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New terrestrial and freshwater arthropods are described from the Windyfield cherts, a suite of silicified sinters deposited 700m north‐east of the Rhynie cherts and part of the same Early Devonian hot‐spring complex. The diverse assemblage consists of Heterocrania rhyniensis (Hirst and Maulik, 1926a), here recognized as a euthycarcinoid; scutigeromorph centipede material assigned to Crussolum sp.; the crustacean Lepidocaris; trigonotarbid arachnids; a new arthropod of myriapod affinities named Leverhulmia mariae gen. et sp. nov.; and the distinctively ornamented arthropod cuticle of Rhynimonstrum dunlopi gen. et sp. nov. The Leverhulmia animal preserves gut content identifying it as an early terrestrial detritivore. Abundant coprolites of similar composition and morphology to the gut contents of the euthycarcinoid crowd the matrix. Chert texture, faunal associations, and study of modern analogues strongly suggest that the terrestrial arthropods were ubiquitous Early Devonian forms with no particular special adaptation to localized conditions around the terrestrial hot‐spring vents. The aquatic arthropods represent biota from ephemeral cool‐water pools in the vicinity of the hot‐spring vents.  相似文献   

Several different chytridiomycetes are described from the Lower Devonian (Siegenian) Rhynie chert. Included are both eucarpic and apparently holocarpic forms that occur in Palaeonitella, Aglaophyton, Lyonophyton, Horneophyton, and clusters of algal cells, as well as in the surrounding chert matrix. Holocarpic types consist of endobiotic sporangia, each characterized by one discharge tube. Sporangia can be traced from the thallus stage to the discharge of zoospores. Monocentric and polycentric eucarpic chytrids are associated with the miospores of Aglaophyton and various thick-walled fungal spores. In these forms the sporangia are variable in size and shape ranging up to 30 μm. Most appear to be inoperculate and there is evidence that the sporangium ruptured on the distal surface. Some contain zoospores with flagella. One operculate eucarpic form had parasitized the cellular gametophyte emerging from the proximal surface of an Aglaophyton spore. Several of the Rhynie chert chytrids are comparable with a number of extant forms (e.g., Olpidiaceae and Spizellomycetaceae), while others possess features that encompass several groups. These fossil fungi are discussed in the context of their interactions with other organisms in this Lower Devonian freshwater paleoecosystem.  相似文献   

本文描述的胴甲鱼化石标本,采自广西象州大乐早泥盆世地层.化石系内、外模,但保存非常完整,包括自然连接的头部、躯干、胸鳍及躯甲后的尾部.头甲、躯甲的特征较为接近星鳞鱼 (Asterolepis) 的特征,而某些特征又与云南鱼 (Yunnanolepis) 类似.胸鳍分为近节和远节,鳍片排列近似欧洲的翼甲鱼 (Pterichthyodes) 型的胸鳍.根据头甲、躯甲及胸鳍的特征,笔者建立了一新属、新种——Liujiangolepis suni gen. et sp. nov.,代表胴甲鱼类中—新科——Liujiangolepidae fam. nov..文中对新属种的胸鳍结构和新属种在胴甲鱼类中的分类位置做了初步探讨.  相似文献   

Astothegaleaspids,thePosongchongFormationofZhaotongDistrictismostsimilartothePingyipoFormationofJiangyou,Sichuan.BothLungmenshanaspisandSanqiaspisareexclusivelyfoundinthesetworegions,indicatingthepresenceofbiogeographicconnection.PaleontologicStudiesSubclassGaleaspidaTarlo,1967orderHuananaspiformesJanvier,l975FamiIySanqiaspididaeLiu,l975GenusSanqiasPisLiu,l975TyPespeciesSanqiasPisrostrataLiul975.ReferredspeciesSanqiasPiszhaotongensisLiul97iEmendeddiagnosisCephalicshieldnarrow,rou…  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new dipnoan fish, Pinnalongus saxoni gen. et sp. nov., is described from a suite of recently discovered specimens from Caithness and East Sutherland, northern Scotland. The stratum where Pinnalongus occurs is within the middle Eifelian of the Middle Devonian. Pinnalongus has a skull roof consisting of a mosaic of small bones at the anterior end, a feature more typically found in Early Devonian dipnoans. The posterior part of the skull roof is more typical of later advanced Middle Devonian dipnoans with the B-bone separating the I-bones. The postcranial body is now considered not to be so important with respect to the classification of dipnoans as originally proposed by Dollo in 1895, who thought there was an evolutionary transformation series. Nevertheless, the postcranial body of Pinnalongus has more in common with later Middle and Late Devonian dipnoans such as Scaumenacia , with a very long second dorsal fin. Based on the skull morphology, Pinnalongus is most closely related to Tarachomylax from the Lower Devonian of Severnaya Zemlya, Russia. Pinnalongus represents the earliest known complete articulated dipnoan with tooth plates.  相似文献   

王士涛  王俊卿  王念忠  张振贤 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(3):157-167,T001,T002
描述了产自广西东部平乐下泥盆统贺县组的一脊椎动物群中的无颌类化石,建立了盔 甲鱼类的一新属、新种──平乐圆盘鱼(Discaspis pinglensis get. et sp. nov.)。圆盘鱼鳃囊 数目多达32对。同层产出的尚有保存较完好的胴甲鱼目中华鱼科化石。该动物群的发现为 华南区早泥盆世晚期脊椎动物群的演化及其生物地层的对比提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

云南曲靖晚志留世和早泥盆世介形类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

滇东南早泥盆世无颌类   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
文中记述了华南鱼类两个新属,即 Gantarostrataspis gengi gen. et sp. nov. 和 Gumuaspis rostrata gen. et sp. nov.,同时对含鱼层的时代进行了讨论.  相似文献   

云南丽江早泥盆世棘鱼类微体化石的首次报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了云南丽江县鸣音区阿冷初早泥盆世山江组 (Lochkovian EarlyPragian)和阿冷初组(Middle LatePragian)棘鱼亚纲微体化石。这些化石被归属于 4属 5种 ,其中包含 1新属 2新种。这是西藏—滇西区棘鱼类化石的首次报道。不同于华南区棘鱼类的组成 ,丽江早泥盆世棘鱼类以栅棘鱼目属种为主 ,缺少锉棘鱼目属种。它与国外对比 ,则与澳大利亚新南威尔士中部同时代的棘鱼类表现出较多的相似性  相似文献   

邓占球 《古生物学报》2001,40(2):219-223
对床板珊瑚化石群的分析表明,南天山阿尔皮什表布拉克组的地质时代为早泥盆世早期,所含珊瑚群与滇西北,西秦岭,内蒙古达尔罕茂明安联合旗,吉林二道沟的珊瑚群面貌相似,明确属于古特提斯生物地理区内,而与北天山,淮噶尔,北山,大,小兴安岭等地区同期地层所产者存在明显差异。  相似文献   

A new arthropodSaccogulus seldeni n. gen. n. sp. is described from the Early Devonian Rhynie cherts, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK. Although an incomplete thin section preparation, this enigmatic fossil differs substantially in overall shape and in various morphological details from previous named discoveries at Rhynie. A remarkable feature is what appears to be a very thick cuticle, albeit with a curious spongiform texture and ducts running through it. Secondly, associated with the mouth is a unique, elongate, steeply-rising structure comprising filamentous or platelet-like projections. This probably acted as some sort of post-oral (?) filtering device and implies a terrestrial animal; a liquid-feeder that practised preoral digestion. Affinities of this new fossil remain equivocal, but preoral digestion implies an arachnid. Indeed the overall outline present in the thin section and, perhaps, the filtering device show some intriguing similarities to spiders (Araneae).  相似文献   

云南文山早泥盆世盔甲鱼类的新发现   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
描述了采自云南东南部文山地区下泥盆统坡松冲组下部的无颌类化石,建立了盔甲鱼类的一新属、新种──纸厂文山鱼(Wenshampis zhichangsis gen.et sp.nov.),同时修订了两个盔甲鱼类的旧属、旧种──长吻三歧鱼(Sanqiapis rostrata)及长角大窗鱼(Macrothyraspislongicornis)。迄今为止,长吻三歧鱼仅在四川江油雁门坝的平驿铺组中部发现并记述过,长角大窗鱼也仅有一件采自云南广南坡松冲组中的正型标本,而纸厂文山鱼为滇东南文山地区首次记述的多鳃鱼类新属种,它与滇东北昭通地区下泥盆统坡松冲组中的让氏昭通鱼(Zhao-tongasis janvieri)最为相似。此次这三个盔甲鱼类属种在滇东南文山地区的发现,为该区下泥盆统的横向对比提供了重要的古鱼类学方面的证据。  相似文献   

黑龙江密山—宝清早泥盆世盾皮鱼类化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1993年,原地矿部沈阳地质矿产研究所苏养正先生将其在黑龙江省东北部密山及宝清下黑台组中采到的5件泥盆纪鱼化石送交王士涛鉴定。经过修理和观察后认为,这些骨片属于盾皮鱼类(Placoderms)。这是迄今为止在东北地槽区内首次发现的泥盆纪鱼类化石,具有重要的生物地层学及古动物地理学意义。  相似文献   

记述了产于云南昭通早泥盆世布拉格期基干肺鱼形动物一新属、新种——多孔弓鱼(Arquatichthys porosus gen.et sp.nov.)。新材料包括一件较为完整的下颌和鳞片若干。与基干肺鱼形动物相近的特征有:第四下齿骨水平凹线呈"L"形;下颌表面可见许多不规则排列的感觉管开孔;具三块冠状骨;冠状骨侧部为宽阔的小齿带;侧联合齿骨附着区较小;颌收肌窝大;菱形鳞片具明显的前腹突。鉴别特征包括下颌背缘明显隆起,以及后缘具加长的被覆压区。多孔弓鱼的发现为探讨肉鳍鱼类的早期分化提供了新的资料,在早期肉鳍鱼类的系统发育关系框架下讨论了鳞片的特征演化序列。  相似文献   

记述了产于云南昭通早泥盆世布拉格期基干肺鱼形动物一新属、新种--多孔弓鱼(Arquatichthys porosus gen.et sp.nov.).新材料包括一件较为完整的下颌和鳞片若干.与基干肺鱼形动物相近的特征有:第四下齿骨水平凹线呈"L"形;下颌表面可见许多不规则排列的感觉管开孔;具三块冠状骨;冠状骨侧部为宽阔的小齿带;侧联合齿骨附着区较小;颌收肌窝大;菱形鳞片具明显的前腹突.鉴别特征包括下颌背缘明显隆起,以及后缘具加长的被覆压区.多孔弓鱼的发现为探讨肉鳍鱼类的早期分化提供了新的资料,在早期肉鳍鱼类的系统发育关系框架下讨论了鳞片的特征演化序列.  相似文献   

出露于新疆南天山东部的阿尔皮什麦布拉克组属于近岸、富氧、温暖的浅海沉积。该组自上一个世纪三十年代创建以来,有关它的地质时代归属一直存在着争论,作者根据珊瑚(包括四射珊瑚、床板珊瑚和日射珊瑚)、介形类和牙形类等门类化石的综合研究,主张将阿尔皮什麦布拉克组置于下泥盆统下部的洛赫柯夫阶。  相似文献   

中国下泥盆统脊椎动物化石组合层序   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
本文综合了滇、黔、川、桂等地的一些早泥盆世地层剖面中的脊椎动物化石的出露情况,粗略地描绘出了早期脊椎动物演化的一般特征,归纳成三个发展阶段。并以此为依据,讨论了下泥盆统的分层与对比。  相似文献   

本报道的鱼类化石产自湖南石门大京州的上泥盆统写经寺组。在中国泥盆纪地层分区上,化石产地属于华南区的湘、鄂、川交界分区(侯鸿飞等,1988)。该分区泥盆系为一套厚度不超过500m的近岸海相碎屑岩沉积,仅发育中泥盆统上部至上泥盆统(图1),并普遍超覆在志留系温洛克统之上,以角度不整合伏于石炭系或二叠系之下。上泥盆统分两个组,从下而上分别为黄家磴组和写经寺组。黄家磴组系杨敬之、穆恩之(1953)创立,标准地点在湖北长阳马鞍山东端的黄家磴。岩性为砂岩夹少量页岩,植物化石丰富,并含有误订为植物化石的湖北长阳鱼(Changyanophyton hupeiense Sze,1952)。根据植物化石组合面貌,黄家磴组的时代被认为是晚泥盆世早期。写经寺组是谢家荣、刘季辰(1927)创立的。岩性分为二段:下段以泥灰岩为主,含Yunnanella abrupta、Yunnanellina triplicata等腕足类化石;上段以砂页岩为主,含植物化石,其组合面貌除大致与黄家磴组相似外,还有一些新的分子,如Leptophloeum guanzhuangense、Cyclostigma hunanense等。根据动、植物化石群的性质,写经寺组的时代大致与法门期早期相当。多年来,在这一分区的泥盆纪地层里,很少鱼类化石。杨敬之、穆恩之(1953)曾提及在湖北长阳写经寺组底部发现的鱼化石,这些鱼化石与腕足类Yunnanella、Tenticospirifer等共生,但种属并未定出。已记述过的鱼化石只有湖北长阳黄家磴组的长阳鱼(潘江,1962)。  相似文献   

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