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Activity levels of DNA polymerase alpha and DNA polymerase beta have been measured in mouse spermatogenic cells separated by sedimentation velocity. Testes from prepuberal (17 day old) and sexually mature mice were dissociated and separated by unit gravity sedimentation into 6 populations of cells. Phase contrast microscopy and [3H]thymidine labeling kinetics revealed that at least 85% of the cells in fraction A were pachytene-stage primary spermatocytes, fraction B was enriched for primary spermatocytes and round spermatids, fraction C contained spermatogonia and/or pre-leptotene primary spermatocytes and later stages of spermatids (no spermatids were present in fraction C from the testes of 17 day old mice) and fractions D to F contained mixed populations of cells, many in later stages of spermiogenesis. When expressed as activity in 10(6) cells or as a specific activity, fractions A, B, and C from mature animals population initially loaded onto the gradient while fractions D, E and F had activity levels similar to or below the population of dissociated cells. The ratio of activity between the DNA polymerases was constant in fractions A, B, and C, but in fractions D, E, and F, the ratio decreased due to a more rapid decline of activity of polymerase alpha. A comparison of activity levels in fraction C from prepuberal and sexually mature mice revealed an increase in DNA polymerase alpha activity and a decrease in the activity of DNA polymerase beta in the cells from the 17 day old animals.  相似文献   

A method utilizing sequential enzymatic incubation in collagenase (1 mg/ml) and trypsin (2.5 mg/ml) has been developed for the dissociation of the seminiferous epithelium. A significant advantage of this method is that, following collagenase incubation and washings in an enriched Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer solution, isolated seminiferous tubules are obtained which are free of interstitial cells. The “purified” seminiferous epithelium is then dissociated with trypsin. A further advantage of this dissociation technique has been a reduction in the number of symplasts (multinucleate cells) which form by the opening up of the intercellular bridges that occur between synchronously differentiating clusters of germ cells. Both the elimination of the interstitial cells and the reduction in the number of symplasts have made possible the recovery of more highly enriched germ cell fractions. The homogeneity of the cell fractions was determined by light and electron microscopy. Integrity of the isolated cells was verified by Trypan blue exclusion and measurement of oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Separation of cells by velocity sedimentation   总被引:110,自引:0,他引:110  
A system for fractionating populations of living cells by velocity sedimentation in the earth's gravitational field is described. The cells start in a thin band near the top of a shallow gradient of 3% to 30% fetal calf serum in phosphate buffered saline at 4°C. Cell separation takes place primarily on the basis of size and is approximately independent of cell shape. A sharply-defined upper limit, called the streaming limit, exists for the cell concentration in the starting band beyond which useful cell separations cannot be achieved. This limit, which varies with the type of cell being sedimented, can be significantly increased by proper choice of gradient shape. For sheep erythrocytes (sedimentation velocity of 1.6 mm/hour) it is 1.5 × 107 cells/ml. Measured and calculated sedimentation velocities for sheep erythrocytes are shown to be in agreement. The technique is applied to a suspension of mouse spleen cells and it is shown, using an electronic cell counter and pulse height analyzer, that cells are fractionated according to size across the gradient such that the sedimentation velocity (in mm/hour) approximately equals r2/4 where r is the cell radius in microns. Since cells of differing function also often differ in size, the system appears to have useful biological applications.  相似文献   

Sinusoidal cells isolated from adult rat liver were fractionated by velocity sedimentation at 1 X g ( primarily on the basis of size) and the various cell fractions were further analysed by flow cytometry on the basis of forward and perpendicular light scattering and autofluorescence. Cell volume was also measured electronically using a Coulter counter. At least four enriched cell populations were resolved after velocity sedimentation. They corresponded to cells having a modal diameter of 6.5, 7.5, 9, and 11 microns, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of the various cell populations revealed that the 7.5- and 9-microns cell fractions represented two distinct classes of endothelial cells while the 11-microns cells corresponded to Kupffer cells. The 6.5-microns cells were identified as lymphocytes. Fat-storing cells, identified by their autofluorescence and lipid content, were included in the Kupffer population. Further information about the nature of the two physically distinct endothelial cell populations was obtained by TEM. It demonstrated that the smaller endothelial cells possessed quantitatively and relatively less retracted sieve plates than the larger ones. This ultrastructural feature can be possibly correlated to a differential localization of the two classes of endothelial cells within the liver acinus.  相似文献   

Cell separation by velocity sedimentation of postnatal mouse cerebellum   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Trypsinized cells of newborn mouse cerebellum have been separated by velocity sedimentation at unit gravity in shallow gradients of Ficoll. The two main technical difficulties were formation of gels around the dissociated cells and clumping of cells before and during the sedimentation procedure. These were solved by adding DNase to the dissociation medium and with holding serum, respectively. Proliferating cells of the external granular layer separated according to size differences in the cell generation cycle. Identification of Purkinje or other early-forming neurons was made by labeling them with 3H-thymidine on their birthdays. Many of the fractions contain viable cells capable of aggregating in culture.  相似文献   

Methods of tissue dissociation and cell separation have been modified to obtain highly enriched fractions of mouse gastric parietal cells. Suspension of gastric mucosal cells are prepared by pronase digestion of the glandular portion of the stomach from adult mice. By utilizing the velocity sedimentation technique to separate cells of different sizes it is possible to recovery parietal cells, which are larger than the other cell types, in fractions with purity of 75-95%. The homogeneity of cell fractions has been assessed by light and electron microscopy. The ability of the isolated cells to exclude the dye trypan blue, to incorporate labeled substrate, to consume oxygen, and to retain their structural integrity indicates that they are viable and still capable of functional activity.  相似文献   

Identification of cells has been made in stained smears of cell suspensions prepared from mouse testes and separated by velocity sedimentation at unit gravity. Comparison of various methods of producing suspensions demonstrated that the best cell separations were achieved using suspensions prepared with trypsin. Various fractions obtained following separation contained 29% Sertoli cells sedimenting at about 14 mm/h, 17% Leydig cells at 11 mm/h, 73% pachytene spermatocytes at 9.5 mm/h, 54% binucleate spermatids and 14% secondary spermatocytes at 6.7 mm/h, 77% round spermatids at 4.5 mm/h, 21% elongating spermatids and 74% cytoplasmic fragments detached from these spermatids at 2.1 mm/h and 37% late spermatids at 0.75 mm/h. The resolution of different size classes of cells was essentially complete, but separation of different types of cells was limited by the occurrence of multinucleate forms of the cells and by fragments of damaged elongated spermatids. Most cells, however, appeared to be intact on light microscopical examination.  相似文献   

Using a modification of the agar gel method for bone marrow culture, serum from various strains of mice has been tested for colony stimulating activity. Ninety percent of sera from AKR mice with spontaneous or transplanted lymphoid leukemia and 40–50% of sera from normal or preleukemic AKR mice stimulated colony formation by C57B1 bone marrow cells. Sera from 6% of C3H and 30% of C57B1 mice stimulated similar colony formation. The incidence of sera with colony stimulating activity rose with increasing age. All colonies were initially mainly granulocytic in nature but later became pure populations of mononuclear cells. Bone marrow cells exhibited considerable variation in their responsiveness to stimulation by mouse serum. Increasing the serum dose increased the number and size of bone marrow cell colonies and with optimal serum doses, 1 in 1000 bone marrow cells formed a cell colony. Preincubation of cells with active serum did not stimulate colony formation by washed bone marrow cells. The active factor in serum was filterable, non-dialysable and heat and ether labile.  相似文献   

Formation of granulocytic and macrophage colonies in agar cultures of mouse marrow or spleen cells was stimulated by the addition of medium from pokeweed mitogen-stimulated cultures of mouse spleen cells (PKW-CM). Approximately 5% of the colonies developing were large, dispersed granulocytic colonies (DG-colonies) composed of cells with eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules. The capacity to stimulate DG-colonies was shown by media conditioned by PKW-treated lymphoid and peritoneal cells but not by other cells or organ fragments. Velocity sedimentation studies indicated that cells generating DG-colonies were separable from cells generating regular granulocytic or macrophage colonies. DG-colonies did not survive if transfered to cultures containing other forms of CSF. The active colony stimulating factor in pokeweed mitogen-conditioned medium which stimulates DG-colony formation was antigenically distinct from the factor stimulating granulocytic and macrophage colony formation, was separable electrophoretically from the latter factor and on gel filtration had an apparent molecular weight of 50,000. Although the cells in DG-colonies have not been established to be eosinophils, DG-colonies represent an interesting new system for analysing further aspects of the control of growth and differentiation in hemopoietic populations.  相似文献   

The technique of velocity sedimentation at unit gravity has been used to separate rat testis cell suspensions into fractions enriched in particular cell types. Changes in the nuclear proteins from the various fractions have been characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and correlated with the changing morphology of the nucleus during spermatogenesis. The most striking alterations in both protein composition and nuclear morphology occur during spermatid maturation as both histone and non-histone proteins are replaced by highly basic, low molecular weight, spermatidal proteins. This replacement process is accompanied by a quantitative reduction in both histone and non-histone proteins. The synthesis of at least three basic proteins has been identified with late stage spermatids. One of these proteins is a highly basic sperm-specific protein containing high levels of cyst(e)ine and arginine. A second protein synthesized in late stage spermatids is lysine rich, while the third protein contains cyst(e)ine and co-migrates with histone F2a1 on acid-urea polyacrylamide gels. The changes in protein composition of rat testis nuclei after irradiation or hypophysectomy reflect the resulting changes in the cellular composition of the testis. After selective elimination of the germinal cells by irradiation, the electrophoretic pattern of acid-soluble proteins from the testis is very similar to that of somatic tissue. Thus, the cellular specificity of nuclear proteins demonstrated here using cell separation techniques is also apparent following treatments which selectively alter the cellular composition of the testis.  相似文献   

A new kinetic method (TRANS-VELS) is described which allows for the first time the accurate determination of the sedimentation velocity of cells at unit gravity. This is accomplished by repetitive optical scanning of the cell distribution as a function of time and during transport through a shallow density gradient. Computer analysis of the statistical moments of the distribution is utilized for the measurement of the sedimentation velocity, its dispersion and the expected resolution. The latter two parameters being strongly time dependent have been estimated for the first time from kinetic data and bear important implications in the widely practiced preparative separation of cells by velocity sedimentation at unit gravity.  相似文献   

Three nonciliated rabbit endocervical epithelial cell types were isolated by velocity sedimentation at unit gravity. Cell Types I and II contained heterogeneous secretory granules, whereas Type III cells were characterized by empty cytoplasmic vacuoles. Previous studies had confirmed the ultrastructural and functional integrity of each cell type and suggested hormone dependence of cell population sizes. Since the concentration of total cytosol estrogen receptor in endocervical epithelial cells from progesterone-dominated, 5-day pseudopregnant rabbits was reduced to approximately 23% of the value for estrous rabbits, receptor concentrations were measured in the three nonciliated epithelial cell types from animals in both hormonal states. The results indicate that the reduction in the estrogen receptor content in progesterone-dominated animals can be attributed to a reduction in the number of Type I and Type II cells, and to a significant (P less than 0.05) reduction in their estrogen receptor concentrations.  相似文献   

Various types of cells from the testes of mice and hamsters were separated according to differences in sedimentation velocity by centrifugal elutriation, a counterflow centrifugation technique. Approximately 3 times 10(8) cells, prepared from six mouse testes or from one hanster testis, were separated into 11 fractions in less than two hours as compared to the 4--5 hours required for sedimentation at unit gravity ("Staput"). Fractions enriched in elongated spermatids and spermatozoa (100%), stages 1--8 spermatids (69%) and pachytene spermatocytes (58%) were obtained from mouse testis dispersions. Similarly enriched fractions were obtained from hamster cells. A single fraction enriched in stages 1--8 spermatids (mouse) was prepared in less than 30 minutes. As many as 2 times 10(9) cells were separated in a single procedure. Spermatogenic cells exhibited no evidence of structural damage with trypan blud and phase microscopy, and recovery was essentially 100%. Centrifugal elutriation had no effect on sperm motility or on the plating efficiency of CHO cells.  相似文献   

The specific activity of alkaline RNase II was l00 to 1800 times higher in mouse pancreas than in mouse liver, serum, ascites fluid, and Ehrlich ascites cell grown intraperitoneally. Ehrlich ascites cells grown in cell culture medium had a much lower alkaline RNase II activity than cells grown intraperitoneally. Chromatography on CM-52 cellulose of acid- and heat-treated preparations showned a considerable heterogeneity of the mouse enzymes. Depending on the source of the extract, two to six forms fo alkaline RNase were eluted. Pancreatic extract contained two RNase forms. These also seemed to be present as minor components in preparations from other sources except Ehrlich ascites cells grown in vitro. Ehrlich ascites cells grown in vivo contained forms of the RNase which were not present in other extracts. Possible reasons for this heterogeneity were investigated. In addition to their stability to acid and heat the different RNase forms were similar in that they were much more active at alkaline pH than at acidic pH, they did not require divalent metal ions for activity, and they degraded RNA 'endonucleolytically.' Also, native DNA, denatured DNA, and poly A were poor substrates compared with RNA. Some differences seemed to exist, however, with respect to their abilities to degrade poly U and poly C and their sensitivities to the endogenous RNase inhibitor.  相似文献   

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