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Glossiphonia heteroclita has paired ovaries whose shape and dimensions change as oogenesis proceeds: during early previtellogenesis they are small and club-shaped, whereas during vitellogenesis they broaden and elongate considerably. During early oogenesis (previtellogenesis), each ovary is composed of an outer envelope (ovisac) that surrounds the ovary cavity and is filled with hemocoelomic fluid, in which a single and very convoluted ovary cord is bathed. The ovary cord consists of germline cells, including nurse cells and young oocytes surrounded by a layer of elongated follicle cells. Additionally, follicle cells with long cytoplasmic projections occur inside the ovary cord, where they separate germ cells from each other. The ovary cord contains thousands of nurse cells. Each nurse cell has one intercellular bridge, connecting it to a central anucleate cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore (rachis); it in turn is connected by one intercellular bridge with each growing oocyte. Numerous mitochondria, RER cisternae, ribosomes, and Golgi complexes are transported from the nurse cells, via the intercellular bridge and cytophore, to the growing oocytes. Oogenesis in G. heteroclita is synchronous with all oocytes in the ovary in the same stage of oogenesis. The youngest observed oocytes are slightly larger than nurse cells, and usually occupy the periphery of the ovary cord. As previtellogenesis proceeds, the oocytes gather a vast amount of cell organelles and become more voluminous. As a result, in late previtellogenesis the oocytes gradually protrude into the ovary cavity. Simultaneously with oocyte growth, the follicle cells differentiate into two subpopulations. The morphology of the follicle cells surrounding the nurse cells and penetrating the ovary cord does not change, whereas those enveloping the growing oocytes become more voluminous. Their plasma membrane invaginates deeply, forming numerous broad vesicles that eventually seem to form channels or conducts through which the hemocoelomic fluid can easily access the growing oocytes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to describe the organization of the ovary and mode of oogenesis at the ultrastructural level in two representatives of Lumbriculida – Lumbriculus variegatus and Stylodrilus heringianus. In both species studied, the ovaries are small and conically shaped structures that are attached to the intersegmental septum via a thin ligament. The ovaries are composed of germline cysts formed by germ cells interconnected by stable cytoplasmic bridges. As a rule, the cyst center is occupied by a poorly developed anuclear cytoplasmic mass, termed a cytophore, whereas the germ cells are located at the periphery of the cyst. Germline cysts are enveloped by somatic cells. The ovaries of the species studied are polarized, i.e., along the long axis of the ovary there is an evident gradient of germ cell development. The data obtained suggest ovary meroism, i.e., two categories of germ cells were found: oocytes, which continue meiosis, gather nutrients, grow and protrude into the body cavity, and nurse cells, which do not grow and are supposed to supply oocytes with cell organelles and macromolecules via the cytophore. The ovary structure and mode of oogenesis in the species studied were compared with those of other clitellate annelids. As a rule, in all clitellates studied to date, the ovaries are composed of germline cysts equipped with a cytophore and associated with somatic cells; however, the ovary morphology differs between taxa regarding several quantitative and qualitative features. The ovary organization and mode of oogenesis in L. variegatus and S. heringianus strongly resemble those found in Tubificinae and Branchiobdellida studied to date. Our results also support a sister-group relationship between Lumbriculida and a clade comprising ectoparasitic clitellates (i.e., Branchiobdellida, Acanthobdellida and Hirudinida) with Branchiobdellida as a plesiomorphic sister group to Acanthobdellida and Hirudinida.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the ovaries and oogenesis was studied in three species of three genera of Tubificinae. The paired ovaries are small, conically shaped structures, connected to the intersegmental septum between segments X and XI by their narrow end. The ovaries are composed of syncytial cysts of germ cells interconnected by stable cytoplasmic bridges (ring canals) and surrounded by follicular cells. The architecture of the germ-line cysts is exactly the same as in all clitellate annelids studied to date, i.e. each cell in a cyst has only one ring canal connecting it to the central, anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. The ovaries found in all of the species studied seem to be meroistic, i.e. the ultimate fate of germ cells within a cyst is different, and the majority of cells withdraw from meiosis and become nurse cells; the rest continue meiosis, gather macromolecules, cell organelles and storage material, and become oocytes. The ovaries are polarized; their narrow end contains mitotically dividing oogonia and germ cells entering the meiosis prophase; whereas within the middle and basal parts, nurse cells, a prominent cytophore and growing oocytes occur. During late previtellogenesis/early vitellogenesis, the oocytes detach from the cytophore and float in the coelom; they are usually enveloped by the peritoneal epithelium and associated with blood vessels. Generally, the organization of ovaries in all of the Tubificinae species studied resembles the polarized ovary cords found within the ovisacs of some Euhirudinea. The organization of ovaries and the course of oogenesis between the genera studied and other clitellate annelids are compared. Finally, it is suggested that germ-line cysts formation and the meroistic mode of oogenesis may be a primary character for all Clitellata.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present data about ovary organization and oogenesis in two small groups of clitellate annelids, i.e. in representatives of Acanthobdellida (Acanthobdella peledina) and Branchiobdellida (Branchiobdella pentodonta and Branchiobdella parasitica), and to compare them to ovaries known from true leeches and oligochaetous clitellates. In A. peledina, the ovaries have the form of elongated cords, termed ovary cords, and are enveloped by coelomic sacs, the so-called ovisacs. The ovisacs are paired and each one contains only one ovary cord. The morphology and structure of the ovary cords depend on the maturity level of the animal. In young specimens the ovary cords are short and contain mainly oogonial cells and germ cells entering meiosis. Oogonia divide mitotically without full cytokineses, and as a result germ-line cysts are formed. As the animals grow, the cords become more elongated and the germ cells within the cords differentiate into nurse cells and oocytes. Oocytes gather cell organelles and, finally, detach from the ovary cord and float freely in the ovisac lumen.In both examined branchiobdellidans the ovaries are also paired. They are short and conical and are not enclosed within ovisacs. The narrow end of each ovary is connected to the intersegmental septum via a ligament, whereas the outermost (broad) end of the ovary extends freely into the coelom. The ovaries are polarized. Their narrow ends contain oogonia, whereas nurse cells and growing oocytes, gradually projecting from the ovary, can be found in their middle and outermost parts. Early vitellogenic oocytes detach from the ovary and float freely in the coelom.In all of the species studied, the ovaries are made up of germ-line cysts associated with somatic (follicular) cells. The architecture of a germ-line cyst is exactly the same as in other clitellate annelids that have been studied to date. Each germ cell in a cyst has one stable cytoplasmic bridge connecting it with a central anuclear cytoplasmic mass, a cytophore. The fate of germ cells constituting cysts is diverse. The majority of the cells withdraw from meiosis and become nurse cells; only a few continue meiosis, grow and become oocytes. The meroistic mode of oogenesis is suggested. We suggest also that the formation of germ-line cysts and ovary meroism should be regarded as basal conditions for all Clitellata. The occurrence of ovisacs enveloping the ovaries in A. peledina and Hirudinida is regarded as a synapomorphy of both groups, whereas ovaries found in B. pentodonta and B. parasitica have no ovisacs and resemble ovaries described in Oligochaeta sensu stricto.  相似文献   

In Hirudo medicinalis and Haemopis sanguisuga, two convoluted ovary cords are found within each ovary. Each ovary cord is a polarized structure composed of germ cells (oogonia, developing oocytes, nurse cells) and somatic cells (apical cell, follicular cells). One end of the ovary cord is club-shaped and comprises one huge apical cell, numerous oogonia, and small cysts (clusters) of interconnected germ cells. The main part of the cord contains fully developed cysts composed of numerous nurse cells connected via intercellular bridges with the cytophore, which in turn is connected by a cytoplasmic bridge with the growing oocyte. The opposite end of the cord degenerates. Cord integrity is ensured by flattened follicular cells enveloping the cord; moreover, inside the cord, some follicular cells (internal follicular cells) are distributed among germ cells. As oogenesis progresses, the growing oocytes gradually protrude into the ovary lumen; as a result, fully developed oocytes arrested in meiotic metaphase I float freely in the ovary lumen. This paper describes the successive stages of oogenesis of H. medicinalis in detail. Ovary organization in Hirudinea was classified within four different types: non-polarized ovary cords were found in glossiphoniids, egg follicles were described in piscicolids, ovarian bodies were found characteristic for erpobdellids, and polarized ovary cords in hirudiniforms. Ovaries with polarized structures equipped with apical cell (i.e. polarized ovary cords and ovarian bodies) (as found in arhynchobdellids) are considered as primary for Hirudinea while non-polarized ovary cords and the occurrence of egg follicles (rhynchobdellids) represent derived condition.  相似文献   

Ovaries of Haplotaxis sp. were studied in active and nonactive states, that is, in a sexually mature specimen and in specimens outside of the reproductive period. Two pairs of ovaries were found in segments XI and XII. Especially in the nonactive state, they were in close contact with copulatory glands. Each ovary was composed of germ cells interconnected with syncytial cysts, which were enveloped by a layer of somatic cells. Within cysts each germ cell had one ring canal connecting it to the common anuclear cytoplasmic mass called a cytophore. During oogenesis clustering germ cells differentiated into nurse cells and oocytes; thus, the oogenesis was recognized as meroistic. Vitellogenic oocytes were detached from the ovaries and continued yolk absorption within the body cavity. Because recent studies have shown the variety of ovaries and germ line cyst organization in clitellates and suggest their evolutionary conservatism at the family or subfamily level, the data presented here can be valid in understanding the phylogenetic relationships among Clitellata. In this context, ovaries found in Haplotaxis sp. resembled those of the “Tubifex” type. “Tubifex” ovaries are characteristic for numerous microdrile taxa (tubificines, limnodriloidines, propappids, lumbriculids, and leech‐like branchiobdellids) and can be regarded as the primary character for these Clitellata in which germ‐line cysts are formed during early oogenesis. As the family Haplotaxidae is currently considered to be paraphyletic and the species studied here belongs to Haplotaxidae sensu stricto, our results support the close relationship of Haplotaxidae sensu stricto to the clade consisting of Lumbriculidae, Branchiobdellida, and Hirudinida, in which lumbriculids are sister to the latter two.  相似文献   

The organization of the ovaries in representative of the Salifidae (Hirudinida, Erpobdelliformes) was studied at the ultrastructural level for the first time. Like in other leeches, the ovaries of Barbronia weberi are composed of an outer envelope (i.e., an ovisac made up of two coelomic epithelia, muscle cells, and connective tissue) and several internal units, which are broadly similar to the ovary cords found in representatives of the Erpobdellidae. There are usually 6–8 ovary cords that are twisted or cambered with a narrow apical part and a broader, irregularly shaped distal end in each ovisac of B. weberi. Each ovary cord is built from somatic and germ‐line cells and the latter tend to form multicellular cysts that are equipped with a central cytoplasmic core (cytophore). There are two morphologically different subpopulations of germ‐line cells: oocytes and more numerous nurse cells. Growing oocytes form protuberances on the ovary cord surface and eventually detach from the cord and float freely in the ovisac lumen, whereas the other components of germ‐line cysts (i.e., nurse cells and cytophore) degenerate. It should be pointed out that there is a prominent gradient of germ‐cell development along the long axis of the cord. The somatic cells form the ovary cord envelope (the so‐called spongiosa cells) and also penetrate the spaces between germ‐line cells. Both kinds of the somatic cells, that is, those forming the cord envelope and the somatic cells that are associated with oocytes (follicular cells) have a well‐developed system of intercellular channels. Additionally, one prominent somatic cell, the apical cell, was found at the apical tip of each ovary cord. Because the aforementioned features of ovary cords found in B. weberi are very similar (with a few minor exceptions) to the ovary cords that have been described in Erpobdella octoculata and E. johanssoni, we propose the term “ovary cords of the Erpobdella type” for them. Our results support a close phylogenetic relationship between Salifidae and Erpobdellidae. J. Morphol. 275:479–488, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In both examined species of Hirudinea there are paired spheroid ovisacs, and within each ovisac two convoluted ovary cords occur. The morphology of the cords is characteristic: their apical end is club-shaped, the central part is narrow and may contain developing oocytes, whereas the basal end of the cord is irregularly shaped and composed of degenerating cells. The ovary cords are built of somatic and germ-line cells; the latter are united into syncytial cysts. Each germ cell in such a cyst has only one stable cytoplasmic bridge connecting it to the central anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Initially all germ-line cells in a given cyst are morphologically identical, then the fates of cells diversify. Most of them become nurse cells and eventually degenerate; the rest continue meiosis, gather macromolecules, cell organelles and nutritive material and become oocytes. The oogenesis found in the species studied should be regarded as meroistic. Previtellogenic oocytes protrude from the cord into the ovisac lumen, whereas the vitellogenic ones float freely in the ovisac lumen. The somatic cells found in the ovary cords are: follicular cells which form the envelope of the cord and are also found among germ cells inside the cord, and one, huge apical cell that always is located at the top of the club-shaped end of the ovary cord. The apical cell has several characteristic features, e.g., it forms long cytoplasmic projections filled with intermediate filaments and it is connected to the neighbouring cells (both somatic and germ-line) via hemidesmosomes. We suggest that the apical cell forms the niche for maintaining germ and somatic stem cells. Generally, the organization of the ovary cords found in both studied species is broadly similar to those described in other hirudiniform leeches studied to date.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the ovary organization and oogenesis in Tubificinae have revealed that their ovaries are small polarized structures that are composed of germ cells in subsequent stages of oogenesis that are associated with somatic cells. In syncytial cysts, as a rule, each germ cell is connected to the central cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore, via only one stable intercellular bridge (ring canal). In this paper we present detailed data about the composition of germ-line cysts in Tubifex tubifex with special emphasis on the occurrence and distribution of the cytoskeletal elements. Using fixed material and live cell imaging techniques, we found that the entire ovary of T. tubifex is composed of only one, huge multicellular germ-line cyst, which may contain up to 2,600 cells. Its architecture is broadly similar to the cysts that are found in other clitellate annelids, i.e. a common, anuclear cytoplasmic mass in the center of the cyst and germ cells that are connected to it via intercellular bridges. The cytophore in the T. tubifex cyst extends along the long axis of the ovary in the form of elongated and branched cytoplasmic strands. Rhodamine-coupled phalloidin staining revealed that the prominent strands of actin filaments occur inside the cytophore. Similar to the cytophore, F-actin strands are branched and they are especially well developed in the middle and outermost parts of the ovary. Microfilaments are also present in the ring canals that connect the germ cells with the cytophore in the narrow end of the ovary. Using TubulinTracker, we found that the microtubules form a prominent network of loosely and evenly distributed tubules inside the cytophore as well as in every germ cell. The well-developed cytoskeletal elements in T. tubifex ovary seem to ensure the integrity of such a huge germ-line cyst of complex (germ cells - ring canals - cytophore) organization. A comparison between the cysts that are described here and other well-known female germ-line cysts is also made.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ovarian ultrastructure and oogenesis in two pycnogonid species, Cilunculus armatus and Ammothella biunguiculata , were investigated. The ovary is morphologically and functionally divided into trunk and pedal parts. The former represents the germarium and contains very young germ cells in a pachytene or postpachytene phase, whereas the latter houses developing previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes and represents the vitellarium. Intercellular bridges were occasionally found between young (trunk) germ cells. This indicates that in pycnogonids, as in other animal groups, at the onset of oogenesis clusters of germ cells are generated. As nurse cells are absent in the ovaries of investigated species, the clusters must secondarily split into individual oocytes. In the vitellarium, the oocytes are located outside the ovary. Each oocyte is connected to the ovarian tissue by a stalk composed of several somatic cells. The stalk cells directly associated with the oocyte are equipped with irregular projections that reach the oocyte plasma membrane. This observation suggests that the stalk cells may play a nutritive role. The ooplasm of vitellogenic oocytes comprises mitochondria, free ribosomes, stacks of annulate lamellae, active Golgi complexes, and vesicles derived from these complexes. Within the latter, numerous electron-dense bodies are present. We suggest that these bodies contribute to yolk formation.  相似文献   

Piscicola has a pair of elongated sac-shaped ovaries. Inside the ovaries are numerous small somatic cells and regularly spherical egg follicles. Each follicle is composed of three types of cells: many (average 30) germ cells (cystocytes) interconnected by intercellular bridges in clones (cysts), one intermediate cell, and three to five outer follicle cells (envelope cells). Each germ cell in a clone has one intercellular bridge connecting it to the central anucleate cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Each cluster of germ cells is completely embedded inside a single huge somatic follicle cell, the intermediate (interstitial) cell. The most spectacular feature of the intermediate cell is its development of a system of intracytoplasmic canals apparently formed of invaginations of its cell membrane. Initially the complex of germ cell cluster + intermediate cell is enclosed within an envelope composed of squamous cells. As oogenesis progresses the envelope cells gradually degenerate. All the germ cells that have terminated their mitotic divisions are of similar size and enter meiotic prophase, but one of the cystocytes promptly starts to grow faster and differentiates into the oocyte, whereas the remaining cystocytes withdraw from meiosis and become nurse cells (trophocytes). Numerous mitochondria, ER, and a vast amount of ribosomes are transferred from the trophocytes via the cytophore toward the oocyte. Eventually the oocyte ingests all the content of the cytophore, and the trophocytes degenerate. Little vitellogenesis takes place; the oocyte gathers nutrients in the form of small lipid droplets. At the end of oogenesis, an electron-dense fibrous vitelline envelope appears around the oocyte, among short microvilli. At the same time, electron-dense cortical granules occur in the oocyte cortical cytoplasm; at the end of oogenesis they are numerous, but after fertilization they disappear from the ooplasm. In the present article we point out many differences in the course of oogenesis in two related families of rhynchobdellids: piscicolids and glossiphoniids.  相似文献   

The ovary structure of the myxophagan beetle, Hycdoscapha natans, was investigated by means of light and electron microscopy for the first time. Each of the two ovaries consists of three ovarioles, the functional units of insect oogenesis. The ovary type is telotrophic meroistic but differs strongly from the telotrophic ovary found among all polyphagous beetles investigated so far. All characters found here are typical of telotrophic ovaries of Sialidae and Raphidioptera. Both taxa belong to the Neuropterida. As in all telotrophic ovaries, all nurse cells are combined in an anterior chamber, the tropharium. The tropharium houses two subsets of germ cells: numerous nurse cell nuclei are combined in a central syncytium without any cell membranes in between, surrounded by a monolayer of single-germ cells, the tapetum cells. Each tapetum cell is connected to the central syncytium via an intercellular bridge. Tapetum cells of the posterior zone, which sufficiently contact prefollicular cells, are able to grow into the vitellarium and develop as oocytes. During previtellogenic and early vitellogenic growth, oocytes remain connected with the central syncytium of the tropharium via their anterior elongations, the nutritive cords. The morphological data are discussed in the light of those derived from ovaries of other Coleoptera and from the proposed sister group, the Neuropterida. The data strongly support a sister group relationship between Coleoptera and Neuropterida. Furthermore, several switches between polytrophic and telotrophic ovaries must have occurred during the radiation of ancient insect taxa.  相似文献   

Siekierska E 《Tissue & cell》2003,35(4):252-259
The structure of the ovary and the type of oogenesis were determined in the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta (Oligochaeta, Haplotaxida, Lumbricidae) with histological, electron-microscopic and immunocytochemical methods. In this species the ovary is of the alimentary, nutrimentary type because it contains oocytes and the nurse cells (trophocytes). The ovarian stroma is built by somatic cells, the processes of which are connected to each other via numerous desmosomes. The somatic cells and their processes envelop the germ cells tightly and play a supportive role. Oogonia, oocytes and trophocytes are arranged in distinct zones in the ovary. Trophocytes form chains of cells, which are interconnected by intercellular bridges. Numerous microtubules are located within the latter. The oocytes are distally arranged in the ovary. Vitellogenesis involves both auto- and heterosyntheses. The results obtained were compared with the reports on oogenesis in other representatives of Annelida.  相似文献   


Erpobdella octoculata (Clitellata, Hirudinea, Erpobdellidae) has paired ovarian sacs, each containing several rod-shaped structures termed ovarian bodies. Oogenesis takes place within the ovarian bodies. We show that in the apical part of the bodies the germ-line cells form syncytial cysts of cells interconnected by stable intercellular bridges. Germ-line cyst architecture is broadly similar to that of other clitellate annelids; that is, each germ cell has only one intercellular bridge connecting it to the anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Unlike germ-line cysts described in other leech species, the cytophore in cysts of E. octoculata is poorly developed, taking the form of thin cytoplasmic strands. Oogenesis in E. octoculata is meroistic because the germ cells forming the cysts (cystocytes) have diverse fates, i.e., nurse cells and oocytes appear. One large ramified cell (apical cell) occurs within the apical part of the ovarian body. We compare the ultrastructure of the apical cell found in E. octoculata with that of apical cells described recently in some hirudiniform leeches. The germ-line cysts as well as the oocytes are enveloped by somatic follicular cells. As in other leeches, the follicular cells surrounding the growing oocytes have cytoplasm perforated by intracellular canals. In view of the many similarities between E. octoculata ovarian bodies and the ovary cords described in glossiphoniids and especially in hirudiniform leeches, we suggest that the ovarian bodies found in E. octoculata are in fact modified ovary cords.  相似文献   

Histology of the ovary of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae is described light and electron microscopically with special reference to oogenesis and vitellogenesis of this mite. Morphology of the ovary is comparable to the typical sac-like chelicerate ovary with oocytes protruding from the ovarian surface, thus resulting in a grape-like appearance. According to different oogenetic stages, a germ, pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic region can be observed. Oogonia and primary oocytes characterized by extranuclear material or 'yolk nuclei' are situated in the germ region. Primary oocytes develop into three-nucleated nurse cells situated in the periphery of the pre-vitellogenic region, and into pre-vitellogenic oocytes protruding from the ovarian surface. Growth of oocytes is performed while they are in ovarian pouches by uptake of nurse cell cytoplasm and following extraovarian yolk precursors. Intraoocyte yolk synthesis interpreted from altered cytoplasmic organelles also occurs. Processes taking place during oogenesis and vitellogenesis in T. urticae are compared to published information on yolk synthesis of other animal species.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic life of strepsipterans (Insecta), especially neotenic females, reduces to a great extent external and internal organs. Light and electron microscopic investigation of ovaries of Elenchus tenuicornis (Kirby) confirms the following: (1) somatic tissues of ovaries are totally reduced, with the exception of some cells surrounding germ cell clusters; (2) a previtellogenic growth phase of oocytes is reduced; (3) nurse cells remain diploid and their membranes degenerate at the onset of vitellogenesis; (4) vitellogenesis is reduced, vitellin and fat vacuoles contribute only 50% to the final egg volume; and (5) chorionogenesis is reduced to a vitellin membrane. However, some features of normal development remain, allowing classification of the ovary type as polytrophic meroistic: (1) germ cells undergo synchronized, incomplete divisions, following the 2n rule, where all former intercellular bridges become localized in one cystocyte, while the other has none; and (2) only one cell is determined as the oocyte, all other cystocytes serve as nurse cells and the surrounding somatic cells transform into follicular cells. Novel events in oogenesis of strepsipterans include fission of clusters during the phase of cluster mitoses, and protection of oocyte nuclei, while nurse cell nuclei degenerate in the same cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary The ovaries of the starfish Asterias rubens were studied histologically and ultrastructurally. The reproductive system in female specimens consists of ten separate ovaries, two in each ray. Each ovary is made up of a rachis with lateral primary and secondary folds: the acini maiores and acini minores. The ovarian wall is composed of an outer and an inner part, separated by the genital coelomic sinus. The ovarian lumen contains oocytes in various phases of oogenesis, follicle cells, nurse cells, phagocytosing cells and steroid-synthesizing cells.Oogenesis is divided into four phases: (i) multiplication phase of oogonia, (ii) initial growth phase of oocytes I, (iii) growth phase proper of oocytes I, and (iv) post-growth phase of oocytes I. The granular endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex of the oocytes appear to be involved in yolk formation, while the haemal system, haemal fluid and nurse cells may also be important for vitellogenesis. The haemal system is discussed as most likely being involved in synchronizing the development of the ovaries during the annual reproductive cycle and in inducing, stimulating and regulating the function of the ovaries.Steroid-synthesizing cells are present during vitellogenesis; a correlation between the presence of these cells and vitellogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Several notable features of early gonadal sex differentiation in the golden rabbitfish Siganus guttatus are described including the first report among teleosts of a distinctive dual structure, consisting of somatic cells directly enclosing germ cells (sex cord‐like structure, SCS) and outer somatic tissue surrounding the SCS, in both undifferentiated and early differentiated gonads. Germ cells occurred and proliferated exclusively in the SCS during the process of ovarian and testicular differentiation. A second remarkable characteristic was the delayed germinal cell proliferation for oogenesis in the ovary, that commenced simultaneously with that in the testis, a relatively long time after the onset of somatic development. These observations suggest the possibility that sex differentiation of germ cells is preceded by some sex specific changes in somatic components of the SCS that are light‐microscopically indistinguishable between the sexes. The third unique feature was the detachment of gonadal tissue, including both somatic and germ cells, into the ovarian cavity in the ovary and into the seminiferous lobules and main seminal duct in the testis. This phenomenon occurred in the testis, forming the efferent duct network after 73 days post‐hatch (DPH), and in the ovaries, forming the ovigerous lamellae and regulating the number of oocytes attaining full maturation at c . 129 DPH.  相似文献   

Some histological details of the adult ovary of Hyleoglomeris japonica are described for the first time in the glomerid diplopods. The ovary is a single, long sac-like organ extending from the 4th to the 12th body segment along the median body axis, lying between the alimentary canal and the ventral nerve cord. The ovarian wall consists of a layer of thin ovarian epithelium which surrounds a wide ovarian lumen. A pair of longitudinal “germ zones,” including female germ cells, runs in the lateral ovarian wall. Each germ zone consists of two types of oogenetic areas: 1) 8–12 narrow patch-shaped areas for oogonial proliferation, arranged metamerically in a row along each of the dorsal and ventral peripheries, and 2) the remaining wide area for oocyte growth. Oogonial proliferation areas include oogonia, very early previtellogenic oocytes, and young somatic interstitial cells, among the ovarian epithelial cells. The larger early previtellogenic oocytes in the oogonial proliferation areas are located nearer to the oocyte growth area, and migrate to the oocyte growth area. They are surrounded by a layer of follicle cells and are connected with the ovarian epithelium of the oocyte growth area by a portion of their follicles. They grow into the ovarian lumen, but their follicles are still connected with the oocyte growth area. Various sizes of the previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes in the ovarian lumen are connected with the oocyte growth area; the smaller oocytes are connected nearer to the dorsal and ventral oogonial proliferation areas, while the larger ones are connected nearer to the longitudinal middle line of the oocyte growth area. Following the completion of vitellogenesis and egg membrane formation in the largest primary oocytes, the germinal vesicles break down. Ripe oocytes are released from their follicles directly into the ovarian lumen to be transported into the oviducts. Ovarian structure and oogenesis of H. japonica are very similar to those of other chilognathan diplopods. At the same time, however, some characteristic features of the ovary of H. japonica are helpful for understanding the structure and evolution of the diplopod ovaries. Some aspects of the phylogenetic significance in the paired germ zones of H. japonica are discussed. J. Morphol 231:277–285, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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