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The objective of the current investigation was to study the role of ethylene in the maturation of white spruce ( Picea glauca [Moench.] Voss) somatic embryos. This was carried out by examining the effects of (1) 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), a direct precursor of ethylene in plant tissue, (2) silver nitrate (AgNO3), an inhibitor of ethylene action, (3) α -aminooxyamino acid (AOA), a potent inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, and (4) enrichment with ethylene. Ethylene biosynthesis was biphasic and gradually increased during embryo development, whereas endogenous ACC and N-malonylaminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (mACC) decreased. Addition of ACC or AOA to the culture medium increased or decreased, respectively, ethylene biosynthesis by altering endogenous ACC levels during the culture period. In contrast to AOA and AgNO3, ACC and ethylene enrichment significantly decreased the production of mature somatic embryos and increased the browning of the cultures. However, the structure of the shoot apex in mature cotyledonary stage embryos formed under ethylene enrichment was similar to that in control systems. This shows that a reduction in ethylene is beneficial to maturation of white spruce somatic embryos. This is further substantiated by the finding that the inhibitory effects of AOA were partially reversed by the addition of ethylene. The possible effects of the interaction between ethylene and polyamines on somatic embryo development are also discussed.  相似文献   

Regeneration of white spruce (Picea glauca) somatic embryos from protoplasts derived from an embryogenic suspension culture was accomplished using a culture medium containing 2 mgl–1 2,4-D and 1 mgl–1 6-BAP. Divisions within 2 days led to plating efficiencies in the order of 24% after 9 days. A reduction in the osmoticum, necessary for sustained growth, was carried out gradually over 30 days. Embedding in agarose and culture in 5 cm petri dishes prior to transfer of agarose blocks to a bead type culture, led to the formation of somatic embryos as early as 23 days after isolation and yielded plating efficiencies in the order of 5–10% after 35 days culture.  相似文献   

In order to enhance post-germinative vigour, somatic embryos of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. were matured under in-vitro conditions that stimulated triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis. In P. glauca seeds over 90% of the TAG was stored within the megagametophyte, and isolated zygotic embryos contained twice the amount of TAG of somatic embryos cultured for four weeks on basal medium containing 16 M abscisic acid (ABA). Polyethylene glycol-4000 (PEG) as a non-permeating osmoticum with ABA promoted TAG biosynthesis by somatic embryos and sustained maturation throughout an eight-week culture period. Treatments that promoted TAG biosynthesis also prevented precocious germination and promoted desiccation tolerance. Thus, the optimal culture conditions for maturation, desiccation survival, and plantlet regeneration were 16–24 M ABA and 7.5% PEG for eight weeks, followed by desiccation. Under these conditions the levels of TAG per somatic embryo were raised ninefold to about five times the zygotic-embryo level, and the TAG fatty-acid composition became similar to that of zygotic embryos. A study of sectioned material, using light and transmission electron microscopy, showed that the structure and distribution of lipid bodies within these somatic embryos and the degree of embryo development were similar to mature zygotic embryos. Up to 81% of the desiccated somatic embryos regenerated to plantlets during which time the TAG was utilised in a manner similar to zygotic seedlings.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - PEG polyethylene glycol - TAG triacylglycerol - TL total lipid - TEM transmission electron microscopy Plant Research Centre contribution No. 1383We are grateful to Dawn Moore and Ken Stanley for technical assistance, and thank Pat Rennie for the electron microscopy. We acknowledge financial support through an NSERC/Forestry Canada/Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd (Prince Albert, Sask.) research partnership programme.  相似文献   

The imposition of a partial drying treatment (PDT) on mature white spruce somatic embryos is a necessary step for successful germination and embryo conversion into plantlets. Purine and pyrimidine metabolism was investigated during the PDT of white spruce somatic embryos by following the metabolic fate of 14C-labeled adenine, adenosine, and inosine, as purine intermediates, and orotic acid, uridine, and uracil, as pyrimidine intermediates, as well as examining the activities of key enzymes. Both the salvage and the degradation pathways of purines were operative in partially dried embryos. Adenine and adenosine were extensively salvaged by the enzymes adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and adenosine kinase, respectively. The activity of the former enzyme increased during the PDT. In both mature and partially dried embryos, a large proportion of inosine was recovered as degradation products. The de novo pathway of pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis, estimated by the incorporation of orotic acid into the nucleotides and nucleic acids, was high at the end of the maturation period and declined during the PDT. Uridine was the main substrate for the pyrimidine salvage pathway, since a large proportion of uracil was recovered as degradation products, i.e. CO2 and β - ureidopropionic acid in both mature and partially dried embryos. Uridine was mainly salvaged by uridine kinase, whose activity was found to increase during the PDT. Taken together these results indicate that the PDT might be required for increasing the activity of adenine and uridine salvage enzymes, which could contribute to the enlargement of the nucleotide pool required at the onset of germination.  相似文献   

Summary The yield of morphologically normal Stage 3 somatic embryos of white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss], and subsequent germinability, was affected by culture age and use of solid and/or liquid culture growth conditions. Of the conditions that were compared, best results were obtained with cultures up to 3 yr old that had been continuously grown in liquid medium. Such material yielded up to 374 morphologically normal Stage 3 embryos per g f. wt. inoculum, when routinely pretreated using a 1 wk 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-free period before maturation. By comparison the continual use of solid culture conditions resulted in lower yields (5/g f. wt. inoculum), and the use of solid medium in combination with liquid medium showed a greater affect of age on the production of normal Stage 3 embryos (348/g f. wt at 1.5 yr down to 19/g f. wt. at 3 yr) over the age range tested. In the absence of culture pretreatment, the oldest liquid cultures yielded only 44 normal Stage 3 embryos/g f. wt. inoculum, and the comparable solid to liquid cultures yielded 1.3/g f. wt. inoculum. The number of aberrant Stage 3 embryos in older cultures was reduced as a result of culture pretreatment; for example, in the oldest liquid cultures these represented 83% of the Stage 3 embryo population without pretreatment and 45% with pretreatment. Normal Stage 3 somatic embryo yield and germination characteristics (radicle and epicotyl development) were informative in distinguishing among the conditions studied. Germination characteristics were especially important when maturation responses were incapable of distinguishing among age classes. NRCC Contribution no. 38462.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to understand the role of sucrose in the medium on the maturation of black spruce and white spruce somatic embryos. A maturation medium containing 6% sucrose, which hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose, gave significantly more embryos than a medium containing 3.16% of each glucose and fructose. Preventing the complete sucrose hydrolysis by a daily transfer of the tissues onto fresh medium significantly decreased the yield of somatic embryos compared to when sucrose was allowed to complete its hydrolysis. This reduction was not due to the manipulation of the tissues during the transfer, since a daily in situ transfer did not affect embryo production. To verify if the better embryo production observed on a medium containing 6% sucrose was due to the increasing osmotic pressure of the medium, this increasing osmotic pressure was simulated with a sequence of media containing different concentrations of glucose and fructose. Unexpectedly and for both species, this simulation did not improve somatic embryo production, which stayed similar to the one obtained on constant osmotic pressure. To understand these results, embryos produced on the different treatments were analyzed in terms of sucrose, glucose, fructose and starch levels and protein contents. The embryo carbohydrate content was independent from the carbohydrate used in the maturation medium. However, embryos matured on 6% sucrose allowed to hydrolyze during the maturation period contained significantly more soluble and insoluble proteins than embryos matured on any other treatment. Furthermore, embryos with a higher protein content also exhibited a higher epicotyl appearance frequency. The role of sucrose as a regulatory factor during the maturation of spruce somatic embryos is discussed.  相似文献   

Four antibiotics were evaluated for their effects on eliminating the hypervirulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58C1 ATHV RifR (pEHA101)/p35-gus-intron from walnut somatic embryos and on the production of secondary somatic embryos and the transformed somatic embryos. Exposure to 100–1000 mg l−1 of ampicillin, carbenicillin or cefotaxime respectively for up to 60 days did not eliminate the A. tumefaciens while timentin at 500–1000 mg l−1 eradicated it from somatic embryos. One-hour acidified medium treatments and the addition of 100 mg l−1 kanamycin to 500 mg l−1 ampicillin, carbenicillin, cefotaxime or timentin were of little help in eliminating the Agrobacterium. All four antibiotics reduced somatic embryo production, carbenicillin minimally and cefotaxime maximally, especially at higher concentrations, in comparison with antibiotic-free medium. Putative transformed embryos were selected for continued proliferation on a 100 mg l−1 kanamycin-containing medium. Histochemical assessments indicated that more gus-positive somatic embryos, particularly fully gus-positive embryos, regenerated from timentin-containing medium than from other antibiotic-containing media under equivalent conditions. Transformed embryos have been grown and converted into plants and gus activity was observed in whole plants. Received: 13 July 1999 / Revision received: 2 December 1999 / Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

The degree of genetic control and the effects of cultural treatments on somatic embryogenesis (SE) in white spruce were investigated with material derived from six-parent diallel crosses, including reciprocals. Thirty zygotic embryos from both immature and mature cones of each family were cultured in media with either 2,4-D or Picloram immediately after the collection of cones and after 2 months of cold storage. There were significant differences in SE initiation between immature and mature explants, and fresh and cold-stored seeds, but there was no significant differences with culture media effect. Significant variances due to families and to family x treatment interactions were found. The mean percentage of explants that initiated SE in each family ranged from 3.3% to 54.6%, with an overall average of 30.5%. The partitioning of family variance revealed that 21.7% was due to general combining ability effects, 3.5% was due to maternal effects, and 5.5% was due to reciprocal effects, but that the specific combining ability (SCA) was negligible. Variance due to interactions of family x treatments collectively accounted for 32.6%, while the remaining 37.8% of variation was accounted for by random error. However, when comparing the responses obtained with the treatment combinations, the SE response for freshly excised immature embryo explants showed comparatively large SCA variance, whereas the SCA variance was very small in the other treatment combinations.  相似文献   

The limit of permeability of white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench.]Voss) somatic embryo cell walls to molecules was in the orderof 30 . Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and dextrans of molecularweights greater than 1000 and 6000, respectively, produced anonpermeating (non-plasmolysing) water stress which improvedembryo development. Somatic embryos converted to plantlets atfrequencies of 76–84% following slow drying and storageat –20 C for 1 year, which was similar to the 77% recordedfor control somatic embryos slowly dried then germinated withoutfreezing or storage. Culture for 7–8 weeks with mediumcontaining abscisic acid, 3% sucrose, and 7.5% PEG 4000 yieldedsomatic embryos with five times the embryo storage lipid contentrecorded for zygotic embryos. During culture with PEG the moisturecontent of the somatic embryos decreased from 96% for immaturesuspension-cultured somatic embryos, to 47% for mature embryos.Somatic embryos cultured for 7–8 weeks survived rapiddrying to 5% moisture content, and converted to plantlets atfrequencies of 60–70%, but no somatic embryos survivedrapid drying when cultured for only 4 weeks; however, slow dryingdid induce desiccation tolerance in 3-week cultured somaticembryos. Abscisic acid was important to maintain embryos ina developmental state, but ABA alone did not induce desiccationtolerance. In order to induce desiccation tolerance a waterstress treatment was required. Tolerance of rapid drying coincidedwith moisture contents below 55%, which occurred after 5 weeksof culture in the presence of PEG 4000 and abscisic acid. Key words: Dextran, molecular weight, polyethylene glycol, triacylglycerol, water stress  相似文献   

The aim of this study has been to identify important processes that regulate early stages of embryo development in conifers. Somatic embryogenesis in Picea abies has become a model system for studying embryology in conifers, providing a well-characterized sequence of developmental stages, resembling zygotic embryogeny, which can be synchronized by specific treatments, making it possible to collect a large number of somatic embryos at specific developmental stages. We have used this model to analyze global changes in gene expression during early stages of embryo development by generating an expression profile of 12,536 complementary DNA clones. This has allowed us to identify molecular events regulating putative processes associated with pattern formation during the earliest stages of embryogenesis which have not been identified on the molecular level in conifers before. We recognize notable changes in the expression of genes involved in regulating auxin biosynthesis and auxin response, gibberellin-mediated signaling, signaling between the embryo and the female gametophyte, tissue specification including the formation of boundary regions, and the switch from embryonic to vegetative development. In addition, our results confirm the involvement of previously described processes, including stress, differentiation of a protoderm, and programmed cell death.  相似文献   

A collection of cDNA libraries from white spruce (Picea glauca) and interior spruce (P. glauca × engelmanii) vascular tissue were analyzed to identify a set of genes that could serve as tissue-related markers within the coniferous vascular system. Multivariate exploratory methods identified up to 128 genes co-expressed similarly among three xylem libraries. The majority (87) of these genes formed three distinctive meta-clusters, denoting putative gene cliques in xylem tissue. Of the selected genes, 33 (25%) exhibited no significant sequence homology in queries against any public databases, indicating the possibility of their unique expression in the xylem tissue of conifers. Another 38 genes (30%) had ambiguous annotation. Validation of the annotated genes with analog data, obtained from a wet-lab study utilizing microarray slides with 18,881 spots, resulted in a screened list of 29 genes as xylem-related markers. Response to stress was the predominant category to which the screened genes corresponded. Among the screened genes, elements of the phenolics biosynthesis, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase and laccase, together with the fundamental enzyme of the cell wall biosynthesis, cellulose synthase, prominently delineated characteristics of the wood-forming tissue, xylem.  相似文献   

Somatic embryo cultures of Picea mariana and the species complex P. glauca-engelmannii were each grown in 7.5-l-capacity mechanically-stirred bioreactors containing 61 medium (LP, von Arnold and Eriksson) with 30 mm sucrose. Growth of both species occurred with no observable signs of shear stress due to mechanical agitation. Growth kinetics were analysed using an array of parameters (settled culture volume, packed culture volume, osmolarity, conductivity, pH). These were compared with fresh weight, dry weight, and somatic embryo number in order to determine what parameters were highly correlated with growth and embryo number. Increasing the sucrose concentration from 30 mm to 60 mm resulted in an increase in biomass and total number of somatic embryos. For P. mariana a maximum dry weight of 6.3 gl–1 and 3076 embryos ml–1 occurred in LP medium with 60 mm sucrose after 10–12 days of culture. For P. glauca-engelmannii a maximum dry weight of 4.3 gl–1 and 2278 embryos ml–1 occurred in LP medium with 60 mm sucrose after 6–8 days culture. For all sucrose concentrations, fresh weight, dry weight and embryo number were closely correlated with packed culture volume and conductivity for P. mariana, and settled culture volume, packed culture volume and conductivity for P. glauca-engelmannii.Correspondence to: D. I. Dunstan  相似文献   

Pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide metabolism was investigated during maturation and germination of white spruce somatic embryos by following the metabolic fate of [2‐14C]cytidine, [2‐14C]deoxycytidine and [2‐14C]thymidine. The de-novo pathway of deoxyribonucleotides was estimated indirectly, by the ability of the tissue to incorporate cytidine into DNA after conversion to dCTP. The salvage pathway was estimated by the utilization of labelled cytidine, deoxycytidine and thymidine for synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides and nucleic acids. Utilization of cytidine for DNA synthesis, via the de novo pathway, was always lower than that observed for RNA throughout the course of the experiment. Incorporation of cytidine into RNA was found to occur either directly, after conversion to CTP, mediated by the enzymes cytidine kinase, nucleoside monophosphate kinase and nucleoside diphosphate kinase, or indirectly, after conversion to UTP via uridine and UMP. Active incorporation of uridine into RNA of white spruce-cultured cells was demonstrated previously. Salvage of deoxycytidine and thymidine was operative in maturing and germinating white spruce somatic embryos, as label from both compounds was recovered in nucleotides and DNA. However, the utilization of these precursors by the cells was different. Salvage of deoxycytidine was always higher than that observed for thymidine, which was extensively catabolized to CO2 at all stages of embryo development.  相似文献   

张蕾  齐力旺  韩素英 《遗传》2009,31(5):540-545
摘要: 为研究落叶松体细胞胚胎发生的分子机理, 文章以日本落叶松×华北落叶松杂种无性系胚性细胞系Y35体细胞胚成熟阶段培养物的cDNA为实验组, 继代培养阶段胚性愈伤组织的cDNA为对照组, 利用抑制性消减杂交技术(Suppression subtractive hybridization, SSH)构建了体细胞胚成熟阶段的差异表达基因文库。随机选取800个阳性克隆进行测序, 共获得468个UniGenes, 共将其分为19类, 功能分析结果表明: 这些UniGenes可能参与代谢、转录、信号转导、转运、细胞生长分裂、细胞结构、细胞命运、蛋白质合成与降解、防御等与个体发育密切相关的生物学过程。对部分ESTs的表达谱进行分析, 结果表明这些ESTs均在落叶松体细胞胚胎发生的不同阶段特异表达。  相似文献   

A collection of cDNA libraries from white spruce (Picea glauca) and interior spruce (P. glauca × engelmanii) vascular tissue were analyzed to identify a set of genes that could serve as tissue-related markers within the coniferous vascular system. Multivariate exploratory methods identified up to 128 genes co-expressed similarly among three xylem libraries. The majority (87) of these genes formed three distinctive meta-clusters, denoting putative gene cliques in xylem tissue. Of the selected genes, 33 (25%) exhibited no significant sequence homology in queries against any public databases, indicating the possibility of their unique expression in the xylem tissue of conifers. Another 38 genes (30%) had ambiguous annotation. Validation of the annotated genes with analog data, obtained from a wet-lab study utilizing microarray slides with 18,881 spots, resulted in a screened list of 29 genes as xylem-related markers. Response to stress was the predominant category to which the screened genes corresponded. Among the screened genes, elements of the phenolics biosynthesis, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase and laccase, together with the fundamental enzyme of the cell wall biosynthesis, cellulose synthase, prominently delineated characteristics of the wood-forming tissue, xylem.  相似文献   

Isolation of PinmIII cDNA homologues from white spruce tissues required a rigorous RNA extraction protocol developed following assessment of three previously reported conifer RNA extraction protocols. Total RNA was extracted via several purification steps designed to minimize binding of phenolics to nucleic acids and was then subjected to caesium chloride ultra-centrifugation. This procedure produced consistently high-quality, intact RNA from both needles and roots with spectrophotometric ratios of approximately 2.0 for both 260/280 nm and 260/230 nm. Total RNA was obtained from the roots of cold-hardened white spruce seedlings for cDNA library construction. More than 2 million recombinant phage particles were generated from 5 microg of a poly(A)+RNA fraction, and ca. 1.3 million cDNA particles were amplified for storage. Approximately 500,000 primary recombinant clones were screened with an heterologous PinmIII cDNA sequence yielding a unique clone, picgl, that was very similar to members of the PR10 gene family.  相似文献   

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