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In this study, we describe the female reproductive cycle of Philodryas patagoniensis in south Brazil, which was described through morpho‐anatomical and histological analyses. The peak of secondary vitellogenesis occurred during winter–spring (July–December), ovulation in spring (October–December), mating and fertilization in spring–summer (October–February), oviposition in spring–autumn (October–May) and births from late spring to autumn (December–July). The diameter of vitellogenic follicles/eggs was larger in winter–spring than in other seasons. The diameter of the shell glands was also larger in winter–spring. In spite of the clear reproductive peak, gonads only showed reduced activity in the autumn. Therefore, at the individual level, females have a discontinuous cyclical reproduction; in the populational level, the reproductive cycle is seasonal semisynchronous. We support the hypothesis that P. patagoniensis have the ability to produce multiple clutches with long‐term stored sperm. Sexual dimorphism in body size was evident, and females are significantly larger and heavier than males. Larger females were able to produce follicles and eggs in larger amount and size. The maternal body size was positively related to the reproductive effort and fecundity. To conclude, we deliberated about the proximal and distal causes that influence the reproductive traits and patterns of P. patagoniensis.  相似文献   

Survival data, in addition to data on growth and reproduction rate, are necessary to estimate rotifer productivity under various thermal conditions. A method of individual culturing of Philodina roseola helped the authors to obtain data concerning length of life span and realisation of reproduction potential at different temperatures, ranging from 9 to 35 °C. The method also was helpful in revealing the causes of individual deaths. It is shown that at a temperature of 20 °C net reproduction rate (R0) of Ph. roseola is maximum and is equal to reproduction potential of the individual. The peculiarity of Philodina ontogenetic reaction to temperature beyond optimum is the impairment of reproduction process.  相似文献   

Data for this study came from breeding records of 27 Père David's (Elaphurus davidianus) hinds maintained in large pastures and from estrous records of four hand-reared nulliparous hinds. The mean estrous cycle length ranged from 17.5 to 19.6 days. Standing estrus resembled that of other cervids, except that a low, moaning vocalization was given in response to contact, and activity (as measured by pedometers) did not increase. Mean gestation length was 183.38 ± SD 6.11 days (n = 21), and nearly all females conceived in the second and third years. The median interbirth interval was 362 days. The median birth date was April 8, and 80% of the births occurred over a 9.5-week period. Multiparous hinds gave birth an average of 20.5 days earlier in the season than primiparous hinds. There was no dimorphism in birth weight. The results are discussed in light of comparative data for other species.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted on the mating behavior of Rhabditis pellio males and females, which were maintained on a culture of Flavobacterium sp. bacteria isolated from earthworms. The mean time that elapsed between first contact of the sexes and their ultimate separation was 23.2 min. However, only 5.0 min were required for copulation (the interval during which male spicules were inserted into the female vagina). Three-day-old females that were permitted to mate once on their first day of adult life produced only one-third as many larvae as did females that were permitted unlimited mating. However, the longevity of females was found to decrease with an increase in the number of matings. Both males and females that were permitted to mate daily produced the greatest number of offspring when they were 4 days old. When the initiation of mating was delayed beyond their third day of life, the number of larvae produced by females decreased. In approximately one-half of the copulations, males failed to inseminate their female partners.  相似文献   

莲草直胸跳甲生殖系统与繁殖特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈磊  蔡笃程  陈青  唐超  冯岗  彭正强  金启安  温海波 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1255-1260
为了解与莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila繁殖密切相关的结构与行为特性, 结合显微解剖和室内观察, 对该跳甲雌雄成虫的生殖系统构造、雌成虫卵巢发育进度以及繁殖特性进行了研究。结果表明:莲草直胸跳甲雌性生殖系统包括卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、受精囊及其附腺, 左右卵巢一般不对称, 单侧有12~16根卵巢管, 受精囊豆芽状, 卵巢管为端滋式; 雄性生殖系统由睾丸、侧输精管及附腺、射精管和阳茎及附属器官组成, 阳基叉式。根据相关形态特征, 卵巢发育进度可分为发育初期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)5个级别, 各等级在卵巢分区长度(原卵区、生长区和成熟区)及怀卵量上存在显著差异。成虫羽化2 d后即可进行交配, 16:00-18:00时为交配高峰期, 雌成虫产卵高峰期12:00-16:00时, 且偏好在寄主植株中部偏上叶片背部产卵; 22~32℃时, 雌性成虫的寿命和产卵总量随温度的上升而逐渐下降, 25~30℃间差异不显著, 但32℃时产卵前期延长至7.2 d, 寿命和产卵量显著下降, 表明32℃不利于莲草直胸跳甲繁殖。因此, 推测32℃及以上持续高温造成的子代卵量急剧减少, 可能是该跳甲夏季田间种群数量下降的原因之一。  相似文献   

Samples of the foxfish Bodianus frenchii, collected over reefs on the lower west and south coasts of Western Australia, contained individuals ranging up to 78 years old. Although B. frenchii is far smaller than many other species within the Labridae, its maximum age is the greatest yet recorded for this highly speciose family and, together with Achoerodus gouldii, provides an example of a temperate hypsigenyine with exceptional longevity. Length and age compositions of females and males and the histological characteristics of gonads of a wide length range of individuals demonstrated that B. frenchii is a protogynous hermaphrodite. Furthermore, as, on both coasts, the length of the smallest male was greater than that at which all females had become mature, B. frenchii is a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite, i.e. all of its males are derived from functional females. Attainment of maturity by females is related more to length than age, whereas the reverse is true for sex change. On the basis of Schnute growth equations and length‐to‐body mass regression equations, the predicted length at age and body mass at length of fish on the south coast were greater than those on the west coast throughout life. Although B. frenchii spawns daily during the main spawning season, which extends from October to February on both coasts, its fecundity at any given length is substantially greater on the south than on the west coast. The more rapid growth of juveniles and earlier attainment of maturity by B. frenchii on the south coast than on the warmer west coast, together with maturation at a similar size on both coasts, run counter to the trends observed in many species and certain ecological theories regarding the relationships between life‐cycle traits and latitude and temperature. The attainment by B. frenchii of a larger body length at age, of greater body mass at length and of greater fecundity at both length and body mass in fish on the south than on the west coast strongly suggests that conditions on the former, cooler coast are more favourable for this labrid, which belongs to a sub‐genus whose other species typically live in cool, deep, temperate waters.  相似文献   

Abstract Adult female Panolis flammea were kept at 2oC either immediately after emergence from the pupae or immediately after mating, for periods ranging from 5 to 20 days and then placed at 15oC together with a male moth, food supply and suitable oviposition site ( Pinus contorta foliage). Weight loss over the storage period was directly proportional to the time spent at 2oC irrespective of whether the moths were virgin or mated. Pre-oviposition period decreased significantly from the control after more than 5 days at 2oC, but there was no significant difference between late mated and early mated moths. The post-storage life span of late mated and early mated moths decreased in proportion to the time spent at 2oC but late mated moths had significantly longer life spans than early mated moths. Moths mated prior to storage were significantly less fecund than moths mated after storage except those moths kept at 2oC for 20 days where the fecundities of both treatments were identical (c. 45 eggs/female). These results are discussed in relation to the conditions likely to be experienced by P.flammea in the field and their bearing on the population dynamics of this insect.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Pacific hagfish Eptatretus stoutii (Lockington, 1878) and black hagfish Eptatretus deani (Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907) was assessed using current and historical data. Our results found that the reproductive characteristics of both hagfish species reflect those of K-selected species, which tend to live long and exhibit slow growth rates, low fecundity (approximately 20 eggs per female) and late maturity. Additionally, females of both species commence maturation prior to males. This study provides a population profile for both species of hagfish, but further assessments are needed to effectively manage a sustainable hagfish fishery.  相似文献   

1. Traits are hypothesised to optimise via natural selection. The schedule of reproduction is an important adaptive trait, but its evolution is difficult to study, as measuring parameters is usually difficult. However, the sufficient amounts of demographic data enable us to estimate these parameters. 2. Here, it is shown that the reproductive schedule of the ant Camponotus (Colobopsis) nipponicus is tuned to maximise the lifetime production of alates. 3. A colony started its reproduction 4 years after the colony founding, at which time they were far smaller than well‐developed colonies. This contradicts the prediction of the bang‐bang strategy theory. The size distribution of colonies in the study area showed that the mortality of small colonies is much higher than that of large colonies. 4. A simulation analysis suggests that the colonies that are smaller than the threshold can still achieve significant improvement in colny survival to the following year by investing all resources in colony growth instead of reproduction. A sensitivity analysis for the starting year of reproduction showed that the observed schedule maximises lifetime alate production. The demographic data suggest a stable population, which is required for optimisation through this maximisation. 5. The observed reproductive schedule must be optimised, and the breakdown of the bang‐bang theory is due to higher mortalities during the incipient stage of colonies. This study demonstrates that having enough demographic data creates a useful tool for studying the evolution of life‐history characteristics.  相似文献   

Species with sexual and asexual life cycles may exhibit intraspecific differences in reproductive effort. The spatial separation of sexual and asexual lineages, called geographic parthenogenesis, is common in plants, animals, and algae. Mastocarpus papillatus is a well‐documented case of geographic parthenogenesis in which sexuals dominate southern populations, asexuals dominate northern popula‐tions, whereas mixed populations occur throughout central California. We quantified abundances and reproductive effort of sexual and asexual fronds and tetrasporophytes at eight sites in California to test the hypotheses that (1) reduced sexual reproduction at higher latitudes and tidal heights explains the observed geographic parthenogenesis and (2) reproductive effort (spore production per blade area) declines with increasing latitude. Abundances of all phases varied site‐specifically. However, there was no geographic pattern of reproductive effort of fronds. Reproductive effort of fronds was greater in 2006 than in 2007 and correlated with sea surface temperatures. Sexual fronds exhibited greater reproductive effort than did asexual fronds and sexual reproductive effort was also inversely correlated with local upwelling index. Tetrasporophytes showed greater repro‐ductive effort in northern sites, but total supply of tetraspores per m2 was greatest in the middle of the sampling range where crusts were more abundant. There was no decline of reproductive effort at higher latitudes. Geographic patterns of fecundity of life stages do not explain geographic parthe‐nogenesis in M. papillatus. Site‐specific differences in viability among spores or established thalli of different life cycles may explain their respective geographic distributions, as the sexual and asexual life cycles responded differently to environmental variations.  相似文献   

To provide updated information on life history for improved fishery management, the reproductive cycle of the finetooth shark Carcharhinus isodon from Northwest Atlantic (NWA) populations was investigated by examining temporal changes in morphology and histology of reproductive organs. Changes in plasma concentrations of gonadal sex hormones in relation to reproductive stage were also examined. Increases in testis width, epididymis head width, plasma testosterone concentrations and occurrence of mature spermatozoa were observed in male sharks between December and April, suggesting a seasonal pattern in reproduction that culminates with copulatory activity in May. Increases in maximum follicular diameter, oviducal gland width, plasma 17β-estradiol concentrations and occurrence of vitellogenic follicles were observed in non-pregnant female sharks during the same time period along with the occurrence of newly pregnant females in May, demonstrating strong synchronicity between male and female reproductive cycles. Pregnant females bearing full-term embryos were also observed in May, indicating that parturition occurs between mid-May and early June and gestation requires 12 months. Only transient temporal changes in follicle size and oviducal gland width were observed in pregnant females, indicating that reproductive periodicity is biennial; nonetheless, a single female exhibiting signs of concurrent vitellogenesis and pregnancy was observed. Mean brood size ± S.D. was 3.9 ± 0.9 offspring/female. Fecundity was not significantly correlated with female size, in part due to an unexpectedly high rate of early embryo mortality, which occurred in 11% of pregnant females, and was more common in larger individuals. Changes in ovarian activity during mid-pregnancy were observed, suggesting possible roles for the ovary in regulating some aspects of early to mid-gestation. This study confirms that earlier characterizations of the reproductive cycle and fecundity in NWA finetooth sharks remain valid for use in fishery management. This study also highlights unusual features of finetooth shark pregnancy (e.g., early embryo death, mid-pregnancy changes in ovarian function) that may have broader relevance to understanding elasmobranch reproduction.  相似文献   

This study was the first to investigate the key reproductive traits of the electric lantern fish Electrona risso (Myctophidae, n = 918) and the bigscale fishes (Melamphaidae) Melamphaes polylepis (n = 260) and Scopelogadus mizolepis (n = 649). Specimens of these mesopelagic species were collected in March and April 2015 in the eastern Central Atlantic (0–24° N, 20–26° W). Sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 in E. risso and M. polylepis but significantly skewed toward female dominance in S. mizolepis. Reproductive phases were determined macroscopically and by histological analyses on selected individuals. Female length at 50% maturity (L50) was 55.1 mm standard length (LS) in E. risso, with an observed female maximum length (Lmax) of 81.2 mm LS. M. polylepis females had an L50 of 40.2 mm LS and an Lmax of 86.7 mm LS. S. mizolepis had an L50 of 46 mm LS and an Lmax of 97.9 mm LS. The three species show histological features of iteroparity, but the E. risso population appears to occur in two year-classes and experience only one spawning season per lifetime in the study region. All three species are batch-spawners. A batch fecundity of 2668 eggs was estimated from one E. risso individual, with a relative batch fecundity of 369 eggs g−1 gonad-free body mass. M. polylepis had a batch fecundity of 1027 eggs and a relative batch fecundity of 149 eggs g−1 (n = 3). S. polylepis had a batch fecundity of 1545 eggs and a relative batch fecundity of 215 eggs g−1 (n = 21). The median gonado-somatic index during the actively spawning phase of E. risso was 4.5, significantly lower than that of M. polylepis (7.5) and S. mizolepis (7.1). No regressing or regenerating phases were observed in this study. Batch-spawning in all three species is suggested to be advantageous to cope with intra-annual variability in food supply and other risks for offspring survival. With what appears to be in effect a (facultative) semelparous strategy in combination with a short life span in E. risso, interannual differences would have a great effect on population dynamics of this species. Knowledge is still lacking on temporal aspects of reproduction such as the duration of the spawning season and the frequency of spawning, as well as age and growth.  相似文献   

Caridean shrimps are a highly diverse group and many species form symbiotic relationships with different marine invertebrates. Periclimenes rathbunae is a brightly colored shrimp that lives predominantly in association with sea anemones. Information about the reproductive ecology of the species is scarce. Therefore, we collected 70 ovigerous females inhabiting the sun sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus in coral reefs from the southern Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Females produced on average 289 ± 120 embryos. The volume of recently-produced embryos was on average 0.038 mm3, and embryo volume increased by 192% during the incubation period. The average embryo mortality during embryogenesis was 24%. The reproductive output was 0.24 ± 0.094, considerably higher than in many other pontoniine shrimps. Females carrying embryos close to hatching showed fully developed ovaries, suggesting consecutive spawning. We assume that the sheltered habitat, living on sea anemones, allows Periclimenes rathbunae to allocate more energy in embryo production than most other free-living caridean shrimps. This is the first record of Periclimenes rathbunae for Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Species with wide distribution, generally show variations in life history characteristics, which can be attributed to environmental causes. In this study, we analyzed the reproductive cycle and reproductive characteristics from three populations (Atlapexco, San Pablo Tetlapayac, and Santa Catarina) of the lizard Sceloporus variabilis from central Mexico. The specific goal of this study was to evaluate life history characteristics such as reproductive period extent, SVL (snout‐vent length) at sexual maturity, clutch size, egg mass and volume, and RCM (relative clutch mass). The San Pablo Tetlapayac population showed a larger clutch size, RCM, egg mass, and a smaller SVL, body mass and reproductive period (January‐September), as well as egg volume than the Atlapexco and Santa Catarina populations. Reproductive cycle and reproductive characteristics were more similar between the Atlapexco and Santa Catarina populations. Differences found in the population of San Pablo Tetlapayac with respect to the Atlapexco and Santa Catarina populations could be attributed to environmental variations where lizard populations occur. Differences in the reproductive period and reproductive characteristics in each population could be the result of both historical (phylogenetic; e.g., reproductive mode) and nonhistorical (environmental; e.g., temperature, food availability) causes. This study showed that populations of the same species are under different selection pressures, and these affect the reproductive characteristics of populations. Our results also indicate that long‐term and targeted studies on predation, use and selection of food, are needed to determine the causes of these variations in populations of S. variabilis.  相似文献   

Reproduction and reproductive investment of females is an intriguing feature in axiidean shrimps. They have a cryptic behavior and great ecological importance in sediment turnover, and recycling of organic material and nutrient. Herein, we describe different aspects of the reproductive biology (size at sexual maturity of females, fecundity, egg characteristics, and reproductive output [RO]) of the ghost shrimp Callichirus major from the southeastern coast of Brazil. Females reached sexual maturity at sizes ≥11.85?mm dorsal oval length. Fecundity increased significantly with female size and varied between 1455 and 9931 eggs (average 4564 eggs). Individual egg volume almost doubled during embryogenesis, and average egg water content increased during the incubation period from 75.0 to 93.3%. The egg mass comprised on average 13.2% of the dry body weight of females. This relatively high RO value is probably compensatory to the relatively low number of ovigerous females in axiidean populations. The few published data on RO values suggest that female investment in reproduction of axiidean shrimps is somewhat higher than in other decapods. The high investment in egg production reflects most likely an effort to maximize the viability of the progeny. Studies with additional congeneric species will clarify whether there is a tendency of axiidean shrimps to have RO values at the upper end of the range reported for decapods.  相似文献   

Pea crabs of the family Pinnotheridae exhibit a symbiotic life style and live associated with a variety of different marine organisms, especially bivalves. Despite the fact that pea crabs can cause serious problems in bivalve aquaculture, the available information about the ecology of these crabs from Central America is extremely limited. Therefore, the present study aimed to describe different reproductive features of the pinnotherid crab Austinotheres angelicus associated with the oyster Saccostrea palmula in the Golfo de Nicoya, Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Monthly sampling was conducted from April to December 2012. Average carapace width (CW) of the 47 analyzed ovigerous females was 7.62 mm. The species produced on average 2677 ± 1754 recently -extruded embryos with an average volume of 0.020 ± 0.003 mm3; embryo volume increased during embryogenesis by 21%, but did not vary significantly between developmental stages. Brood mass volume varied greatly (between 11.7 and 236.7 mm3), and increased significantly with female CW. Females invested on average 76.7% (minimum: 21.7%; maximum: 162.8%) of their body weight in brood production, which confirms a substantially higher energy allocation for embryo production in pinnotherid crabs compared to free-living decapods.  相似文献   


The reproductive effort in terms of fecundity and energy allocation was studied in two species of semelparous polychaetes belonging to the genus Perinereis, living in the same environment, with different reproductive modalities. There is a great individual variability both in terms of reproductive effort and fecundity. Fecundity varied from 4080 to 15000 oocytes in P. rullieri and from 7000 to 26000 in P. cultrifera; no linear relationship was found between oocyte number and total jaw length utilised as size index. The energy content of germinal and somatic tissues was determined by Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The reproductive effort was calculated as RE = EG/(EG + ES) where EG is the total energy in germinal tissues and ES is the total energy in somatic tissues. Reproductive effort is very high with mean values of 0.62 for P. rullieri and 0.79 for P. cultrifera. The different amounts of energy allocated in germinal tissues can be attributed to the different reproductive modalities—P. rullieri reproduces in the atokous phase whereas P. cultrifera has conserved epitoky in its life-cycle. The lack of correlation between reproductive effort and size index strongly suggests that reproductive allocation does not increase with age. In semelparous species the variability in fecundity and reproductive effort observed cannot be interpreted in terms of a trade-off between fecundity and survival as in iteroparous species. In fact, in semelparous an individual allocates all available resources to reproduction and then dies.  相似文献   

At 27 degrees C and 45% r.h. in the laboratory, the oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis (L.) developed to adulthood in seven to nine instars for males (66% had eight instars) and eight to ten instars for females (67% had nine instars) in mixed groups, with up to twelve instars for isolated females. Nymphal development lasted 185 +/- 2 days for males, 216 +/- 4 days for females, with 89% survival to adulthood. Adult longevity was significantly more for males than females in mixed groups. Virgin females lived for 135 +/- 6 days compared with 87 +/- 9 days for females kept with males. After an initial maturation time of 12.2-13.5 +/- 0.4 days for mated and unmated females, oothecae were produced, on average, every 6-7 (range 2-29) days. Ootheca viability was 68% from females kept with males, 32% from females kept apart from males. Numbers of nymphs emerging were 14.1 +/- 0.26 after 45 days from mated female oothecae 8.2 +/- 0.3 after 49 days from unmated females. With sexual reproduction the sex ratio of progeny reaching adulthood was 1.1 males per female (n = 443), whereas unmated females produced only female progency, which is consistent with parthenogenetic reproduction. Drawings of the ventral aspect of the terminalia are given to show features useful for instar determination and for distinguishing between male and female nymphs and adults of B. orientalis.  相似文献   

The infection of R. Thames flounders, Platichthys flesus L., at Fulham by the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevix (Müller) is described in terms of parasite population structure, life-cycle organization, reproductive biology and host microhabitat utilization. The parasites demonstrated 100% prevalence in this tidal but essentially freshwater locality (intestinal intensity 34.47) and were overdispersed in the flounder population (variance/mean ratio = 10.39, k= 1.04). Overall about 11% of the worms occurred in peritoneal cavity sites, the remainder being firmly attached to the gut wall in the posterior region of the intestine and rectum. The P. laevis populations were reproductively active, demonstrating that the flounder acts as a significant final host in this locality. Viable larval stages were identified in Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, a predominantly estuarine amphipod, indicating that P. laevis is likely to be able to complete its life cycle at Fulham. Over half the female parasites examined were gravid and many of the non-gravid worms were inseminated but had not yet started egg production. The proportion of females gravid, the number of ovarian balls and the number of eggs in gravid females was seen to increase with worm size. Both the identity of the intermediate host and the reproductive status of P. laevis in the Thames flounders differ from the Pomphorhynchus/flounder system studied by Kennedy (1984) in the R. Avon, suggesting that the two P. laevis populations may belong at least to discrete subspecies or strains. Parasites in flounders maintained under laboratory conditions in fresh water, 50% sea water and 100% sea water showed similar population, microhabitat and reproductive characteristics to those observed in the field. This suggests that increased salinity has a negligible effect on established parasites in the short term, and therefore that salinity may not form a barrier to the survival and dispersal of the R. Thames parasite when the flounders return to sea.  相似文献   

Four of the most common species of skate (Rajidae) were studied off eastern Canada to determine if their reproductive characteristics were linked to their population trajectories. The fecundity of the winter skate Leucoraja ocellata , the little skate Leucoraja erinacea , the thorny skate Amblyraja radiata and the smooth skate Malacoraja senta averaged between 41 and 56 egg cases per year for each species. For all species but L. ocellata , males matured at larger sizes and at later ages than females. Theoretical rates of population increase for non-equilibrium populations of L. ocellata ( c . 0·07), M. senta ( c . 0·14) and L. erinacea and A. radiata ( c . 0·20) were low compared to most fishes, indicating that north-west Atlantic skates are intrinsically unproductive, yet are theoretically capable of supporting low-level fisheries. Nevertheless, the results of 36 years of research surveys indicate that the abundance of mature L. ocellata , A. radiata and M. senta all decreased by >90% since 1970, indicating that past fishing mortality (both directed and undirected) has outstripped the net productivity of the skate populations on the eastern Scotian Shelf. The relationship between maximum age ( t max) and age of maturity ( t mat) was a better predictor of population growth rate than was body size, with the species exhibiting the highest ratios of t mat : t max ( L. ocellata = 0·68, M. senta = 0·66) having the lowest predicted population growth rates. L. ocellata appears to have the lowest productivity and has experienced the greatest population decline, thus raising concerns over its future status.  相似文献   

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