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The isolated population of grass snakes, Natrix natrix (L.), on the island of Gotland in die Baltic Sea is described and illustrated. Comparisons are made with the surrounding mainland grass snake. On the basis of morphological and ecological divergence, the conclusion is drawn that the Gotland population represents a new subspecies.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The species status is justified for the Okhotsk lumpsucker Eumicrotremus ochotonensis based on the morphological characters. The differences from the closely related...  相似文献   

A phylogenetic hypothesis for the lizard family Chamaeleonidae is generated from 1503 aligned base positions (883 parsimony-informative) of mitochondrial DNA for specimens representing 59 species (57 ingroup and two outgroup). Sequences are reported for a genomic segment encoding eight transfer RNAs, NADH dehydrogenase component 2 (ND2), and portions of NADH dehydrogenase component 1 (ND1) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI). Newly reported genomic rearrangements and duplications support the hypothesis that mitochondrial gene order and content are destabilized by phylogenetic loss of a functional origin for light-strand replication between the genes encoding tRNA(Asn) and tRNA(Cys). A novel gene order characterizes all sampled Brookesia except B. nasus. Brookesia nasus, the apparent sister taxon of a clade formed by all other Brookesia, has the ancestral gene order but contains a large tandem duplication. An apparently noncoding 220 base pair insertion between the genes encoding ND2 and tRNA(Trp) is reported for Bradypodion tavetanum. Phylogenetic analysis identifies nine clades whose ancestral lineages diverged early in chamaeleonid evolutionary history: (1) Brookesia (possibly excluding B. nasus), (2) Chamaeleo subgenus Chamaeleo (excluding C. namaquensis), (3) Chamaeleo subgenus Trioceros, (4) viviparous Bradypodion, (5) oviparous Bradypodion, (6) genus Furcifer (except F. balteatus), and (7-9) three distinct clades of Calumma. Chamaeleo namaquensis, Brookesia nasus, Furcifer balteatus, Rhampholeon brevicaudatus, and R. spectrum represent ancient lineages dating to approximately the same time. Multiple independent losses and a possible secondary gain of horns are inferred for Trioceros. Viviparity has at least two separate origins in chameleons, one in Bradypodion and  相似文献   

The black-headed snake Sibynophis collaris (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae) is a least concern species in the world. Two universal and two specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were used for long PCRs to amplify the whole mitochondrial genome of S. collaris. The products were subjected to do sequencing reactions. The complete genome is 17,163 bp in size, containing 37 genes coding for 13 proteins, 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs, and 2 control regions (CRI and CRII). The results could play an important role in the preservation of genetic resources for helping conservation of the endangered species.  相似文献   

Although the events of spermiogenesis are commonly studied in amniotes, the amount of research available for Squamata is lacking. Many studies have described the morphological characteristics of mature spermatozoa in squamates, but few detail the ultrastructural changes that occur during spermiogenesis. This study's purpose is to gain a better understanding of the subcellular events of spermatid development within the Imbricate Alligator Lizard, Barisia imbricata. The morphological data presented here represent the first complete ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis within the family Anguidae. Samples of testes from four specimens collected on the northwest side of the Nevado de Toluca, México, were prepared using standard techniques for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the ultrastructural changes occurring during spermiogenesis within B. imbricata are similar to that of other squamates (i.e., early acrosome formation, chromatin condensation, flagella formation, annulus present, and a prominent manchette). However, there are a few unique characteristics within B. imbricata spermatids that to date have not been described during spermiogenesis in other squamates. For example, penetration of the acrosomal granule into the subacrosomal space to form the basal plate of the perforatorium during round spermatid development, the clover‐shaped morphology of the developing nuclear fossa of the flagellum, and the bulbous shape to the perforatorium are all unique to the Imbricate Alligator Lizard. These anatomical character differences may be valuable nontraditional data that along with more traditional matrices (such as DNA sequences and gross morphological data) may help elucidate phylogenetic relationships, which are historically considered controversial within Squamata. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A prominent scenario for the evolution of reptilian placentation infers that placentotrophy arose by gradual modification of a simple vascular chorioallantoic placenta to a complex structure with a specialized region for nutrient transfer. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of Niveoscincus ocellatus, apparently described originally from a single embryonic stage, was interpreted as a transitional evolutionary type that provided support for the model. Recently, N. ocellatus has been found to be as placentotrophic as species with complex chorioallantoic placentae containing a specialized region called a placentome. We studied placental development in N. ocellatus and confirmed that the chorioallantoic placenta lacks specializations found in species with a placentome. We also found that this species has a specialized omphaloplacenta. The chorioallantoic placenta is confined to the region adjacent to the embryo by a membrane, similar to that found in some other viviparous skinks, that divides the egg into embryonic and abembryonic hemispheres. We term this structure the "inter-omphalopleuric" membrane. The position of this membrane in N. ocellatus is closer to the embryonic pole of the egg than to the abembryonic pole and thus the surface area of the omphaloplacenta is greater than that of the chorioallantoic placenta. In addition, the omphaloplacenta is regionally diversified and more complex histologically than the chorioallantoic placenta. An impressive and unusual feature of the omphaloplacenta of N. ocellatus is the development of extensive overlapping folds in the embryonic component of mid-gestation embryos. The histological complexity and extensive folding of the omphaloplacenta make this a likely site of placental transfer of nutrients in this species.  相似文献   

The concept of convergence, that is, how unrelated animals independently evolve similar morphological traits, is a fundamental aspect of evolution. Hitherto, the Mesozoic ichthyosaurs were regarded as the sole obligate marine reptiles that achieved a fully streamlined body and a semilunate tail fluke. However, analyses of vertebral centrum morphometrics and process orientation have revealed that a subsequent clade of secondarily aquatic reptiles, the mosasaurs (here exemplified by the advanced, mid-Maastrichtian mosasaurine Plotosaurus ), had developed a deep, fusiform body and a probable pursuit-predatory behaviour by the time of their sudden extinction at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary. Stringent physical constraints and selection pressures, imposed by the surrounding water, probably were responsible for this spectacular example of large-scale evolutionary convergence.  相似文献   

Klein, W., Böhme, W. and Perry, S. F. 2000. The mesopneumonia and the post‐hepatic septum of the Teiioidea (Reptilia: Squamata). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 109–119 This study investigates the structure of the pleuroperitoneal cavity of Teiioidea. Seven of nine genera of Teiidae and eight of 35 genera of Gymnophthalmidae were dissected and the results are presented in a highly schematic two‐dimensional representation. The main anatomical differences between the two families are (1) the presence of a hepatic ligament which fuses with the pericardiaco‐peritoneal septum in the Gymnophthalmidae but not in the Teiidae; (2) the presence of a ventral mesopneumonium on the right side in the Gymnophthalmidae, while this structure is secondarily lacking in the Teiidae; (3) that the post‐hepatic septum of Teiidae consists of a bipartite hepatic ligament and the ventral mesentery, while in gymnophthalmids the hepatic ligament remains undivided. Neusticurus and Echinosaura completely lack a post‐hepatic septum. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the Gymnophthalmidae are primitive within the Teiioidea and that the Tupinambinae are the most highly derived teiids. We propose that the post‐hepatic septum may restrict passive visceral movement during breathing, thereby increasing the efficiency of respiratory effort; a modification that could benefit the fitness of active, predatory teiids.  相似文献   

The skull osteology of Hierophis viridiflavus is here described and figured in detail on the basis of 18 specimens. The sample includes specimens from the ranges of both H. viridiflavus viridiflavus and H. viridiflavus carbonarius as well as specimens not identified at sub-specific level. The main characters that define H. viridiflavus in comparison to the parapatric congeneric species Hierophis gemonensis are wide maxillary diastema, basioccipital crest well distinct in three lobes and basioccipital process well marked. The foramina of the otoccipital and prootic, and the basioccipital process of the basioccipital are among the most ontogenetically variable characters, as indicated by two juvenile specimens included in the sample. A specimen-level phylogenetic analysis including H. gemonensis and other outgroups (overall 6 species, 26 specimens, 64 skull characters) recovered all H. viridiflavus specimens in one clade, indicating the presence of a clear phylogenetic signal in the applied characters. However, the resolution within the H. viridiflavus clade is poor the monophyly of H. viridiflavus carbonarius was retrieved, but not that of Hierophis v. viridiflavus. Probably due to the relatively high variability, the skull morphology does not support the recently proposed specific status of the two subspecies.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the renal sexual segment (RSS) of males of the Cottonmouth snake, Agkistrodon piscivorous, is described using light and electron microscopy. This study is the first to describe the ultrastructure of the RSS of a viper (Viperidae) and only the fourth on a snake. Renal sexual segments from males collected February to May and from August to November are similar in appearance. The cells are eosinophilic and react with periodic acid/Schiff procedure (PAS) for neutral carbohydrates and bromphenol blue (BB) for proteins. At the ultrastructure level, the cells contain large (2 microm diameter), electron-dense secretory granules and smaller vesicles with a diffuse material, and these structures abut against the luminal border and upon clear vacuoles continuous with intercellular canaliculi. Evidence was found for both apocrine and merocrine processes of product release. In June and July, the RSS are significantly smaller in diameter, largely basophilic, and have only scattered granules that are PAS+ and BB+. Cytologically, the RSS from June to July lack electron-dense secretory granules and the smaller vesicles with diffuse material. Numerous condensing vacuoles and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, however, indicate that active product synthesis is occurring. This is the first report of significant seasonal variation in the histology and ultrastructure of the RSS of a snake, although such reports exist for lizards. The seasons when the RSS is most highly hypertrophied correspond to the fall and spring mating seasons of A. piscivorous, as determined by other studies.  相似文献   

Mature squamates possess hypertrophied regions of the distal urinary ducts, the renal sexual segment (RSS). The RSS is believed to provide seminal fluid that mixes with sperm and is released into the female cloaca during coitus. This study is the first to describe ultrastructure of the RSS in a lizard collected throughout the active season. The species examined, Scincella laterale, represents the largest family (Scincidae: 1,200 species) of lizards. Although sperm are present in the posterior ductus deferens of male S. laterale throughout the year, an annual spermatogenic cycle occurs that results in spermiation in spring, coinciding with maximum development of the RSS. Female S. laterale may possess stored sperm in vaginal crypts from March-May and large oviductal eggs April-June. Thus, the correlation between mating and RSS activity observed in other squamates is also found in S. laterale. Cytologically, the active RSS consists of columnar cells with numerous apical, electron-dense secretory vacuoles which are released by an apocrine process. The granules stain positively for proteins with bromphenol blue and react with PAS for neutral carbohydrates. After the mating season the RSS undergoes recrudescence and the electron-dense granules are replaced by a mucoid secretion that characterizes more proximal portions of the nephric tubules throughout the year. Little variation in ultrastructure of the RSS occurs between S. laterale and Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Teiidae), the only other lizard in which seasonal variation of the RSS has been studied using similar methods. Females exhibit differentiation similar to that of males in the distal urinary tubules, but to a lesser degree. This is only the second such report for female squamates, and the differentiation of the region in females is proposed to result from adrenal androgens.  相似文献   

We studied determinants of breeding dispersal (the distance that an animal shifts its mean home range co-ordinate between reproductive events) in an individually marked population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) in south west Sweden during 1987–1991. Female breeding dispersal was not determined by age, size, body condition, or number of partners, and females and males that dispersed further did not experience a higher mortality. However, females with a low reproductive output dispersed further than females that reproduced more successfully, and males that lost in bodily condition dispersed further than males that better maintained body condition. We also looked for relationships between age-differences and band-sharing similarity (DNA fingerprinting = DFP) in three categories of lizards — all females, all males, and males and females — to establish whether males would be likely to mate with close kin. Age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing in only one category, males and females. When males were older than females this relationship was not significant. However, when females were older than males, age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing. Furthermore, females that were old enough to be the mothers of the courting males shared significantly more bands with these males than did the younger females, including the females of the same age as the males. Although parental-specific DFP bands necessary for establishing paternity among our adult lizards were inaccessible to us, we suggest that our circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that some males mate with their mothers. Males that were more closely related with their neighbours also moved further when we controlled statistically for age and mating success. We suggest that by mating with many partners males not only increase their mating success, but also increase the probability of mating with females with ‘good genes’: mean heterozygosity of parents (as revealed by micro-satellites) were strongly correlated with offspring survival.  相似文献   

Female zebra-tailed lizards (Iguanidae: Callisaurus draconoides ) lay roughly ovoid eggs with thin, highly extensible shells. The outer surface of the eggshell is a thin, calcareous crust of calcium carbonate in the calcite morph. Immediately beneath the crystalline matrix is a shell membrane composed of multiple layers of fibres organized into an undulating series of troughs and crests, apparent in both cross-section and surface view. The outer surface of the shell membrane is differentiated into a tightly woven fibrous mat that may serve to anchor the calcareous layer to the membrane. Organization of the eggshell into a series of troughs and crests serves to increase the surface area available for contact with the substrate and, presumably, to increase the capacity of the eggshell to stretch as the egg absorbs water.  相似文献   

Virginia striatula is a viviparous snake with a complex pattern of embryonic nutrition. Nutrients for embryonic development are provided by large, yolked eggs, supplemented by placental transfer. Placentation in this species is surprisingly elaborate for a predominantly lecithotrophic squamate reptile. The embryonic-maternal interface consists of three structurally distinct areas, an omphalallantoic placenta and a regionally diversified chorioallantoic placenta. The chorioallantoic placenta over the embryonic hemisphere (paramesometrial region) of the egg, features close apposition of embryonic and uterine blood vessels because of the attenuate form of the interceding epithelial cells. The periphery of the chorioallantoic placenta, which is adjacent to the omphalallantoic placenta, is characterized by a simple cuboidal uterine epithelium apposed to a stratified cuboidal chorionic epithelium. There are no sites with attenuate epithelial cells and close vascular apposition. The morphology of the omphalallantoic placenta is similar to that of the peripheral chorioallantoic placenta, except that the height of uterine epithelial cells is greater and allantoic blood vessels are not associated with the embryonic epithelium. The functional capabilities of the three placental regions are not known, but structural characteristics suggest that the omphalallantoic placenta and peripheral zone of the chorioallantoic placenta are sites of nutritional provision via histotrophy. The paramesometrial region of the chorioallantoic placenta is also nutritive, in addition to functioning as the primary embryonic respiratory system. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of V. striatula is a new placental morphotype for squamate reptiles that is not represented by a classic model for the evolution of reptilian placentation.  相似文献   

Disarticulated vertebrae from the Turonian of France display a distinctive suite of characters and probably represent a new pythonomorph. This taxon displays some degree of vertebral pachyostosis s.s., often observed in varanoid squamates from the Cenomanian-Turonian interval of the ‘Mediterranean’ portion of the Tethys. The discovery of this new material highlights the importance of also describing possibly new taxa based on isolated remains.  相似文献   

本文重新描述和图示了产于台湾兰屿的渡濑雅美蛛Yamia watasei Kishida 1920.由于颚叶无发声器,认为本种不属于棒刺蛛亚科Selenocosmoinae,应暂放在雅美蛛亚科Yamiinae.标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

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