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For oviparous species, oviposition site selection influences adult reproductive success as well as the fitness of the resulting offspring. Females usually choose potential egg-laying sites depending on abundance and quality to maximize their reproductive success. We focused on the oviposition site selection of this plateau frog in Zoige wetland and investigated how the egg-laying pattern of the females influences their offspring's survival. We found that shallow waters, decentralized spawning patterns, and egg attachment to appropriate distance to the water surface were the main spawning strategies of Nanorana pleskei endemic to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We argued that drought caused by increasing temperature and variable precipitation has probably influenced N. pleskei reproductive success, which may be a crucial reason for its population decline. Our findings have important significance for habitat preservation, increasing embryo survival and establishing practical conservation policies.  相似文献   

Location of breeding or egg-laying sites may be an important factor underlying social behavior of many organisms. We studied oviposition sites used by a population of Leucorrhinia intacta dragonflies at a small pond near Syracuse, NY, USA. Females preferentially used shallow water as an oviposition habitat. Shallow water increases egg hatching rate through temperature effects on development time and reduces predation on the female. Use of shallow water areas was reduced by locally high densities of territorial males. The same oviposition sites probably maximized the fitness of the male, female, and offspring, meaning that site selection did not necessitate fitness tradeoffs among these classes of individuals. Pond sectors used by ovipositing females were significantly correlated within and between years, but not within days or between consecutive days. Use of pond sectors within and between days was not related to the relative availability of the shallow water habitat, while seasonal use of pond sectors was related positively to availability of shallow water. In spite of the preference by females for ovipositing in shallow water, short-term location of females was not predictable and males could not search predictably good areas during a day. However, across a season, areas with more shallow water available were used for oviposition more than areas with limited substrate.  相似文献   

宁波地区黑斑蛙的繁殖生态和产卵地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑斑蛙是我国分布最广的两栖动物之一,但目前有关其繁殖生态和产卵地选择还所知甚少,而且多局限于定性描述。2004—2006年在宁波地区黑斑蛙的繁殖期,对黑斑蛙的繁殖生态研究分析表明,该蛙在繁殖期的种群密度为0.0903±0.0029只/m(n=11);该蛙是雌雄二形性的蛙类,雌性蛙类的体重和体长都显著大于雄性;该蛙窝卵数的变化幅度较大(1546—7897个),平均窝卵数为4643.04±235.96个(n=50);卵径范围为1.50—1.74mm,平均卵径大小为1.6050±0.0046mm(n=226)。对黑斑蛙产卵地选择的研究结果表明,产卵地在水域比率、裸地比率、植被盖度、水深、水温和水的透明度等方面与随机样方不同;该蛙偏爱在水域比率和植被盖度较高的生境产卵,而避免在水体较深的生境产卵。为了更好地保护黑斑蛙的产卵栖息地,今后应优先保护水域比率和植被盖度较高而水体不深的生境。  相似文献   

The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is an endangered semi-aquatic carnivore of South America. We present findings on the demography of a population inhabiting the floodplain of Manu National Park, south-eastern Peru, arising from 14 annual dry season censuses over a 16 year period. The breeding system of territorial groups, including only a single breeding female with non-reproductive adult ‘helpers’, resulted in a low intrinsic rate of increase (0.03) and a slow recovery from decades of hunting for the pelt trade. This is explained by a combination of factors: (1) physiological traits such as late age at first reproduction and long generation time, (2) a high degree of reproductive skew, (3) small litters produced only once a year, and (4) a 50% mortality between den emergence and age of dispersal, as well as high mortality amongst dispersers (especially males). Female and male giant otters show similar traits with respect to average reproductive life-spans (female 5.4 yrs., male 5.2 yrs.) and average cub productivity (female 6.9, male 6.7 cubs per lifetime); the longest reproductive life spans were 11 and 13 years respectively. Individual reproductive success varied substantially and depended mainly on the duration of dominance tenure in the territory. When breeding females died, the reproductive position in the group was usually occupied by sisters or daughters (n = 11), with immigrant male partners. Male philopatry was not observed. The vulnerability of the Manu giant otter population to anthropogenic disturbance emphasises the importance of effective protection of core lake habitats in particular. Riverine forests are the most endangered ecosystem in the Department of Madre de Dios due to the concentration of gold mining, logging and agricultural activities in floodplains, highlighting the need for a giant otter habitat conservation corridor along the Madre de Dios River.  相似文献   

The Malayan flying lemur (Cynocephalus variegatus) is a nocturnal mammalian arboreal folivore that inhabits the forests of Southeast Asia. Surveys were conducted from August to November 2003 to estimate the population density of Malayan flying lemurs for the first time in the Singapore Zoological Gardens. The study area consisting of Singapore Zoo and Night Safari was located in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve, where most of Singapore’s remaining natural forest is found. The Zoo consisted of 28 ha of landscaped habitat and the adjacent Night Safari consisted of 40 ha of secondary rainforest. The density estimates of flying lemurs in the Zoo and Night Safari were 15 and 24 individuals respectively. Seven plant species that were the preferred food items and an additional 10 plants that were common in the sites but not eaten by the flying lemurs were analysed to compare the mineral and phytochemical contents. Flying lemurs consumed leaves containing significantly less potassium and nitrogen but higher tannin (p < 0.05). The study shows that flying lemurs are able to survive in altered and fragmented landscapes. Conservation and management strategies are essential to protect the shrinking habitats in Singapore.  相似文献   

Overlapping offspring occurs when eggs are laid in a nest containing offspring from earlier reproduction. Earlier studies showed that the parentage is not always obvious due to difficulties in field observation and/or alternative breeding tactics. To unveil the parentage between overlapping offspring and parents is critical in understanding oviposition site selection and the reproductive strategies of parents. Amplectant pairs of an arboreal-breeding frog, Kurixalus eiffingeri, lay eggs in tadpole-occupied nests where offspring of different life stages (embryos and tadpoles) coexist. We used five microsatellite DNA markers to assess the parentage between parents and overlapping offspring. We also tested the hypothesis that the male or female frog would breed in the same breeding site because of the scarcity of nest sites. Results showed varied parentage patterns, which may differ from the phenomenon of overlapping egg clutches reported earlier. Parentage analyses showed that only 58 and 25% of the tadpole-occupied stumps were reused by the same male and female respectively, partially confirming our prediction. Re-nesting by the same individual was more common in males than females, which is most likely related to the cost of tadpole feeding and/or feeding schemes of females. On the other hand, results of parentage analyses showed that about 42 and 75% of male and female respectively bred in tadpole-occupied stumps where tadpoles were genetically unrelated. Results of a nest-choice experiment revealed that 40% of frogs chose tadpole-occupied bamboo cups when we presented identical stumps, without or with tadpoles, suggesting that the habitat saturation hypothesis does not fully explain why frogs used the tadpole-occupied stumps. Several possible benefits of overlapping offspring with different life stages were proposed. Our study highlights the importance of integrating molecular data with field observations to better understand the reproductive biology and nest site selection of anuran amphibians.  相似文献   

The giant spiny frog(Quasipaa spinosa) is an endangered species with a relatively small distribution limited to southern China and Northern Vietnam. This species is becoming increasingly threatened because of over-exploitation and habitat degradation. This study provides data on the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of the giant spiny frog to facilitate the further development of effective conservation recommendations for this economically important but threatened species. We examined 10 species-specific microsatellite loci and Cyt b genes(562 bp) collected from 13 wild populations across the entire range of this species. Results of 10 microsatellite loci analysis showed a generally high level of genetic diversity. Moreover, the genetic differentiation among all 12 populations was moderate to large(overall F_(ST) = 0.1057). A total of 51 haplotypes were identified for Cyt b, which suggests high haplotype nucleotide diversities. Phylogeographic and population structure analyses using both DNA markers suggested that the wild giant spiny frog can be divided into four distinct major clades, i.e., Northern Vietnam, Western China, Central China, and Eastern China. The clades with significant genetic divergence are reproductively isolated, as evidenced by a high number of private alleles and strong incidence of failed amplification in microsatellite loci. Our research, coupled with other studies, suggests that Q. spinosa might be a species complex within which no detectable morphological variation has been revealed. The four phylogenetic clades and some subclades with distinct geographical distribution should be regarded as independent management units for conservation purposes.  相似文献   


Knowledge of genome-wide variation and the processes influencing gene flow are critical to managing threatened species. Here, we characterise genetic diversity and the environmental features associated with connectivity for a narrowly distributed and threatened Amazonian frog, Atelopus manauensis. We sampled 94 individuals throughout the upper, middle and lower courses from each of the five major rivers covering the species’ known geographic range and genotyped each individual at 3859 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Genetic variation was significantly subdivided into six groups, each mostly containing individuals sampled within the same major river system. The genetic distances among these groups increased with geographic distance, and open forests and the extremities of the altitude gradient were associated with less genetic connectivity. Using FST outlier approaches and environmental association analyses, we identified SNPs indicative of localised adaptation, with 28 SNPs significantly associated with forest biomass and altitude. Evidence of divergent selection among the six genetic clusters suggests the presence of six Evolutionary Significant Units (ESUs). Overall, the ESUs were characterized by low contemporary effective population sizes (NE?<?100) suggesting that genetic variation will be lost by random genetic drift. We demonstrate surprisingly high levels of divergence across the limited distribution of A. manauensis and suggest that each of the six adaptively divergent lineages be considered in conservation planning.


We investigated the remarkable roosting behavior of Docidocercus gigliotosi , an understory pseudophylline katydid in the lowland forests of Panama. The insects used a spiny terrestrial bromeliad, Aechmea magdalenae , as a daytime shelter and were significantly more frequently found in those plants, which had been: (1) higher; (2) of better quality; (3) closer to 'night time walkways' into the canopy; and (4) showed a better central tube condition. The katydids demonstrated strong site fidelity, returning to the same plants for up to 3 wk. Such a choice may provide sufficient protection against some predators and serve as a suitable shelter for the offspring.  相似文献   

Female yellow dung flies Scathophaga stercoraria oviposit on the dung surface, which is extremely uneven and other eggs are often already present. We examined the effects of these features on egg placement. We found that: 1. females preferred to lay on small hills on the dung surface and avoided depressions and points; and 2. they ignored the presence of other eggs. These results were confirmed in a field experiment, where the pattern of egg distribution on artificially formed dung pats was consistent with the predictions from the laboratory results. We further showed that survival to adult emergence was best when laying sites were experimentally manipulated so that the eggs were apparently laid on small hills, avoiding the drying effects of small points in the dung and possible drowning by (simulated) rain when laid in depressions in the dung surface. A female dung fly is clearly capable of making subtle decisions about the placement of her eggs, thus increasing her reproductive success.  相似文献   

经核查和鉴定中国云南等地原定名为大头蛙[Limnonectes kuhlii(=Rana kuhlii Tschudi,1838)]的标本及相关文献资料,并与产地为印度尼西亚的爪哇大头蛙(Limnonectes kuhlii)模式标本的有关描述相对比,两者在其形态、染色体及线粒体基因分化等特征上均有明显区别,因此将云南、广西等地标本的种名改订为新种,即版纳大头蛙(Limnonectes bannaensis,sp.nov.)。其主要鉴别特征是:1)背面较光滑,具少数细肤棱,体后部有小圆疣;2)体背面浅褐色或灰褐色,肤褶上有黑纹;3)蝌蚪尾部具深色斑纹,但尾后半段不呈黑色;4)其染色体组型为2n=22(20m 2st)。而爪哇产大头蛙:1)背面粗糙,体背部、胫部和肛部周围满布圆形疣粒;2)体背面为黑大理石色或为黑色;3)蝌蚪尾部后半段为黑色;4)染色体组型为2n=26,5对大染色体,8对小染色体,除第8对为亚端部着丝粒外,其余均为中部和亚中部着丝粒。  相似文献   

Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1880) (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) is a South American insect developing on palms and recently introduced in Europe where it damages most palm species. Understanding the oviposition behaviour would be decisive for risk assessment and pest management but key points on oviposition behaviour are missing. Using wind tunnel and field experiments, we investigated the oviposition timing, the attraction behaviour of mated females to palms and the different steps of oviposition behaviour. Results showed that oviposition behaviour occurred between 3 pm and 6 pm. In the field, gravid females were significantly more attracted by the palm crown than virgin females. The ovipositing females exhibited distinctive steps before ovipositing. Subsequent to alighting on the crown, pre-oviposition behaviour was characterized by two main behavioural steps: walking and probing the surface with antennae and ovipositor. After the choice of oviposition place, the gravid female remains motionless and the extendible ovipositor is deeply introduced into the upper fibrous part of the crown. About 10 eggs can be lays at the same place. Finally, the female starts to walk again and reinitiates the same behavioural sequences. This paper supports the hypothesis that odours from the crown may play a key role in gravid female attraction. The study assessed that P. archon lays on the palm crown, the part of the palm that should be treated for population monitoring.  相似文献   

We investigated the sleeping site preferences of three captive groups of red-bellied tamarins (Saguinus labiatus), especially as those preferences might relate to protection and safety. The tamarins chose sleeping boxes that offered the most concealment, the greatest distance from the floor, and the greatest cover overhead. They did not, however, avoid sleeping boxes that were attached to the floor via vines. When the tamarins had no choice but to sleep in a box that offered little in the way of concealment, they increased their rates of vigilant scanning. Whereas a number of considerations other than those related to predation pressures must also affect sleeping site choices, we have demonstrated that, under controlled circumstances, these primates choose to sleep in locations in which they are hidden and inaccessible.  相似文献   

Selection of oviposition sites by female regal fritillary butterflies, Speyeria idalia (Drury), in relation to the location and abundance of their larval food plant, Viola pedatifida G. Don, was studied in Kansas tallgrass prairie. To identify potential cues that females use to select oviposition microsites, we compared plots in which eggs were laid with paired control plots in terms of violet abundance, distance from plot center to the nearest violet plant, plant species composition and relative abundance, plant diversity (Shannon's index), and average plant canopy height. No significant differences occurred between control and oviposition sites for any of these variables (P > 0.15). Violets were present in only 30% of the 1-m-diameter oviposition plots, compared with 24% of the corresponding controls. Furthermore, eggs were never laid directly on violets even when they were present nearby. These data imply that S. idalia females do not preferentially orient to or oviposit on their larval food plant. Nevertheless, female S. idalia did not oviposit randomly, for they invariably chose microsites near the ground that were shaded by the grass/forb overstory and usually deposited eggs on the underside of dead vegetation. We speculate that environmental stresses such as high temperatures and intense solar insolation during the egg stage or harsh overwintering conditions experienced by first-instar larvae impact survival and influence choice of oviposition sites. High fecundity (more than 2000 eggs in some individuals) may allow this species to use a conditional, sweepstakes strategy, i.e., producing and spreading many eggs over prairie that harbors host plants to compensate for low egg and larval survivorship.  相似文献   

The taxonomic position of the Cape Parrot (Poicephalus robustus robustus) has been the focus of much debate. A number of authors suggest that the Cape Parrot should be viewed as a distinct species separate from the other two P. robustus subspecies (P. r. fuscicollis and P. r. suahelicus). These recommendations were based on morphological, ecological, and behavioural assessments. In this study we investigated the validity of these recommendations using multilocus DNA analyses. We genotyped 138 specimens from five Poicephalus species (P. cryptoxanthus, P. gulielmi, P. meyeri, P. robustus, and P. rueppellii) using 11 microsatellite loci. Additionally, two mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I gene and 16S ribosomal RNA) and one nuclear intron (intron 7 of the β-fibrinogen gene) markers were amplified and sequenced. Bayesian clustering analysis and pairwise FST analysis of microsatellite data identified P. r. robustus as genetically distinct from the other P. robustus subspecies. Phylogenetic and molecular clock analyses on sequence data also supported the microsatellite analyses, placing P. r. robustus in a distinct clade separate from the other P. robustus subspecies. Molecular clock analysis places the most recent common ancestor between P. r. robustus and P. r. fuscicollis / P. r. suahelicus at 2.13 to 2.67 million years ago. Our results all support previous recommendations to elevate the Cape Parrot to species level. This will facilitate better planning and implementation of international and local conservation management strategies for the Cape Parrot.  相似文献   

Species identification is one of the most basic yet crucial issues in biology with potentially far-reaching implications for fields such as conservation, population ecology, and epidemiology. The widely distributed but threatened frog Paa spinosa has been speculated to represent a complex of multiple species. In this study, 254 individuals representing species of the genus Paa were investigated along the entire range of P. spinosa: 196 specimens of P. spinosa, 8 specimens of P. jiulongensis, 5 specimens of P. boulengeri, 20 specimens of P. exilispinosa, and 25 specimens of P. shini. Approximately 1333 bp of mtDNA sequence data (genes 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA) were used. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. BEAST was used to estimate divergence dates of major clades. Results suggest that P. spinosa can be divided into three distinct major lineages. Each major lineage totally corresponds to geographical regions, revealing the presence of three candidate cryptic species. Isolation and differentiation among lineages are further supported by the great genetic distances between the lineages. The bifurcating phylogenetic pattern also suggests an east–west dispersal trend during historic cryptic speciation. Dating analysis estimates that P. spinosa from Western China split from the remaining P. spinosa populations in the Miocene and that P. spinosa from Eastern China diverged from Central China in the Pliocene. We also found that P. exilispinosa from Mainland China and Hong Kong might have a complex of multiple species. After identifying cryptic lineages, we then determine the discrepancy between the mtDNA and the morphotypes in several individuals. This discrepancy may have been caused by introgressive hybridization between P. spinosa and P. shini.  相似文献   

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