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It is widely acknowledged that the use of general anesthetics can undermine the relevance of electrophysiological or microscopical data obtained from a living animal’s brain. Moreover, the lengthy recovery from anesthesia limits the frequency of repeated recording/imaging episodes in longitudinal studies. Hence, new methods that would allow stable recordings from non-anesthetized behaving mice are expected to advance the fields of cellular and cognitive neurosciences. Existing solutions range from mere physical restraint to more sophisticated approaches, such as linear and spherical treadmills used in combination with computer-generated virtual reality. Here, a novel method is described where a head-fixed mouse can move around an air-lifted mobile homecage and explore its environment under stress-free conditions. This method allows researchers to perform behavioral tests (e.g., learning, habituation or novel object recognition) simultaneously with two-photon microscopic imaging and/or patch-clamp recordings, all combined in a single experiment. This video-article describes the use of the awake animal head fixation device (mobile homecage), demonstrates the procedures of animal habituation, and exemplifies a number of possible applications of the method.  相似文献   

Grienberger C  Konnerth A 《Neuron》2012,73(5):862-885
Calcium ions generate versatile intracellular signals that control key functions in all types of neurons. Imaging calcium in neurons is particularly important because calcium signals exert their highly specific functions in well-defined cellular subcompartments. In this Primer, we briefly review the general mechanisms of neuronal calcium signaling. We then introduce the calcium imaging devices, including confocal and two-photon microscopy as well as miniaturized devices that are used in freely moving animals. We provide an overview of the classical chemical fluorescent calcium indicators and of the protein-based genetically encoded calcium indicators. Using application examples, we introduce new developments in the field, such as calcium imaging in awake, behaving animals and the use of calcium imaging for mapping single spine sensory inputs in cortical neurons in vivo. We conclude by providing an outlook on the prospects of calcium imaging for the analysis of neuronal signaling and plasticity in various animal models.  相似文献   

Measuring the activity of neuronal populations with calcium imaging can capture emergent functional properties of neuronal circuits with single cell resolution. However, the motion of freely behaving animals, together with the intermittent detectability of calcium sensors, can hinder automatic monitoring of neuronal activity and their subsequent functional characterization. We report the development and open-source implementation of a multi-step cellular tracking algorithm (Elastic Motion Correction and Concatenation or EMC2) that compensates for the intermittent disappearance of moving neurons by integrating local deformation information from detectable neurons. We demonstrate the accuracy and versatility of our algorithm using calcium imaging data from two-photon volumetric microscopy in visual cortex of awake mice, and from confocal microscopy in behaving Hydra, which experiences major body deformation during its contractions. We quantify the performance of our algorithm using ground truth manual tracking of neurons, along with synthetic time-lapse sequences, covering a wide range of particle motions and detectability parameters. As a demonstration of the utility of the algorithm, we monitor for several days calcium activity of the same neurons in layer 2/3 of mouse visual cortex in vivo, finding significant turnover within the active neurons across days, with only few neurons that remained active across days. Also, combining automatic tracking of single neuron activity with statistical clustering, we characterize and map neuronal ensembles in behaving Hydra, finding three major non-overlapping ensembles of neurons (CB, RP1 and RP2) whose activity correlates with contractions and elongations. Our results show that the EMC2 algorithm can be used as a robust and versatile platform for neuronal tracking in behaving animals.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术应用于运动障碍康复的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了近年来虚拟现实技术在运动障碍康复中的应用。介绍了该技术在运动障碍康复领域的四个重点研究方向:康复机器人、虚拟人、基于触觉反馈和力反馈的虚拟现实康复平台以及游戏机Wii的应用和新进展。最后总结了虚拟现实应用于运动障碍康复的优势及面临的主要挑战。  相似文献   

The use of virtual reality in the form of simulated tasks can provide a realistic environment in which to study complex naturalistic behaviors. Many of the behavioral effects of alcohol intoxication are well known, but there is relatively little imaging evidence examining how alcohol exposure might transiently modulate brain function, especially in the context of task performance. In this review, we provide a brief synopsis of previous work using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the neural correlates of alcohol intoxication. We describe in detail two studies from our published work, the first involving a visual perception paradigm, and the second involving virtual reality through a naturalistic behavior; simulated driving. Participants received single-blind individualized doses of beverage alcohol designed to produce blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.04 and 0.08 or placebo. Subjects were fMRI scanned after training to asymptote performance. In both studies we found specific circuits that were differentially modulated by alcohol, we revealed both global and local effects of alcohol, and we examined relationships between behavior, brain function, and alcohol blood levels.  相似文献   

Neurons in cortical sensory regions receive modality-specific information through synapses that are located on their dendrites. Recently, the use of two-photon microscopy combined with whole-cell recordings has helped to identify visually evoked dendritic calcium signals in mouse visual cortical neurons in vivo. The calcium signals are restricted to small dendritic domains ('hotspots') and they represent visual synaptic inputs that are highly tuned for orientation and direction. This protocol describes the experimental procedures for the recording and the analysis of these visually evoked dendritic calcium signals. The key points of this method include delivery of fluorescent calcium indicators through the recording patch pipette, selection of an appropriate optical plane with many dendrites, hyperpolarization of the membrane potential and two-photon imaging. The whole protocol can be completed in 5-6 h, including 1-2 h of two-photon calcium imaging in combination with stable whole-cell recordings.  相似文献   

Stereotaxic surgery for the implantation of cannulae into specific brain regions has for many decades been a very successful experimental technique to investigate the effects of locally manipulated neurotransmitter and signaling pathways in awake, behaving animals. Moreover, the stereotaxic implantation of electrodes for electrophysiological stimulation and recording studies has been instrumental to our current understanding of neuroplasticity and brain networks in behaving animals. Ever-increasing knowledge about optimizing surgical techniques in rodents(1-4), public awareness concerning animal welfare issues and stringent legislation (e.g., the 2010 European Union Directive on the use of laboratory animals(5)) prompted us to refine these surgical procedures, particularly with respect to implementing new procedures for oxygen supplementation and the continuous monitoring of blood oxygenation and heart rate levels during the surgery as well as introducing a standardized protocol for post-surgical care. Our observations indicate that these modifications resulted in an increased survival rate and an improvement in the general condition of the animals after surgery (e.g. less weight loss and a more active animal). This video presentation will show the general procedures involved in this type of stereotaxic surgery with special attention to our several modifications. We will illustrate these surgical procedures in rats, but it is also possible to perform this type of surgery in mice or other small laboratory animals by using special adaptors for the stereotaxic apparatus(6).  相似文献   

Zebrafish have long been utilized to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms of development by time-lapse imaging of the living transparent embryo. Here we describe a method to mount zebrafish embryos for long-term imaging and demonstrate how to automate the capture of time-lapse images using a confocal microscope. We also describe a method to create controlled, precise damage to individual branches of peripheral sensory axons in zebrafish using the focused power of a femtosecond laser mounted on a two-photon microscope. The parameters for successful two-photon axotomy must be optimized for each microscope. We will demonstrate two-photon axotomy on both a custom built two-photon microscope and a Zeiss 510 confocal/two-photon to provide two examples.Zebrafish trigeminal sensory neurons can be visualized in a transgenic line expressing GFP driven by a sensory neuron specific promoter 1. We have adapted this zebrafish trigeminal model to directly observe sensory axon regeneration in living zebrafish embryos. Embryos are anesthetized with tricaine and positioned within a drop of agarose as it solidifies. Immobilized embryos are sealed within an imaging chamber filled with phenylthiourea (PTU) Ringers. We have found that embryos can be continuously imaged in these chambers for 12-48 hours. A single confocal image is then captured to determine the desired site of axotomy. The region of interest is located on the two-photon microscope by imaging the sensory axons under low, non-damaging power. After zooming in on the desired site of axotomy, the power is increased and a single scan of that defined region is sufficient to sever the axon. Multiple location time-lapse imaging is then set up on a confocal microscope to directly observe axonal recovery from injury. Open in a separate windowClick here to view.(76M, flv)  相似文献   

A two-photon and second-harmonic microscope   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Two-photon microscopy has revolutionized life sciences by enabling long-term imaging of living preparations in highly scattering tissue while minimizing photodamage. At the same time, commercial two-photon microscopes are expensive and this has prevented the widespread application of this technique to the biological community. As an alternative to commercial systems, we provide an update of our efforts designing custom-built two-photon instruments by modifying the Olympus FluoView laser scanning confocal microscope. With the newer version of our instrument we modulate the intensity of the laser beam in arbitrary spatiotemporal patterns using a Pockels cell and software control over the scanning. We can also perform simultaneous optical imaging and optical stimulation experiments and combine them with second harmonic generation measurements.  相似文献   

Two-photon laser scanning calcium imaging has emerged as a useful method for the exploration of neural function and structure at the cellular and subcellular level in vivo. The applications range from imaging of subcellular compartments such as dendrites, spines and axonal boutons up to the functional analysis of large neuronal or glial populations. However, the depth penetration is often limited to a few hundred micrometers, corresponding, for example, to the upper cortical layers of the mouse brain. Light scattering and aberrations originating from refractive index inhomogeneties of the tissue are the reasons for these limitations. The depth penetration of two-photon imaging can be enhanced through various approaches, such as the implementation of adaptive optics, the use of three-photon excitation and/or labeling cells with red-shifted genetically encoded fluorescent sensors. However, most of the approaches used so far require the implementation of new instrumentation and/or time consuming staining protocols. Here we present a simple approach that can be readily implemented in combination with standard two-photon microscopes. The method involves an optimized protocol for depth-restricted labeling with the red-shifted fluorescent calcium indicator Cal-590 and benefits from the use of ultra-short laser pulses. The approach allows in vivo functional imaging of neuronal populations with single cell resolution in all six layers of the mouse cortex. We demonstrate that stable recordings in deep cortical layers are not restricted to anesthetized animals but are well feasible in awake, behaving mice. We anticipate that the improved depth penetration will be beneficial for two-photon functional imaging in larger species, such as non-human primates.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, the calcium (Ca2+) hypothesis of brain aging has provided clear evidence that hippocampal neuronal Ca2+ dysregulation is a key biomarker of aging. Age-dependent Ca2+-mediated changes in intrinsic excitability, synaptic plasticity, and activity have helped identify some of the mechanisms engaged in memory and cognitive decline based on work done mostly at the single-cell level and in the slice preparation. Recently, our lab identified age- and Ca2+-related neuronal network dysregulation in the cortex of the anesthetized animal. Still, investigations in the awake animal are needed to test the generalizability of the Ca2+ hypothesis of brain aging. Here, we used in vigilo two-photon imaging in ambulating mice, to image GCaMP8f in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), during ambulation and at rest. We investigated aging- and sex-related changes in neuronal networks in the C56BL/6J mouse. Following imaging, gait behavior was characterized to test for changes in locomotor stability. During ambulation, in both young adult and aged mice, an increase in network connectivity and synchronicity was noted. An age-dependent increase in synchronicity was seen in ambulating aged males only. Additionally, females displayed increases in the number of active neurons, Ca2+ transients, and neuronal activity compared to males, particularly during ambulation. These results suggest S1 Ca2+ dynamics and network synchronicity are likely contributors of locomotor stability. We believe this work raises awareness of age- and sex-dependent alterations in S1 neuronal networks, perhaps underlying the increase in falls with age.  相似文献   

Many cellular structures and organelles are too small to be properly resolved by conventional light microscopy. This is particularly true for dendritic spines and glial processes, which are very small, dynamic, and embedded in dense tissue, making it difficult to image them under realistic experimental conditions. Two-photon microscopy is currently the method of choice for imaging in thick living tissue preparations, both in acute brain slices and in vivo. However, the spatial resolution of a two-photon microscope, which is limited to ∼350 nm by the diffraction of light, is not sufficient for resolving many important details of neural morphology, such as the width of spine necks or thin glial processes. Recently developed superresolution approaches, such as stimulated emission depletion microscopy, have set new standards of optical resolution in imaging living tissue. However, the important goal of superresolution imaging with significant subdiffraction resolution has not yet been accomplished in acute brain slices. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a new microscope based on two-photon excitation and pulsed stimulated emission depletion microscopy, which provides unprecedented spatial resolution and excellent experimental access in acute brain slices using a long-working distance objective. The new microscope improves on the spatial resolution of a regular two-photon microscope by a factor of four to six, and it is compatible with time-lapse and simultaneous two-color superresolution imaging in living cells. We demonstrate the potential of this nanoscopy approach for brain slice physiology by imaging the morphology of dendritic spines and microglial cells well below the surface of acute brain slices.  相似文献   

Advances in our understanding of neural systems will go hand in hand with improvements in the experimental techniques used to study these systems. This article describes a series of methodological developments aimed at enhancing the power of the methods needed to record simultaneously from populations of neurons over broad regions of the brain in awake, behaving animals. First, our laboratory has made many advances in electrode design, including movable bundle and array electrodes and smaller electrode assemblies. Second, to perform longer and more complex multielectrode implantation surgeries in primates, we have modified our surgical procedures by employing comprehensive physiological monitoring akin to human neuroanesthesia. We have also developed surgical implantation techniques aimed at minimizing brain tissue damage and facilitating penetration of the cortical surface. Third, we have integrated new technologies into our neural ensemble, stimulus and behavioral recording experiments to provide more detailed measurements of experimental variables. Finally, new data analytical techniques are being used in the laboratory to analyze increasingly large quantities of data.  相似文献   

We report a technique for two-photon fluorescence imaging with cellular resolution in awake, behaving mice with minimal motion artifact. The apparatus combines an upright, table-mounted two-photon microscope with a spherical treadmill consisting of a large, air-supported Styrofoam ball. Mice, with implanted cranial windows, are head restrained under the objective while their limbs rest on the ball's upper surface. Following adaptation to head restraint, mice maneuver on the spherical treadmill as their heads remain motionless. Image sequences demonstrate that running-associated brain motion is limited to approximately 2-5 microm. In addition, motion is predominantly in the focal plane, with little out-of-plane motion, making the application of a custom-designed Hidden-Markov-Model-based motion correction algorithm useful for postprocessing. Behaviorally correlated calcium transients from large neuronal and astrocytic populations were routinely measured, with an estimated motion-induced false positive error rate of <5%.  相似文献   

The brain''s ability to function at high levels of metabolic demand depends on continuous oxygen supply through blood flow and tissue oxygen diffusion. Here we present a visualized experimental and methodological protocol to directly visualize microregional tissue hypoxia and to infer perivascular oxygen gradients in the mouse cortex. It is based on the non-linear relationship between nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) endogenous fluorescence intensity and oxygen partial pressure in the tissue, where observed tissue NADH fluorescence abruptly increases at tissue oxygen levels below 10 mmHg1. We use two-photon excitation at 740 nm which allows for concurrent excitation of intrinsic NADH tissue fluorescence and blood plasma contrasted with Texas-Red dextran. The advantages of this method over existing approaches include the following: it takes advantage of an intrinsic tissue signal and can be performed using standard two-photon in vivo imaging equipment; it permits continuous monitoring in the whole field of view with a depth resolution of ~50 μm. We demonstrate that brain tissue areas furthest from cerebral blood vessels correspond to vulnerable watershed areas which are the first to become functionally hypoxic following a decline in vascular oxygen supply. This method allows one to image microregional cortical oxygenation and is therefore useful for examining the role of inadequate or restricted tissue oxygen supply in neurovascular diseases and stroke.  相似文献   

Recent research on navigation has been particularly notable for the increased understanding of the factors affecting human navigation and the neural networks supporting it. The use of virtual reality environments has made it possible to explore the effect of environment layout and content on way-finding performance, and it has shown that these effects may interact with the sex and age of subjects. Functional brain imaging, combined with the use of virtual environments, has revealed strong parallels between humans and other animals in the neural basis of navigation.  相似文献   

In vivo animal imaging is an outstanding noninvasive tool to study the pathophysiology of disease or response to therapy; additionally, serial imaging reduces the required number of experimental animals. Because of the tremendous capital investment, we recommend the imaging center be a shared resource to facilitate innovative and productive cross-disciplinary scientific collaborations. A shared center also enables a broader range of imaging, as equipment is often cost prohibitive for smaller facilities. A multitude of factors will determine the architectural design, facility efficiency, and functionality. Important considerations to determine during the planning stages include the types of animals to be imaged, types of imaging studies to be performed, types of imaging equipment and related services to be offered, and the location of the imaging center. Architects must work closely with manufacturers to accommodate equipment-related building specifications; facility planners and veterinarians can provide a practical logistical design that will ensure efficient functionality. Miscellaneous considerations include biosecurity levels, use of radioisotopes, and personnel safety in the imaging environment. The ideal imaging center will include space to house animals and perform necessary preimaging procedures, state-of-the-art in vivo imaging devices and the most up-to-date anesthesia, physiological support, and monitoring equipment. The center staff should include imaging specialists for technical development and data analysis. As it is difficult to provide a comprehensive manual for setting up an in vivo animal imaging center, we offer advice based on our experiences with the National Institutes of Health Mouse Imaging Facility. Because magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most expensive imaging tool, requires specific building design considerations, and poses unique occupational health and safety risks, we focus on MRI as the foundation for an imaging facility design.  相似文献   

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