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The inability of many higher eukaryotes to convert 5-fluorocytosine to cytotoxic 5-fluorouracil presents the possibility of using the bacterial cytosine deaminase codA gene for negative selection. In transformed plant callus, expression of codA results in cell death on 5-fluorocytosine. In transgenic tobacco and Lotus japonicus plants the substrate-dependent negative marker segregates as a single dominant gene, and on 5-fluorocytosine CodA+ seedlings stop growing at the early seedling stage. Positive selection of CodA+ tobacco on the pyrimidine biosynthetic inhibitor N -(phosphonacetyl)- l -aspartate was obtained, by pyrimidine salvage from external cytosine. Activity of cytosine deaminase was determined by conversion of labelled cytosine to uracil followed by separation in thin layer chromatography. The codA marker therefore provides substrate-dependent negative and positive selection, together with cytosine deaminase reporter activity.  相似文献   

The usefulness of the E. coli codA gene encoding cytosine deaminase as a conditional toxic gene was explored during various stages of plant development and in different Agrobacterium -mediated transformation protocols. To this end, several independent tobacco lines transgenic for codA were isolated and these were tested for their sensitivity to 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) at different developmental stages. On media supplemented with 5-FC, seedling proliferation was inhibited. Leaves failed completely to regenerate sprouts on 5-FC-containing medium. However, 40% of the shoots regenerated on non-selective medium still formed roots on rooting medium with 5-FC. In all these assays, control plants were unaffected by up to 1 mg m1−1 5-FC. Transformation of a codA and nptll -harbouring T-DNA to tobacco leaf discs did not result in any regenerant using a combined 5-FC and kanamycin selection, indicating that codA does not behave as a cell-autonomous marker here. Nevertheless, transformation of the same T-DNA to tobacco protoplasts resulted in some enrichment of codA nptll + calluses using the proper combination of 5-FC and kanamycin for selection. Mixing of codA -containing and codA -lacking tobacco protoplasts revealed that the codA gene may behave as a cell autonomous marker under certain, appropriately chosen conditions, which seems to be in paradox with the total absence of escapes in tissue explant transformation. In all these experiments, 250 µg ml−1 5-FC was found to be the most optimal for selection. Our results suggest that codA can be successfully used as a negative selectable marker in Agrobacterium -mediated gene targeting protocols of tobacco whereby selection at the shoot regeneration level is the most effective.  相似文献   

The amido hydrolase encoded by the T-DNA gene 2 catalyzes the conversion of indole-acetamide, -naphthalene acetamide, and other substrate analogues into the corresponding auxins. As a result, only gene 2-expressing protoplast-derived tobacco cells can grow in medium containing low concentrations (0.2–1 M) of -naphthalene acetamide as auxin precursor. However, in a mixture of SR1 and SR1, gene 2 + protoplast-derived cells, cross-feeding occurs and consequently no positive selection for gene 2 is obtained. A 100-times higher concentration of -naphthalene acetamide (between 30 and 300 M) provides a negative selection scheme. Only the tobacco cells expressing gene 2 are sensitive to the high naphthalene acetamide concentration and cannot grow to colonies, while cells lacking the gene 2 product regenerate calli even in mixed gene 2 + and gene 2 cell populations. Thus, gene 2 might provide a unique biochemically defined marker to investigate mutations and gene inactivation.  相似文献   

Yao L  Yan H  Cukier RI 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(7):2301-2310
Yeast cytosine deaminase, a zinc metalloenzyme, catalyzes the deamination of cytosine to uracil. Experimental and computational evidence indicates that the rate-limiting step is product release, instead of the chemical reaction step. In this work, we use molecular dynamics to suggest ligand exit paths. Simulation at 300 K shows that the active site is well protected by the C-terminal helix (residues 150-158) and F-114 loop (residues 111-117) and that on the molecular dynamics timescale water does not flow in or out of the active site. In contrast, simulation at 320 K shows a significant increase in flexibility of the C-terminal helix and F-114 loop. The motions of these two regions at 320 K open the active site and permit water molecules to diffuse into and out of the active site through two paths with one much more favored than the other. Cytosine is pushed out of the active site by a restraint method in two directions specified by these two paths. In path 1 the required motion of the protein is local-involving only the C-terminal helix and F-114 loop-and two residues, F-114 and I-156, are identified that have to be moved away to let cytosine out; whereas in path 2, the protein has to rearrange itself much more extensively, and the changes are also much larger compared to the path 1 simulation.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - The gene specifying cytosine deaminase (cod) is shown to be located at approximately 86 minutes on the linkage map of E. coli. The corresponding gene in S....  相似文献   

Class switch recombination, gene conversion, and somatic hypermutation that diversify rearranged Ig genes to produce various classes of high affinity Abs are dependent on the enzyme activation-induced cytosine deaminase (AID). Evidence suggests that somatic hypermutation is due to error-prone DNA repair that is initiated by AID-mediated deamination of cytosine in DNA, whereas the mechanism by which AID controls recombination remains to be elucidated. In this study, using a yeast model system, we have observed AID-dependent recombination. Expression of human AID in wild-type yeast is mutagenic for G-C to A-T transitions, and as expected, this mutagenesis is increased upon inactivation of uracil-DNA glycosylase. AID expression also strongly induces intragenic mitotic recombination, but only in a strain possessing uracil-DNA glycosylase. Thus, the initial step of base excision repair is required for AID-dependent recombination and is a branch point for either hypermutagenesis or recombination.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the enzyme cytosine deaminase (cod) was located on theEscherichia coli chromosome. The marker is cotransducible withlac and the map order isproB-cod-lac. This work was supported by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research with financial support by the Netherlands Foundation for Chemical Research.  相似文献   

The genome of the plastid has generated much interest as a target for plant transformation. The characteristics of plastid transgenes both reflect the prokaryotic origin of plastid organelles and provide a unique set of features that are currently lacking in genes introduced into the plant nucleus. Recent progress has been made in understanding plastid expression of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The gene specifying cytosine deaminase (cod) is shown to be located at approximately 86 minutes on the linkage map of E. coli. The corresponding gene in S. typhimurium has been reported to have a different location.  相似文献   

Hall RS  Fedorov AA  Xu C  Fedorov EV  Almo SC  Raushel FM 《Biochemistry》2011,50(22):5077-5085
Cytosine deaminase (CDA) from E. coli is a member of the amidohydrolase superfamily. The structure of the zinc-activated enzyme was determined in the presence of phosphonocytosine, a mimic of the tetrahedral reaction intermediate. This compound inhibits the deamination of cytosine with a K(i) of 52 nM. The zinc- and iron-containing enzymes were characterized to determine the effect of the divalent cations on activation of the hydrolytic water. Fe-CDA loses activity at low pH with a kinetic pK(a) of 6.0, and Zn-CDA has a kinetic pK(a) of 7.3. Mutation of Gln-156 decreased the catalytic activity by more than 5 orders of magnitude, supporting its role in substrate binding. Mutation of Glu-217, Asp-313, and His-246 significantly decreased catalytic activity supporting the role of these three residues in activation of the hydrolytic water molecule and facilitation of proton transfer reactions. A library of potential substrates was used to probe the structural determinants responsible for catalytic activity. CDA was able to catalyze the deamination of isocytosine and the hydrolysis of 3-oxauracil. Large inverse solvent isotope effects were obtained on k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m), consistent with the formation of a low-barrier hydrogen bond during the conversion of cytosine to uracil. A chemical mechanism for substrate deamination by CDA was proposed.  相似文献   

The prodrug activation system formed by the E. coli codA gene encoding cytosine deaminase (CD) and 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) developed for selective cancer chemotherapy suffers from a sensitivity limitation in many tumour cells. In an attempt to improve the CD/5-FC suicide association, we combined the E. coli upp gene encoding uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (UPRT) with codA gene to create the situation prevailing in E. coli, a bacterium very efficient in metabolising 5-FC. The constitutive expression of the two genes cloned on an E. coli-animal cell shuttle plasmid either in a linked or in a fused configuration was evaluated in E. coli strains selected and engineered to mimic the 5-FC metabolism encountered in mammalian cells. The simultaneous expression of codA and upp genes generated a cooperative effect resulting in a dramatic increase in 5-FC sensitivity of cells compared to the expression of codA alone. Furthermore, it was shown that the association of UPRT with CD facilitated the uptake of 5-FC, in the situation where the drug penetrates cells by passive diffusion as in mammalian cells, by directly channeling 5-fluorouracil, the product of CD, to 5-fluoroUMP, the product of UPRT.  相似文献   

Within inflammatory environments, B cells encountering foreign or self-Ag can develop tertiary lymphoid tissue expressing activation-induced cytosine deaminase (AID). Recently, this DNA-modifying enzyme was detected in nonlymphoid cells within several inflamed tissues and strongly implicated in malignant transformation. This study examines whether a cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) pathway, often linked to inflammation, influences AID expression in activated B lymphocytes. In this paper, we report that dividing human B cells responding to surrogate C3d-coated Ag, IL-4, and BAFF express AID, as well as COX-2. A progressive increase in AID with each division was paralleled by a division-related increase in a COX-2-linked enzyme, microsomal PGE(2) synthase-1, and the PGE(2)R, EP2. Cells with the greatest expression of AID expressed the highest levels of EP2. Although COX-2 inhibitors diminished both AID expression and IgG class switching, exogenous PGE(2) and butaprost, a selective EP2 agonist, augmented AID mRNA/protein and increased the numbers of IgG(+) progeny. Despite the latter, the proportion of IgG(+) cells within viable progeny generally declined with PGE(2) supplementation. This was not due to PGE(2)-promoted differentiation to plasma cells or to greater downstream switching. Rather, because phosphorylated ataxia telangiectasia mutated levels were increased in progeny of PGE(2)-supplemented cultures, it appears more likely that PGE(2) facilitates AID-dependent DNA double-strand breaks that block B cell cycle progression or promote activation-induced cell death, or both. Taken together, the results suggest that a PGE(2) feed-forward mechanism for augmenting COX-2 pathway proteins promotes progressively increased levels of AID mRNA, protein, and function.  相似文献   

The synthesis of cytosine deaminase in Salmonella typhimurium is repressed by pyrimidines. This repression is mediated by both a uridine and a cytidine compound, indicating a distinct difference in the regulation of synthesis of cytosine deaminase from the regulation of the de novo pyrimidine pathway enzymes. A salvage role for the enzyme in pyrimidine metabolism is postulated.  相似文献   

Many APOBEC cytidine deaminase members are known to induce ‘off-target’ cytidine deaminations in 5′TC motifs in genomic DNA that contribute to cancer evolution. In this report, we characterized APOBEC1, which is a possible cancer related APOBEC since APOBEC1 mRNA is highly expressed in certain types of tumors, such as lung adenocarcinoma. We found a low level of APOBEC1-induced DNA damage, as measured by γH2AX foci, in genomic DNA of a lung cancer cell line that correlated to its inability to compete in vitro with replication protein A (RPA) for ssDNA. This suggests that RPA can act as a defense against off-target deamination for some APOBEC enzymes. Overall, the data support the model that the ability of an APOBEC to compete with RPA can better predict genomic damage than combined analysis of mRNA expression levels in tumors and analysis of mutation signatures.  相似文献   



With the advent of cost-effective genotyping technologies, genome-wide association studies allow researchers to examine hundreds of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for association with human disease. Recently, many researchers applying this strategy have detected strong associations to disease with SNP markers that are either not in linkage disequilibrium with any nonsynonymous SNP or large distances from any annotated gene. In such cases, no well-established standard practice for effective SNP selection for follow-up studies exists. We aim to identify and prioritize groups of SNPs that are more likely to affect phenotypes in order to facilitate efficient SNP selection for follow-up studies.  相似文献   

Cytosine deaminase (cytosine aminohydrolase, EC stoichiometrically catalyzes the hydrolytic deamination of cytosine and 5-fluorocytosine to uracil and 5-fluorouracil, respectively. Amino acid residues located in or near the active sites of the intracellular cytosine deaminase fromChromobacterium violaceum YK 391 were identified by chemical modification studies. The enzymic activity was completely inhibited by chemical modifiers, such as 1 mM NBS, chloramine-T, ρ-CMB, ρ-HMB and iodine, and was strongly inhibited by 1 mM PMSF and pyridoxal 5′-phosphate. This chemical deactivation of the enzymic activity was reversed by a high concentration of cytosine. Furthermore, the deactivation of the enzymic activity by ρ-CMB was also reversed by 1 mM cysteine-HCl, DTT and 2-mercaptoethanol. These results suggested that cysteine, tryptophan and methionine residues might be located in or near the active sites of the enzyme, while serine and lysine were indirectly involved in the enzymic activity. The intracellular cytosine deaminase fromC. violaceum YK 391 was assumed to be a thiol enzyme.  相似文献   

There is a mounting evidence for the correlation between the gene expression pattern and sequence divergence. However, little is known about the relationship between the gene expression pattern and polymorphism. We compiled the gene expression, polymorphism, and divergence data from the public databases of the human genome. The ratios of nonsynonymous (A) to synonymous (S) substitutions in polymorphism and divergence in the human genome were strongly influenced by the expression pattern and breadth of genes and showed strong correlations. Among the tissues we analyzed, the brain-expressed genes have the smallest and the liver-expressed genes have the largest proportion of amino acid changes both in polymorphism and divergence. The analysis implies that negative selection is the primary factor affecting expression-dependent gene evolution and the prevalent but nonuniform distribution of slightly deleterious mutations in the genome. Although the genes under relaxed negative selection evolved faster than the other genes, these genes are even more liable to slightly deleterious mutations in the population. On the other hand, nonneutral mutations in the highly conservative genes, such as brain-expressed and housekeeping genes, are largely deleterious and eliminated before they enter the population.  相似文献   

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