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Abstract. A mathematical model which describes the germination percentage dependency on time and temperature of a seed population was derived from the experimental results with a seed population of Amaranthus patulus Bertol. under sub-optimal temperature conditions (Washitani & Takenaka, 1984). The equation of the model which is a modified thermal time model is where G is germination percentage at a certain time after the start of imbibition ( t ) at a certain temperature ( T ), μ T 1 and σ T 1 are the mean and standard deviation of lower limit temperature among the seeds belonging to the seed population, and Tb, m , and A are the parameters characterizing the linear relationship between the rate and temperature, namely, Tb is the base temperature, m , the median of the required thermal time and A , a parameter determining the pattern of the variation of the required thermal time within seed population, respectively. The equation yields time courses for germination which are very similar to those observed by experiment.  相似文献   

野豌豆属4种植物种子萌发的积温模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以青藏高原野豌豆属窄叶野豌豆(Vicia angustifolia)、山野豌豆(V. amoena)、歪头菜(V. unijuga) 3种野生植物与一种当地栽培植物救荒野豌豆(箭筈豌豆) (V. sativa) ‘兰箭3号’种子为材料, 在5、10、15、20、25及30 ℃下进行萌发实验, 应用种子萌发的积温模型对上述4种植物萌发对温度的响应特征进行了比较分析。结果表明: 1)基于萌发速率(1/Tg)对种子萌发温度最低温Tb值的估计受萌发率(g)的影响较小; 与此不同, 除‘兰箭3号’种子外, 对萌发最高温Tc值的估计, 受到g的显著影响。 这表明种群内所有种子个体萌发的Tb值相对恒定, 但Tc值在有些物种中变异较大; 2)基于重复概率单位回归分析估计的种子萌发Tb值与基于萌发速率估计的值较为接近; 而由此方法估计的Tc值则与萌发率为50%时的估计值较为接近; 3)相比多年生豆科植物歪头菜和山野豌豆, 一年生豆科植物箭筈豌豆‘兰箭3号’与窄叶野豌豆具有相对较低的TbTc值; 4)积温模型可准确地预测休眠破除后豆科植物种子在不同温度条件下的萌发进程。  相似文献   

Thermoinhibition is the decline in germinability within a seed population as soil temperatures increase above the optimum for germination. Hydrothermal time (HTT) models have been developed that describe the thermoinhibition response as a function of increases in the threshold water potential for seed germination [seed base water potential, Ψ(b) (G)]. Although these models assume a normal distribution of Ψ(b) (G) and a linear upward shift in Ψ(b) (G) with increasing temperature, little research has tested these assumptions. Using germination data obtained from four unrelated plant species, we fitted HTT models that use the Weibull and normal distribution to describe Ψ(b) (G) and compared the accuracy and bias of these two HTT models. For all four species, Ψ(b) (G) and germination were more accurately described by the Weibull than the normal distribution HTT model. At supra-optimal temperatures, Ψ(b) (G) of the earliest germinating seeds showed little thermoinhibition effect so that the seeds germinated very rapidly under moist conditions. However, for the rest of the population, Ψ(b) (G) increased progressively in response to supra-optimal temperatures so that the slower germinating seeds were thermoinhibited. The fitted HTT models reveal aspects of seed thermoinhibition that appear to have adaptational value under variable conditions of soil temperature and moisture.  相似文献   

It is possible to predict the potential range of a species on the basis of its ecological characteristics and those of the invaded ecosystem. The existence of genetic variation indicates a species’ potential to respond to new environmental conditions, thus facilitating its success as an invader. Accordingly, evolutionary and ecological approaches are needed to identify the factors explaining both species’ range and their potential to invade new areas. We combined these two approaches and studied whether genetic variation in life‐history traits under abiotic (temperature) and biotic (host plant) selection pressures contributes to the potential range expansion of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). We reared full‐sib families of L. decemlineata from the current northernmost European population at 15 °C (temperature below that in the current range) and 25 °C (optimal temperature) and on three potato varieties. We monitored development time, adult weight and larval‐to‐adult survival, and estimated the amount of heritable variance. The development time and adult weight of progenies were more variable between than within families. Thus, there was genetic variability in traits relevant to the ability to adapt to a colder environment (i.e., accelerate development and become heavier) allowing range expansion further north in Europe, even though low temperature increased beetle mortality. Temperature strongly affected all traits measured. Potato variety, in turn, did not strongly affect beetles’ performance. Beetle ability to adapt to a cool environment was further enhanced by the fact that size was not constrained by fast development. The results showed that beetle populations possess genetic variation allowing a response to temperature and thus have the evolutionary potential to adapt and spread beyond their current range.  相似文献   

A model of the effects of water stress on seed advancement and germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model of seed germination is proposed which uses a variable with the units of an osmotic potential (virtual osmotic potential) to integrate the effect of a constant or a varying water potential. This differs from existing models that describe the effects of fixed water potentials on germination, or the effects of fixed priming water potentials on the subsequent germination at a fixed water potential. When a seed is sown, the virtual osmotic potential is assumed to fall at a rate that depends on the ambient water potential, and on the difference between its current and a minimum value. Radicle growth is assumed to initiate when the difference between the ambient water potential and the virtual osmotic potential exceeds a threshold. The germination of carrot and onion seeds at various fixed potentials below 0 MPa was well described by the virtual osmotic potential model. The model was also used to simulate the results of experiments in which seeds were given a single step change in water potential.  相似文献   

Potato cybrids result from the fusion between cytoplasm and nuclear gene donors. Such genetic materials are an alternative means to broaden the breeding pool by non‐sexual gene transfer. Tetrad pollen sterility provides also another source of male sterility with some potential for true potato seed breeding. The objective of this research was to investigate cybrid‐derived offspring for both agronomic and reproductive characteristics in two contrasting Peruvian locations, and to examine new exotic germplasm for tetrad sterility, with the aim of broadening the breeding pool available at the Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). The cybrids were derived from fusions between Y‐245.7, a clone with tetrad sterility, and Atzimba. These cybrids were crossed with selected male parents from the CIP breeding population, and their hybrid offspring were tested in La Molina (coastal desert) and Huancayo (cool highlands). In addition, other clones with tetrad sterility were also crossed with selected testers to determine their breeding value. There were significant differences for tuber yield, style length, and berry number among the hybrid offspring, and the genotype by environment interaction was significant for tuber yield and berry number. The top 25% highest yielding cybrid‐derived offspring across both locations showed the same tuber yield although they were significantly different for some of the reproductive characteristics. With the exception of one cybrid, the others did not exhibit segregation for tetrad sterility in their hybrid offspring, which were male fertile. However, the offspring derived from crosses between other sources of tetrad sterility and the same testers all showed tetrad sterility, and some of them had outstanding tuber yield at La Molina. The lack of segregation for tetrad sterility in these new crosses suggests that the non‐cybrid, male sterile, female parents are triplex or quadriplex for the Tr nuclear locus, which interacts with a sensitive cytoplasm (e.g. Trs from S. verrucosum or S. stoloniferum) to produce tetrad sterility in potato.  相似文献   

在根组织细胞分裂和细胞体积增大亚过程基础上,建立了一个综合根生长特征参数和环境影响在内的单根伸长的数学模型,同时实验观测了大豆根在不同的环境水势下的生长过程。模型计算结果与实验结果吻合较好。最后利用模型探讨了根伸长对环境因子变化的响应,以及根内水势分布。  相似文献   

A general model for determining time and rate of germination under continuously changing temperatures and other environmental parameters is proposed. The seed population may vary in size and density. The principle of the model is based upon the adherence of seed germination to an Arrhenius type system. The model, with slight modifications, may be applied to many temperature or other environmentally dependent biological systems.  相似文献   

In most tropical regions where wheat is grown under irrigation, high temperatures at sowing adversely affect crop establishment and subsequent seedling survival. The objective of this study was to compare wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes for their ability to germinate and grow at high temperatures during the seedling stage. Twenty-five seeds each of 14 spring wheat cultivars were placed on moist filter paper at different temperatures (5°C to 40°C) in a one-way thermogradient plate to determine the cardinal temperatures for germination. Rate of germination at each temperature for each genotype was computed as the inverse of time taken for 50% of the seeds to germinate. Rate of germination for each genotype at different temperatures was modelled with temperature to determine the base (tb), and optimum (topt) temperatures. Response of germination to temperature for each genotype was calculated as the slope of a linear regression of the rate of germination on temperature below topt. Genotypes differed in their optimum temperatures and Mexipak (= Kalyansona) had the lowest. Range in base temperature among the genotypes was between 0°C and 2°C differences but were not statistically significant though they might be biologically significant. Genotypes differed in their response to temperature with Gomam having the lowest rate, implying that it was slow to respond to increasing temperatures. Debeira and Cham 6 showed a similar response. Three lines which had performed well in spring wheat evaluation trials for moderate rainfall areas under heat stress had the highest response rate. It is concluded that combining higher optimum temperatures with faster response rates would result in better-adapted germplasm for regions where high temperatures persist at sowing.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Solanaceae seed morphology and physiology have been widely studied but mainly in domesticated crops. The present study aimed to compare the seed morphology and the physiology of germination of Solanum lycocarpum, an important species native to the Brazilian Cerrado, with two species with endospermic seeds, tomato and coffee. METHODS: Morphological parameters of fruits and seeds were determined by microscopy. Germination was monitored for 40 d under different temperature regimes. Endosperm digestion and resistance, with endo-beta-mannanase activity and required force to puncture the endosperm cap as respective markers, were measured during germination in water and in abscisic acid. KEY RESULTS: Fruits of S. lycocarpum contain dormant seeds before natural dispersion. The best germination condition found was a 12-h alternating light/dark and high/low (20/30 degrees C) temperature cycle, which seemed to target properties of the endosperm cap. The endosperm cap contains 7-8 layers of elongated polygonal cells and is predestined to facilitate radicle protrusion. The force required to puncture the endosperm cap decreased in two stages during germination and showed a significant negative correlation with endo-beta-mannanase activity. As a result of the thick endosperm cap, the puncture force was significantly higher in S. lycocarpum than in tomato and coffee. Endo-beta-mannanase activity was detected in the endosperm cap prior to radicle protrusion. Abscisic acid inhibited germination, increase of embryo weight during imbibition, the second stage of weakening of the endosperm cap and of endo-beta-mannanase activity in the endosperm cap. CONCLUSIONS: The germination mechanism of S. lycocarpum bears resemblance to that of tomato and coffee seeds. However, quantitative differences were observed in embryo pressure potential, endo-beta-mannanase activity and endosperm cap resistance that were related to germination rates across the three species.  相似文献   

在0%、0.3%、0.6%NaCl胁迫下,检测转BADH基因马铃薯及其受体亲本‘甘农薯2号’的盆栽植株耐盐性的结果表明:BADH基因的遗传性稳定且转基因植株的耐盐性比非转基因的强。  相似文献   

A total of 59 Solanum tuberosum androgenetic plants have been obtained through anther culture, 47 of which derived from a tetraploid clone, seven from a diploid hybrid, and five from an anther-derived clone. About two thirds of the anther-derived plants were dihaploids, a few were monohaploids (5.08%) or aneuploids (6.78%), whereas the tetraploid genotype generated about a third of tetraploids. Seven hundred twenty seven R1 plants arisen from tubers of the androgenetic potatoes were mechanically inoculated with the necrotic strain of the potato Y potyvirus (PVYN) and grown in a glasshouse. Fifty days after inoculation, the presence of PVYN in R1 plants was detected by DAS-ELISA (Double Autibody Sandwich). Only three plants (0.4%) of genotype H2-258 exhibited local necrotic symptoms (hypersensitivity reaction) suggesting the presence of the N y gene, and this extreme resistance is epistatic to hypersensitive resistance. The immunity (R y-gene) to PVYN was retained through anther culturing and present at all levels of ploidy. The pattern of segregation for immunity was differentiated according to the ploidy level of the anther-derived plants. This changed segregation pattern may be due to a loss of resistance during the culturing, when an endoreduplication has taken place or to the possible regeneration from Second-division restituted unreduced microspores. Anyway, this segregation pattern must be taken into account when gametoclones are used in genetic studies. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2007, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 572–578. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Pectin is a complex polysaccharide and an integral part of the primary plant cell wall and middle lamella, contributing to cell wall mechanical strength and cell adhesion. To understand the structure–function relationships of pectin in the cell wall, a set of transgenic potato lines with altered pectin composition was analysed. The expression of genes encoding enzymes involved in pectin acetylation, degradation of the rhamnogalacturonan backbone and type and length of neutral side chains, arabinan and galactan in particular, has been altered. Upon crossing of different transgenic lines, some transgenes were not transmitted to the next generation when these lines were used as a pollen donor, suggesting male sterility. Viability of mature pollen was severely decreased in potato lines with reduced pectic arabinan, but not in lines with altered galactan side chains. Anthers and pollen of different developmental stages were microscopically examined to study the phenotype in more detail. Scanning electron microscopy of flowers showed collapsed pollen grains in mature anthers and in earlier stages cytoplasmic protrusions at the site of the of kin pore, eventually leading to bursting of the pollen grain and leaking of the cytoplasm. This phenomenon is only observed after the microspores are released and the tapetum starts to degenerate. Timing of the phenotype indicates a role for pectic arabinan side chains during remodelling of the cell wall when the pollen grain is maturing and dehydrating.  相似文献   

Previous studies report that the low colonisation success on eroded roadslopes of semiarid environments is controlled by microsite limitations. We predicted that soil water availability, through its effect on seed germination, is a determinant factor in the colonisation process of roadslopes in semiarid environments. Moreover, we predicted that the success of species establishment on the harshest roadslope conditions (i.e., south-facing roadcuts) is either due to the ability of seeds to germinate fast at low water potentials (colonising species) or to the ability of plants to sprout (resistant species). Specifically we present evidence for: (1) soil drying occurs faster on roadcuts than on roadfills after a rainfall event; (2) germination is a filtering process that influences the success of species establishment on roadslopes; (3) species able to colonise successfully south-facing roadcuts have higher germination rates and a shorter time to germination under water-stress conditions than species able to colonise successfully but exclusively the most favourable roadslopes (i.e., roadfills); (4) species that live on south-facing roadcuts and have the ability to sprout do not necessarily germinate with germinating rates and speeds as high as species that colonise successfully these slopes but are unable to sprout. To test these hypotheses we compared water dynamics in the soil among roadslope types and aspects as well as the seed ability to germinate at low water potentials among species showing different regeneration strategies and establishment success on roadslopes. Soil water availability after rainfalls occurring during the germination period played a major role in the germination of seeds. The patterns of seed germination under water-stress conditions were consistent with the success of colonising species on roadslopes and with the distribution of adult plants in the roadslopes 8 years after these latter were built. We discuss the usefulness of these results for the improvement of revegetation projects in semiarid areas by means of an appropriate selection of species adapted to the local environmental conditions. We suggest that the ability of species to germinate under water stress could be an indication of a species’ potential for success under semiarid conditions. Responsible Editor: John McPherson Cheeseman.  相似文献   

Abstract A convenient test system for screening the thermal germination behaviour of seeds was developed for both basic and applied research in seed germination ecophysiology. Only two temperature-controlled facilities, a test period of about a month and a relatively small number of sample seeds arc needed to obtain information on the thermal-germination parameters of individual seed populations, such as lower or higher limit temperatures, and thermal times required for germination. In the test system, the germination performances of sample seed populations were compared under two temperature regimes: a gradually increasing temperature regime and a gradually decreasing temperature regime, in which the seeds were subjected to gradually changing temperatures in the range of 4 36°C. In order to assess the effects of various values for thermal-germination parameters on the patterns of germination performance in the system, the behaviour of model seeds characterized by a definite set of thermal germination parameters were investigated. Referring to the results of the simulations, the actual germination patterns of some wild-seed populations in the test system were interpreted in terms of thermal-germination parameters.  相似文献   

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