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Han L  Monné M  Okumura H  Schwend T  Cherry AL  Flot D  Matsuda T  Jovine L 《Cell》2010,143(3):404-415
ZP3, a major component of the zona pellucida (ZP) matrix coating mammalian eggs, is essential for fertilization by acting as sperm receptor. By retaining a propeptide that contains a polymerization-blocking external hydrophobic patch (EHP), we determined the crystal structure of an avian homolog of ZP3 at 2.0 ? resolution. The structure unveils the fold of a complete ZP domain module in a homodimeric arrangement required for secretion and reveals how EHP prevents premature incorporation of ZP3 into the ZP. This suggests mechanisms underlying polymerization and how local structural differences, reflected by alternative disulfide patterns, control the specificity of ZP subunit interaction. Close relative positioning of a conserved O-glycan important for sperm binding and the hypervariable, positively selected C-terminal region of ZP3 suggests a concerted role in the regulation of species-restricted gamete recognition. Alternative conformations of the area around the O-glycan indicate how sperm binding could trigger downstream events via intramolecular signaling.  相似文献   

The extracellular zona pellucida surrounds mammalian eggs and mediates taxon-specific sperm-egg recognition at fertilization. In mice, the zona pellucida is composed of three glycoproteins, but the presence of ZP2 and ZP3 is sufficient to form a biologically functional structure. Each zona pellucida glycoprotein is synthesized in growing oocytes and traffics through the endomembrane system to the cell surface, where it is released from a transmembrane domain and assembled into the insoluble zona pellucida matrix. ZP2 and ZP3 colocalize in the endoplasmic reticulum and in 1- to 5-microm post-Golgi structures comprising multivesicular aggregates (MVA), but a coimmunoprecipitation assay does not detect physical interactions. In addition, ZP2 traffics normally in growing oocytes in the absence of ZP3 or if ZP3 has been mutated to prevent incorporation into the zona pellucida matrix, complementing earlier studies indicating the independence of ZP3 secretion in Zp2 null mice. N glycosylation has been implicated in correct protein folding and intracellular trafficking of secreted proteins. Although ZP3 contain five N-glycans, enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged ZP3 lacking N glycosylation sites is present in MVA and is incorporated into the zona pellucida matrix of transgenic mice. Thus, ZP2 secretion is seemingly unaffected by ZP3 lacking N-glycans. Taken together, these observations indicate that ZP2 and ZP3 traffic independently through the oocyte prior to assembly into the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

During mammalian fertilization, sperm adhere to the extracellular coat of the egg, or zona pellucida, in a species-specific manner. In mouse, evidence suggests that sperm recognize and bind to specific oligosaccharide ligands within the zona pellucida glycoprotein, ZP3, via beta1,4-galactosyltransferase I (GalT I), a lectin-like receptor on the sperm surface. Although in vitro experiments using isolated gametes lend support to this model, recent in vivo studies of genetically altered mice question whether ZP3 and/or GalT I are solely responsible for sperm-egg binding. In this regard, sperm from GalT I-null mice bind poorly to ZP3 and fail to undergo a zona-induced acrosome reaction; however, they still bind to the ovulated egg coat in vitro. In this report, we characterize a novel ZP3- and GalT I-independent mechanism for sperm adhesion to the egg coat. Results show that the ovulated zona pellucida contains at least two distinct ligands for sperm binding: a ZP3-independent ligand that is peripherally associated with the egg coat and facilitates gamete adhesion; and a ZP3-dependent ligand that is present in the insoluble zona matrix and is recognized by sperm GalT I to facilitate acrosomal exocytosis. The ZP3-independent ligand is not a result of contamination by egg cortical granules, nor is it the mouse homolog of oviduct-specific glycoprotein. It behaves as a 250 kDa, WGA-reactive glycoprotein with a basic isoelectric point, distinguishing it from the acidic glycoproteins that form the insoluble matrix of the egg coat. When eluted from isoelectric focusing gels, the acidic matrix glycoproteins possess sperm-binding activity for wild-type sperm, but not for GalT I-null sperm, whereas the basic glycoprotein retains sperm-binding activity for both wild-type and GalT I-null sperm. Thus, GalT I-null sperm are able to resolve gamete recognition into at least two distinct binding events, leading to the characterization of a novel, peripherally associated, sperm-binding ligand on the ovulated zona pellucida.  相似文献   

The mouse egg extracellular coat, or zona pellucida, consists of three glycoproteins, called mZP1-3. Each glycoprotein possesses a consensus sequence recognized by the furin family of proprotein convertases. Previously, it was reported that mZP2 and mZP3 are cleaved at their consensus furin cleavage-sites located near the C-terminus of the polypeptides [Litscher, E. S., Qi, H., and Wassarman, P. M. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 12280-12287]. Here, use of site-directed mutagenesis of the mZP3 gene and a specific inhibitor of furin-like enzymes revealed that secretion of nascent mZP3 from transfected cells is dependent on cleavage of mZP3 at its consensus furin cleavage-site. The dependence of secretion on cleavage represents a novel function for furin family enzymes.  相似文献   

2C T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice have been long used to study the molecular basis of TCR binding to peptide/major compatibility complexes and the cytotoxicity mechanism of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). To study the role of variable gene promoters in allelic exclusion, we previously constructed mutant mice in which the Vβ13 promoter was deleted (P13 mice). Introduction of 2C transgene into P13 mice accelerated the onset of systemic CD8 T cell lymphoma between 14 and 27 weeks of age, although parental P13 mice appeared to be normal. This observation suggests that the lymphoma development may be linked to features of 2C transgene. To identify the integration site of 2C transgene, Southern blotting identified a 2C-specific DNA fragment by 3′ region probe of 2C TCR α transgene, and digestion-circularization-polymerase chain reaction (DC-PCR) amplified the 2C-specific DNA fragment with inverse primers specific to the southern probe. Sequence analysis revealed that DC-PCR product contained the probe sequences and the junction sequences of integration site, indicating that 2C TCR α transgene is integrated into chromosome 1. Further genomic analysis revealed cytosolic phospholipase A2 group IVA (cPLA2) as the nearest gene to the integration site. cPLA2 expression was upregulated in the normal thymi and T cell lymphomas from 2C transgenic mice, although it was not altered in the lymph nodes of 2C transgenic mice. The result is the first report demonstrating the integration site of 2C TCR transgene, and will facilitate the proper use of 2C transgenic mice in studies of CTLs.  相似文献   

Gene 8 of bacteriophage M13 codes for procoat, the precursor of its major coat protein. Gene 8 has been cloned into a plasmid and mutagenized. We have isolated mutants of this gene in which procoat is synthesized but is not processed to coat protein. We now describe mutants in the leader region of procoat, at positions -6, -3, and -1 with respect to the leader peptidase cleavage site. These positions are quite conserved among the leader peptides of various pre-proteins. Each of these mutant procoats is synthesized at a normal rate and inserts correctly into the plasma membrane, as judged by its accessibility to protease in intact spheroplasts. Procoat accumulates, largely in its transmembrane form, and is not cleaved to coat. In detergent extracts, the mutant procoats are very poor substrates for added leader peptidase. We conclude that these 3 residues are not conserved for insertion across the membrane but are part of an essential recognition site for the leader peptidase.  相似文献   

Copper amine oxidases are homodimeric enzymes that catalyze two reactions: first, a self-processing reaction to generate the 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine (TPQ) cofactor from an active site tyrosine by a single turnover mechanism; second, the oxidative deamination of primary amine substrates with the production of aldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonia catalyzed by the mature enzyme. The importance of active site residues in both of these processes has been investigated by structural studies and site-directed mutagenesis in enzymes from various organisms. One conserved residue is a tyrosine, Tyr369 in the Escherichia coli enzyme, whose hydroxyl is hydrogen bonded to the O4 of TPQ. To explore the importance of this site, we have studied a mutant enzyme in which Tyr369 has been mutated to a phenylalanine. We have determined the X-ray crystal structure of this variant enzyme to 2.1 A resolution, which reveals that TPQ adopts a predominant nonproductive conformation in the resting enzyme. Reaction of the enzyme with the irreversible inhibitor 2-hydrazinopyridine (2-HP) reveals differences in the reactivity of Y369F compared with wild type with more efficient formation of an adduct (lambda(max) = 525 nm) perhaps reflecting increased mobility of the TPQ adduct within the active site of Y369F. Titration with 2-HP also reveals that both wild type and Y369F contain one TPQ per monomer, indicating that Tyr369 is not essential for TPQ formation, although we have not measured the rate of TPQ biogenesis. The UV-vis spectrum of the Y369F protein shows a broader peak and red-shifted lambda(max) at 496 nm compared with wild type (480 nm), consistent with an altered electronic structure of TPQ. Steady-state kinetic measurements reveal that Y369F has decreased catalytic activity particularly below pH 6.5 while the K(M) for substrate beta-phenethylamine increases significantly, apparently due to an elevated pK(a) (5.75-6.5) for the catalytic base, Asp383, that should be deprotonated for efficient binding of protonated substrate. At pH 7.0, the K(M) for wild type and Y369F are similar at 1.2 and 1.5 microM, respectively, while k(cat) is decreased from 15 s(-1) in wild type to 0.38 s(-1), resulting in a 50-fold decrease in k(cat)/K(M) for Y369F. Transient kinetics experiments indicate that while the initial stages of enzyme reduction are slower in the variant, these do not represent the rate-limiting step. Previous structural and solution studies have implicated Tyr369 as a component of a proton shuttle from TPQ to dioxygen. The moderate changes in kinetic parameters observed for the Y369F variant indicate that if this is the case, then the absence of the Tyr369 hydroxyl can be compensated for efficiently within the active site.  相似文献   

tRNase Z is an enzyme responsible for removing a 3′ trailer from pre-tRNA. Although most tRNase Zs cleave pre-tRNAs immediately after the discriminator nucleotide with the exception of Thermotoga maritima tRNase Z, which cleaves after the 74CCA76 sequence, our knowledge was limited about how the cleavage site in pre-tRNA is selected. Bacterial tRNase Zs contain a unique domain termed flexible arm, which extends from the core domain. Using various tRNase Z variants, here we examined how the flexible arm affects the cleavage site selection. T. maritima tRNase Z variants with modified flexible arms shifted the cleavage site and a Bacillus subtilis tRNase Z variant with no flexible arm showed an anomalous cleavage activity. Some of the T. maritima/B. subtilis chimeric enzymes had both properties: they recognized 74CCA76-containing pre-tRNA and cleaved it after the discriminator. Taken together, the present data indicate that the flexible arm is not essential for pre-tRNA binding but affects the cleavage site selection probably by pushing the distal region of the T arm in such a way that the discriminator nucleotide becomes closer to the catalytic site.  相似文献   

A transglutaminase (TGase) cDNA was cloned from carp ovary. It was highly homologous to zebrafish TGase. Immunoblot and enzymatical assay showed that TGase was present on the chorion and in the cytoplasm of carp eggs. Addition of TGase inhibitor, cadaverine or ethylene diaminetetracetic acid (EDTA) to the cortical reaction medium impaired the formation of the outer layer of fertilization envelope (FE(o)), the adhesive structure of carp egg. Fibroin-like substance (FLS), cystatin, cathepsin-like substance (CLS), and FEO-1 were the components of FE(o), wherein the majority of the former three were conjugated to form macromolecules of 90-205 kDa while the latter one was present in monomer of 22 kDa. Cadaverine interfered slightly the discharge of FLS conjugates out of the perivitelline space (PVS) but affected profoundly the recruitment of FLS conjugates to FE, whereas EDTA completely inhibited both the release and the recruitment of FLS conjugates to FE. Both EDTA and cadaverine did not inhibit the discharge of FEO-1 out of PVS but could inhibit the recruitment of FEO-1 to FE. The mechanism was studied. ZP2 and ZP3, the major constituents of inner layer of FE, were cross-linked during cortical reaction, which rendered FE hardened. In the presence of EDTA, the cross-linking of ZP2 and ZP3 were inhibited, thus FE remained soft. The PVS of an egg with a hardened FE was less expanded than an egg with a soft FE. It was assumed that a less expanded PVS would generate a higher fluid pressure than a more expanded PVS did. Therefore, the transportation of the macromolecules such as the FLS-cystatin-CLS conjugates out of PVS was facilitated in control and cadaverine-treated eggs whose FE were hardened but was blocked in EDTA-treated eggs whose FE were unhardened. On the other hand, the transportation of small molecules such as FEO-1 out of FE was not restrained, so they were discharged out of the PVS of the control and TGase inhibitor-treated eggs. In addition, TGase activity was also required for the recruitment of FLS conjugates to FE.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species employ a type III secretion system (TTSS) to target antihost factors, Yop proteins, into eukaryotic cells. The secretion machinery is constituted of ca. 20 Ysc proteins, nine of which show significant homology to components of the flagellar TTSS. A key event in flagellar assembly is the switch from secreting-assembling hook substrates to filament substrates, a switch regulated by FlhB and FliK. The focus of this study is the FlhB homologue YscU, a bacterial inner membrane protein with a large cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. Our results demonstrate that low levels of YscU were required for functional Yop secretion, whereas higher levels of YscU lowered both Yop secretion and expression. Like FlhB, YscU was cleaved into a 30-kDa N-terminal and a 10-kDa C-terminal part. Expression of the latter in a wild-type strain resulted in elevated Yop secretion. The site of cleavage was at a proline residue, within the strictly conserved amino acid sequence NPTH. A YscU protein with an in-frame deletion of NPTH was cleaved at a different position and was nonfunctional with respect to Yop secretion. Variants of YscU with single substitutions in the conserved NPTH sequence--i.e., N263A, P264A, or T265A--were not cleaved but retained function in Yop secretion. Elevated expression of these YscU variants did, however, result in severe growth inhibition. From this we conclude that YscU cleavage is not a prerequisite for Yop secretion but is rather required to maintain a nontoxic fold.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor (TLR) 8 has an important role in initiating immune responses to viral single-stranded RNA and the antiviral compound resiquimod. Together with TLR3, -7, and -9, it forms a subgroup of the TLRs that are localized intracellularly and signal in response to pathogen-derived nucleic acids. In this work, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to identify regions of the TLR8 extracellular domain that are required for stimulus-induced signal transduction. We have shown that a cysteinerich sequence predicted to form a loop projecting from the solenoidal ectodomain structure at leucine-rich repeat 8 is essential for signaling in response to both single-stranded RNA and resiquimod. A second region, centered on an aspartic acid residue in leucine-rich repeat 17, is also required for TLR8 function. The corresponding residue in TLR9 is known to be important for pH-dependent binding and signaling in response to unmethylated CpG DNA, suggesting that the TLR7/8/9 subgroups share a common signaling mechanism. We have also shown that TLR8 is localized predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum but that signaling is completely abolished by an inhibitor of vesicle-type H+ ATPases. This indicates that TLR8 is present at low levels in an acidified compartment and that a lowered pH is required for receptor function. We propose that pH-dependent changes in the ligand facilitate activation of the receptor. The protonated form of resiquimod, a cell-permeable weak base, is likely to concentrate significantly (approximately 100x) in acidified compartments, and this may potentiate low affinity interactions with either the receptor or a specific binding protein.  相似文献   

In mammalian fertilization, sperm-zona pellucida binding is considered to be a critical aspect of gamete interaction. In this study, we examine the mouse sperm acrosomal matrix protein zona pellucida 3 receptor (ZP3R; formerly called sp56) because of our interest in defining the function of the acrosomal matrix, the particulate compartment within the sperm secretory acrosome. Using targeted deletion of the Zp3r gene by homologous recombination, we examined the fertility of nullizygous animals. Our experiments showed that males and females homozygous for the affected gene exhibited no differences in litter sizes compared to wild-type and heterozygous animals. Testis weights of nullizygous males were equivalent to those of wild-type and heterozygous males, and no differences in the number of sperm produced by mice of three genotypes were found. In vitro fertilization rates using cumulus-intact and cumulus-free oocytes were also equivalent. Examination of sperm-binding zonae of unfertilized eggs and the ability of the sperm to undergo acrosomal exocytosis in response to calcium ionophore A23187 displayed no differences between wild-type, heterozygous, and nullizygous mouse sperm. These results provide further evidence that either ZP3R is not involved in sperm-zona pellucida binding or this process might be functionally redundant, involving multiple proteins for gamete interactions.  相似文献   

The Alzheimer's disease-linked protein, presenilin, forms the active site of the gamma-secretase enzyme complex. However, three other proteins, nicastrin (NCT), PEN-2 and APH-1, are required for enzyme activity. This complex is responsible for cleaving the beta-amyloid precursor protein to produce amyloid beta and the intracellular domain (AICD). Although much research has focused on the regions of presenilin that are important for gamma-secretase function, less is known about NCT. To further our understanding of the role of NCT in gamma-secretase activity and complex formation, we have undertaken a systematic evaluation of conserved residues in the juxtamembrane region of the extracellular domain of NCT. Two mutants, S632A and W648A, greatly reduce gamma-secretase activity, as seen by a reduction in amyloid beta and AICD levels. Several lines of evidence suggest that these mutations result in reduced gamma-secretase activity because they affect the ability of NCT to stably associate with the other gamma-secretase components. Since NCT and APH-1 must first bind in order for presenilin and PEN-2 to stably join the complex, we propose that S632 and W648 are essential for a stable interaction with APH-1.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of neutral fat-transporting lipoproteins involves the lipidation of their nonexchangeable apolipoprotein. In contrast to its mammalian homolog apolipoprotein B, however, insect apolipophorin-II/I (apoLp-II/I) is cleaved posttranslationally at a consensus substrate sequence for furin, resulting in the appearance of two apolipoproteins in insect lipoprotein. To characterize the cleavage process, a truncated cDNA encoding the N-terminal 38% of Locusta migratoria apoLp-II/I, including the cleavage site, was expressed in insect Sf9 cells. This resulted in the secretion of correctly processed apoLp-II and truncated apoLp-I. The cleavage could be impaired by the furin inhibitor decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethyl ketone (decRVKRcmk) as well as by mutagenesis of the consensus substrate sequence for furin, as indicated by the secretion of uncleaved apoLp-II/I-38. Treatment of L. migratoria fat body, the physiological site of lipoprotein biosynthesis, with decRVKRcmk similarly resulted in the secretion of uncleaved apoLp-II/I, which was integrated in lipoprotein particles of buoyant density identical to wild-type high density lipophorin (HDLp). These results show that apoLp-II/I is posttranslationally cleaved by an insect furin and that biosynthesis and secretion of HDLp can occur independent of this processing step. Structure modeling indicates that the cleavage of apoLp-II/I represents a molecular adaptation in homologous apolipoprotein structures. We propose that cleavage enables specific features of insect lipoproteins, such as low density lipoprotein formation, endocytic recycling, and involvement in coagulation.  相似文献   

The matrilins are a family of four noncollagenous oligomeric extracellular matrix proteins with a modular structure. Matrilins can act as adapters which bridge different macromolecular networks. We therefore investigated the effect of collagen IX deficiency on matrilin-3 integration into cartilage tissues. Mice harboring a deleted Col9a1 gene lack synthesis of a functional protein and produce cartilage fibrils completely devoid of collagen IX. Newborn collagen IX knockout mice exhibited significantly decreased matrilin-3 and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) signals, particularly in the cartilage primordium of vertebral bodies and ribs. In the absence of collagen IX, a substantial amount of matrilin-3 is released into the medium of cultured chondrocytes instead of being integrated into the cell layer as in wild-type and COMP-deficient cells. Gene expression of matrilin-3 is not affected in the absence of collagen IX, but protein extraction from cartilage is greatly facilitated. Matrilin-3 interacts with collagen IX-containing cartilage fibrils, while fibrils from collagen IX knockout mice lack matrilin-3, and COMP-deficient fibrils exhibit an intermediate integration. In summary, the integration of matrilin-3 into cartilage fibrils occurs both by a direct interaction with collagen IX and indirectly with COMP serving as an adapter. Matrilin-3 can be considered as an interface component, capable of interconnecting macromolecular networks and mediating interactions between cartilage fibrils and the extrafibrillar matrix.  相似文献   

PS2, a small estrogen-inducible secretory polypeptide with structural analogies to a growth factor, is produced by approximately 50% of human breast tumors. The function of PS2 is, however, unknown. To determine whether PS2 may play an autocrine role in the development of mammary tumors we constructed transgenic mice bearing fusion constructs designed to direct the expression of human PS2 in the lactating mammary gland under the control of the whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter. Mouse lines bearing the genomic PS2 gene under the control of the WAP promoter region (WAP-PS2-2) failed to express the transgene. However, mice harboring the fusion construct WAP-PS2-1, in which the PS2 coding sequence is inserted into the 5' untranslated region of the complete WAP gene, were observed to express the transgene. Expression was restricted to the secretory epithelium of the mammary gland during lactation, and PS2 protein was secreted into the milk. Nevertheless, no mammary gland dysplasia was observed, and PS2 expression had no discernable effect upon the physiology and/or development of the suckling young or the transgenic mother.  相似文献   

Monkey kidney cells (COS-1), transfected with full-length human von Willebrand factor (vWF) cDNA encoding the precursor of vWF (pro-vWF), mimic the characteristics of the biosynthesis and of the constitutive secretory pathway, displayed by cultured vascular endothelial cells. Such heterologous transfected cells are able to cleave pro-vWF, generating the propolypeptide and mature vWF, and to assemble pro-vWF dimers into a series of multimers, similarly to endothelial cells. Evidence is presented showing that proteolytic processing of pro-vWF by COS-1 cells occurs at the peptide bond between arginine and serine in the sequence Lys762-Arg763-Ser764, identical to endothelial cell-associated proteolysis. This conclusion stems from the observation that substitution of Arg763 by a glycine residue completely abolishes proteolytic processing. As a result, transfection of COS-1 with the mutant vWF-Gly763 cDNA does not significantly affect the multimeric organization of secreted vWF molecules. Consequently, we conclude that proteolytic processing of pro-vWF is not required for multimer formation. Pulse-chase labeling of COS-1 cells transfected with full-length vWF cDNA reveals pro-vWF exclusively in cell lysates, whereas both pro-vWF and mature vWF are encountered in the conditioned medium. These observations indicate that proteolytic processing of pro-vWF is a "late" event during intracellular routing of these molecules or may occur extracellularly.  相似文献   

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