids and salmonids. Autogenic specialists dominance seems to be the important adaptation to reduce a negative effect to host during spawning. Bush and Kennedy in 1994 established that "parasites live in patches (host individuals) and fragments (host populations)". They consider the host fragmentation as "hedging your bets against extinction" due to frequency and magnitude anthropogenic factors, which increase fragmenting of host populations. This conclusion was made for a species level. From the other hand the fragmentation is a natural feature for a single host population too. Such fragmentation is a host population structure. The role of fragmentation is obvious from the data on component parasite communities during fish spawn. The fragmentation decreases in the cyprinids and increases in the salmonids that leads to the growing of the cyprinid component parasite communities diversity and to declining the salmonid component parasite communities diversity. Nevertheless the role of host population structure in a component parsite community structure is not obvious, because parasites are able or not able to "recognise" different host subpopulation groups. It is well known from data on parasite species population biology. Such recognizable subpopulation groups or groups can be a "real fragment" for the parasite community. The question is what parameters could be used for this purpose on a component community level. Host population age structure can be used as an example, because the age groups are one of the invariable population characters. Value of Shannon index for component parasite communities of spawn migratory O. nerka (5+) is similar to that of fishes of 1+ age. Difference is statistically insignificant. It is insignificant between the parasite communities of 2+ and 3+ age groups too. Fishes of these two groups could be defined as a real united fragment. It spite of similarity between the fishes of 5+ age group and fish of 1+ age group they are not united fragment. The parasite community of 1+ age fishes is not stabilized yet and one of 5+ age is a community "sentenced to death". Thus the structuring of O. nerka freshwater parasite communities are defined by 3 real host age fragments: 1+ age group, 2 and 3+ age group, 4+ age group. It looks as that Shannon index is suitable parameter to study a parasite communities structure.  相似文献   

Parasite establishment in host communities   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Many pathogens and parasites attack multiple host species, so their ability to invade a host community can depend on host community composition. We present a graphical isocline framework for studying disease establishment in systems with two host species, based on treating host species as resources. The isocline approach provides a natural generalization to multi‐host systems of two related concepts in disease ecology – the basic reproductive rate of a parasite, and threshold host density. Qualitative isocline shape characterizes the threshold community configurations that permit parasite establishment. In general, isocline shape reflects the relative forces of inter‐ and intraspecific transmission of shared parasites. We discuss the qualitative implications of parasite isocline shape for issues of mounting concern in conservation ecology.  相似文献   

Parasite establishment and host extinction in model communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of host–parasite dynamics usually consider one, or at most two, host species, neglecting the possible effects of other species on the focal hosts and vice versa. To explore the interaction of community structure with host–parasite dynamics, we model the invasion of stable communities of varying size by a parasite. The communities are generated with random interaction coefficients and connectance 0.5. Each community is invaded by parasites with different values of virulence (disease-induced host mortality rate), specificity and transmission rate. The result of each invasion is determined by numerically simulating the dynamics of the community. We classify the outcomes by whether the parasite successfully establishes in the focal host population(s), and, if so, by the proportion of host and non-host species that go extinct as a result of the parasite's introduction. We discuss how the structure of the community and the interaction between hosts and other species affect several important processes of disease ecology: the density threshold for parasite invasion, extinction cascades caused by the parasite, and the frequency of extinctions of hosts and non-hosts. In our simulated communities, non-host species went extinct more frequently than hosts, suggesting the importance of the community context of disease. In some cases, the parasite's invasion induced regular population cycles in the previously stable community.  相似文献   

Off the Po Delta in the northern Adriatic, three different foraminiferal associations were identified in the fraction >0.125 mm of 25 sediment samples. The first association concerns sample stations between depths of 5 and 13.5 m in the shallow, nutrient-rich belt and is characterised by dominant Ammonia beccarii. The second occupies the 29.5–38.5-m-deep, nutrient-rich zone of clay-rich sediment, where inputs from the Po are concentrated, and is dominated by Nonionella opima. The third association, in the 21–46-m-deep and nutrient-poor zone, is dominated by Textularia agglutinans. The same distribution of communities was obtained using total associations (living and dead specimens) and biocenosis (stained individuals). The good correspondence with the foraminiferal distributions described in the past indicates that, in spite of the occurrence of anoxic and dysoxic events, the environmental state in the northern Adriatic may be considered stable.  相似文献   

Grutter  A. S.  De Brauwer  M.  Bshary  R.  Cheney  K. L.  Cribb  T. H.  Madin  E. M. P.  McClure  E. C.  Meekan  M. G.  Sun  D.  Warner  R. R.  Werminghausen  J.  Sikkel  P. C. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2018,37(1):15-24
Coral Reefs - Mutualisms are pivotal in shaping ecological communities. Iconic images of cleaner fish entering the mouths of predatory fish clients to remove ectoparasites epitomize their mutual...  相似文献   

The distribution of planktonic copepods in the Adriatic Seahas been analyzed on the basis of 132 samples collected at 35fixed stations during 4 seasonal cruises. A total of 127 specieshave been determined and 3 characteristic copepod communitieshave been identified. The distribution of copepod species hasbeen found to reflect the dual physiognomy of the Adriatic.The shallow northern section is characterized by high densityvalues, low species diversity, and the dominance of speciesbelonging to the estuarine and coastal communities. The relativelydeep waters of the southern section are characterized by lowdensity values, high species diversity, and the presence ofmany species belonging to the upper, middle, and lower zonesof the oceanic community. Temporal variations in the horizontalspread of these 3 communities are discussed in relation to seasonalcycles in abundance, vertical migration patterns, and the currentregime in the Adriatic.  相似文献   

Bukvić-ternjej  I.  Kerovec  M.  Mihaljević  Z.  Tavcar  V.  Mrakovcić  M.  Mustafić  P. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):325-333
The copepod communities of karstic lakes along the eastern Adriatic coast were studied. Lakes were divided in several groups according to their morphology (deep, shallow, barrage and reservoirs), production (oligotrophic, mesotophic and eutrophic), and salinity of water: freshwater and brackish. Copidodiaptomus steueri, Eucyclops serrulatusand Macrocyclops albidus belong to the group that inhabited most of the lakes under the study, regardless of lake type. The shallow karstic lakes are usually inhabited by Thermocyclops dybowskii, T. oithonoides, Cyclops vicinus and Eudiaptomus padanus etruscus in freshwater biotopes, and Calanipedia aquaedulcis and Copidodiaptomus steueri in brackish biotopes. The last two species can also be found in deep karstic lakes with brackish water (Bacina lakes in the Neretva River delta). Species like Cyclops abyssorumcan be found in most deep freshwater lakes. Some Calanoida were recorded in only one lake, like Eudiaptomus transsylvanicusin the deep Lake Vrana on the island of Cres, or Eudiaptomus hadzici in the barrage Lake Visovac. Production of the lakes, expressed as copepod biomass, depends on lake trophy, and in some lakes also on hydrology and salinity. Most of the meso-eutrophic lakes in the study area had Calanoida dominating, while Cyclopoida dominated in some oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes as well.  相似文献   

The qualitative composition, numerical abundance and verticaldistribution of radiolarians, tintinnines, nauplii and smallcopepod assemblages were studied in the central area of theSouthern Adriatic Pit at three stations during 10 cruises fromOctober 1985 to May 1990. The samples were collected with aplankton net of 53 µm mesh size equipped with a closingsystem in eight vertical layers. Data are presented for 53 radiolarians,61tintinnines and for the first time for 22 poecilostomatoidspecies in the Adriatic Sea. According to the numerical abundanceof assemblages and the frequency of occurrence of the bulk ofthe individual species population in the water column, fourcommunities could be defined: the surface (0–50 m), thesubsurface (50–100m), the midwater (100–600 m) andthe deep-sea community (below 600 m). The euphotic layer wascharacterized by tintinnines, copepod nauplii, cyclopoids andjuvenile calanoid copepods, while radiolarians and poecilostomatoidcopepods dominated in the deeper layers. The highest numericaldifferences between stations and seasons were noted only onthe surface. Towards the deeper layers, the differences wereconstantly smaller, and below400 m there was a uniform distributionof all assemblages. This research, on the basis of the numericalabundance of protozoans and micrometazoans, shows that the centralpart of the South Adriatic Pit is considerably richer than mentionedby earlier authors.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(5):1904-1918
Anthropogenic activities have led to the biotic homogenization of many ecological communities, yet in coastal systems this phenomenon remains understudied. In particular, activities that locally affect marine habitat‐forming foundation species may perturb habitat and promote species with generalist, opportunistic traits, in turn affecting spatial patterns of biodiversity. Here, we quantified fish diversity in seagrass communities across 89 sites spanning 6° latitude along the Pacific coast of Canada, to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic disturbances homogenize (i.e., lower beta‐diversity) assemblages within coastal ecosystems. We test for patterns of biotic homogenization at sites within different anthropogenic disturbance categories (low, medium, and high) at two spatial scales (within and across regions) using both abundance‐ and incidence‐based beta‐diversity metrics. Our models provide clear evidence that fish communities in high anthropogenic disturbance seagrass areas are homogenized relative to those in low disturbance areas. These results were consistent across within‐region comparisons using abundance‐ and incidence‐based measures of beta‐diversity, and in across‐region comparisons using incidence‐based measures. Physical and biotic characteristics of seagrass meadows also influenced fish beta‐diversity. Biotic habitat characteristics including seagrass biomass and shoot density were more differentiated among high disturbance sites, potentially indicative of a perturbed environment. Indicator species and trait analyses revealed fishes associated with low disturbance sites had characteristics including stenotopy, lower swimming ability, and egg guarding behavior. Our study is the first to show biotic homogenization of fishes across seagrass meadows within areas of relatively high human impact. These results support the importance of targeting conservation efforts in low anthropogenic disturbance areas across land‐ and seascapes, as well as managing anthropogenic impacts in high activity areas.  相似文献   

Estimates of the density, biomass and species diversity of fish from floating meadow and flooded forest habitats suggest that gymnotiform fish constitute an important component of Amazonian flood plain fish faunas. Electric eels, Electrophorus electricus are unexpectedly abundant within Varzea forest.  相似文献   

Effect of siltation on stream fish communities   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Synopsis The effect of siltation on stream fish in northeast Missouri was evaluated using community structural measurements and a functional approach that emphasized feeding and reproductive guilds. As the percentage of fine substrate increased, the distinction among riffle, run, and pool communities decreased, primarily because the number of individuals of typical riffle species decreased. Within the riffle communities the abundance of fish of two feeding guilds — benthic insectivores and herbivores — was reduced as the percent of fine substrate increased. The abundance of fish in other feeding guilds was not affected. The only reproductive guild to be similarly affected was the simple and lithophilous, whose members require a clean gravel substrate for spawning. Species within each guild affected by siltation had significantly similar trends in abundance. The guild analysis indicated that species with similar ecological requirements had a common response to habitat degradation by siltation.  相似文献   

The composition and diversity of the total and intestinal component and infra-communities were determined in eels Anguilla anguilla from three shallow lagoons on the Adriatic coast of Italy to determine whether the helminth communities would differ in composition and structure from those in eels from lagoons on the Tyrrhenian coast. The lagoons differed in respect of their management regimes and the extent of freshwater influx. Both freshwater and marine species of helminths were found in the eels in all three lagoons, but the freshwater component was richer in Valle Figheri. A suite of three digenean eel specialist species occurred in all three lagoons, of which any two members dominated each community. This conferred a high degree of similarity between the communities of the three lagoons. The same three species also dominated helminth communities in eels in lagoons along the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy, and compositional similarity levels were similar within and between western and eastern groups. Species richness was higher in the component communities of the eels of the Adriatic lagoons when compared to the Tyrrhenian ones, but diversity and dominance indices were of a similar order of magnitude and range. Intestinal helminth communities were richer and more diverse in two of the Adriatic lagoons because the proportion of eels with zero or one helminth species was, unusually, in the minority. It was nevertheless concluded that infracommunity structure was similar in eels from both western and eastern lagoons and that the hypothesis that it would differ in Adriatic lagoons could not be supported. The findings provide further evidence of the similarity in composition and structure of helminth communities in eels from coastal lagoons throughout Europe.  相似文献   

Parasite communities of the Schlei Fjord (Baltic coast of northern Germany)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The parasite faunas of snails, mussels, crustaceans and small-sized fishes were investigated over a period of six months in the Schlei fjord, on the Baltic coast of Schleswig-Holstein. Two sites differing in salinities were compared: Missunde with 5–9 ‰ and Olpenitz with 12–20 ‰. Prevalences, number of host-parasite combinations, numbers of core and secondary species were generally higher in Olpenitz than in Missunde. In the latter site, only prevalences of cestodans in planktic copepods and the number of rare species were apparent. Specificity of parasites was relatively high in snails, mussels and fishes, but lower in benthic crustaceans. Parasites may survive in an extreme environment like brackish water by means of special strategies which differ from those acquired in the marine milieu: suspension of specificity, adaptation to hosts which are genuine brackish water species, extension of host spectra, and shortening of life-cycles. Although the parasite communities of the Schlei fjord were primarily influenced by the prevailing salinities, the influence of other factors, e.g. environmental stress, was also confirmed. Whereas generally low prevalences in Missunde may contradict Thienemann’s biocoenotic rule, planktic parasites infested their hosts often at higher rates than in Olpenitz. This phenomenon is explained by the poorer environmental condition of the benthal zone in Missunde compared to that of the pelagial or the benthal zones of Olpenitz.  相似文献   

Benthic communities along a littoral of the Central Adriatic Sea (Italy)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteria, meio- and macrofauna were investigated at different depths in a coastal area of the Central Adriatic Sea, yielding information about the composition and abundance of the benthic community. In particular, 14 nematode genera were recorded for the first time in the Upper Adriatic Sea. All communities resulted as being significantly different between inshore and offshore stations, especially when the season interaction was considered. Sediment grain size seemed to be the main natural variable, along with trophic resources, affecting the distribution and composition of these benthic components, whilst there was no clear evidence of competition for food sources and predatory pressure between the communities. Meiofauna appeared the most useful community for detecting disturbances and river influences. In particular, the lowest copepod abundance in the shallow waters seemed to be related to a greater anthropogenic disturbance inshore, whilst meiofaunal abundance and diversity together with the nematode maturity index suggest the influence of the Foglia and Metauro rivers and the small stream Arzilla.  相似文献   

Twenty-five species of parasitic copepods are presented, collected on fishes living in the Montenegro sea coasts. Among these species, belonging to ten families and sixteen different genera, fifteen are new records for the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Balanced harvesting, where species or individuals are exploited in accordance with their productivity, has been proposed as a way to minimize the effects of fishing on marine fish communities and ecosystems. This calls for a thorough examination of the consequences balanced harvesting has on fish community structure and yield. We use a size- and trait-based model that resolves individual interactions through competition and predation to compare balanced harvesting with traditional selective harvesting, which protects juvenile fish from fishing. Four different exploitation patterns, generated by combining selective or unselective harvesting with balanced or unbalanced fishing, are compared. We find that unselective balanced fishing, where individuals are exploited in proportion to their productivity, produces a slightly larger total maximum sustainable yield than the other exploitation patterns and, for a given yield, the least change in the relative biomass composition of the fish community. Because fishing reduces competition, predation and cannibalism within the community, the total maximum sustainable yield is achieved at high exploitation rates. The yield from unselective balanced fishing is dominated by small individuals, whereas selective fishing produces a much higher proportion of large individuals in the yield. Although unselective balanced fishing is predicted to produce the highest total maximum sustainable yield and the lowest impact on trophic structure, it is effectively a fishery predominantly targeting small forage fish.  相似文献   

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