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Inflammation is a fundamental defensive response to harmful stimuli. However, it can cause damage if it does not subside. To avoid such damage, organisms have developed a mechanism called resolution of inflammation. Here we applied an untargeted metabolomics approach to a sterile and self-resolving animal model of acute inflammation, namely zymosan-induced peritonitis in mice, to examine the effect of inflammation and resolution on the metabolomic profiles. Significant and time-dependent changes in metabolite profiles after zymosan administration were observed in both peritoneal wash fluid (PWF) and plasma. These metabolomic changes correlated well with inflammatory chemokine or cytokine production. In PWF, most of metabolites that could detected increased in zymosan-treated mice, which is suggestive of inflammation, oxidative stress and increased energy demands. In plasma, most metabolites in the central metabolic pathway (glycolysis and TCA cycle) were significantly downregulated after zymosan administration. The concentration of the ketone body 3-hydroxybutyric acid (3-HB) in plasma and PWF increased in zymosan-injected animals indicating upregulation of fatty acid β-oxidation. Increased 3-HB level was observed in the cells that infiltrated into the peritoneal cavity and these infiltrated cells might contribute, at least in part, to the production of 3-HB in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

Teleost fish express highly diverse naive TCRβ (TRB) repertoires and mount strong public and private clonal responses upon infection with pathogens. Fish T cells express typical markers such as CD8, CD4-1 and CD4-2, CD3, CD28 and CTLA4. Fish CD8+ T cells have been shown to be responsible for antigen-specific cell-mediated cytotoxicity in in vitro systems using histo-compatible effector and target cells. We compare here the complexity of TRB repertoires between FACS sorted CD8+ and CD8 T cells from spleen and pronephros of rainbow trout. In contrast to human, while the TRB repertoire is highly diverse and polyclonal in CD8+ T cells of naïve fish, it appeared very different in CD8 lymphocytes with irregular CDR3 length distributions suggesting a dominance of activated clones already in naïve fish or the presence of non conventional T cells. After infection with a systemic virus, CD8+ T cells mount a typical response with significant skewing of CDR3 length profiles. The infection also induces significant modifications of the TRB repertoire expressed by the CD8 fraction, but for a different set of V/J combinations. In this fraction, the antiviral response results in an increase of the peak diversity of spectratypes. This unusual observation reflects the presence of a number of T cell expansions that rise the relative importance of minor peaks of the highly skewed distributions observed in unchallenged animals. These results suggest that the diversity of TRB expressed by CD8+ and CD8 αβ T cells may be subjected to different regulatory patterns in fish and in mammals.  相似文献   

Regulatory CD8+ T cells are critical for self-tolerance and restricting excessive immune responses. The variety of immune functions they fulfill, the heterogeneity of their phenotype, and the mechanism of action are still poorly understood. Here we describe that regulatory CD8+ T cells exhibiting immunosuppressive actions in vitro and in vivo are recognized as CD38high T cells and present in naive mice. CD38 is a glycosylated membrane protein with ectonucleotidase properties. CD8+CD38high (CD44+CD122+CD62Lhigh) lymphocytes suppress CD4+ effector T-cell proliferation in an antigen-non specific manner via IFN-γ. While direct cell-to-cell contact is needed for this suppressor activity, it is independent of membrane-bound TGF-β and granzyme B release. IL-15 potentiates the suppressive activity of CD8+CD38high T cells and controls their survival and expansion. In humans CD8+CD38high T cells inhibit CD4+ effector T cell proliferation. In vivo, CD8+CD38high, but not CD8+CD38 T cells mitigate murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by reducing the clinical score and delaying disease occurrence. EAE suppression is enhanced by pre-treatment of CD8+CD38high T cells with IL-15. These findings add evidence that the expression of ectoenzyme receptor family members positively correlates with suppressor functions and identifies CD8+CD38high T cells as potential inhibitors of excessive immune responses.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with increased oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. Markers of increased protein, lipid and nucleic acid oxidation and reduced activities of antioxidant enzymes have been reported in AD plasma. Amyloid plaques in the AD brain elicit a range of reactive inflammatory responses including complement activation and acute phase reactions, which may also be reflected in plasma. Previous studies have shown that human AD plasma may be cytotoxic to cultured cells. We investigated the effect of pooled plasma (n = 20 each) from healthy controls, individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) on cultured microglial cells. AD plasma and was found to significantly decrease cell viability and increase glycolytic flux in microglia compared to plasma from healthy controls. This effect was prevented by the heat inactivation of complement. Proteomic methods and isobaric tags (iTRAQ) found the expression level of complement and other acute phase proteins to be altered in MCI and AD plasma and an upregulation of key enzymes involved in the glycolysis pathway in cells exposed to AD plasma. Altered expression levels of acute phase reactants in AD plasma may alter the energy metabolism of glia.  相似文献   

Idiopathic aplastic anemia (AA) is an immune-mediated bone marrow failure syndrome. Immune abnormalities such as decreased lymphocyte counts, inverted CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio and increased IFN-γ-producing T cells have been found in AA. CD30, a surface protein belonging to the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and releasing from cell surface as a soluble form (sCD30) after activation, marks a subset of activated T cells secreting IFN-γ when exposed to allogeneic antigens. Our study found elevated BM plasma levels of sCD30 in patients with SAA, which were closely correlated with disease severity, including absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) and absolute netrophil count (ANC). We also noted that sCD30 levels were positively correlated with plasma IFN-γ levels and CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio in patients with SAA. In order to explain these phenomena, we stimulated T cells with alloantigen in vitro and found that CD30+ T cells were the major source of IFN-γ, and induced CD30+ T cells from patients with SAA produced significantly more IFN-γ than that from healthy individuals. In addition, increased proportion of CD8+ T cells in AA showed enhanced allogeneic response by the fact that they expressed more CD30 during allogeneic stimulation. sCD30 levels decreased in patients responded to immunosuppressive therapy. In conclusion, elevated BM plasma levels of sCD30 reflected the enhanced CD30+ T cell-mediated immune response in SAA. CD30 as a molecular marker that transiently expresses on IFN-γ-producing T cells, may participate in mediating bone marrow failure in AA, which also can facilitate our understanding of AA pathogenesis to identify new therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal immune system is involved in the development of several autoimmune-mediated diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes mellitus. Alterations in T-cell populations, especially regulatory T cells (Tregs), are often evident in patients suffering from these diseases. To be able to detect changes in T-cell populations in diseased tissue, it is crucial to investigate T-cell populations in healthy individuals, and to characterize their variation among different regions of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. While limited data exist, quantitative data on biopsies systematically drawn from various regions of the GI tract are lacking, particularly in healthy young humans. In this report, we present the first systematic assessment of how T cells—including Tregs—are distributed in the gastrointestinal mucosa throughout the GI tract of healthy young humans by means of multi-parameter FACS analysis. Gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy were performed on 16 healthy volunteers aged between 18 and 32. Biopsies were drawn from seven GI regions, and were used to determine the frequencies of CD8+-, CD4+- and Tregs in the gastrointestinal mucosa by means of multi-parameter FACS analysis. Our data show that there is significant variation in the baseline T-cell landscape along the healthy human gastrointestinal tract, and that mucosal T-cell analyses from a single region should not be taken as representative of the entire gastrointestinal tract. We show that certain T-cell subsets in the gastrointestinal mucosa vary significantly among regions; most notably, that Tregs are enriched in the appendiceal orifice region and the ascending colon, and that CD8pos T cells are enriched in the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

African trypanosomes are the causative agents of Human African Trypanosomosis (HAT/Sleeping Sickness) and Animal African Trypanosomosis (AAT/Nagana). A common hallmark of African trypanosome infections is inflammation. In murine trypanosomosis, the onset of inflammation occurs rapidly after infection and is manifested by an influx of myeloid cells in both liver and spleen, accompanied by a burst of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines. Within 48 hours after reaching peak parasitemia, acute anemia develops and the percentage of red blood cells drops by 50%. Using a newly developed in vivo erythrophagocytosis assay, we recently demonstrated that activated cells of the myeloid phagocytic system display enhanced erythrophagocytosis causing acute anemia. Here, we aimed to elucidate the mechanism and immune pathway behind this phenomenon in a murine model for trypanosomosis. Results indicate that IFNγ plays a crucial role in the recruitment and activation of erythrophagocytic myeloid cells, as mice lacking the IFNγ receptor were partially protected against trypanosomosis-associated inflammation and acute anemia. NK and NKT cells were the earliest source of IFNγ during T. b. brucei infection. Later in infection, CD8+ and to a lesser extent CD4+ T cells become the main IFNγ producers. Cell depletion and transfer experiments indicated that during infection the absence of NK, NKT and CD8+ T cells, but not CD4+ T cells, resulted in a reduced anemic phenotype similar to trypanosome infected IFNγR-/- mice. Collectively, this study shows that NK, NKT and CD8+ T cell-derived IFNγ is a critical mediator in trypanosomosis-associated pathology, driving enhanced erythrophagocytosis by myeloid phagocytic cells and the induction of acute inflammation-associated anemia.  相似文献   

Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) play an important role in impairing the function of T cells. We characterized MDSCs in two chronic hepatitis C (CHC) cohorts: a cross-sectional group that included 61 treatment-naive patients with CHC, 14 rapid virologic response (RVR) cases and 22 early virologic response (EVR) cases; and a longitudinal group of 13 cases of RVR and 10 cases of EVR after pegylated-interferon-α/ribavirin treatment for genotype 1b HCV infection. Liver samples from 32 CHC patients and six healthy controls were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis. MDSCs frequency in treatment-naive CHC was significantly higher than in RVR, EVR, or healthy subjects and was positively correlated with HCV RNA. Patients infected with HCV genotype 2a had a significantly higher frequency of MDSCs than those infected with genotype 1b. Decreased T cell receptor (TCR) ζ expression on CD8+ T cells was significantly associated with an increased frequency of MDSCs in treatment-naive CHC patients and was restored by L-arginine treatment in vitro. Increased numbers of liver arginase-1+ cells were closely associated with the histological activity index in CHC. The TCR ζ chain was significantly downregulated on hepatic CD8+ T cells in CHC. During antiviral follow up, MDSCs frequency in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was directly correlated with the HCV RNA load in the plasma and inversely correlated with TCR ζ chain expression in CD8+ T cells in both RVR and EVR cases. Notably, the RVR group had a higher frequency of MDSCs at baseline than the EVR group. Collectively, this study provides evidence that MDSCs might be associated with HCV persistence and downregulation of CD8 ζ chain expression.  相似文献   

Twenty-four durum wheat genotypes were evaluated for two years to assess the relationship between HMWglutenin subunits, LMWB glutenin patterns, gammagliadins and gluten strength as measured by SDS-sedimentation volume. Indian durum genotypes assessed in this study represented a diverse set of Glu-1, GH-B1 and Glu-3 alleles. Considerable variability was detected for protein content and gluten strength. All the locals and released varieties derived from locals showed significantly higher protein content. Specific alleles at Glu-1, Glu-3 and Gli-B1 loci showed different effects on gluten strength. HMW glutenin subunits 2* and 14+15 showed association with high gluten strength. Genotypes having LMW-f (linked γ-43.5) showed significantly higher gluten strength than other three LMW-B patterns, i.e. LMW-b and c (linked γ-45) and LMW-e(linked γ-44). While genotypes with γ-44 and linked LMW-e patterns were found to have lowest gluten strength. The Gli-A2 locus did not show any significant association with gluten strength.  相似文献   

Background/Aims Recent reports demonstrated that osteoblast-like cells can also exert activities directly associated with the immune system (cytokine synthesis, antigen presentation, phagocytosis and stimulation of T lymphocytes). The present study aimed to analyze the effect of Transforming growth factorβ1 (TGFβ1), Fibroblast growth factor basic (FGFb), Platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), Interleukin-2 (IL-2), Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Interferon-γ (IFNγ) on the expression on osteoblast-like cells of antigens involved in antigen presentation.Methods Flow cytometry was used to investigate whether the growth factors FGFb, TGFβ1, PDGF-BB, IL-2, IL-1β, LPS and IFNγ modulate the expression on cultured human osteoblast-like cells of different antigens involved in antigen-presentation and T cell activation.Results TGFβ1 treatment significantly reduced the expression of CD54 and CD86. IL-1β treatment significantly enhanced the expression of CD54, CD86 and HLA-DR. LPS and IFNγ treatments produced a major increase in CD54, CD80, CD86 and HLA-DR expression. Expression of these antigen-presenting molecules was not significantly modified by FGFb, PDGF-BB or IL-2 treatment.  相似文献   



QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT) is an IFNγ-release assay used in the diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. The risk of TB progression increases with the magnitude of the MTB-specific IFNγ-response. QFT reversion, also associated with low Tuberculin Skin Test responses, may therefore represent a transient immune response with control of M. tuberculosis infection. However, studies at the single cell level have suggested that the quality (polyfunctionality) of the T-cell response is more important than the quantity of cytokines produced.


To explore the quality and/or magnitude of mycobacteria-specific T-cell responses associated with QFT reversion and persistent QFT-positivity.


Multi-color flowcytometry on prospectively collected peripheral blood mononuclear cells was applied to assess mycobacteria-specific T-cell responses in 42 QFT positive Indian adolescents of whom 21 became QFT negative (reverters) within one year. Ten QFT consistent negatives were also included as controls.


There was no difference in the qualitative PPD-specific CD4+ T-cell response between QFT consistent positives and reverters. However, compared with QFT consistent positives, reverters displayed lower absolute frequencies of polyfunctional (IFNγ+IL2+TNFα+) CD4+ T-cells at baseline, which were further reduced to the point where they were not different to QFT negative controls one year later. Moreover, absolute frequencies of these cells correlated well with the magnitude of the QFT-response.


Whereas specific polyfunctional CD4+ T-cells have been suggested to protect against TB progression, our data do not support that higher relative or absolute frequencies of PPD-specific polyfunctional CD4+ T-cells in peripheral blood can explain the reduced risk of TB progression observed in QFT reverters. On the contrary, absolute frequencies of these cells correlated with the QFT-response, suggesting that this readout reflects antigenic load.  相似文献   

In vitro CD4+ T cell differentiation systems have made important contributions to understanding the mechanisms underlying the differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into effector cells with distinct biological functions. Mature CD4+ T cells expressing CD8αα homodimers are primarily found in the intestinal mucosa of men and mice, and to a lesser extent in other tissues such as peripheral blood. Although CD4+CD8α+ T cells are easily identified, very little is known about their development and immunological functions. It has been reported, however, that CD4+CD8α+ T cells possess regulatory properties. In this report, we present a novel in vitro differentiation system where CD4+ T cells are stimulated to become CD4+CD8α+ T cells in the presence of TGF-β, IL-7 and IFN-γ, resulting in cells with very similar features as CD4+CD8α+ intraepithelial lymphocytes. This novel in vitro differentiation culture should provide a powerful and tractable tool for dissecting the differentiation and biological functions of CD4+CD8α+ T cells.  相似文献   

CD3 is an essential component of the CD3-TCR complex. In this report, we describe the cloning, characterization, and expression analysis of the CD3 and CD3/ chain genes from fugu, Takifugu rubripes. Two distinct CD3 homologue cDNAs, designated as CD3-1 and CD3-2, and a CD3/ homologue cDNA were isolated from the fugu thymus. The deduced amino acid sequences of these cDNAs exhibit conserved essential CD3 chain motifs and overall structures. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the CD3 and CD3/ genes were expressed in lymphoid organs (e.g. thymus, head kidney, trunk kidney and spleen), mucosal tissues (gill, skin, and intestine), and peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL). The CD3 and TCR genes were expressed only in the surface IgM population, which were separated from PBL using an anti-fugu IgM monoclonal antibody. In addition, in situ hybridization confirmed that CD3-expressing cells were distributed randomly in the head kidney, trunk kidney, and spleen, but in the thymus were restricted to the lymphoid outer zone and epithelioid inner zone only. Collectively, these results suggest that CD3 molecules are useful markers for the identification of T cells in teleost fish. The present study thus provides a critical step in identifying T cells in this model organism.Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the DBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases and have been assigned the accession numbers AB166798 (CD3-1), AB166799 (CD3-2), and AB166800 (CD3/).  相似文献   

Airway epithelium is rich in labile zinc (Zn), which may have an important protective role in the airway epithelium. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Zn on the airway inflammation and the generation of eotaxin, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), interleukin-8 (IL-8), interleukin-4 (IL-4), and interferon-?? (IFN-??) in rat models of ovalbumin (OVA)-induced allergic airway inflammation. For this purpose, animal model of asthma was established by OVA challenge and zinc-deficient and zinc-supplemented diets were given. Thirty-two Sprague?CDawley rats were divided into four groups: zinc-deficient diet with OVA treatment group, zinc-supplemented diet with OVA treatment group, zinc-normal diet with OVA treatment group, and zinc-normal diet with saline treatment group. Twenty-four hours after asthma was induced, lung histomorphological changes, cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), contents of eotaxin, MCP-1, and IL-8 in BALF, and the expression of IFN-?? and IL-4 mRNAs were observed. Compared with the group of zinc-normal diet with OVA challenge rats, the group of zinc-deficient rats had higher numbers of eosinophils, neutrophils, and monocytes in BALF, as well as higher contents of eotaxin and MCP-1 in BALF and lower expression of lung IFN-?? mRNA. Conversely, Zn supplementation would decrease the numbers of eosinophils, neutrophils, and monocytes in BALF; suppress eotaxin and MCP-1 protein secretion; and increase lung IFN-?? mRNA expression. No significant difference was observed in IL-8 and IL-4 among OVA-challenged rats with different zinc diets. These studies suggested that Zn may be an important anti-inflammatory mediator of airway inflammation.  相似文献   

CD4~ CD25~ T cells play a major role in modulating immune response,but few reports havebeen published about schistosomiasis.Here,we investigated the changes in CD4~ CD25~ T cell populations inspleens and mesenteric lymph nodes of mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum.The proportions ofCD4~ CD25~ T cells in total CD4~ T cells were analyzed by flow cytometry.CD25 and Foxp3 expression wasmeasured by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction.The suppressive activities of CD4~ CD25~ Tcells were detected by in vitro proliferation of splenocytes.Evidence showed that the percentage of CD4~ CD25~ T cells was the same as controls 3 weeks post-infection.At the acute stage of infection,the percentagedecreased significantly.However,at the chronic stage of infection,it rebounded to normal levels or evenhigher.The expression of the CD25 and Foxp3 showed gradual increase along with the infection progress.Invitro experiment also showed the strong suppressive effect of CD4~ CD25~ T cells,isolated during the chronicstage,on proliferation of the CD25~-splenocytes.This is the first time that the dynamics of CD4~ CD25~ T cellpopulations was demonstrated in mice infected with schistosomiasis.In conclusion,our data indicated thatCD4~ CD25~ cells might be involved in the immune modulation during S.japonicum infection,which en-hances current knowledge of the mechanisms of the immuno-downregulation and re-infection inschistosomiasis.  相似文献   

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