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抗蛇毒血清滴眼治疗眼镜蛇毒致眼外伤   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的观察单价抗眼镜蛇毒血清溶液滴眼治疗中华眼镜蛇毒(Naja naja atra,Chinese cobra)不慎进人眼睛引起外伤中毒性急性角膜炎的临床效果。方法观察1992~2002年我院急诊救治眼镜蛇喷毒或加工蛇毒时不慎蛇毒进人眼睛引起外伤性急性角膜炎8例男性病人,从受伤到就诊时间最快15min,最慢50min。就诊后立即用生理盐水冲洗受伤眼睛,紧接着给予单价抗眼镜蛇毒血清溶液滴人患眼0.5h后,用氯霉素眼药水、可的松(或地塞米松)眼药水交替滴眼,直至痊愈。结果使用抗蛇毒血清滴眼后局部疼痛、异物感等症状在20min内得到缓解,3天内眼睑红肿、结膜充血等角膜炎症状消失。8例病人均治愈,未留有后遗症。结论:单价抗眼镜蛇毒血清滴眼治疗中华眼镜蛇毒致眼外伤是非常方便有效的方法,可能与其能迅速中和眼睛内残留的蛇毒有关。  相似文献   

In Latin America, Bothrops snakes account for most snake bites in humans, and the recommended treatment is administration of multispecific Bothrops antivenom (SAB – soro antibotrópico). However, Bothrops snakes are very diverse with regard to their venom composition, which raises the issue of which venoms should be used as immunizing antigens for the production of pan-specific Bothrops antivenoms. In this study, we simultaneously compared the composition and reactivity with SAB of venoms collected from six species of snakes, distributed in pairs from three distinct phylogenetic clades: Bothrops, Bothropoides and Rhinocerophis. We also evaluated the neutralization of Bothrops atrox venom, which is the species responsible for most snake bites in the Amazon region, but not included in the immunization antigen mixture used to produce SAB. Using mass spectrometric and chromatographic approaches, we observed a lack of similarity in protein composition between the venoms from closely related snakes and a high similarity between the venoms of phylogenetically more distant snakes, suggesting little connection between taxonomic position and venom composition. P-III snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) are the most antigenic toxins in the venoms of snakes from the Bothrops complex, whereas class P-I SVMPs, snake venom serine proteinases and phospholipases A2 reacted with antibodies in lower levels. Low molecular size toxins, such as disintegrins and bradykinin-potentiating peptides, were poorly antigenic. Toxins from the same protein family showed antigenic cross-reactivity among venoms from different species; SAB was efficient in neutralizing the B. atrox venom major toxins. Thus, we suggest that it is possible to obtain pan-specific effective antivenoms for Bothrops envenomations through immunization with venoms from only a few species of snakes, if these venoms contain protein classes that are representative of all species to which the antivenom is targeted.  相似文献   



Micrurus snake bites can cause death by muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, few hours after envenomation. The specific treatment for coral snake envenomation is the intravenous application of heterologous antivenom and, in Brazil, it is produced by horse immunization with a mixture of M. corallinus and M. frontalis venoms, snakes that inhabit the South and Southeastern regions of the country. However, this antivenom might be inefficient, considering the existence of intra- and inter-specific variations in the composition of the venoms. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the toxic properties of venoms from nine species of Micrurus: eight present in different geographic regions of Brazil (M. frontalis, M. corallinus, M. hemprichii, M. spixii, M. altirostris, M. surinamensis, M. ibiboboca, M. lemniscatus) and one (M. fulvius) with large distribution in Southeastern United States and Mexico. This study also analyzed the antigenic cross-reactivity and the neutralizing potential of the Brazilian coral snake antivenom against these Micrurus venoms.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Analysis of protein composition and toxicity revealed a large diversity of venoms from the nine Micrurus species. ELISA and Western blot assays showed a varied capability of the therapeutic antivenom to recognize the diverse species venom components. In vivo and in vitro neutralization assays indicated that the antivenom is not able to fully neutralize the toxic activities of all venoms.


These results indicate the existence of a large range of both qualitative and quantitative variations in Micrurus venoms, probably reflecting the adaptation of the snakes from this genus to vastly dissimilar habitats. The data also show that the antivenom used for human therapy in Brazil is not fully able to neutralize the main toxic activities present in the venoms from all Micrurus species occurring in the country. It suggests that modifications in the immunization scheme, with the inclusion of other venoms in the antigenic mixture, should occur in order to generate effective therapeutic coral snake antivenom.  相似文献   



Snake envenomation is a serious public health threat in the rural areas of Asian and African countries. To date, the only proven treatment for snake envenomation is antivenom therapy. Cross-neutralization of heterologous venoms by antivenom raised against venoms of closely related species has been reported. The present study examined the cross neutralizing potential of a newly developed polyvalent antivenom, termed Neuro Polyvalent Snake Antivenom (NPAV). NPAV was produced by immunization against 4 Thai elapid venoms.

Principal Findings

In vitro neutralization study using mice showed that NPAV was able to neutralize effectively the lethality of venoms of most common Asiatic cobras (Naja spp.), Ophiophagus hannah and kraits (Bungarus spp.) from Southeast Asia, but only moderately to weakly effective against venoms of Naja from India subcontinent and Africa. Studies with several venoms showed that the in vivo neutralization potency of the NPAV was comparable to the in vitro neutralization potency. NPAV could also fully protect against N. sputatrix venom-induced cardio-respiratory depressant and neuromuscular blocking effects in anesthetized rats, demonstrating that the NPAV could neutralize most of the major lethal toxins in the Naja venom.


The newly developed polyvalent antivenom NPAV may find potential application in the treatment of elapid bites in Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia, a neighboring nation of Thailand. Nevertheless, the applicability of NPAV in the treatment of cobra and krait envenomations in Southeast Asian victims needs to be confirmed by clinical trials. The cross-neutralization results may contribute to the design of broad-spectrum polyvalent antivenom.  相似文献   

Cleavage of C3 by CVF-B? was demonstrated by hemolytic, immunoelectrophoretic and immune adherence reactions. No cleavage of C5 was detected by immunoelectrophoresis, but C5 hemolytic activity, assayed with decreased although less than C3 hemolytic activity. The co-existence of C3 with limiting amounts of C5 did not reduce the final degree of hemolysis of guinea pig erythrocytes (GPE) induced by late-acting components C6 through C9 and CVF-B?. Thus, a CVF-B? hemolytic system composed of GPE, C5 through C9 and CVF-B? provided a method for titration of terminal components of human complement. CVF-B? was able to generate hemolytically active sites of on GPE by activation of C5, C6 and C7. The complex in the fluid-phase decayed within 1 min but on GPE was quite stable. Originally insensitive sheep erythrocytes became sensitive to the CVF-B? hemolytic system if C3b sites were present, suggesting that cell-bound C3b played a role in orienting the positions of to be fixed. CVF-B? could be recovered quantitatively from the supernatant of the reaction mixture in which the hemolytically active intermediate GPEC- had been formed through the interaction between C5 to C8 and CVF-B?.  相似文献   

Exenatide is an FDA-approved glucose-lowering peptide drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes by subcutaneous injection. To address the issues on the inconvenience for patient use and the difficulty of oral administration of peptide drugs, chemical cross-linking of two pH-responsive biomaterials, alginate and hyaluronate, was carried out to prepare a new material for the encapsulation of exenatide as a form of microspheres. The exenatide-loaded microspheres exhibited spherical structures with excellent loading and release behaviors in the simulated gastrointestinal tract environments. After oral administration of the microspheres in db/db mice, maximum plasma concentration of exenatide appeared at 4 hours, and blood glucose was effectively reduced to a normal level within 2 hours and maintained for another 4 hours. The bioavailability of the exenatide-loaded microspheres, relative to subcutaneous injection of exenatide, reached 10.2%. Collectively, the present study demonstrated the feasibility of orally delivering exenatide with the new cross-linked biomaterial and formulation, and showed therapeutic potential for clinical applications.  相似文献   

目的 为了经济快速分离眼镜王蛇(Ophiophagushannah,Oh)蛇毒中的毒素成分。 方法 用普通离子交换剂于高效液相色谱柱 (HPLC) TSKgel SP-Toyopearl 65 0 SF (4× 1 5 0 mm)层析法 ,实验取得最佳分离条件后 ,将蛇毒样品上柱后进行梯度洗脱 ,各洗脱峰收集后在 Cosmosil 5 C4-AR-3 0 0柱 (4 .6× 1 5 0 mm)上进行逆相 HPLC分析。非单峰组分再进行 HPLC凝胶过滤柱TSKgel Toyopearl HW-40 Fine(4× 2 5 0 mm)层析 ,层析峰组分再进行 HPLC逆相分析。 结果 眼镜王蛇毒经HPLC离子交换柱层析获得了 1 6个蛋白组分 ,其中有 5个组分经逆相 HPLC分析单一组分 ;另外的复合性组分再进行 HPLC凝胶过滤柱层析后又得到 5个单峰蛋白组分。 结论 HPLC离子交换柱层析对分离蛇毒蛋白很有实用价值 ,特别是蛇毒样品量少的情况下 (1 0 ug)也能较好分离。还具有分离时间短 (1 h左右 ) ,无须低温条件等优点。HPLC凝胶过滤柱层析可进一步使蛋白组分得到提纯  相似文献   

Snake venoms are a mixture of pharmacologically active proteins and polypeptides that have led to the development of molecular probes and therapeutic agents. Here, we describe the structural and functional characterization of a novel neurotoxin, haditoxin, from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah (King cobra). Haditoxin exhibited novel pharmacology with antagonism toward muscle (αβγδ) and neuronal (α7, α3β2, and α4β2) nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) with highest affinity for α7-nAChRs. The high resolution (1.5 Å) crystal structure revealed haditoxin to be a homodimer, like κ-neurotoxins, which target neuronal α3β2- and α4β2-nAChRs. Interestingly however, the monomeric subunits of haditoxin were composed of a three-finger protein fold typical of curaremimetic short-chain α-neurotoxins. Biochemical studies confirmed that it existed as a non-covalent dimer species in solution. Its structural similarity to short-chain α-neurotoxins and κ-neurotoxins notwithstanding, haditoxin exhibited unique blockade of α7-nAChRs (IC50 180 nm), which is recognized by neither short-chain α-neurotoxins nor κ-neurotoxins. This is the first report of a dimeric short-chain α-neurotoxin interacting with neuronal α7-nAChRs as well as the first homodimeric three-finger toxin to interact with muscle nAChRs.  相似文献   



Diversity of T. cruzi strains is a central problem in Chagas disease research because of its correlation with the wide range of clinical manifestations and the biogeographical parasite distribution. The role played by parasite microdiversity in Chagas disease epidemiology is still debatable. Also awaits clarification whether such diversity is associated with the outcome of oral T. cruzi infection, responsible for frequent outbreaks of acute Chagas disease.

Methods and Findings

We addressed the impact of microdiversity in oral T. cruzi infection, by comparative analysis of two strains, Y30 and Y82, both derived from Y strain, a widely used experimental model. Network genealogies of four nuclear genes (SSU rDNA, actin, DHFR-TS, EF1α) revealed that Y30 is closely related to Discrete Typing Unit TcII while Y82 is more closely related to TcVI, a group containing hybrid strains. Nevertheless, excepting one A-G transition at position 1463, Y30 and Y82 SSU rDNAs were identical. Y82 strain, expressing the surface molecule gp82, infected mice orally more efficiently than Y30, which expresses a related gp30 molecule. Both molecules are involved in lysosome exocytosis-dependent host cell invasion, but exhibit differential gastric mucin-binding capacity, a property critical for parasite migration toward the gastric mucosal epithelium. Upon oral infection of mice, the number of Y30 and Y82 parasites in gastric epithelial cells differed widely.


We conclude that metacyclic forms of gp82-expressing Y82 strain, closely related to TcVI, are better adapted than Y30 strain (TcII) to traverse the stomach mucous layer and establish oral route infection. The efficiency to infect target cell is the same because gp82 and gp30 strains have similar invasion-promoting properties. Unknown is whether differences in Y30 and Y82 are natural parasite adaptations or a product of lab-induced evolution by differential selection along the 60 years elapsed since the Y strain isolation.  相似文献   

Snake venom three finger toxins (3FTxs) are a non‐enzymatic family of venom proteins abundantly found in elapids. We have purified a 7579.5 ± 0.591 Da 3FTx named as Nk‐3FTx from the venom of Naja kaouthia of North East India origin. The primary structure was determined by a combination of N‐terminal sequencing and electrospray ionization  liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. Biochemical and biological characterization reveal that it is nontoxic to human cell lines and exhibit mild anticoagulant activity when tested on citrated human plasma. Nk‐3FTx was found to affect the compound action potential (CAP) and nerve conduction velocity of isolated toad sciatic nerve. This is the first report of a non‐conventional 3FTx from Naja kaouthia venom that reduces CAP for its neurotoxic effect. Further studies can be carried out to understand the mechanism of action and to explore its potential therapeutic application.  相似文献   

The current trend of using recombinant antibody fragments in research to develop novel antidotes against scorpion stings has achieved excellent results. The polyclonal character of commercial antivenoms, obtained through the immunization of animals and which contain several neutralizing antibodies that recognize different epitopes on the toxins, guarantees the neutralization of the venoms. To avoid the use of animals, we aimed to develop an equivalent recombinant antivenom composed of a few neutralizing single chain antibody fragments (scFvs) that bind to two different epitopes on the scorpion toxins. In this study, we obtained scFv RU1 derived from scFv C1. RU1 showed a good capacity to neutralize the Cn2 toxin and whole venom of the scorpion Centruroides noxius. Previously, we had produced scFv LR, obtained from a different parental fragment (scFv 3F). LR also showed a similar neutralizing capacity. The simultaneous administration of both scFvs resulted in improved protection, which was translated as a rapid recovery of previously poisoned animals. The crystallographic structure of the ternary complex scFv LR-Cn2-scFv RU1 allowed us to identify the areas of interaction of both scFvs with the toxin, which correspond to non-overlapping sites. The epitope recognized by scFv RU1 seems to be related to a greater efficiency in the neutralization of the whole venom. In addition, the structural analysis of the complex helped us to explain the cross-reactivity of these scFvs and how they neutralize the venom.  相似文献   

An enzymatic in vitro alginate polymerization assay was developed by using 14C-labeled GDP-mannuronic acid as a substrate and subcellular fractions of alginate overproducing Pseudomonas aeruginosa FRD1 as a polymerase source. The highest specific alginate polymerase activity was detected in the envelope fraction, suggesting that cytoplasmic and outer membrane proteins constitute the functional alginate polymerase complex. Accordingly, no alginate polymerase activity was detected using cytoplasmic membrane or outer membrane proteins, respectively. To determine the requirement of Alg8, which has been proposed as catalytic subunit of alginate polymerase, nonpolar isogenic alg8 knockout mutants of alginate-overproducing P. aeruginosa FRD1 and P. aeruginosa PDO300 were constructed, respectively. These mutants were deficient in alginate biosynthesis, and alginate production was restored by introducing only the alg8 gene. Surprisingly, this resulted in significant alginate overproduction of the complemented P. aeruginosa Δalg8 mutants compared to nonmutated strains, suggesting that Alg8 is the bottleneck in alginate biosynthesis. 1H-NMR analysis of alginate isolated from these complemented mutants showed that the degree of acetylation increased from 4.7 to 9.3% and the guluronic acid content was reduced from 38 to 19%. Protein topology prediction indicated that Alg8 is a membrane protein. Fusion protein analysis provided evidence that Alg8 is located in the cytoplasmic membrane with a periplasmic C terminus. Subcellular fractionation suggested that the highest specific PhoA activity of Alg8-PhoA is present in the cytoplasmic membrane. A structural model of Alg8 based on the structure of SpsA from Bacillus subtilis was developed.  相似文献   

One of the basic problems in the standardization of inactivated polyvalent influenza virus vaccines has been the determination of the relative potency of the individual strain components. The chicken cell agglutination test measures reliably the total hemagglutinin content of these vaccines. With immunodiffusion techniques, it is now possible to quantitate each strain component of polyvalent vaccines. Routine application of these techniques would serve as an interim procedure to assess antigenic potency of individual strain components of commercial vaccines until improved tests are developed.  相似文献   

Aluminium, scandium, and iron inhibit the uptake of calciumby week-old barley plants from acid culture solutions (pH 4.0–4.2).The inhibition by scandium can be detected when its ratio tocalcium is 1:1000. The onset of the inhibition may be quit rapidand will persist for at least. 24 h in the absence of the polyvalentcation. The inhibition caused by 25 and 50 µM aiuminiumsulphate may be overcome if the calicum chloride concentrationin the medium is raised to 15mM, but in this situation aluminiumstill inhibits root growth by more than 50 per cent. Elutionexperiments show that polyvalent cations reduce the amount ofcalcium held in the water free space (WFS) and the Donnan freespace (DFS) but increase both the exchangeable and absorbedchloide content of the root. Aluminium-treated roots transportedmuch less calcium to the shoot system than untreated plants.Autoradiographs showed that this difference was reflected ina greatly reduced labelled-calcium concentration over the tissuesof the stele. By contrast the non-exchangeable fraction of labelledcalicum in the cortex was similar in both treatments. Autoradiographsof 46Sc showed that it was restricted to the epidermis and outerrank of cortical cells from whence it controls calicum movementthroughout the root. A theory to account for this control isoutlined.  相似文献   

制备脂质体包裹的Ag85A口服DNA疫苗,并观察小鼠口服后所诱生的抗体产生情况。用脂质体包襄重组质粒pcDNA3.1/mye—HisA—Ag85A制备口服DNA疫苗,并用脂质体包裹空质粒pcDNA3.1/myc—HisA作为对照。将C57BL/6小鼠随机分为3组,即生理盐水组、空质粒组和重组质粒DNA疫苗组。分别将生理盐水、空质粒和重组质粒DNA疫苗以灌胃方式投给各组小鼠,共免疫3次,每次间隔14d,末次免疫后14d处死小鼠,ELISA法检测血清中Ag85A特异性抗体水平,放射免疫法测定肠组织中分泌型IgA(sIgA)含量。重组质粒组血清中Ag85A特异性抗体滴度为1:160,空质粒组和生理盐水组血清中均未捡出Ag85A特异性抗体。重组质粒组肠组织中slgA含量(0.3761±0.0456)μg/mL较空质粒组(0.2374±0.0414)μg/mL和生理盐水(0.1993±0.0899)μg/mL组显著增高(P〈0.05),而空质粒组和生理盐水组未见有意义的变化(P〉0.05)。口服脂质体包裹Ag85ADNA疫苗可诱导外周特异性抗体的产生和肠道黏膜局部sIgA的水平的升高。  相似文献   

TRIM21 is a high-affinity antibody receptor uniquely expressed in the cytosol of mammalian cells. Here we summarize its role in extending antibody protection into the intracellular environment and allowing nonprofessional cells to benefit from adaptive immunity. We highlight recent work that has shed light on how TRIM21 acts as both an immune sensor and effector. We also review how TRIM21 synergizes with other innate immune receptors to promote an integrated antiviral response.  相似文献   

Viperbite is often associated with severe local toxicity, including progressive hemorrhage and myotoxicity, persistent even after the administration of anti-snake venom (ASV). In the recent past, investigations have revealed the orchestrated actions of Zn2+ metalloproteases (Zn2+MPs), phospholipase A2s (PLA2s) and hyaluronidases (HYs) in the onset and progression of local toxicity from the bitten site. As a consequence, venom researchers and medical practitioners are in deliberate quest of potent molecules alongside ASV to tackle the brutal local manifestations induced by aforesaid venom toxins. Based on these facts, we have demonstrated the protective efficacy of inhibitor cocktail containing equal ratios of N,N,N’,N’-tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl) ethane-1,2-diamine (TPEN) and silymarin (SLN) against progressive local toxicity induced by Echis carinatus venom (ECV). In our previous study we have shown the inhibitory potentials of TPEN towards Zn2+MPs of ECV (IC50: 6.7 μM). In this study we have evaluated in vitro inhibitory potentials of SLN towards PLA2s (IC50: 12.5 μM) and HYs (IC50: 8 μM) of ECV in addition to docking studies. Further, we have demonstrated the protection of ECV induced local toxicity with 10 mM inhibitor cocktail following 15, 30 min (for hemorrhage and myotoxicity); 60 min (for hemorrhage alone) of ECV injection in murine model. The histological examination of skin and thigh muscle sections taken out from the site of ECV injection substantiated the overall protection offered by inhibitor cocktail. In conclusion, the protective efficacy of inhibitor cocktail is of high interest and can be administered locally alongside ASV to treat severe local toxicity.  相似文献   

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