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Distribution of rotifers in African fresh and inland saline waters   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The distribution of rotifers in African fresh and inland saline waters is discussed in the light of historical expeditions and modern limnological research. Number of papers published and number of rotifer species described for each country are given. Some peculiarities of African rotifer fauna are described.  相似文献   

Sunlight inactivation in fresh (river) water of fecal coliforms, enterococci, Escherichia coli, somatic coliphages, and F-RNA phages from waste stabilization pond (WSP) effluent was compared. Ten experiments were conducted outdoors in 300-liter chambers, held at 14C (mean river water temperature). Sunlight inactivation (k(S)) rates, as a function of cumulative global solar radiation (insolation), were all more than 10 times higher than the corresponding dark inactivation (k(D)) rates in enclosed (control) chambers. The overall k(S) ranking (from greatest to least inactivation) was as follows: enterococci > fecal coliforms greater-than-or-equal E. coli > somatic coliphages > F-RNA phages. In winter, fecal coliform and enterococci inactivation rates were similar but, in summer, enterococci were inactivated far more rapidly. In four experiments that included freshwater-raw sewage mixtures, enterococci survived longer than fecal coliforms (a pattern opposite to that observed with the WSP effluent), but there was little difference in phage inactivation between effluents. In two experiments which included simulated estuarine water and seawater, sunlight inactivation of all of the indicators increased with increasing salinity. Inactivation rates in freshwater, as seen under different optical filters, decreased with the increase in the spectral cutoff (50% light transmission) wavelength. The enterococci and F-RNA phages were inactivated by a wide range of wavelengths, suggesting photooxidative damage. Inactivation of fecal coliforms and somatic coliphages was mainly by shorter (UV-B) wavelengths, a result consistent with photobiological damage. Fecal coliform repair mechanisms appear to be activated in WSPs, and the surviving cells exhibit greater sunlight resistance in natural waters than those from raw sewage. In contrast, enterococci appear to suffer photooxidative damage in WSPs, rendering them susceptible to further photooxidative damage after discharge. This suggests that they are unsuitable as indicators of WSP effluent discharges to natural waters. Although somatic coliphages are more sunlight resistant than the other indicators in seawater, F-RNA phages are the most resistant in freshwater, where they may thus better represent enteric virus survival.  相似文献   

A PCR-based assay (Mrnif) targeting the nifH gene of Methanobrevibacter ruminantium was developed to detect fecal pollution from domesticated ruminants in environmental water samples. The assay produced the expected amplification product only when the reaction mixture contained DNA extracted from M. ruminantium culture, bovine (80%), sheep (100%), and goat (75%) feces, and water samples from a bovine waste lagoon (100%) and a creek contaminated with bovine lagoon waste (100%). The assay appears to be specific and sensitive and can distinguish between domesticated- and nondomesticated-ruminant fecal pollution in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Fecal coliforms and enterococci are indicator organisms used worldwide to monitor water quality. These bacteria are used in microbial source tracking (MST) studies, which attempt to assess the contribution of various host species to fecal pollution in water. Ideally, all strains of a given indicator organism (IO) would experience equal persistence (maintenance of culturable populations) in water; however, some strains may have comparatively extended persistence outside the host, while others may persist very poorly in environmental waters. Assessment of the relative contribution of host species to fecal pollution would be confounded by differential persistence of strains. Here, freshwater and saltwater mesocosms, including sediments, were inoculated with dog feces, sewage, or contaminated soil and were incubated under conditions that included natural stressors such as microbial predators, radiation, and temperature fluctuations. Persistence of IOs was measured by decay rates (change in culturable counts over time). Decay rates were influenced by IO, inoculum, water type, sediment versus water column location, and Escherichia coli strain. Fecal coliform decay rates were significantly lower than those of enterococci in freshwater but were not significantly different in saltwater. IO persistence according to mesocosm treatment followed the trend: contaminated soil > wastewater > dog feces. E. coli ribotyping demonstrated that certain strains were more persistent than others in freshwater mesocosms, and the distribution of ribotypes sampled from mesocosm waters was dissimilar from the distribution in fecal material. These results have implications for the accuracy of MST methods, modeling of microbial populations in water, and efficacy of regulatory standards for protection of water quality.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages are found wherever microbial life is present and play a significant role in aquatic ecosystems. They mediate microbial abundance, production, respiration, diversity, genetic transfer, nutrient cycling and particle size distribution. Most studies of bacteriophage ecology have been undertaken at temperate latitudes. Data on bacteriophages in polar inland waters are scant but the indications are that they play an active and dynamic role in these microbially dominated polar ecosystems. This review summarises what is presently known about polar inland bacteriophages, ranging from subglacial Antarctic lakes to glacial ecosystems in the Arctic. The review examines interactions between bacteriophages and their hosts and the abiotic and biotic variables that influence these interactions in polar inland waters. In addition, we consider the proportion of the bacteria in Arctic and Antarctic lake and glacial waters that are lysogenic and visibly infected with viruses. We assess the relevance of bacteriophages in the microbial loop in the extreme environments of Antarctic and Arctic inland waters with an emphasis on carbon cycling.  相似文献   

The microbial diversity of inland waters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The conservation and sustainable use of freshwater resources is of global importance. Microorganisms are not only the most abundant organisms in natural freshwater systems, but are also key players in ecological processes controlling water quality. Detailed knowledge of the diversity and function of microorganisms dwelling in freshwater habitats is an essential prerequisite for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Freshwater systems are inhabited by microbial communities that are indigenous to this habitat type and usually do not occur in marine systems, saline inland waters and terrestrial habitats. Despite recent advances in the characterization of the diversity of freshwater microorganisms, knowledge essential for a holistic understanding of their ecological roles is still lacking.  相似文献   

Sewage waste disposal facilities in the Florida Keys include septic tanks and individual package plants in place of municipal collection facilities in most locations. In Key Largo, both facilities discharge into the extremely porous Key Largo limestone. To determine whether there was potential contamination of the subsurface aquifer and nearby coastal surface waters by such waste disposal practices, we examined the presence of microbial indicators commonly found in sewage (fecal coliforms, Clostridium perfringens, and enterococci) and aquatic microbial parameters (viral direct counts, bacterial direct counts, chlorophyll a, and marine vibriophage) in injection well effluent, monitoring wells that followed a transect from onshore to offshore, and surface waters above these wells in two separate locations in Key Largo in August 1993 and March 1994. Effluent and waters from onshore shallow monitoring wells (1.8- to 3.7-m depth) contained two or all three of the fecal indicators in all three samples taken, whereas deeper wells (10.7- to 12.2-m depth) at these same sites contained few or none. The presence of fecal indicators was found in two of five nearshore wells (i.e., those that were < or = 1.8 miles [< or = 2.9 km] from shore), whereas offshore wells (> or = 2.1 to 5.7 miles [< or = 3.4 to 9.2 km] from shore) showed little sign of contamination. Indicators were also found in surface waters in a canal in Key Largo and in offshore surface waters in March but not in August. Collectively, these results suggest that fecal contamination of the shallow onshore aquifer, parts of the nearshore aquifer, and certain surface waters has occurred.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Growth of corn in saline waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight cultivars of Zea mays plus the wild species Zea diploperennis were screened for seedling saline tolerance up to 3.2% NaCl. The best performances were given by the cultivars Mo 17 and commercial Hawaiian Super Sweet Hybrid. These two were then field grown on coral-cinder beds using drip irrigation with fresh of half-strength sea water (1.5–1.7% dissolved solids). Growth and chemical data for Mo 17 at 12 weeks show reduced growth but the same percentage dry matter. Ash, protein and total sulfur were higher in saline plants, silica and total phosphorus lower. Na, K. Mg, and Cl were elevated and Ca reduced slightly. Fe was also increased in saline plants. Both Mo 17 and Super Sweet Hybrid corn flowered and produced seed which retained essentially normal viability both in fresh and salt water.  相似文献   

我国内陆水体单殖吸虫的宿主特异性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道我国内陆水体单殖吸虫的宿主特异性的研究。研究表明单殖吸虫有很强的宿主特异性,但不同种类的特异的有很大的判别。从目前已有的记录来看,60%以上的单殖吸虫中只有1种宿主,约75%的单殖吸虫的宿主仅为1属,超过97%的单殖吸虫的宿主在1科之内。没有1种单殖吸虫可生于超过3个料的宿主中,但大钩指环虫可在23属33种宿主中寄生。在科和发放持异性水平,以锚首虫科和指环虫科单殖吸虫的特异性较强,三代虫科次之  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to determine the effect of sudden decrease in salinity of raw and potassium-fortified inland saline water on western king prawn Penaeus latisulcatus osmoregulation, ionoregulation and condition. Prawns were subjected to salinity decrease over 1 h from 32 to 25 ppt in the first trial and from 27 to 20 ppt in the second trial in three water types: inland saline water with potassium fortified to 100% and 80% of the marine water concentration (IS100, IS80), and raw inland saline water (ISW). In the first trial condition and ingestion rate were monitored over 19 days following salinity change. In the second trial condition, haemolymph osmo- and iono-regulation were recorded over 48 h following salinity change. In the first trial, 100% mortality was observed in ISW by day 13, with final survival 94% in IS80 and 100% in IS100. Tail muscle moisture content increased significantly (P < 0.05) over time in both trials and in all water types, suggesting loss of energy reserves. In the second trial, serum osmolality, sodium concentration and osmoregulatory capacity decreased following salinity change, stabilising by 24 h in IS100 and IS80 but continuing to decrease till 48 h in ISW, suggesting partial breakdown of osmoregulatory function in the potassium-deficient medium. Prawns were stronger regulators of divalent than monovalent cations. These trials demonstrate that potassium-deficient inland saline water requires fortification with potassium to allow prawn survival and efficient osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Size structure of plankton in a temporary, saline inland lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of the size structure of a planktonic community ina relatively extensive (1350 ha), very shallow (0.46 m maximumdepth), temporary inland saline lake during a relatively rainyyear (1987–88) showed an average biomass-size spectrumwith four clear modes at nano-, micro-, meso- and macroplanktonsize ranges. The size-abundance distribution was dominated bymedium-sized phytoplankton cells (Gymnodinium cf. excavatum,Tetraselmis apiculata, Dunaliella spp. and several diatom species),large ciliates (Fabrea salina) and a few zooplankton speciesadapted to changing temporary environments within a wide sizerange (Cletocamptus retrogressus, Moina salina, Branchinellaspinosa). This polymodal size distribution is compared withresults obtained in other systems, including small physicallycontrolled lakes, large lakes, oceans and marine benthos. Considerationof the size structure within homogeneous groups of organismsshows slopes less negative than the average for the whole sizerange analysed, a feature which is common in small and physicallycontrolled ecosystems. A seasonal study of the size structurerevealed uneven distributions throughout the year, resultingin discontinuities in the size spectra as well as in differencesof total size range. There were noticeable differences amongthe size spectra at each particular time, showing phases ofprimary producer predominance and phases with a marked predominanceof consumers. The time-integrated size spectrum did not exhibitany distinct discontinuity. The influence of extreme shallownessand resuspension on the shape and dynamics of the size spectrumis examined and discussed compared to deeper aquatic systems.  相似文献   

A pilot survey of the counts of total coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and faecal streptococci was carried out at eight inland recreational waters at weekly intervals during July 1991. The aims were to assess the feasibility of determining candidate indicators of recreational water quality and to assess the possible scale of variability of these parameters. The numbers of total coliforms were difficult to determine reliably because of interference from the background bacterial flora. There was a strong correlation between thermotolerant coliforms and E. coli and faecal streptococci. The average counts of the indicator organisms varied between and within the eight recreational waters by up to 10000-fold. The greatest variation was between the eight recreational waters. At any one water, the greatest source of variation was time but there was substantial variation between sample points at one time. Counts in samples collected 1 m apart exhibited greater than random variation. Counts from surface samples tended to be higher than those at 30 cm or 100 cm depth. The proportion of thermotolerant coliforms confirmed to be E. coli varied from water to water between 60% and 96%.  相似文献   

Physiological effects of saline waters on zander   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rapid transfer of zander Stizostedion lucioperca to hypoosmotic brackish water (mean osmolality 230 mOsmol kg–1 , c. 8 psu) significantly increased plasma chloride concentrations after 24 h compared to those transferred to fresh water, although plasma osmolality was not significantly affected. After 6 days, plasma osmolality was slightly elevated but stable plasma glucose and cortisol concentrations and blood haematocrit and haemoglobin suggest a lack of hormonal stress responses and resultant secondary effects. Rapid transfer of zander to a more saline environment, hyperosmotic to plasma (mean osmolality 462 mOsmol kg‐1, c. 16 psu) induced a greater increase in plasma osmolality and chloride concentrations within 24 h, with a further rise after 6 days exposure, but all fish maintained a state of hypo‐osmoregulation both 24 h and 6 days after transfer. The initial osmotic disturbance (at 24 h) was accompanied by increased plasma glucose, blood haematocrit and haemoglobin and a decreased mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), suggesting an adrenergic stress response, but these parameters fully recovered within 6 days of exposure to this hyperosmotic environment with MCHC rising to exceed the level in freshwater fish. Zander did not survive rapid transfer to more hyperosmotic conditions (750 or 1001 mOsmol kg‐1, 26‐35 psu), but they did survive exposure to simulated‘tidal cycles’ of rising and declining salinity, peaking after 6 h at c. 29 or 33 psu. Although osmotic disturbance was apparent after 6 h exposure and other physiological parameters suggested both adrenergic and corticosteroid components of a stress response, rapid recovery was apparent after return to fresh water. The results indicate that the zander, a non‐indigenous species in the U.K., has a high level of osmotic tolerance and a degree of hypo‐osmoregulation in saline environments not found in most stenohaline freshwater teleosts. This osmoregulatory ability could enable invasion of new U.K. river systems by using inshore marine environments of low salinity as saltwater bridges.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to assess the potential of artificial substrates to enhance fish production in inland saline groundwater ponds through periphyton production. Grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, was cultured for 100 days in ponds with substrate (treatment ponds) and without substrate (control ponds). To enhance the surface area, bamboo poles were used as substrate. The periphyton population, pigment concentration and hydrobiological characteristics of pond water were monitored. The studies revealed little difference in most of the water quality parameters observed in the two treatments. However, turbidity (27.0 ± 0.1–35.0 ± 0.1 Nephalo Turbidity Unit (NTU)), chlorophyll ‘a’ (6.6 ± 0.6–7.6 ± 0.6 μg L?1), plankton population (phytoplankton 8.4 × 103–9.4 ×103 numbers L?1; zooplankton 4.0 × 103–5.1 × 103 numbers L?1) and NH4–N (2.0 ± 0.2–2.3 ± 0.1 mg L?1) were high in the treatment with no additional substrate; however, in the treatment with substrate the total Kjeldahl nitrogen (9.8 ± 0.8–10.8 ± 0.7 mg L?1) and o‐PO4 (0.1 ± 0.01–0.1 mg L?1) remained significantly (P < 0.05) higher. Highest periphyton biomass in terms of dry matter (DM) (0.8 ± 0.01–1.4 ±0.01 mg cm?2), ash free DM (0.4 ± 0.0–0.6 ± 0.01 mg cm?2), chlorophyll ‘a’ (3.1 ± 0.2–8.1 ± 0.8 μg cm?2) and pheophytin ‘a’ (1.9 ± 0.4–3.9 ± 0.5 μg cm?2) was observed at 50 cm depth in ponds provided with additional substrate. Fifteen plankton genera showing periphytic affinity colonized the bamboo substrates. Fish growth (mean fish weight 524.3 ± 8.7 g and SGR 2.5 ± 0.1) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in ponds provided with additional substrate compared with control ponds (387.2 ± 6.0). Length–weight relationship (LWR) (W = cLn) also showed that the exponential value (‘n’) of length was high in substrate‐supported ponds (n = 2.36) in comparison with controls (n = 1.09). These studies suggest that a periphyton‐supported aquaculture system can be used successfully for the culture of herbivorous brackishwater fish species like M. cephalus in inland saline groundwaters and thus could contribute to the development of sound and sustainable aquaculture technology.  相似文献   

Pure cultures of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis and environmental water samples were examined for the possibility that pollution involving organotin compounds could decrease the values for indicator organisms when standard methods were applied to the analysis of water samples. (CH3)2SnCl2 and (CH3)3SnCl decreased viable counts at about 10 to 100 mg of Sn liter-1 (8.4 X 10(-5) to 8.4 X 10(-4) mol of Sn liter-1), and tributyltin chloride was effective at about 0.1 to 1.0 mg of Sn liter-1 (8.4 X 10(-7) to 8.4 X 10(-6) mol of Sn liter-1. These concentrations, particularly for the methyltin compounds, are greater than the concentrations reported to date for these compounds in aquatic ecosystems. Thus, organotin compounds alone would not be likely to cause reductions in counts of indicator organisms measured by standard methods. However, it is suggested that, when combined with other environmental stressors or upon long exposure, organotins such as butyltins may contribute to the injury of indicator organisms.  相似文献   

The antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms isolated from domestic wastewater and animal feces were determined using a battery of antibiotics (amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalothin, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, erythromycin, streptomycin, and vancomycin) at four concentrations each. The sources of animal feces included wild birds, cattle, chickens, dogs, pigs, and raccoons. Antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms from known sources were grouped into two separate databases, and discriminant analysis of these patterns was used to establish the relationship between the antibiotic resistance patterns and the bacterial source. The fecal streptococcus and fecal coliform databases classified isolates from known sources with similar accuracies. The average rate of correct classification for the fecal streptococcus database was 62.3%, and that for the fecal coliform database was 63.9%. The sources of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms isolated from surface waters were identified by discriminant analysis of their antibiotic resistance patterns. Both databases identified the source of indicator bacteria isolated from surface waters directly impacted by septic tank discharges as human. At sample sites selected for relatively low anthropogenic impact, the dominant sources of indicator bacteria were identified as various animals. The antibiotic resistance analysis technique promises to be a useful tool in assessing sources of fecal contamination in subtropical waters, such as those in Florida.  相似文献   

The presence of F-specific phages in the diet of birds influenced the presence of these fecal indicators in their feces. F-specific phage concentrations in the feces of Canada geese and pigeons, which are normally low, increased greatly the same day coliphage MS2 was added to their diets. F-specific phage concentrations decreased to the original low levels a week after the phage-spiked feed was removed. Geese kept in pens that were cleaned regularly to reduce fecal-oral contamination had significantly lower somatic coliphage concentrations in their feces than wild geese had in their feces. Somatic coliphage concentrations in feces of feral pigeons were typically low with an occasional fecal sample having high numbers of either one of the two types of phages seen in this population of birds. Sometimes many birds had high numbers of only one type of phage in their feces. This lasted only a day and was probably due to fecal contamination of the feeding pans by the pigeons. The degree to which birds are a source of phage indicators of fecal pollution can change in a short period of time. Thus the presence of contaminated feeding sites should be considered before ruling out animals as a possible source of fecal indicators. F-specific phages may be useful tracers for modeling viral transmission and tracking feeding habits in birds. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 24, 127–131. Received 06 July 1999/ Accepted in revised form 07 November 1999  相似文献   

Summary of the workshop on perspectives of biomanipulation in inland waters   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》1990,191(1):315-318

【目的】对广西内陆水域的外来鱼类进行入侵风险评估和适生区预测,为广西外来鱼类入侵防治及水生态环境保护提供科学依据。【方法】采用鱼类入侵风险和水生生物入侵能力筛查系统2个体系筛选广西内陆水域具有入侵风险的鱼类,并用最大熵模型预测高入侵风险鱼类在广西内陆水域的潜在适生区。【结果】广西内陆水域共记录有外来鱼类18种,其中13种鱼类具有高入侵风险,分别为尖齿胡鲇、尼罗罗非鱼、莫桑比克罗非鱼、奥利亚罗非鱼、豹纹脂身鲇、齐氏罗非鱼、大口黑鲈、斑点叉尾鮰、短盖肥脂鲤、露斯塔野鲮、条纹鲮脂鲤、麦瑞加拉鲮和食蚊鱼,2种具有中入侵风险,为丁鱥和太湖新银鱼。适生区预测结果表明,极易发生鱼类入侵的水域为黔江、郁江和南流江。【结论】对中、高入侵风险的鱼类均需重点监控且在具有高入侵风险水域应对外来鱼类开展持续性监测,并进行早期筛查。  相似文献   

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