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Magidovich E  Yifrach O 《Biochemistry》2004,43(42):13242-13247
Ion channels open and close their pore in a process called gating. On the basis of crystal structures of two voltage-independent K(+) channels, KcsA and MthK, a conformational change for gating has been proposed whereby the inner helix bends at a glycine hinge point (gating hinge) to open the pore and straightens to close it. Here we ask if a similar gating hinge conformational change underlies the mechanics of pore opening of two eukaryotic voltage-dependent K(+) channels, Shaker and BK channels. In the Shaker channel, substitution of the gating hinge glycine with alanine and several other amino acids prevents pore opening, but the ability to open is recovered if a secondary glycine is introduced at an adjacent position. A proline at the gating hinge favors the open state of the Shaker channel as if by preventing inner helix straightening. In BK channels, which have two adjacent glycine residues, opening is significantly hindered in a graded manner with single and double mutations to alanine. These results suggest that K(+) channels, whether ligand- or voltage-dependent, open when the inner helix bends at a conserved glycine gating hinge.  相似文献   

The best-known Shaker allele of Drosophila with a novel gating phenotype, Sh(5), differs from the wild-type potassium channel by a point mutation in the fifth membrane-spanning segment (S5) (Gautam, M., and M.A. Tanouye. 1990. Neuron. 5:67-73; Lichtinghagen, R., M. Stocker, R. Wittka, G. Boheim, W. Stühmer, A. Ferrus, and O. Pongs. 1990. EMBO [Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.] J. 9:4399-4407) and causes a decrease in the apparent voltage dependence of opening. A kinetic study of Sh(5) revealed that changes in the deactivation rate could account for the altered gating behavior (Zagotta, W.N., and R.W. Aldrich. 1990. J. Neurosci. 10:1799-1810), but the presence of intact fast inactivation precluded observation of the closing kinetics and steady state activation. We studied the Sh(5) mutation (F401I) in ShB channels in which fast N-type inactivation was removed, directly confirming this conclusion. Replacement of other phenylalanines in S5 did not result in substantial alterations in voltage-dependent gating. At position 401, valine and alanine substitutions, like F401I, produce currents with decreased apparent voltage dependence of the open probability and of the deactivation rates, as well as accelerated kinetics of opening and closing. A leucine residue is the exception among aliphatic mutants, with the F401L channels having a steep voltage dependence of opening and slow closing kinetics. The analysis of sigmoidal delay in channel opening, and of gating current kinetics, indicates that wild-type and F401L mutant channels possess a form of cooperativity in the gating mechanism that the F401A channels lack. The wild-type and F401L channels' entering the open state gives rise to slow decay of the OFF gating current. In F401A, rapid gating charge return persists after channels open, confirming that this mutation disrupts stabilization of the open state. We present a kinetic model that can account for these properties by postulating that the four subunits independently undergo two sequential voltage-sensitive transitions each, followed by a final concerted opening step. These channels differ primarily in the final concerted transition, which is biased in favor of the open state in F401L and the wild type, and in the opposite direction in F401A. These results are consistent with an activation scheme whereby bulky aromatic or aliphatic side chains at position 401 in S5 cooperatively stabilize the open state, possibly by interacting with residues in other helices.  相似文献   

In voltage-dependent ion channels, the gating of the channels is determined by the movement of the voltage sensor. This movement reflects the rearrangement of the protein in response to a voltage stimulus, and it can be thought of as a net displacement of elementary charges (e0) through the membrane (z: effective number of elementary charges). In this paper, we measured z in Shaker IR (inactivation removed) K+ channels, neuronal alpha 1E and alpha 1A, and cardiac alpha 1C Ca2+ channels using two methods: (a) limiting slope analysis of the conductance-voltage relationship and (b) variance analysis, to evaluate the number of active channels in a patch, combined with the measurement of charge movement in the same patch. We found that in Shaker IR K+ channels the two methods agreed with a z congruent to 13. This suggests that all the channels that gate can open and that all the measured charge is coupled to pore opening in a strictly sequential kinetic model. For all Ca2+ channels the limiting slope method gave consistent results regardless of the presence or type of beta subunit tested (z = 8.6). However, as seen with alpha 1E, the variance analysis gave different results depending on the beta subunit used. alpha 1E and alpha 1E beta 1a gave higher z values (z = 14.77 and z = 15.13 respectively) than alpha 1E beta 2a (z = 9.50, which is similar to the limiting slope results). Both the beta 1a and beta 2a subunits, coexpressed with alpha 1E Ca2+ channels facilitated channel opening by shifting the activation curve to more negative potentials, but only the beta 2a subunit increased the maximum open probability. The higher z using variance analysis in alpha 1E and alpha 1E beta 1a can be explained by a set of charges not coupled to pore opening. This set of charges moves in transitions leading to nulls thus not contributing to the ionic current fluctuations but eliciting gating currents. Coexpression of the beta 2a subunit would minimize the fraction of nulls leading to the correct estimation of the number of channels and z.  相似文献   

Gating of Shaker K+ channels: I. Ionic and gating currents.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Ionic and gating currents from noninactivating Shaker B K+ channels were studied with the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp technique and compared with the macropatch clamp technique. The performance of the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp technique was evaluated from the electrical properties of the clamped upper domus membrane, K+ tail current measurements, and the time course of K+ currents after partial blockade. It was concluded that membrane currents less than 20 microA were spatially clamped with a time resolution of at least 50 microseconds. Subtracted, unsubtracted gating currents with the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp technique and gating currents recorded in cell attached macropatches had similar properties and time course, and the charge movement properties directly obtained from capacity measurements agreed with measurements of charge movement from subtracted records. An accurate estimate of the normalized open probability Po(V) was obtained from tail current measurements as a function of the prepulse V in high external K+. The Po(V) was zero at potentials more negative than -40 mV and increased sharply at this potential, then increased continuously until -20 mV, and finally slowly increased with voltages more positive than 0 mV. Deactivation tail currents decayed with two time constants and external potassium slowed down the faster component without affecting the slower component that is probably associated with the return between two of the closed states near the open state. In correlating gating currents and channel opening, Cole-Moore type experiments showed that charge moving in the negative region of voltage (-100 to -40 mV) is involved in the delay of the conductance activation but not in channel opening. The charge moving in the more positive voltage range (-40 to -10 mV) has a similar voltage dependence to the open probability of the channel, but it does not show the gradual increase with voltage seen in the Po(V).  相似文献   

Dharia S  Rabbitt RD 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e17363
Here we introduce a new technique that probes voltage-dependent charge displacements of excitable membrane-bound proteins using extracellularly applied radio frequency (RF, 500 kHz) electric fields. Xenopus oocytes were used as a model cell for these experiments, and were injected with cRNA encoding Shaker B-IR (ShB-IR) K(+) ion channels to express large densities of this protein in the oocyte membranes. Two-electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) was applied to command whole-cell membrane potential and to measure channel-dependent membrane currents. Simultaneously, RF electric fields were applied to perturb the membrane potential about the TEVC level and to measure voltage-dependent RF displacement currents. ShB-IR expressing oocytes showed significantly larger changes in RF displacement currents upon membrane depolarization than control oocytes. Voltage-dependent changes in RF displacement currents further increased in ShB-IR expressing oocytes after ~120 μM Cu(2+) addition to the external bath. Cu(2+) is known to bind to the ShB-IR ion channel and inhibit Shaker K(+) conductance, indicating that changes in the RF displacement current reported here were associated with RF vibration of the Cu(2+)-linked mobile domain of the ShB-IR protein. Results demonstrate the use of extracellular RF electrodes to interrogate voltage-dependent movement of charged mobile protein domains--capabilities that might enable detection of small changes in charge distribution associated with integral membrane protein conformation and/or drug-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Shaker K+ channels were expressed in outside-out macropatches excised from Xenopus oocytes, and the effects on gating of removal of extracellular Ca2+ were examined in the complete absence of intracellular divalent cations. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ by perfusion with EDTA-containing solution caused a small negative shift in the channel's voltage-activation curve and led to an increased nonselective leak, but did not otherwise alter or disrupt the channels. The results contradict the proposal that Ca2+ is an essential component required for maintenance of ion selectivity and proper gating of Kv-type K+ channels. The large nonselective leak in Ca2+-free conditions was found to be a patch-seal phenomenon related to F- ion in the recording pipette.  相似文献   

The gating of voltage-dependent potassium channels is controlled by conformational changes in voltage sensor domains. Previous studies have shown that the S1 and the S2 helices of the voltage sensor are static with respect to motion across the membrane, while the voltage sensor paddle consisting of the C-terminal half of S3 (S3b) and the charge-bearing S4 is mobile. The mobile component is attached to S1 and S2 via the S2-S3 turn and the N-terminal half of S3 (S3a). In this study, we analyze KvAP, an archaebacterial voltage-dependent potassium channel, to study the mobility with respect to translation across the membrane of S3a. We utilize an assay based on attachment of tethered biotin and its site-specific accessibility to avidin. Our results reveal that the S3a helix does not move appreciably across the membrane in association with gating. The static behavior of S3a constrains the conformations available to the voltage sensor when it closes and suggests that a set of negative countercharges within the membrane's inner leaflet remains intact in the closed conformation.  相似文献   

To investigate of the gating properties in the voltage-activated potassium channel, we have mutated a variety of S2 and S4 residues in the Shaker potassium protein. Results showed that the R365C and R368C, but not the E283C, R362C, R365S, R368S or the ShB-IR, were sensitive to micromolar concentrations of Cd(2+) ions. This indicates that R365 and R368 play a crucial role in the channel gating due to a conformational modulation of the channel structure. Doubly mutated channels of the E283C/R365E and E283C/R368E caused a transient increase in current amplitude, which reached a peak within a few seconds and then decreased toward initial levels, despite the continual presence of Cd(2+). Taken together, our results suggest that E283, R365, and R368 form a network of strong, local, and electrostatic interactions that relate closely to the mechanism of the channel gating.  相似文献   

S A Goldstein  C Miller 《Neuron》1991,7(3):403-408
MinK is a small membrane protein of 130 amino acids with a single potential membrane-spanning alpha-helical domain. Its expression in Xenopus oocytes induces voltage-dependent, K(+)-selective channels. Using site-directed mutagenesis of a synthetic gene, we have identified residues in the hydrophobic region of minK that influence both ion selectivity and open-channel block. Single amino acid changes increase the channel's relative permeability for NH4+ and Cs+ without affecting its ability to exclude Na+ and Li+. Blockade by two common K+ channel pore blockers, tetraethylammonium and Cs+, was also modified. These results suggest that an ion selectivity region and binding sites for the pore blockers within the conduction pathway have been modified. We conclude that the gene encoding minK is a structural gene for a K+ channel protein.  相似文献   

The permeation pathways of the voltage-gated K+ channels Kv3.1 and ShakerB delta 6-46 (ShB delta) were studied using Mg2+ block. Internal Mg2+ blocked both channels in a voltage-dependent manner, and block was partially relieved by external K+, consistent with Mg2+ binding within the pore. The kinetics of Mg2+ block was much faster for Kv3.1 than for ShB delta. Fast block of Kv3.1 was transferred to ShB delta with transplantation of the P-region, but not of S6. The difference in the P-region, causing the change in Mg2+ binding kinetics, was attributed to ShB delta (V443) and its analog Kv3.1(L401), because in both channels leucine at this position gave fast block, whereas valine gave slow block. For Kv3.1 the major determinant of the voltage dependence of Mg2+ binding resided primarily in the off rate, whereas for Kv3.1(L401V) the voltage dependence resided primarily in the on rate, consistent with a change in the rate-limiting barrier for Mg2+ binding. Our data suggest that hydrophobic residues at positions 401 of Kv3.1 and 443 of ShB delta act as barriers to the movement of Mg2+ in the pore.  相似文献   

In Shaker K(+) channels depolarization displaces outwardly the positively charged residues of the S4 segment. The amount of this displacement is unknown, but large movements of the S4 segment should be constrained by the length and flexibility of the S3-S4 linker. To investigate the role of the S3-S4 linker in the ShakerH4Delta(6-46) (ShakerDelta) K(+) channel activation, we constructed S3-S4 linker deletion mutants. Using macropatches of Xenopus oocytes, we tested three constructs: a deletion mutant with no linker (0 aa linker), a mutant containing a linker 5 amino acids in length, and a 10 amino acid linker mutant. Each of the three mutants tested yielded robust K(+) currents. The half-activation voltage was shifted to the right along the voltage axis, and the shift was +45 mV in the case of the 0 aa linker channel. In the 0 aa linker, mutant deactivation kinetics were sixfold slower than in ShakerDelta. The apparent number of gating charges was 12.6+/-0.6 e(o) in ShakerDelta, 12.7+/-0.5 in 10 aa linker, and 12.3+/-0.9 in 5 aa linker channels, but it was only 5.6+/-0.3 e(o) in the 0 aa linker mutant channel. The maximum probability of opening (P(o)(max)) as measured using noise analysis was not altered by the linker deletions. Activation kinetics were most affected by linker deletions; at 0 mV, the 5 and 0 aa linker channels' activation time constants were 89x and 45x slower than that of the ShakerDelta K(+) channel, respectively. The initial lag of ionic currents when the prepulse was varied from -130 to -60 mV was 0.5, 14, and 2 ms for the 10, 5, and 0 aa linker mutant channels, respectively. These results suggest that: (a) the S4 segment moves only a short distance during activation since an S3-S4 linker consisting of only 5 amino acid residues allows for the total charge displacement to occur, and (b) the length of the S3-S4 linker plays an important role in setting ShakerDelta channel activation and deactivation kinetics.  相似文献   

Human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG) channel gating is associated with slow activation, yet the mechanistic basis for this is unclear. Here, we examine the effects of mutation of a unique glycine residue (G546) in the S4-S5 linker on voltage sensor movement and its coupling to pore gating. Substitution of G546 with residues possessing different physicochemical properties shifted activation gating by ∼−50 mV (with the exception of G546C). With the activation shift taken into account, the time constant of activation was also accelerated, suggesting a stabilization of the closed state by ∼1.6-4.3 kcal/mol (the energy equivalent of one to two hydrogen bonds). Predictions of the α-helical content of the S4-S5 linker suggest that the presence of G546 in wild-type hERG provides flexibility to the helix. Deactivation gating was affected differentially by the G546 substitutions. G546V induced a pronounced slow component of closing that was voltage-independent. Fluorescence measurements of voltage sensor movement in G546V revealed a slow component of voltage sensor return that was uncoupled from charge movement, suggesting a direct effect of the mutation on voltage sensor movement. These data suggest that G546 plays a critical role in channel gating and that hERG channel closing involves at least two independently modifiable reconfigurations of the voltage sensor.  相似文献   

The charge versus voltage relation of voltage-sensor domains shifts in the voltage axis depending on the initial voltage. Here we show that in nonconducting W434F Shaker K+ channels, a large portion of this charge-voltage shift is apparent due to a dramatic slowing of the deactivation gating currents, IgD (with τ up to 80 ms), which develops with a time course of ∼1.8 s. This slowing in IgD adds up to the slowing due to pore opening and is absent in the presence of 4-aminopyridine, a compound that prevents the last gating step that leads to pore opening. A remaining 10–15 mV negative shift in the voltage dependence of both the kinetics and the charge movement persists independently of the depolarizing prepulse duration and remains in the presence of 4-aminopyridine, suggesting the existence of an intrinsic offset in the local electric field seen by activated channels. We propose a new (to our knowledge) kinetic model that accounts for these observations.  相似文献   

Summary Cytoplasmic drops, covered by a membrane derived from the tonoplast, were obtained from the internodal cells ofChara australis. Patch-clamp measurements were made on this membrane using the droplet-attached configuration with the membrane patch voltage clamped at values from –250 to 50 mV. Single-channel records, filtered at 5 kHz, were analyzed to elucidate the kinetics of the ion gating reaction of the K+-selective channel. The current-voltage characteristics for single channels exhibit saturation and are shown to be consistent with Läuger's theory of diffusion-limited ion flow through pores (P. Läuger,Biochim. Biophys. Acta 455:493–509, 1976). The time-averaged behavior of the K+ conductance has a maximum at –100 to –150 mV which is produced by the combination of two distinct mechanisms: (1) The channel spending more time in long-lived closed states at positive voltages and (2) a large decrease in the mean open lifetime at more negative voltages. The channel activity shows bursting behavior with opening and closing rates that are voltage-dependent. The mean open time is the kinetic parameter most sensitive to membrane potential, showing a maximum between –100 to –150 mV. The distribution of open times is dominated by one exponential component (time constant 0.3 to 10 msec). In some cases an additional rapidly decaying exponential component was detectable (time constant=0.1 msec). The closed distributions contained were observed to obtain up to four exponential components with time constants over the range 0.1 to 200 msec. However, the voltage dependence of the closed-time distributions suggests an eight-state model for this channel.  相似文献   

J W Wang  C F Wu 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(6):3167-3176
The physiological roles of the beta, or auxiliary, subunits of voltage-gated ion channels, including Na+, Ca2+, and K+ channels, have not been demonstrated directly in vivo. Drosophila Hyperkinetic (Hk) mutations alter a gene encoding a homolog of the mammalian K+ channel beta subunit, providing a unique opportunity to delineate the in vivo function of auxiliary subunits in K+ channels. We found that the Hk beta subunit modulates a wide range of the Shaker (Sh) K+ current properties, including its amplitude, activation and inactivation, temperature dependence, and drug sensitivity. Characterizations of the existing mutants in identified muscle cells enabled an analysis of potential mechanisms of subunit interactions and their functional consequences. The results are consistent with the idea that via hydrophobic interaction, Hk beta subunits modulate Sh channel conformation in the cytoplasmic pore region. The modulatory effects of the Hk beta subunit appeared to be specific to the Sh alpha subunit because other voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K+ currents were not affected by Hk mutations. The mutant effects were especially pronounced near the voltage threshold of IA activation, which can disrupt the maintenance of the quiescent state and lead to the striking neuromuscular and behavioral hyperexcitability previously reported.  相似文献   

A leucine residue at position 370 (L370) in 29-4 Shaker K+ channels resides within two overlapping sequence motifs conserved among most voltage-gated channels: the S4 segment and a leucine heptad repeat. Here we investigate the effects observed upon substitution of L370 with many other uncharged amino acid residues. We find that smaller or more hydrophilic residues produce greater alterations in both activation and inactivation gating than does substitution with other large hydrophobic residues. In addition, subunits containing less conservative substitutions at position 370 are restricted in their assembly with wild-type subunits and are unlikely to form homomultimeric channel complexes. Consistent with the idea that L370 influences the tertiary structure of these channels, the results indicate that L370 undergoes specific hydrophobic interactions during the conformational transitions of gating; similar interactions may take place during the folding, insertion, or assembly of Shaker K+ channel subunits.  相似文献   

Outward movement of the voltage sensor is coupled to activation in voltage-gated ion channels; however, the precise mechanism and structural basis of this gating event are poorly understood. Potential insight into the coupling mechanism was provided by our previous finding that mutation to Lys of a single residue (Asp(540)) located in the S4-S5 linker endowed HERG (human ether-a-go-go-related gene) K(+) channels with the unusual ability to open in response to membrane depolarization and hyperpolarization in a voltage-dependent manner. We hypothesized that the unusual hyperpolarization-induced gating occurred through an interaction between Lys(540) and the C-terminal end of the S6 domain, the region proposed to form the activation gate. Therefore, we mutated six residues located in this region of S6 (Ile(662)-Tyr(667)) to Ala in D540K HERG channels. Mutation of Arg(665), but not the other five residues, prevented hyperpolarization-dependent reopening of D540K HERG channels. Mutation of Arg(665) to Gln or Asp also prevented reopening. In addition, D540R and D540K/R665K HERG reopened in response to hyperpolarization. Together these findings suggest that a single residue (Arg(665)) in the S6 domain interacts with Lys(540) by electrostatic repulsion to couple voltage sensing to hyperpolarization-dependent opening of D540K HERG K(+) channels. Moreover, our findings suggest that the C-terminal ends of S4 and S6 are in close proximity at hyperpolarized membrane potentials.  相似文献   

Taking apart the gating of voltage-gated K+ channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yi BA  Jan LY 《Neuron》2000,27(3):423-425

Various experiments have suggested that the S4 segment in voltage-dependent Na(+) and K(+) channels is in contact with a solvent-accessible cavity. We explore the consequences of the existence of such a cavity through the electrostatic effects on the gating currents of Shaker K(+) channels under conditions of reduced ionic strength S. We observe that approximately 10-fold reductions of intracellular S produce reductions of the measured gating charge of approximately 10%. These effects continue at even lower values of S. The reduction of gating charge when S is reduced by 10-fold at the extracellular surface is much smaller (approximately 2%). Shifts of the Q(V) curve because of a reduced S are small (<10 mV in size), which is consistent with very little fixed surface charge. Continuum electrostatic calculations show that the S effects on gating charge can be explained by the alteration of the local potential in an intracellular conical cavity of 20-24-A depth and 12-A aperture, and a smaller extracellular cavity of 3-A depth and the same aperture. In this case, the attenuation of the membrane potential at low S leads to reduction of the apparent gating charge. We suggest that this cavity is made by a bundle of transmembrane helices, and that the gating charge movement occurs by translocation of charged residues across a thin septum of approximately 3-7 A thickness.  相似文献   

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