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In vivo studies, transgenic and knock-out mice have demonstrated that p63 isoforms play pivotal roles in ectodermal and epidermal development but their respective function remains highly controversial. Since embryonic stem (ES) cells can be differentiated into many cell types, they represent an effective tool to recapitulate in vitro the main steps of embryonic development. We recently reported the efficient derivation of ectodermal and epidermal cells from murine ES cells and clarified the function of BMP-4 in the binary neuroectodermal choice by stimulating sox-1+ neural precursors to undergo specific apoptosis while inducing epidermal differentiation through ΔNp63 gene activation. ΔNp63 is not required for ectodermal fate but enhances ES-derived ectodermal cell proliferation and epidermal commitment. This unique cellular model should further provide a powerful tool for identifying the molecular mechanisms controlling normal skin development and in p63-ectodermal dysplasia human congenital pathologies.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells can be differentiated into many cell types in vitro, thus providing a potential unlimited supply of cells for cognitive in vitro studies and cell-based therapy. We recently reported the efficient derivation of ectodermal and epidermal cells from murine ES cells. These differentiated ES cells were able to form, in culture, a multilayered epidermis coupled with an underlying dermal compartment, similar to native skin. We clarified the function of BMP-4 in the binary neuroectodermal choice by stimulating sox-1(+) neural precursors to undergo specific apoptosis while inducing epidermal differentiation through DeltaNp63 gene activation. We further demonstrated that DeltaNp63 enhances ES-derived ectodermal cell proliferation and is necessary for epidermal commitment. This unique cellular model further provides a powerful tool for identifying the molecular mechanisms controlling normal skin development and for investigating p63-ectodermal dysplasia human congenital pathologies.  相似文献   

Despite numerous elegant transgenic mice experiments, the absence of an appropriate in vitro model system has hampered the study of the early events responsible for epidermal and dermal commitments. Embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from the pluripotent cells of the early mouse embryo. They can be expanded infinitely in vitro while maintaining their potential to spontaneously differentiate into any cell type of the three germ layers, including epidermal cells. We recently reported that ES cells have the potential to recapitulate the reciprocal instructive ectodermal-mesodermal commitments, which are characteristic of embryonic skin formation. Derivation of epidermal cells from murine ES cells has been successfully established by exposing the cells to precisely controlled instructive influences normally found in the body, including extracellular matrix and the morphogen BMP-4. These differentiated ES cells are able to form, in culture, a multilayered epidermis coupled with an underlying dermal compartment similar to native skin. This bioengineered skin provides a powerful tool for studying the molecular mechanisms controlling skin development and epidermal stem cell properties.  相似文献   

In vivo studies have demonstrated that p63 plays complex and pivotal roles in pluristratified squamous epithelial development, but its precise function and the nature of the isoform involved remain controversial. Here, we investigate the role of p63 in epithelial differentiation, using an in vitro ES cell model that mimics the early embryonic steps of epidermal development. We show that the DeltaNp63 isoform is activated soon after treatment with BMP-4, a morphogen required to commit differentiating ES cells from a neuroectodermal to an ectodermal cell fate. DeltaNp63 gene expression remains high during epithelial development. P63 loss of function drastically prevents ectodermal cells to commit to the K5/K14-positive stratified epithelial pathway while gain of function experiments show that DeltaNp63 allows this commitment. Interestingly, other epithelial cell fates are not affected, allowing the production of K5/K18-positive epithelial cells. Therefore, our results demonstrate that DeltaNp63 may be dispensable for some epithelial differentiation, but is necessary for the commitment of ES cells into K5/K14-positive squamous stratified epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Potential of embryonic stem cells   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cell lines established from undifferentiated embryonic cells characterized by nearly unlimited self-renewal and differentiation capacity. During differentiation in vitro, ES cells were found to be able to develop into specialized somatic cells types and to recapitulate processes of early embryonic development. These properties allow to use ES cells as model system for studying early embryonic development by gain- or loss-of-function approaches, or to investigate the effects of drugs and environmental factors on differentiation and cell function in embryotoxicity and pharmacology. Now, ES cells derived of human blastocysts may be used for the generation of somatic precursor or differentiated cells in cell and tissue therapy. The review presents data of mouse ES cell differentiation and gives an outlook on future perspectives and problems of using human ES cells in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

In vivo studies have demonstrated that p63 plays complex and pivotal roles in pluristratified squamous epithelial development, but its precise function and the nature of the isoform involved remain controversial. Here, we investigate the role of p63 in epithelial differentiation, using an in vitro ES cell model that mimics the early embryonic steps of epidermal development. We show that the ΔNp63 isoform is activated soon after treatment with BMP-4, a morphogen required to commit differentiating ES cells from a neuroectodermal to an ectodermal cell fate. ΔNp63 gene expression remains high during epithelial development. P63 loss of function drastically prevents ectodermal cells to commit to the K5/K14-positive stratified epithelial pathway while gain of function experiments show that ΔNp63 allows this commitment. Interestingly, other epithelial cell fates are not affected, allowing the production of K5/K18-positive epithelial cells. Therefore, our results demonstrate that ΔNp63 may be dispensable for some epithelial differentiation, but is necessary for the commitment of ES cells into K5/K14-positive squamous stratified epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Because of its constant renewal and high propensity for repair, the epidermis is, together with the gut and the hematopoietic system, a tissue of choice to explore stem cell biology. Previous research over many years has revealed the complexity of the epidermis: the heterogeneity of the stem cell compartment, with its rare, slowly cycling, multipotent, hair-follicle, “bulge” stem cells and the more restricted interfollicular, follicle-matrix, and sebaceous-gland stem cells, which in turn generate the large pool of transit-amplifying progeny. Stem cell activity has been used for some considerable time to repair skin injuries, but ex-vivo keratinocyte amplification has its limitations, and grafted skin homeostasis is not totally satisfactory. Human embryonic stem cells raise the hope that the understanding of the developmental steps leading to the generation of epidermal stem cells and the characterization of the key signaling pathways involved in skin morphogenesis (such as p63) will be translated into therapeutic benefit. Our recent results suggest the feasibility not only of identifying but also of amplifying human ES cells, early ectodermal progenitors with an intact multipotent potential that might improve the quality and functionality of grafts, provided that preclinical in vivo studies confirm our expectations from in vitro analysis. The work described here was supported by funds from the Sixth EEC Framework Program under the EPISTEM project, l’Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR projets blancs), INSERM, and the Institut National Contre le Cancer (INCa).  相似文献   

A lot of effort has been developed to bypass the use of embryonic stem cells (ES) in human therapies, because of several concerns and ethical issues. Some unsolved problems of using stem cells for human therapies, excluding the human embryonic origin, are: how to regulate cell plasticity and proliferation, immunological compatibility, potential adverse side-effects when stem cells are systemically administrated, and the in vivo signals to rule out a specific cell fate after transplantation. Currently, it is known that almost all tissues of an adult organism have somatic stem cells (SSC). Whereas ES are primary involved in the genesis of new tissues and organs, SSC are involved in regeneration processes, immuno-regulatory and homeostasis mechanisms. Although the differentiating potential of ES is higher than SSC, several studies suggest that some types of SSC, such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), can be induced epigenetically to differentiate into tissue-specific cells of different lineages. This unexpected pluripotency and the variety of sources that they come from, can make MSC-like cells suitable for the treatment of diverse pathologies and injuries. New hopes for cell therapy came from somatic/mature cells and the discovery that could be reprogrammed to a pluripotent stage similar to ES, thus generating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). For this, it is necessary to overexpress four main reprogramming factors, Sox2, Oct4, Klf4 and c-Myc. The aim of this review is to analyze the potential and requirements of cellular based tools in human therapy strategies, focusing on the advantage of using MSC over iPS.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the TP63 gene in 1998, many studies have demonstrated that ΔNp63, a p63 isoform of the p53 gene family, is involved in multiple functions during skin development and in adult stem/progenitor cell regulation. In contrast, TAp63 studies have been mostly restricted to its apoptotic function and more recently as the guardian of oocyte integrity. TAp63 endogenous expression is barely detectable in embryos and adult (except in oocytes), presumably because of its rapid degradation and the lack of antibodies able to detect weak expression. Nevertheless, two recent independent studies have demonstrated novel functions for TAp63 that could have potential implications to human pathologies. The first discovery is related to the protective role of TAp63 on premature aging. TAp63 controls skin homeostasis by maintaining dermal and epidermal progenitor/stem cell pool and protecting them from senescence, DNA damage and genomic instability. The second study is related to the role of TAp63, expressed by the primitive endoderm, on heart development. This unexpected role for TAp63 has been discovered by manipulation of embryonic stem cells in vitro and confirmed by the severe cardiomyopathy observed in brdm2 p63-null embryonic hearts. Interestingly, in both cases, TAp63 acts in a cell-nonautonomous manner on adjacent cells. Here, we discuss these findings and their potential connection during development.  相似文献   

p63 is the most recently discovered but most ancient member of the p53 family. In marked contrast to p53, p63 is highly expressed in embryonic ectoderm and in the basal, regenerative layers of many epithelial tissues in the adult. The p63-knockout mouse dies at birth and lacks limbs, epidermis, prostate, breast and urothelial tissues, apparently owing to the loss of stem cells required for these tissues. Significantly, several dominant human syndromes involving limb development and/or ectodermal dysplasia have been mapped to chromosome 3q27 and ultimately the gene encoding p63. The heterozygous p63mutations are distinct for each of the syndromes and are thought to act through both dominant-negative and gain-of-function mechanisms rather than a loss-of-function haploinsufficiency. The allele specificity of these syndromes offers unique molecular insights into the poorly understood actions of p63 in limb development, ectodermal-mesodermal interactions and stem cell maintenance.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that islet cell transplantation for patients with type I diabetes holds great promise for achieving insulin independence. However, the extreme shortage of matched organ donors and the necessity for chronic immunosuppression has made it impossible for this treatment to be used for the general diabetic population. Recent success in generating insulin-secreting islet-like cells from human embryonic stem (ES) cells, in combination with the success in deriving human ES cell-like induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from human fibroblasts by defined factors, have raised the possibility that patient-specific insulin-secreting islet-like cells might be derived from somatic cells through cell fate reprogramming using defined factors. Here we confirm that human ES-like iPS cells can be derived from human skin cells by retroviral expression of OCT4, SOX2, c-MYC, and KLF4. Importantly, using a serum-free protocol, we successfully generated insulin-producing islet-like clusters (ILCs) from the iPS cells under feeder-free conditions. We demonstrate that, like human ES cells, skin fibroblast-derived iPS cells have the potential to be differentiated into islet-like clusters through definitive and pancreatic endoderm. The iPS-derived ILCs not only contain C-peptide-positive and glucagon-positive cells but also release C-peptide upon glucose stimulation. Thus, our study provides evidence that insulin-secreting ILCs can be generated from skin fibroblasts, raising the possibility that patient-specific iPS cells could potentially provide a treatment for diabetes in the future.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are two methods for deriving embryonic stem (ES) cells that are genetically matched to the oocyte donor or somatic cell donor, respectively. Using genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, we demonstrate distinct signatures of genetic recombination that distinguish parthenogenetic ES cells from those generated by SCNT. We applied SNP analysis to the human ES cell line SCNT-hES-1, previously claimed to have been derived by SCNT, and present evidence that it represents a human parthenogenetic ES cell line. Genome-wide SNP analysis represents a means to validate the genetic provenance of an ES cell line.  相似文献   

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