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江豚和白暨豚视网膜神经节细胞根据其形态结构可分为1、2两型。其密度分布在大多数江豚和1头白(既鱼)豚呈两个高密度区。第一高密度区位于视网膜鼻侧偏腹方,第二高密度区位于颞侧偏背方。第一和第二高密度区的细胞的最高密度在江豚大多数分别为每平方毫米250和210左右,在一例白暨豚约180和140以上。其组成、密度分布及细胞总数在采自长江和黄海沿岸的江豚之间差异不显著。在白(既鱼)豚由于大神经节细胞相对增多,细胞平均直径比江豚的大;细胞数在40微米左右处形成特有的第二个峰;2型的细胞极少,且没有发现典型的星形神经节细胞。 几种豚类的视网膜神经节细胞的比较表明,在适应弱光环境的过程中,视网膜神经节细胞的组成发生了一些改变:2型的神经节细胞逐渐减少甚至消失;大神经节细胞相对增多;神经节细胞密度减小。视觉敏度提高,锐度下降。  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒的形态结构与形态发生   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
建立了猪瘟病毒(CSFV)弱毒疫苗Thiverval株(T株)与中 国兔化弱毒疫苗C株在MPK细胞中的感染模式。使用MPK细胞增殖CSFV,其病毒滴度明显提高,从而为应用电镜超薄切片技术研究猪瘟病毒的形态结构与形态发生提供了可能性。猪瘟病毒呈圆形颗粒,直径约为70nm。其内部是电子致密的核心,直径约为40nm,有时呈六角形;外有包膜包裹。在CSFV感染的MPK细胞质中,可观察到处于不同发育阶段的子代病毒粒子。此外,猪瘟病毒的感染能够引起某些宿主细胞超微结构上的变化。  相似文献   

Abstract— Neurosecretory cells (bag cells and R3–14 neurons) in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia californica were 'pulse-chased' in [3H]leucine and comparisons of the labeled protein profiles from the total cell homogenate versus a crude 'neurosecretory granule' fraction on acid-urea polyacrylamide gels were made, The data provides indirect support for the hypothesis that some of the post-translational processing of the neurosecretory proteins occurs intragranularly (L oh et al , 1975). In the case of the Bag cells the initial processing of the 29,000 daltons precursor appears to occur extragranularly, possibly in the rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae.  相似文献   

Histamine (HA) is present in substantial quantities in all ganglia of Aplysia californica. Within the cerebral ganglia this amine is known to be concentrated in at least two identified neurons designated C-2 neurons. In this study a combination of chemical and enzymatic analyses was employed to provide evidence for the existence of a biochemical pathway for HA synthesis in ganglia and individual neurons of this marine mollusk. Examination of extracts of individual neurons dissected from ganglia organ-cultured in the presence of [3H]histidine showed that every neuron accumulated labelled histidine, but only the HA-containing C-2 neurons synthesized and stored labelled HA suggesting that the formation of HA in Aplysia could be catalyzed by the enzyme histidine decarboxylase (HDC). HDC activity was studied with a new microradiometric assay. Many of the properties of the molluscan HDC studied were found to correspond to the vertebrate enzyme. Enzyme activity was inhibited by α-hydrazino-histidine but unaffected by concentrations of α-methyldopa or by 5-(3,4-dihydroxycinnamoyl) salicylic acid which produced nearly complete inhibition of aromatic amino acid decarboxylase activity. HDC was measurable in nervous but not other Aplysia tissues assayed. All 5 major ganglia contained HDC activity which spanned a 15-fold range between the least and most active ganglia. Only 4 of the 13 nerve trunks assayed yielded measurable enzymic activity; these active nerves were associated with the cerebral ganglia which has the highest HDC activity of all measured ganglia. Of the numerous individual neurons assayed for HDC, only the C-2 cells showed measurable enzyme activity, about 25 pmol/cell/h or 70 μmol/g protein/h. Since the activity of HDC in the HA-containing neurons was at least three orders of magnitude larger than all other neurons assayed in the cerebral and other ganglia, these data appear to provide a direct metabolic basis for the selective presence of HA in these cells, and they indicate that the cellular presence of HDC provides a useful biochemical marker for the location of HA-rich neurons in Aplysia.  相似文献   

应用细胞选择性抽提并结合DGD包埋去包埋剂电镜技术对植物细胞核基质的形态结构进行了观察。结果显示胡萝卜悬浮培养细胞、银杏花粉细胞和精子细胞的细胞核内存在一个非染色质性的纤维蛋白网络体系。免疫荧光染色结果说明植物细胞核基质中含有与动物NuMA多抗交叉反应的多肽。免疫印迹反应显示胡萝卜悬浮培养细胞核基质蛋白与NuMA蛋白多抗的阳性反应条带为74KD和76 KD;银杏花粉细胞只有78 KD一条阳性带。以动物核基质NuMA蛋白保守杆状区的cDNA片段作为探针,与白菜子叶总DNA进行Southern杂交的结果表明植物细胞基因组中含有动物NuMA蛋白cDNA的同源序列。  相似文献   

作者采用全细胞膜片钳技术测定了中华绒螯蟹 (Eriocheirsinensis)眼柄视神经节端髓X器官 (MTXO)神经内分泌细胞对 0 0 1— 10mmol/L谷氨基酸 (Glu)的反应 ,并结合药理学方法进行了Glu受体研究。结果表明 ,Glu激活A型和B型细胞离子型Cl-通道蛋白受体 ,诱导快速激活、快速失活的配体门控Cl-通道电流 (IGlu)。依据内外液的Cl-浓度比例引发去极化或超极化反应 ,继续施加Glu ,细胞快速出现脱敏反应 ;去除Glu后 ,细胞约需 2 0s恢复对Glu的敏感状态。IGlu幅值呈浓度依赖性 ,量 效关系曲线呈线形 ,激活阈值为 0 0 1mmol/L ,约 5mmol/L达到饱和。河蟹眼柄神经内分泌细胞IGlu明显受到Cl-通道阻断剂picrotoxin(0 5mmol/L)抑制 ;对离子型Glu受体激动剂Quisqualate、Kainate、NMDA、AMPA不敏感。Ibotenicacid(IA)可模拟Glu诱导快速激活、快速脱敏的Cl-电流 ,并与Glu产生交互脱敏作用。Glu和GABA对河蟹眼柄神经内分泌细胞无交叉脱敏和交叉激活作用 ,甘氨酸 (Gly)没有诱导细胞产生任何反应 ,提示中枢神经系统通过Glu和GABA两套系统实现对眼柄神经内分泌系统的精确调控。  相似文献   

探讨肺癌细胞多向分化与异质性。用光镜、免疫组化方法观察了87例肺癌手术标本组织切片,30例细胞涂片。(1)标本取材块数与病理分型种类多少里显著性正相关。(r=0.407,P<0.01);(2)作为单一类型的小细胞癌、鳞癌、腺癌、大细胞癌及类癌仅占27.6%、20%鳞癌、16.7%腺癌、23.3%大细胞癌KER、VIM双表达。66.7%有鳞、腺、神经内分泌三向分化;(3)在混合类型肺癌中,细胞学与组织学分型符合率为56.7%。肺癌细胞类型有明显异质性,其发生分子基础尚待进一步研究。  相似文献   

电生理技术在鱼类尾部神经分泌系统研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>200多年前,Galvani通过神经-肌肉兴奋性实验发现了神经系统与电活动在功能上具有本质的联系[1,2]。此后,众多研究者投入了大量的精力研发电生理设备,逐步开发出多种能够精确测量和控制神经元电活动的仪器,如:放大器、示波器、刺激器、数模/模数转换器、微电极等。现代电生理设备和技术的更新换代为研究单离子通道电  相似文献   

用还原型尼克项胺腺嘌呤二核苷磷酸黄递酶反应,结合乙酸胆碱酯酶组织化学技术,观察了SD大鼠背根神经节,发现背根神经节内存在有四种不同显色的神经元。(1)AChE阳性神经元(8%)。(2)NADPH-d阳性神经元(2%)。(3)NADPH-d与AChE双显色神经元(90%)。(4)少数两种酶反应均为阴性神经元。其中双显色神经元胞质内含有蓝色和棕色两种颗粒。这证明背根节内存在许多NADPH-d与AChE共存的神经元。提示了背根节内NADPH-d与AChE双染神经元可能与痛感知的传递有关。  相似文献   

Abstract— Several identified neurons in Aplysia and Tritonia ganglia were shown to contain measurable quantities (4–6 pmol/cell body) of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). A metabolic correlate for the limited distribution of 5-HT among the neurons of Tritonia is provided by the finding that the enzyme, aromatic acid decarboxylase (AAD), is 500 times more active in nerve cells containing 5-HT than in neurons devoid of the amine. Although all Aplysia neurons have some AAD activity, 5-HT cell bodies in this species are 10-fold more active than cell bodies which do not contain 5-HT. The cytoplasm of 5-HT cell bodies in Aplysia and Tritonia characteristically contains granules that have minimum diameters of approx. 1000 Å and eccentric opaque cores. This type of granule was not found in somata which did not contain measurable 5-HT. These data illustrate the metabolic and morphological specialization in 5-HT-containing neurons of molluscs.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹神经细胞和胶质细胞的光镜及电镜观察   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
中华绒螯蟹神经节存在神经细胞和胶质细胞两类细胞。神经细胞膜为3层,细胞质由内质网和核蛋白体的聚合体的所构成的尼氏体,高尔基体,线粒体,液泡等细胞器组成,核膜双层,核仁明显,胶质细胞内含有似神经细胞的细胞器结构,根据细胞核的形态及核内染色质的分布情况,可把胶质细胞分成3类:星形胶质细胞核最大,卵圆形,少突胶质细胞核较小,圆形;小胶质细胞核最小,呈三角形或卵圆形,神经细胞的数量与附肢的生理活动强弱有一  相似文献   

五种鲤科幼鱼外周血白细胞形态和细胞化学的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鱼类外周血白细胞同高等脊椎动物血液中的白细胞一样,是机体细胞和体液免疫的重要成分,是快速诊断疾病的有效指标。    相似文献   

本实验采用窦房结细胞纯化培养、PAS、Pearson和Preston反应以及图像分析等方法,研究了新生SD大鼠窦房结细胞的糖原(glycogen)、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH),和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的分布和含量。结果显示,在窦房结组织中的糖原(/)与心房中(/)、心室中()含量近似;SDH含量和活性(+/)与心房中(+/)几乎相等,但明显低于心室中(/);LDH的含量和活性(/)比心房中(/+)的稍高,但明显高于心室中(+/-)。图像分析结果是:培养窦房结细胞SDH含量和活性显著低于心室肌细胞中的SDH(P<0.01),而LDH含量和活性显著高于心室肌细胞中的LDH(P<0.01)。本文还对SDH、LDH在窦房结的分布及生理作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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