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Heterogeneous mosquito biting results in different individuals in a population receiving an uneven number of bites. This is a feature of many vector-borne disease systems that, if understood, could guide preventative control efforts toward individuals who are expected to contribute most to pathogen transmission. We aimed to characterize factors determining biting patterns of Aedes aegypti, the principal mosquito vector of dengue virus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Engorged female Ae. aegypti and human cheek swabs were collected from 19 houses in Iquitos, Peru. We recorded the body size, age, and sex of 275 consenting residents. Movement in and out of the house over a week (time in house) and mosquito abundance were recorded on eight separate occasions in each household over twelve months. We identified the individuals bitten by 96 engorged mosquitoes over this period by amplifying specific human microsatellite markers in mosquito blood meals and human cheek swabs. Using a multinomial model assuming a saturating relationship (power), we found that, relative to other residents of a home, an individual''s likelihood of being bitten in the home was directly proportional to time spent in their home and body surface area (p<0.05). A linear function fit the relationship equally well (ΔAIC<1).


Our results indicate that larger people and those who spend more time at home are more likely to receive Ae. aegypti bites in their homes than other household residents. These findings are consistent with the idea that measurable characteristics of individuals can inform predictions of the extent to which different people will be bitten. This has implications for an improved understanding of heterogeneity in different people''s contributions to pathogen transmission, and enhanced interventions that include the people and places that contribute most to pathogen amplification and spread.  相似文献   

We report here the reappearance of Aedes aegypti in the Rimac district, and summarize the history of this mosquito species in Peru since its first detection in 1852. On March 17 2000 were found Ae. aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus in Mariscal Castilla town, Flor de Amancaes, San Juan de Amancaes, El Altillo and Santa Rosa in the Rimac district, Lima Province.  相似文献   



Long-term disease surveillance data provide a basis for studying drivers of pathogen transmission dynamics. Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by four distinct, but related, viruses (DENV-1-4) that potentially affect over half the world''s population. Dengue incidence varies seasonally and on longer time scales, presumably driven by the interaction of climate and host susceptibility. Precise understanding of dengue dynamics is constrained, however, by the relative paucity of laboratory-confirmed longitudinal data.


We studied 10 years (2000–2010) of laboratory-confirmed, clinic-based surveillance data collected in Iquitos, Peru. We characterized inter and intra-annual patterns of dengue dynamics on a weekly time scale using wavelet analysis. We explored the relationships of case counts to climatic variables with cross-correlation maps on annual and trimester bases.


Transmission was dominated by single serotypes, first DENV-3 (2001–2007) then DENV-4 (2008–2010). After 2003, incidence fluctuated inter-annually with outbreaks usually occurring between October and April. We detected a strong positive autocorrelation in case counts at a lag of ∼70 weeks, indicating a shift in the timing of peak incidence year-to-year. All climatic variables showed modest seasonality and correlated weakly with the number of reported dengue cases across a range of time lags. Cases were reduced after citywide insecticide fumigation if conducted early in the transmission season.


Dengue case counts peaked seasonally despite limited intra-annual variation in climate conditions. Contrary to expectations for this mosquito-borne disease, no climatic variable considered exhibited a strong relationship with transmission. Vector control operations did, however, appear to have a significant impact on transmission some years. Our results indicate that a complicated interplay of factors underlie DENV transmission in contexts such as Iquitos.  相似文献   


Background and Objectives

In the Peruvian Amazon, the dengue vector Aedes aegypti is abundant in large urban centers such as Iquitos. In recent years, it has also been found in a number of neighboring rural communities with similar climatic and socioeconomic conditions. To better understand Ae. aegypti spread, we compared characteristics of communities, houses, and containers in infested and uninfested communities.


We conducted pupal-demographic surveys and deployed ovitraps in 34 communities surrounding the city of Iquitos. Communities surveyed were located along two transects: the Amazon River and a 95km highway. We calculated entomological indices, mapped Ae. aegypti presence, and developed univariable and multivariable logistic regression models to predict Ae. aegypti presence at the community, household, or container level.


Large communities closer to Iquitos were more likely to be infested with Ae. aegypti. Within infested communities, houses with Ae. aegypti had more passively-filled containers and were more often infested with other mosquito genera than houses without Ae. aegypti. For containers, large water tanks/drums and containers with solar exposure were more likely to be infested with Ae. aegypti. Maps of Ae. aegypti presence revealed a linear pattern of infestation along the highway, and a scattered pattern along the Amazon River. We also identified the geographical limit of Ae. aegypti expansion along the highway at 19.3 km south of Iquitos.


In the Peruvian Amazon, Ae. aegypti geographic spread is driven by human transportation networks along rivers and highways. Our results suggest that urban development and oviposition site availability drive Ae. aegypti colonization along roads. Along rivers, boat traffic is likely to drive long-distance dispersal via unintentional transport of mosquitoes on boats.  相似文献   

Counts of immature stages of the mosquito Aedes aegypti have been used to calculate several entomological indices of dengue vector abundance. Some studies have concluded that these indices can be used as indicators of dengue epidemic risk, while other studies have failed to find a predictive relationship. Ecological niche models have been able to predict distributional patterns in space and time, not only of vectors, but also of the diseases that they transmit. In this study, we used Landsat 7 ETM+ images and two niche-modeling algorithms to estimate the local-landscape ecological niche and the dynamics of Ae. aegypti larval habitats in Bello, Colombia, and to evaluate their potential spatial and temporal distribution. Our models showed low omission error with high confidence levels: about 13.4% of the area presents conditions consistently suitable for breeding across the entire study period (2002-2008). The proportion of neighborhoods predicted to be suitable showed a positive association with dengue case rates, whereas the vector-focused Bretau index had no relationship to case rates. As a consequence, niche models appear to offer a superior option for predictive evaluation of dengue transmission risk and anticipating the potential for outbreaks.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti is implicated in dengue transmission in tropical and subtropical urban areas around the world. Ae. aegypti populations are controlled through integrative vector management. However, the efficacy of vector control may be undermined by the presence of alternative, competent species. In Puerto Rico, a native mosquito, Ae. mediovittatus, is a competent dengue vector in laboratory settings and spatially overlaps with Ae. aegypti. It has been proposed that Ae. mediovittatus may act as a dengue reservoir during inter-epidemic periods, perpetuating endemic dengue transmission in rural Puerto Rico. Dengue transmission dynamics may therefore be influenced by the spatial overlap of Ae. mediovittatus, Ae. aegypti, dengue viruses, and humans. We take a landscape epidemiology approach to examine the association between landscape composition and configuration and the distribution of each of these Aedes species and their co-occurrence. We used remotely sensed imagery from a newly launched satellite to map landscape features at very high spatial resolution. We found that the distribution of Ae. aegypti is positively predicted by urban density and by the number of tree patches, Ae. mediovittatus is positively predicted by the number of tree patches, but negatively predicted by large contiguous urban areas, and both species are predicted by urban density and the number of tree patches. This analysis provides evidence that landscape composition and configuration is a surrogate for mosquito community composition, and suggests that mapping landscape structure can be used to inform vector control efforts as well as to inform urban planning.  相似文献   



Knowledge of spatial patterns of dengue virus (DENV) infection is important for understanding transmission dynamics and guiding effective disease prevention strategies. Because movement of infected humans and mosquito vectors plays a role in the spread and persistence of virus, spatial dimensions of transmission can range from small household foci to large community clusters. Current understanding is limited because past analyses emphasized clinically apparent illness and did not account for the potentially large proportion of inapparent infections. In this study we analyzed both clinically apparent and overall infections to determine the extent of clustering among human DENV infections.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We conducted spatial analyses at global and local scales, using acute case and seroconversion data from a prospective longitudinal cohort in Iquitos, Peru, from 1999–2003. Our study began during a period of interepidemic DENV-1 and DENV-2 transmission and transitioned to epidemic DENV-3 transmission. Infection status was determined by seroconversion based on plaque neutralization testing of sequential blood samples taken at approximately six-month intervals, with date of infection assigned as the middate between paired samples. Each year was divided into three distinct seasonal periods of DENV transmission. Spatial heterogeneity was detected in baseline seroprevalence for DENV-1 and DENV-2. Cumulative DENV-3 seroprevalence calculated by trimester from 2001–2003 was spatially similar to preexisting DENV-1 and DENV-2 seroprevalence. Global clustering (case-control Ripley''s K statistic) appeared at radii of ∼200–800 m. Local analyses (Kuldorf spatial scan statistic) identified eight DENV-1 and 15 DENV-3 clusters from 1999–2003. The number of seroconversions per cluster ranged from 3–34 with radii from zero (a single household) to 750 m; 65% of clusters had radii >100 m. No clustering was detected among clinically apparent infections.


Seroprevalence of previously circulating DENV serotypes can be a predictor of transmission risk for a different invading serotype and, thus, identify targets for strategically placed surveillance and intervention. Seroprevalence of a specific serotype is also important, but does not preclude other contributing factors, such as mosquito density, in determining where transmission of that virus will occur. Regardless of the epidemiological context or virus serotype, human movement appears to be an important factor in defining the spatial dimensions of DENV transmission and, thus, should be considered in the design and evaluation of surveillance and intervention strategies.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of two spatial repellents (SR) were determined for Aedes aegypti and Ae albopictus, the main vectors of dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika fever. The modular high‐throughput screening system (HITSS ) was used to evaluate the response of both species to transfluthrin and linalool SR at different concentrations. The highest spatial repellency results for Ae. aegypti were obtained by transfluthrin to 0.001% with 37.50 ± 4.33%, and for linalool to 10% with 77.50 ± 3.90%. For Ae. albopictus, the highest spatial repellency percentages for transfluthrin 0.01% were 45.00 ± 3.78%, and linalool at 1% and 10% were 56.25 ± 7.06% and 56.25 ± 6.46%, respectively. Transfluthrin caused high levels of mortality with 71.25 ± 6.66%, 79.75 ± 8.65%, and 100% to Ae. aegypti and 70.00 ± 5.98% and 98.75 ± 0.82% to Aedes albopcitus. With the results of this study, we concluded that both the transfluthrin and linalool could be used as protection measures against the bite of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in the integral strategies for the control of vectors in Mexico.  相似文献   



Aedes aegypti is the most important vector of dengue fever in Brazil, where severe epidemics have recently taken place. Ae. aegypti in Brazil was the subject of an intense eradication program in the 1940s and 50s to control yellow fever. Brazil was the largest country declared free of this mosquito by the Pan-American Health Organization in 1958. Soon after relaxation of this program, Ae. aegypti reappeared in this country, and by the early 1980s dengue fever had been reported. The aim of this study is to analyze the present-day genetic patterns of Ae. aegypti populations in Brazil.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied the genetic variation in samples of 11 widely spread populations of Ae. aegypti in Brazil based on 12 well-established microsatellite loci. Our principal finding is that present-day Brazilian Ae. aegypti populations form two distinct groups, one in the northwest and one in the southeast of the country. These two groups have genetic affinities to northern South American countries and the Caribbean, respectively. This is consistent with what has been reported for other genetic markers such as mitochondrial DNA and allele frequencies at the insecticide resistance gene, kdr.


We conclude that the genetic patterns in present day populations of Ae. aegypti in Brazil are more consistent with a complete eradication of the species in the recent past followed by re-colonization, rather than the alternative possibility of expansion from residual pockets of refugia. At least two colonizations are likely to have taken place, one from northern South American countries (e.g., Venezuela) that founded the northwestern group, and one from the Caribbean that founded the southeastern group. The proposed source areas were never declared free of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

Effective vector control is currently challenged worldwide by the evolution of resistance to all classes of chemical insecticides in mosquitoes. In Martinique, populations of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti have been intensively treated with temephos and deltamethrin insecticides over the last fifty years, resulting in heterogeneous levels of resistance across the island. Resistance spreading depends on standing genetic variation, selection intensity and gene flow among populations. To determine gene flow intensity, we first investigated neutral patterns of genetic variability in sixteen populations representative of the many environments found in Martinique and experiencing various levels of insecticide pressure, using 6 microsatellites. Allelic richness was lower in populations resistant to deltamethrin, and consanguinity was higher in populations resistant to temephos, consistent with a negative effect of insecticide pressure on neutral genetic diversity. The global genetic differentiation was low, suggesting high gene flow among populations, but significant structure was found, with a pattern of isolation-by-distance at the global scale. Then, we investigated adaptive patterns of divergence in six out of the 16 populations using 319 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Five SNP outliers displaying levels of genetic differentiation out of neutral expectations were detected, including the kdr-V1016I mutation in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene. Association tests revealed a total of seven SNPs associated with deltamethrin resistance. Six other SNPs were associated with temephos resistance, including two non-synonymous substitutions in an alkaline phosphatase and in a sulfotransferase respectively. Altogether, both neutral and adaptive patterns of genetic variation in mosquito populations appear to be largely driven by insecticide pressure in Martinique.  相似文献   



Mosquito biting frequency and how bites are distributed among different people can have significant epidemiologic effects. An improved understanding of mosquito vector-human interactions would refine knowledge of the entomological processes supporting pathogen transmission and could reveal targets for minimizing risk and breaking pathogen transmission cycles.

Methodology and principal findings

We used human DNA blood meal profiling of the dengue virus (DENV) vector, Aedes aegypti, to quantify its contact with human hosts and to infer epidemiologic implications of its blood feeding behavior. We determined the number of different people bitten, biting frequency by host age, size, mosquito age, and the number of times each person was bitten. Of 3,677 engorged mosquitoes collected and 1,186 complete DNA profiles, only 420 meals matched people from the study area, indicating that Ae. aegypti feed on people moving transiently through communities to conduct daily business. 10–13% of engorged mosquitoes fed on more than one person. No biting rate differences were detected between high- and low-dengue transmission seasons. We estimate that 43–46% of engorged mosquitoes bit more than one person within each gonotrophic cycle. Most multiple meals were from residents of the mosquito collection house or neighbors. People ≤25 years old were bitten less often than older people. Some hosts were fed on frequently, with three hosts bitten nine times. Interaction networks for mosquitoes and humans revealed biologically significant blood feeding hotspots, including community marketplaces.

Conclusion and significance

High multiple-feeding rates and feeding on community visitors are likely important features in the efficient transmission and rapid spread of DENV. These results help explain why reducing vector populations alone is difficult for dengue prevention and support the argument for additional studies of mosquito feeding behavior, which when integrated with a greater understanding of human behavior will refine estimates of risk and strategies for dengue control.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms by which Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are able to metabolize ammonia. When females were given access to solutions containing NH(4)Cl or to a blood meal, hemolymph glutamine and proline concentrations increased markedly, indicating that ammonium/ammonia can be removed from the body through the synthesis of these two amino acids. The importance of glutamine synthetase was shown when an inhibitor of the enzyme was added to the meal causing the glutamine concentration in hemolymph to decrease significantly, while the proline concentration increased dramatically. Unexpectedly, we found an important role for glutamate synthase. When mosquitoes were fed azaserine, an inhibitor of glutamate synthase, the glutamine concentration increased and the proline concentration decreased significantly. This confirms the presence of glutamate synthase in mosquitoes and suggests that this enzyme contributes to the production of glutamate for proline synthesis. Several key enzymes related to ammonium/ammonia metabolism showed activity in homogenates of mosquito fat body and midgut. The mosquito genes encoding glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase were cloned and sequenced. The mRNA expression patterns of these genes were examined by a real-time RT-PCR in fat body and midgut. The results show that female mosquitoes have evolved efficient mechanisms to detoxify large loads of ammonium/ammonia.  相似文献   

A trisomic (2n=6+1) pupa of the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti has been found. The trisomy involved chromosome 3 which is intermediate in size between 1 and 2. The extra chromosome formed a univalent or a trivalent during meiosis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Herpetomonas sp. was found repeatedly in the Malpighian tubules of laboratory-reared male and female Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Malaysia. The flagellates occurred irregularly, in batches, and were absent during long periods. The data suggest an exogenous source of infection for the mosquitoes, presumably from another insect, probably of another genus. Thirty to 40% of the flagellates of Aedes contained intracytoplasmic rod-shaped structures strongly resembling bacteria. These were found often in groups suggesting intracellular multiplication. They were passed to the Herpetomonas daughter cells during division. Parasitism of Aedes by Herpetomonas is extremely unusual, only one previous record, an inconclusive one, having been found. Parasitism by Herpetomonas containing bacterium-like rods has apparently never been reported.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to analyze esterase patterns during development of Aedes aegypti from the cities of Marília and São José do Rio Preto (SJRP), Brazil. The zymograms showed a total of 23 esterase bands, 22 of which were in the specimens from Marília and 19 in those from SJRP. These esterase bands were considered to be the product of 23 alleles distributed tentatively in eight genetic loci. Most of the alleles were developmentally regulated. The larval stage expressed the greatest number of them (19 alleles, from the eight loci, in Marília; and 17 alleles, from seven loci, in SJRP). The pupal stage expressed 10 alleles from seven loci, in both populations, and the adult stage expressed 8 alleles from five and six loci in SJRP and Marília, respectively. Some alleles that were active in every stage were developmentally controlled at the level of expression (amount of product). A single allele was constitutively and highly expressed, in larvae, pupae, and adults, in both populations. Differences in esterase synthesis among stages are probably due to regulatory mechanisms acting in agreement with the requirements of a variable number of processes in which esterases are involved. The larval stage is the most active in developmental processes and shows very intense intake of food and very high mobility. These features may demand increased esterase production at that stage. Comparison of the two populations examined showed (besides the existence of alleles that they do not share) that they exhibit differences in the control of expression of other alleles. Such findings may reflect genetic differences between founders in each population, but the possibility of involvement of the intensive use of insecticides in SJRP is also discussed.  相似文献   

Palp-antenna is a homeotic mutant of Aedes aegypti that modifies the apex of the maxillary palps of both sexes into a variable number of antenna-like segments. The fine structure of the antenna, including sexual dimorphism, is apparent in the mutant palps. Palp-antenna is a sex-linked recessive. a linkage distance of 27.9 +/- 0.45 crossover units from sex is estimated from F2 and backcross data. Penetrance is complete; expressively is variable. The fitness of the mutant compares favorably with that of the wild type. The mapping of the ppa locus lengthens the known chromosome 1 linkage map of Aedes aegypti.  相似文献   

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