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Examination of the glucose tolerance in younger (3 month) and older (6 month) obese mice revealed that most of their postinjection hyperglycemia arises from the disproportionately large glucose responses to the injection/bleeding procedures rather than from the added glucose. Simultaneous measurements of circulating glucagon, corticosterone and insulin indicated that simple differences in the levels of these hormones, in their circulating ratios, or in the magnitude of the hormone responses to stimulation did not fully account for the "stress"-induced hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

The equilibrium dissociation constants and maximal binding capacities of 3H-dihydromorphine (DHM), 3H-D-Ala2-D-leu3-enkephalin (DADL), and 3H-dynorphin A(1-8) for their respective mu, delta, and kappa opiate binding sites were studied in brain membrane preparations from lean and genetically obese-hyperglycaemic (Aston ob/ob) mice. The concentration of kappa binding sites was 2.7 fold higher in obese compared with lean mouse brain (231 +/- 44.6 versus 83.8 +/- 10.3 fmoles 3H-dynorphin/mg protein respectively, mean +/- SEM). The concentration of delta binding sites in obese was 1.6 fold that in lean mouse brain (94.5 +/- 8.6 versus 59.5 +/- 6.5 fmoles 3H-DADL/mg protein). In contrast, the concentration of brain mu receptors was 40% lower in obese compared with lean mice (20.8 +/- 2.19 and 34.8 +/- 3.1 fmoles 3H-DHM/mg protein respectively). Binding affinities of delta and kappa sites for their respective ligands were not significantly different in lean v. obese mice. However, for mu sites, lean mouse binding data showed two affinities, one was not significantly different from obese (0.35 nM) the second was lower (1.18 nM) for DHM. Increases of approximately 5 fold and 3 fold in the brain content of beta-endorphin and met-enkephalin respectively, and no differences in brain dynorphin levels, were demonstrated in obese mice compared with lean controls. In obese mice, pituitary beta-endorphin content was 9 fold higher, met-enkephalin 4 fold higher and dynorphin 12 fold higher than in lean mice. The striking differences in opioid binding-site characteristics and in endogenous opioid peptide levels in obese compared with lean mice may contribute to the hyperphagia and, directly or indirectly, to the development of hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia in obese mice.  相似文献   

We have examined the protein content and gene expression of three superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoenzymes in eight tissues from obese ob/ob mice, particularly placing the focus on extracellular-SOD (EC-SOD) in the white adipose tissue (WAT). Obesity significantly increased EC-SOD level in liver, kidney, testis, gastrocnemius muscle, WAT, brown adipose tissue (BAT), and plasma, but significantly decreased the isoenzyme level in lung. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1beta contents in WAT were significantly higher in obese mice than in lean control mice. Immunohistochemically, both WAT and BAT from obese mice could be stained deeply with anti-mouse EC-SOD antibody compared with those from lean mice. Each primary culture per se almost time-dependently enhanced EC-SOD production, and overtly expressed its mRNA. The loss of heparin-binding affinity of EC-SOD type C with high affinity for heparin occurred in kidney of obese mice. These results suggest that the physiological importance of this SOD isoenzyme in WAT may be a compensatory adaptation to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We have examined the protein content and gene expression of three superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoenzymes in eight tissues from obese ob/ob mice, particularly placing the focus on extracellular-SOD (EC-SOD) in the white adipose tissue (WAT). Obesity significantly increased EC-SOD level in liver, kidney, testis, gastrocnemius muscle, WAT, brown adipose tissue (BAT), and plasma, but significantly decreased the isoenzyme level in lung. Tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β contents in WAT were significantly higher in obese mice than in lean control mice. Immunohistochemically, both WAT and BAT from obese mice could be stained deeply with anti-mouse EC-SOD antibody compared with those from lean mice. Each primary culture per se almost time-dependently enhanced EC-SOD production, and overtly expressed its mRNA. The loss of heparin-binding affinity of EC-SOD type C with high affinity for heparin occurred in kidney of obese mice. These results suggest that the physiological importance of this SOD isoenzyme in WAT may be a compensatory adaptation to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

1. Fatty acid synthesis, measured in the perfused liver of genetically obese (ob/ob) mice with 3H2O or [14C]actate, did not show the inhibition by [8-arginine]vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) that is observed in livers from normal mice. 2. Hepatic glycogen breakdown in obese mice was stimuulated by vasopressin, but not as extensively as in lean mice. 3. If obese mice received a restricted amount of food, then fatty acid synthesis still did not respond to vasopressin, but glycogen breakdown was fully stimulated. 4. Cholesterol synthesis was not inhibited by vasopressin in livers from obese mice. 5. Vasopressin inhibited fatty acid synthesis in intact lean mice, but not in obese animals. 6. These results suggest that genetic obesity could be due to an inborn error within the mechanisms (other than adenylate cyclase) which mediate responses to extracellular effectors.  相似文献   

The thermogenic response to noradrenaline administra-tion was investigated at 25° in two models of obese mice (genetic ob/ob obesity of the QEC strain and monosodium-glutamate-induced obesity) and in their respective lean littermates. Subcutaneous injections of a low dose of noradrenaline (I00 g/kg body wt.) eJevated metabolic rate by about 3096 in both obese models but not in their respective lean counterparts. In contrast, the increase in metabolic rate after injections of a high dose of noradrenaline (600 g/kg body wt.) was of a similar magnitude in both lean and obese animals: metabolic rate was increased by 70–80%. These results indicate that the overall whole body thermogenic capacity is unimpaired at room temperature in this QEC strain of ob/ob mice and in the hypothalamic damaged obese mice. Obesity in these models is therefore not associated with a reduced ability to respond to noradrenaline but could rather be due to a failure to release noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Adrenalectomy in young obese (ob/ob) and the diabetic (db/db) mouse slowed body weight gain. Treatment of adrenalectomized ob/ob mice with cortisone or deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) significantly increased weight gain in a dose-related manner. Cortisone had no effect on weight gain on lean mice and treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate was without effect on either ob/ob or lean mice. The increment in body weight of adrenalectomized ob/ob mice treated with corticosterone and DOCA was associated with an increase in body weight and an increase in food intake. When adrenalectomy was performed at twenty-three days of age (five days before weaning), animals carrying the (db/db) genotype remained lighter than their normal littermates. These data document the importance of the adrenal gland and its steroids for the development and maintenance of many features of the obese or diabetes mouse.  相似文献   

A quantitative method for circulating islet cell surface antibodies (ICSA), based on the binding of125I-protein A to insulin-producing RINm5F cells, was used to evaluate ICSA in plasma of 4- to 40-week-old Aston obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice and normal control (+/+) mice. RINm5F cells bound 2502±l196 c.p.m.125I-protein A per l05 cells (mean±S.D.,n=54) after incubation with +/+ plasma. ICSA positive plasma (defined as125I-protein A binding, mean±2 S.D. of +/+ plasma) was detected in 3 out of 54+/+ mice and 3 out of 54 ob/ob mice. ICSA were not observed in ob/ob mice before the onset of diabetes (7 weeks of age), but were detected at 9, 20 and 40 weeks. At 20 weeks125I-protein A binding produced by ob/ob plasma was 35% greater than +/+ plasma (P<0.05). The low occurrence of ICSA in ob/ob mice (6%) suggests that factors other than ICSA are responsible for B-cell dysfunction and eventual islet degeneration observed in Aston ob/ob mice.  相似文献   

1. Plasma glucose and insulin responses to bombesin were examined in 12-15-week-old 12 hr fasted lean and genetically obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice. 2. Bombesin (1 mg/kg ip) produced a prompt but transient increase of plasma insulin in lean mice (maximum increase of 50% at 5 min), and a more slowly generated but protracted insulin response in ob/ob mice (maximum increase of 80% at 30 min). Plasma glucose concentrations of both groups of mice were increased by bombesin (maximum increases of 40 and 48% respectively in lean and ob/ob mice at 15 min). 3. When administered with glucose (2 g/kg ip), bombesin (1 mg/kg ip) rapidly increased insulin concentrations of lean and ob/ob mice (maximum increases of 39 and 63% respectively at 5 min). Bombesin did not significantly alter the rise of plasma glucose after exogenous glucose administration to these mice. 4. The results indicate that bombesin exerts an insulin-releasing effect in lean and ob/ob mice. The greater insulin-releasing effect in ob/ob mice renders bombesin a possible component of the overactive entero-insular axis in the ob/ob mutant, especially if it acts within the islets as a neurotransmitter or paracrine agent.  相似文献   

L-Triiodothyronine (T3) binding to hepatic nuclei from (ob/ob) mice at different ages was examined and compared with that of lean controls. Results showed a significant reduction in T3 binding in liver nuclei of obese mice at all ages studied. The preobese mice at 2 weeks of age had 27.9% fewer receptor sites/mg DNA compared to lean controls, receptor concentration further decreased to 67.7% at 18 weeks of age. Data presented here demonstrates that the impaired triiodothyronine (T3) binding to hepatic nuclei present in older (ob/ob) obese mice is an antecedent to the obesity. This report also helps to explain the poor thermoregulation and low oxygen consumption present during the preobese phase of the postnatal development of these animals.  相似文献   

The intestines of obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice contain greatly increased amounts of glucagon-like immunoreactive peptides. To investigate their role in the increased activity of the entero-insular axis of these mice, the insulin-releasing effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) was examined in 24 hour fasted 12-15 weeks old ob/ob mice under conditions of basal and elevated glycaemia. Compared with glucagon (100 micrograms/kg ip), which produce an approximately 3-fold increase in basal plasma glucose and insulin concentrations, GLP-1 (100 micrograms/kg ip) produce a very small (less than 1 fold) increase in plasma insulin, with no significant change in plasma glucose. The insulin-releasing effect of glucagon, but not GLP-1 was increased by administration in combination with glucose (2 g/kg ip). The results indicate that GLP-1, which exhibits considerable sequence homology with glucagon, exerts only a weak insulin-releasing effect without a significant hyperglycaemic effect in ob/ob mice. Thus GLP-1 is unlikely to be an important endocrine component of the two over-active entero-insular axis in ob/ob mice.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the in vitro effect of zinc addition on guanosine diphosphate (GDP) binding to mitochondria in brown adipocytes of genetically obese (ob/ob) mice. Interscapular brown adipocytes of male mice (obese; lean) at 4 and 12 wk of age were incubated with 0, 50, 100, or 200 μM zinc sulfate. Mitochondria were then isolated and their GDP binding capacities were measured. The GDP-binding capacities of ob/ob mice were lower than lean mice, with or without zinc addition, in both age groups (p<0.05). Zinc addition did not have any significant effect on GDP binding in lean mice. GDP binding decreased with increasing zinc addition in ob/ob mice, and this attenuation was more predominant in 12-wk old ob/ob mice. Moreover, we found that high magnesium addition (5 mM) increased GDP binding in lean mice, but this effect was not significant in ob/ob mice. This study reveals that brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in ob/ob mice could be greatly attenuated by zinc addition, suggesting that zinc may play a regulatory role in obesity.  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to determine whether the activity of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel was modulated in the same manner in islets of the ob/ob mouse as in islets of homozygous lean mice of the same strain. The effect of agents that are known to alter the concentrations and movements of intracellular Ca2+ were investigated in relation to glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and in relation to the effect of forskolin. In islets of obese mice, verapamil and nifedipine both inhibited glucose-induced insulin release, nifedipine being the more potent inhibitor. Forskolin-stimulated secretion was inhibited either not at all (verapamil) or much less (nifedipine) in islets of the ob/ob mouse compared with those of lean mice. At basal glucose concentrations, verapamil initiated insulin secretion in islets of the ob/ob mouse and acted synergistically with forskolin to evoke a secretory activity that was 3-fold greater than that evoked by 20 mM-glucose. Nifedipine also initiated secretion at basal glucose concentrations and acted synergistically with forskolin, but its effect was considerably smaller than that of verapamil. A comparison of the effect of forskolin in the presence of Ca2+-channel blockers and in the absence of Ca2+ suggests that, in the obese mouse, the operation of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel is impaired.  相似文献   

The hyperphagia and rapid body weight gain normally observed in young obese (ob/ob) mice were abolished by removal of their adrenal glands, whereas food intake and weight gain of lean mice were not significantly affected by adrenalectomy. Adrenalectomy lowered body energy density (kcal/g carcass) in obese mice more than could be attributed to reduced food intake per se, suggesting that their energy expenditure was also increased. In control obese mice, low stimulation of brown adipose tissue by the sympathetic nervous system, as indicated by the low fractional rates of norepinephrine (NE) turnover in their brown adipose tissue may have contributed to the reduced energy expenditure in these animals. Adrenalectomy increased the rates of NE turnover in brown adipose tissue of obese mice to rates nearly equal to those observed in lean mice without affecting NE turnover in this tissue of lean mice. Likewise, removal of the adrenals normalized the low rates of NE turnover in hearts of obese mice without affecting lean mice. Rates of NE turnover in two other organs, white adipose tissue and pancreas, of control and adrenalectomized obese mice were similar to rates observed in lean counterparts. The adrenal may thus contribute to both the hyperphagia and the low energy expenditure by brown adipose tissue that together cause gross obesity in ob/ob mice.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Glucosyl and galactosyl activities were determined in kidney cortex tissue prepared from two strains of mice, genetically diabetic and obese mice.
  • 2.2. These activities were measured as a function of ageing between 6 weeks and 13 months.
  • 3.3. For both strains glucosyl transferase activity was shown to increase with respect to ageing whereas galactosyl transferase activity decreased at the same time.
  • 4.4. These changes of enzymatic activities would suggest that a smaller increase of hydroxylysine-linked glycans than expected was observed under these pathological conditions.

To investigate the satiety defect of hyperphagic genetically obese (ob/ob) mice, acute feeding responses to three differently acting anorectic agents were determined in 7-9 weeks old lean (+/+) and ob/ob mice habituated to a restricted (0900-1230 hr) daily feeding routine. Fenfluramine (10 mg/kg), cholecystokinin (100 U/kg) and neurotensin (500 micrograms/kg), administered intraperitoneally 15 min before feeding, each produced a rapid but transient suppression of food consumption in ob/ob mice, similar to lean controls. The results suggest that neural satiety mechanisms triggered via serotoninergic pathways (fenfluramine), vagal afferents (cholecystokinin) and the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (neurotensin) are functional in ob/ob mice, supporting the view that the satiety defect of ob/ob mice resides outside of the nervous system.  相似文献   

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