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Techniques are described for the collection of fertile eggs of Schizaphis graminum (Rond.) on filter paper, and for the subsequent sterilization and incubation of the eggs under various temperature and photoperiodic conditions.19% of the eggs incubated continuously at 16°C in complete darkness hatched in 81 days after deposition. 45% of the eggs chilled at 6°C for 40 days (starting 10 days after deposition) hatched in 71 days if the postchilling incubation at 16°C was completed in darkness. The results indicate a further enhancement in the percentage egg hatch and a reduction in developmental time when the eggs were subjected to a light-dark regime during the post-chilling incubation.
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine einfache und effektive Methode beschrieben, die Eier von Schizaphis graminum auf Filterpapier zu sammeln, sie nachfolgend zu sterilisieren und unter verschiedenen Temperatur- und Photoperiodebedingungen bis zum Schlüpfen zu inkubieren.Hierbei wurden folgende Resulate erzielt: (a) Inkubation der Eier in vollkommener Dunkelheit bei 16°C führte zu einem Schlupferfolg von 19% nach einer Entwicklungszeit von im Mittel 81 Tagen; (b) Kühlung der Eier bei 6°C während 40 Tagen (vom 10. Tag nach der Eiablage an) erhöhte die Schlupfrate unter ansonsten gleichen Bedingungen auf 45% und reduzierte die Entwicklungszeit auf 71 Tage; (c) durch einen Licht/Dunkel-Rhythmus, dem die Eier nach der 40-tägigen Kühlung ausgesetzt wurden, konnte eine weitere Steigerung der Schlupfrate und eine Verkürzung der Entwicklungszeit erreicht werden.

The aphid Schizaphis graminum is an important vector of the viruses that cause barley yellow dwarf disease. We studied the genetic architecture of virus transmission by crossing a vector and a non-vector genotype of S. graminum. F1 and F2 hybrids were generated, and a modified line-cross biometrical analysis was performed on transmission phenotype of two of the viruses that cause barley yellow dwarf: Cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV)-RPV and Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)-SGV. Our aims were to (1) determine to what extent differences in transmission ability between vectors and non-vectors is due to net additive or non-additive gene action, (2) estimate the number of loci that determine transmission ability and (3) examine the nature of genetic correlations between transmission of CYDV-RPV and BYDV-SGV. Only additive effects contributed significantly to divergence in transmission of both CYDV-RPV and BYDV-SGV. For each luteovirus, Castle-Wright's estimator for the number of effective factors segregating for transmission phenotype was less than one. Transmission of CYDV-RPV and BYDV-SGV was significantly correlated in the F2 generation, suggesting that there is a partial genetic overlap for transmission of these luteoviruses. Yet, 63% of the F2 genotypes transmitted CYDV-RPV and BYDV-SGV at significantly different rates. Our data suggest that in S. graminum, the transmission efficiency of both CYDV-RPV and BYDV-SGV is regulated by a major gene or set of tightly linked genes, and the transmission efficiency of each virus is influenced by a unique set of minor genes.  相似文献   

Ganassi  S.  Moretti  A.  Stornelli  C.  Fratello  B.  Bonvicini Pagliai  A.M.  Logrieco  A.  Sabatini  M.A. 《Mycopathologia》2001,151(3):131-138
Fungal strains belonging to the genera Fusarium Paecilomyces and Trichoderma were tested in vitro in order to study their effects against Schizaphis graminum one of the major pests of cereal crops around the world. Biological assays were performed using a solid formulation that was obtained from fungal cultures grown on rice and then finely ground (0.2 mm). The occurrence of toxic secondary metabolites (fumonisin B1 and beauvericin) produced by these fungi was also investigated. In each experiment, three groups of aphids: 15-hour old larvae, 5-day old nymphs with wing buds and wingless morphs were treated with a suspension of a fungal formulation. Some strains belonging to the genera Fusarium and Trichoderma significantly controlled the specimens of the three groups of S. graminum. The F. proliferatum strain ITEM 1407, producing a high level of fumonisin B1 in the culture (1250 g/g), and F. larvarum strain ITEM 2139 had high insecticidal activity (>60%) within 10 minutes after application. As F. larvarum ITEM 2139 did not produce metabolites toxic to mammals, it might be a good candidate as a biocontrol agent of S. graminum in the field.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The feeding preferences of alate and apterous morphs of the aphid Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were evaluated using leaves treated with powdered rice cultures of four fungal isolates belonging to different species of the genus Trichoderma (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes). All of the fungal isolates restrained alate morphs of S. graminum from visiting treated leaves, but only Trichoderma citrinoviride Bisset also influenced the preference of apterous morphs. Trials carried out with supernatants obtained by centrifuging aqueous suspensions of the fungal cultures showed that the feeding preference of aphids was maintained in the absence of fungal spores and mycelia, supporting the hypothesis that at least part of the fungal metabolites responsible for this effect were water‐soluble compounds. Electrophysiological studies showed that the structures involved in the perception of the fungal metabolites are located on the aphid tarsomeres.  相似文献   

Buchnera aphidicola is an intracellular prokaryote (endosymbiont)that lives in the body cavity of the aphid. Phylogenetic studiesindicated that it is closely related to Escherichia coli andmembers of Enterobacteria. The gene order of the region containingthe dnaA gene is well conserved in many bacteria. Seven genesof the endosymbiont of the aphid Schizaphis graminum, gyrB,dnaN, dnaA, rpmH, rnpA, yidD, and 60K, were found to be homologousin sequence and relative location to those of E. coli. We havefurther sequenced the region downstream of the 60K gene to elucidatethe boundary of the conserved region, and found that one moregene, thdF , is conserved. The comparison of gene organizationsof the dnaA region of the related bacteria supported the closephylogenetic relationship of B. aphidicola to E. coli. In addition,we have identified groES and groEL genesnext to the thdF gene.GroEL protein was reported to be expressed at an elevated levelin the endosymbionts of aphids, and is considered to play animportant role in their association with the aphid host. Comparisonof the structure of the groE operon with that of the endosymbiontof the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum revealed the conservation ofa sequence resembling the E. coli consensus heat shock promoter,and this sequence may be responsible for the high expressionof the groEL gene in aphid endosymbionts.  相似文献   

The suitability of some crop cultivars, planted in the Orange Free State province of South Africa, as hosts for the wheat aphid, Schizaphis graminum (Rond.), was examined in the laboratory by giving aphids tethered flight and releasing them on individual plants. Comparisons made between wheat, oats and rye and between differently aged wheat foliage, showed that wheat was more readily infested by alighting aphids than either oats or rye, on which subsequent longevity was moreover adversely affected, and that mature wheat was just as readily infested as young wheat.
Zusammenfassung Die Eignung einiger im Oranje-Freistaat Südafrikas angebauter Getreide als Wirtspflanzen für die Weizenblattlaus Schizaphis graminum (Rond.) wurde im Laboratorium untersucht, indem flugfähige Blattläuse nach Flug an der Fessel auf den einzelnen Pflanzen freigelassen wurden.Vergleiche zwischen Weizen, Hafer und Reis zeigten, daß Weizen ein attraktiverer Wirt ist als Hafer und Reis, zumindest was die hier geprüften Kultivare anbetrifft. Läuse, die nach einem Flug von 5, 10 oder 60 Minuten auf den genannten Wirtspflanzen freigelassen wurden, zeigten deutliche Unterschiede in ihrem Ansiedlungsverhalten und der ferneren Lebensdauer. Während sich die Mehrzahl der Versuchstiere auf Weizen innerhalb kurzer Zeit für dauernd ansiedelte, waren die auf Hafer und Reis angesetzten ruhelos und verließen diese Wirtspflanzen leicht wieder. Die Annahme der Wirtspflanzen konnte jedoch gesteigert werden durch Verlängerung der vorangehenden Flugdauer, indem sich nach verlängerten Flügen mehr Aphiden ansiedelten als nach kurzen. Obwohl die Geflügelten alle drei Wirte besiedelten und die Produktion von Larven aufnahmen, war ihre lebensdauer auf Hafer und Reis beeinträchtigt, wo sie zwischen 10 und 24 bzw. zwischen 12 und 42 Tagen schwankte, während sie auf Weizen vergleichsweise 22–52 Tage währte. Obwohl infolge Anfangsfruchtbarkeit Weizen nach allen Flugzeiten rascher besiedelt wurde als Hafer oder Reis, so zeigte doch die Gesamtfruchtbarkeit pro angesiedelter Mutterlaus mit 21–71 Larven auf Weizen, 18–73 auf Hafer und 9–70 auf Reis keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den drei Wirten.Beim Vergleich von Versuchsergebnissen über Fruchtbarkeit, Lebensdauer und Probeverhalten der Geflügelten, die an jungen oder reifen Weizenblätten freigelassen wurden, ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede, mit der Ausnahme, daß die Reproduktionsrate auf den jungen Blättern anfangs höher war. Es ist deshalb zu erwarten, daß die Weizenläuse im Freiland erwachsene Weizenpflanzen ebenso leicht befallen wie junge.

ABSTRACT. By extraction and bioassay procedures, it is shown that the sex pheromone released by oviparae of the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), during the daylight hours of a light: dark regime, is present in the tibia of the metathoracic legs only during daily photophases.
Shortly after mating, pheromone-emitting oviparae cease to produce as well as to release the pheromone. This mating-induced response requires that copulation be completed, and suggests the involvement of sperm or seminal substances transferred by the males to the oviparae during copulation.
Although multiple matings increase the number of eggs deposited by an ovipara, the mating-induced termination of pheromone production/ release would enhance the chances for mating of neighbouring oviparae. This would result in a further increase in egg production as well as in the number of genetically similar offspring, because neighbouring oviparae are most probably sisters. The phenomenon is discussed in terms of kin selection.  相似文献   

An account is given of the behaviour of the wheat aphid, Schizaphis graminum, in response to attacks by two coccinellid predators Scymnus morelleti and Exochomus concavus. Various responses are described and their influence on predator efficiency is investigated.  相似文献   

异色瓢虫若虫对麦三叉蚜的捕食作用   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
研究表明,异色瓢虫高龄若虫捕食麦二叉蚜的功能反应为HollingⅡ型反应,喜好捕食低龄若蚜;在40℃下捕食率最低,10℃次之,25℃最高.在10~25℃内捕食率y与温度x的关系为y=28.1303+2.6665x,在25~40℃内为y=199.9275-3.642x;在种内干扰条件下,其捕食作用率E与开敌密度P的关系为E=0.6897P-0.7930,搜索常数Q为0.6897,干扰系数m为0.7930;其分摊竞争强度I与异色瓢虫密度P的关系为I=0.0400+1.0383logP.  相似文献   

The effects of beauvericin, a toxic fungal metabolite common contaminant of maize and wheat, on aphid fitness were studied in three consecutive generations of females. Aphids were reared on wheat leaves inserted into a sandy substratum wetted with a solution of beauvericin. Ingestion of this solution through leaves did not significantly decrease the lifespan of females of all generations as compared to controls. However, the mean number of offspring from the third generation of treated females was significantly smaller than those in controls. Furthermore, treated second and third generation females produced a greater number of abortive embryos. Histological analysis revealed abundant DAPI and Feulgen positive material in the cytoplasm of some bacteriocytes of treated third generation females. This material was attributed to the endosymbionts of bacteriocytes. Tests by contact were also carried out and revealed a significantly lower survival of treated first instar aphids as compared to controls 18h after the start of the trial.  相似文献   

The greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) were collected from the barley fields in Isfahan region of Iran. The aphid colonies were maintained on each of six barley cultivars including Karoon, Kavir, Zarjoo, Nosrat, Afzal and Rihane. All the experiments were done on the mentioned barley varieties at 26 ± 1°C, 60 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) and at a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. The shortest and longest developmental times were obtained on Nosrat 6.35 ± 0.11 and Rihane 6.75 ± 0.07 days, respectively. The survivorship of immature stages varied from 71.95% on Nosrat to 82.14% on Zarjoo. The total number of offsprings were 71.05 and 63.22 nymphs per female on Kavir and Karoon. The highest and lowest r m values were observed on Kavir (0.336 ± 0.005) and Rihane (0.299 ± 0.008), respectively. The statistical analysis of jackknife did not show a significant influence of the tested barley varieties for the mean generation time and a similar procedure of difference for λ and r m was estimated.  相似文献   

The aphid Schizaphis graminum is dependent on its prokaryotic endosymbiont, Buchnera aphidicola. As a means of determining B. aphidicola numbers during the growth cycle of the aphid we have used the quantitative PCR to measure the number of copies of rrs (the gene coding for 16S rRNA, which is present as one copy in the B. aphidicola genome). In addition we have measured the aphid wet weight and the DNA and protein content. The results indicate an approximately parallel (23- to 31-fold) increase of these properties during the period of aphid growth. A 1-day-old aphid (24 μg [wet weight]) has 0.2 × 106 copies of rrs, while a 9-day-old aphid (497 μg [wet weight]) has 5.6 × 106 copies. The coupling of endosymbiont and aphid growth is consistent with the requirement of the endosymbiont for growth and reproduction of the aphid.  相似文献   

Dehydrins are a group of plant proteins that usually accumulate in response to environmental stresses. They are proposed to play specific protective roles in plant cells. Present study showed that the accumulation of dehydrins in water-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings was influenced by their treatment with salicylic acid (SA). The level of dehydrin proteins was increased by 0.20 mM SA, but decreased by 0.50 mM SA treatment. Both mRNA expression and protein accumulation of a typical barley dehydrin, DHN5, were enhanced by SA treatment when SA concentrations were lower than 0.25 mM. However, the higher SA concentrations significantly decreased the protein level of DHN5 despite of a stable mRNA level. Our results also showed that low SA concentrations (less than 0.25 mM) decreased the electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 contents in water-stressed barley seedlings. But high SA concentrations (more than 0.25 mM) enhanced H2O2 accumulation, tended to cause more electrolyte leakage, and increase MDA content. These data indicated that SA could up-regulate the dehydrin gene expression and protein accumulation. Since the protective role of dehydrins in plant cells, such effect could be an important reason for the SA-mediated alleviation on water stress injury. But excessive SA could suppress the accumulation of dehydrin proteins and aggravate the oxidative damage. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2009, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 388–394. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), is one of the injurious aphids of cereals in various regions of the world. This study has measured the life table parameters of the greenbug on six barley genotypes at 25 ± 2 °C, 55 ± 10% RH and 16:8 L:D in greenhouse. According to the results, significant differences were not observed for aphids’ developmental times among the genotypes. Also, the nymphs underwent no mortality on any of the tested genotypes. The longevity of the aphids was obtained from 23.7 to 35.9 days. The least mean number of offsprings was on Raihan cultivar and the highest on line13 (Legia/CWB117-5-9-5). R0 value was significantly higher on line 20 (Mall-4-3094-2//Alpha/Cum/3/Victoria/ICB01-1368-0AP) and line 13 than on the Raihan cultivar. However, the rm and λ values were significantly higher on line 44 (Sls/Bda//Sararood-1) than on Raihan cultivar. T (mean generation time) and DT (doubling time) values of the Raihan cultivar were longer than the other genotypes. Results of this research indicated that among the tested genotypes, the Raihan cultivar is the most unsuitable host for greenbug aphid and lead to the decrease of greenbug population growth.  相似文献   

麦二叉蚜体内病毒结合蛋白基因的克隆和原核表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴云锋  林林  崔晓峰 《病毒学报》2002,18(3):275-279
从麦二叉蚜体内克隆了一个DNA片段,经序列测定表明该片段全长为1647bp,编码548个氨基酸.与禾谷缢管蚜的病毒结合蛋白基因核苷酸同源性为92%,氨基酸的同源性为96%,从而认为这是病毒结合蛋白基因(GenBank登录号为AF434719).构建了该基因的原核表达载体pBVSG和pETSG,用pBVSG表达出63kD的非融合目的蛋白,用pETSG表达出69kD的融合蛋白,二者均有较高的表达量.以纯化的融合蛋白免疫家兔,制备了此病毒结合蛋白的抗血清,用琼脂双扩散法测定效价为1∶512.  相似文献   

Buchnera aphidicola is the prokaryotic, intracellular symbiont found in the aphid Schizaphis graminum. Using an immunological approach, we have quantitated the amount of the B. aphidicola chaperonin, GroEL, present in aphid cell-free extracts during the growth cycle of S. graminum at 23°C. Our results indicate that the increase in GroEL approximately follows the increase in aphid weight and endosymbiont number for the first 12 days after birth of the aphid. A 9-day-old aphid contains 1.6 × 105 molecules of GroEL per μm3 of cell volume. This number is similar to that found in Escherichia coli growing at 46°C, close to its maximal growth temperature, and a condition at which there is a major increase in the levels of chaperonins and other stress proteins. It is estimated that at 23°C, 10% of the B. aphidicola protein is GroEL. When S. graminum grown at 23°C was shifted to 33°C for 1 day and subsequently to 23°C, there was no change in the level of GroEL or the rate of growth. It is possible that the high level of GroEL in the endosymbiont masked an increase in the protein owing to a heat shock response.  相似文献   

The effects of the indole alkaloid gramine on the behavior of the aphids Schizaphis graminum and Rhopalosiphum padi feeding on barley seedlings and on artificial diets were studied. On barley cv. F. Union, which lacks gramine, S. graminum ingested from phloem tissue for 30–80 min and non-phloem for 20–40 min, over a period of 3 h. In cultivar Datil S, gramine was found only in the epidermis and parenchyma mesophyll cells. On this cultivar, the non-phloem wave form of S. graminum was not observed. On F. Union, R. padi ingested non-phloem with short periods of ingestion from phloem. On cv. Datil S, this aphid did not show the non-phloem wave form. In experiments performed with cv. F. Union seedlings that contained exogenous gramine S. graminum did not ingest from phloem. Exogenous gramine was found only in the vascular bundles. It is suggested that gramine content and location may affect the feeding behavior of aphids in barley.
Résumé Les effects de la gramine sur le comportement alimentaire des pucerons Schizaphis graminum et Rhopalosiphum padi on été étudiés en plantules d'orge (Hordeum distichum) et aussi avec des diètes artificielles à l'aide d'un moniteur électronique. S.graminum se nourri pendant 30–80 minutes à partir du phloème et il a pris 20–40 minutes en se nourrisant d'autres tissues divers, d'un total de 3 heures d'exposition à la plante. Dans la culture Datil S la gramine a été trouvée seulement dans les cellules de l'epidermis et du parenchyme du mesophyle. Dans ce cas, l'onde non-phloematique de S. graminum, n'a été pas observé; le temps pour le première onde X a été plus prolongé par rapport à la culture F. Union. Dans la culture F. Union, R. padi se nourri principalement de tissue non-phloematique (35–100 minutes) et du phloème par des brèves périodes (15–25 minutes). Dans le cas de la culture Datil S ce puceron n'a pas montré l'onde X. D'autre part, quand les plantules de F. Union ont été poussées dans des solution avec gramine, S. graminum ne se nourri pas du phloeme, tandis que R. padi montre un comportement similaire a celui-ce observé avec plantules sans gramine. La gramine absorbé par les plantules a été retrouvée seulement dans les faisceaux vasculaires. D'autre part, la gramine dans des diètes artificielles agit comme repulsif alimentaire à partir de concentrations de 0,5 mM. Avec des diètes contenant 3 mM de gramine l'alimentation des pucerons a été inhibée. Pourtant, ces resultats sugèrent que le contenuet et la localisation de la gramine peuvent modifier le comportement alimentaire des pucerons en plantules d'orge.

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