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Seemingly opposing hypotheses concerning the effects of environmental fluctuations on species diversity were shown to complement one another. Studies were made on naturally occurring microbial communities growing in continuous cultures, under both low and high productivity levels. The communities consisted of species of bacteria, protozoan flagellates, and protozoan predators (sarcodinians and ciliates). Fluctuations were imposed by periodically removing a portion of the culture and refilling with sterilized medium. They were designed to mimic the effect of fluctuations periodically decreasing the demand/supply ratio of the community for the available resources. It was found that when growth rates were low (either because of low productivity levels or because of low intrinsic growth rates of the organisms concerned), fluctuations decreased species diversity, whereas when growth rates were high, fluctuations increased species diversity. It is suggested that fluctuations decrease diversity when growth rates are low because they prevent slower growing species from surviving, and increase diversity when growth rates are high because they decrease the extent of competitive domination and exclusion.  相似文献   

Much work in ecology has focused on understanding how changes in community diversity and composition will affect the temporal stability of communities (the degree of fluctuations in community abundance or biomass over time). While theory suggests diversity and dominant species can enhance temporal stability, empirical work has tended to focus on testing the effect of diversity, often using synthetic communities created with high species evenness. We use a complementary approach by studying the temporal stability of natural plant communities invaded by a dominant exotic, Erodium cicutarium. Invasion was associated with a significant decline in community diversity and change in the identity of the dominant species allowing us to evaluate predictions about how these changes might affect temporal stability. Community temporal stability was not correlated with community richness or diversity prior to invasion. Following invasion, community stability was again not correlated with community richness but was negatively correlated with community diversity. Before and after invasion, community stability was positively correlated with the stability of the most dominant species in the community, even though the identity of the dominant species changed from a native (prior to invasion) to an exotic species. Our results demonstrate that invasion by a dominant exotic species may reduce diversity without negatively affecting the temporal stability of natural communities. These findings add support to the idea that dominant species can strongly affect temporal stability, independent of community diversity.  相似文献   

We profiled the microfungal communities in gardens of fungus-growing ants to evaluate possible species-specific ant-microfungal associations and to assess the potential dependencies of microfungal diversity on ant foraging behavior. In a 1-year survey, we isolated microfungi from nests of Cyphomyrmex wheeleri, Trachymyrmex septentrionalis and Atta texana in Central Texas. Microfungal prevalence was higher in gardens of C. wheeleri (57%) than in the gardens of T. septentrionalis (46%) and A. texana (35%). Culture-dependent methods coupled with a polyphasic approach of species identification revealed diverse and changing microfungal communities in all the sampling periods. Diversity analyses showed no obvious correlations between the number of observed microfungal species, ant species, or the ants' changing foraging behavior across the seasons. However, both correspondence analysis and 5.8S-rRNA gene unifrac analyses suggested structuring of microfungal communities by ant host. These host-specific differences may reflect in part the three different environments where ants were collected. Most interestingly, the specialized fungal parasite Escovopsis was not isolated from any attine garden in this study near the northernmost limit of the range of attine ants, contrasting with previous studies that indicated a significant incidence of this parasite in ant gardens from Central and South America. The observed differences of microfungal communities in attine gardens suggest that the ants are continuously in contact with a diverse microfungal species assemblage.  相似文献   

松嫩平原盐碱植物群落种子库的比较分析   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文
本文对松嫩平原碱化草甸6种单优盐碱植物群落土壤中有发芽力的种子贮量及其物种多样性进行了比较分析。虎尾草群落、角碱蓬群落、翅碱蓬群落3种一年生植物群落所具有的共同特征,表现为种子库存量大,优势种的种子数量占绝大多数,种子库的物种多样性指数相对较小。星星草群落和獐毛群落这两种过渡性的多年生群落,地上优势种均为种子库中的优势种,种子库的物种多样性指数趋于中等。羊草群落与其他演替阶段的群落相比,种子库存量最小,种子库的物种多样性指数最大。  相似文献   

 以塔里木河下游绿洲外围大型防风固沙林为研究对象, 采用基于Simpson多样性指数的生态位宽度公式和Pianka生态位重叠测度公式, 在群落梯度上按重要值大小筛选出优势种群进行生态位分析, 探讨这些群落在4~7年的发育过程中生态位变化特点。结果表明: 1)经过4年的发育, 植物种组成简单的人工防风固沙林由于乡土植物种的侵入, 演变成为人工-天然植物群落, 不同地段群落中的优势种群发生了较大的变化, 优势种群共7个。芦苇(Phragmites communis)、花花柴(Karelinia caspica)和盐生草(Halogeton glomeratus)这3个乡土植物种侵入后逐渐成为优势种群, 而原人工群落主要建群种宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum)种群逐渐消退; 7年后, 优势种群共6个。由于水分条件的变化, 多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)成为优势种群, 而芦苇降为亚优势种群, 盐生草种群发生消退; 2)人工-天然植物群落中优势种群以耐旱耐盐碱植物占主要优势向占绝对优势的方向发展, 其生态位宽度变化幅度为0.56~0.86, 生态位宽度排序为芦苇>花花柴>头状沙拐枣(Calligonum caput-medusae)>沙枣(Elaeagnus angustifolia)>胡杨(Populus euphratica)>多枝柽柳>梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)>盐生草; 3)生态位重叠最大值发生在头状沙拐枣和胡杨种群之间; 4)在乡土植物种向人工群落侵入的过程中, 生态位宽度较大(或较小)的种群, 它们所构成的种对间生态位重叠既有较大的, 也有较小的, 可见生态位宽度与生态位重叠程度无相关性; 表明在现阶段群落演变中, 植物对环境资源存在着激烈的竞争和高的空间异质性。  相似文献   

Many field studies have examined how site fertility, soil differences and site history influence the diversity of a plant community. However, only a few studies have examined how the identity of the dominant species influences the diversity in grasslands. Plant species differ widely in phenology, growth form and resource uses; thus, communities dominated by different species are also likely to strongly differ in the environment that they create and in which the subdominant species exist. We examined the correlation between the four most dominant species and community diversity in 2100 plots, located in 21 abandoned agricultural fields in central Minnesota over a 23‐year period. The four most common species were two non‐native C3 cool season species, Poa pratensis and Agropyron repens, and two native C4 warm season species, Schizachyrium scoparium and Andropogon gerardii. We found that the differences in the dominants explained up to 27% of the community diversity. Thus, the identity of the dominant species can have a strong influence on community diversity and studies examining factors that influence plant community diversity need to incorporate the effect of the dominants. Secondly, we found that the non‐native C3 grass dominated communities had lower overall and lower native species richness relative to the native C4 grass dominated communities. Therefore, a shift in dominants from C4 to C3 may lead to a large community diversity decline. We found that Poa pratensis, the most abundant non‐native C3 grass increased in abundance over the 23 years; thus, the negative influence of non‐natives on the community diversity is not decreasing over time and active management is required to restore native grassland plant communities.  相似文献   

Diversity, function and stability in parasitoid communities   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The parasitoid assemblages associated with grass-feeding chalcid wasps in Great Britain were used to examine the relationships between diversity (species richness), community function (total parasitism rate) and stability (variability in parasitism rate over time). Species-rich communities did not generate higher parasitism rates than species-poor communities, nor was temporal variation of parasitism rates related to parasitoid community richness. The mechanisms underlying hypotheses linking species richness and community function and stability are discussed in the light of these results. Because all parasitoid species represent a single functional group, a lack of complementarity in the ways they use their resources may explain why diversity is not linked to function or community stability. A second likely reason is that these parasitoid communities are under bottom-up control, thus exerting little or no influence on total system function and variability. This is likely to be common in parasitoid communities.  相似文献   

长白山森林/沼泽生态交错带群落和环境梯度分析   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
揭示了森林-沼泽过渡带群落的结构、生产力、植物多样性等群落梯度和交错环境梯度的相关规律,并结合交错区环境梯度分析这些群落特征形成机制,为维持、保护与经营管理这一交错带生物资源提供了理论依据。将长白山地区森林和高、中、低位沼泽所形成的三大类型过渡带研究对象,采用样带网格的调查方法,并应用系统软件分析方法建立了经验回归模型,研究了森林/沼泽生态交错带群落的种类组成、群落建群种径级结构与年龄结构、植物多样性、群落生产力及其随生态交错带环境梯度变化趋势。结果表明,森林/沼泽生态交错带群落结构特征、植物多样性、群落生产力均随着交错带环境梯度的变化而呈现有规律的分布格局,沿着沼泽至森林方向的交错区环境梯度,群落建种种发生更替现象;群落种类数目呈现指数递增趋势;群落的径级结构呈现双曲线分布规律性;年龄结构一般呈三次式分布规律;揿样性呈二次式梯增分布趋势;群落生物量均呈现三次函数曲线递增趋势,表现出群落梯度和环境梯度的高度相关性。  相似文献   

Many competitive communities exhibit a puzzling amount of species diversity. In this study, we model a community of symmetric competitors in a fluctuating environment. We use biologically realistic temperature-dependent growth curves with a widely hypothesized trade-off between maximum growth and nice breadth to control the shapes of the curves of different species. We perform three analyses of the community dynamics to investigate the role of environmental fluctuations in community composition and species diversity. We initiate communities with equal abundances of all species and randomize the temperature fluctuations so that there is no correlation between species responses, only noise. We initiate single populations and allow other species to randomly invade the community. We also knock out extant species one by one from an established community and allow them to reinvade after the remaining species have adjusted. We find that competitors with sufficiently different temperature niches coexist via temporal niche differentiation. We also find long-term persistence of species that are very similar to a dominant competitor. This creates communities with species clumped along a temperature niche axis, with stable coexistence between groups and near neutrality within groups. The near neutrality results in interspecific synchrony within the groups, providing an explanation for the maintenance of high diversity in competitive communities where synchrony is commonly observed.  相似文献   

Immigration rates of species into communities are widely understood to influence community diversity, which in turn is widely expected to influence the susceptibility of ecosystems to species invasion. For a given community, however, immigration processes may impact diversity by means of two separable components: the number of species represented in seed inputs and the density of seed per species. The independent effects of these components on plant species diversity and consequent rates of invasion are poorly understood. We constructed experimental plant communities through repeated seed additions to independently measure the effects of seed richness and seed density on the trajectory of species diversity during the development of annual plant communities. Because we sowed species not found in the immediate study area, we were able to assess the invasibility of the resulting communities by recording the rate of establishment of species from adjacent vegetation. Early in community development when species only weakly interacted, seed richness had a strong effect on community diversity whereas seed density had little effect. After the plants became established, the effect of seed richness on measured diversity strongly depended on seed density, and disappeared at the highest level of seed density. The ability of surrounding vegetation to invade the experimental communities was decreased by seed density but not by seed richness, primarily because the individual effects of a few sown species could explain the observed invasion rates. These results suggest that seed density is just as important as seed richness in the control of species diversity, and perhaps a more important determinant of community invasibility than seed richness in dynamic plant assemblages.  相似文献   

Lloyd W. Morrison 《Oecologia》1996,107(2):243-256
The ant species inhabiting three remote Polynesian islands were censused by hand collecting techniques. Three commonly occurring species, which exhibited complementary distribution patterns, were numerically and behaviorally dominant to other species in the communities in which they occurred. Field observations and laboratory experiments showed that negative interspecific interactions were important in maintaining the exclusive territories of the dominant species. Habitat also played a role in determining the distribution of dominant species. Pairwise tests of association among all species revealed dominant species were commonly positively associated with their own non-overlapping group of subordinate species, forming a large-scale mosaic distribution pattern of dominant and subordinate species. Baiting experiments, conducted with and without the dominant species removed, demonstrated that the presence of the dominant species decreased: (1) the proportion of baits occupied by other species, and (2) overall ant species diversity, at rich food resources. In ant communities where one of the three recognized dominant species was present, the outcome of negative interspecific interactions among species was more predictable than in communities without a recognized dominant. The same patterns were evident regardless of which of the three dominant species was present in the community. These patterns of community organization observed in this relatively newly assembled fauna are very similar to those reported from studies of older ant communities in mainland areas.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区不同坡向撂荒草地植物群落种群空间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以黄土丘陵沟壑区4种不同坡向的草地植物群落为研究对象,探讨其物种组成和多样性特征,并运用幂乘方法则分析了群落的空间异质性和种群空间格局.结果表明: 铁杆蒿在不同坡向均有分布,为群落优势种;其他物种在不同坡向群落中的地位及对群落空间格局的贡献不同.不同坡向植物群落的空间分布格局均为集群分布,且聚集程度大小为阳坡>半阳坡>半阴坡>阴坡.群落空间异质性指数与Simpson多样性指数呈显著正相关,与Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数呈显著负相关.优势种铁杆蒿、亚优势种达乌里胡枝子和长芒草,以及少数伴生种如猪毛蒿、臭草的相对空间异质性指数大于群落整体空间异质性指数,使群落趋于集群分布;多数伴生种如芦苇、苦荬菜、白羊草的相对空间异质性指数与群落整体空间异质性指数相近,它们与群落自身分布状态一致;刺儿菜、米口袋、茭蒿等偶见种的相对空间异质性指数小于群落整体空间异质性指数,降低了群落的聚集程度.综上,群落的聚集程度主要由优势种、亚优势种和偶见种共同决定,其中优势种、亚优势种和部分伴生种促使群落呈聚集分布,偶见种则降低了群落的集群分布.  相似文献   

The influence of near-ambient and reduced solar UV-B radiation on a peatland microfungal community was assessed by exposing experimental plots to UV-selective filtration. Replicate plots were covered with special plastic films to effect treatments of near-ambient and attenuated solar UV-B. The microfungal community from the top 1 cm of Sphagnum capitulum in a Tierra del Fuego peatland was censused throughout three growing seasons, between 1999 and 2002. Sphagnum capitula under near-ambient UV-B were more compressed and held more water than capitula under reduced UV-B. This water had a greater conductivity and was more acidic under near-ambient UV-B, as would be expected with increased leaching from the Sphagnum leaves. Nine regularly occurring hyphal fungi from the peatland were identified, at least to genus. Over three field seasons, no treatment effect on total fungal colony abundance was recorded, but individual species abundance was increased (Mortierella alpina), decreased (Penicillium frequentans), or was unaffected (P. thomii, Aureobasidium) by near-ambient UV-B. Species richness was also slightly lower under near-ambient UV-B. These treatment differences were smaller than seasonal or inter-annual fluctuations in abundance and species richness. In a growth chamber experiment, lamp UV-B treatments indicated that realistic fluxes of UV-B can inhibit fungal growth in some species. In addition to this direct UV-B effect, we suggest that changes in the peatland fungal community under near-ambient solar UV-B may also result from increased nutrient and moisture availability in the Sphagnum capitulum. The subtle nature of the responses of peatland fungi to solar UV-B suggests that most fungal species we encountered are well adapted to current solar UV-B fluxes in Tierra del Fuego.  相似文献   

采用每木调查法,对广东粤北石门台和粤中象头山地区甜槠(Castanopsis eyrie(Champ.) Tutch.)林样方内胸径≥ 1 cm的乔、灌木进行测量,记录其种名、胸径、高度和在样方中的坐标位置等指标,对群落的植物组成、区系成分、优势种及物种多样性进行分析。结果显示:石门台样地有维管植物112种,隶属36科54属;象头山样地有维管植物109种,隶属36科59属。两个群落均具有明显的热带向亚热带过渡的性质。其中,石门台样地与华东、华中地区联系紧密;象头山样地则与中国台湾、日本的岛屿联系更多。比较两个地区的群落特征发现,他们的相似性较高,物种多样性指数接近,纬度并不是决定群落植物多样性高低的因素,小环境、群落演替进程及人为因素对群落植物多样性的影响更大。  相似文献   

Baer SG  Blair JM  Collins SL  Knapp AK 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):617-629
Availability and heterogeneity of resources have a strong influence on plant community structure in undisturbed systems, as well as those recovering from disturbance. Less is known about the role of resource availability and heterogeneity in restored communities, although restoration provides a valuable opportunity to test our understanding of factors that influence plant community assembly. We altered soil nitrogen (N) availability and soil depth during a prairie restoration to determine if the availability and/or heterogeneity of soil resources influenced plant community composition in restored grassland communities. Plant community responses to three levels of N availability (ambient, enriched by fertilization, and reduced by carbon amendment) and two levels of soil depth (deep and shallow) were evaluated. In addition, we evaluated plant community responses to four whole plot heterogeneity treatments created from the six possible combinations of soil N availability and soil depth. The soil depth treatment had little influence on community structure during the first 3 years of restoration. Total diversity and richness declined over time under annual N enrichment, whereas diversity was maintained and richness increased over time in soil with reduced N availability. Non-native species establishment was lowest in reduced-N soil in the initial year, but their presence was negligible in all of the soil N treatments by the second year of restoration. Panicum virgatum, a native perennial C4 grass, was the dominant species in all soil N treatments by year three, but the magnitude of its dominance was lowest in the reduced-N soil and highest in enriched-N soil. Consequently, the relative cover of P. virgatum was strongly correlated with community dominance and inversely related to diversity. The differential growth response of P. virgatum to soil N availability led to a higher degree of community similarity to native prairie in the reduced-N treatment than in the enriched-N treatment. There were no differences in plant community structure among the four whole plot-level heterogeneity treatments, which all exhibited the same degree of similarity to native prairie. Diversity and community heterogeneity in the whole-plot treatments appeared to be regulated by the dominant species effect on light availability, rather than soil N heterogeneity per se. Our results indicate that a strong differential response of a dominant species to resource availability in a restored community can regulate community structure, diversity, and similarity to the native (or target) community, but the importance of resource heterogeneity in restoring diversity may be dampened in systems where a dominant species can successfully establish across a range of resource availability.  相似文献   

We present a Markov chain model of succession in a rocky subtidal community based on a long-term (1986-1994) study of subtidal invertebrates (14 species) at Ammen Rock Pinnacle in the Gulf of Maine. The model describes successional processes (disturbance, colonization, species persistence, and replacement), the equilibrium (stationary) community, and the rate of convergence. We described successional dynamics by species turnover rates, recurrence times, and the entropy of the transition matrix. We used perturbation analysis to quantify the response of diversity to successional rates and species removals. The equilibrium community was dominated by an encrusting sponge (Hymedesmia) and a bryozoan (Crisia eburnea). The equilibrium structure explained 98% of the variance in observed species frequencies. Dominant species have low probabilities of disturbance and high rates of colonization and persistence. On average, species turn over every 3.4 years. Recurrence times varied among species (7-268 years); rare species had the longest recurrence times. The community converged to equilibrium quickly (9.5 years), as measured by Dobrushin's coefficient of ergodicity. The largest changes in evenness would result from removal of the dominant sponge Hymedesmia. Subdominant species appear to increase evenness by slowing the dominance of Hymedesmia. Comparison of the subtidal community with intertidal and coral reef communities revealed that disturbance rates are an order of magnitude higher in coral reef than in rocky intertidal and subtidal communities. Colonization rates and turnover times, however, are lowest and longest in coral reefs, highest and shortest in intertidal communities, and intermediate in subtidal communities.  相似文献   

Non-native species can alter patterns of species diversity at multiple spatial scales, but the processes that underlie multi-scale effects remain unclear. Here we show that non-native species reduce native diversity at multiple scales through simultaneous disruption of two processes of native community assembly: species immigration, which enhances alpha diversity, and community divergence, which enhances beta diversity. Community divergence refers to the process in which local communities diverge over time in species composition because the history of species immigration and, consequently, the way species affect one another within communities are variable among communities. Continuous experimental removal of species over four years of floodplain succession revealed that, when non-native species were excluded, stochastic variation in the timing of a dominant native species’ arrival allowed local communities to diverge, thereby enhancing beta diversity, without compromising promotion of alpha diversity by species immigration. In contrast, when non-native species were allowed to enter experimental plots, they not only reduced native alpha diversity by limiting immigration, but also diminished the dominant native species’ role in enhancing native beta diversity. Our results highlight the importance of community assembly and succession for understanding multi-scale effects of non-native species.  相似文献   

Krushnamegh Kunte 《Oikos》2008,117(1):69-76
Biological communities are usually dominated by a few species and show characteristically skewed species abundance distributions. Although niche apportionment and resource competition are sometimes implicated in such patterns, few experimental studies have shown direct links between resource limitation, competition with dominant species and their impacts on the overall diversity and composition of large natural communities. Here I report the results of an experiment in which I first studied species diversity and composition in two Costa Rican nectar-feeding butterfly communities numerically dominated by two species of Anartia butterflies. Then I removed Anartia from these communities to study changes in resource availability, species abundance relationships, community diversity and composition as an outcome of the removal of the dominant competitors. In the face of competition with Anartia , nectar was scarce, species abundance distributions were highly skewed, and species diversity was low in both communities. Within two weeks after the removal of Anartia , there were parallel changes in both communities: competition for nectar reduced and the nectar quantity increased substantially, which facilitated increase in community diversity and resulted in significantly less skewed species abundance distributions. Higher nectar quantity also enabled the distribution of body size and proboscis length of constituent species in the communities to expand at both ends. This study thus experimentally showed that resource competition with the dominant species was excluding many species from the communities, lowering their diversity and skewing relative species abundance relationships. These findings are of fundamental importance for competition theory and community ecology because they indicate ways in which diverse communities may be affected by and recover from competition with dominant species.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper reports the changes over time in the microfungal communities that inhabit three rodent species' food stores at two climatically different locations. Results reveal that microfungal diversity values calculated from above-ground food stores are highest in the more commonly disturbed portions of the rodent dens. Interactions among food-inhabiting microbes and between the rodents and food-inhabiting microbes also appear to influence the microfungal communities within the rodent dens. For example, our data suggest that transport by animal vectors, and not by air currents, is more effective at dispersing microbial propagules. Furthermore, although fungal communities inhabiting food stores within dens varied in composition and diversity over time, standardized substrates (sorghum seeds) simultaneously placed within the food stores converged in microfungal composition the longer they were left within the dens. We hypothesize that animal vectors, including rodents, make neighboring fungal communities more alike by introducing similar communities of microbes, which in turn initiate a cascade of biological interactions that, over time, result in similar microfungal communities inhabiting newly stored food items. Received: 14 January 1999; Accepted: 2 April 1999  相似文献   

甘肃民勤连古城自然保护区优势种种群结构和动态研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
通过重要值、分布格局、年龄结构、静态生命曲线等方法研究了连古城自然保护区5种群落优势种群数量在时间上和空间上的变化趋势。研究结果表明:灌木荒漠群落中,优势种群或共优种群的重要值远远大于亚优势种群,在维持群落结构和功能方面占据十分重要的地位。除红砂群落外,其它类型的群落中,都具有相同的亚优势种群,即泡泡刺种群,表明泡泡刺种群具有较宽的生态幅是比较古老的种群,其它类型的种群是在这一种群基础上发展起来的。优势种群的分布格局由种群生物学特性和环境条件等诸多因子共同决定,膜果麻黄和绵刺种群呈集群分布,而其它种群呈随机分布。优势种群的年龄结构和静态生命曲线均呈现多样化,膜果麻黄、猫头刺和甘蒙锦鸡儿种群年龄结构为增长型锥体,静态生命曲线为凹型下降,均为稳定种群;绵刺种群的年龄结构为下降型锥体,静态生命曲线为反对角线型上升,但其营养繁殖策略决定了绵刺种群为稳定种群;珍珠猪毛菜种群年龄结构在整体上为稳定型锥体,但局部表现为下降型锥体,种群开始衰败,静态生命曲线为正态分布型;红砂种群的年龄结构为下降型锥体,静态生命曲线残缺并有许多空白区,种群严重退化。  相似文献   

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