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Iconicity, a resemblance between properties of linguistic form (both in spoken and signed languages) and meaning, has traditionally been considered to be a marginal, irrelevant phenomenon for our understanding of language processing, development and evolution. Rather, the arbitrary and symbolic nature of language has long been taken as a design feature of the human linguistic system. In this paper, we propose an alternative framework in which iconicity in face-to-face communication (spoken and signed) is a powerful vehicle for bridging between language and human sensori-motor experience, and, as such, iconicity provides a key to understanding language evolution, development and processing. In language evolution, iconicity might have played a key role in establishing displacement (the ability of language to refer beyond what is immediately present), which is core to what language does; in ontogenesis, iconicity might play a critical role in supporting referentiality (learning to map linguistic labels to objects, events, etc., in the world), which is core to vocabulary development. Finally, in language processing, iconicity could provide a mechanism to account for how language comes to be embodied (grounded in our sensory and motor systems), which is core to meaningful communication.  相似文献   

The evolution of the faculty of language largely remains an enigma. In this essay, we ask why. Language''s evolutionary analysis is complicated because it has no equivalent in any nonhuman species. There is also no consensus regarding the essential nature of the language “phenotype.” According to the “Strong Minimalist Thesis,” the key distinguishing feature of language (and what evolutionary theory must explain) is hierarchical syntactic structure. The faculty of language is likely to have emerged quite recently in evolutionary terms, some 70,000–100,000 years ago, and does not seem to have undergone modification since then, though individual languages do of course change over time, operating within this basic framework. The recent emergence of language and its stability are both consistent with the Strong Minimalist Thesis, which has at its core a single repeatable operation that takes exactly two syntactic elements a and b and assembles them to form the set {a, b}.It is uncontroversial that language has evolved, just like any other trait of living organisms. That is, once—not so long ago in evolutionary terms—there was no language at all, and now there is, at least in Homo sapiens. There is considerably less agreement as to how language evolved. There are a number of reasons for this lack of agreement. First, “language” is not always clearly defined, and this lack of clarity regarding the language phenotype leads to a corresponding lack of clarity regarding its evolutionary origins. Second, there is often confusion as to the nature of the evolutionary process and what it can tell us about the mechanisms of language. Here we argue that the basic principle that underlies language''s hierarchical syntactic structure is consistent with a relatively recent evolutionary emergence.  相似文献   

My book, The Darwinian Revolution gives an overview of the revolution as understood at the time of its writing (1979). It shows that many factors were involved, from straight science through philosophical methodology, and on to religious influences and challenges. Also of importance were social factors, not the least of which was the professionalization of science in Britain in the 19th century. Since the appearance of that book, new, significant factors have become apparent, and here I discuss some of the most important – especially the way in which evolution as an idea came into being as an epiphenomenon of the ideology of cultural progress; the (often tense) interaction between ideas of biological progress and the urge to professionalization, and of how this led to a delay in the full appreciation of what Charles Darwin had done in the Origin; and the ongoing divide between biological functionalists and biological formalists, a Kuhnian-type paradigm difference that persists across the Darwinian revolution.  相似文献   

Bacteria adapting to living in a host cell caused the most salient events in the evolution of eukaryotes, namely the seminal fusion with an archaeon, and the emergence of both mitochondrion and chloroplast. A bacterial clade that may hold the key to understanding these events is the deep-branching gammaproteobacterial order Legionellales—containing among others Coxiella and Legionella—of which all known members grow inside eukaryotic cells. Here, by analyzing 35 novel Legionellales genomes mainly acquired through metagenomics, we show that this group is much more diverse than previously thought, and that key host-adaptation events took place very early in its evolution. Crucial virulence factors like the Type IVB secretion (Dot/Icm) system and two shared effector proteins were gained in the last Legionellales common ancestor (LLCA). Many metabolic gene families were lost in LLCA and its immediate descendants, including functions directly and indirectly related to molybdenum metabolism. On the other hand, genome sizes increased in the ancestors of the Legionella genus. We estimate that LLCA lived approximately 1.89 Ga, probably predating the last eukaryotic common ancestor by approximately 0.4–1.0 Gy. These elements strongly indicate that host adaptation arose only once in Legionellales, and that these bacteria were using advanced molecular machinery to exploit and manipulate host cells early in eukaryogenesis.  相似文献   



This essay highlights critical aspects of the plausibility of pre-Darwinian evolution. It is based on a critical review of some better-known open, far-from-equilibrium system-based scenarios supposed to explain processes that took place before Darwinian evolution had emerged and that resulted in the origin of the first systems capable of Darwinian evolution. The researchers’ responses to eight crucial questions are reviewed. The majority of the researchers claim that there would have been an evolutionary continuity between chemistry and “biology”. A key question is how did this evolution begin before Darwinian evolution had begun? In other words the question is whether pre-Darwinian evolution is plausible.


Strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed scenarios are presented. They are distinguished between metabolism-first, replicator-first and combined metabolism-replicator models. The metabolism-first scenarios show major issues, the worst concerns heredity and chirality. Although the replicator-first scenarios answer the heredity question they have their own problems, notably chirality. Among the reviewed combined metabolism-replicator models, one shows the fewest issues. In particular, it seems to answer the chiral question, and eventually implies Darwinian evolution from the very beginning. Its main hypothesis needs to be validated with experimental data.


From this critical review it is that the concept of “pre-Darwinian evolution” appears questionable, in particular because it is unlikely if not impossible that any evolution in complexity over time may work without multiplication and heritability allowing the emergence of genetically and ecologically diverse lineages on which natural selection may operate. Only Darwinian evolution could have led to such an evolution. Thus, Pre-Darwinian evolution is not plausible according to the author. Surely, the answer to the question posed in the title is a prerequisite to the understanding of the origin of Darwinian evolution.


This article was reviewed by Purificacion Lopez-Garcia, Anthony Poole, Doron Lancet, and Thomas Dandekar.

Our understanding of the cognitive and neural underpinnings of language has traditionally been firmly based on spoken Indo-European languages and on language studied as speech or text. However, in face-to-face communication, language is multimodal: speech signals are invariably accompanied by visual information on the face and in manual gestures, and sign languages deploy multiple channels (hands, face and body) in utterance construction. Moreover, the narrow focus on spoken Indo-European languages has entrenched the assumption that language is comprised wholly by an arbitrary system of symbols and rules. However, iconicity (i.e. resemblance between aspects of communicative form and meaning) is also present: speakers use iconic gestures when they speak; many non-Indo-European spoken languages exhibit a substantial amount of iconicity in word forms and, finally, iconicity is the norm, rather than the exception in sign languages. This introduction provides the motivation for taking a multimodal approach to the study of language learning, processing and evolution, and discusses the broad implications of shifting our current dominant approaches and assumptions to encompass multimodal expression in both signed and spoken languages.  相似文献   

Synthetic theory of evolution is a superior integrative biological theory. Therefore, there is nothing surprising about the fact that multiple attempts of defining life are based on this theory. One of them even has a status of NASA’s working definition. According to this definition, ‘life is a self-sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution’ Luisi (Orig Life Evol Bios 28:613–622, 1998); Cleland, Chyba (Orig Life Evol Bios 32:387–393, 2002). This definition is often considered as one of the more theoretically mature definitions of life. This Darwinian definition has nonetheless provoked a lot of criticism. One of the major arguments claims that this definition is wrong due to ‘mule’s problem’. Mules (and other infertile hybrids), despite being obviously living organisms, in the light of this definition are considered inanimate objects. It is strongly counterintuitive. The aim of this article was to demonstrate that this reasoning is false. In the later part of the text, I also discuss some other arguments against the Darwinian approach to defining life.  相似文献   

Continuous directed evolution of enzymes and other proteins in microbial hosts is capable of outperforming classical directed evolution by executing hypermutation and selection concurrently in vivo, at scale, with minimal manual input. Provided that a target enzyme’s activity can be coupled to growth of the host cells, the activity can be improved simply by selecting for growth. Like all directed evolution, the continuous version requires no prior mechanistic knowledge of the target. Continuous directed evolution is thus a powerful way to modify plant or non-plant enzymes for use in plant metabolic research and engineering. Here, we first describe the basic features of the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) OrthoRep system for continuous directed evolution and compare it briefly with other systems. We then give a step-by-step account of three ways in which OrthoRep can be deployed to evolve primary metabolic enzymes, using a THI4 thiazole synthase as an example and illustrating the mutational outcomes obtained. We close by outlining applications of OrthoRep that serve growing demands (i) to change the characteristics of plant enzymes destined for return to plants, and (ii) to adapt (“plantize”) enzymes from prokaryotes—especially exotic prokaryotes—to function well in mild, plant-like conditions.

Continuous directed evolution using the yeast OrthoRep system is a powerful way to improve enzymes for use in plant engineering as illustrated by “plantizing” a bacterial thiamin synthesis enzyme.  相似文献   

Christian De Duve''s decision to voluntarily pass away gives us a pause to consider the value and meaning of death. Biologists have much to contribute to the discussion of dying with dignity.Christian de Duve''s voluntary passing away on 4 May 2013 could be seen as the momentous contribution of an eminent biologist and Nobel laureate to the discussion about ‘last things''. In contrast to his fellow scientists Ludwig Boltzmann and Allan Turing, who had made a deliberate choice to end their life in a state of depression and despair, de Duve “left with a smile and a good-bye”, as his daughter told a newspaper.What is the value and meaning of life? Is death inevitable? Should dying with dignity become an inalienable human right? Theologians, philosophers, doctors, politicians, sociologists and jurists have all offered their answers to these fundamental questions. The participation of biologists in the discussion is long overdue and should, in fact, dominate the discourse.We can start from de Duve''s premise—expressed as a subtitle of his book Cosmic Dust—that life is a cosmic imperative; a phenomenon that inevitably takes place anywhere in the universe as permitted by appropriate physicochemical conditions. Under such conditions, the second law of thermodynamics rules—prebiotic organic syntheses proceed, matter self-organizes into more complex structures and darwinian evolution begins, with its subsequent quasi-random walks towards increasing complexity. The actors of this cosmic drama are darwinian individuals—cells, bodies, groups and species—who strive to maintain their structural integrity and to survive as entities. By virtue of the same law, their components undergo successive losses of correlation, so that structures sustain irreparable damage and eventually break down. Because of this ‘double-edge'' of the second law, life progresses in cycles of birth, maturation, ageing and rejuvenation.Death is the inevitable link in this chain of events. ‘The struggle for existence'' is very much the struggle for individual survival, yet it is the number of offspring—the expression of darwinian fitness—that ultimately counts. Darwinian evolution is creative, but its master sculptor is death.Humans are apparently the only species endowed with self-consciousness and thereby a strongly amplified urge to survive. However, self-consciousness has also made humans aware of the existence of death. The clash between the urge for survival and the awareness of death must have inevitably engendered religion, with its delusion of an existence after death, and it might have been one of the main causes of the emergence of culture. Culture divides human experience into two parts: the sacred and the profane. The sacred constitutes personal transcendence: the quest for meaning, the awe of mystery, creativity and aesthetic feelings, the capacity for boundless love and hate, the joy of playing, and peaks of ecstasy. The psychologist Jonathan Haidt observed in his book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion that “The great trick that humans developed at some point in the last few hundred thousand years is the ability to circle around a tree, rock, ancestor, flag, book or god, and then treat that thing as sacred. People who worship the same idol can trust one another, work as a team and prevail over less cohesive groups.” He considers sacredness as crucial for understanding morality. At present, biology knows almost nothing about human transcendence. Our ignorance of the complexity of human life bestows on it both mystery and sacredness.The religious sources of Western culture, late Judaism and Christianity, adopted Plato''s idea of the immortality of the human soul into their doctrines. The concept of immortality and eternity has continued to thrive in many secular versions and serves as a powerful force to motivate human creativity. Yet, immortality is ruled out by thermodynamics, and the religious version of eternal life in continuous bliss constitutes a logical paradox—eternal pleasure would mean eternal recurrence of everything across infinite time, with no escape; Heaven turned Hell. It is not immortality but temporariness that gives human life its value and meaning.There is no ‘existence of death''. Dying exists, but death does not. Death equals nothingness—no object, no action, no thing. Death is out of reach to human imagination, the intentionality of consciousness—its directedness towards objects—does not allow humans to grasp it. Death is no mystery, no issue at all—it does not concern us, as the philosopher Epicurus put it. The real human issue is dying and the terror of it. We might paraphrase Michel Montaigne''s claim that a mission of philosophy is to learn to die, and say that a mission of biology is to teach to die. Biology might complement its research into apoptosis—programmed cell death—by efforts to discover or to invent a ‘mental apoptosis''. A hundred years ago, the micro-biologist Ilya Mechnikov envisaged, in his book Essais Optimistes, that a long and gratifying personal life might eventually reach a natural state of satiation and evoke a specific instinct to withdraw, similar to the urge to sleep. Biochemistry could assist the process of dying by nullifying fear, pain and distress.In these days of advanced healthcare and technologies that can artificially extend the human lifespan, dying with dignity should become the principal concern of all humanists, not only that of scientists. It would therefore be commendable if Western culture could abandon the fallacy of immortality and eternity, whilst Oriental and African cultures ought to be welcomed to the discussion about the ‘last things''. Dying with dignity will become the ultimate achievement of a dignified life.  相似文献   

Language is a hallmark of our species and understanding linguistic diversity is an area of major interest. Genetic factors influencing the cultural transmission of language provide a powerful and elegant explanation for aspects of the present day linguistic diversity and a window into the emergence and evolution of language. In particular, it has recently been proposed that linguistic tone—the usage of voice pitch to convey lexical and grammatical meaning—is biased by two genes involved in brain growth and development, ASPM and Microcephalin. This hypothesis predicts that tone is a stable characteristic of language because of its ‘genetic anchoring’. The present paper tests this prediction using a Bayesian phylogenetic framework applied to a large set of linguistic features and language families, using multiple software implementations, data codings, stability estimations, linguistic classifications and outgroup choices. The results of these different methods and datasets show a large agreement, suggesting that this approach produces reliable estimates of the stability of linguistic data. Moreover, linguistic tone is found to be stable across methods and datasets, providing suggestive support for the hypothesis of genetic influences on its distribution.  相似文献   

BackgroundOver 240 million people are infected with schistosomiasis, the majority in sub-Saharan Africa. In Uganda, high infection rates exist in communities on the shores of Lake Victoria. Praziquantel mass drug administration (MDA) delivered by village health teams is the mainstay of schistosomiasis control. However, treatment uptake remains suboptimal, with many people unaware of treatment or thinking it is only for children. Furthermore, people are often rapidly reinfected post-treatment due to continued exposure. In three Schistosoma mansoni high endemicity lake-shore communities in Mayuge district, Eastern Uganda, we investigated the sources of schistosomiasis information, remembered content of information, and the perception of information and related practices towards the control of schistosomiasis.Methods and principal findingsData were collected from September 2017 to March 2018 using a rapid ethnographic assessment that included transect walks, observations, individual in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Data were analysed thematically using iterative categorisation. We found that the main sources of schistosomiasis information included health workers at government facilities, village health teams, teachers, and radio programmes produced by the Ministry of Health. These messages described the symptoms of schistosomiasis, but did not mention the side effects of praziquantel treatment. Despite this messaging, the main cause of the disease and transmission was unclear to most participants. The translation of schistosomiasis on the radio into the local language ‘ekidada’—meaning swollen stomach—increased, rather than reduced, confusion about the cause(s) of schistosomiasis, due to believed links between ekidada and witchcraft, and prompted a reluctance to engage with treatment or preventative efforts.Conclusion and significanceThis study highlights gaps in schistosomiasis messaging. We recommend MDA is complemented by effective, evidence-based messaging on schistosomiasis transmission, prevention, and treatment, that is sensitive to local language and context issues, resulting in clear, concise, and consistent messages, to increase effectiveness.  相似文献   

Syncytins are envelope genes of retroviral origin that have been co-opted for a role in placentation. They promote cell–cell fusion and are involved in the formation of a syncytium layer—the syncytiotrophoblast—at the materno-fetal interface. They were captured independently in eutherian mammals, and knockout mice demonstrated that they are absolutely required for placenta formation and embryo survival. Here we provide evidence that these “necessary” genes acquired “by chance” have a definite lifetime with diverse fates depending on the animal lineage, being both gained and lost in the course of evolution. Analysis of a retroviral envelope gene, the envV gene, present in primate genomes and belonging to the endogenous retrovirus type V (ERV-V) provirus, shows that this captured gene, which entered the primate lineage >45 million years ago, behaves as a syncytin in Old World monkeys, but lost its canonical fusogenic activity in other primate lineages, including humans. In the Old World monkeys, we show—by in situ analyses and ex vivo assays—that envV is both specifically expressed at the level of the placental syncytiotrophoblast and fusogenic, and that it further displays signs of purifying selection based on analysis of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution rates. We further show that purifying selection still operates in the primate lineages where the gene is no longer fusogenic, indicating that degeneracy of this ancestral syncytin is a slow, lineage-dependent, and multi-step process, in which the fusogenic activity would be the first canonical property of this retroviral envelope gene to be lost.  相似文献   

N-demethylases have been reported to remove the methyl groups on primary or secondary amines, which could further affect the properties and functions of biomacromolecules or chemical compounds; however, the substrate scope and the robustness of N-demethylases have not been systematically investigated. Here we report the recreation of natural evolution in key microdomains of the Thermomicrobium roseum sarcosine oxidase (TrSOX), an N-demethylase with marked stability (melting temperature over 100 °C) and enantioselectivity, for enhanced substrate scope and catalytic efficiency on -C-N- bonds. We obtained the structure of TrSOX by crystallization and X-ray diffraction (XRD) for the initial framework. The natural evolution in the nonconserved residues of key microdomains—including the catalytic loop, coenzyme pocket, substrate pocket, and entrance site—was then identified using ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR), and the substitutions that accrued during natural evolution were recreated by site-directed mutagenesis. The single and double substitution variants catalyzed the N-demethylation of N-methyl-L-amino acids up to 1800- and 6000-fold faster than the wild type, respectively. Additionally, these single substitution variants catalyzed the terminal N-demethylation of non-amino-acid compounds and the oxidation of the main chain -C-N- bond to a -C=N- bond in the nitrogen-containing heterocycle. Notably, these variants retained the enantioselectivity and stability of the initial framework. We conclude that the variants of TrSOX are of great potential use in N-methyl enantiomer resolution, main-chain Schiff base synthesis, and alkaloid modification or degradation.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation in response to divergent selection is often mediated via third‐party interactions. Under these conditions, speciation is inextricably linked to ecological context. We present a novel framework for understanding arthropod speciation as mediated by Wolbachia, a microbial endosymbiont capable of causing host cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). We predict that sympatric host sister‐species harbor paraphyletic Wolbachia strains that provide CI, while well‐defined congeners in ecological contact and recently diverged noninteracting congeners are uninfected due to Wolbachia redundancy. We argue that Wolbachia provides an adaptive advantage when coupled with reduced hybrid fitness, facilitating assortative mating between co‐occurring divergent phenotypes—the contact contingency hypothesis. To test this, we applied a predictive algorithm to empirical pollinating fig wasp data, achieving up to 91.60% accuracy. We further postulate that observed temporal decay of Wolbachia incidence results from adaptive host purging—adaptive decay hypothesis—but implementation failed to predict systematic patterns. We then account for post‐zygotic offspring mortality during CI mating, modeling fitness clines across developmental resources—the fecundity tradeoff hypothesis. This model regularly favored CI despite fecundity losses. We demonstrate that a rules‐based algorithm accurately predicts Wolbachia infection status. This has implications among other systems where closely related sympatric species encounter adaptive disadvantage through hybridization.  相似文献   

Raquel Assis 《Fly》2014,8(2):91-94
Gene duplication is thought to play a key role in phenotypic innovation. While several processes have been hypothesized to drive the retention and functional evolution of duplicate genes, their genomic contributions have never been determined. We recently developed the first genome-wide method to classify these processes by comparing distances between expression profiles of duplicate genes and their ancestral single-copy orthologs. Application of our approach to spatial gene expression profiles in two Drosophila species revealed that a majority of young duplicate genes possess new functions, and that new functions are acquired rapidly—often within a few million years. Surprisingly, new functions tend to arise in younger copies of duplicate gene pairs. Moreover, we found that young duplicates are often specifically expressed in testes, whereas old duplicates are broadly expressed across several tissues, providing strong support for the hypothetical “out-of-testes” origin of new genes. In this Extra View, I discuss our findings in the context of theoretical predictions about gene duplication, with a particular emphasis on the importance of natural selection in the evolution of novel phenotypes.  相似文献   

Latently infecting viruses are an important class of virus that plays a key role in viral evolution and human health. Here we report a genome-scale forward-genetics screen for host-dependencies of the latently-infecting bacteriophage lambda. This screen identified 57 Escherichia coli (E. coli) genes—over half of which have not been previously associated with infection—that when knocked out inhibited lambda phage''s ability to replicate. Our results demonstrate a highly integrated network between lambda and its host, in striking contrast to the results from a similar screen using the lytic-only infecting T7 virus. We then measured the growth of E. coli under normal and infected conditions, using wild-type and knockout strains deficient in one of the identified host genes, and found that genes from the same pathway often exhibited similar growth dynamics. This observation, combined with further computational and experimental analysis, led us to identify a previously unannotated gene, yneJ, as a novel regulator of lamB gene expression. A surprising result of this work was the identification of two highly conserved pathways involved in tRNA thiolation—one pathway is required for efficient lambda replication, while the other has anti-viral properties inhibiting lambda replication. Based on our data, it appears that 2-thiouridine modification of tRNAGlu, tRNAGln, and tRNALys is particularly important for the efficient production of infectious lambda phage particles.  相似文献   

Genomic dissection of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens has largely focused on genetic changes conferring growth above a single critical concentration of drug. However, reduced susceptibility to antibiotics—even below this breakpoint—is associated with poor treatment outcomes in the clinic, including in tuberculosis. Clinical strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis exhibit extensive quantitative variation in antibiotic susceptibility but the genetic basis behind this spectrum of drug susceptibility remains ill-defined. Through a genome wide association study, we show that non-synonymous mutations in dnaA, which encodes an essential and highly conserved regulator of DNA replication, are associated with drug resistance in clinical M. tuberculosis strains. We demonstrate that these dnaA mutations specifically enhance M. tuberculosis survival during isoniazid treatment via reduced expression of katG, the activator of isoniazid. To identify DnaA interactors relevant to this phenotype, we perform the first genome-wide biochemical mapping of DnaA binding sites in mycobacteria which reveals a DnaA interaction site that is the target of recurrent mutation in clinical strains. Reconstructing clinically prevalent mutations in this DnaA interaction site reproduces the phenotypes of dnaA mutants, suggesting that clinical strains of M. tuberculosis have evolved mutations in a previously uncharacterized DnaA pathway that quantitatively increases resistance to the key first-line antibiotic isoniazid. Discovering genetic mechanisms that reduce drug susceptibility and support the evolution of high-level drug resistance will guide development of biomarkers capable of prospectively identifying patients at risk of treatment failure in the clinic.  相似文献   

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential to summarize evidence relating to efficacy and safety of health care interventions accurately and reliably. The clarity and transparency of these reports, however, is not optimal. Poor reporting of systematic reviews diminishes their value to clinicians, policy makers, and other users.Since the development of the QUOROM (QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analysis) Statement—a reporting guideline published in 1999—there have been several conceptual, methodological, and practical advances regarding the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Also, reviews of published systematic reviews have found that key information about these studies is often poorly reported. Realizing these issues, an international group that included experienced authors and methodologists developed PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) as an evolution of the original QUOROM guideline for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of evaluations of health care interventions.The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram. The checklist includes items deemed essential for transparent reporting of a systematic review. In this Explanation and Elaboration document, we explain the meaning and rationale for each checklist item. For each item, we include an example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies and methodological literature. The PRISMA Statement, this document, and the associated Web site (http://www.prisma-statement.org/) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.  相似文献   

When sending text messages on their mobile phone to friends, children often use a special type of register, which is called textese. This register allows the omission of words and the use of textisms: instances of non-standard written language such as 4ever (forever). Previous studies have shown that textese has a positive effect on children’s literacy abilities. In addition, it is possible that children’s grammar system is affected by textese as well, as grammar rules are often transgressed in this register. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to investigate whether the use of textese influences children’s grammar performance, and whether this effect is specific to grammar or language in general. Additionally, studies have not yet investigated the influence of textese on children’s cognitive abilities. Consequently, the secondary aim of this study was to find out whether textese affects children’s executive functions. To investigate this, 55 children between 10 and 13 years old were tested on a receptive vocabulary and grammar performance (sentence repetition) task and various tasks measuring executive functioning. In addition, text messages were elicited and the number of omissions and textisms in children’s messages were calculated. Regression analyses showed that omissions were a significant predictor of children’s grammar performance after various other variables were controlled for: the more words children omitted in their text messages, the better their performance on the grammar task. Although textisms correlated (marginally) significantly with vocabulary, grammar and selective attention scores and omissions marginally significantly with vocabulary scores, no other significant effects were obtained for measures of textese in the regression analyses: neither for the language outcomes, nor for the executive function tasks. Hence, our results show that textese is positively related to children’s grammar performance. On the other hand, use of textese does not affect—positively nor negatively—children’s executive functions.  相似文献   

Whole‐genome duplication (WGD) events occur in all kingdoms and have been hypothesized to promote adaptability. WGDs identified in the early history of vertebrates, teleosts, and angiosperms have been linked to the large‐scale diversification of these lineages. However, the mechanics and full outcomes of WGD regarding potential evolutionary impacts remain a topic of debate. The Corydoradinae are a diverse subfamily of Neotropical catfishes with over 170 species described and a history of WGDs. They are divided into nine mtDNA lineages, with species coexisting in sympatric—and often mimetic—communities containing representatives of two or more of the nine lineages. Given their similar life histories, coexisting species of Corydoras might be exposed to similar parasite loads and because of their different histories of WGD and genome size they provide a powerful system for investigating the impacts of WGD on immune diversity and function in an animal system. Here, we compared parasite counts and the diversity of the immune‐related toll‐like receptors (TLR) in two coexisting species of Corydoras catfish (C. maculifer and C. araguaiaensis), one diploid and one putative tetraploid. In the putative tetraploid C. araguaiaensis, we found significantly lower numbers of parasites and significantly higher diversity (measured by both synonymous and nonsynonymous SNP counts) in two TLR genes than in the diploid C. maculifer. These results provide insight into how WGD may impact evolution, in this case by providing greater immunogenetic diversity.  相似文献   

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