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When grown in primary cell culture in the absence of neurons, muscle cells from a variety of species synthesize several forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), including the collagen-tailed A12 form. A12 AChE has been the subject of much study because it is thought to be a major functional enzyme form normally found in the basal lamina at the neuromuscular junction. In this paper, we show that muscle fibers derived from mouse embryos and neonates are also able to synthesize substantial percentages of their AChE as the A12 form when grown in vitro. This synthesis is modulated by a process associated with spontaneous muscle contractile activity since both total enzyme levels and the proportion of A12 AChE expressed on the cell surface are decreased when the cells are grown in the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin, which blocks muscle contraction. On the other hand, when the cells are treated with veratridine, which opens sodium channels, thereby mimicking one aspect of muscle contraction, their AChE levels are comparable to those of untreated cells. Although smaller in magnitude, these changes are similar to those seen in rat muscle cultures. A novel feature of mouse muscle cultures, not seen in those from rat and chick, is the presence of a secreted enzyme form that sediments in the same position as the cellular A12 form (when separated on sucrose density gradients containing high salt) and is also collagenase sensitive.  相似文献   

Abstract: A pharmacological study was made of the effects of veratridine and lasalocid on the release of catecholamines, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) from cultures of isolated bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Exposure of the cultures to veratridine resulted in concomitant release of catecholamines and AChE into the external medium in a dose-dependent and Ca2 +-dependent manner. A Ca2+ iono-phore, lasalocid, also produced a dose-dependent and parallel release of both catecholamines and AChE. The release of the two components was accompanied by release of DBH. The present results provide pharmacological evidence for a parallel release of catecholamines, AChE, and DBH from cultured adrenal chromaffin cells, and the stoichiometry of the release evoked by different secretagogues suggests that AChE and catecholamines are released from different cellular compartments.  相似文献   

Abstract: Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was extracted in a high-saline medium from gastrocnemius muscles of rat embryos and young rats aged 14 days'gestation to 40 days post partum. The molecular forms of the enzyme were separated by low-salt precipitation, followed by velocity sedimentation. During gestation, all molecular forms increased in activity, particularly the 16 S (A12) form. During the first 2 weeks of life, there was a large increase in the activity of soluble AChE (G forms), whilst the activity of insoluble AChE (A forms) was reduced. Denervation of the muscle reversed the change in the relative proportions of the molecular forms. The embryonic pattern of activities of AChE forms persisted in cultures of myotubes obtained at 20 days'gestation and maintained in the absence of spinal cord. When myotubes were maintained in medium previously conditioned by developing spinal cord explants, 16 S AChE declined while the soluble (4 and 6 S) forms increased in activity in a manner resembling that seen in early postnatal muscles in vivo . β-Endorphin (β-EP) immunoreactivity was detected in the spinal cord-conditioned medium and was identified by HPLC and ion-exchange chromatography as β-EP-(l–31) plus its shortened and N -acetylated forms. Cultivation of myotubes in the presence of synthetic camel β-EP resulted in a reversible change in the pattern of AChE forms which was similar to that seen with spinal cord-conditioned medium. These studies provide evidence for the neuroregulation of AChE A and G forms in immature skeletal muscle. A major candidate for this role is β-EP, produced and released by developing spinal cord.  相似文献   

The secretion and cellular localization of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were studied in primary cultures of rat sympathetic neurons. When cultured under conditions favoring a noradrenergic phenotype, these neurons synthesized and secreted large quantities of the tetrameric G4, and the dodecameric A12 forms, and minor amounts of the G1 and G2 forms. When these neurons adopted the cholinergic phenotype, i.e., in the presence of muscle-conditioned medium, the development of the cellular A12 form was completely inhibited. These neurons secreted only globular, mainly G4, AChE. Both cellular and secreted A12 AChE in adrenergic cultures aggregated at an ionic strength similar to that of the culture medium, raising the hypothesis that this form was associated with a polyanionic component of basal lamina. In noradrenergic neurons, 60-80% of the catalytic sites were exposed at the cell surface. In particular, 80% of G4 form, but only 60% of the A12 form, was external, demonstrating for the A12 form a sizeable intracellular pool. The hydrophobic character of the molecular forms was studied in relation to their cellular localization. As in muscle cells, most of the G4 form was membrane-bound. Whereas 76% of the cell surface A12 form was solubilized in the aqueous phase by high salt concentrations, only 50% of the intracellular A12 form was solubilized under these conditions. The rest of intracellular A12 could be solubilized by detergents and was thus either membrane-bound or entrapped in vesicles originating from, e.g., the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Abstract: Investigating the possibility that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) are regulated in a coordinated manner, we have examined the natural variation in activity of these two enzymes in several tissues of adult male Sprague-Dawley, Fischer-344, and Wistar-Furth rats. Both enzymes varied greatly in mean activity among brain, diaphragm, atria, serum, superior cervical ganglia, and liver. In Sprague-Dawley rats there were also large individual variations with up to a fivefold range of AChE activities and up to a 100-fold range of BuChE activities in a given tissue. Individual variations in cholinesterase activities appeared to be smaller in the inbred Fischer-344 or Wistar-Furth rats. Experiments with internal standards of partially purified AChE and BuChE indicated that the individual variations probably reflected differences in the intrinsic content or specific activity of the tissue enzymes. Comparison of the AChE activities in different tissues of a given group of rats failed to reveal statistically significant correlations in any strain (i.e., the relative activity of any one tissue was no guide to the relative activity of any other tissue in the same rat). This result indicates that the regulation of AChE is tissue-specific. By contrast, BuChE activity showed highly significant correlations among the majority of the tissues examined in the Sprague-Dawley rats, implying that widely dispersed factors can affect the regulation of this enzyme. Body-wide regulation is not necessarily the rule, however, since only a single tissue pair in the inbred Fischer rats and none of the pairs in the Wistar-Furth rats showed significant correlations of BuChE activity. In general, AChE and BuChE activities were not correlated with each other to a statistically significant degree. We conclude that the control of these enzymes normally involves different mechanisms and is strongly affected by the genetic background of the sample population.  相似文献   

Omission of Mg2+ from the incubation buffer results in a six- to eightfold increase in [3H]inositol-1-phosphate ([3H]Ins-1-P) accumulation in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells at 7-9 days in vitro. This increase is reversed by low concentrations of 2-amino-5-phosphono-valerate (APV), a result indicating that the absence of Mg2+ facilitates the activation of a specific receptor by the endogenous excitatory amino acids (presumably L-glutamate and L-aspartate) released from the granule cells. The absence of Mg2+ also potentiates the action of exogenously applied N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), L-glutamate, L-aspartate, and kainate. In contrast, the action of quisqualate is virtually unaffected by Mg2+ and is resistant to APV inhibition. Addition of the depolarizing agent veratridine enhances the accumulation of [3H]Ins-1-P also in Mg2+-containing buffer. The action of veratridine is antagonized by APV, a result suggesting that, under depolarized conditions, the NMDA receptor can be activated by the endogenously released excitatory amino acids, despite the presence of Mg2+. Accordingly, in the presence of Mg2+, veratridine potentiates the action of exogenously applied NMDA but does not facilitate the action of quisqualate.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have observed that cultured neurons from chick spinal cord and the neuroblastoma hybrid line 108CC15 released lower amounts of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) when compared with the parental line, N18TG2. AChE activity extracted by hypotonic buffer, which can be regarded as the source of the released enzyme, was considerably higher in the parental than in the hybrid 108CC15 (respectively, ∼80% and ∼40% of cellular activity). On the other hand, evaluation of ectocellular, with respect to total, AChE activity showed that in N18TG2 cells only 7% of AChE was localized on the plasmalemma, whereas in the hybrid line the percentage of ectocellular activity was 3.7 times higher than in the parental line. We have also examined the effect of cytochalasin B and nocodazole. In the N18TG2 line, the former did not affect AChE release, which was significantly reduced by the latter. High K+ level in the culture medium, of both N18TG2 and hybrid 108CC15 cultures, induced an increase in AChE secretion; Ca2+ presence was required for high K+-induced release. Muscle extracts increased AChE secretion in both the hybrid 108CC15 and the spinal cord neurons. The present data suggest that AChE secretion during neuronal development is modulated by depolarizing stimuli and by soluble factors produced by target cells and may be involved in the control of neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of veratridine on DOPA (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) accumulation by the superior cervical ganglion of the rat. Incubation of the ganglion with veratridine (50 microM) causes a 10-fold increase in the rate of DOPA accumulation. Veratridine-stimulated DOPA accumulation is blocked by tetrodotoxin, but not by cholinergic or adrenergic antagonists or by decentralization of the ganglion. The cyclic nucleotide 8-bromo cyclic GMP does not increase DOPA accumulation, and 8-bromo cyclic AMP causes only a 2-fold increase in DOPA accumulation, which is additive with the effect of veratridine. Thus, the action of veratridine appears to be independent of these cyclic nucleotides. The effect of veratridine on DOPA accumulation is probably due to a stable modification of tyrosine hydroxylase, since an increase in tyrosine hydroxylase activity can be measured in cell-free extracts of veratridine-treated ganglia. Both the increase in DOPA accumulation and the stable activation of tyrosine hydroxylase are dependent upon extracellular Ca2+. The activation of tyrosine hydroxylase by veratridine may be mediated by the depolarization of, and the subsequent entry of Ca2+ into, ganglionic neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of electroconvulsive shock on the levels of acetylcholinesterase in several brain regions of the rat were studied. Hippocampus, mesencephalon, cortex, and striatum exhibited rapid changes in acetylcholinesterase activity during the first few minutes following the convulsion, whereas brainstem and basal forebrain levels remained unchanged. In both hippocampus and midbrain there was a sustained decrease in activity: the total acetylcholinesterase activity was decreased by up to 40% within 2 min of the convulsion and did not return to control values for another 3 h. Thirty minutes after a flurothyl-induced convulsion there was a similar fall in acetylcholinesterase activity in both these regions, whereas a subconvulsive electric shock produced no change. It is concluded that a convulsion produces significant short-term decreases in acetylcholinesterase activity in areas of the rat brain that are involved in the generation and propagation of seizures, and the question is raised of whether this is related to the increase in seizure threshold that follows a convulsion.  相似文献   

The asymmetric (20S) acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC from 1-day-old chick muscle, purified on a column on which was immobilised a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to chick brain AChE, was used to immunise mice. Eight mAbs against the muscle enzyme were hence isolated and characterised. Five antibodies (4A8, 1C1, 10B7, 7G8, and 8H11) recognise a 110-kilodalton (kDa) subunit with AChE catalytic activity, one antibody (7D11) recognises a 72-kDa subunit with pseudocholinesterase or butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE, EC catalytic activity, and two antibodies (6B6 and 7D7) react with the 58-kDa collagenous tail unit. Those three polypeptides can be recognised together in the 20S enzyme used, which is a hybrid AChE/BuChE oligomer. Antibodies 6B6 and 7D7 are specific for asymmetric AChE. Four of the mAbs recognising the 110-kDa subunit were reactive with it in immunoblots. Sucrose density gradient analysis of the antibody-enzyme complexes showed that the anti-110-kDa subunit mAbs cross-link multiple 20S AChE molecules to form large aggregates. In contrast, there is only a 2-3S increase in the sedimentation constant with the mAbs specific for the 72-kDa or for the 58-kDa subunit, suggesting that those subunits are more inaccessible in the structure to intermolecular cross-linking. The 4A8, 10B7, 7D11, and 7D7 mAbs showed cross-reactivity to the corresponding enzyme from quail muscle; however, none of the eight mAbs reacted with either enzyme type from mammalian muscle or from Torpedo electric organ. All eight antibodies showed immunocytochemical localisation of the AChE form at the neuromuscular junctions of chicken twitch muscles.  相似文献   

Abstract: Colchicine (5–10 μ M ) increased choline ace-tyltransferase (ChAT) activity 5–10-fold and suppressed acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activities to 30% and 50%, respectively, of the levels of control cells in mouse spinal cord cells cultured for several days. The synthesis of radiolaheled acetylcholine (ACh) from [14C]choline was also enhanced 4.6-fold, although the uptake of [14C]choline into cells was decreased to 80% of control level. Neither the incorporation of [3H]Ieucine into protein nor the total amount of protein was increased by colchicine. Vinblastine also increased ChAT activity while cytochalasin B was not effective. Immunochemical titration study revealed that the increase of ChAT activity by colchicine was due to the accumulation of ChAT molecules. Co-culture of spinalcord cells with skeletal muscle markedly stimulated ChAT activity, and the addition of colchicine to the co- cultures showed greater than additive effect. These observations indicate that colchicine increases ChAT molecules in a specific manner, that the stimulatory effect of colchicine on ChAT activity is possibly mediated via the interaction with microtubules, and that the increase of ChAT activity is based on a mechanism different from that of co-cultures with skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

To obtain information about the evolution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), we undertook a study of the enzyme from the skeletal muscle of the lamprey Petromyzon marinus, a primitive vertebrate. We found that the cholinesterase activity of lamprey muscle is due to AChE, not pseudocholinesterase; the enzyme was inhibited by 1,5-bis(4-allyldimethylammonium phenyl) pentane-3-one (BW284C51), but not by tetramonoisopropyl pyrophosphortetramide (iso-OMPA) or ethopropazine. Also, the enzyme had a high affinity for acetylthiocholine and was inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. A large fraction of the AChE was found to be glycoprotein, since it was precipitated by concanavalin A-agarose. Optimal extraction of AChE was obtained in a high-salt detergent-containing buffer; fractional amounts of enzyme were extracted in buffers lacking salt and/or detergent. These data suggest that globular and asymmetric forms of AChE are present. On sucrose gradients, enzyme that was extracted in high-salt detergent-containing buffer sedimented as a broad peak of activity corresponding to G4; additionally, there was usually a peak corresponding to A12. Sequential extraction of AChE in conjunction with velocity sedimentation resolved minor forms of AChE and revealed that the G1, G2, G4, A4, A8, and A12 forms of AChE could be obtained from the muscle. The identity of the forms was confirmed through high-salt precipitation and collagenase digestion. The asymmetric forms of AChE were precipitated in low ionic strength buffer, and their sedimentation coefficients were shifted to higher values by collagenase digestion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Primary cortical cultures were used to study the effects of four convulsants on c- fos expression. Approximately 30% of the neurons in these cultures displayed c- fos nuclear immunostaining under basal conditions. The addition of tetrodotoxin, nifedipine, or δ-hexachlorocyclohexane produced a significant decrease in c- fos basal values. Lindane (γ-hexachlorocyclohexane), Bay K 8644, pentylenetetrazole, and picrotoxinin produced a significant increase in c- fos immunoreactivity and in c- fos mRNA expression. Treatment of cells with tetrodotoxin before administration of the convulsant agents lowered c- fos staining below basal levels. In contrast, δ-hexachlorocyclohexane or nifedipine failed to block only the picrotoxinin-induced increase. The differential pattern of expression shown by c- fos after these treatments suggests various mechanisms of action for the compounds studied. The results obtained with δ-hexachlorocyclohexane and nifedipine suggest that picrotoxinin activates c- fos expression by calcium-requiring intracellular signaling pathways that are different from those activated by Bay K 8644, pentylenetetrazole, or γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, which, at least in part, act via L-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

We measured the distribution of molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in muscles of a song bird, the zebra finch, and found a pattern similar to those reported in other vertebrates. As in other species, the most rapidly sedimenting form of the enzyme decreases to barely detectable levels following denervation. In the muscles of the syrinx, castration causes a large decrease in AChE activity, but has little or no effect on the relative abundance of AChE forms. This suggests that the number of AChE catalytic sites is changing without affecting the distribution of catalytic sites among the molecular forms. This is in marked contrast with the effect of denervation in the syrinx, which causes changes in the distribution of activity, as well as in total activity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hemidiaphragms were removed from rats at various times after intrathoracic transection of the left phrenic nerve and were incubated in organ baths containing 1.5 ml of oxygenated, buffered physiologic saline solution, with added glucose and bovine serum albumin. After incubation, the acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC activities of the bath fluid and of the muscle were determined. Innervated left hemidiaphragms were found to release 107 units of AChE over a 3-h period, corresponding to 1.9% of their total AChE activity. Denervation led to a rapid loss of AChE from the muscle coincident with a transient increase in the outpouring of enzyme activity into the bath fluid. Thus, 1 day after nerve transection the left hemidiaphragm contained only 68% of the control amount of AChE activity, but released 140% as much as control. After 3 or 4 days of denervation, the AChE activity of the diaphragm stabilized at 35% of the control value. Release also fell below control by this time, but not as far. One week after denervation the release, 69 units per 3 hr, corresponded to 3.3% of the reduced content of AChE activity in the muscle, indicating that denervation caused an increase in the proportion of AChE released. Sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation showed that 10S AChE accounted for more than 80% of the released enzyme activity at all times. The results did not rule out the possibility, however, that the released enzyme originally stemmed from 4S or 16S AChE in the diaphragm.  相似文献   

蛇足石杉内生真菌g5的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制活性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
承曦  陈钧  朱大元 《微生物学通报》2008,35(11):1764-1768
为了初步研究蛇足石杉内生真菌g5发酵产物的乙酰胆碱酯酶(ACHE)抑制动力学以及对该株真菌做初步形态学鉴定,采用DTNB显色法检测g5发酵液醇提物抑制AChE活性的效果,并采用玻片培养法进行真菌鉴定.结果发现g5菌株属于半知菌目丛梗孢科青霉属;其发酵液醇提物对AChE的抑制作用表现为混合竞争型可逆抑制,其对游离酶的抑制常数KI>与对酶底物络合物的抑制常数KIS>分别为0.0789mL和1.1352mL,因此g5菌株代谢产物可作为开发AChE抑制剂类药物的潜在资源.  相似文献   

A new technology called in vivo spectrophotometry was applied to the quantitative determination of the variations in local acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities. Repeated measurements of the enzyme activities in the same live animal allowed the study of the in vivo inhibition of AChE by amitriptyline. Interactions between AChE and this tricyclic antidepressant were investigated at the striatal level in anesthetized rats. In this anesthetized model, AChE assays were shown to be stable for approximately 8 h. The dose-effect relationship was explored in the 2.5- to 50-mg/kg amitriptyline range. A reversible inhibition was observed after acute amitriptyline administration. The maximum of inhibition appeared between 90 and 210 min after the intoxication and reached up to 22% for the 50-mg/kg dose. The threshold dose was established as 8 mg/kg. Evidence for an indirect interaction between tricyclic antidepressant and AChE was demonstrated when the total integrity of the biological system was preserved.  相似文献   

Abstract: Muscarinic receptors, labeled with [3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate (3H]QNB), and acetylcholinesterase activity were studied in five areas of the developing chick brain: (1) hyperstriatum and neostriatum , (2) paleostriatum, (3) optic lobes, (4) mesodiencephalon and (5) cerebellum. The protein content of these areas, expressed as mg/g tissue and total protein, was determined between day -10 and adulthood. Differences in both determinations were observed among the areas. The binding of [3H]QNB was expressed as density (fmol/mg protein) and total number of receptors (fmol/total protein) in the area. Considerable variations were observed among the areas. The cerebellum showed the lowest receptor density and a large decrease in density and total number of receptors in the adult, which may reflect a change in neuronal population. Acetylcholinesterase, in certain areas, accompanied the changes in receptor concentration, but the timing and rate of increase had special features in each case. The most striking one was the cerebellum, in which the enzyme increased steadily postnatally, while the muscarinic receptors dropped to very low values.  相似文献   

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