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Grutter AS 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(12):1080-1083
The most commonly asked question about cooperative interactions is how they are maintained when cheating is theoretically more profitable. In cleaning interactions, where cleaners remove parasites from apparently cooperating clients, the classical question asked is why cleaner fish can clean piscivorous client fish without being eaten, a problem Trivers used to explain reciprocal altruism. Trivers suggested that predators refrain from eating cleaners only when the repeated removal of parasites by a particular cleaner results in a greater benefit than eating the cleaner. Although several theoretical models have examined cheating behavior in clients, no empirical tests have been done (but see Darcy ). It has been observed that cleaners are susceptible to predation. Thus, cleaners should have evolved strategies to avoid conflict or being eaten. In primates, conflicts are often resolved with conflict or preconflict management behavior. Here, I show that cleaner fish tactically stimulate clients while swimming in an oscillating "dancing" manner (tactile dancing) more when exposed to hungry piscivorous clients than satiated ones, regardless of the client's parasite load. Tactile dancing thus may function as a preconflict management strategy that enables cleaner fish to avoid conflict with potentially "dangerous" clients.  相似文献   

Edvardsen, E, Ingjer, F, and B?, K. Fit women are not able to use the whole aerobic capacity during aerobic dance. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3479-3485, 2011-This study compared the aerobic capacity during maximal aerobic dance and treadmill running in fit women. Thirteen well-trained female aerobic dance instructors aged 30 ± 8.17 years (mean ± SD) exercised to exhaustion by running on a treadmill for measurement of maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)max) and peak heart rate (HRpeak). Additionally, all subjects performed aerobic dancing until exhaustion after a choreographed videotaped routine trying to reach the same HRpeak as during maximal running. The p value for statistical significance between running and aerobic dance was set to ≤0.05. The results (mean ± SD) showed a lower VO(2)max in aerobic dance (52.2 ± 4.02 ml·kg·min) compared with treadmill running (55.9 ± 5.03 ml·kg·min) (p = 0.0003). Further, the mean ± SD HRpeak was 182 ± 9.15 b·min in aerobic dance and 192 ± 9.62 b·min in treadmill running, giving no difference in oxygen pulse between the 2 exercise forms (p = 0.32). There was no difference in peak ventilation (aerobic dance: 108 ± 10.81 L·min vs. running: 113 ± 11.49 L·min). In conclusion, aerobic dance does not seem to be able to use the whole aerobic capacity as in running. For well endurance-trained women, this may result in a lower total workload at maximal intensities. Aerobic dance may therefore not be as suitable as running during maximal intensities in well-trained females.  相似文献   

Cleaning symbioses play an important role in the health of certain coastal marine communities. These interspecific associations often occur at specific sites (cleaning stations) where a cleaner organism (commonly a fish or shrimp) removes ectoparasites/damaged tissue from a ‘client’ (a larger cooperating fish). At present, the potential impact of climate change on the fitness of cleaner organisms remains unknown. This study investigated the physiological and biochemical responses of tropical (Lysmata amboinensis) and temperate (L. seticaudata) cleaner shrimp to global warming. Specifically, thermal limits (CTMax), metabolic rates, thermal sensitivity, heat shock response (HSR), lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration], lactate levels, antioxidant (GST, SOD and catalase) and digestive enzyme activities (trypsin and alkaline phosphatase) at current and warming (+3 °C) temperature conditions. In contrast to the temperate species, CTMax values decreased significantly from current (24–27 °C) to warming temperature conditions (30 °C) for the tropical shrimp, where metabolic thermal sensitivity was affected and the HSR was significantly reduced. MDA levels in tropical shrimp increased dramatically, indicating extreme cellular lipid peroxidation, which was not observed in the temperate shrimp. Lactate levels, GST and SOD activities were significantly enhanced within the muscle tissue of the tropical species. Digestive enzyme activities in the hepatopancreas of both species were significantly decreased by warmer temperatures. Our data suggest that the tropical cleaner shrimp will be more vulnerable to global warming than the temperate Lysmata seticaudata; the latter evolved in a relatively unstable environment with seasonal thermal variations that may have conferred greater adaptive plasticity. Thus, tropical cleaning symbioses may be challenged at a greater degree by warming‐related anthropogenic forcing, with potential cascading effects on the health and structuring of tropical coastal communities (e.g. coral reefs).  相似文献   

郭小燕  刘学录  王联国 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7992-8001
分析从1997年到2009年兰州市土地利用类型变化,对其生态系统服务价值进行核算,结果表明,兰州市生态系统服务功能主要表现为土壤形成与保护、维持生物多样性,气候调节等,但土壤形成与保护功能和水文调节功能从1997年开始一直呈下降趋势,由于盲目扩展建设用地而占用生态用地的现象使兰州市生态用地面积不断减少,从而造成生态恶化。以生态系统服务价值作为适应度函数,利用改进的混合蛙跳算法建立土地优化模型,得到生态型、发展型、综合效益型三种优化方案,优化后兰州市生态系统服务价值可达到58.89亿元。优化方案为提高兰州市生态系统服务价值提出以下建议:(1)保证退耕还林、还草的力度,加强南北两山绿化改造。(2)保证耕地、牧草地、园地面积,尽量控制建设用地的扩张。(3)建设用地所占用耕地面积,必须进行补偿,其中开发宜耕未利用地、挖掘土地利用潜力为较好的解决办法。  相似文献   

Disposable rocking bioreactors (RBs) are widely employed for cultivation of recombinant mammalian and insect cell lines, although the perception of inadequate mass transfer has prevented their application to bioprocesses based on microbial platforms. In this study, one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) RBs were assessed and compared with the conventional stirred tank reactor (STR) for recombinant therapeutic protein production in Escherichia coli. The comparison involved: (1) physical characterization of oxygen mass transfer efficiency and mixing intensity, (2) growth characteristics in batch cultivation, and (3) culture performance for the production of recombinant protein. Our results show that oxygen mass transfer was comparable between the 1D RB and STR at low working volume (WV), declining linearly with increasing WV, and was highest in the 2D RB for all tested WVs with the maximum mass transfer coefficient (kLa) at 3 L WV. Well mixing behavior was observed in all three systems for water and aqueous carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) solutions. Batch growth characteristics were similar in all bioreactor systems, although metabolite accumulation was significant in the 1D RB. Culture performance for the production of recombinant GST-hCD83ext (glutathione S-transferase-hCD83ext fusion protein) was similar in terms of soluble protein yield and inclusion body formation for all bioreactor systems.  相似文献   

Professional workers and consumers frequently use hard-surface cleaning products and these products may contain glycol ethers (GEs), such as 2-Butoxyethanol (2-BE). Governmental agencies have set exposure limits for some chemicals used in cleaning products and these exposure limits have been used as guides to protect human health. The study objectives were to determine realistic inhalation exposures for professional workers performing multiple, sequential cleaning tasks and compare the exposures to the acute reference exposure level (REL), which California established for 2-BE. The ConsExpo model was acceptable for evaluating exposure based on a comparison of its predictions to experimentally measured 2-BE vapor concentrations from hard-surface cleaning. The typical worker exposure was predicted for a cleaning scenario consisting of three bathrooms and three kitchens (or three bedrooms) in a 1-h period. This exposure scenario would not be expected to result in significant health consequences because the predicted exposure was much lower than the REL. The predicted chronic and aggregate exposures were also acceptable. This analysis identified two important variables that affect inhalation exposure: cleaners should be used with adequate ventilation and wet wiping towels should be properly disposed so that they are not a source of continuing exposure.  相似文献   

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology -  相似文献   

Spent brewer's yeast was autolysed and the residual solids were further treated with hot alkali to produce a fraction containing 95% (w/w) carbohydrate, with a glycogen content of 42% and an apparent glucan content of ca. 53% (w/w). FTIR and solid state C-NMR spectra basically showed a spectrum characteristic for an impure -glucan. In vitro, this glucan induced release of prophenoloxidase from intact black tiger shrimp haemocytes. When fed to shrimp at 0.2% (w/w of the feed) for 3 days, significant increases in phenol oxidase, the number of haemocytes and the bacterial killing activity against the pathogen Vibrio harveyi were observed. Furthermore, this feeding resulted in the appearance of an inducible -(1,3)-glucanase in the liver. Methods to analyse the fractions are discussed and a number of commercial products with potential immune stimulating properties have been included for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

The use of probiotics is a common practice of current shrimp aquaculture. Despite the immunophysiological responses that have been measured in shrimp exposed to probiotics, no information is currently available on the effect of this practice on the intestinal microbiota. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of a probiotic mixture on the intestinal microbiota of shrimp cultured under farm conditions. A culture-independent method based on high-throughput-sequencing (16S rRNA) was used to examine intestinal bacterial communities. A traditional system (without probiotics) was used as the reference. Targeted metagenomics analysis revealed that the probiotic mixture was based on bacteria in the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. A total of 23 species of bacteria were detected in the probiotic mixture; of these, 11 were detected in the intestine of shrimp reared in both systems, and 12 were novel for the system. Eight of the novel species were detected in shrimp cultured with the probiotic mixture; however, none of these novel species were related to marine or inclusively aquacultural environments, and only one (Bacillus subtilis) was recognized as probiotic for shrimp. The use of the probiotic mixture modified the bacterial profile of the shrimp intestine; however, most of the bacteria incorporated into the intestine were nonindigenous to the marine environment with no previous evidence of probiotic effects on any marine organism. The use of this probiotic mixture may represent a risk of causing environmental imbalances, particularly because farms using these types of probiotic mixtures discharge their effluents directly into the ocean without prior treatment.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment -  相似文献   

Scent marking can provide behavioral and physiological information including territory ownership and mate advertisement. It is unknown how mating status and pair cohabitation influence marking by males from different social systems. We compared the highly territorial and monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) to the less territorial and promiscuous white-footed mouse (P. leucopus). Single and mated males of both species were assigned to one of the following arenas lined with filter paper: control (unscented arena), male scented (previously scent-marked by a male conspecific), or females present (containing females in small cages). As expected, the territorial P. californicus scent marked and overmarked an unfamiliar male conspecific's scent marks more frequently than P. leucopus. Species differences in responses to novel females were also found based on mating status. The presence of unfamiliar females failed to induce changes in scent marking in pair bonded P. californicus even though virgin males increased marking behavior. Pair bonding appears to reduce male advertisement for novel females. This is in contrast to P. leucopus males that continue to advertise regardless of mating status. Our data suggest that communication through scent-marking can diverge significantly between species based on mating system and that there are physiological mechanisms that can inhibit responsiveness of males to female cues.  相似文献   

We report characteristics of 16 college students with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection but without the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who received care at a student health center at a major university in California. Sociodemographic and clinical data and medical expenditures were obtained retrospectively from medical charts and computerized billing records. All 16 students were men who had sex with men, and 3 had also used intravenous drugs. Dermatologic conditions, upper respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal conditions, anemia, lymphadenopathy, sexually transmitted diseases, and ophthalmologic conditions were more frequent among HIV-infected students than among the general student population using the health center. On average, HIV-infected students visited the student health service about 3 times more often and incurred charges about 10 times higher than the general population of students visiting the health center. Student health centers, which have been at the forefront of developing strategies for HIV prevention, education, and counseling, must also develop treatment programs for HIV-infected students.  相似文献   

MsLDR-creator is a free web service to design assays for the new DNA methylation detection method msLDR. The service provides the user with all necessary information about the oligonucleotides required for the measurement of a given CpG within a sequence of interest. The parameters are calculated by the nearest neighbour approach to achieve optimal behaviour during the experimental procedure. In addition, to guarantee a good start using msLDR, further information, like protocols and hints and tricks, are provided.  相似文献   

Protein degradation in eukaryotic cells usually involves the attachment of a ubiquitin chain to a substrate protein and its subsequent sorting to the proteasome. Molecular mechanisms underlying the sorting process only recently began to emerge and rely on a cooperation of chaperone machineries and ubiquitin-chain recognition factors [1-3]. Here, we identify isoforms of the cochaperone HSJ1 as neuronal shuttling factors for ubiquitylated proteins. HSJ1 combines a J-domain that stimulates substrate loading onto the Hsc70 chaperone with ubiquitin interaction motifs (UIMs) involved in binding ubiquitylated chaperone clients. HSJ1 prevents client aggregation, shields clients against chain trimming by ubiquitin hydrolases, and stimulates their sorting to the proteasome. In this way, HSJ1 isoforms participate in ER-associated degradation (ERAD) and protect neurons against cytotoxic protein aggregation.  相似文献   

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