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The antibiotic A23187 carries Ca2+ across Müller-Rudin membranes made from 1,2-dierucoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and n-decane. The conductance of the membranes is not increased by the Ca2+-transport. The flux depends linearly on Ca2+ concentration and ionophore concentration (above pH 6). It increases with increasing pH, approximately by a factor of 4–5 between pH 6 and pH 8. Maximal Ca2+-fluxes of about 10?10mol · cm?2 · s?1 were found. A counter transport of H+ could not be detected.The complex formation between A23187 and Ca2+ in egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles was studied spectroscopically. The results are consistent with the formation of a 2 : 1 complex. Optical absorption measurements on single phosphatidylcholine membranes were used to calculate the concentration of membrane-bound ionophore A23187.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membranes of hypophysectomized rats were purified, treated with 0.1 m Lubrol-PX and centrifuged at 165,000g for 1 h. The detergent solubilized 50% of the membrane protein; adenylate cyclase activity was present in the supernatant fraction. Optimal substrate concentration of the soluble enzyme was 0.32 mm ATP. Basal activity of 25 preparations of the solubilized enzyme ranged from 124 to 39 pmol cyclic AMP/mg protein/10 min. The solubilized enzyme retained the same sensitivity to activation by guanyl nucleotides as was present in the membrane preparation from which it was derived. Relative sensitivity of the solubilized enzyme with 0.1 mm nucleotides or -side was GDP > GTP > GMP > guanosine; GMP-PNP = GMP-PCP > ITP > GTP. GTP, GMP-PCP, GMP-PNP and other nucleotides were hydrolyzed by phosphohydrolases present in liver membranes that were solubilized with Lubrol-PX along with adenylate cyclase. The presence of the ATP regenerating system in the adenylate cyclase assay also aided in maintaining guanyl nucleotide concentrations. The degree of adenylate cyclase activation by guanyl nucleotides was not related to the sparing effects of nucleotides on substrate ATP hydrolysis. These findings demonstrate that activation of adenylate cyclase by nucleotides is a consequence of a nucleotide-enzyme interaction that is independent of membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Partially purified liver plasma membranes were fractionated further on sucrose layers. Three membrane populations, numbered Peaks 1, 2 and 3, were isolated at densities of 1.23, 1.16, and 1.03, respectively. Peaks 1 and 2 were enriched to a similar degree in 5′-nucleotidase activity, a plasma membrane marker, relative to membranes in Peak 3. Electron micrographs indicated that Peak 1 possessed desmosomes and bile canaliculi, while Peak 2 contained large vesicles as well as smaller vesicular structures attached to membranes. The latter have been attributed to hepatocyte sinusoidal surfaces. All three membrane fractions contained adenylate cyclase activity with the highest specific activity found in Peak 2. The enzyme in all three peaks was F sensitive with higher sensitivity in Peaks 1 and 2. Glucagon sensitivity of adenylate cyclase in Peak 2 membranes was four times that of Peak 1. Only Peak 2 membranes were sensitive to epinephrine. The Peak 2 membranes were three times more sensitive to glucagon than the partially purified membranes from which they were derived. These findings indicate that, while both bile canalicular and sinusoidal faces of hepatocytes possess adenylate cyclase, the sinusoidal fraction is more sensitive to glucagon. Solubilized adenylate cyclase of the Peak 2 membranes, obtained as the 165,000g supernate of membranes treated with Lubrol-PX, was sensitive to stimulation by guanyl nucleotide analogs. Guanyl nucleotide sensitivity thus resides in the catalytic site and is not dependent on membrane integrity. All three membrane fractions possessed similar activities of nucleotide phosphohydrolase activity.  相似文献   

High-pressure gel permeation chromatography was used to separate the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase and ATP pyrophosphohydrolase activities of Dictyostelium discoideum. Two types of column packings, with different functional groups on the silica-bonded carbon side chains, were used to separate the two activities in approximately the same amount of time and with the same elution pattern. Recovery of both activities was enhanced when acetate, rather than sulfate, was the mobile phase. This recovery of activity following chromatography at high pressure demonstrates that high-pressure gel permeation chromatography can be used for the purification of enzymes.  相似文献   

The light-dependent transhydrogenase system of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides can be resolved into a soluble fraction and a chromatophore membrane fraction. The soluble fraction was fractionated with ammonium sulfate, 3 m urea, DE-52 cellulose chromatography, and acrylamide gel electrophoresis and yielded a single protein factor which stimulated light-dependent transhydrogenase activity when added to chromatophores devoid of such activity. It has a molecular weight of approximately 4000–7000, and has a high content of glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid. The N-terminus amino acid is tryptophan. The factor is heat sensitive and rapidly loses activity upon storage at 4 °C, but is stable at this temperature for about 120 hr if stored in buffer containing 15 μm DTT. It contains sulfhydryl groups that may be essential for activity.  相似文献   

The translocator antibiotic, valinomycin, increases the energy transfer between fluorophores across a lipid bilayer membrane, contrary to the effect of an inert protein adsorbate. The distance separating the fluorophores is reduced, suggesting that this translocator provokes a perturbation in the palisade arrangement of lipid molecules in the bilayer.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing model glycolipids by linking aldobionic acids to an alkylamine through an amide bond. These compounds may be rapidly prepared in large quantities. The glycolipids precipitate specifically with lectins. Precipitation occurs at glycolipid concentrations just above their critical micelle concentration.  相似文献   

Preparative electrofocusing on polyacrylamide gels has been limited, until recently, to excision of gel slices, diffusion, and collection of the slice diffusates. An advance was made by the introduction of a method of selective electrophoretic zone recovery by specific changes of anolyte (A. McCormick, L. E. M. Miles, and A. Chrambach, 1976, Anal. Biochem.75, 314–324). It was shown (a) that selective zone recovery could be achieved by transposition of the gels into either isoelectric ampholytes or charged buffers, (b) that it could be applied to the gram scale, and (c) that zone elution could proceed either continuously or discontinuously. The early study was, however, limited to a trivial model problem, the separation of hemoglobin from bovine serum albumin (BSA). The present study was an attempt to apply a similar selective zone recovery method to a more demanding separation problem, the separation of hemoglobin A from hemoglobin S as well as from other minor components contained in a sickle-trait human hemolysate. The study shows that selective electrophoretic zone elution from a electrofocusing gel 18 mm in diameter is capable of yielding hemoglobin A, separated from hemoglobin S, differing by only 0.2 pH units in isoelectric point. The recovery of hemoglobin A was 70%, with a load of 32 mg of hemoglobin mixture per gel, using discontinuous zone elution into a collection cup.  相似文献   

Procedures have been developed for primary culture of 13th day mouse parietal and visceral endoderm, yolk sac mesoderm, and amnion cells. We have analyzed cell surface and secreted proteins of these cultures by labeling the cells with radioactive iodine, glucosamine, or amino acids, and/or by immunofluorescence. Cell surface and secreted proteins of visceral endoderm, yolk sac mesoderm, and amnion cells resemble each other closely, whereas parietal endoderm cells are strikingly different. Unlike the other cell types, parietal endoderm cells synthesize and secrete substantial quantities of a protein tentatively identified as procollagen. These cells also secrete a number of other glycoproteins not observed in the media from the other cultures. It is proposed that the procollagen and one or more of the other unique, secreted glycoproteins are normally constituents of Reichert's membrane. Compared to the other cultures, parietal endoderm cells appear to be deficient in production of LETS protein. However, parietal endoderm—Reichert's membrane complexes analyzed by immunofluorescence directly after dissection from the uterus show an abundant association with LETS protein. It is not clear whether this LETS protein is actually synthesized by the parietal endoderm cells themselves. If so, it is possible that this protein is rapidly degraded after its secretion in parietal endoderm primary cultures. The studies reported here represent a first step in the characterization of cell surface properties of embryonic and extraembryonic cell types. The information already accumulated should be useful in investigations aimed at identification of cells derived from blastocysts and teratocarcinomas in vitro.  相似文献   

Thezinc-water-Glu 270 system was reported from the X-ray crystallographic study of native carboxypeptidase A(CPA) (Lipscomb et al., 1968). General base catalysis by the γ-carboxylate of Glu 270 was proposed for peptidase activity of CPA. The effects of zinc ion and its ligands (Glu 72, His 69-Asp 142, His 196) for proton transfer between Glu 270 and Zn co-ordinated water molecule in CPA were studied by the ab initio SCFLCAO-MO method. The results show that the proton transfer from the Zn co-ordinated water molecule to the γ-carboxylate of Glu 270 is greatly promoted by the Zn ion and, conversely, is greatly inhibited by its ligands. The facilitation effect of Zn ion and the inhibition effect of its ligands for the proton transfer were analysed by using the energy decomposition analysis. Moreover, calculations including all side chains of ionic amino acid residues and main chain residues in CPA as point fractional charges were performed. The results show that the proton transfer is affected by the ionic amino acid residues and is not affected by the main chain residues.  相似文献   

The involvement of glycoconjugates in the insulin-receptor interactions in mouse liver is tested by digestions of membranes with various enzymes. Trypsin decreased the binding of [125I]insulin to liver membranes. After digestion with β-galactosidase no “high affinity” receptor sites could be detected. The effects observed with plant lectins confirm the involvement of galactoconjugates in the insulin binding process. Sophora japonica and Ricinus communis lectins (with galactose specificity) and concanavalin A largely inhibit the binding process of insulin and those effects concern the “high affinity” receptor sites. Other lectins (wheat germ agglutinin, Dolichos) and enzymes (α-l-fucosidase, β-N-acetyl-hexosaminidase and neuraminidase) are without effect on insulin binding.Comparative studies performed on diabetic mouse liver membrane (KK mice), previously characterized by decreased number of insulin receptors, are in good agreement with qualitatively similar receptor sites in both non-diabetic (control) and diabetic mice. Effects of enzymes and lectins yielded same results as compared to control membranes. Plasma membrane proteins and glycoproteins in both types of mouse are indistinguishable with respect to enzymic and chemical analysis. Sodium dodecyl sulphate acrylamide gel electrophoresis shows identical patterns. Moreover, the decrease in the number of insulin receptors is easily reversed with diet restriction. These data are consistent with the similarity of receptor sites in control and diabetic liver membrane.  相似文献   

A new method for analysis of phosphoenolpyruvate has been developed. The assay is based upon the stoichiometric conversion of ADP to ATP by the enzyme pyruvate kinase in the presence of variable amounts of PEP, and subsequent measurement of the ATP with a luciferin-luciferase preparation.  相似文献   

R C Dickson  J S Markin 《Cell》1978,15(1):123-130
The yeast Kluyveromyces lactis synthesizes a beta-galactosidase (EC which is inducible by lactose. We have isolated the gene that codes for this enzyme using recombinant DNA techniques. K. lactis DNA was partially digested with the restriction endonuclease Eco R1 and joined to Eco R1-digested pBR322 plasmid DNA using DNA ligase. ligase. A lac-mutant of Escherichia coli lacking the structural gene for beta-galactosidase was transformed with ligated DNA. Three lac+ transformants containing recombinant plasmids were selected. Two of the plasmids (pK15 and pK17) contain four Eco R1-K. lactis DNA fragments having molecular weights of 2.2, 1.4, 0.55 and 0.5 x 10(6) daltons. The other plasmid (pK16) lacks the smallest fragment. E. coli carrying any of these plasmids produce beta-galactosidase activity that has a sedimentation coefficient and immunological determinants that are nearly identical to K. lactis beta-galactosidase and distinctly different from E. coli beta-galactosidase. DNA-DNA hybridization studies show that the four Eco R1 fragments in pK15 hybridize to K. lactis but not to E. coli DNA.  相似文献   

We have recently described glucocorticoid uptake by human placental membrane vesicles which is specific, saturable and has a low K (7 nM). This paper describes solubilization of these vesicles with Triton x-100 and successful demonstration of glucocorticoid binding to the putative transport site. This was accomplished by analysis of corticosterone binding to the 140,000 × g supernatant of solubilized vesicles using G-75 Sephadex chromatography. The amount of bound corticosterone present in the void volume was proportional to the concentration of solubilized vesicles. The specificity of binding was tested by coincubation of tritiated corticosterone with 100-fold excesses of various steroids. The relative ability of various steroids to inhibit binding was corticosterone=pregesterone- >aldosterone. Triamcinolone acetonide, and estradiol were ineffective competitors. We conclude from these studies that human placental membranes contain glucocorticoid-specific binding sites which can be solubilized with Triton x-100. It is possible that these sites are involved in membrane mediated transport of glucocorticoids by this tissue.  相似文献   

Consistent with the surface display of IgG1, antigen-primed B cells are sensitive to functional elimination by anti-Ig and C. This depletion of IgG1 responses, assayed in adoptive transfer, is accompanied by increased responses of other isotypes, a phenomenon termed compensation. An analysis of the tertiary response reveals that cells sensitive to functional elimination are precursors to memory cells as well as plaque-forming cells. To investigate control mechanisms governing preferential expression of IgG1, and the compensation active after elimination of IgG1, increased numbers of carrier-primed cells were transferred and antigen dose was increased to adoptive recipients. Doses of carrier-primed cells or antigen were found which allowed maximal expression of both IgG1 and non-IgG1 isotypes. In recipients of anti-Ig and C-treated B cells, increased numbers of carrier-primed cells did not further increase the compensatory expression of non-IgG1 isotypes. A discussion is presented of compensation as a result of limiting inductive signals to B cells.  相似文献   

We have determined the relative magnitudes of the intra- and intermolecular contributions to the nuclear magnetic relaxation rates of the methylene protons of the hydrocarbon chains in phosphatidylcholine bilayer vesicles over a range of temperatures and at two NMR frequencies (100 and 220 MHz). These measurements have been made by the isotopic dilution method using deuterated phosphatidylcholines containing fully deuterated hydrocarbon chains. The results showed that both the methylene linewidths and the spin-lattice relaxation rates are dominated by intramolecular dipolar interactions. Both the intra- and intermolecular contributions to the spin-lattice relaxation rate were found to decrease with increasing temperature and to exhibit a frequency dependence, the rates being higher at the lower NMR frequency in both cases. These observations indicate that both intra- and intermolecular dipolar interactions are modulated by anisotropic motions. In the case of the intermolecular dipolar fields, it is proposed that they are modulated both by the rapid rotational isomerization of the hydrocarbon chains as well as by lateral diffusion of the lipid molecules. That the hydrocarbon chain motion must be fairly effective in effecting efficient spin-lattice relaxation is evident from the negligible intramolecular interchain contribution to the relaxation found in the present work.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression has been observed in hormone-dependent rat mammary carcinomas during their growth and regression. A 22K MW protein, a prominent in vitro translation product of the growing as compared to the regressing tumor, was identified as the c-rasH-21,000-dalton transforming protein (p21) using a monoclonal antibody that reacts specifically with Harvey-related p21 species. The amount of p21-translated protein sharply decreased in the translation products of the regressing tumors within 6 hours post ovariectomy or dibutyryl cyclic AMP treatment. The results show that an enhanced expression of the c-rasH oncogene is associated with hormone-dependent growth of mammary carcinomas in vivo and that suppression of this oncogene precedes the tumor regression induced by either hormone withdrawal or dibutyryl cyclic AMP treatment.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 modification of lipid-protein interactions of normal O,Rh(D) positive erythrocyte membranes increased the fluorescence intensity of the membrane bound probe, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) and increased the N-1-[14C]-ethyl maleimide ([14C]-NEM) labeling of sulfhydryl groups in two proteins of molecular weight >200,000. In marked contrast, phospholipase A2 modification of the rare phenotype O,Rhnull membranes resulted in no significant increase in ANS fluorescence or labeling of sulfhydryl groups by [14C] NEM. Since the O,Rhnull erythrocytes demonstrated an increased osmotic fragility and decreased survival time, the fluorescence and sulfhydryl labeling data support the conclusion that hydrophobic bonding between β-fatty acid side chains and non-polar regions of asymmetric proteins is necessary for maintaining the native structure of the O,Rh(D) positive membrane. Comparative studies with phospholipase C or D implied that ionic bonding played a similar though less important structural role in both membranes.  相似文献   

A method is described for obtaining kinetic data using a water-jacketed Hamilton gas-tight syringe as a reaction vessel and delivering aliquots of the reaction mixture to a quench solution at intervals as small as 2 sec apart by means of a repeating dispenser attachment. This apparatus has been used to measure the rate of [14C]uridine equilibrium exchange efflux from human erythrocytes at 15°C and at uridine concentrations near the Km for the transport process. It should be useful for kinetic studies of any reaction having a half time of the order of 4 sec or more, provided a method of rapidly quenching the reaction is available.  相似文献   

A cellulase assay was developed for the continuous measurement of colored cellulose oligosaccharides (total carbohydrates) released during enzymatic hydrolysis of dyed crystal-line cellulose. Several cellulosic substrates were uniformly dyed by Remalzol brilliant blue R salt without altering their physical properties. Dyed Avicel (6.5%, w/w) was selected as the most representative substrate for the assay procedure. The assay was performed continuously in a simple, thermally controlled apparatus designed for filtration of the reaction mixture via a 5-μm-pore-size nylon filter to retain the crystalline dyed cellulose while spectrophotometrically monitoring the absorbance at 595 nm of the reaction filtrate. Crude supernatant cellulase of Trichoderma viride QM9414 was used to test the assay procedure. The activity of cellulase on dyed Avicel as measured by ΔA595nm correlated directly with the total carbohydrates formed. The initial reaction rate of cellulase solubilizing activity was readily determined with high sensitivity. The continuous assay has utility for the study of cellulase kinetics and for the comparison of activities from different microorganisms.  相似文献   

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