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Screening of a cDNA library from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Century) with probes based upon cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APx; EC genes identified two full-length clones (SOYAPx1, SOYAPx2) apparently encoding for different soybean leaf cytosolic APxs. The deduced amino acid sequences of the two APx cDNA products differed in 13 of the 250 amino acids. The SOYAPx1 cDNA was identical to the cytosolic APx cDNA previously found in soybean root nodules. Escherichia coli expression systems were developed using both soybean APx cDNAs. Recombinant SOYAPx1 and SOYAPx2 were then utilized to characterize the enzymatic properties of the two APx cDNA products. Received: 10 May 1997 / Accepted: 19 June 1997  相似文献   

李泽琴  李静晓  张根发 《遗传》2013,35(1):45-54
抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(Ascorbate peroxidase, APX)属于I型血红素过氧化物酶, 它催化H2O2依赖的L-抗坏血酸氧化作用, 对抗坏血酸表现出高度的专一性。植物APX基因家族由4个亚家族组成, 分别为细胞质、叶绿体、线粒体和过氧化物酶体基因亚家族, 每个亚家族中又含有不同的APX同工酶。作为植物抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环中的一个关键组分, APX在细胞H2O2代谢过程中起着至关重要的作用。研究表明植物APX是氧化还原信号系统中调节细胞水平H2O2非常重要的一种酶, APX同工酶的表达机制非常复杂, 细胞质APX受多种信号调节表达, 两种叶绿体APX通过选择性剪接进行组织特异性调节。通过调控产生的APX可调节细胞中的氧化还原信号, 进而提高植物对非生物胁迫的耐受性。文章综述了植物APX的催化机制、表达调控机理以及响应植物非生物逆境胁迫的重要作用。  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are sedentary endoparasiteswith a broad host range which includes economically importantcrop species. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is an importantfood and fodder legume grown in many regions where root-knotnematodes are a major problem in production fields. Severalsources of resistance to root-knot nematode have been identifiedin cowpea, including the widely used Rk gene. As part of a studyto elucidate the mechanism of Rk-mediated resistance, the histologicalresponse to avirulent M. incognita feeding of a resistant cowpeacultivar CB46 was compared with a susceptible near-isogenicline (in CB46 background). Most root-knot nematode resistancemechanisms in host plants that have been examined induced ahypersensitive response (HR). However, there was no typicalHR in resistant cowpea roots and nematodes were able to developnormal feeding sites similar to those in susceptible roots upto 9–14 d post inoculation (dpi). From 14–21 dpigiant cell deterioration was observed and the female nematodesshowed arrested development and deterioration. Nematodes failedto reach maturity and did not initiate egg laying in resistantroots. These results confirmed that the induction of resistanceis relatively late in this system. Typically in pathogen resistanceHR is closely associated with an oxidative burst (OB) in infectedtissue. The level of reactive oxygen species release in bothcompatible and incompatible reactions during early and latestages of infection was also quantified. Following a basal OBduring early infection in both susceptible and resistant roots,which was also observed in mechanically wounded root tissues,no significant OB was detected up to 14 dpi, a profile consistentwith the histological observations of a delayed resistance response.These results will be useful to design gene expression experimentsto dissect Rk-mediated resistance at the molecular level. Key words: Cowpea, histology, hypersensitive response, Meloidogyne incognita, reactive oxygen species, root-knot nematode, Vigna unguiculata Received 5 November 2007; Revised 22 January 2008 Accepted 23 January 2008  相似文献   

To evaluate the physiological importance of thylakoid membrane-bound ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX) in the active oxygen species-scavenging system of chloroplasts, the level of tAPX in tobacco plants was altered by expression of the tAPX cDNA in both sense and antisense orientation. The tobacco plants transformed with constructs of antisense tAPXs from spinach and tobacco could not be obtained, suggesting that the suppression of tAPX in higher plants had a severe effect on the growth even under normal conditions. In contrast, the transgenic tobacco plants (TpTAP-12) overexpressing tAPX, which had approximately 37-fold higher activity than that of the wild-type plants, were generated. The TpTAP-12 plants showed increased tolerance to oxidative stress caused by application of methylviologen (MV, 50 microm) under light intensity (300 and 1600 microE m(-2) sec(-1)) and by chilling stress with high light intensity (4 degrees C, 1000 microE m(-2) sec(-1)). At 24 h after the MV treatment under illumination at 300 microE m-2 sec-1, destruction of chlorophyll was observed in the wild-type plants, but not in the TpTAP-12 plants. The activities of thiol-modulated enzymes in the Calvin cycle, the level and redox status of ascorbate (AsA), and the activity of tAPX in the wild-type plants significantly decreased, while those in the TpTAP-12 plants were hardly changed. These observations suggest that tAPX is a limiting factor of antioxidative systems under photo-oxidative stress in chloroplasts, and that the enhanced activity of tAPX functions to maintain the AsA content and the redox status of AsA under stress conditions.  相似文献   

黄芩过氧化物酶同工酶电泳和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)二倍体和同源四倍体过氧化物酶进行了同工酶电泳分析及抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性测定。结果表明,黄芩二倍体与同源四倍体过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱一致,但后者的着色程度大于前者,二年生黄芩叶子在快速区Rf为0.494和0.512处出现新的谱带,不同发育阶段和不同组织器官的谱带存在明显差异;根和叶中谱带数最多,花其次,种子最少;试管苗谱带数先减少后增加,并在整个培养过程中出现特征性谱带C。各组织器官抗坏血酸过氧化物酶总活力差异明显,顶芽最高,叶子次之,花最低。黄芩一年生和二年生各个多倍体株系叶子抗坏血酸过氧酶总活力均高于二倍体叶子抗坏血酸过氧化酶总活力。试管苗生长过程中抗坏血酶过氧化物酶活活力的变化与生长趋势一致,表明该酶与植株生长发育紧密相关。  相似文献   

Excess of free iron is thought to harm plant cells by enhancing the intracellular production of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI). Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (cAPX) is an iron-containing, ROI-detoxifying enzyme induced in response to iron overload or oxidative stress. We studied the expression of cAPX in leaves of de-rooted bean plants in response to iron overload. cAPX expression, i.e., mRNA and protein, was rapidly induced in response to iron overload. This induction correlated with the increase in iron content in leaves and occurred in the light as well as in the dark. Reduced glutathione (GSH), which plays an important role in activating the ROI signal transduction pathway as well as in ROI detoxification, was found to enhance the induction of APX mRNA by iron. To determine whether cAPX induction during iron overload was due to an increase in the amount of free iron, which serves as a co-factor for cAPX synthesis, or due to iron-mediated increase in ROI production, we tested the expression of APX in leaves under low oxygen pressure. This treatment, which suppresses the formation of ROI, completely abolished the induction of cAPX mRNA during iron overload, without affecting the rate of iron uptake by plants. Taken together, our results suggest that high intracellular levels of free iron in plants lead to the enhanced production of ROI, which in turn induces the expression of cAPX, possibly using GSH as an intermediate signal. We further show, using cAPX-antisense transgenic plants, that cAPX expression is essential to prevent iron-mediated tissue damage in tobacco.  相似文献   

Embryos from dry caryopses of wheat ( Triticum durum L. cv. Norba) are completely devoid of ascorbate (ASC) but contain a low amount of dehydroascorbate (DHA). The de novo biosynthesis of ASC starts in the wheat embryos after 8–10 h of germination but before the ASC biosynthetic pathway is completely restored the embryos can provide themselves with ASC by the reduction of the stored DHA. Three different proteins having DHA-reducing capability are present in the embryos during the early stages of germination. However, when the de novo ASC biosynthesis from sugar is completely restored, the DHA reduction capability largely drops and only one DHA-reducing protein remains active. The presence of three proteins having DHA-reducing capability and their behaviour during germination is discussed.
Dry embryos are also devoid of ASC peroxidase (EC; this hydrogen peroxide scavenger enzyme appears after the same lag as ASC and increases during germination in parallel with the rise in ASC. When ASC biosynthesis is experimentally induced, the ASC peroxidase also appears earlier; moreover the affinities for ASC of the three ASC peroxidase isoenzymes that progressively appear during germination depend on the ASC available in the embryos: highest in the first isoenzyme, that appears when the ASC content is very low, lowest in the isoenzyme that is expressed last, when the ASC content is 10–11 times higher.  相似文献   

Two isoperoxidases were detected in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves. Treatment of the primary leaves with 10mM salicylic acid increased the total peroxidase activity contributed by the anionic isoform. To isolate both the anionic and cationic peroxidases the leaf crude extract was loaded on a Superose 12 HR 10/30 column followed by chromatography on Mono-Q HR 5/5. Both enzymes were stable in a pH range from 5 to 7. The optimum-temperatures for the cationic and anionic peroxidase isoforms were, respectively, 20-30 degrees C and 30 degrees C. The dependence of guaiacol oxidation rate varying its concentration at constant H(2)O(2) concentration showed, for both enzymes, Michaelis-Menten-type kinetic. Apparent K(m)(s) were 0.8 and 4.8 microM for the cationic and anionic isoperoxidases, respectively.  相似文献   

Four Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes were grown at 14 degrees C and 22 degrees C under two light conditions (300 microE m-2 s-1 or 150 microE m-2 s-1) and the effect of temperature on their growth and flowering time was studied. Flowering occurred within 31 days (experimental period) at 22 degrees C, whereas a decrease in growth temperature resulted in a delay in flowering (63 days) under both light conditions. At 14 degrees C, membrane-bound APX (tAPX) activity decreased and total chlorophyll (Chl) content increased with growth under both light conditions. However, at 22 degrees C, the tAPX activity increased and total Chl content decreased with growth under both light conditions. These results suggest that at 22 degrees C oxidative stress was high under both light conditions and consequently Chl content decreased under stressful conditions or vice versa for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Under both the temperature and light conditions, soluble APX activity showed an irregular pattern of growth. The increase in tAPX activity, with growth only at 22 degrees C but not at 14 degrees C, suggests increased H2O2 formation in flowering plants at 22 degrees C for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Before flowering, the tAPX activity showed a significantly negative correlation with flowering time. Higher oxidative stress in the lower-latitude ecotypes might induce earlier flowering than the higher-latitude ecotypes. From these results, we propose a hypothesis that H2O2 is one of the possible factors in flower induction.  相似文献   

B. Thomsen  H. Drumm-Herrel  H. Mohr 《Planta》1992,186(4):600-608
In photosynthetic cells the plastidic ascorbate-glutathione pathway is considered the major sequence involved in the elimination of active oxygen species. Ascorbate peroxidase (APO; EC is an essential constituent of this pathway. In the present paper control of the appearance of APO was studied in the cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings with the following results: (i) Two isoforms of APO (APO I, APO II) could be separated by anion-exchange chromatography; APO I is a plastidic protein, while APO II is extraplastidic, very probably cytosolic. (ii) The appearance of APO is regulated by light via phytochrome. This control is observed with both isoforms. Moreover, a strong positive control over APO II appearance (very probably over APO II synthesis) is exerted by photooxidative treatment of the plastids. (iii) Additional synthesis of extraplastidic APO II is induced by a signal created by intraplastidic pigment-photosensitized oxidative stress. The response is obligatorily oxygen-dependent and abolished by quenchers of singlet oxygen such as -tocopherol and p-benzoquinone. (iv) A short-term (4 h) photooxidative treatment suffices to saturate the signal. Signal transduction cannot be abolished or diminished by replacing the plants in non-photooxidizing conditions. Several observations indicate that control of APO synthesis by active oxygen is not an experimental artifact but a natural phenomenon.Abbreviations APO ascorbate-specific peroxidase (EC - D darkness - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - FR far-red light (3.5 W · m–2) - NF Norflurazon - R red light (6.8 W · m–2) This research was supported by a grant from the Deutsche For-schungsgemeinschaft. B. Th. was the recipient of a stipend from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes.  相似文献   

The present work was carried out with the aim of studying the effect of salinity stress on growth and IAA oxidizing system (i.e. peroxidase and IAA oxidase) in vigna (Vigna unguiculata L.) seedlings. The seedlings were treated with two concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) 0.1 M and 0.25 M. Length, fresh and dry weight were the parameters considered for growth. Salinity effect was distinct in fresh weight and dry weight of different organs. Peroxidase and IAA oxidase activities were measured at different time intervals for both cytoplasmic and wall bound fractions. Peroxidase activity was maximum at higher stress conditions bringing about the hypocotyl growth restriction. Thus there was a clear inverse correlation between elongation and peroxidase activity. IAA oxidase activity also showed a similar trend for both cytoplasmic and wall bound fractions. The role of IAA oxidizing system in defense mechanism in response to salinity stress is discussed.  相似文献   

The accumulation of H2O2 by NaCl was observed in the roots of rice seedlings. Treatment with NaCl caused an increase in the activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) and the expression of OsAPX and OsGR in rice roots. Exogenously applied H2O2 also enhanced the activities of APX and GR and the expression of OsAPX and OsGR in rice roots. The accumulation of H2O2 in rice roots in response to NaCl was inhibited by the NADPH oxidase inhibitors, diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) and imidazole (IMD). However, DPI, IMD, and dimethylthiourea, a H2O2 trap, did not reduce NaCl-enhanced activities of APX and GR and expression of OsAPX and OsGR. It appears that H2O2 is not involved in the regulation of NaCl-induced APX and GR activities and OsAPX and OsGR expression in rice roots.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding ascorbate peroxidase (AP, EC was isolated from a phage gt11 library of cDNA fromArabidopsis thaliana by immunoscreening with monoclonal antibodies against the enzyme, and then sequenced. The cDNA insert hybridized to a 1.1 kb poly(A)+ RNA from leaves ofA thaliana. Genomic hybridization suggests that the cDNA obtained here corresponds to a single-copy gene. The N-terminal amino acid sequence ofArabidopsis AP was determined by protein sequencing of the immunochemically purified enzyme, and proved to be homologous to the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the chloroplastic AP of spinach. The predicted amino acid sequence of the mature AP ofA. thaliana, deduced from the nucleotide sequence, consists of 249 amino acid residues, which is 34% homologous with cytochromec peroxidase of yeast, but less homologous with other plant peroxidases. Amino acid residues at the active site of yeast cytochromec peroxidase are conserved in the amino acid sequence ofArabidopsis AP. The poly(dG-dT) sequence, which is a potential Z-DNA-forming sequence, was found in the 3 untranslated region of the cDNA.  相似文献   

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