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Aberrant signaling causes many diseases, and manipulating signaling pathways with kinase inhibitors has emerged as a promising area of drug research. Most kinase inhibitors target the conserved ATP-binding pocket; therefore specificity is a major concern. Proteomics has previously been used to identify the direct targets of kinase inhibitors upon affinity purification from cellular extracts. Here we introduce a complementary approach to evaluate the effects of kinase inhibitors on the entire cell signaling network. We used triple labeling SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture) to compare cellular phosphorylation levels for control, epidermal growth factor stimulus, and growth factor combined with kinase inhibitors. Of thousands of phosphopeptides, less than 10% had a response pattern indicative of targets of U0126 and SB202190, two widely used MAPK inhibitors. Interestingly, 83% of the growth factor-induced phosphorylation events were affected by either or both inhibitors, showing quantitatively that early signaling processes are predominantly transmitted through the MAPK cascades. In contrast to MAPK inhibitors, dasatinib, a clinical drug directed against BCR-ABL, which is the cause of chronic myelogenous leukemia, affected nearly 1,000 phosphopeptides. In addition to the proximal effects on ABL and its immediate targets, dasatinib broadly affected the downstream MAPK pathways. Pathway mapping of regulated sites implicated a variety of cellular functions, such as chromosome remodeling, RNA splicing, and cytoskeletal organization, some of which have been described in the literature before. Our assay is streamlined and generic and could become a useful tool in kinase drug development.The advent of Gleevec® (imatinib) less than 10 years ago was a landmark for utilizing small molecule compounds as kinase inhibitor drugs (13). This type of drug is usually directed against one specific kinase whose malfunctioning plays a key role in the given disease. Generally these drugs are thought to be selective, easy to modify, and effective. As the molecular principles of various diseases are better understood, kinase inhibitors are being developed in various fields with cancer remaining the predominant one (4). Kinase inhibitor compounds constitute about 30% of all drug development programs in the pharmaceutical industry (5).Kinase inhibitor drugs are typically developed with a targeted and “rational” strategy, often focusing on a kinase known to be involved in the etiology of a disease. Large libraries of chemical compounds, for example ATP analogs, are screened in vitro against the activity of this kinase, and their effects on a panel of manually selected kinases with similar sequences or structures are evaluated to assess specificity (6, 7). A few promising leads are then selected for further improvement. In recent years, high throughput technologies have been introduced to speed up these enzyme assays. Innovations include the phage display assay (8, 9), yeast three-hybrid assay (10), and chemical proteomics assay (11, 12). These methods achieve better coverage of the kinome and thus provide less biased results.Although these in vitro assays are very informative, they have several limitations. First, chemical or genetic modifications are often required, such as generating fusion proteins or adding chemical linkers to the inhibitor, which may change the binding properties of the kinases and the inhibitor compounds. Second, these methods investigate the direct binding targets of the inhibitor compounds but do not determine their influence on the entire cellular signaling network. As more and more kinases are proven to function in multiple signaling pathways, inhibitor compounds may influence cellular functions that are not easily predicted. Third, cancer cells are notoriously known to evolve point mutations or to activate alternative signaling proteins to escape drug inhibition (13, 14). Therefore, the concept of utilizing multiple kinase inhibitors is increasingly established in the clinic (15, 16). This has complicated drug evaluation as different inhibitor compounds can generate synergistic or counteracting effects. Certainly a whole cell-based approach, which allows a systems-wide elucidation of inhibitor function, should improve the target evaluation process and help to monitor drug effects in vivo.Increasingly powerful imaging methods can, in principle, provide a comprehensive assessment of signaling pathways. Multiplexed fluorescence provides direct visualization of localization and activities of the selected pathway molecules in vivo after kinase inhibition (1720). However, imaging methods require hundreds or thousands of experiments to cover all molecules of interest. In contrast, quantitative mass spectrometry is able to measure protein expression and modification events in single experiments at a global level and in a simultaneous manner. Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)1 generates completely labeled cell populations that are otherwise equal to non-labeled cells (21, 22). This system enables a direct and large-scale comparison of several cell populations with different biological or chemical treatments (2325). When SILAC was used to study the effect of the HER2 kinase inhibitor PD168393, changes of the tyrosine phosphorylated proteins could be quantified (26). In recent years, studies of phosphorylation at a site-specific level have been greatly enhanced by progress in MS instrumentation and algorithms. Combined with key advances in phosphopeptide enrichment methods, such as immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) chromatography, this has enabled detection and quantitation of thousands of phosphorylation sites, completely changing the capabilities of the phosphoproteomics field (2734).Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is one of the diseases caused by constitutively active signaling and is characterized by overproliferation of myeloid cells. The fundamental principle of its etiology is the fusion of chromosomes 9 and 22 to produce the so-called Philadelphia chromosome and the constitutively activated tyrosine kinase BCR-ABL fusion protein (35). Treatment of CML has been greatly advanced by small inhibitor compounds that selectively inhibit the kinase activity of BCR-ABL. The striking success of the first BCR-ABL inhibitor drug Gleevec, or imatinib, proved the concept of using small kinase inhibitor compounds as drugs (36). Later, a second generation of drugs was developed to inhibit Gleevec-resistant, point-mutated versions of BCR-ABL. Among these is dasatinib, a highly potent, orally active inhibitor for both inactive and active BCR-ABL that inhibits most BCR-ABL variants found in CML patients (37, 38).Dasatinib binds to the kinase domain of ABL kinase. It has similar potency toward SRC family kinases and the platelet-derived growth factor receptor family (39). Research into the mechanism of action of dasatinib focuses on two major themes: the direct binding targets and more downstream signaling molecules. Mass spectrometry has played an important role in these investigations. Recently Goss et al. (40) analyzed immunoprecipitated proteins by tandem MS and derived a common phosphotyrosine signature for BCR-ABL in six different CML cell lines. Hantschel et al. (41) and Bantscheff et al. (12) combined affinity purification techniques with quantitative MS to screen for binding targets of dasatinib. In the study of Bantscheff et al. (12) several broad band kinase inhibitors were combined and immobilized on one affinity resin (kinobeads). Different kinase inhibitor compounds were then used to compete with the unspecific interaction used in immobilization. The kinase beads covered 65% of the phylogenetic human kinome tree.We reasoned that the combination of SILAC and state of the art phosphoproteomics techniques should provide an excellent tool to explore the effects of kinase inhibitors on individual phosphorylation sites and on the entire cellular network of signal transduction. We first examined two inhibitor compounds widely used in signal transduction laboratories: U0126 inhibits MEK1/2, and SB202190 inhibits p38α/β MAPK. We then applied the same technique to determine the effects of dasatinib, a clinical drug for inhibition of mutated BCR-ABL in CML, on the phosphoproteome.  相似文献   

Kinase mediated phosphorylation signaling is extensively involved in cellular functions and human diseases, and unraveling phosphorylation networks requires the identification of substrates targeted by kinases, which has remained challenging. We report here a novel proteomic strategy to identify the specificity and direct substrates of kinases by coupling phosphoproteomics with a sensitive stable isotope labeled kinase reaction. A whole cell extract was moderately dephosphorylated and subjected to in vitro kinase reaction under the condition in which 18O-ATP is the phosphate donor. The phosphorylated proteins are then isolated and identified by mass spectrometry, in which the heavy phosphate (+85.979 Da) labeled phosphopeptides reveal the kinase specificity. The in vitro phosphorylated proteins with heavy phosphates are further overlapped with in vivo kinase-dependent phosphoproteins for the identification of direct substrates with high confidence. The strategy allowed us to identify 46 phosphorylation sites on 38 direct substrates of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1, including multiple known substrates and novel substrates, highlighting the ability of this high throughput method for direct kinase substrate screening.Protein phosphorylation regulates almost all aspects of cell life, such as cell cycle, migration, and apoptosis (1), and deregulation of protein phosphorylation is one of the most frequent causes or consequences of human diseases including cancers, diabetes, and immune disorders (2). Up till now, however, known substrates are far from saturation for the majority of protein kinases (3); thus, mapping comprehensive kinase-substrate relationships is essential to understanding biological mechanisms and uncovering new drug targets (4).Accompanied with advances of high-speed and high-resolution mass spectrometry, the technique of kinase substrate screening using proteomic strategy is quickly evolving (57). Mass spectrometry has been extensively used for kinase-substrate interaction mapping (8) and global phosphorylation profiling (9). Although thousands of phosphorylation sites have been detected, complex phosphorylation cascade and crosstalk between pathways make it difficult for large-scale phosphoproteomics to reveal direct relationships between protein kinases and their substrates (10, 11). Extensive statistics, bioinformatics, and downstream biochemical assays are mandatory for the substrate verification (12, 13). Another strategy uses purified, active kinases to phosphorylate cell extracts in vitro, followed by mass spectrometric analysis to identify phosphoproteins. This approach inevitably faces the major challenge of separating real sites phosphorylated by target kinase and the phosphorylation triggered by endogenous kinases from cell lysates (14). Analog-sensitive kinase allele (15) overcomes the issue by utilizing the engineered kinase that can exclusively take a bulky-ATP analog under the reaction condition. Analog-sensitive kinase allele has been coupled with γ-thiophosphate analog ATP to facilitate the mass spectrometric analysis (1618).We have introduced kinase assay-linked phosphoproteomics (KALIP)1 to link the in vitro substrate identification and physiological phosphorylation events together in a high throughput manner (19, 20). The strategy, however, has only been applied to identify direct substrates of tyrosine kinases. In this study, we expanded the application of KALIP to serine/threonine kinases by introducing a quantitative strategy termed Stable Isotope Labeled Kinase Assay-Linked Phosphoproteomics (siKALIP). The method was applied to identify direct substrates of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (ERK1), a serine/threonine kinase acting as an essential component of the Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway (21). A defect in the MAP/ERK pathway causes uncontrolled growth, which likely leads to cancer (22) and other diseases (2325). ERK1 can be activated by growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and nerve growth factor (NGF) (26). Upon stimulation, ERK1 phosphorylates hundreds of substrates in various cellular compartments including cytoplasm, nucleus, and membrane (27). Among 38 ERK1 direct substrates identified by siKALIP, more than one third are previously discovered by classical molecular biology approaches, highlighting high specificity and sensitivity of the strategy. The results also support the hypothesis that ERK1 plays complex roles in multiple pathways that are essential for the cell growth regulation.  相似文献   

Rapid protein kinase D (PKD) activation and phosphorylation via protein kinase C (PKC) have been extensively documented in many cell types cells stimulated by multiple stimuli. In contrast, little is known about the role and mechanism(s) of a recently identified sustained phase of PKD activation in response to G protein-coupled receptor agonists. To elucidate the role of biphasic PKD activation, we used Swiss 3T3 cells because PKD expression in these cells potently enhanced duration of ERK activation and DNA synthesis in response to Gq-coupled receptor agonists. Cell treatment with the preferential PKC inhibitors GF109203X or Gö6983 profoundly inhibited PKD activation induced by bombesin stimulation for <15 min but did not prevent PKD catalytic activation induced by bombesin stimulation for longer times (>60 min). The existence of sequential PKC-dependent and PKC-independent PKD activation was demonstrated in 3T3 cells stimulated with various concentrations of bombesin (0.3–10 nm) or with vasopressin, a different Gq-coupled receptor agonist. To gain insight into the mechanisms involved, we determined the phosphorylation state of the activation loop residues Ser744 and Ser748. Transphosphorylation targeted Ser744, whereas autophosphorylation was the predominant mechanism for Ser748 in cells stimulated with Gq-coupled receptor agonists. We next determined which phase of PKD activation is responsible for promoting enhanced ERK activation and DNA synthesis in response to Gq-coupled receptor agonists. We show, for the first time, that the PKC-independent phase of PKD activation mediates prolonged ERK signaling and progression to DNA synthesis in response to bombesin or vasopressin through a pathway that requires epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase activity. Thus, our results identify a novel mechanism of Gq-coupled receptor-induced mitogenesis mediated by sustained PKD activation through a PKC-independent pathway.The understanding of the mechanisms that control cell proliferation requires the identification of the molecular pathways that govern the transition of quiescent cells into the S phase of the cell cycle. In this context the activation and phosphorylation of protein kinase D (PKD),4 the founding member of a new protein kinase family within the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CAMK) group and separate from the previously identified PKCs (for review, see Ref. 1), are attracting intense attention. In unstimulated cells, PKD is in a state of low catalytic (kinase) activity maintained by autoinhibition mediated by the N-terminal domain, a region containing a repeat of cysteinerich zinc finger-like motifs and a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain (14). Physiological activation of PKD within cells occurs via a phosphorylation-dependent mechanism first identified in our laboratory (57). In response to cellular stimuli (1), including phorbol esters, growth factors (e.g. PDGF), and G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) agonists (6, 816) that signal through Gq, G12, Gi, and Rho (11, 1519), PKD is converted into a form with high catalytic activity, as shown by in vitro kinase assays performed in the absence of lipid co-activators (5, 20).During these studies multiple lines of evidence indicated that PKC activity is necessary for rapid PKD activation within intact cells. For example, rapid PKD activation was selectively and potently blocked by cell treatment with preferential PKC inhibitors (e.g. GF109203X or Gö6983) that do not directly inhibit PKD catalytic activity (5, 20), implying that PKD activation in intact cells is mediated directly or indirectly through PKCs. Many reports demonstrated the operation of a rapid PKC/PKD signaling cascade induced by multiple GPCR agonists and other receptor ligands in a range of cell types (for review, see Ref. 1). Our previous studies identified Ser744 and Ser748 in the PKD activation loop (also referred as activation segment or T-loop) as phosphorylation sites critical for PKC-mediated PKD activation (1, 4, 7, 17, 21). Collectively, these findings demonstrated the existence of a rapidly activated PKC-PKD protein kinase cascade(s). In a recent study we found that the rapid PKC-dependent PKD activation was followed by a late, PKC-independent phase of catalytic activation and phosphorylation induced by stimulation of the bombesin Gq-coupled receptor ectopically expressed in COS-7 cells (22). This study raised the possibility that PKD mediates rapid biological responses downstream of PKCs, whereas, in striking contrast, PKD could mediate long term responses through PKC-independent pathways. Despite its potential importance for defining the role of PKC and PKD in signal transduction, this hypothesis has not been tested in any cell type.Accumulating evidence demonstrates that PKD plays an important role in several cellular processes and activities, including signal transduction (14, 2325), chromatin organization (26), Golgi function (27, 28), gene expression (2931), immune regulation (26), and cell survival, adhesion, motility, differentiation, DNA synthesis, and proliferation (for review, see Ref. 1). In Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, a cell line used extensively as a model system to elucidate mechanisms of mitogenic signaling (3234), PKD expression potently enhances ERK activation, DNA synthesis, and cell proliferation induced by Gq-coupled receptor agonists (8, 14). Here, we used this model system to elucidate the role and mechanism(s) of biphasic PKD activation. First, we show that the Gq-coupled receptor agonists bombesin and vasopressin, in contrast to phorbol esters, specifically induce PKD activation through early PKC-dependent and late PKC-independent mechanisms in Swiss 3T3 cells. Subsequently, we demonstrate for the first time that the PKC-independent phase of PKD activation is responsible for promoting ERK signaling and progression to DNA synthesis through an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-dependent pathway. Thus, our results identify a novel mechanism of Gq-coupled receptor-induced mitogenesis mediated by sustained PKD activation through a PKC-independent pathway.  相似文献   

FilGAP is a Rac-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP) that suppresses lamellae formation. In this study, we have identified RBM10 (RNA Binding Motif domain protein 10) as a FilGAP-interacting protein. Although RBM10 is mostly localized in the nuclei in human melanoma A7 cells, forced expression of Src family tyrosine kinase Fyn induced translocation of RBM10 from nucleus into cell peripheries where RBM10 and FilGAP are co-localized. The translocation of RBM10 from nucleus appears to require catalytic activity of Fyn since kinase-negative Fyn mutant failed to induce translocation of RBM10 in A7 cells. When human breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231 cells are spreading on collagen-coated coverslips, endogenous FilGAP and RBM10 were localized at the cell periphery with tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. RBM10 appears to be responsible for targeting FilGAP at the cell periphery because depletion of RBM10 by siRNA abrogated peripheral localization of FilGAP during cell spreading. Association of RBM10 with FilGAP may stimulate RacGAP activity of FilGAP. First, forced expression of RBM10 suppressed FilGAP-mediated cell spreading on collagen. Conversely, depletion of endogenous RBM10 by siRNA abolished FilGAP-mediated suppression of cell spreading on collagen. Second, FilGAP suppressed formation of membrane ruffles induced by Fyn and instead produced spiky cell protrusions at the cell periphery. This protrusive structure was also induced by depletion of Rac, suggesting that the formation of protrusions may be due to suppression of Rac by FilGAP. We found that depletion of RBM10 markedly reduced the formation of protrusions in cells transfected with Fyn and FilGAP. Finally, depletion of RBM10 blocked FilGAP-mediated suppression of ruffle formation induced by EGF. Taken together, these results suggest that Src family tyrosine kinase signaling may regulate FilGAP through association with RBM10.  相似文献   

The LIM-only adaptor PINCH (the particularly interesting cysteine- and histidine-rich protein) plays a pivotal role in the assembly of focal adhesions (FAs), supramolecular complexes that transmit mechanical and biochemical information between extracellular matrix and actin cytoskeleton, regulating diverse cell adhesive processes such as cell migration, cell spreading, and survival. A key step for the PINCH function is its localization to FAs, which depends critically on the tight binding of PINCH to integrin-linked kinase (ILK). Here we report the solution NMR structure of the core ILK·PINCH complex (28 kDa, KD ∼ 68 nm) involving the N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain (ARD) of ILK and the first LIM domain (LIM1) of PINCH. We show that the ILK ARD exhibits five sequentially stacked ankyrin repeat units, which provide a large concave surface to grip the two contiguous zinc fingers of the PINCH LIM1. The highly electrostatic interface is evolutionally conserved but differs drastically from those of known ARD and LIM bound to other types of protein domains. Consistently mutation of a hot spot in LIM1, which is not conserved in other LIM domains, disrupted the PINCH binding to ILK and abolished the PINCH targeting to FAs. These data provide atomic insight into a novel modular recognition and demonstrate how PINCH is specifically recruited by ILK to mediate the FA assembly and cell-extracellular matrix communication.Cell-extracellular matrix (ECM)3 adhesion, migration, and survival are essential for the development and maintenance of tissues and organs in living organisms. They are mediated by integrin transmembrane receptors, which function by adhering to ECM proteins via their large extracellular domains while connecting to the actin cytoskeleton via their small cytoplasmic tails (20-70 residues) (1). The integrin-actin connection supports strong cell-ECM adhesion, and its alteration leads to dynamic cell shape change, migration, and survival (2). The molecular details of such connection, however, are highly complex, involving a large protein complex network called focal adhesions (FAs) (3, 4).Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is a 50-kDa FA protein that contains an N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain (ARD), a middle pleckstrin homology domain, and a C-terminal kinase domain. Originally discovered as an integrin β cytoplasmic tail-binding protein (5), ILK has been established as a major regulator that controls the complex FA assembly and transmits many cell adhesive signals between integrins and actin (6-8). Soon after the discovery of ILK, Tu et al. (9) identified an ILK binding partner called PINCH that contains five LIM domains. Extensive studies have shown that the PINCH binding to ILK is essential for triggering the FA assembly and for relaying diverse mechanical and biochemical signals between ECM and the actin cytoskeleton (9-11). Consistent with the importance of the ILK/PINCH association in almost all cellular behavior and fate, ablation of either ILK (12) or PINCH in mice is embryonically lethal (13, 14). PINCH also has a highly homologous isoform called PINCH-2. However, although complementary to PINCH in many cellular behaviors (for reviews, see Refs. 8 and 15), PINCH-2 appears to be involved at the later stage of development (16), and thus its ablation in mice is not embryonically lethal (17). At the clinical level, dysregulation of the ILK/PINCH interaction has been implicated in the development of numerous human disorders such as cancer (6, 18) and heart diseases (19, 20). A Phase I clinical trial is ongoing on a drug called thymosin β-4 (RegeneRx) that appears to specifically target ILK/PINCH for treating myocardial infarction, a major heart failure disorder (19).Despite the cellular, physiological, and pathological importance of the ILK/PINCH interaction, the structural basis for how exactly PINCH binds to ILK has not been well understood. Previous biochemical/structural analyses have indicated that ILK utilizes its N-terminal ARD to recognize the LIM1 domain of PINCH, and such binding may promote the targeting of PINCH to FAs (9, 21). However, the precise atomic basis for such targeting process is elusive. No structure of any ARD·LIM complex has been reported. Using a combination of NMR-based techniques, we have solved the solution structure of the ILK ARD·PINCH LIM1 complex that revealed an interface that is distinct from other ARD and LIM bound to non-ARD/LIM domains. Structure-based mutation of a hot spot in PINCH LIM1, which is not conserved in other LIM domains, abolished the PINCH binding to ILK and its localization to FAs. These results not only reveal a unique LIM/ARD recognition mode but also provide a definitive functional basis for how PINCH is recruited by ILK to focal adhesion site, a major step toward the dynamic cell adhesion and migration processes.  相似文献   

Cilia are sensory organelles present on almost all vertebrate cells. Cilium length is constant, but varies between cell types, indicating that cilium length is regulated. How this is achieved is unclear, but protein transport in cilia (intraflagellar transport, IFT) plays an important role. Several studies indicate that cilium length and function can be modulated by environmental cues. As a model, we study a C. elegans mutant that carries a dominant active G protein α subunit (gpa-3QL), resulting in altered IFT and short cilia. In a screen for suppressors of the gpa-3QL short cilium phenotype, we identified uev-3, which encodes an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme variant that acts in a MAP kinase pathway. Mutation of two other components of this pathway, dual leucine zipper-bearing MAPKKK DLK-1 and p38 MAPK PMK-3, also suppress the gpa-3QL short cilium phenotype. However, this suppression seems not to be caused by changes in IFT. The DLK-1/p38 pathway regulates several processes, including microtubule stability and endocytosis. We found that reducing endocytosis by mutating rabx-5 or rme-6, RAB-5 GEFs, or the clathrin heavy chain, suppresses gpa-3QL. In addition, gpa-3QL animals showed reduced levels of two GFP-tagged proteins involved in endocytosis, RAB-5 and DPY-23, whereas pmk-3 mutant animals showed accumulation of GFP-tagged RAB-5. Together our results reveal a new role for the DLK-1/p38 MAPK pathway in control of cilium length by regulating RAB-5 mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a chloride channel located primarily at the apical membranes of epithelial cells, plays a crucial role in transepithelial fluid homeostasis1-3. CFTR has been implicated in two major diseases: cystic fibrosis (CF)4 and secretory diarrhea5. In CF, the synthesis or functional activity of the CFTR Cl- channel is reduced. This disorder affects approximately 1 in 2,500 Caucasians in the United States6. Excessive CFTR activity has also been implicated in cases of toxin-induced secretory diarrhea (e.g., by cholera toxin and heat stable E. coli enterotoxin) that stimulates cAMP or cGMP production in the gut7.Accumulating evidence suggest the existence of physical and functional interactions between CFTR and a growing number of other proteins, including transporters, ion channels, receptors, kinases, phosphatases, signaling molecules, and cytoskeletal elements, and these interactions between CFTR and its binding proteins have been shown to be critically involved in regulating CFTR-mediated transepithelial ion transport in vitro and also in vivo8-19. In this protocol, we focus only on the methods that aid in the study of the interactions between CFTR carboxyl terminal tail, which possesses a protein-binding motif [referred to as PSD95/Dlg1/ZO-1 (PDZ) motif], and a group of scaffold proteins, which contain a specific binding module referred to as PDZ domains. So far, several different PDZ scaffold proteins have been reported to bind to the carboxyl terminal tail of CFTR with various affinities, such as NHERF1, NHERF2, PDZK1, PDZK2, CAL (CFTR-associated ligand), Shank2, and GRASP20-27. The PDZ motif within CFTR that is recognized by PDZ scaffold proteins is the last four amino acids at the C terminus (i.e., 1477-DTRL-1480 in human CFTR)20. Interestingly, CFTR can bind more than one PDZ domain of both NHERFs and PDZK1, albeit with varying affinities22. This multivalency with respect to CFTR binding has been shown to be of functional significance, suggesting that PDZ scaffold proteins may facilitate formation of CFTR macromolecular signaling complexes for specific/selective and efficient signaling in cells16-18.Multiple biochemical assays have been developed to study CFTR-involving protein interactions, such as co-immunoprecipitation, pull-down assay, pair-wise binding assay, colorimetric pair-wise binding assay, and macromolecular complex assembly assay16-19,28,29. Here we focus on the detailed procedures of assembling a PDZ motif-dependent CFTR-containing macromolecular complex in vitro, which is used extensively by our laboratory to study protein-protein or domain-domain interactions involving CFTR16-19,28,29.  相似文献   

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