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Competing hypotheses that rely either on a stepping-stone dispersal via the North Atlantic or the Bering land bridges, or more recent transoceanic dispersal, have been proposed to explain the disjunct distribution of Mediterranean flora in southern Europe and western North America. These hypotheses were tested with molecular dating using a phylogeny of the moss genus Homalothecium based on ITS, atpB-rbcL, and rpl16 sequence data. The monophyly of two main lineages in Western Palearctic (Europe, central Asia and north Africa) and North America is consistent with the ancient vicariance hypothesis. The monophyly of Madeiran H. sericeum accessions supports the recognition of the Macaronesian endemic H. mandonii. A range of absolute rates of molecular evolution documented in land plants was used as probabilistic calibration prior by a Bayesian inference implementing a relaxed-clock model to derive ages for the nodes of interest. Our age estimates for the divergence of the American and Western Palearctic Homalothecium clade (5.7 Ma, IC 3.52-8.26) and the origin of H. mandonii (2.52 Myr IC 0.86-8.25) are not compatible with the ancient vicariance hypothesis. Age estimates suggests that species distributions result from rare instances of dispersal and subsequent sympatric diversification. The calibrated phylogeny indicates that Homalothecium has undergone a fast radiation during the last 4 Myr, which is consistent with the low levels of morphological divergence among sibling species.  相似文献   

Aim To test the importance of the Lago Mare stage of the Messinian Salinity Crisis for the dispersal and diversification of European leuciscins (Cyprinidae: Leuciscinae). Location Europe. Methods Cytochrome b sequences of European leuciscins were employed to investigate phylogenetic relationships among species, using Bayesian inference, and to estimate times of diversification, using a relaxed molecular clock. The distributions of 190 European leuciscins were compiled, and regional species compositions were compared using a taxonomic similarity index and an area cladogram. Results Leuciscins restricted to the Iberian and Italian peninsulas and the West and South Balkan regions are phylogenetically more closely related to northern European species than to species from another southern European area. Application of a relaxed molecular clock to a Bayesian phylogeny indicates that most southern clades originated and diversified prior to the Messinian. Southern European regions are taxonomically distinct from one another, and from a more taxonomically homogeneous group of areas that includes Anatolia, East Balkans, Middle East, North Europe and West Russia. Main conclusions The scenario of a Messinian period of dispersal of Paratethyan fauna into Mediterranean regions, via the Lago Mare, predicts a rapid period of diversification and a pattern of close association among southern European faunas. Phylogenetic relationships among leuciscins, the timing of cladogenic events, and the taxonomic similarity among geographical regions do not conform to this expectation. The depth of clades endemic to southern Europe, together with the high levels of endemism in these regions, suggests that the faunas in these regions diverged prior to the Messinian and have evolved largely in isolation from one another. Our results support a model of gradual colonization of Mediterranean regions since the Oligocene. Subsequent connections between adjacent areas may have occurred in the Messinian or Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The combined actions of climatic variations and landscape barriers shape the history of natural populations. When organisms follow their shifting niches, obstacles in the landscape can lead to the splitting of populations, on which evolution will then act independently. When two such populations are reunited, secondary contact occurs in a broad range of admixture patterns, from narrow hybrid zones to the complete dissolution of lineages. A previous study suggested that barn owls colonized the Western Palearctic after the last glaciation in a ring-like fashion around the Mediterranean Sea, and conjectured an admixture zone in the Balkans. Here, we take advantage of whole-genome sequences of 94 individuals across the Western Palearctic to reveal the complex history of the species in the region using observational and modeling approaches. Even though our results confirm that two distinct lineages colonized the region, one in Europe and one in the Levant, they suggest that it predates the last glaciation and identify a secondary contact zone between the two in Anatolia. We also show that barn owls recolonized Europe after the glaciation from two distinct glacial refugia: a previously identified western one in Iberia and a new eastern one in Italy. Both glacial lineages now communicate via eastern Europe, in a wide and permeable contact zone. This complex history of populations enlightens the taxonomy of Tyto alba in the region, highlights the key role played by mountain ranges and large water bodies as barriers and illustrates the power of population genomics in uncovering intricate demographic patterns.  相似文献   

The desiccation of the Mediterranean Basin at the end of the Miocene was a milestone in the evolution of the Mediterranean sandfly fauna. This severe environmental change should have notably influenced their paleobiogeography as well as paleoecology and might have triggered the rapid speciation of the ancestors of the extant European sandfly species. The aim of this study was to explore how the Messinian Salinity Crisis could influence the distribution and migration routes of the ancient Mediterranean sandfly species. The unknown ecological requirements of this ancient species were replaced by the distribution-limiting climatic values of three species of extant European phlebotomine sandflies which represent the three ecological types of European sandfly fauna. The former potential occurrence patterns were determined by Climate Envelope Modelling Method. As a climate model for the Messinian Period in the Mediterranean Basin, the modified mid-Pliocene warm period model was used. The thermal surplus of the desiccated seafloor was reconstructed based on the atmospheric lapse rate. It was found that the extraordinary hot climate of the Mediterranean abyssal plain did not allow the direct cross-migration of the ancient sandfly species anywhere between Europe and North Africa neither through Gibraltar nor the Strait of Sicily. While Phlebotomus neglectus and Phlebotomus papatasi could colonize the Adriatic Plain, Phlebotomus ariasi could not. The results indicate that the Messinian played an important role in the speciation rather than migration of the ancestors of present-day Mediterranean sandflies.  相似文献   



Due to its complex, dynamic and well-known paleogeography, the Mediterranean region provides an ideal framework to study the colonization history of plant lineages. The genus Linaria has its diversity centre in the Mediterranean region, both in Europe and Africa. The last land connection between both continental plates occurred during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, in the late Miocene (5.96 to 5.33 Ma).

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analyzed the colonization history of Linaria sect. Versicolores (bifid toadflaxes), which includes c. 22 species distributed across the Mediterranean, including Europe and Africa. Two cpDNA regions (rpl32-trnLUAG and trnK-matK) were sequenced from 66 samples of Linaria. We conducted phylogenetic, dating, biogeographic and phylogeographic analyses to reconstruct colonization patterns in space and time. Four major clades were found: two of them exclusively contain Iberian samples, while the other two include northern African samples together with some European samples. The bifid toadflaxes have been split in African and European clades since the late Miocene, and most lineage and speciation differentiation occurred during the Pliocene and Quaternary. We have strongly inferred four events of post-Messinian colonization following long-distance dispersal from northern Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily and Greece.


The current distribution of Linaria sect. Versicolores lineages is explained by both ancient isolation between African and European populations and recent events of long-distance dispersal over sea barriers. This result provides new evidence for the biogeographic complexity of the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Aim The intricate puzzle-like geography of the western Mediterranean is a product of long-term tectonic and orogenic events, supplemented by repeated climatic oscillations since the Pliocene. It offers numerous vicariance events that may be invoked to explain speciation in amphibians. We test for plausibility of two mutually exclusive Iberian–African vicariance hypotheses to explain the basal split within newts of the genus Pleurodeles: (1) the disconnection of the Betic arch c. 14 Ma and (2) the end of the Messinian salinity crisis 5.33 Ma. Location Specimens of P. waltl and P. poireti were sampled from 32 populations in Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Methods Parts of three mitochondrial genes were sequenced (16S rRNA, cytochrome b, ATPase). Based on substitution rate constancy among lineages three different molecular clocks were calibrated to derive competing evolutionary scenarios for lineage evolution within Pleurodeles. Results One scenario was aligned with the dated fossil record and with historical events that are known to have enabled terrestrial faunal exchange between Europe and Africa. In Pleurodeles, such faunal exchange is more likely to have happened three times, resulting in the current pattern of species diversity and haplotype distribution: (1) following the disconnection of the Betic region from Iberia and connection of its southernmost part (present-day Rif Mountains) to Africa, c. 14 Ma; (2) closing of the Strait of Gibraltar prior to the Messinian salinity crisis, 5.59–5.33 Ma; (3) passive dispersal in recent times, caused by rafting on vegetation or inadvertent displacement by man. The results show that North African P. poireti populations comprise two distinct lineages; despite their geographical proximity, haplotype distribution within both lineages indicates totally different histories (range fragmentation vs. dispersal). Main conclusions Ribbed salamanders mainly evolved through allopatric speciation, driven by vicariance events. However, faunal exchange between Europe and Africa at the western end of the Mediterranean basin was linked to well-known events of physical contact between both continents. This sheds new light on the potential role of dispersal across marine barriers via rafting or even, presumably inadvertent, anthropogenic displacement for the initiation of speciation in amphibians.  相似文献   

The repeated advance and retreat of glaciers during the Pleistocene ice ages have played a major role in shaping the present patterns of genetic variation within and among plant and animal populations of the temperate zone. In Europe, the geographic ranges of many species were confined to a few, mostly southern refugia during periods of full glaciation. Distribution ranges then reexpanded, and uninhabited northern areas were recolonized during the interglacials. These contraction–expansion cycles were repeated at least four times. Paleontological and molecular phylogeographic studies during the last decade have greatly increased our knowledge of refugial areas and postglacial recolonization patterns of European trees, shrubs and Alpine plants since the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago. Much less is known yet about non-Alpine herbaceous plants. In the present review, we summarize recent phylogeographic work on halophytic (salt-adapted) plants from coastal and inland habitats in Europe. Major refugial areas for these plants have been identified along the Mediterranean coasts, but some species could also have survived in saline inland localities. In general, recolonization of N and NW Europe occurred in a stepwise fashion along the Atlantic coastline. For a number of species, molecular studies revealed concordant genetic discontinuities on the background of an essentially continuous geographic distribution. Such congruency could be explained by the preferential seed dispersal through sea currents. However, phylogeographic patterns of halophytes also proved to be influenced by other factors like sea-level fluctuations during the Pleistocene, secondary contact between divergent lineages, long-distance dispersal, clonal growth, and special habitat and temperature requirements.  相似文献   

Aim Dispersal barriers between areas within some regions have appeared and disappeared throughout evolutionary time. Here we describe the distributional patterns displayed by three taxa living in such kind of regions. These patterns can be better explained considering a reticulated rather than a hierarchically branched palaeogeography. Location Western Mediterranean. Methods The taxa studied are Misolampus (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), Tentyria (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) and Thorectes (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae). All them are flightless and show a high degree of endemicity. The individual pattern of area relationships was determined separately for each genus by Brooks Parsimony Analysis (BPA). A theoretical general area cladogram was constructed based on the palaeogeographical history of the region. Finally, the general area cladogram is reconciled with the individual ones. Results The ancestor of Misolampus probably was North African. Land dispersal toward the Iberian Peninsula is proposed. Speciation within Iberia is related to specific vicariance events, and the presence of insular (Balearic Islands) populations is explained by sea‐surface or, more probably, human‐mediated dispersal. The ancestor of Tentyria was Iberic. The proposed hypothesis to explain the current species distribution mainly relies on the occurrence of specific vicariance events. However, the occurrence of some sea‐surface dispersal event is not discarded. Almost all possible vicariance events can be recognized in the first clade of the Thorectes genus. There is evidence for dispersal between Africa and Europe at different dates and in both directions. In spite of some uncertainties, the appearance of the second Thorectes clade can also be explained by the occurrence of specific historical events. An ancient dispersal toward the eastern Mediterranean and several dispersal events during the Messinian seem likely. Main conclusions The same historical events have specific outcomes in every tree (even in every branch within a tree) depending on the ability for dispersal and speciation of each taxon. Connection‐disjunction cycles of dispersal barriers have acted as diversity producers.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the molecular phylogenetic divergence and historical biogeography of cave crickets belonging to the genus Dolichopoda (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae). Location Caves in continental and insular Greece. Methods We sequenced 1967 bp of mitochondrial DNA, corresponding to three fragments of the small and large subunit of the ribosomal RNA (16S and 12S rRNA, respectively) and to the subunit I of cytochrome oxidase (COI), to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among all 30 known Greek species of Dolichopoda. Alternative hypotheses about the colonization of the Hellenic Peninsula by Dolichopoda species were tested by comparing the degree of discordance between species trees and gene trees under four plausible biogeographical scenarios. Results The present study revealed a rather well resolved phylogeny at species level, identifying a number of clades that represent long‐separated lineages and diverse evolutionary histories within the genus Dolichopoda. Two main clades were revealed within Hellenic–Aegean species, identifying a north‐western and a south‐eastern species group. Based on Bayesian analysis, we applied a relaxed molecular clock to estimate the divergence times between the lineages. The results revealed that the origins of eastern Mediterranean lineages are much older than those of previously studied western Mediterranean Dolichopoda. Tests of alternative biogeographical hypotheses showed that a double colonization of the Hellenic Peninsula, following separate continental and trans‐Aegean routes during the Messinian stage, best accounts for the present distribution of Greek Dolichopoda species. Main conclusions Reconstruction and biogeographical hypothesis testing indicated that the colonization of Greece by Dolichopoda species comprised two episodes and two different routes. The southern lineage probably arose from a trans‐Aegean colonization during the Messinian salinity crisis (5.96–5.33 Ma). The northern lineage could be the result of dispersal from the north through the Balkan Peninsula. The opening of the Mid‐Aegean Trench could have promoted an initial diversification within the uprising Anatolian Plateau, while the Messinian marine regression offered the conditions for a rapid dispersal through the whole Aegean–Hellenic region. In addition, climatic events during the Plio‐Pleistocene may have been responsible for the speciation within each of the two different phylogeographical units, principally attributable to vicariance events.  相似文献   

Explaining disjunct distributions, or why closely related organisms are often separated by apparently severe barriers such as oceans or deserts, is a great challenge for historical biogeography. Competing explanations are long-distance dispersal across a barrier, and vicariance, in which disjunct taxa are descended from an ancestral population that was split by formation of the barrier. Vicariance explanations are testable by their prediction that near-simultaneous speciation should have occurred across multiple lineages of organisms between the disjunct areas because the origin of a barrier would potentially disrupt gene flow within multiple species. To date, there have been few studies providing evidence for multiple synchronous ancient divergences across a barrier whose origin coincides with the timing of the speciation events. Here, we use relaxed molecular-clock dating to investigate the timing of south-western (SW) versus south-eastern (SE) divergences in 23 pairs of plant lineages in southern Australia. Sixteen of the divergences correlate with the origin, 13-14 million years (Myr) ago, of the arid treeless Nullarbor Plain. The Nullarbor Plain currently forms a substantial barrier to SW-SE migration but during the last 45Myr this region has experienced multiple episodes of marine inundation and subaerial exposure. Thus, there have been multiple events that could have caused either isolation and speciation, or secondary contact, among the taxa of southern Australia. The strong molecular signal of coincident speciation in many diverse lineages during a short period provides the best evidence to date linking synchronous speciation to an ancient vicariance event.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Basin has experienced extensive change in geology and climate over the past six million years. Yet, the relative importance of key geological events for the distribution and genetic structure of the Mediterranean fauna remains poorly understood. Here, we use population genomic and phylogenomic analyses to establish the evolutionary history and genetic structure of common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis). This species is particularly informative because, in contrast to other Mediterranean lizards, it is widespread across the Iberian, Italian, and Balkan Peninsulas, and in extra-Mediterranean regions. We found strong support for six major lineages within P. muralis, which were largely discordant with the phylogenetic relationship of mitochondrial DNA. The most recent common ancestor of extant P. muralis was likely distributed in the Italian Peninsula, and experienced an “Out-of-Italy” expansion following the Messinian salinity crisis (∼5 Mya), resulting in the differentiation into the extant lineages on the Iberian, Italian, and Balkan Peninsulas. Introgression analysis revealed that both inter- and intraspecific gene flows have been pervasive throughout the evolutionary history of P. muralis. For example, the Southern Italy lineage has a hybrid origin, formed through admixture between the Central Italy lineage and an ancient lineage that was the sister to all other P. muralis. More recent genetic differentiation is associated with the onset of the Quaternary glaciations, which influenced population dynamics and genetic diversity of contemporary lineages. These results demonstrate the pervasive role of Mediterranean geology and climate for the evolutionary history and population genetic structure of extant species.  相似文献   

Recent molecular phylogenetic studies reported high diversity of Ruppia species in the Mediterranean. Multiple taxa, including apparent endemics, are known from that region, however, they have thus far not been exposed to phylogenetic analyses aimed at studying their relationships to taxa from other parts of the world. Here we present a comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of the R. maritima complex using data sets composed of DNA sequences of the plastid genome, the multi-copy nuclear ITS region, and the low-copy nuclear phyB gene with a primary focus on the Mediterranean representatives of the complex. As a result, a new lineage, “Drepanensis”, was identified as the seventh entity of the complex. This lineage is endemic to the Mediterranean. The accessions included in the former “Tetraploid” entity were reclassified into two entities: an Asia–Australia–Europe disjunct “Tetraploid_α” with a paternal “Diploid” origin, and a European “Tetraploid_γ” originating from a maternal “Drepanensis” lineage. Another entity, “Tetraploid_β”, is likely to have been originated as a result of chloroplast capture through backcrossing hybridization between paternal “Tetraploid_α” and maternal “Tetraploid_γ”. Additional discovery of multiple tetraploidizations as well as hybridization and chloroplast capture at the tetraploid level indicated that hybridization has been a significant factor in the diversification of Ruppia.  相似文献   

The study of the neutral and/or selective processes driving genetic variation in natural populations is central to determine the evolutionary history of species and lineages and understand how they interact with different historical and contemporary components of landscape heterogeneity. Here, we combine nuclear and mitochondrial data to study the processes shaping genetic divergence in the Mediterranean esparto grasshopper (Ramburiella hispanica). Our analyses revealed the presence of three main lineages, two in Europe that split in the Early-Middle Pleistocene and one in North Africa that diverged from the two European ones after the Messinian. Lineage-specific potential distribution models and tests of environmental niche differentiation suggest that the phylogeographic structure of the species was driven by allopatric divergence due to the re-opening of the Gibraltar strait at the end of the Messinian (Europe–Africa split) and population fragmentation in geographically isolated Pleistocene climatic refugia (European split). Although we found no evidence for environment as an important driver of genetic divergence at the onset of lineage formation, our analyses considering the spatial distribution of populations and different aspects of landscape composition suggest that genetic differentiation at mitochondrial loci was largely explained by environmental dissimilarity, whereas resistance-based estimates of geographical distance were the only predictors of genetic differentiation at nuclear markers. Overall, our study shows that although historical factors have largely shaped concordant range-wide patterns of mitonuclear genetic structure in the esparto grasshopper, different contemporary processes (neutral gene flow vs. environmental-based selection) seem to be governing the spatial distribution of genetic variation in the two genomes.  相似文献   

Dubey S  Shine R 《PloS one》2010,5(9):e12982


Relatively recent (Plio-Pleistocene) climatic variations had strong impacts on the fauna and flora of temperate-zone North America and Europe; genetic analyses suggest that many lineages were restricted to unglaciated refuges during this time, and have expanded their ranges since then. Temperate-zone Australia experienced less severe glaciation, suggesting that patterns of genetic structure among species may reflect older (aridity-driven) divergence events rather than Plio-Pleistocene (thermally-mediated) divergences. The lizard genus Bassiana (Squamata, Scincidae) contains three species that occur across a wide area of southern Australia (including Tasmania), rendering them ideally-suited to studies on the impact of past climatic fluctuations.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We performed molecular phylogenetic and dating analyses using two partial mitochondrial genes (ND2 and ND4) of 97 samples of Bassiana spp. Our results reveal a pattern of diversification beginning in the Middle Miocene, with intraspecific diversification arising from 5.7 to 1.7 million years ago in the Upper Miocene-Lower Pleistocene.


In contrast to the temperate-zone Northern Hemisphere biota, patterns of evolutionary diversification within southern Australian taxa appear to reflect geologically ancient events, mostly relating to east-west discontinuities imposed by aridity rather than (as is the case in Europe and North America) relatively recent recolonisation of northern regions from unglaciated refugia to the south.  相似文献   

The Tethys Ocean existed between the continents of Gondwana and Laurasia from the Triassic to the Pliocene. Analyses of multiple biogeographic and phylogenetic histories reveal that the subsequent breakup of the Tethys greatly influenced the distributions of many species. The ancestral Tethyan realm broke into five biogeographic provinces, including the present‐day East Pacific, West Atlantic, East Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, and Indo‐West Pacific. Palaeogeographic maps illustrate the Mesozoic Atlantic opening, the Cenozoic closure of the Tethys, the Messinian Salinity Crisis, the mid‐Miocene closure of the Central American Seaway, and Quaternary geological changes. Further, we consider Cenozoic sea‐level changes and the formation of freshwater habitats. These reconstructions allow assessment of patterns of aquatic diversification for marine and freshwater animals, and comparison of vicariance and dispersal processes. Estimated divergence times indicate that fragmentation of the Tethys was responsible for the vicariant speciation of aquatic animals because these dates are consistent with associated tectonic events. The opening of the Atlantic Ocean during the Cretaceous is responsible for the earliest isolation between the West and East Atlantic. The mid‐Miocene closure of the Tethys, which blocked global equatorial currents, appears to have isolated the Atlantic/Mediterranean Sea and Indo‐West Pacific. Finally, formation of the Isthmus of Panama isolated East Pacific and West Atlantic marine organisms. Dispersals related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis and Quaternary sea‐level changes influenced population structuring. Tethyan changes affected marine habitats, created new freshwater habitats, inland caves and ancient lakes along the Alps and Himalayas, and influenced anchialine caves at the edge of the ancient sea. The extensive new habitats provided opportunities for colonisation and rapid diversification. Future work should focus on testing the biological impact of the series of Tethyan changes.  相似文献   

Cichlid fishes are a key model system in the study of adaptive radiation, speciation and evolutionary developmental biology. More than 1600 cichlid species inhabit freshwater and marginal marine environments across several southern landmasses. This distributional pattern, combined with parallels between cichlid phylogeny and sequences of Mesozoic continental rifting, has led to the widely accepted hypothesis that cichlids are an ancient group whose major biogeographic patterns arose from Gondwanan vicariance. Although the Early Cretaceous (ca 135 Ma) divergence of living cichlids demanded by the vicariance model now represents a key calibration for teleost molecular clocks, this putative split pre-dates the oldest cichlid fossils by nearly 90 Myr. Here, we provide independent palaeontological and relaxed-molecular-clock estimates for the time of cichlid origin that collectively reject the antiquity of the group required by the Gondwanan vicariance scenario. The distribution of cichlid fossil horizons, the age of stratigraphically consistent outgroup lineages to cichlids and relaxed-clock analysis of a DNA sequence dataset consisting of 10 nuclear genes all deliver overlapping estimates for crown cichlid origin centred on the Palaeocene (ca 65–57 Ma), substantially post-dating the tectonic fragmentation of Gondwana. Our results provide a revised macroevolutionary time scale for cichlids, imply a role for dispersal in generating the observed geographical distribution of this important model clade and add to a growing debate that questions the dominance of the vicariance paradigm of historical biogeography.  相似文献   

Two subcosmopolitan species Ruppia maritima and Ruppia cirrhosa are recognized throughout Europe, whereas Ruppia drepanensis is endemic to SW Europe. We aimed at characterizing the geographic structure of the chloroplast DNA haplotype diversity of 56 Ruppia populations across the European part of the Mediterranean. On the basis of five cpDNA markers (total length of 2300 bp) 16 haplotypes were obtained for 1546 individuals. Three populations of R. maritima showed a single haplotype and differed in five insertions/deletions and 16 substitutions from a highly variable R. cirrhosa species complex, which included R. drepanensis. The haplotype diversity of this species complex was much higher in the western Mediterranean basin than in the eastern basin. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant differentiation of R. cirrhosa between the two basins and also within the western Mediterranean thereby suggesting the latter as an important centre of Ruppia diversity. An isolation-by-distance (IBD) pattern was stronger between the West-East basin populations than within basins. A PCO analysis of the western basin populations indicated a diversity gradient with those of Sardinia as polymorph intermediates. The low diversity within the eastern basin suggests that the observed gradient could be hypothesized as a historical dispersal of only a limited number of haplotypes from west to east.  相似文献   

New Zealand has long been a conundrum to biogeographers, possessing as it does geophysical and biotic features characteristic of both an island and a continent. This schism is reflected in provocative debate among dispersalist, vicariance biogeographic and panbiogeographic schools. A strong history in biogeography has spawned many hypotheses, which have begun to be addressed by a flood of molecular analyses. The time is now ripe to synthesize these findings on a background of geological and ecological knowledge. It has become increasingly apparent that most of the biota of New Zealand has links with other southern lands (particularly Australia) that are much more recent than the breakup of Gondwana. A compilation of molecular phylogenetic analyses of ca 100 plant and animal groups reveals that only 10% of these are even plausibly of archaic origin dating to the vicariant splitting of Zealandia from Gondwana. Effects of lineage extinction and lack of good calibrations in many cases strongly suggest that the actual proportion is even lower, in keeping with extensive Oligocene inundation of Zealandia. A wide compilation of papers covering phylogeographic structuring of terrestrial, freshwater and marine species shows some patterns emerging. These include: east–west splits across the Southern Alps, east–west splits across North Island, north–south splits across South Island, star phylogenies of southern mountain isolates, spread from northern, central and southern areas of high endemism, and recent recolonization (postvolcanic and anthropogenic). Excepting the last of these, most of these patterns seem to date to late Pliocene, coinciding with the rapid uplift of the Southern Alps. The diversity of New Zealand geological processes (sinking, uplift, tilting, sea level change, erosion, volcanism, glaciation) has produced numerous patterns, making generalizations difficult. Many species maintain pre‐Pleistocene lineages, with phylogeographic structuring more similar to the Mediterranean region than northern Europe. This structure reflects the fact that glaciation was far from ubiquitous, despite the topography. Intriguingly, then, origins of the flora and fauna are island‐like, whereas phylogeographic structure often reflects continental geological processes.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants of the genus Ruppia inhabit some of the most threatened habitats in the world, such as coastal lagoons and inland saline to brackish waters where their meadows play several key roles. The evolutionary history of this genus has been affected by the processes of hybridization, polyploidization, and vicariance, which have resulted in uncertainty regarding the number of species. In the present study, we apply microsatellite markers for the identification, genetic characterization, and detection of hybridization events among populations of putative Ruppia species found in the southern Iberian Peninsula, with the exception of a clearly distinct species, the diploid Ruppia maritima. Microsatellite markers group the populations into genetically distinct entities that are not coincident with geographical location and contain unique diagnostic alleles. These results support the interpretation of these entities as distinct species: designated here as (1) Ruppia drepanensis, (2) Ruppia cf. maritima, and (3) Ruppia cirrhosa. A fourth distinct genetic entity was identified as a putative hybrid between R. cf. maritima and R. cirrhosa because it contained a mixture of microsatellite alleles that are otherwise unique to these putative species. Hence, our analyses were able to discriminate among different genetic entities of Ruppia and, by adding multilocus nuclear markers, we confirm hybridization as an important process of speciation within the genus. In addition, careful taxonomic curation of the samples enabled us to determine the genotypic and genetic diversity and differentiation among populations of each putative Ruppia species. This will be important for identifying diversity hotspots and evaluating patterns of population genetic connectivity.  相似文献   

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