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Heme-regulated eukaryotic initiation factor 2alpha kinase (HRI) regulates the synthesis of hemoglobin in reticulocytes in response to heme availability. HRI contains a tightly bound heme at the N-terminal domain. Earlier reports show that nitric oxide (NO) regulates HRI catalysis. However, the mechanism of this process remains unclear. In the present study, we utilize in vitro kinase assays, optical absorption, electron spin resonance (ESR), and resonance Raman spectra of purified full-length HRI for the first time to elucidate the regulation mechanism of NO. HRI was activated via heme upon NO binding, and the Fe(II)-HRI(NO) complex displayed 5-fold greater eukaryotic initiation factor 2alpha kinase activity than the Fe(III)-HRI complex. The Fe(III)-HRI complex exhibited a Soret peak at 418 nm and a rhombic ESR signal with g values of 2.49, 2.28, and 1.87, suggesting coordination with Cys as an axial ligand. Interestingly, optical absorption, ESR, and resonance Raman spectra of the Fe(II)-NO complex were characteristic of five-coordinate NO-heme. Spectral findings on the coordination structure of full-length HRI were distinct from those obtained for the isolated N-terminal heme-binding domain. Specifically, six-coordinate NO-Fe(II)-His was observed but not Cys-Fe(III) coordination. It is suggested that significant conformational change(s) in the protein induced by NO binding to the heme lead to HRI activation. We discuss the role of NO and heme in catalysis by HRI, focusing on heme-based sensor proteins.  相似文献   

The bacterial CO-sensing heme protein CooA activates expression of genes whose products perform CO-metabolism by binding its target DNA in response to CO binding. The required conformational change has been proposed to result from CO-induced displacement of the heme and of the adjacent C-helix, which connects the sensory and DNA-binding domains. Support for this proposal comes from UV Resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy, which reveals a more hydrophobic environment for the C-helix residue Trp110 when CO binds. In addition, we find a tyrosine UVRR response, which is attributable to weakening of a Tyr55-Glu83 H-bond that anchors the proximal side of the heme. Both Trp and Tyr responses are augmented in the heme domain when the DNA-binding domain has been removed, apparently reflecting loss of the inter-domain restraint. This augmentation is abolished by a Glu83Gln substitution, which weakens the anchoring H-bond. The CO recombination rate following photolysis of the CO adduct is similar for truncated and full-length protein, though truncation does increase the rate of CO association in the absence of photolysis; together these data indicate that truncation causes a faster dissociation of the endogenous Pro2 ligand. These findings are discussed in the light of structural evidence that the N-terminal tail, once released from the heme, selects the proper orientation of the DNA-binding domain, via docking interactions.  相似文献   

FixL is a heme-based O(2) sensor protein involved in a two-component system of a symbiotic bacterium. In the present study, the iron coordination structure in the heme domain of Rhizobium meliloti FixLT (RmFixLT, a soluble truncated FixL) was examined using Fe K-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and resonance Raman spectroscopic techniques. In the EXAFS analyses, the interatomic distances and angles of the Fe-ligand bond and the iron displacement from the heme plane were obtained for RmFixLT in the Fe(2+), Fe(2+)O(2), Fe(2+)CO, Fe(3+), Fe(3+)F(-), and Fe(3+)CN(-) states. An apparent correlation was found between the heme-nitrogen (proximal His-194) distance in the heme domain and the phosphorylation activity of the histidine kinase domain. Comparison of the Fe-CO coordination geometry between RmFixLT and RmFixLH (heme domain of RmFixL), based on the EXAFS and Raman results, has suggested that the kinase domain directly or indirectly influences steric interaction between the iron-bound ligand and the heme pocket. Referring to the crystal structure of the heme domain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum FixL (Gong, W., Hao, B., Mansy, S. S., Gonzalez, G., Gilles-Gonzalez, M. A., and Chan, M. K. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 15177-15182), we discussed details of the iron coordination structure of RmFixLT and RmFixLH in relation to an intramolecular signal transduction mechanism in its O(2) sensing.  相似文献   

The structure of the thermoresistant cytochrome c (552, Thermus thermophilus) has been investigated at neutral and alkaline pH by absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopy and compared with that of horse heart cytochrome c. The ligands of the ferricytochrome c-552 at neutral pH are considered to be histidine and methionine, whereas the ligands of ferrocytochrome c-552 are histidine and another nitrogen base, histidine or lysine. Ferric cytochrome c-552 undergoes an alkaline isomerization with a pK of 12.3 (25°C), accompanied by a ligand exchange. Horse heart cytochrome c has at least three isomerization states at alkaline pH (pK 9.3, 12.9 and >13.5 at 25°C). The replacement of the sixth ligand may not be involved in the second isomerization.The thermodynamic parameters for the isomerization were also estimated. The entropy change upon isomerization of cytochrome c-552 is negative, whereas for that of horse heart cytochrome c the entropy change is positive.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of the major neurotoxin from the sea snake Lapemis hardwickii was investigated by several methods of conformational analysis: structure prediction, circular dichroism, and laser Raman spectroscopy. From the primary structure, secondary structure prediction yielded two regions of β-sheet structure at residues 1–7 and 41–45. β-Turns were predicted at residues 14–17, 20–23, 30–33, 37–40, and 46–49. From the predictions, the toxin appears to be composed of approximately 20% β-sheet and 33% β-turn. The CD spectrum of the native toxin appears to be a hybrid of model spectra for β-sheet and β-turn proteins. The pH perturbation studies on the toxin observed by CD demonstrated that the toxin is a very stable molecule except at extremely high or low pH values. The Raman data indicated that the toxin contains both antiparallel β-sheet and β-turn structure. Using two methods of secondary structure quantitation from Raman spectra the molecule was calculated to contain 35% β-sheet from one method and 27% from the other. Overall, the various methods demonstrate that the toxin is composed of β-sheet and β-turn structure with little or no α-helix present. From the comparison of these different techniques appreciation can be gained for the necessity of several methods when identifying and quantitating secondary structure.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the iron-semiquinone complex in photosynthetic bacterial cells and chromatophores of Rhodopseudomonas viridis is reported. Magnetic fields are used to orient the prolate ellipsoidal-shaped cells which possess a highly ordered internal structure, consisting of concentric, nearly cylindrical membranes. The field-oriented suspension of cells exhibits a highly dichroic EPR signal for the iron-semiquinone complex, showing that the iron possesses a low-symmetry ligand field and exists in a preferred orientation within the native reaction-center membrane complex. The EPR spectrum is analyzed utilizing a spin hamiltonian formalism to extract physical information describing the electronic structure of the iron and the nature of its interaction with the semiquinones. Exact numerical solutions and analytical expressions for the transition frequencies and intensities derived from a perturbation theory expansion are presented, and a computer-simulated spectrum is given. It has been found that, for a model which assumes no preferred orientation within the plane of the membranes, the orientation of the Fe2+ ligand axis of largest zero-field splitting (Z, the principal magnetic axis) is titled 64±6° from the membrane normal. The ligand field for Fe2+ has low symmetry, with zero-field splitting parameters of |D1|=7.0±1.3 cm?1 and |E1|=1.7±0.5 cm?1 and |E1D1|=0.26 for the redox state Q1?Fe2+Q2?. The rhombic character of the ligand field is increased in the redox state Q1Fe2+Q?2, where 0.33>|E2D2|>0.26. This indicates that the redox state of the quinones can influence the ligand field symmetry and splitting of the Fe2+. There exists an electron-spin exchange interaction between Fe2+ and Q?1 and Q?2, having magnitudes |J1|=0.12±0.03 cm?1 and |J2|?0.06 cm?1, respectively. Such weak interactions indicate that a proper electronic picture of the complex is as a pair of immobilized semiquinone radicals having very little orbital overlap (probably fostered by superexchange) with the Fe2+ orbitals. The exchange interaction is analyzed by comparison with model systems of paramagnetic metals and free radicals to indicate an absence of direct coordination between Fe2+ and Q?1 and Q?2. Selective line-broadening of some of the EPR transitions, involving Q? coupling to the magnetic sublevels of the Fe2+ ground state, is interpreted as arising from an electron-electron dipolar interaction. Analysis of this line-broadening indicates a distance of 6.2–7.8 ? between Fe2+ and Q?1, thus placing Q1 outside the immediate coordination shell of Fe2+.  相似文献   

Soluble nitrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum has been isolated and separated into its two components, the MoFe protein and the Fe protein. The MoFe protein has been purified to near homogeneity and has a molecular weight or 215 000. It contains two Mo, 25--30 Fe and 19--22 acid-labile sulphide and consists of four subunits, Mw 56 000. The Fe protein has a molecular weight 65 000. It contains approximately four Fe and four acid-labile sulphide and consists of two subunits, Mw 31 500. The highest specific activities for the purified components are 920 and 1260 nmol ethylene produced per min per mg protein, respectively. The purified components require the membrane component for activity (Nordlund, S., Eriksson, U. and Baltscheffsky, H. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 462, 187--195). Titration of the MoFe protein with the Fe protein shows saturation and excess MoFe protein over Fe protein is inhibitory. Addition of Fe2+ or Mn2+ to the reaction mixture increases the activity apparently through interaction with the membrane component.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional crystals from light-harvesting complex I (LHC I) of the purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum have been reconstituted from detergent-solubilized protein complexes. Frozen-hydrated samples have been analysed by electron microscopy. The crystals diffract beyond 8 A and a projection map was calculated to 8.5 A. The projection map shows 16 subunits in a 116 A diameter ring with a 68 A hole in the centre. These dimensions are sufficient to incorporate a reaction centre in vivo. Within each subunit, density for the alpha- and the beta-polypeptide chains is clearly resolved, and the density for the bacteriochlorophylls can be assigned. The experimentally determined structure contradicts models of the LHC I presented so far.  相似文献   

Absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and UV resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopies were applied to selectively examine the environmental and structural changes of Trp and Tyr residues in the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) SH3 domain induced by ligand association. Comparison of the spectra of PI3K SH3 in the presence or absence of its ligand peptide RLP1 (RKLPPRPSK) indicated that RLP1 binding changed the environment of Trp55 of the SH3 to be more hydrophilic and its H bonding weaker and that of Tyr residues to be more hydrophobic. The D21N mutant (Asp21 --> Asn) of the SH3 yielded a UV CD distinct from that of the wild type, and its spectral changes induced by RLP1 binding were smaller and different from those of the wild type in absorption, CD, and UVRR spectra, suggesting that the mutation of conserved Asp21 affected the conformation of the ligand binding cleft and thus might lead to the decrease in the ligand affinity. These data provide direct evidence for the occurrence of environmental and structural changes of PI3K SH3 by the association of a ligand and the D21N mutation.  相似文献   

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