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The saturated oxygen concentration in a series of aqueous solutions of sorbitol (up to 35% w/w) and maltitol (up to 50% w/w) was measured using colorimetric reagent vials based on Rhodazine D. The results indicate that the solubility of oxygen in low-water carbohydrates is considerably lower than its solubility in pure water. It was concluded that the low-oxygen solubility is a major factor contributing to the barrier properties of low-water content carbohydrates used in the encapsulation of flavours, lipids, peptides and other oxidisable species.  相似文献   

The partial pressure of oxygen and other gases dissolved in water and subjected to high hydrostatic pressure is increased. Although this was established many years ago it remains a problematical phenomenon. The review deals with some of the underlying theoretical difficulties and discusses the kinetic and environmental implications of the pressure-enhanced partial pressures.  相似文献   

东海区大型水母数量分布特征及其与温盐度的关系   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
以 2 0 0 4年 4月和 6月东海区中北部海域大型水母的监测调查结果为依据 ,分析了东海区大型水母的主要种类组成、数量分布及其与温度、盐度环境的关系、以及主要种类间的个体生长差异。结果表明 :4月大型水母的优势种类多管水母约占 75 %、霞水母约占 15 %和沙水母约占 5 % ;6月大型水母的优势种类沙海蜇约占 6 0 %、多管水母约占 2 0 %和霞水母约占 10 %。其中沙海蜇和霞水母为往年东海区大量暴发的种类。沙海蜇为低温高盐种 ,适温范围为 12~ 17℃ ,主要分布于黄海冷水团伸向东海舌锋的锋面以北海域 ,密集分布区最高网产为 10 0 0 0 kg/ h左右 ;霞水母为暖水高盐种 ,适温范围为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ,主要密集分布于东海北部的暖水控制海域。黄海冷水团势力强弱可作为判别沙海蜇暴发程度的一个重要参考因子。东海区大型水母主要优势种的生长速度以沙海蜇最快 ,其次为霞水母 ,而多管水母相对较慢 ,且个体偏小  相似文献   

The effect of salinity and time of exposure on metabolism and growth of juveniles of fat snook, Centropomus parallelus, were investigated. Food conversion efficiency (FCE), specific growth rate (SGR), oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion rate and O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio were assessed on groups of fat-snook (mean weight 2 g) acclimated for 15- and 30-day periods, to 5‰, 20‰ and 30‰ salinities. For 15-day period, differences between FCEs as well as SGRs at different salinities were not significant. For 30-day period, however, these differences were significant between 5‰ and the other salinities, with the highest and lowest values at 5‰ and 30‰, respectively, for both parameters. Salinity and acclimation period exerted significant influence on the oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion and the O:N ratio of juveniles of C. parallelus. The lowest and highest oxygen consumption was at 20‰ for 15- and 30-day period, respectively. Differences in oxygen consumption between fishes maintained at 5‰ and at 30‰ were not significant, at each period, while between those maintained at 5‰ and 20‰, and at 20‰ and 30‰ differences were significant. Ammonia excretion rates were significantly different between all salinities, at each period, and between periods at each salinity, except at 30‰. The highest and lowest rates were found at 5‰ and 30‰, respectively. The highest O:N ratio for 15-day period was at 30‰ with no difference between those at 5‰ and 20‰. For 30-day period, differences of O:N ratio were significant between salinities. The effect of acclimation period on the O:N was significant only at 20‰. Although C. parallelus is a fish species adapted to face a wide variation of environmental salinity, results show that juvenile fishes kept at different salinities, in laboratory, found better condition to efficiently channel the energy of food into growth at 5‰ for both acclimation periods.  相似文献   

The generally accepted view that rates of oxygen consumption of tissues and poikilotherms increase regularly with rising temperature was subjected to careful examination using brain slices and skin of rats and nine different species of aquatic and terrestrial animals. It was found that, although there are statements in the literature to the contrary, the influence of temperature is a regular one and respiration increases with rising temperature so that when rates of oxygen consumption are plotted against temperature the resulting curve is regular without dips or peaks except the maximum expected at the optimum temperature.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption rates of juvenile spot, Leiostomus xanthums , were measured over a range of temperatures, salinities and fish weights. As predicted, Q O2 increased with temperature and decreased with body weight. However, Q O2 decreased with decreasing salinity and did not show the expected minimum at isosmotic concentrations. The data are best described by the relationship: log10 Q O2 (mg O2 g−1 h−1) = 0.129 loglo salinity (%0) + 1.604 log10 temperature (°C)-0.1401og10(g)-2.767.  相似文献   

The salinity tolerance of two commercial rootstocks used for loquat plants (Eribotrya japonica Lindl.), loquat and anger, was studied in a pot experiment. The plants were irrigated using solutions containing 5 and 50mM NaCl and 5 and 25mM calcium acetate for 4 months. The growth, tissue mineral content, water status, and leaf gas exchange responses to salt treatment with and without additional calcium were examined. Plant growth was not modified by salinity in anger (50mM), but was reduced in loquat; leaf biomass and stem diameter were particularly affected. However, Cl(-) levels leaf increased with salinity to a greater extent in anger, while the Na(+) content increased to the same extent in both species, indicating that ion transport from root to leaves was not inhibited in either species. Additional calcium (25mM) reduced Na(+) and Cl(-) concentrations in both species, but did not minimise the effects of salinity on the growth of salt-treated loquat plants. The decrease in K(+) concentrations had no effect on growth, as anger was the most tolerant rootstock and had lowest leaf K(+) content. Salinity reduced the Ca(2+) concentration in the roots of both species. However, when calcium was added, the concentration of Ca(2+) increased in the roots of salinised plants. Leaf water potential at pre-dawn decreased significantly in both species under saline conditions. Leaf gas exchange, stomatal conductance and, in particular, net CO(2) assimilation, decreased with salinity only in loquat, indicating that photosynthesis could be the growth-limiting factor in this species.  相似文献   

温度和盐度对中华多刺鱼胚胎发育过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年3-5月,在北京怀柔水库入库河流怀九河的西四渡河河段,采集性成熟的中华多刺鱼(Pungitius sinensis),人工干法授精获取受精卵,观察并记录受精卵的胚胎发育历程;设置温度和盐度梯度,观察温度和盐度对中华多刺鱼胚胎发育过程的影响。结果表明:北京地区的中华多刺鱼胚胎发育的起始温度(生物学零度)为4.7℃,适宜的发育水温为14.0℃-16.0℃,与中华多刺鱼繁殖盛期(4月中下旬)自然水体的水温相近;平均水温14.0℃时,中华多刺鱼完成胚胎发育约需183h;水温升至22.5℃时,胚胎的孵化率仅为22.2%;水温升至25.0℃时,受精卵不能孵化,此温度应是中华多刺鱼胚胎发育温度的上限。实验表明,北京地区中华多刺鱼的胚胎对盐度的耐受力较为有限,在与自然水体相同的盐度下(0‰)其孵化率接近100%;随着盐度的升高,孵化率降低,8‰盐度时,仅有56%的受精卵孵化;至20‰时,受精卵全部死亡,此盐度应为中华多刺鱼胚胎发育的盐度上限。  相似文献   

缘管浒苔和浒苔对海水盐度胁迫的生理响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探讨大型海藻对盐度的生理响应及其适应机制,以缘管浒苔和浒苔为试验材料,研究了不同盐度的稀释或浓缩海水处理10 d对浒苔属植物鲜质量(FM)、相对生长速率(RGR)、相对电导率(REC)、叶绿素含量(Chl)、类胡萝卜素含量(Car)、色素比值(Chl a/Chl b、Chl/Car)、叶绿素荧光参数和渗透调节能力(OAA)的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,10% ~ 200%海水处理均明显促进两浒苔属品种的FM和RGR,缘管浒苔和浒苔分别在100%和50%海水处理下的FM和RGR达到最大值;300%海水处理显著抑制两浒苔生长,缘管浒苔受抑制程度较大;缘管浒苔的生物量仅在50%、100%海水处理下呈现正增长,浒苔生物量在10%、50%、100%、200%海水处理下均呈现正增长.10%海水处理下,两浒苔的Chl、Car、Chl a/Chl b显著上升,且随海水盐度的增加,呈现先增后降,缘管浒苔和浒苔的Chl、Car、Chl a/Chl b分别在100%、50%海水处理下达到最大值.随盐度的增加,叶绿素荧光参数PSⅡ最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ实际光能转化效率(Yield)、最大相对电子传递速率(rETRmax)、光能利用效率(α)和半饱和光强(Ik)都显示与Chl相同的变化趋势.10% ~ 300%海水处理下,浒苔属均表现出一定的OAA,缘管浒苔在100%海水处理下,OAA达到最大值,浒苔在50%海水处理下,OAA达到最大值.两浒苔的生长指标除与Chl/Car无明显的相关性,与REC呈极显著负相关,与Chl、Car、Chl a/Chl b、Fv/Fm、Yield、rETRmax、α、Ik、OAA呈极显著正相关.100%和50%海水处理分别对缘管浒苔和浒苔的生长最适宜,浒苔生长适应盐度的范围比缘管浒苔宽.REC、Chl、Car、Chl a/Chl b、Fv/Fm、Yield、rETRmmax、α、Ik和OAA均可以作为浒苔属植物生长盐适应性的评价指标.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of salinity and water temperature on the ecological performance of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in culture-experiments to identify levels that could potentially limit survival and growth and, thus, the spatial distribution of eelgrass in temperate estuaries. The experiments included eight levels of salinity (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35‰) and seven water temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27.5 and 30 °C). Low salinity (i.e. 5 and 2.5‰) increased mortality (3–6-fold) and had a strong negative effect on shoot morphology (number of leaves per shoot reduced by 40% and shoot biomass reduced by 30–40%), photosynthetic capacity (Pmax—reduced by 30–80%) and growth (production of new leaves reduced by 50–60%, leaf elongation rate reduced by 60–70% and production of side-shoots reduced by 40–60%), whereas eelgrass performed almost equally well at salinities between 10 and 35‰. The optimum salinity for eelgrass was between 10 and 25‰ depending on the response parameter in question. Extreme water temperatures had an overall negative impact on eelgrass, although via different mechanisms. Low water temperatures (5 °C) slowed down photosynthetic rate (by 75%) and growth (production of new leaves by 30% and leaf elongation rate by 80%), but did not affect mortality, whereas high temperatures (25–30 °C) increased mortality (12-fold) and lowered both photosynthetic rate (by 50%) and growth (production of new leaves by 50% and leaf elongation rate by 75%). The optimum water temperature for eelgrass appeared to lie between 10 and 20 °C. These results show that extreme conditions may affect the fitness of eelgrass and, thus, may potentially limit its distribution in coastal and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic behaviour of Dunaliella parva Lerche from the athalassic lagoon of Fuente de Piedra (Málaga, Southern Spain) was studied experimentally at three NaCl concentrations (1, 2 and 3 M), five temperatures (15, 23, 31, 38 and 42°C) and nine different irradiances between 82 and 891 mol m–2 s–1. Results are analyzed to define the best growing conditions for the algae. D. parva shows the highest photosynthetic rates at a NaCl molarity of 2 M, under a moderate light intensity (600 mol m–2 s–1) at 31°C. Above this light intensity a clear photoinhibition of the photosynthesis was found at 2 M and 3 M of NaCl. D. parva is a halotolerant and a thermoresistant species as evidenced by its net photosynthesis rate and positive values of oxygen evolution at 42°C.Two methods for modelling photosynthesis vs. irradiance curves are discussed. The first is a single model, based on third-order polynomial equations, and the second is double model, based on hyperbolical Michaelis-Menten type functions and negative exponential to define photoinhibition.  相似文献   

A static method was developed that simultaneously determined the solubility of oxygen and the oxygen-transfer coefficient in a stirred bioreactor. It was based on the static method developed by van Sonsbeek et al. to determine the ka in a liquid-impelled loop reactor. Only physical properties of the liquid were used to determine both parameters using a mass spectrometer. Data about the solubility of oxygen in water are available from the literature. Therefore, the solubility of oxygen in water was used to compare our data with published data. Furthermore, the solubility of oxygen in trypticase soy broth was compared to literature data. No significant deviations between our data and literature data could be observed. Our static method and the commonly applied dynamic method to determine the oxygen-transfer coefficient yielded similar results. The effect of temperature on the oxygen-transfer coefficient could be expressed as the activation energy needed for the transition of oxygen from the gas to the water phase. This was verified using the Arrhenius equation. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

During continuous cultivation of Yarrowia lipolytica N 1, oxygen requirements for growth and citric acid synthesis were found to depend on the iron concentration in the medium. A coupled effect of oxygen and iron concentrations on the functioning of the mitochondrial electron transport chain in Y. lipolytica N 1 was established. Based on the results obtained in continuous culture, conditions for citric acid production in a batch culture of Y. lipolytica N 1 were proposed. At relatively low pO(2) value and a high iron concentration, citric acid accumulation was as high as 120 g l(-1); the specific rate of citric acid synthesis reached 120 mg citric acid (g cells h)(-1). The mass yield coefficient was 0.87 and the energy yield coefficient was 0.31.  相似文献   

Crisman  Thomas L.  Chapman  Lauren J.  Chapman  Colin A. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,368(1-3):149-155
This study examines the relationship of profundal oxygen concentrations in 55 shallow Florida lakes to humic color, trophic state, and lake size during different seasons. The data set represented a broad range of color and trophic state. The percent saturation of dissolved oxygen remained relatively constant during the fall (mean 78.4%), winter (mean 81.3%), and spring (mean 82.5%), but declined markedly during summer (mean 65.2%). Chlorophyll a concentrations were highest during the winter (mean 2.52 mg m–3) and lowest during the fall (mean 1.17 mg m–3), while color peaked during the fall (mean 30.1 mg Pt l–1) and was lowest during the summer (mean 12.7 mg Pt l–1). The relative importance of lake size, chlorophyll a, and color in explaining variation in percent oxygen saturation was examined using multiple regression. Percent oxygen saturation was negatively correlated with color during the winter, spring, and summer, and positively correlated with lake size in the winter and spring. However, percent oxygen saturation showed no relationship with chlorophyll a during any season. These results suggest that colored Florida lakes are naturally oxygen depleted and that profundal oxygen values have little relationship to lake trophic state. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Marine toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Gambierdiscus are the causative agents of ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), a seafood poisoning that is widespread in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. In the main island of Japan, distributions of Gambierdiscus australes, Gambierdiscus scabrosus and two phylotypes of Gambierdiscus spp. type 2 and type 3, have been reported. To discuss the bloom dynamics of these Japanese species/phylotypes of Gambierdiscus, first we tested six culture media to optimize growth conditions and then clarified the effects of temperature and salinity and temperature–salinity interactions on growth. All strains of the species/phylotypes tested showed the highest cell yields when they were cultivated in IMK/2 medium. G. australes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew in the range 17.5–30 °C, whereas Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 grew in 15–25 °C. The semi-optimal temperature ranges (≥80% of the maximal growth rate) of the former three species/phylotypes were 19–28 °C, 24–31 °C and 21–28 °C, respectively, whereas that of the latter phylotype was 22–25 °C. Hence, Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 may be adapted to relatively lower water temperatures of ≤25 °C. In contrast, G. australes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 presumably possess adaptability to relatively high water temperatures. The optimal temperature for G. scabrosus was 30 °C, whereas the optimal temperature for the others was 25 °C. G. australes and Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 grew in a salinity range of 25–40 whereas G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew in salinity 20–40. Furthermore, the semi-optimal salinity range of G. australes, G. scabrosus, Gambierdiscus spp. type 2 and type 3 were salinity 27–38, 24–36, 22–36 and 29–37, respectively. Among the species/phylotypes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew even at salinity 20 where the others did not grow, thus possessing adaptability to low salinity waters. Our results clearly demonstrate that the optimal and tolerable temperature–salinity conditions differ among Japanese Gambierdiscus species/phylotypes. Considering these results, temperature–salinity interactions may play an important role in bloom dynamics and the distribution of the Gambierdiscus species/phylotypes in Japanese coastal waters.  相似文献   

Twenty-two years of rainfall data from six sites, 5 years of animal migration data and 2 years of water quality at 13 sites were explored to quantify the role of water in the Tarangire ecosystem. Inter-annual fluctuations in rainfall were large and not predictable solely from the Southern Oscillation Index. Seasonal fluctuations of rainfall were pronounced, with marked wet and dry seasons. In the dry season, the only drinking water available for wildlife was the Tarangire River and a number of small, scattered wetland-fringed water holes. Their salinity was often high (>8 ppt) and was higher in dry years than in wet years, as well as at the start of the wet season. Water quantity and quality may control the annual migration of wildebeest, zebra, elephants and buffaloes. These animals aggregate in the dry season in areas with the least salty water. The timing of seasonal variations in rainfall is largely predictable and controls annual migration. All wildebeest and most zebras migrated out of Tarangire National Park and into the wider Tarangire ecosystem at the start of the wet season, and they returned into the park in the dry season. Some elephants and buffaloes also migrated in out of the park and a larger resident population remained, whose size may vary inter-annually depending on surface water quantity and quality. The extent of the migration zone may also vary inter-annually.This revised version wa published online in March 2005 with corrections to the issue cover date.  相似文献   

The association of diatom assemblages to salinity was studied in 95 lakes and streams ranging from freshwater to hypersaline in the south-west of Western Australia. The relationship between environmental variables and species composition was explored using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and partial CCA. Salinity was shown to account for a significant and independent amount of variation in the diatom data, enabling a transfer function to be developed based on the final dataset, which consisted of 89 sites and 150 diatom taxa. The most successful model was derived using tolerance-downweighted weighted averaging. Summary statistics showed that the transfer function performed very well with a high coefficient of determination and low prediction errors that remained high after the cross-validation method of jackknifing (r apparent2 = 0.97 and r jackknifed2 = 0.89). This suggests that salinity can be accurately predicted using relative abundances of diatoms, and the model can now be applied to paleolimnological reconstructions. However, the transfer function also provides the basis for use in future biomonitoring studies to detect increases in salinity for lakes and streams most at risk, as well as to evaluate the success of remediation measures implemented to secondary salinised systems. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992, the Latin American epidemic strain of Vibrio cholerae O1 was isolated from ballast water, bilge water, and sewage taken from cargo ships docked in Mobile Bay, Alabama. The findings raised questions regarding the organism's ability to survive long-term aboard ships and to withstand the exchange of ballast at sea. The effects of temperature (6, 18, and 30°C) and salinity (8, 16, and 32 ppt) on survival of V. cholerae O1 strains C6706 and C6707 and a ballast water isolate in sterile seawater were determined. The ballast water isolate, which had a D-value (number of days required to produce a 1 log10 reduction in colony-forming units per milliliter) of 240 days at 18°C, 32 ppt salinity, had the longest survival time. The range of D-values was 36–240 days at 18°C, 60–120 days at 30°C, and 5–20 days at 6°C. In sterile seawater short-term survival was temperature dependent, whereas long-term survival was salinity dependent. In raw seawater, survival time of the ballast water isolate was reduced to 12–27 days, implying the existence of biological influences. As also shown in our previous work, the organism appeared to be able to survive for several months under relatively stable conditions in ballast water aboard ships; however, viability may be reduced to only a few weeks after the organism is introduced into estuarine or marine environments. Correspondence to: Susan A. McCarthy.  相似文献   

Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss, an annual herb in the family of Brassicaceae, is widely distributed in many sandy and gypseous areas in southern Tunisia. Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess the effects of temperature and salinity on seed germination and recovery responses after seed transfer to distilled water. The germination responses of the seeds in complete darkness were determined over a wide range of temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C) and salinities (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM NaCl). Germination was inhibited by either an increase or decrease in temperature from the optimal temperature (15 °C). Highest germination percentages were obtained under non-saline conditions and an increase in NaCl concentrations progressively inhibited seed germination. Rate of germination decreased with an increase in salinity at all temperatures but comparatively higher rates were obtained at 15 °C. Salt stress decreased both the percentage and the rate of germination. An interaction between salinity and temperature yielded no germination at 200 mM NaCl. Seeds were transferred from salt solution to distilled water after 20 days, and those from low salinities recovered at all temperatures. At NaCl concentration of 200 mM, the recovery of germination was completely inhibited.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Rates of growth (length increase of stolons) and of asexual reproduction (increase in number of polyps) were determined in secondaryClava multicornis colonies of a clone exposed to 12 different combinations of water temperature and salinity (12°, 17°, 22° C; 16 , 24 , 32 , 40 S). Sexual reproduction (via gonophores) has been observed only at 12° and 17° C; temperature and salinity ranges are narrower for sexual than for asexual reproduction.2. The data obtained are insufficient for a detailed analysis; they provide, however, interesting insights into the variability of growth and reproduction ofC. multicornis caused by different intensities of temperature and salinity.3. It appears that temperature requirements for maximum colony increase are reduced as the colony grows older.4. One feeding period per 24 hours seems insufficient for maximum growth and reproduction at the higher temperature levels, especially at 22° C.5. The different degrees of environmental stress endured during the initial period of transfer into the test combinations of temperature and salinity have affected the resulting colony size at least up to an age of 39 days. More appropriate criteria for assessment of rates of growth and reproduction are therefore the doubling times (number of days within which stolon length and polyp numbers taken 20 days after initiation of experiments have doubled).6. On the basis of doubling time values, increase in stolon length is progressively reduced with increasing water temperature (12°, 17°, 22° C). At 12° and 17° C stolons grow fastest in 32 , followed by 24 , 16 and 40 S; at 22° C stolon growth rates are identical in 32 and 24 S.7. Doubling times of polyp numbers per colony show a less obvious trend. In 56-day-old colonies, however, stolon length and polyp number are modified to similar degrees by the various temperatures and salinities offered. The sequence of temperatures causing fastest increase in polyp number is 12°>17°>22° C; the respective sequence of salinities reads: 24 , 32 , 16 , 40 S.8. Stolon length and polyp number per colony increase exponentially; most curves obtained exhibit undulations indicating endogenous growth rhythms.9. During the initial period of transfer into the final test media, asexual reproduction via budding seems to have been stimulated by a reduction in salinity.10. The doubling times obtained forC. multicornis are considerably longer than those found forCordylophora caspia and indicate that our culture conditions may have been suboptimal.
Wachstum und Reproduktion als Funktion von Temperatur und Salzgehalt beiClava multicornis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)
Kurzfassung Einzelpolypen eines Klons vonC. multicornis Forskål wurden schrittweise in 12 verschiedene Temperatur-Salzgehalts-Kombinationen überführt und — während sie zu neuen Kolonien heranwuchsen — das Längenwachstum ihrer Stolonen, die Geschwindigkeit ihrer asexuellen Vermehrung durch Knospung neuer Hydranthen sowie die Gonophorenausbildung (sexuelle Fortpflanzung) registriert. Die erhaltenen Daten sind unzureichend für eine detaillierte Analyse, gewähren jedoch interessante Einblicke in die Bedeutung der verschiedenen Temperatur- und Salzgehaltsbedingungen für Wachstum und Vermehrung. Die anfängliche, schrittweise Überführung in die Testmedien verursacht per se Leistungsunterschiede, deren Auswirkungen sich mindestens bis zu einem Alter von 39 Tagen verfolgen lassen. Doubling times stellen daher objektivere Kriterien dar als absolute Zuwachswerte. Die doubling times von Kolonien, welche länger als 20 Tage in den Testmedien gewachsen waren, zeigen eine Verringerung der Stolonenzuwachsrate mit steigender Temperatur (12°, 17°, 22° C). Die Reihenfolge der fördernden Wirkung der einzelnen Salzgehaltsstufen ergibt sich zu 32 , 24 , 16 , 40 S. Im Prinzip ähnliche Verhältnisse liegen hinsichtlich der asexuellen Vermehrungsrate vor. Bemessen an den getesteten Kriterien scheinen die Temperaturansprüche mit zunehmendem Koloniealter abzunehmen. Die errechneten doubling times sind wesentlich länger als beiCordylophora; möglicherweise deutet dieser Unterschied auf inadäquate Kulturbedingungen (Fütterung, Wasserbewegung) hin.

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